def pid_loop(state): i = 0 pidhist = config.pid_hist_len * [0.] temphist = config.temp_hist_len * [0.] temperr = config.temp_hist_len * [0] temp = 25. lastsettemp = state['brewtemp'] lasttime = time() sensor = MAX31855(SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI, MISO=board.MISO), DigitalInOut(board.D5)) pid = PID(Kp=config.pidc_kp, Ki=config.pidc_ki, Kd=config.pidc_kd, setpoint=state['brewtemp'], sample_time=config.time_sample, proportional_on_measurement=False, output_limits=(-config.boundary, config.boundary)) while True: try: temp = sensor.temperature del temperr[0] temperr.append(0) del temphist[0] temphist.append(temp) except RuntimeError: del temperr[0] temperr.append(1) if sum(temperr) >= 5 * config.temp_hist_len: print("Temperature sensor error!") call(["killall", "python3"]) avgtemp = sum(temphist) / config.temp_hist_len if avgtemp <= 0.9 * state['brewtemp']: pid.tunings = (config.pidc_kp, config.pidc_ki, config.pidc_kd) else: pid.tunings = (config.pidw_kp, config.pidw_ki, config.pidw_kd) if state['brewtemp'] != lastsettemp: pid.setpoint = state['brewtemp'] lastsettemp = state['brewtemp'] pidout = pid(avgtemp) pidhist.append(pidout) del pidhist[0] avgpid = sum(pidhist) / config.pid_hist_len state['i'] = i state['temp'] = temp state['pterm'], state['iterm'], state['dterm'] = pid.components state['avgtemp'] = round(avgtemp, 2) state['pidval'] = round(pidout, 2) state['avgpid'] = round(avgpid, 2) sleeptime = lasttime + config.time_sample - time() sleep(max(sleeptime, 0.)) i += 1 lasttime = time()
with SyncCrazyflie(URI) as scf: # Define motion commander to crazyflie as mc: cf2 = CF(scf, available) cf2_psi = 0 # Get current yaw-angle of cf cf2_bat = cf2.vbat # Get current battery level of cf cf2_blevel = cf2.blevel cf2_pwm = cf2.m1_pwm cf2_temp = cf2.temp cf2_phi = 0 cf2_theta = 0 marker_psi = 0 # Set marker angle to zero initially pid = PID(0, 0, 0, setpoint=marker_psi) # Initialize PID pid_x = PID(0, 0, 0, setpoint=0) # init PID for roll # Define pid parameters pid.tunings = (Kp_psi, Kd_psi, Ki_psi) pid_x.tunings = (Kp_x, Kd_x, Ki_x) pid_x.sample_time = 0.05 # update pid every 50 ms pid.output_limits = (-60, 60) pid_x.output_limits = (-20, 20) pid.proportional_on_measurment = False pid_x.proportional_on_measurment = False if cf2_bat >= low_battery: cf2.takeoff() # CF takes off from ground print("Taking off ! Battery level: " + str(cf2_bat)) time.sleep(1.5) # Let the CF hover for 1.5s t_init = time.time() endTime = t_init + 30000 # Let the CF do its thing for some time
def mainThread(debug=False): """ Controls the robot including joystick input, computer vision, line following, etc. Arguments: debug: (optional) log debugging data """ DC = ControllerUtils.DriveController(flip=[1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # Get Controller gamepad = None while (not gamepad) and execute['mainThread']: time.sleep(5) try: gamepad = ControllerUtils.identifyController() except Exception as e: print(e) newestImage = [] newestSensorState = { 'imu': { 'calibration': { 'sys': 2, 'gyro': 3, 'accel': 0, 'mag': 0 }, 'gyro': { 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0 }, 'vel': { 'x': -0.01, 'y': 0.0, 'z': -0.29 } }, 'temp': 25 } # Initalize PID controllers Kp = 1 Kd = 0.1 Ki = 0.05 xRotPID = PID(Kp, Kd, Ki, setpoint=0) yRotPID = PID(Kp, Kd, Ki, setpoint=0) zRotPID = PID(Kp, Kd, Ki, setpoint=0) mode = "user-control" override = False print("mode:", mode) print("override:", override) lastMsgTime = time.time() minTime = 1.0 / 10.0 while execute['mainThread']: while not mainQueue.empty(): recvMsg = mainQueue.get() if recvMsg['tag'] == 'cam': #newestImage = CommunicationUtils.decodeImage(recvMsg['data']) pass elif recvMsg['tag'] == 'sensor': newestSensorState = recvMsg['data'] # Get