Пример #1
def transferImageTile(objref, indexstr, targetimage, targetcoords,
    value = objref.ask(indexstr)
    if value != None:
        imgref = simutools.SimutransImgParam(value)
        imgname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(objref.srcfile),
                               imgref.file + ".png")
        if not imgname in loadedimages:
            loadedimages[imgname] = pygame.image.load(imgname)

        srccoords = pygame.Rect(imgref.coords[1] * paksize,
                                imgref.coords[0] * paksize, paksize, paksize)

        imgref.coords[0] = targetcoords[1]
        imgref.coords[1] = targetcoords[0]

        off_move_x = (outsize - paksize) / 2
        off_move_y = 3 * (outsize - paksize) / 4

        imgref.offset[0] -= off_move_x
        imgref.offset[1] -= off_move_y

        targetcoords[0] = targetcoords[0] * outsize + off_move_x
        targetcoords[1] = targetcoords[1] * outsize + off_move_y

        targetimage.blit(loadedimages[imgname], targetcoords,
                         srccoords)  # copy image tile
        imgref.file = outfilename
        objref.put(indexstr, str(imgref))
Пример #2
def get_png_tile(refstr, base, tilesize=paksize) :
	# always returns a surface
	imgref = simutools.SimutransImgParam(refstr)
	image = pygame.Surface((tilesize, tilesize))
	if imgref.file != "-" : # guaranteed to get here "-", correct name or other bug
		filepath = join(os.path.dirname(base), imgref.file + ".png")
		count = 0
		source = None
		if png_cache_size > 0 :
			try :
				source,count = imgcache[filepath]
			except : # not cached
				source = pygame.image.load(filepath)
				# will add to cache, prune first
				if len(imgcache) > png_cache_size-1 :
					min_cnt = 65536 # infinity
					min_pth = ""
					for filepath,data in imgcache.items() :
						if data[1] < min_cnt :
							min_cnt = data[1]
							min_pth = filepath
					del imgcache[min_pth]
			imgcache[filepath] = (source,count+1);
		else :
			# caching off
			source = pygame.image.load(filepath)
		srccoords = pygame.Rect(imgref.coords[1] * tilesize, imgref.coords[0] * tilesize, tilesize, tilesize)
		image.blit(source, [0,0], srccoords)
	return image
Пример #3
def procObj(obj) :
	parentdir = os.path.dirname(obj.srcfile)
	# lazy loading tile sizes for cache
	paksize = PakSizes[parentdir]
	if not paksize : # uninitialized = 0
		paksize = get_paksize(parentdir)
		PakSizes[parentdir] = paksize
	references = [[None, obj.ask("Icon")], [None, obj.ask("Cursor")]]
	# content is otherwise list of [indices,reference] -> normalize the two odd entries
	for param in simutools.ImageParameterNames :
		references += obj.ask_indexed(param)
	for ref in references :
		imgref = simutools.SimutransImgParam(ref[1])
		if not imgref.isEmpty() :
			imgref.paksize = paksize # attaching new field not present in original class, remember!
			imagefile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(parentdir, imgref.file))
def procObj(obj):
    objname = obj.ask("name")
    print "processing", objname

    if obj.ask("type", "none").lower() in [
            "res", "com", "ind", "cur"
    ]:  # needs default string because of lower()
        dims = obj.ask("dims", "1,1,1")
        dims = dims.split(",")
        if len(dims) == 2:
        # dims converted to canonical form [?, ?, ?] of strings

        rots = int(dims[2])
        has_winter = False
        max_height = 0
        max_anim = 0

        images = obj.ask_indexed("backimage")

        # preparsing pass - find what are the features of object: seasons, animation...
        for item in images:  # tuples [params] = value -> (params, value)
            indices = item[0].split("][")
            # first and last item still have the single bracket!
            if len(indices) > 0:
                indices[0] = indices[0][1:]
                indices[-1] = indices[-1][:-1]
                # so fix them ^
                if len(indices) == 6:
                    has_winter = indices[5] == "1" or has_winter
                max_anim = max(int(indices[4]), max_anim)
                max_height = max(int(indices[3]), max_height)

