def stop(self): params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.Stop", "params": { "playerid": 1 }, "id": 1 } cmd = json.dumps(params) simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) return 'Stopping Kodi.'
def scan(self): # Scan the video library only. params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.Scan", "id": 1, "params": { "showdialogs": True } } cmd = json.dumps(params) simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) return 'Scanning the video library'
def __tvlist(self, q): # Returns the list of TV shows for automatic playback params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", "params": { "filter": { "and": [{ "field": "title", "operator": "contains", "value": q }, { "field": "playcount", "operator": "is", "value": "0" }] }, "properties": ["title", "file", "playcount"], "sort": { "order": "ascending", "method": "label", "ignorearticle": True } }, "id": "libTvShows" } cmd = json.dumps(params) results = simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) found = json.loads(results) print("Looking for '{}'...".format(q)) try: return found['result']['tvshows'][0] except: return None
def __movielist(self, q): # Returns the list of movies (to automatically play) params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies", "params": { "filter": { "field": "title", "operator": "contains", "value": q }, "properties": ["title", "file", "playcount"], "sort": { "order": "ascending", "method": "label", "ignorearticle": True } }, "id": "libMovies" } cmd = json.dumps(params) results = simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) found = json.loads(results) try: return found['result']['movies'][0] except: return None
def search_episodes(self, epnum): # Get a specific episode, even if it's been watched if not'[a-z0-9_\-] \- \d+x\d\d', epnum): return "Please format the show/episode as: 'Show Name - 1x01'" show = epnum.split(' - ')[0].strip() special = self.__is_special(show) if special: show = special print("Looking for '{}'...".format(show)) params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", "params": { "filter": { "field": "title", "operator": "contains", "value": show }, "properties": ["title", "file"], "sort": { "order": "ascending", "method": "label", "ignorearticle": True } }, "id": "libTvShows" } cmd = json.dumps(params) results = simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) found = json.loads(results) try: print("Found '{}'".format(found['result']['tvshows'][0]['title'])) return self.__get_old_episode(epnum, found['result']['tvshows'][0]) except: return "Couldn't find the show '{}'".format(show)
def list_movies(self, andprint=True): # Returns the list of movies (and prints them) if andprint: print("Listing movies.\n---") params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies", "params": { "properties": ["title", "file", "playcount"], "sort": { "order": "ascending", "method": "label", "ignorearticle": True } }, "id": "libMovies" } cmd = json.dumps(params) results = simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) found = json.loads(results) try: for mov in found['result']['movies']: if andprint: print(mov['title']) return found['result']['movies'] except: return []
def list_episodes(self, q, andprint=True): # Searches for a show, and prints all episodes special = self.__is_special(q) params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", "params": { "filter": { "field": "title", "operator": "contains", "value": q }, "properties": ["title", "file"], "sort": { "order": "ascending", "method": "title", "ignorearticle": True } }, "id": "libTvShows" } cmd = json.dumps(params) results = simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) found = json.loads(results) try: self.__get_all_episodes(found['result']['tvshows'][0]) return '' except: return "Nothing found for '{}'.".format(q)
def introspect(self, url): obj = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "JSONRPC.Introspect", "params": { "filter": { "id": "AudioLibrary.GetAlbums", "type": "method" } }, "id": 1 } cmd = json.dumps(obj) return simplecurl.get_contents(url + cmd)
def play_pause(self): params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.PlayPause", "params": { "playerid": 1 }, "id": 1 } cmd = json.dumps(params) res = simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) msg = json.loads(res) if 'error' in msg: return "Unable to start playback" return self.get_whats_playing()
def is_playing(self): obj = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetProperties", "params": { "properties": ["speed"], "playerid": 1 }, "id": 1 } cmd = json.dumps(obj) res = simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) playing = json.loads(res) if playing['result']['speed'] == 0: return False else: return True
def __get_all_episodes(self, show): # Get a list of episodes for a specific show params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", "params": { "tvshowid": show["tvshowid"], "properties": ["title", "file", "playcount"] }, "id": "libTvShows" } cmd = json.dumps(params) results = simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) found = json.loads(results) try: print(show['title'] + '\n----------') for episode in found['result']['episodes']: print(episode['label']) except: return "No episodes for '{}'".format(show['title']) return ''
def __get_old_episode(self, epnum, show): # Start playing a specific episode using the format SxEE. epnum = epnum.split(' - ')[1].strip() params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", "params": { "tvshowid": show['tvshowid'], "properties": ["title", "file", "playcount"] }, "id": "libTvShows" } cmd = json.dumps(params) print("Looking for episode '{}'...".format(epnum)) results = simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) found = json.loads(results) try: episode = self.__pick_episode(epnum, found['result']['episodes']) return self.__begin(episode) except: return "Couldn't find episode '{}: {}'.".format( show['title'], epnum)
def __get_next_episode(self, show): # Play the next unwatched episode of a TV show. params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", "params": { "tvshowid": show['tvshowid'], "properties": ["title", "file", "playcount"], "filter": { "field": "playcount", "operator": "is", "value": "0" } }, "id": "libTvShows" } cmd = json.dumps(params) print('Getting next episode...') results = simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) found = json.loads(results) episode = found['result']['episodes'][0] matched = self.__begin(episode) return matched
def __begin(self, item): # Begin playback of an item using it's path # resume from where i left off, if applicable. params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.Open", "params": { "item": { "file": item['file'] }, "options": { "resume": True } }, "id": 1 } cmd = json.dumps(params) results = simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd) if item['label']: return "Playing '{}'".format(item['label']) elif item['title']: return "Playing '{}'".format(item['title']) else: return self.__pretty_print(results)
def get_whats_playing(self): api_params = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetItem", "params": { "properties": ["showtitle", "title", "season", "episode"], "playerid": 1 }, "id": "VideoGetItem" } jsonp = json.dumps(api_params) jstr = simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + jsonp) doc = json.loads(jstr) resitem = doc['result']['item'] try: state = '[playing]' if self.is_playing() else '[paused]' info = '{} - {}x{} - {} {}'.format(resitem['showtitle'], str(resitem['season']), str(resitem['episode']), resitem['title'], state) except: info = 'Nothing playing.' return info
def to_home_screen(self): # Goes to the home screen obj = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Input.Home", "id": 1} cmd = json.dumps(obj) self.__pretty_print(simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd)) return self.get_whats_playing()
def display_info(self): # Activates On Screen Display obj = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Input.ShowOSD", "id": 1} cmd = json.dumps(obj) self.__pretty_print(simplecurl.get_contents(self.url + cmd)) return self.get_whats_playing()