Joystick Input event = gamepad.read_one() if event: if (ControllerUtils.isOverrideCode(event, action="down")): override = True print("override:", override) elif (ControllerUtils.isOverrideCode(event, action="up") and override): override = False print("override:", override) if (ControllerUtils.isStopCode(event)): handlePacket(CommunicationUtils.packet("stateChange", "close")) time.sleep(1) stopAllThreads() elif (ControllerUtils.isZeroMotorCode(event)): handlePacket( CommunicationUtils.packet("motorData", DC.zeroMotors(), metadata="drivetrain")) elif (ControllerUtils.isStabilizeCode(event)): if (mode != "stabilize"): # Reset PID controllers xRotPID.reset() yRotPID.reset() zRotPID.reset() xRotPID.tunings = (Kp, Ki, Kd) yRotPID.tunings = (Kp, Ki, Kd) zRotPID.tunings = (Kp, Ki, Kd) # Assuming the robot has been correctly calibrated, (0,0,0) should be upright xRotPID.setpoint = 0 yRotPID.setpoint = 0 zRotPID.setpoint = 0 mode = "stabilize" print("mode:", mode) else: mode = "user-control" print("mode:", mode) if (mode == "user-control" or override): DC.updateState(event) speeds = DC.calcThrust() if (time.time() - lastMsgTime > minTime): handlePacket( CommunicationUtils.packet("motorData", speeds, metadata="drivetrain")) lastMsgTime = time.time() elif (mode == "stabilize" and not override): xTgt = xRotPID(newestSensorState["imu"]["gyro"]["x"]) yTgt = yRotPID(newestSensorState["imu"]["gyro"]["y"]) zTgt = zRotPID(newestSensorState["imu"]["gyro"]["z"]) speeds = DC.calcPIDRot(xTgt, yTgt, zTgt) if (time.time() - lastMsgTime > minTime): handlePacket( CommunicationUtils.packet("motorData", speeds, metadata="drivetrain")) lastMsgTime = time.time()
if (robot_heading_to_target - robot_heading ) < math.radians(-180): # something might be wrong here robot_heading_to_target += math.radians( 360) # something might be wrong here else: if (robot_heading_to_target - robot_heading ) > math.radians(180): # something might be wrong here robot_heading_to_target -= math.radians( 360) # something might be wrong here robot_distance_to_target = distance(robot_center_position, current_target_position) pid_left_right.tunings = ( 0.3, 0.001, 0.01 ) # tuning depends on the robot configuration, vision delay, etc if math.fabs(robot_heading_to_target - robot_heading) > math.radians(5): # I-term anti windup pid_left_right.Ki = 0 pid_left_right.output_limits = ( -0.3, 0.3 ) # tuning depends on the robot configuration, vision delay, etc pid_left_right.sample_time = 0.01 # update every 0.01 seconds pid_left_right.setpoint = robot_heading_to_target ch1 = pid_left_right(robot_heading) * 100 + 100 # steering pid_speed.tunings = (0.01, 0.0001, 0 ) # depends on the robot configuration if robot_distance_to_target > 5: # I-term anti windup pid_speed.Ki = 0
sub_thread = threading.Thread(target=controller.thread_function, daemon=True) sub_thread.start() pid = PID(controller.p, controller.i, controller.d, controller. desired_pitch) #create the pid according to boat desired pitch pid.sample_time = 0.05 pid.output_limits = ( parameters.PID_PITCH_MIN_CORRECTION(), parameters.PID_PITCH_MAX_CORRECTION() ) #limit the range of action to aprox (-25,25) degrees while True: #EXECUTE CONSTANTLY BUT PID ONLY ACTS IF pid.sample_time SECONDS HAVE PASSED try: pid.tunings = (controller.p, controller.i, controller.d) print("Current ctes: ", controller.p, "#", controller.i, "#", controller.d) controller.pitch = controller.get_pitch_info() # if controller.pitch != controller.desired_pitch: print("Current pitch: ", controller.pitch) current_time = time.time() dt = current_time - last_time change = pid(controller.pitch) pitch = controller.send_pitch_corrections(change) last_time = current_time #plot_debugging_data(x,y,desired_value)
