Пример #1
def print_cond(msg, cond):
    if args.check_conds and simsym.check(cond).is_unsat:

    ## If the assumptions (i.e., calls to simsym.assume) imply the condition
    ## is true, we say that condition always holds, and we can print "always".
    ## It would be nice to print a clean condition that excludes assumptions,
    ## even if the assumptions don't directly imply the condition, but that
    ## would require finding the simplest expression for x such that
    ##   x AND simsym.assume_list = cond
    ## which seems hard to do using Z3.  In principle, this should be the
    ## same as simplifying the 'c' expression below, but Z3 isn't good at
    ## simplifying it.  We could keep the two kinds of constraints (i.e.,
    ## explicit assumptions vs. symbolic execution control flow constraints)
    ## separate in simsym, which will make them easier to disentangle..

    #c = simsym.implies(simsym.symand(simsym.assume_list), cond)
    ## XXX the above doesn't work well -- it causes open*open to say "always".
    ## One hypothesis is that we should be pairing the assume_list with each
    ## path condition, instead of taking the assume_list across all paths.
    c = cond

    if args.check_conds and simsym.check(simsym.symnot(c)).is_unsat:
        s = 'always'
        if args.print_conds:
            scond = simsym.simplify(cond, args.simplify_more)
            s = '\n    ' + str(scond).replace('\n', '\n    ')
            if args.check_conds:
                s = 'sometimes'
                s = 'maybe'
    print '  %s: %s' % (msg, s)
Пример #2
def print_cond(msg, cond, check_conds, print_conds):
    if check_conds and simsym.check(cond).is_unsat:

    ## If the assumptions (i.e., calls to simsym.assume) imply the condition
    ## is true, we say that condition always holds, and we can print "always".
    ## It would be nice to print a clean condition that excludes assumptions,
    ## even if the assumptions don't directly imply the condition, but that
    ## would require finding the simplest expression for x such that
    ##   x AND simsym.assume_list = cond
    ## which seems hard to do using Z3.  In principle, this should be the
    ## same as simplifying the 'c' expression below, but Z3 isn't good at
    ## simplifying it.  We could keep the two kinds of constraints (i.e.,
    ## explicit assumptions vs. symbolic execution control flow constraints)
    ## separate in simsym, which will make them easier to disentangle..

    # c = simsym.implies(simsym.symand(simsym.assume_list), cond)
    ## XXX the above doesn't work well -- it causes open*open to say "always".
    ## One hypothesis is that we should be pairing the assume_list with each
    ## path condition, instead of taking the assume_list across all paths.
    c = cond

    if check_conds and simsym.check(simsym.symnot(c)).is_unsat:
        s = "always"
        if print_conds:
            scond = simsym.simplify(cond, print_conds == "simplify")
            s = "\n    " + str(scond).replace("\n", "\n    ")
            if check_conds:
                s = "sometimes"
                s = "maybe"
    print "  %s: %s" % (msg, s)
Пример #3
    def on_path(self, result):
        super(TestWriter, self).on_path(result)

        pathinfo = collections.OrderedDict([
            ('id', '_'.join(self.callset_names) + '_' + result.pathid)
        self.model_data_callset[result.pathid] = pathinfo

        if result.type == 'exception':
            pathinfo['exception'] = '\n'.join(
            self.nerror += 1

        pathinfo['diverge'] = ', '.join(map(str, result.value.diverge))

        # Filter out non-commutative results
        if len(result.value.diverge):

        if not self.trace_file and not self.testgen:

        if self.trace_file:
            print >> self.trace_file, "=== Path %s ===" % result.pathid
            print >> self.trace_file

        e = result.path_condition

        ## This can potentially reduce the number of test cases
        ## by, e.g., eliminating irrelevant variables from e.
        ## The effect doesn't seem significant: one version of Fs
        ## produces 3204 test cases without simplify, and 3182 with.
        e = simsym.simplify(e)

        if args.verbose_testgen:
            print "Simplified path condition:"
            print e

        if self.trace_file:
            print >> self.trace_file, e
            print >> self.trace_file

        # Find the uninterpreted constants in the path condition.  We
        # omit assumptions because uninterpreted constants that appear
        # only in assumptions generally don't represent that the model
        # actually "touched".  We use the simplified expression
        # because the final state comparison in original expression
        # contains a lot of trivial expressions like x==x for all
        # state variables x, and we don't care about these
        # uninterpreted constants.
        e_vars = expr_vars(

        if self.testgen:

        self.model_data_testinfo_list = []
        pathinfo['tests'] = self.model_data_testinfo_list

