Пример #1
def display_next_frame(event=None):
    global once

    frame = next(datafile_iter)

    # Get the top laser information
    laser_name = dataset_pb2.LaserName.TOP
    laser = utils.get(frame.lasers, laser_name)
    laser_calibration = utils.get(frame.context.laser_calibrations, laser_name)

    # Parse the top laser range image and get the associated projection.
    ri, camera_projection, range_image_pose = utils.parse_range_image_and_camera_projection(

    # Convert the range image to a point cloud.
    pcl, pcl_attr = utils.project_to_pointcloud(frame, ri, camera_projection,

    # Update the geometry and render the pointcloud
    pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pcl)
    if once:
        once = False
 def get_lidar(self, frame, idx, all_points=False):
     '''Get lidar pointcloud
         TODO: Get all 4 lidar points appeneded together
         :return pcl: (N, 3) points in (x,y,z)
     laser_name = dataset_pb2.LaserName.TOP # laser information
     laser = utils.get(frame.lasers, laser_name)
     laser_calibration = utils.get(frame.context.laser_calibrations, laser_name)
     ri, camera_projection, range_image_pose = utils.parse_range_image_and_camera_projection(laser)
     pcl, pcl_attr = utils.project_to_pointcloud(frame, ri, camera_projection, range_image_pose, laser_calibration)
     return pcl
table = datafile.get_record_table()

print("There are %d frames in this file." % len(table))

# Loop through the whole file
## and display 3D labels.
for frameno,frame in enumerate(datafile):

    # Get the top laser information
    laser_name = dataset_pb2.LaserName.TOP
    laser = utils.get(frame.lasers, laser_name)
    laser_calibration = utils.get(frame.context.laser_calibrations, laser_name)

    # Parse the top laser range image and get the associated projection.
    ri, camera_projection, range_image_pose = utils.parse_range_image_and_camera_projection(laser)

    # Convert the range image to a point cloud.
    pcl, pcl_attr = utils.project_to_pointcloud(frame, ri, camera_projection, range_image_pose, laser_calibration)

    # Get the front camera information
    camera_name = dataset_pb2.CameraName.FRONT
    camera_calibration = utils.get(frame.context.camera_calibrations, camera_name)
    camera = utils.get(frame.images, camera_name)

    # Get the transformation matrix for the camera.
    vehicle_to_image = utils.get_image_transform(camera_calibration)

    # Decode the image
    img = utils.decode_image(camera)