        # now we know the numbers so we can select new image layout etc.
        if max_anim > 0:
            # animated?
            # primary animation, secondary rotations, then snow and height
            layout = 0
            new_height = 1 + (max_height + 1) * rots * (
                2 if has_winter else 1)  # first +1 for text row
            new_width = max((max_anim + 1), minwidth)
        elif rots > 1:
            # no anim. -> rotations?
            # primary rotations, secondary snow and height
            layout = 1
            new_height = 1 + (max_height + 1) * (2 if has_winter else 1)
            new_width = max(rots, minwidth)
            # no anim or rotation?
            # primary climates (if any!), secondary height
            layout = 2
            new_height = 1 + (max_height + 1)
            new_width = max((2 if has_winter else 1), minwidth)

        newimage = pygame.Surface((paksize * new_width, paksize * new_height))
        newimage.fill((231, 255, 255))  # background
            (255, 255, 255),
            (0, 0, new_width * paksize, paksize))  # description stripe

        text = "name: " + obj.ask("name", "?")
        surf = font.render(text, False, (0, 0, 0),
                           (255, 255, 255))  # black text on white
        newimage.blit(surf, (10, 10))

        text = "copyright: " + obj.ask("copyright", "?")
        surf = font.render(text, False, (0, 0, 0),
                           (255, 255, 255))  # black text on white
        newimage.blit(surf, (10, 10 + fntsize + 4))

        cname = simutools.canonicalObjName(objname)

        # blitting pass - copy the parts onto new picture
        for rot in xrange(rots):
            for z in xrange(
                    max_height + 1
            ):  # +1 because we read maximal index, not number of them!
                for t in xrange(max_anim + 1):  # +1 same here
                    indexstr = "backimage[%i][0][0][%i][%i]" % (rot, z, t)
                    value = obj.ask(indexstr)
                    if value == None:
                        # failed but asking is precise, so ask again for explicit number with no winter
                        indexstr = "backimage[%i][0][0][%i][%i][0]" % (rot, z,
                        value = obj.ask(indexstr)
                    # now it must be a string! or a mising image
                    if value != None:
                        # the good case
                        imgref = simutools.SimutransImgParam(value)
                        imgname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(obj.srcfile),
                                               imgref.file + ".png")
                        if not loadedimages.has_key(imgname):
                            loadedimages[imgname] = pygame.image.load(imgname)
                        srccoords = pygame.Rect(imgref.coords[1] * paksize, \
                         imgref.coords[0] * paksize, paksize, paksize) # calculate position on old image
                        if layout == 2:
                            targetcoords = [0, 1 + max_height - z]
                        elif layout == 1:
                            targetcoords = [rot, 1 + max_height - z]
                        else:  # 0
                            targetcoords = [
                                t, 1 + (max_height - z) * (rot + 1) *
                                (2 if has_winter else 1)
                        imgref.coords[0] = targetcoords[1]
                        imgref.coords[1] = targetcoords[0]
                        targetcoords[0] *= paksize
                        targetcoords[1] *= paksize
                        newimage.blit(loadedimages[imgname], targetcoords,
                                      srccoords)  # copy image tile
                        imgref.file = cname
                        obj.put(indexstr, str(imgref))
                        # say if it is mising!
                        print "Missing image", indexstr
                    if has_winter:
                        indexstr = "backimage[%i][0][0][%i][%i][1]" % (rot, z,
                        value = obj.ask(indexstr)
                        if value != None:
                            imgref = simutools.SimutransImgParam(value)
                            imgname = os.path.join(
                                imgref.file + ".png")
                            if not loadedimages.has_key(imgname):
                                loadedimages[imgname] = pygame.image.load(
                            srccoords = pygame.Rect(imgref.coords[1] * paksize, \
                             imgref.coords[0] * paksize, paksize, paksize)
                            if layout == 2:
                                targetcoords = [1, 1 + max_height - z]
                            elif layout == 1:
                                targetcoords = [
                                    rot, 1 + (max_height + 1) * 2 - 1 - z
                            else:  # 0
                                targetcoords = [
                                    t, 1 + (max_height * 2 - z) * (rot + 1) *
                                    (2 if has_winter else 1)
                            imgref.coords[0] = targetcoords[1]
                            imgref.coords[1] = targetcoords[0]
                            targetcoords[0] *= paksize
                            targetcoords[1] *= paksize
                            newimage.blit(loadedimages[imgname], targetcoords,
                            imgref.file = cname
                            obj.put(indexstr, str(imgref))
                            # misssing winter image even if winter declared
                            print "Missing image", indexstr

