Пример #1
 def do_recharge(self, gas, amount, note="", date=None):
     Do a recharge of amount ``amount`` to the corresponding member account
     in the GAS ``gas``.
     If this person is not a member of GAS ``gas``, or if ``amount`` is a negative number
     a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised.
     person = self.subject.instance
     if amount < 0:
         raise MalformedTransaction(
             ugettext("Amount of a recharge must be non-negative"))
     elif not person.has_been_member(gas):
         raise MalformedTransaction(
                 "A person can't make an account recharge for a GAS that (s)he is not member of"
         source_account = self.system['/wallet']
         exit_point = self.system['/expenses/gas/' + gas.uid + '/recharges']
         entry_point = gas.accounting.system['/incomes/recharges']
         target_account = gas.accounting.system['/members/' + person.uid]
         description = unicode(person.report_name)
         issuer = self.subject
         if not date:
             date = datetime.now()  #_date.today
         transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point,
                                            entry_point, target_account,
                                            amount, description, issuer,
                                            date, 'RECHARGE')
         transaction.add_references([person, gas])
Пример #2
 def do_recharge(self, gas, amount):
     Do a recharge of amount ``amount`` to the corresponding member account 
     in the GAS ``gas``. 
     If this person is not a member of GAS ``gas``, or if ``amount`` is a negative number, 
     a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised.
     person = self.subject.instance
     if amount < 0:
         raise MalformedTransaction(
             "Amount of a recharge must be non-negative")
     elif not person.is_member(gas):
         raise MalformedTransaction(
             "A person can't make an account recharge for a GAS that (s)he is not member of"
         source_account = self.system['/wallet']
         exit_point = self.system['/expenses/gas/' + gas.uid + '/recharges']
         entry_point = gas.accounting.system['/incomes/recharges']
         target_account = gas.accounting.system['/members/' + person.uid]
         description = "GAS member account recharge"
         issuer = person
         transaction = register_transaction(source_account,
         transaction.add_references([person, gas])
Пример #3
    def extra_operation(self, gas, pact, amount, target, causal, date):
        Another account operation for this subject

        For a Supplier the target operation can be income or expense operation with GAS

        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(_("Payment amounts must be non-negative"))
        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(_("Refund amounts must be non-negative"))
        supplier = self.subject.instance

        if supplier not in gas.suppliers:
            msg = _("An active solidal pact must be in place between a supplier and the GAS (s)he is refunding")
            raise MalformedTransaction(msg)

        gas_acc = gas.accounting
        gas_system = gas.accounting.system

        #Correzione a favore del GAS: +GAS -fornitore
        if target == EXPENSE: #+GAS -Supplier

            #UGLY: remove me when done and executed one command that regenerate all missing accounts

            source_account = self.system['/wallet']
            exit_point = self.system['/expenses/gas/' + gas.uid]
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/suppliers/' + supplier.uid]
            target_account = gas_system['/cash']

        #Correzione a favore del fornitore: +fornitore -GAS
        elif  target == INCOME: #+Supplier -GAS
            source_account = gas_system['/cash']
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/suppliers/' + supplier.uid]
            entry_point = self.system['/incomes/gas/' + gas.uid]
            target_account = self.system['/wallet']

            raise MalformedTransaction(_("Payment target %s not identified") % target)

        description = "%(pact)s %(target)s %(causal)s" % {
            'pact': pact,
            'target': target,
            'causal': causal
        issuer = self.subject
        kind = PACT_EXTRA
        if not date:
            date = datetime.now()  #_date.today
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point, entry_point, target_account, amount, description, issuer, date, kind)
Пример #4
    def extra_operation(self, amount, target, causal, date):
        Another account operation for this subject

        For a GAS the target operation can be income or expense operation

        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                ugettext("Payment amounts must be non-negative"))
        gas = self.subject.instance
        non_des = self.get_non_des_accounting()
        if not non_des:
            raise Person.DoesNotExist
        non_des_system = non_des.system
        if target == INCOME:
            source_account = non_des_system['/wallet']
            exit_point, created = non_des_system.get_or_create_account(
                '/expenses', 'OutOfDES', account_type.expense)
            entry_point = self.system['/incomes/OutOfDES']
            target_account = self.system[
                '/cash']  #WAS gas.accounting.system['/cash']
        elif target == EXPENSE:
            source_account = self.system['/cash']
            exit_point = self.system['/expenses/OutOfDES']
            entry_point, created = non_des_system.get_or_create_account(
                '/incomes', 'OutOfDES', account_type.income)
            target_account = non_des_system['/wallet']
            #WAS raise MalformedTransaction(ugettext("Payment target %s not identified" % target))
            #coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, __proxy__ found
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                ugettext("Payment target %s not identified") % target)

