Пример #1
def load_data(first_path, second_path):
    dbf1 = Dbf5(first_path)
    dbf2 = Dbf5(second_path)
    df_ndvi_lst = dbf1.to_dataframe()
    df_ndvi_ndvi = dbf2.to_dataframe()
    df_ndvi_ndvi = df_ndvi_ndvi[['grid_code', 'FID_pixelc']]
    return df_ndvi_lst, df_ndvi_ndvi
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, bar, liq):
     self.eng_string = 'sqlite:///barcodes.db'
     self.liq = Dbf5(liq, codec='latin-1')
     self.bar = Dbf5(bar, codec='latin-1')
     self.eng = None
     self.conn = None
     #self.barcodes = self.db['BARCODES']
     #self.liqcode = self.db['LIQCODE']
     self.tables = {'BARCODES': self.bar, 'LIQCODE': self.liq}
Пример #3
def read_dbf(shp_dir_or_dbf_path):
    if os.path.isdir(shp_dir_or_dbf_path):
        dbf_path = find_shp_path(shp_dir_or_dbf_path) + ".dbf"
        dbf_path = shp_dir_or_dbf_path
    dbf = Dbf5(dbf_path)
    return dbf.to_dataframe()
Пример #4
def CalcRadiationSurfaces(Observers, DataFactorsCentroids, DataradiationLocation, locationtemp1, locationtemp2):
    # local variables
    CQSegments_centroid = locationtemp2 + '\\' + 'CQSegmentCentro'
    Outjoin = locationtemp2 + '\\' + 'Join'
    CQSegments = locationtemp2 + '\\' + 'CQSegment'
    OutTable = 'CentroidsIDobserver.dbf'
    # Create Join of features Observers and CQ_sementscentroids to
    # assign Names and IDS of observers (field TARGET_FID) to the centroids of the lines of the buildings,
    # then create a table to import as a Dataframe
    arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(CQSegments_centroid, Observers, Outjoin, "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL",
                               match_option="CLOSEST", search_radius="10 METERS")
    arcpy.JoinField_management(Outjoin, 'OBJECTID', CQSegments, 'OBJECTID')  # add the lenghts of the Lines to the File
    arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(Outjoin, locationtemp1, OutTable)

    # ORIG_FID represents the points in the segments of the simplified shape of the building
    # ORIG_FID_1 is the observers ID
    Centroids_ID_observers0 = Dbf5(locationtemp1 + '\\' + OutTable).to_dataframe()
    Centroids_ID_observers = Centroids_ID_observers0[['Name', 'height_ag', 'ORIG_FID', 'ORIG_FID_1', 'Shape_Leng']]
    Centroids_ID_observers.rename(columns={'ORIG_FID_1': 'ID'}, inplace=True)

    # Create a Join of the Centroid_ID_observers and Datacentroids in the Second Chapter to get values of surfaces Shaded.
    Datacentroids = pd.read_csv(DataFactorsCentroids)
    DataCentroidsFull = pd.merge(Centroids_ID_observers, Datacentroids, left_on='ORIG_FID', right_on='ORIG_FID')

    # Read again the radiation table and merge values with the Centroid_ID_observers under the field ID in Radiationtable and 'ORIG_ID' in Centroids...
    Radiationtable = pd.read_csv(DataradiationLocation, index_col='Unnamed: 0')
    DataRadiation = pd.merge(left=DataCentroidsFull, right=Radiationtable, left_on='ID', right_on='ID')

    Data_radiation_path = locationtemp1 + '\\' + 'tempradaition.csv'
    DataRadiation.to_csv(Data_radiation_path, index=False)

    return Data_radiation_path
Пример #5
def get_data():
    df_registos = pd.read_csv("data/data_old.csv", sep=";")
    df = geopandas.read_file("data/concelhos.shp")

    df_registos = df_registos[df_registos["ano"] == 2017]
    df_registos["incidencia"] = (df_registos["nr_crimes"] /
                                 df_registos["populacao_residente"]) * 100000