import json import pyvesc from pyvesc.messages import GetValues, SetRPM, SetCurrent, SetRotorPositionMode, GetRotorPosition,SetDutyCycle,GetValues import serial import time from simple_pid import PID import time import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt pid = PID(1, 0.1, 0.05, setpoint=1) pid.sample_time = 0.001 # update every 0.01 seconds pid.setpoint = 0 normal_tuning=(700,1000,0.000000001) #break_tuning=(100,500,0) pid.tunings = normal_tuning #(700, 1000, 0.000000001) pid.output_limits = (-100000, 100000) # output value will be between 0 and 10 aca=0 motor_speed=0 motor_tach=0 force_break=0 # Set your serial port here (either /dev/ttyX or COMX) serialport = '/dev/ttyACM2' out_json={"MOTOR":"RIGTH","SPEED":0,"TACHOMETER":0} def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): print("Connected with result code {0}".format(str(rc))) # Print result of connection attempt client.subscribe("actions") # Subscribe to the topic “digitest/test1”, receive any messages published on it
print("setting up Serial") time.sleep(1) print("Getting Data") while noData == True: Serial() print("DATA", dataList) # PID Gubbins LTPI, RTPI = 50, 50 # Ticks per Interval, initial setpoint #tunings = (2, 1.0, 0.01) # Fast but permissibly erratic #tunings = (1.1, 0.5, 0.5) # makes a bit of a waddle #tunings = (1.3, 0.7, 0.075) # a little slower to converge but steadiest tunings = (1.7, 0.4, 0.05) # Default leftMotor_PID = PID(1.0, 0.5, 0.05, setpoint=LTPI) rightMotor_PID = PID(1.0, 0.5, 0.05, setpoint=RTPI) leftMotor_PID.tunings = tunings rightMotor_PID.tunings = tunings #leftMotor_PID.sample_time = 0.01 # update every 0.01 seconds #rightMotor_PID.sample_time = 0.01 leftMotor_PID.output_limits = (-100, 100 ) # output value will be between 0 and 100 rightMotor_PID.output_limits = (-100, 100) prev_leftEnc = 0 prev_rightEnc = 0 while True: Pause() if pause == 1: pass else:
velocity = 60 bearing = 0 rotation = 0 rotationAccuracy = 1 # PID Gubbins LTPI, RTPI = velocity, velocity # Ticks per Interval, initial setpoint #tunings = (2, 1.0, 0.01) # Fast but permissibly erratic #tunings = (1.1, 0.5, 0.5) # makes a bit of a waddle #tunings = (1.3, 0.7, 0.075) # a little slower to converge but steadiest tunings = (1.0, 0.5, 0.05) # Default rotationalTunings = (0.2, 0.1, 0.06) leftMotor_PID = PID(1.0, 0.5, 0.05, setpoint=LTPI) rightMotor_PID = PID(1.0, 0.5, 0.05, setpoint=RTPI) rotational_PID = PID(1.0, 0.5, 0.05, setpoint=0) leftMotor_PID.tunings = tunings rightMotor_PID.tunings = tunings rotational_PID.tunings = rotationalTunings #leftMotor_PID.sample_time = 0.01 # update every 0.01 seconds #rightMotor_PID.sample_time = 0.01 #rotational_PID.sample_time = 0.01 leftMotor_PID.output_limits = (-100, 100) # output value (Duty Cycle) rightMotor_PID.output_limits = (-100, 100) rotational_PID.output_limits = (-100, 100) # Odometry variables prev_leftEncF, prev_leftEncB = 0, 0 prev_rightEncF, prev_rightEncB = 0, 0 #Rotational PID will need some odoemtry in order to work out rotation travel, TotalTravel, thetaRad, theta = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
accelZ = accel_data['z'] gyroX = gyro_data['x'] gyroY = gyro_data['y'] gyroZ = gyro_data['z'] gyroX -= gyro_offset_x gyroY -= gyro_offset_y gyro_x_delta = (gyroX * time_diff) gyro_y_delta = (gyroY * time_diff) gyro_total_x += gyro_x_delta gyro_total_y += gyro_y_delta rotation_x = x_rotation(accelX, accelY, accelZ) rotation_y = y_rotation(accelX, accelY, accelZ) last_x = K * (last_x + gyro_x_delta) + (K1 * rotation_x) inputSudut = round(last_x, decimalDigitSudut) + round(calibrationValue, decimalDigitSudut) inputSudut = round(inputSudut, decimalDigit) pid.tunings = (P, I, D) PIDx = pid(inputSudut) # output = computePID(inputSudut) # PIDx = output if inputSudut == batas: equilibrium() # print("berhenti") elif PIDx < 0.0: backward(-int(PIDx)) # print("back") #StepperFor(-PIDx) #if the PIDx data is higher than 0.0 than move appropriately forward elif PIDx > 0.0: forward(int(PIDx)) # print("forw") #StepperBACK(PIDx)
