def test_different_input_weights_count(self):
        input = utils.generate_one_and_minus_one_array(50)
        weights = utils.generate_one_neuron_weights_with_bias(100, bias=1)

        neuron = n.Neuron(weights, utils.activation_function)

        self.assertRaises(Exception, neuron.forward_propagate, args=[input])
    def generate_neurons(self):
        Generate neurons to populate the current layer.

        At the constructor level the weights, activation functions and their
        derivatives are passed in order to have the knowledge to construct
        the neurons needed at this layer.
        neurons = []
        neurons_count = len(self.__weights)


        # For forward propagation only the derivatives do not need to be
        # specified; but in order to have the code working without creating too
        # many special cases, an array of None is created and treated the same
        # as when we would need the derivatives.
        if self.__activation_function_derivatives is None:
            self.__activation_function_derivatives = [None] * \

        for w, a, ad in zip(self.__weights, self.__activation_functions,
            new_neuron = n.Neuron(w, a, ad)

        return neurons
    def test_weights_propagation(self):
        weights = utils.generate_one_neuron_weights_with_bias(100, bias=1)
        neuron = n.Neuron(weights, None)
        neuron_weights = neuron.get_weights()

        # since w[0] is going to be the bias in the neuron, we need to ditch one element from our list as well.
        weights = weights[1:]

        self.assertEqual(weights, neuron_weights)
    def test_compute_size_output(self):
        bias = 1
        input = utils.generate_array(100)
        weights = utils.generate_one_neuron_weights_with_bias(100, bias)

        neuron = n.Neuron(weights, utils.activation_function)
        output = neuron.forward_propagate(input)

        self.assertEqual(100 + bias, output)
    def test_compute_random_float_inputs(self):
        bias = 1
        input = utils.generate_array(100, lambda y: random.random() * 2 - 1)
        weights = utils.generate_one_neuron_weights_with_bias(100, bias)

        neuron = n.Neuron(weights, utils.activation_function)
        output = neuron.forward_propagate(input)

        # added huge delta because we want to test if the algorithm works with floats,
        # not how uniform the distribution is (in which case we'd want the error to be
        # as little as possible)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0, output, delta=50)
    def test_adjust(self):
        neurons_count = 5
        learning_rate = 1
        bias = 1
        delta = 1
        input_neurons_list = []

        for i in range(neurons_count):
            neuron = n.Neuron([1], None, None)


        weights = utils.generate_one_neuron_weights_with_bias(neurons_count, bias)
        test_neuron = n.Neuron(weights, None, None)

        test_neuron.adjust(learning_rate, input_neurons_list)

        for weight in test_neuron.get_weights():
            self.assertEqual(2, weight)

        self.assertEqual(2, test_neuron.get_bias())
    def test_get_output_derivative(self):
        neuron = n.Neuron([1], utils.activation_function, utils.activation_function_derivative)

        expected_output = 1
        output = neuron.get_derived_output()
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        expected_output = 0
        output = neuron.get_derived_output()
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        self.assertRaises(Exception, neuron.get_derived_output)