    dbf = Dbf5("data/concelhos.dbf")
    df_meta = dbf.to_dataframe()
    df_meta["CCA_2"] = df_meta["CCA_2"].astype(np.float64)

    municipalities = len(df)

    features = [{
        "geometry": (mapping(df.iloc[i]["geometry"].simplify(tolerance=0.01))),
        df_registos[df_registos["codigo_municipio"] == df_meta.iloc[i]
    } for i in range(municipalities)]

    df_data = df_registos.drop(["ano"], axis=1)
    geojson = FeatureCollection(features)

    return df_data, geojson
Пример #6
def csv_of_blocks(d, in_file):
    print('creating csv of blocks')
    projected_file_path = get_proj_file_name(os.path.join(d.out_dir, 'census'),
    blocks_dbf = projected_file_path.replace('.shp', '.dbf')

    # set proj
    print('reading in file')
    dbf = Dbf5(blocks_dbf)
    df = dbf.to_dataframe()

    # create dict to hold dtypes for columns
    convert_dict = {}

    # convert these to int64
    columns_list = [
        'STATEFP10', 'COUNTYFP10', 'TRACTCE10', 'BLOCKCE10', 'GEOID10'

    for c in columns_list:
        convert_dict[c] = 'int64'

    # conver these to float64
    columns_list = ['INTPTLAT10', 'INTPTLON10']
    for c in columns_list:
        convert_dict[c] = 'float64'

    # use conversion dict to set dtype of columns
    df = df.astype(convert_dict)

    # save df to csv
    out_csv = projected_file_path.replace('.shp', '.csv')
    df.to_csv(out_csv, index=False)
Пример #7
def parsear_dbf(path_dbf):
    '''Parseia o arquivo dbf e gera um DataFrame'''

    dbf = Dbf5(path_dbf, codec='utf-8')
    df = dbf.to_dataframe()

    return df
Пример #8
def read_dbf(path, encoding='utf-8'):
    read a .dbf file, temporary write it as a csv and return a pandas.core.frame.DataFrame object.

    :param path: The complete path to the .dbf to read
    :type path: str
    :param encoding: The codec to use when decoding text-based records
    :type encoding: str
    :return: a pandas.DataFrame corresponding to the .dbf file
    :rtype: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

    .. warnings:: not all encodings are handled by this function

    dbf_instance = Dbf5(path, codec=encoding)
    csv_name = path[:-4] + '_from_dbf' + '.csv'

    # clear the folder from the temporary csv if necessary
    if os.path.isfile(csv_name):

    df = pd.read_csv(csv_name, sep=',', encoding='Latin-1', na_values='None')
    return df
def read_class(tabular_data, gt_array_file):
	#tabular_data = 'the path of the DBF file', 
	#gt_array_file = 'the path of the output .npy file'
	#.npy = Numpy array file

	give an $id column (I scall it FID) to all your DBF file so you can call it in order when
	matching the feature class with the respective Reflectance (in extract_values).
	I gave the $id column in QGIS so there is no code line for that here.

	dbf = Dbf5(tabular_data) # tabular_data = '/location/test.dbf'
	#convert DBF into Pandas dataframe
	df = dbf.to_dataframe()
	#get Feature ID (FID) and Class ID (Id)
	class_id = df[['FID', 'Id']] #[] == __getitem__ syntax
	#convert from Pandas dataframe into Numpy array
	a = class_id.values
	#sort based on FID (usually this is already sorted but better make it sure here)
	a = a[a[:,0].argsort(kind='mergesort')]
	#take out only the Class ID
	b = a[:,1]
	#convert into unsigned integer datatype
	b = b.astype(np.uint8)
	#make sure the Class ID array is flat
	gt_array = b.ravel()