        description = "%(gas)s %(target)s %(causal)s" % {
            'gas': gas.id_in_des,
            'target': target,
            'causal': causal
        #WAS raise description = ugettext("%(gas)s %(target)s %(causal)s") % { ...
        #WAS exceptions must be old-style classes or derived from BaseException, not unicode

        issuer = self.subject
        kind = GAS_EXTRA
        if not date:
            date = datetime.datetime.now()  #_date.today
#        transaction = register_simple_transaction(source_account, target_account, amount, description, issuer, date=date, kind=kind)
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point,
                                           entry_point, target_account, amount,
                                           description, issuer, date, kind)
Пример #5
 def pay_membership_fee(self, gas, year):
     Pay the annual membership fee for a GAS this person is member of.
     Fee amount is determined by the ``gas.membership_fee`` attribute.
     If this person is not a member of GAS ``gas``, 
     a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised.
     person = self.subject.instance
     if not person.is_member(gas):
         raise MalformedTransaction(
             "A person can't pay membership fees to a GAS that (s)he is not member of"
     source_account = self.system['/wallet']
     exit_point = self.system['/expenses/gas/' + gas.uid + '/fees']
     entry_point = gas.accounting.system['/incomes/fees']
     target_account = gas.accounting.system['/cash']
     amount = gas.membership_fee
     description = "Membership fee for year %(year)s" % {
         'year': year,
     issuer = person
     transaction = register_transaction(source_account,
     transaction.add_references([person, gas])
Пример #6
 def pay_supplier_order(self, order):
     Register the payment of a supplier order.
     Specifically, such registration is a two-step process:
     1. First, the GAS withdraws from each member's account an amount of money corresponding
        to the total cost of products (s)he bought during this order 
        (price & quantity are as recorded by the invoice!)
     2. Then, the GAS collects this money amounts and transfers them to the supplier's account 
     If the given supplier order hasn't been fully withdrawn by GAS members yet, raise ``MalformedTransaction``.
     if order.status == GASSupplierOrder.WITHDRAWN:
         ## bill members for their orders to the GAS
         # only members participating to this order need to be billed
         for member in order.purchasers:
             # calculate amount to bill to this GAS member for orders (s)he issued
             # w.r.t. the given supplier order
             member_order_bill = 0
             issued_member_orders = member.issued_orders.filter(
             for member_order in issued_member_orders:
                 price = member_order.ordered_product.delivered_price
                 quantity = member_order.withdrawn_amount
                 member_order_bill += price * quantity
             self.withdraw_from_member_account(member, member_order_bill)
         ## pay supplier
         self.pay_supplier(pact=order.pact, amount=order.total_amount)
         raise MalformedTransaction(
             "Only fully withdrawn supplier orders are eligible to be payed"
Пример #7
 def withdraw_from_member_account(self, member, amount, refs=None):
     Withdraw a given amount ``amount`` of money from the account of a member
     of this GAS and bestow it to the GAS's cash.
     If this operation would make that member's account negative, raise a warning.
     If ``member`` is not a member of this GAS, a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised.
     References for this transaction may be passed as the ``refs`` argument
     (e.g. a list of GAS member orders this withdrawal is related to).
     # TODO: if this operation would make member's account negative, raise a warning
     gas = self.subject.instance
     if not member.person.is_member(gas):
         raise MalformedTransaction(
             "A GAS can withdraw only from its members' accounts")
     source_account = self.system['/members/' + member.uid]
     target_account = self.system['/cash']