        pygame.image.save(newimage, os.path.join(outdir, cname + ".png"))

        f = open(os.path.join(outdir, cname + ".dat"), 'w')
        for l in obj.lines:
Пример #5
def procObj(i):
    obj = Data[i]
    objname = obj.ask("name")

    intro_year = int(obj.ask("intro_year", 0))
    intro_month = int(obj.ask("intro_month", 1)) - 1
    retire_year = int(obj.ask("retire_year", stop_year))
    retire_month = int(obj.ask("retire_month", 1)) - 1

    bin_number = i / bin_height  # which bin is this in
    bin_position = i % bin_height  # which item is this in that bin

    # bar color codes information about the vehicle:
    data_color = data_color_normal
    # start with default state (from-to)

    # check timeline state
    if (intro_year == 0) and (retire_year == 0):
        data_color = data_color_always
        intro_year = start_year
        intro_month = 0
        retire_year = end_year
        retire_month = 12
    elif intro_year == 0:
        data_color = data_color_nointro
        intro_year = start_year
        intro_month = 0
    elif retire_year == stop_year:
        data_color = data_color_noretire
        retire_year = end_year
        retire_month = 12
        # nothing to do oterwise

    # knowing if the vehicle is not free is still more important
    if check_authors:
        if not CheckAuthors(obj.ask("copyright", "", False)):
            data_color = data_color_unfree

    # compat.tab checking overrides all since it is the most interesting info overall
    if check_compat:
        if compat.has_key(objname + "\n"):
            data_color = data_color_replaced

    is_disabled = (intro_year * 12 + intro_month) >= (retire_year * 12 +
    # important to think about these cases - they can stretch timeline really loooong into future and increase image size -> memory...

    start_x = left_margin + (
        (intro_year - start_year) * 12 + intro_month) * month_width
    end_x = left_margin + (
        (retire_year - start_year) * 12 + retire_month) * month_width
    start_y = vertical_margin + bin_number * bin_height_px + bin_text_space + bin_position * item_height + 1
    end_y = start_y + item_height - 2
    if not is_disabled:
                    (start_x, start_y, end_x - start_x, end_y - start_y))
        speed_length = int(
                    0)) * parameter_bar_max / max_speed if max_speed > 0 else 0
        power_length = (
            int(obj.ask("power", 0)) * int(obj.ask("gear", 100))
        ) * parameter_bar_max / 100 / max_power if max_power > 0 else 0
        # integer arithmetic - multiplication always first!
        start = (start_x, start_y)
        end = (start_x + speed_length, start_y)
        pygame.draw.line(canvas, speed_color, start, end, 2)
        start = (start_x, end_y - 2)
        end = (start_x + power_length, end_y - 2)
        pygame.draw.line(canvas, power_color, start, end, 2)

    # charting done, now picture and labels

    picture_txt_ref = None
    if not picture_txt_ref:
        picture_txt_ref = obj.ask("freightimage[0][sw]")
    if not picture_txt_ref:
        picture_txt_ref = obj.ask("freightimage[0][ne]")
    if not picture_txt_ref:
        picture_txt_ref = obj.ask("freightimage[sw]")
    if not picture_txt_ref:
        picture_txt_ref = obj.ask("freightimage[ne]")
    if not picture_txt_ref:
        picture_txt_ref = obj.ask("emptyimage[sw]")
    if not picture_txt_ref:
        picture_txt_ref = obj.ask("image[sw]")
    if not picture_txt_ref:
        picture_txt_ref = obj.ask("image[ne]")
    if not picture_txt_ref:
        raise Exception, "no images for object %s!" % objname
    # attempt at extracting the "best" image