	# save into .npy
	np.save(gt_array_file, gt_array) #gt_array save = '/location/array.npy'

	#output = gt_array
Пример #10
def dohuc(huc):
    """Do what we need to do for this huc"""
    cursor = PGCONN.cursor()
    zdbf = Dbf5("zst%s.dbf" % (huc, ), codec='utf-8')
    zst = zdbf.to_dataframe()
    zst.columns = ['value', 'count', 'area', 'max', 'fpath', 'gridorder']
    zst.sort_values(['fpath', 'gridorder'], inplace=True, ascending=True)
    # print(zst)
    df = read_postgis("""
    SELECT fpath, fid, st_transform(geom, 4326) as geo, huc_12 from flowpaths
    where huc_12 = %s and scenario = 0
                      params=(huc, ),
    for col in ['F0_lon', 'F0_lat', 'F0_elev']:
        df[col] = None
    for gorder in range(1, 7):
        df['G%s_elev' % (gorder, )] = None
        df['G%s_len' % (gorder, )] = None
        df['G%s_contribarea' % (gorder, )] = None
    for ofe in range(1, 18):
        df['ofe%s_pos' % (ofe, )] = None
    for fpath, row in df.iterrows():
        # 1) lat/lon of 'F0' first point
               'F0_lon'], df.at[fpath,
                                'F0_lat']) = np.asarray(row['geo'].xy)[:, 0]
        # 3) elevation of F0 and G1 through G6 nodes
        for gorder in range(1, 7):
            # Contributing area
            df.at[fpath, 'G%s_contribarea' % (gorder, )] = find_ca(
                zst, fpath, gorder)
            select max(elevation), min(elevation), max(length)
            from flowpaths p JOIN flowpath_points t on (p.fid = t.flowpath)
            where p.scenario = %s and huc_12 = %s and fpath = %s
            """, (SCEN2CODE[gorder], huc, fpath))
            row2 = cursor.fetchone()
            df.at[fpath, 'F0_elev'] = row2[0]  # overwrite each time
            df.at[fpath, 'G%s_elev' % (gorder, )] = row2[1]
            # 4) horizontal distance from F0 to G1-G6
            df.at[fpath, 'G%s_len' % (gorder, )] = row2[2]
        # 5) OFE positions along this path
        slpfn = "/i/%s/slp/%s/%s/%s_%s.slp" % (SCEN2CODE[6], huc[:8], huc[8:],
                                               huc, fpath)
        lines = open(slpfn).readlines()
        ofes = int(lines[5])
        pos = 0
        for ofe, ln in enumerate(range(7, 7 + ofes * 2, 2)):
            pos += float(lines[ln].split()[1])
            df.at[fpath, "ofe%s_pos" % (ofe + 1, )] = pos
    del df['geo']
    del df['fid']
    # 6) Generic properties, perhaps can ignore?
    return df
Пример #11
def read_dbf(dbfile):
    """read dbase file"""
    dbfile = str(dbfile)
    from simpledbf import Dbf5
    dbf = Dbf5(dbfile)
    pl = dbf.to_dataframe()
    pl.columns = [a.split('\x00')[0]
                  for a in pl.columns]  # remove strange characters in columns
    return pl
Пример #12
def convert_dbf_to_csv(file_name):
    """Convert DBF files to CSV files."""
    csv_file = RAW_DIR / f'{file_name}.csv'
    dbf_file = RAW_DIR / f'{file_name}.DBF'
    if not os.path.exists(csv_file):
        log(f'Converting {dbf_file} files to {csv_file}')
        dbf = Dbf5(dbf_file)
        df = dbf.to_dataframe()
        df.to_csv(csv_file, index=False)
Пример #13
def get_cols_to_keep(file_path):

    dbf = Dbf5(file_path, codec='latin')
    df = dbf.to_dataframe()
    second = df.head().filter(regex="DIAGSEC").columns.tolist()
    to_keep = [
    ] + second
    return to_keep
Пример #14
def read_class(tabular_data, gt_array, gt_array_file):

	dbf = Dbf5(tabular_data) # tabular_data = '/location/test.dbf'
	df = dbf.to_dataframe()
	class_id = d['Id'] #[] == __getitem__ syntax
	array = class_id.values
	gt_array = array.ravel()

