def vertex_weights(self):

        ## first need to pick a simplex to sample from ##
        vols = []
        n_verts = []
        for ii in range(self.n_simplex):
            vols.append(complex_volume(self, ii))

        norm = sum(vols)
#         print(norm.item())
        ## error catch for 0 volume simplexes
        if norm == 0:
            simp_ind = np.random.randint(self.n_simplex)
            vol_cumsum = np.cumsum([vv/norm for vv in vols])
#             print(vol_cumsum)
            simp_ind = np.min(np.where(np.random.rand(1) < vol_cumsum)[0])

        ## sample weights for simplex
        exps = [-(torch.rand(1)).log().item() for _ in range(n_verts[simp_ind])]
        total = sum(exps)
        exps = [exp/total for exp in exps]

        ## now assign vertex weights out
        vert_weights = [0] * self.n_vert
        for ii, vert in enumerate(self.simplicial_complex[simp_ind]):
            vert_weights[vert] = exps[ii]

        return vert_weights
    def forward(self, complex_modex):
        ## first need to pick a simplex to sample from ##
        vols = []
        n_verts = []
        for ii in range(self.n_simplex):
            vols.append(complex_volume(complex_model, ii))

        norm = sum(vols)
        vol_cumsum = np.cumsum([vv/norm for vv in vols])
        simp_ind = np.min(np.where(np.random.rand(1) < vol_cumsum)[0])
        ## sample weights for simplex
        exps = [-(torch.rand(1)).log().item() for _ in range(n_verts[simp_ind])]
        total = sum(exps)
        exps = [exp/total for exp in exps]
        ## now assign vertex weights out
        vert_weights = [0] * complex_model.n_vert
        for ii, vert in enumerate(complex_model.simplexes[simp_ind]):
            vert_weights[vert] = exps[ii]

        return vert_weights
    def total_volume(self, vol_function=complex_volume):
        vol = 0
#         for simp in range(self.n_simplex):
#             vol += complex_volume(self, simp)
        vol = complex_volume(self, 0)
        return vol