    picture_ref = simutools.SimutransImgParam(picture_txt_ref)
    picfilename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(obj.srcfile),
                               picture_ref.file + ".png")
    big_pic = pygame.image.load(picfilename)

    srccoords = pygame.Rect(picture_ref.coords[1] * paksize,
                            picture_ref.coords[0] * paksize, paksize, paksize)
    targetcoords = (0, 0, paksize, paksize)
    small_pic = pygame.Surface((paksize, paksize))
    small_pic.blit(big_pic, targetcoords, srccoords)

    small_pic.set_colorkey((231, 255, 255))
    srccoords = small_pic.get_bounding_rect()
    final_pic = pygame.Surface((srccoords.width, srccoords.height))
    final_pic.fill((231, 255, 255))
    final_pic.blit(small_pic, (0, 0), srccoords)
    final_pic.set_colorkey((231, 255, 255))

    del big_pic, small_pic
    # final_pic is now only wanted picture

    targetcoords = final_pic.get_rect()
    targetcoords.bottom = start_y + item_height
    targetcoords.right = left_margin - 2 if is_disabled else start_x - 2
    graphic_left = targetcoords.left
    canvas.blit(final_pic, targetcoords)
    del final_pic
    # picture is on the main canvas

    surf = font.render(objname, font_aa, name_color)
    targetcoords = surf.get_rect()
    targetcoords.top = start_y + 2
    targetcoords.right = graphic_left - 4
    canvas.blit(surf, targetcoords)
    # name written

    text = "%i km/h" % int(obj.ask("speed", 0))
    pwr = int(obj.ask("power", 0))
    if pwr > 0: text += ", %i kW" % pwr
    surf = font.render(text, font_aa, name_color)
    if not is_disabled:
        canvas.blit(surf, (start_x + 4, start_y + 2))
        canvas.blit(surf, (left_margin + 4, start_y + 2))

def procObj(obj) :
	objname = obj.ask("name")
	objkind = obj.ask("obj")
	cname = simutools.canonicalObjName(objname)
	if use_obj_kind_prefix :
		cname = "%s,%s" % (cname, objkind)
	print("processing", objname)
	images = []
	for param in simutools.ImageParameterNames :
		images += map(lambda i: (param, i[0], i[1]), obj.ask_indexed(param))
	for param in simutools.SingleImageParameterNames :
		value = obj.ask(param)
		if value :
			images.append((param, "", value))
	total_length_px = len(images) * paksize
	max_width_px = 1024.0
	min_width_px = 384.0 # both fixed, based on common screen and text
	new_width_px = max(min(total_length_px, max_width_px), min_width_px) # restrict to range
	new_width = int(float(new_width_px) / paksize)
	new_height = math.ceil(len(images) / float(new_width)) + 1
	newimage = pygame.Surface((paksize * new_width, paksize * new_height))
	newimage.fill((231,255,255)) # background
	newimage.fill((255,255,255), (0, 0, new_width * paksize, paksize)) # description stripe
	text = "name: " + objname
	surf = font.render(text, False, (0,0,0), (255,255,255)) # black text on white
	newimage.blit(surf, (10, 10))
	text = "copyright: " + obj.ask("copyright", "?", False)
	surf = font.render(text, False, (0,0,0), (255,255,255))
	newimage.blit(surf, (10, 10 + fntsize + 4))
	type = obj.ask("type", "?")
	if type != "?" :
		text = "obj: %s ; type: %s" % (objkind, type)
	else :
		text = "obj: %s" % objkind
	surf = font.render(text, False, (0,0,0), (255,255,255))
	newimage.blit(surf, (10, 10 + 2 * (fntsize + 4)))
	text = "timeline: %s - %s" % (obj.ask("intro_year", "*"), obj.ask("retire_year", "*"))
	surf = font.render(text, False, (0,0,0), (255,255,255))
	newimage.blit(surf, (10, 10 + 3 * (fntsize + 4)))
	targetcoords = [0, 1]
	for i in range(len(images)) :
		kind, indices, imgref = images[i]
		imgref = simutools.SimutransImgParam(imgref)
		if not imgref.isEmpty() :
			imgname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(obj.srcfile), imgref.file + ".png"))
			if not imgname in loadedimages :
				loadedimages[imgname] = pygame.image.load(imgname)
			srccoords_px = pygame.Rect(imgref.coords[1] * paksize, \
				imgref.coords[0] * paksize, paksize, paksize) # calculate position on old image
			imgref.coords[0] = targetcoords[1]; imgref.coords[1] = targetcoords[0]
			targetcoords_px = [x * paksize for x in targetcoords]
			newimage.blit(loadedimages[imgname], targetcoords_px, srccoords_px) # copy image tile
			imgref.file = cname
			obj.put(kind + indices, str(imgref))
			targetcoords[0] += 1
			if targetcoords[0] >= new_width :
				targetcoords[0] = 0
				targetcoords[1] += 1
	pygame.image.save(newimage, os.path.join(outdir, cname + ".png"))
	f = open(os.path.join(outdir, cname + ".dat"), 'w')
	for l in obj.lines :
Пример #7
def procObj(obj):
    objname = obj.ask("name")
    cname = simutools.canonicalObjName(objname)