	# save into .npy
	np.save(gt_array_file, gt_array) #gt_array save = '/location/array.npy'
Пример #15
def get_cols_to_keep(file_path):
    read in a single one of these tiny dbf files to get a list of all the column names we need to keep
    dbf = Dbf5(file_path, codec='latin')
    df = dbf.to_dataframe()
    second = df.head().filter(regex="DIAGSEC").columns.tolist()
               'COD_IDADE', 'SEXO', 'MORTE', 'DT_INTER', 'DT_SAIDA'] + second
    return to_keep
def calculate_sunny_hours_of_day(day, sunrise, temporary_folder):
    :param day:
    :type day: int
    :param sunrise: what is this? seems to be a list of sunrise times, but for the ecocampus case, I get a list of
                    ints like 22 and 23... that can't be right, right?
    :type sunrise: list[int]
    :param temporary_folder: path to temporary folder with the radiations per day
    radiation_sunnyhours = np.round(Dbf5(os.path.join(temporary_folder, 'Day_%(day)i.dbf' % locals())).to_dataframe(),

    # Obtain the number of points modeled to do the iterations
    radiation_sunnyhours['ID'] = 0
    radiation_sunnyhours['ID'] = range(1, radiation_sunnyhours.ID.count() + 1)

    # Table with empty values with the same range as the points.
    Table = pd.DataFrame.copy(radiation_sunnyhours)
    listtimes = ['T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'T4', 'T5', 'T6', 'T7', 'T8', 'T9', 'T10', 'T11', 'T12', 'T13', 'T14', 'T15', 'T16',
                 'T17', 'T18', 'T19', 'T20', 'T21', 'T22', 'T23', 'T24']
    for x in listtimes:
        Table[x] = 0
    Table.drop('T0', axis=1, inplace=True)

    # Counter of Columns in the Initial Table
    Counter = radiation_sunnyhours.count(1)[0]
    values = Counter - 1
    # Calculation of Sunrise time
    Sunrise_time = sunrise[day - 1]
    # Calculation of table
    for x in range(values):
        Hour = int(Sunrise_time) + int(x)
        Table['T' + str(Hour)] = radiation_sunnyhours['T' + str(x)]

    # rename the table for every T to get in 1 to 8760 hours.
    if day <= 1:
        name = 1
        name = int(day - 1) * 24 + 1

        columns={'T1': 'T' + str(name), 'T2': 'T' + str(name + 1), 'T3': 'T' + str(name + 2), 'T4': 'T' + str(name + 3),
                 'T5': 'T' + str(name + 4),
                 'T6': 'T' + str(name + 5), 'T7': 'T' + str(name + 6), 'T8': 'T' + str(name + 7),
                 'T9': 'T' + str(name + 8), 'T10': 'T' + str(name + 9),
                 'T11': 'T' + str(name + 10), 'T12': 'T' + str(name + 11), 'T13': 'T' + str(name + 12),
                 'T14': 'T' + str(name + 13), 'T15': 'T' + str(name + 14),
                 'T16': 'T' + str(name + 15), 'T17': 'T' + str(name + 16), 'T18': 'T' + str(name + 17),
                 'T19': 'T' + str(name + 18), 'T20': 'T' + str(name + 19),
                 'T21': 'T' + str(name + 20), 'T22': 'T' + str(name + 21), 'T23': 'T' + str(name + 22),
                 'T24': 'T' + str(name + 23), 'ID': 'ID'}, inplace=True)

    return Table
def dbf_to_csv(inputfile, outputfile='output.csv', replace=False):
    existe = os.path.exists(outputfile)
    if (existe and replace) or (not existe):
        Dbf5(inputfile, codec='latin-1').to_dataframe().to_csv(outputfile,
        print('Archivo', inputfile, 'exitosamente convertido a', outputfile)
            f'El archivo {outputfile} ya existe. Para reemplazarlo use la opción replace=True'
Пример #18
def upload():
    uploaded_files = request.files.getlist("file[]")
    filenames = []
    elShp = ""
    ## falta un chek de que viene el shp, shx, prj y dbf
    for f in uploaded_files:
        if f and allowed_file(f.filename):
            filename = secure_filename(f.filename)
            f.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename))
            if f.filename.endswith(".shp"):
                elShp = f.filename
    # print os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], elShp)
    reader = shapefile.Reader(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], elShp))
    # print reader.shapeType
    fields = reader.fields[1:]
    field_names = [field[0] for field in fields]
    buff = []
    for sr in reader.shapeRecords():
        atr = dict(zip(field_names, sr.record))
        geom = sr.shape.__geo_interface__
        buff.append(dict(type="Feature", \
         geometry=geom, properties=atr))