     description = "Withdrawal from member %(member)s account by GAS %(gas)s" % {
         'gas': gas,
         'member': member,
     issuer = gas
     transaction = register_simple_transaction(source_account,
     if refs:
Пример #8
 def pay_supplier(self, pact, amount, refs=None):
     Transfer a given (positive) amount ``amount`` of money from the GAS's cash
     to a supplier for which a solidal pact is currently active.
     If ``amount`` is negative, a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised
     (supplier-to-GAS money transfers should be treated as "refunds").
     References for this transaction may be passed as the ``refs`` argument
     (e.g. a list of supplier orders this payment is related to).   
     if amount < 0:
         raise MalformedTransaction("Payment amounts must be non-negative")
     gas = self.subject.instance
     supplier = pact.supplier
     source_account = self.system['/cash']
     exit_point = self.system['/expenses/suppliers/' + supplier.uid]
     entry_point = supplier.accounting.system['/incomes/gas/' + gas.uid]
     target_account = supplier.accounting.system['/wallet']
     description = "Payment from GAS %(gas)s to supplier %(supplier)s" % {
         'gas': gas,
         'supplier': supplier,
     issuer = gas
     transaction = register_transaction(source_account,
     if refs:
Пример #9
def register_split_transaction(source, splits, description, issuer, date=None, kind=None):
    A factory function for registering general (split) transactions between accounts.
    When invoked, this function takes care of the following tasks:
    * create a new ``Transaction`` model instance from the given input arguments
    * for each account involved in the transaction, add an entry
      to the corresponding ledger (as a ``LedgerEntry`` instance).   
        A ``CashFlow`` model instance specifying the source account for the transaction
        and the amount of money flowing from/to it
        An iterable of ``Split`` model instances, representing the flow components
        (a.k.a. *splits*) from which the transaction is made. They must satisfy all the compatibility
        constraints descending from the reference accounting model (for details, 
        see ``Transaction`` model's docstring)
        A string describing what the transaction stands for
        The economic subject (a ``Subject`` model instance) who issued the transaction
        A reference date for the transaction (as a ``DateTime`` object); 
        default to the current date & time 
        A type specification for the transaction. It's an (optional) domain-specific string;
        if specified, it must be one of the values listed in ``settings.TRANSACTION_TYPES``
    Return value
    If input is valid, return the newly created ``Transaction`` model instance; 
    otherwise, report to the client code whatever error(s) occurred during the processing, 
    by raising a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception. 
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.source = source
        transaction.description = description
        transaction.issuer = issuer 
        transaction.date = date
        transaction.kind = kind
        # set transaction splits
        transaction.split_set = splits        
    except ValidationError, e:
        err_msg = _(u"Transaction specs are invalid: %(specs)s.  The following error(s) occured: %(errors)s")\
            % {'specs':transaction_details(transaction), 'errors':str(e.message_dict)}
        raise MalformedTransaction(err_msg)
Пример #10
    def refund_gas(self, gas, amount, refs=None):
        Refund a given ``amount`` of money to a GAS for which a solidal pact 
        is currently active.
        If GAS ``gas`` doesn't have an active solidal pact with this supplier, 
        or if ``amount`` is negative, raise a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception.
        References for this transaction may be passed as the ``refs`` argument
        (e.g. a list of supplier orders this refund is related to).
        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction("Refund amounts must be non-negative")
        supplier = self.subject.instance