import time from subprocess import call from simple_pid import PID mutex = Lock() mutex_pid = Lock() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) vazao_in = parametros['start_vazao_in'] vazao_out = parametros['start_vazao_out'] nivel_ref = parametros['start_nivel_ref'] # setpoint nivel_atual = parametros['start_nivel_atual'] pid = PID(1, 0.1, 0.05, setpoint=nivel_ref) pid.output_limits = (0, 10) pid.tunings = (1.0, 0.2, 0.4) class ProcessThread(Thread): def __init__(self, cv, raio_inf, raio_sup, altura): Thread.__init__(self) = ( cv ) # Coeficiente de descarga do tanque -> relacionado com o tamanho do furo no tanque self.raio_inf = raio_inf # Raio inferior do tanque self.raio_sup = raio_sup # Raio superior do tanque self.altura_tanque = altura self.alfa = (raio_sup - raio_inf) / altura @staticmethod def dhdt(self, t, h, u):
def read_settings(fn): with open(fn) as f: params = json.load(f) return params # (tunings["Kp"], tunings["Ki"], tunings["Kd"]) if __name__ == '__main__': log = tl.LogFile() settings_fn = "settings.json" settings = read_settings(settings_fn) settings_1 = settings["PID_1"] settings_2 = settings["PID_2"] pid_tunings = (settings_1["Kp"], settings_1["Ki"], settings_1["Kd"]) pid = PID() pid.sample_time = updatePIDInt # /100 # settings["sample_time"] pid.output_limits = (0, 100) pid.tunings = pid_tunings pid.setpoint = 25.0 pid.auto_mode = True pid.proportional_on_measurement = False print(pid.tunings) HomebrewApp().run()
def main(): pygame.init() pygame.font.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() tunings = (27, 2, 10) pid = PID(*tunings, output_limits=(-8000, 8000), proportional_on_measurement=True) pid.sample_time = 1 / REFRESH draw_options = DrawOptions(screen) pymunk.pygame_util.positive_y_is_up = True font = pygame.font.SysFont('Lucida Console', 11) space = pymunk.Space() space.gravity = 0, -100 x = random.randint(120, 380) drone = Drone((x, 450), space) ground = Ground(space) setpoint = 450 ticks = 0 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): # print(event) if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit(0) elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_UP: setpoint += 5 elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: setpoint -= 5 elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: sys.exit(0) elif event.key == pygame.K_1: p, i, d = pid.tunings pid.tunings = (p + 0.5, i, d) elif event.key == pygame.K_q: p, i, d = pid.tunings pid.tunings = (p - 0.5, i, d) elif event.key == pygame.K_2: p, i, d = pid.tunings pid.tunings = (p, i + 0.5, d) elif event.key == pygame.K_w: p, i, d = pid.tunings pid.tunings = (p, i - 0.5, d) elif event.key == pygame.K_3: p, i, d = pid.tunings pid.tunings = (p, i, d + 0.5) elif event.key == pygame.K_e: p, i, d = pid.tunings pid.tunings = (p, i, d - 0.5) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: setpoint = 600 - event.pos[1] # ticks=0 screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) error = drone.body.position.y - setpoint output = pid(error) space.debug_draw(draw_options) # if drone.shape.body.position.y < setpoint: if True: # output > 0: # drone.shape.body.apply_force_at_local_point((0, 340), (0, 0)) drone.shape.body.apply_force_at_local_point((0, output), (0, 0)) c = to_pygame(drone.body.position, screen) pygame.draw.aaline(screen, (0, 128, 255, .75), c, (c[0], c[1] - output // 10)) pygame.draw.aaline(screen, (128, 255, 128, .125), to_pygame((50, setpoint), screen), to_pygame((600 - 50, setpoint), screen)) # pygame.draw.aaline(screen, (255, 255, 