    el_hash = hash_from_shp(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], elShp[:-3] + "dbf"))
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], el_hash)):
        os.remove(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], elShp[:-3] + "dbf"))
        os.remove(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], elShp[:-3] + "prj"))
        os.remove(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], elShp[:-3] + "shp"))
        os.remove(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], elShp[:-3] + "shx"))
        if url is not None:
            return redirect(url + "/pc_glyph/%s" % el_hash)
            return redirect("/pc_glyph/%s" % el_hash)
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], el_hash))

    # write the GeoJSON file
    with open(os.path.join(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], el_hash), "layer.json"), "w") as geojson:
        geojson.write(dumps({"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": buff}, indent=0))

    # write the csv file
    dbf = Dbf5(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], elShp[:-3] + "dbf"))
    df = dbf.to_dataframe()
    df.to_csv(os.path.join(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], el_hash), "data.csv"), encoding="utf8", index=False)
    os.remove(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], elShp[:-3] + "dbf"))
    os.remove(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], elShp[:-3] + "prj"))
    os.remove(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], elShp[:-3] + "shp"))
    os.remove(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], elShp[:-3] + "shx"))
    if url is not None:
        return redirect(url + "/pc_glyph/%s" % el_hash)
        return redirect("/pc_glyph/%s" % el_hash)
Пример #19
def dbf2df(dbf_path, index=None, cols=False, incl_index=False):    
    dbf = Dbf5(dbf_path)
    df = dbf.to_dataframe()
    if cols:
        if incl_index:
        df = df[cols].copy()      
    if index:
        df.set_index(index, inplace=True)
    return df
Пример #20
def get_data(directory, year, raw_data_path):
    base_url = 'https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER' + year

    #Create Working Directory if it doesn't exist.
    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(raw_data_path, year)):
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(raw_data_path, year))
        print('Created directory ' + os.path.join(raw_data_path, year))

    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(raw_data_path, year, directory)):
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(raw_data_path, year, directory))
        print('Created directory ' +
              os.path.join(raw_data_path, year, directory))

    working_directory = os.path.join(raw_data_path, year, directory)

    file_name = 'tl_' + year + '_us_' + directory.lower() + '.csv'

    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(working_directory, file_name)):
        print('Loading data from ' +
              os.path.join(working_directory, file_name))
        return pd.read_csv(os.path.join(working_directory, file_name))

    file_name = file_name[:-4] + '.zip'

    download_url = os.path.join(base_url, directory, file_name)
    zip_file_path = os.path.join(working_directory, file_name)

    print('Downloading data from ' + download_url)
    response = requests.get(download_url)
    with open(zip_file_path, 'wb') as f:

    #Extract Zip File
    zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path, 'r')

    #Clean up
    files_in_working_directory = os.listdir(working_directory)

    for file in files_in_working_directory:
        file_path = os.path.join(working_directory, file)

        if file_path.endswith('.dbf'):
            dbf = Dbf5(file_path)
            df = dbf.to_dataframe()
            df.to_csv(file_path[:-4] + '.csv', index=False)


    return df
Пример #21
    def __convert_dbc(self, db):
        if db.endswith('.csv'):

        elif db.endswith('.dbf'):

            after_ = db[:-3] + 'dbf'
            system(f'{self.__blast} {db} {after_}')
            # ReadDbf({after_}, convert='convert', tmp=None)
                dbf = Dbf5(after_, codec="iso-8859-1")
                dbf.to_csv(after_.replace(".dbf", ".csv"))
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                dbf = Dbf5(after_, codec="utf-8")
                dbf.to_csv(after_.replace(".dbf", ".csv"))