        if supplier not in gas.suppliers:
            msg = "An active solidal pact must be in place between a supplier and the GAS (s)he is refunding"
            raise MalformedTransaction(msg)

        source_account = self.system['/wallet']
        exit_point = self.system['/incomes/gas/' + gas.uid]
        entry_point = gas.accounting.system['/expenses/suppliers/' +
        target_account = gas.accounting.system['/cash']
        description = "Refund from supplier %(supplier)s to GAS %(gas)s" % {
            'gas': gas,
            'supplier': supplier,
        issuer = supplier
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account,
        if refs:
Пример #11
    def withdraw_from_member_account(self,
        Withdraw a given amount ``new_amount`` of money from the account of a member
        of this GAS and bestow it to the GAS's cash.
        If this operation would make that member's account negative, raise a warning.

        If ``member`` is not a member of this GAS, a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised.
        References for this transaction may be passed as the ``refs`` argument
        (e.g. a list of GAS member orders this withdrawal is related to).
        # Only for test Control if yet exist some transaction for this refs.
        #computed_amount, existing_txs = self.get_amount_by_gas_member(member, order)
        #log.debug("ACCOUNTING %(computed_amount)s %(existing_txs)s" % {'computed_amount': computed_amount, 'existing_txs': existing_txs})

        gas = self.subject.instance
        if member.gas != gas:
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                ugettext("A GAS can withdraw only from its members' accounts"))
        source_account = self.system['/members/' + member.person.uid]
        target_account = self.system['/cash']
        #'gas': gas.id_in_des,
        #WAS: description = "%(person)s %(order)s" % {'person': member.person.report_name, 'order': order.report_name}
        #NOTE LF: person is a repetition of gasmember person bound
        description = order.common_name
        if comment:
            description = u"%s (%s)" % (description, comment)
        issuer = self.subject
            "registering transaction: issuer=%s descr=%s source=%s target=%s" %
            (issuer, description, source_account, target_account))
        transaction = register_simple_transaction(
        if refs:
Пример #12
 def get_account(self, system, parent_path, name, kind):
     path = parent_path + '/' + name
         account = system[path]
     except Exception as e:  #should be KeyError, but maybe is an AttributeError due to previous implementation
         #WAS        if not account: but raise exception "Account matching query does not exist."
         #if not exist create it
         system.add_account(parent_path=parent_path, name=name, kind=kind)
         account = system[path]
     if not account:
         raise MalformedTransaction(
             ugettext("Unknow account: %(system)s %(path)s %(kind)s") % {
                 'system': system,
                 'path': path,
                 'kind': kind
     return account
Пример #13
    def pay_supplier(self,
        Transfer a given (positive) amount ``amount`` of money from the GAS's cash
        to a supplier for which a solidal pact is currently active.
        If ``amount`` is negative, a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised
        (supplier-to-GAS money transfers should be treated as "refunds").
        References for this transaction may be passed as the ``refs`` argument
        (e.g. a list of supplier orders this payment is related to).   
        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                ugettext(u"Payment amounts must be non-negative"))
        gas = self.subject.instance
        supplier = order.supplier
        source_account = self.system['/cash']
        exit_point = self.system['/expenses/suppliers/' + supplier.uid]
        entry_point = supplier.accounting.system['/incomes/gas/' + gas.uid]
        target_account = supplier.accounting.system['/wallet']
        if multiple:
            description = "Ord. %s" % multiple
            description += " %(pact)s" % {
                'pact': order.pact,
            description = order.common_name

        if descr:
            description += ". %s" % descr.replace(description + ". ", "")
        issuer = self.subject
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point,
                                           entry_point, target_account, amount,
                                           description, issuer, date,
        if refs:
Пример #14
    def pay_membership_fee(self, member, year, date=None):
        Pay the annual membership fee for this GAS member.
        Fee amount is determined by the ``gas.membership_fee`` attribute.
        If the gas member belongs to another ``gas``, 
        a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception is raised.
        gas = self.subject.instance
        if member.gas != gas:
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                    "A person can't pay membership fees to a GAS that (s)he is not member of"

        person = member.person
        source_account = self.system['/members/' + person.uid]
        target_account = self.system['/cash']

        amount = gas.membership_fee
        description = ugettext("year %(year)s --> %(person)s") % {
            'person': person.report_name,
            'year': year,
        issuer = self.subject
        if not date:
            date = datetime.datetime.now()  #_date.today

        transaction = register_simple_transaction(
        transaction.add_references([person, gas])
Пример #15
def register_simple_transaction(source_account, target_account, amount, description, issuer, date=None, kind=None):
    A factory function for registering simple transactions.
    This is just a convenience version of ``register_transaction``,
    to be used when dealing with simple transactions. 
    When invoked, this function takes care of the following tasks:
    * create a new ``Transaction`` model instance from the given input arguments
    * for each account involved in the transaction (i.e., ``source`` and ``target``), 
      add an entry to the corresponding ledger (as a ``LedgerEntry`` instance).   
    For details about simple transactions, see ``Transaction`` model's docstring.
        the source account for the transaction (a stock-like ``Account`` model instance)
        the target account for the transaction (a stock-like ``Account`` model instance)
        the amount of money flowing between source and target accounts (as a signed decimal); 
        its sign determines the flows's direction with respect to the source account 
        (i.e., positive -> outgoing, negative -> incoming) 
        A string describing what the transaction stands for
        The economic subject (a ``Subject`` model instance) who issued the transaction
        A reference date for the transaction (as a ``DateTime`` object); 
        default to the current date & time 
        A type specification for the transaction. It's an (optional) domain-specific string;
        if specified, it must be one of the values listed in ``settings.TRANSACTION_TYPES``
    Return value
    If input is valid, return the newly created ``Transaction`` model instance; 
    otherwise, report to the client code whatever error(s) occurred during the processing, 
    by raising a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception.  
        transaction = Transaction()
        # source flow
        source = CashFlow.objects.create(account=source_account, amount=amount)
        transaction.source = source
        transaction.description = description
        transaction.issuer = issuer 
        transaction.date = date
        transaction.kind = kind