    images = []

    for param in simutools.ImageParameterNames:
        images += map(lambda i: (param, i[0], i[1]), obj.ask_indexed(param))

    for param in simutools.SingleImageParameterNames:
        value = obj.ask(param)
        if value:
            images.append((param, "", value))

    newimage = pygame.Surface((paksize, paksize))
    newimage.fill((231, 255, 255))  # background

    for i in range(len(images)):
        key, indices, raw_ref = images[i]
        imgref = simutools.SimutransImgParam(raw_ref)

        if not imgref.isEmpty():

            imgname = os.path.normpath(
                             imgref.file + ".png"))

            if not imgname in loadedimages:
                loadedimages[imgname] = pygame.image.load(imgname)

            srccoords_px = pygame.Rect(imgref.coords[1] * paksize, \
             imgref.coords[0] * paksize, paksize, paksize) # calculate position on old image

            newimage.blit(loadedimages[imgname], (0, 0),
                          srccoords_px)  # copy image tile

            off_x, off_y = imgref.offset
            off_x, off_y = -off_x, -off_y
            changed = True
            save = False
            while True:

                keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
                if keys[pygame.K_SPACE] or keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE]:
                elif keys[pygame.K_RETURN]:
                    save = True
                elif keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
                    off_x = off_x - 1
                    changed = True
                elif keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
                    off_x = off_x + 1
                    changed = True
                elif keys[pygame.K_UP]:
                    off_y = off_y - 1
                    changed = True
                elif keys[pygame.K_DOWN]:
                    off_y = off_y + 1
                    changed = True
                elif pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
                    mx, my = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                    off_x = mx - 100 - paksize / 2
                    off_y = my - 100 - (paksize * 3) / 4
                    changed = True

                if changed:
                    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
                    screen.blit(newimage, (100, 100))
                    screen.blit(cursor, (100 + off_x, 100 + off_y),
                    changed = False

            if save:
                imgref.offset = -off_x, -off_y
                obj.put(key + indices, str(imgref))