            after_ = None
            db = None
def dbf_to_csv(
):  # Entrer un fnl, produire un .csv, du même nom et même chemin d’accès, sauf extension
    csv_fn = dbf_table_pth[:-4] + ".csv"
    exists = os.path.isfile(dbf_table_pth)
    if exists:
        table = Dbf5(dbf_table_pth, codec='ISO-8859-1')
        return csv_fn  # renvoyer le nom du .csv

        print("Le fichier n'existe pas")
        return False
Пример #23
def calculate_radiation_for_surfaces(observers_path, data_factor_centroids_csv,
                                     sunny_hours_of_year, temporary_folder,
    arcpy.env.workspace = path_arcgis_db
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    # local variables
    CQSegments_centroid = os.path.join(path_arcgis_db, 'CQSegmentCentro')
    Outjoin = os.path.join(path_arcgis_db, 'Outjoin')
    CQSegments = os.path.join(path_arcgis_db, 'CQSegment')
    OutTable = 'CentroidsIDobserver.dbf'
    # Create Join of features Observers and CQ_sementscentroids to
    # assign Names and IDS of observers (field TARGET_FID) to the centroids of the lines of the buildings,
    # then create a table to import as a Dataframe
                               search_radius="10 METERS")
        Outjoin, 'OBJECTID', CQSegments,
        'OBJECTID')  # add the lenghts of the Lines to the File
    arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(Outjoin, temporary_folder, OutTable)

    # ORIG_FID represents the points in the segments of the simplified shape of the building
    # ORIG_FID_1 is the observers ID
    Centroids_ID_observers0_dbf5 = Dbf5(
        os.path.join(temporary_folder, OutTable)).to_dataframe()
    Centroids_ID_observers_dbf5 = Centroids_ID_observers0_dbf5[[
        'Name', 'height_ag', 'ORIG_FID', 'ORIG_FID_1', 'Shape_Leng'
    Centroids_ID_observers_dbf5.rename(columns={'ORIG_FID_1': 'ID'},

    # Create a Join of the Centroid_ID_observers and Datacentroids in the Second Chapter to get values of surfaces Shaded.
    Datacentroids = pd.read_csv(data_factor_centroids_csv)
    DataCentroidsFull = pd.merge(Centroids_ID_observers_dbf5,

    # Read again the radiation table and merge values with the Centroid_ID_observers under the field ID in Radiationtable and 'ORIG_ID' in Centroids...
    DataRadiation = pd.merge(left=DataCentroidsFull,

    return DataRadiation
Пример #24
 def xls2csv(self):
     # excel文件转csv
     name0 = [
         r"{}/行业数据{}.xls".format(PATH1, TODAY),
         r"{}/HYSJ{}.csv".format(PATH3, TODAY)
     data = pd.read_excel(name0[0], converters={u'证券代码': str, u"CODE": str})
     data.to_csv(name0[1], encoding='gbk')
     name1 = [
         r"{}/StockIndustry{}.xls".format(PATH2, TODAY),
         r"{}/STOCKINDUSTRY{}.csv".format(PATH3, TODAY)
     name2 = [
         r"{}/XFFWBXK{}.csv".format(PATH3, TODAY)
     name3 = [
         r"{}/XYFXZQC{}.csv".format(PATH3, TODAY)
     name4 = [
         r"{}/XYZEJKBXK{}.csv".format(PATH3, TODAY)
     name6 = [
         r"{}/债券禁选池原因{}.xls".format(PATH1, TODAY, TODAY),
         r"{}/ZQJXCYY{}.csv".format(PATH3, TODAY)
     if os.path.exists(name6[1]):  # 判断文件是否存在
         os.remove(name6[1])  # 文件每次都要删除,不然会一直变大
     data6 = Dbf5(name6[0], codec='gbk')
     name5 = [
         r"{}/BB-库.xls".format(PATH2), r"{}/BBK{}.csv".format(PATH3, TODAY)
     self.name5 = name5
     data5 = pd.read_excel(name5[0],
                               u'证券代码': str,
                               u"CODE": str
     data5.to_csv(name5[1], encoding='gbk')
     names = [name1, name2, name3, name4]
     for name in names:
         data = pd.read_excel(name[0],
                                  u'证券代码': str,
                                  u"CODE": str
         data.to_csv(name[1], encoding='gbk')
Пример #25
def calc_radiation_day(day, sunrise, route):
    radiation_sunnyhours = np.round(Dbf5(route + '\\' + 'Day_' + str(day) + '.dbf').to_dataframe(), 2)