        # construct the (single) transaction split from input arguments        
        # entry- & exit- points are missing, because this is an internal transaction
        # target flow
        target = CashFlow.objects.create(account=target_account, amount=-amount)
        split = Split.objects.create(target=target)  
        # add this single split to the transaction 
        transaction.split_set = [split]           
    except ValidationError, e:
        err_msg = _(u"Transaction specs are invalid: %(specs)s.  The following error(s) occured: %(errors)s")\
            % {'specs':transaction_details(transaction), 'errors':str(e.message_dict)}
        raise MalformedTransaction(err_msg)
Пример #16
def register_internal_transaction(source, targets, description, issuer, date=None, kind=None):
    A factory function for registering internal transactions.
    This is just a convenience version of ``register_split_transaction``,
    to be used when dealing with internal transactions. 
    When invoked, this function takes care of the following tasks:
    * create a new ``Transaction`` model instance from the given input arguments
    * for each account involved in the transaction (i.e., ``source`` and ``targets``), 
      add an entry to the corresponding ledger (as a ``LedgerEntry`` instance).   
    For details about internal transactions, see ``Transaction`` model's docstring.
        A ``CashFlow`` model instance specifying the source account for the transaction
        and the amount of money flowing from/to it
        An iterable of ``CashFlow`` model instances, representing the flow components
        (a.k.a. splits) from which the transaction is made.  
        Since we are dealing with an internal transaction, a split is fully defined 
        by the target account and the amount of money flowing to/from it 
        (so, a ``CashFlow`` rather than a ``Split`` instance).   
        A string describing what the transaction stands for
        The economic subject (a ``Subject`` model instance) who issued the transaction
        A reference date for the transaction (as a ``DateTime`` object); 
        default to the current date & time 
        A type specification for the transaction. It's an (optional) domain-specific string;
        if specified, it must be one of the values listed in ``settings.TRANSACTION_TYPES``
    Return value
    If input is valid, return the newly created ``Transaction`` model instance; 
    otherwise, report to the client code whatever error(s) occurred during the processing, 
    by raising a ``MalformedTransaction`` exception.  
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.source = source
        transaction.description = description
        transaction.issuer = issuer 
        transaction.date = date
        transaction.kind = kind

        # construct transaction splits from input arguments
        splits = []
        for target in targets:
            # entry- & exit- points are missing, because this is an internal transaction
            split = Split.objects.create(target=target) 
        # set transaction splits
        transaction.split_set = splits          
    except ValidationError, e:
        err_msg = _(u"Transaction specs are invalid: %(specs)s.  The following error(s) occured: %(errors)s")\
            % {'specs':transaction_details(transaction), 'errors':str(e.message_dict)}
        raise MalformedTransaction(err_msg)
Пример #17
    def extra_operation(self, gas, amount, target, causal, date):
        Another account operation for this subject

        For a GASMEMBER the target operation can be income or expense operation
        The operation can implicate a GAS economic change

        if amount < 0:
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                ugettext("Payment amounts must be non-negative"))

        person = self.subject.instance
        if not person.has_been_member(gas):
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                    "A person can't pay membership fees to a GAS that (s)he is not member of"

        gas_acc = gas.accounting
        gas_system = gas.accounting.system
        kind = GASMEMBER_GAS

        #UGLY: remove me when done and executed one command that regenerate all missing accounts

        if target == INCOME:  #Correction for gasmember: +gasmember -GAS
            source_account = gas_system['/cash']
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/member']
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/recharges']
            target_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
        elif target == EXPENSE:  #Correction for GAS: +GAS -gasmember
            source_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/gas']
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/member']
            target_account = gas_system['/cash']
        elif target == ASSET:  #Detraction for Gasmember: -gasmember
            source_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/member']
            entry_point = self.system['/incomes/other']
            target_account = self.system['/wallet']
            kind = ADJUST
        elif target == LIABILITY:  #Addition for Gasmember: +gasmember
            source_account = self.system['/wallet']
            exit_point = self.system['/expenses/other']
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/recharges']
            target_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
            kind = ADJUST
        elif target == EQUITY:  #Restitution for gasmember: empty container +gasmember -GAS
            source_account = gas_system['/cash']
            exit_point = gas_system['/expenses/member']
            entry_point = gas_system['/incomes/recharges']
            target_account = gas_system['/members/' + person.uid]
            kind = RECYCLE
            raise MalformedTransaction(
                ugettext("Payment target %s not identified") % target)

        description = "%(gas)s %(target)s %(causal)s" % {
            'gas': gas.id_in_des,
            'target': target,
            'causal': causal
        issuer = self.subject
        if not date:
            date = datetime.now()  #_date.today
        transaction = register_transaction(source_account, exit_point,
                                           entry_point, target_account, amount,
                                           description, issuer, date, kind)