255, .5), to_pygame((0,0), screen), to_pygame((100,100), screen)) textsurface = font.render( f"pos:{drone.body.position.y:7.1f} set:{setpoint} error:{error:7.1f} o:{output:7.1f}", False, WHITE) screen.blit(textsurface, (10, 10)) textsurface = font.render( f"pid:{['{:7.1f}'.format(p) for p in pid.components]}", False, WHITE) screen.blit(textsurface, (10, 25)) textsurface = font.render( f"tun:{['{:7.1f}'.format(p) for p in pid.tunings]}", False, WHITE) screen.blit(textsurface, (10, 40)) textsurface = font.render(f"ticks:{ticks}", False, WHITE) screen.blit(textsurface, (10, 55)) space.step(1 / REFRESH) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(REFRESH) pygame.display.set_caption(f"{drone.body.position.y:.1f} {setpoint}") ticks += 1
gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) dst = cv2.filter2D(gray, -1, kernel) faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(dst, 1.3, 5) for (x, y, w, h) in faces: cv2.rectangle(frame1, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 1) centerFace = (int(x + w / 2), int(y + h / 2)), centerFace, 5, (0, 255, 0), 1) roi_gray = gray[y:y + h, x:x + w] roi_color = frame1[y:y + h, x:x + w] faceDetected = True if faceDetected: pidFaceLR.tunings = (0.5, 0.000, 0.001) pidFaceLR.output_limits = (-0.5, 0.5) pidFaceLR.sample_time = 0.01 # update every 0.01 seconds pidFaceLR.setpoint = 0 ch1 = pidFaceLR( (centerFace[0] - frame1Center[0]) / 100) * 100 + 100 # left right pidFaceUD.tunings = (0.5, 0.000, 0.001) pidFaceUD.output_limits = (-1, 1) pidFaceUD.sample_time = 0.01 # update every 0.01 seconds pidFaceUD.setpoint = 0 ch4 = pidFaceUD( (centerFace[1] - frame1Center[1]) / 100) * 100 + 100 # up down if 110 < w < 300: ch2 = 80
#PID_Parameters[0] = cv2.getTrackbarPos('kP', 'CV PID Settings') #PID_Parameters[1]= cv2.getTrackbarPos('ki', 'CV PID Settings') #PID_Parameters[2] = cv2.getTrackbarPos('kd', 'CV PID Settings') else: #Not Found angle = 0 pidout = 0 speed = 0 dir = 0 fps.update() fps.stop() print( "Angle(deg): {:+.2f}, PID: Kp{}, Ki{:.3f}, Kd{:.3f}, PIDOut{:+3.3f}, Speed_Command: {:+5}, Direction: {}, fps:{:.2f} , time:{:.2f}\r" .format(angle, pid.Kp, pid.Ki, pid.Kd, pidout, speed, dir, fps.fps(), fps.elapsed()), end="") pid.tunings = (PID_Parameters[0], PID_Parameters[1], PID_Parameters[2]) cv2.imshow("CV PID Pendulum", frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF # if the 'q' key is pressed, stop the loop if key == ord("q"): s.write("0\n".encode()) s.flush() s.close() f.close() fps.stop() break if key == ord("s") and enable == False: f = open("data.txt", "w") f.write("angle,pidout,speed,fps,elapsed\n")
import pyvesc from pyvesc.messages import GetValues, SetRPM, SetCurrent, SetRotorPositionMode, GetRotorPosition, SetDutyCycle, GetValues import serial import time from simple_pid import PID import time # Set your serial port here (either /dev/ttyX or COMX) serialport = '/dev/ttyACM1' pid = PID(1, 0.1, 0.05, setpoint=1) pid.sample_time = 0.001 # update every 0.01 seconds pid.setpoint = 10 pid.tunings = (700, 2000, 0.000000001) pid.output_limits = (-100000, 100000) # output value will be between 0 and 10 print("la concha de tu puta madre") def get_values_example(): print("running") input_buffer = b"" output = 0 t = 0 old_tach = 0 with serial.Serial(serialport, baudrate=115200, timeout=0.05) as ser: try: # Optional: Turn on rotor position reading if an encoder is installed ser.write( pyvesc.encode( SetRotorPositionMode( SetRotorPositionMode.DISP_POS_MODE_ENCODER)))
from simple_pid import PID pid = PID(1, 0.1, 0.05, setpoint=1) pid.sample_time = 0.01 pid.setpoint = 10 pid.tunings = (1.0, 0.2, 0.4) #ki,Ti,Td pid.output_limits = (0, 10) while True: control = pid( 9 ) # The PID class implements __call__(), which means that to compute a new output value