    # Obtain the number of points modeled to do the iterations
    radiation_sunnyhours['ID'] = 0
    counter = radiation_sunnyhours.ID.count()
    value = counter + 1
    radiation_sunnyhours['ID'] = range(1, value)

    # Table with empty values with the same range as the points.
    Table = pd.DataFrame.copy(radiation_sunnyhours)
    listtimes = ['T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'T4', 'T5', 'T6', 'T7', 'T8', 'T9', 'T10', 'T11', 'T12', 'T13', 'T14', 'T15', 'T16',
                 'T17', 'T18', 'T19', 'T20', 'T21', 'T22', 'T23', 'T24']
    for x in listtimes:
        Table[x] = 0
    Table.drop('T0', axis=1, inplace=True)

    # Counter of Columns in the Initial Table
    Counter = radiation_sunnyhours.count(1)[0]
    values = Counter - 1
    # Condition to take into account daysavingtime in Switzerland as the radiation data in ArcGIS is calculated for 2013.
    if 90 <= day < 300:
        D = 1
        D = 0
    # Calculation of Sunrise time
    Sunrise_time = sunrise[day - 1]
    # Calculation of table
    for x in range(values):
        Hour = int(Sunrise_time) + int(D) + int(x)
        Table['T' + str(Hour)] = radiation_sunnyhours['T' + str(x)]

    # rename the table for every T to get in 1 to 8760 hours.
    if day <= 1:
        name = 1
        name = int(day - 1) * 24 + 1

        columns={'T1': 'T' + str(name), 'T2': 'T' + str(name + 1), 'T3': 'T' + str(name + 2), 'T4': 'T' + str(name + 3),
                 'T5': 'T' + str(name + 4),
                 'T6': 'T' + str(name + 5), 'T7': 'T' + str(name + 6), 'T8': 'T' + str(name + 7),
                 'T9': 'T' + str(name + 8), 'T10': 'T' + str(name + 9),
                 'T11': 'T' + str(name + 10), 'T12': 'T' + str(name + 11), 'T13': 'T' + str(name + 12),
                 'T14': 'T' + str(name + 13), 'T15': 'T' + str(name + 14),
                 'T16': 'T' + str(name + 15), 'T17': 'T' + str(name + 16), 'T18': 'T' + str(name + 17),
                 'T19': 'T' + str(name + 18), 'T20': 'T' + str(name + 19),
                 'T21': 'T' + str(name + 20), 'T22': 'T' + str(name + 21), 'T23': 'T' + str(name + 22),
                 'T24': 'T' + str(name + 23), 'ID': 'ID'}, inplace=True)

    return Table
Пример #26
    def read_dbf(dbf_file, exclude_columns=None):
        # type: (str, list) -> pd.DataFrame
        Read dbf into a pandas data frame

        :param dbf_file: Path to dbf
        :param exclude_columns: List of strings containing column names that shall be excluded. Case sensitive!
        :return: Pandas data frame containing the dbf data
        dbf = Dbf5(dbf_file)
        df = dbf.to_dataframe()
        if exclude_columns:
            df = df.loc[:, df.columns.difference(exclude_columns)]
        return df
Пример #27
def add_dbf_indicator_by_id(area_level, context_shp_name, context_id_field,
    indicators = get_or_create_indicators_df(area_level)
    indicators.drop(context_indic_field, 1, inplace=True)

    dbf = Dbf5(get_context_shp_path(context_shp_name) + ".dbf")
    context_df = dbf.to_dataframe()
    context_df.drop_duplicates(context_id_field, inplace=True)
    context_df.set_index(context_id_field, inplace=True)

    indicators = indicators.join(context_df[context_indic_field])
    indicators.to_csv(pf.get_indic(area_level), encoding="utf-8")