    f = open(os.path.join(outdir, cname + ".dat"), 'w')
    for l in obj.lines:
def procObj(obj) :
	objname = obj.ask("name")
	print("processing", objname)
	if obj.ask("type", "none").lower() in ["res", "com", "ind", "cur"] : # needs default string because of lower()
		images = obj.ask_indexed("backimage")
		total_length_px = len(images) * paksize
		max_width_px = 1024.0
		min_width_px = 384.0 # both fixed, based on common screen and text
		new_width_px = max(min(total_length_px, max_width_px), min_width_px) # restrict to range
		new_width = int(float(new_width_px) / paksize)
		new_height = math.ceil(len(images) / float(new_width)) + 1
		newimage = pygame.Surface((paksize * new_width, paksize * new_height))
		newimage.fill((231,255,255)) # background
		newimage.fill((255,255,255), (0, 0, new_width * paksize, paksize)) # description stripe
		text = "name: " + obj.ask("name", "?")
		surf = font.render(text, False, (0,0,0), (255,255,255)) # black text on white
		newimage.blit(surf, (10, 10))
		text = "copyright: " + obj.ask("copyright", "?")
		surf = font.render(text, False, (0,0,0), (255,255,255)) # black text on white
		newimage.blit(surf, (10, 10 + fntsize + 4))
		cname = simutools.canonicalObjName(objname)
		targetcoords = [0, 1]
		for i in range(len(images)) :
			indices, imgref = images[i]
			imgref = simutools.SimutransImgParam(imgref)
			imgname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(obj.srcfile), imgref.file + ".png"))
			if not imgname in loadedimages :
				loadedimages[imgname] = pygame.image.load(imgname)
			srccoords_px = pygame.Rect(imgref.coords[1] * paksize, \
				imgref.coords[0] * paksize, paksize, paksize) # calculate position on old image
			imgref.coords[0] = targetcoords[1]; imgref.coords[1] = targetcoords[0]
			targetcoords_px = [x * paksize for x in targetcoords]
			newimage.blit(loadedimages[imgname], targetcoords_px, srccoords_px) # copy image tile
			imgref.file = cname
			obj.put("backimage" + indices, str(imgref))
			targetcoords[0] += 1
			if targetcoords[0] >= new_width :
				targetcoords[0] = 0
				targetcoords[1] += 1
		pygame.image.save(newimage, os.path.join(outdir, cname + ".png"))
		f = open(os.path.join(outdir, cname + ".dat"), 'w')
		for l in obj.lines :
Пример #9
def procObj(i):
    global canvas

    obj = Data[i]
    objname = obj.ask("name")

    row_number = i / items_per_row  # which row is this in
    row_position = i % items_per_row  # which item is this in that row

    picture_txt_ref = None
    if not picture_txt_ref:
        picture_txt_ref = obj.ask("image[3][0]")
    if not picture_txt_ref:
        picture_txt_ref = obj.ask("image[0][0]")
    if not picture_txt_ref:
        raise Exception, "no images for object %s!" % objname
    # attempt at extracting the "best" image

    picture_ref = simutools.SimutransImgParam(picture_txt_ref)
    picfilename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(obj.srcfile),
                               picture_ref.file + ".png")
    big_pic = pygame.image.load(picfilename)

    srccoords = pygame.Rect(picture_ref.coords[1] * paksize,
                            picture_ref.coords[0] * paksize, paksize, paksize)
    targetcoords = (0, 0, paksize, paksize)
    small_pic = pygame.Surface((paksize, paksize))
    small_pic.blit(big_pic, targetcoords, srccoords)

    small_pic.set_colorkey((231, 255, 255))
    srccoords = small_pic.get_bounding_rect()
    final_pic = pygame.Surface((srccoords.width, srccoords.height))
    final_pic.fill((231, 255, 255))
    final_pic.blit(small_pic, (0, 0), srccoords)
    final_pic.set_colorkey((231, 255, 255))

    del big_pic, small_pic
    # final_pic is now only wanted picture

    targetcoords = final_pic.get_rect()
    targetcoords.bottom = vertical_margin + item_height * row_number + tree_baseline
    targetcoords.left = side_margin + item_width * row_position
    canvas.blit(final_pic, targetcoords)
    del final_pic
    # picture is on the main canvas

    surf = font.render(objname, font_aa, name_color)
    targetcoords = surf.get_rect()
    targetcoords.top = vertical_margin + item_height * row_number + tree_baseline + 2
    targetcoords.left = side_margin + item_width * row_position + 4
    canvas.blit(surf, targetcoords)
    # name written

    climates = obj.ask("climates", "").split(",")
    for j, name in enumerate(climate_names):
        place = (targetcoords.left + j * (climate_size - 1) - 1,
                 targetcoords.top + 12, climate_size, climate_size)
        if name in climates:
            canvas.fill(climate_colors[name], place)
        pygame.draw.rect(canvas, name_color, place, 1)