        self.npathmodel = 0
        self.last_assignments = None
        while not self.stop_call_set() and \
              self.npathmodel < args.max_tests_per_path:
            # XXX Would it be faster to reuse the solver?
            check = simsym.check(e)
            if check.is_sat and 'array-ext' in check.z3_model.sexpr():
                # Work around some non-deterministic bug that causes
                # Z3 to occasionally produce models containing
                # 'array-ext' applications that break evaluation.
                print 'Warning: Working around array-ext bug'
                for i in range(10):
                    check = simsym.check(e)
                    if not check.is_sat:
                    if 'array-ext' not in check.z3_model.sexpr():
                    self._testerror('array-ext workaround failed', pathinfo)

            if check.is_unsat: break
            if check.is_unknown:
                # raise Exception('Cannot enumerate: %s' % str(e))
                self._testerror(check.reason, pathinfo)

            if args.verbose_testgen:
                print "Model:"
                print check.model

            testid = ('_'.join(self.callset_names) + '_' + result.pathid +
                      '_' + str(self.npathmodel))
            testinfo = collections.OrderedDict(id=testid)

            assignments = self.__on_model(result, check.z3_model, e, testid)
            if assignments is None:
            if args.verbose_testgen:
                print 'Assignments:'
            if args.diff_testgen:
                new_assignments = {}
                if self.last_assignments is not None:
                    for aexpr, val in assignments:
                        hexpr = z3util.HashableAst(aexpr)
                        sval = str(val)
                        last_sval = self.last_assignments.get(hexpr)
                        if last_sval is not None and last_sval != sval:
                            print '%s: %s -> %s' % (aexpr, last_sval, sval)
                        new_assignments[hexpr] = sval
                self.last_assignments = new_assignments

            testinfo['assignments'] = {}
            for aexpr, val in assignments[None]:
                testinfo['assignments'][str(aexpr)] = str(val)

            # Construct the isomorphism condition for the assignments
            # used by testgen.  This tells us exactly what values
            # actually mattered to test case generation.  However,
            # this set isn't perfect: testgen may have queried
            # assignments that didn't actually matter to the
            # function's behavior (e.g., flags that didn't matter
            # because the function will return an error anyway, etc).
            # To filter out such uninterpreted constants, we only
            # consider those that were *both* used in an assignment by
            # testgen and appeared in the path condition expression.
            # XXX We should revisit this and see how much difference
            # this makes.
            same = IsomorphicMatch()
            for realm, rassigns in assignments.iteritems():
                for aexpr, val in rassigns:
                    aexpr_vars = expr_vars(aexpr)
                    if not aexpr_vars.isdisjoint(e_vars):
                        same.add(realm, aexpr, val, result)
                    elif args.verbose_testgen:
                        print 'Ignoring assignment:', (aexpr, val)
            isocond = same.condition()

            # Compute idempotent projections for this test
            if args.idempotent_projs:
                projs, proj_errors = idempotent_projs(result, isocond)
                testinfo['idempotent_projs'] = projs
                if proj_errors:
                    testinfo['idempotence_unknown'] = proj_errors

            # Construct constraint for next test
            notsame = simsym.symnot(isocond)
            if args.verbose_testgen:
                print 'Negation', self.nmodel, ':', notsame
            e = simsym.symand([e, notsame])

        if self.npathmodel == args.max_tests_per_path:
            print '  Max tests reached for path %s' % result.pathid

        if self.testgen:
Пример #4
    def on_path(self, result):
        super(TestWriter, self).on_path(result)

        pathinfo = collections.OrderedDict([
            ('id', '_'.join(self.callset_names) + '_' + result.pathid)])
        self.model_data_callset[result.pathid] = pathinfo

        if result.type == 'exception':
            pathinfo['exception'] = '\n'.join(
            self.nerror += 1

        pathinfo['diverge'] = ', '.join(map(str, result.value.diverge))

        # Filter out non-commutative results
        if len(result.value.diverge):

        if not self.trace_file and not self.testgen:

        if self.trace_file:
            print >> self.trace_file, "=== Path %s ===" % result.pathid
            print >> self.trace_file

        e = result.path_condition

        ## This can potentially reduce the number of test cases
        ## by, e.g., eliminating irrelevant variables from e.
        ## The effect doesn't seem significant: one version of Fs
        ## produces 3204 test cases without simplify, and 3182 with.
        e = simsym.simplify(e)

        if args.verbose_testgen:
            print "Simplified path condition:"
            print e

        if self.trace_file:
            print >> self.trace_file, e
            print >> self.trace_file