    return indicators
Пример #28
def load_current_schedule(env):
    sched_dbf_path = os.path.split(env.settings['PRODUCT_DATA_PATH'])[0]
    sched_dbf_path = os.path.join(sched_dbf_path, "EXPORT.DBF")
    print("Loading Current Schedule from {0}".format(sched_dbf_path))
    dbf = Dbf5(sched_dbf_path)
    df = dbf.to_dataframe()
    # Build Schedule
    sched = []
    b_id = 0
    booked_inv = 0.0
    off_grade = 0.0
    actual_prod = 0.0
    sched_start_row = df.iloc[0,:]
    start_split = sched_start_row["START_DATE"].split("-")
    if len(sched_start_row["START_TIME"]) > 3:
        start_hour = int(sched_start_row["START_TIME"][:2])
        start_hour = int(sched_start_row["START_TIME"][0])
    start_min  = int(sched_start_row["START_TIME"][-2:])
    sched_start = datetime(int(start_split[0]),int(start_split[1]),int(start_split[2]),start_hour, start_min)    
    sched_end_dt = sched_start
    idx = 0 
    ## Cut current schedule to only include fixed planning horizon elements
    while sched_end_dt < sched_start + timedelta(hours = 24.0*env.fixed_planning_horizon):
        row = df.iloc[idx,:]
        gmid = int(row["GMID"])
        prod_rate = row["PROD_RATE"]
        prod_qty  = row["QUANTITY"] 
        prod_time = prod_qty / prod_rate
        start_split = row["START_DATE"].split("-")
        if len(row["START_TIME"]) > 3:
            start_hour = int(row["START_TIME"][:2])
            start_hour = int(row["START_TIME"][0])
        start_min  = int(row["START_TIME"][-2:])
        datetime_start = datetime(int(start_split[0]),int(start_split[1]),int(start_split[2]),start_hour, start_min)
        prod_start = datetime_start - sched_start
        prod_start = prod_start.total_seconds() / (60*60)
        prod_end = int(prod_start + prod_time)
        cure_time = 24
        cure_end = prod_end + cure_time
        inv_index = env.gmids.index(gmid) + 1
        sched_row = [b_id,gmid,prod_rate,prod_qty, prod_time, prod_start, prod_end, 
                    cure_time, cure_end, booked_inv, inv_index, off_grade, actual_prod]
        b_id += 1
        idx += 1
        sched_end_dt = datetime_start 
    schedule = np.stack(sched)
    return schedule
Пример #29
 def collect_parameters(cls, file):
     parameters = []
     parameters.append(ParserXML.get_xpath_node(file, '@path'))
     parameters.append(ParserXML.get_xpath_node(file, '@path_form'))
     parameters.append(ParserXML.get_xpath_node(file, '@suffix'))
     parameters.append(ParserXML.get_xpath_collection(file, 'columns/column/@col'))
     parameters.append(ParserXML.get_xpath_collection(file, 'columns/column/@df_col'))
     parameters.append(ParserXML.get_xpath_node(file, 'merge_parameters/@parameters'))
     parameters.append(ParserBase.get_with_default(ParserXML.get_xpath_node(file, '@sep'), ','))
     parameters.append(ParserBase.get_with_default(ParserXML.get_xpath_node(file, '@enconding'), 'utf-8'))
     parameters.append(ParserBase.get_with_default(ParserXML.get_xpath_node(file, '@thousands'), ','))
     parameters.append(ParserBase.get_with_default(ParserXML.get_xpath_node(file, '@decimal'), '.'))
     Dbf5(parameters[0], parameters[8]).to_csv(parameters[1])
     return parameters
Пример #30
def analyze_dbf(path):
    print('\n===== .dbf analysis =====')
    dbf = Dbf5(path, codec='UTF-8')

    dbf_records = dbf.numrec

    print('The number of records in the .dbf:', dbf_records)

    # Ideally, the dbf data should be converted to a dataframe and it should be
    # printed. Sometimes not possible due to Unicode/Decode errors. Check.
    df = dbf.to_dataframe()
    print('Data of the .dbf file:\n', df.head())
    print('Unique country names:')