        # Find the uninterpreted constants in the path condition.  We
        # omit assumptions because uninterpreted constants that appear
        # only in assumptions generally don't represent that the model
        # actually "touched".  We use the simplified expression
        # because the final state comparison in original expression
        # contains a lot of trivial expressions like x==x for all
        # state variables x, and we don't care about these
        # uninterpreted constants.
        e_vars = expr_vars(
                        with_assume=False, with_det=True))))

        if self.testgen:

        self.model_data_testinfo_list = []
        pathinfo['tests'] = self.model_data_testinfo_list

        self.npathmodel = 0
        self.last_assignments = None
        while not self.stop_call_set() and \
              self.npathmodel < args.max_tests_per_path:
            # XXX Would it be faster to reuse the solver?
            check = simsym.check(e)
            if check.is_sat and 'array-ext' in check.z3_model.sexpr():
                # Work around some non-deterministic bug that causes
                # Z3 to occasionally produce models containing
                # 'array-ext' applications that break evaluation.
                print 'Warning: Working around array-ext bug'
                for i in range(10):
                    check = simsym.check(e)
                    if not check.is_sat:
                    if 'array-ext' not in check.z3_model.sexpr():
                    self._testerror('array-ext workaround failed', pathinfo)

            if check.is_unsat: break
            if check.is_unknown:
                # raise Exception('Cannot enumerate: %s' % str(e))
                self._testerror(check.reason, pathinfo)

            if args.verbose_testgen:
                print "Model:"
                print check.model

            testid = ('_'.join(self.callset_names) +
                      '_' + result.pathid + '_' + str(self.npathmodel))
            testinfo = collections.OrderedDict(id=testid)

            assignments = self.__on_model(result, check.z3_model, e, testid)
            if assignments is None:
            if args.verbose_testgen:
                print 'Assignments:'
            if args.diff_testgen:
                new_assignments = {}
                if self.last_assignments is not None:
                    for aexpr, val in assignments:
                        hexpr = z3util.HashableAst(aexpr)
                        sval = str(val)
                        last_sval = self.last_assignments.get(hexpr)
                        if last_sval is not None and last_sval != sval:
                            print '%s: %s -> %s' % (aexpr, last_sval, sval)
                        new_assignments[hexpr] = sval
                self.last_assignments = new_assignments

            testinfo['assignments'] = {}
            for aexpr, val in assignments[None]:
                testinfo['assignments'][str(aexpr)] = str(val)

            # Construct the isomorphism condition for the assignments
            # used by testgen.  This tells us exactly what values
            # actually mattered to test case generation.  However,
            # this set isn't perfect: testgen may have queried
            # assignments that didn't actually matter to the
            # function's behavior (e.g., flags that didn't matter
            # because the function will return an error anyway, etc).
            # To filter out such uninterpreted constants, we only
            # consider those that were *both* used in an assignment by
            # testgen and appeared in the path condition expression.
            # XXX We should revisit this and see how much difference
            # this makes.
            same = IsomorphicMatch()
            for realm, rassigns in assignments.iteritems():
                for aexpr, val in rassigns:
                    aexpr_vars = expr_vars(aexpr)
                    if not aexpr_vars.isdisjoint(e_vars):
                        same.add(realm, aexpr, val, result)
                    elif args.verbose_testgen:
                        print 'Ignoring assignment:', (aexpr, val)
            isocond = same.condition()

            # Compute idempotent projections for this test
            if args.idempotent_projs:
                projs, proj_errors = idempotent_projs(result, isocond)
                testinfo['idempotent_projs'] = projs
                if proj_errors:
                    testinfo['idempotence_unknown'] = proj_errors

            # Construct constraint for next test
            notsame = simsym.symnot(isocond)
            if args.verbose_testgen:
                print 'Negation', self.nmodel, ':', notsame
            e = simsym.symand([e, notsame])

        if self.npathmodel == args.max_tests_per_path:
            print '  Max tests reached for path %s' % result.pathid

        if self.testgen:
Пример #5
z3printer._PP.max_lines = float('inf')
for (base, ncomb, projections, calls) in tests:
    module_testcases = []
    projected_calls = list(calls)
    for p in projections:
        for c in calls:
            projected_calls.append(projected_call(p, projections[p], c))
    for callset in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(projected_calls, ncomb):
        print ' '.join([c.__name__ for c in callset])
        rvs = simsym.symbolic_apply(test, base, *callset)
        conds = collections.defaultdict(lambda: simsym.wrap(z3.BoolVal(False)))
        for cond, res in simsym.combine(rvs):
            conds[res] = cond

        pc = simsym.simplify(conds[''])
        pr = simsym.simplify(simsym.symor([conds['r'], conds['rs']]))
        ps = simsym.simplify(conds['s'])

        ex_pc = simsym.exists(simsym.internals(), pc)
        nex_pc = simsym.symnot(ex_pc)
        print "nex_pc", nex_pc
        ex_pr = simsym.exists(simsym.internals(), pr)
        nex_pr = simsym.symnot(ex_pr)
        ps2 = simsym.symand([ps, nex_pc, nex_pr])

        ps_ex_pr = simsym.symand([ps, ex_pr])
        pr2 = simsym.symand([simsym.symor([pr, ps_ex_pr]), nex_pc])

        ps_ex_pc = simsym.symand([ps, ex_pc])
        pr_ex_pc = simsym.symand([pr, ex_pc])