def startGoogleScan(self): print "Querying Bing Search: '%s' with max pages %d..." % ( self.config["p_query"], self.config["p_pages"]) pagecnt = 0 curtry = 0 last_request_time = while (pagecnt < self.config["p_pages"]): pagecnt = pagecnt + 1 redo = True while (redo): try: current_time = diff = current_time - last_request_time diff = int(diff.seconds) if (diff <= self.cooldown): if (diff > 0): print "Commencing %ds bing cooldown..." % ( self.cooldown - diff) time.sleep(self.cooldown - diff) last_request_time = resp = self.config["p_query"], { 'Web.Count': 50, 'Web.Offset': (pagecnt - 1) * self.results_per_page }) results = resp['SearchResponse']['Web']['Results'] redo = False except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception, err: raise redo = True sys.stderr.write("[RETRYING PAGE %d]\n" % (pagecnt)) curtry = curtry + 1 if (curtry > self.config["p_maxtries"]): print "MAXIMUM COUNT OF (RE)TRIES REACHED!" sys.exit(1) curtry = 0 if (len(results) == 0): break sys.stderr.write("[PAGE %d]\n" % (pagecnt)) try: for r in results: single = singleScan(self.config) single.setURL(r["Url"]) single.setQuite(True) single.scan() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise time.sleep(1)
def startGoogleScan(self): print "Querying Google Search: '%s' with max pages %d..."%(self.config["p_query"], self.config["p_pages"]) pagecnt = 0 curtry = 0 last_request_time = while(pagecnt < self.config["p_pages"]): pagecnt = pagecnt +1 redo = True while (redo): try: current_time = diff = current_time - last_request_time diff = int(diff.seconds) if (diff <= self.cooldown): if (diff > 0): print "Commencing %ds google cooldown..." %(self.cooldown - diff) time.sleep(self.cooldown - diff) last_request_time = results = self.getNextPage() redo = False except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception, err: print err redo = True sys.stderr.write("[RETRYING PAGE %d]\n" %(pagecnt)) curtry = curtry +1 if (curtry > self.config["p_maxtries"]): print "MAXIMAL COUNT OF (RE)TRIES REACHED!" sys.exit(1) curtry = 0 if (len(results) == 0): break sys.stderr.write("[PAGE %d]\n" %(pagecnt)) try: for r in results: single = singleScan(self.config) single.setURL(r.url) single.setQuite(True) single.scan() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise time.sleep(1)
def startGoogleScan(self): print "Querying Bing Search: '%s' with max pages %d..."%(self.config["p_query"], self.config["p_pages"]) pagecnt = 0 curtry = 0 last_request_time = while(pagecnt < self.config["p_pages"]): pagecnt = pagecnt +1 redo = True while (redo): try: current_time = diff = current_time - last_request_time diff = int(diff.seconds) if (diff <= self.cooldown): if (diff > 0): print "Commencing %ds bing cooldown..." %(self.cooldown - diff) time.sleep(self.cooldown - diff) last_request_time = resp =["p_query"], {'Web.Count':50,'Web.Offset':(pagecnt-1)*self.results_per_page}) results = resp['SearchResponse']['Web']['Results'] redo = False except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception, err: raise redo = True sys.stderr.write("[RETRYING PAGE %d]\n" %(pagecnt)) curtry = curtry +1 if (curtry > self.config["p_maxtries"]): print "MAXIMUM COUNT OF (RE)TRIES REACHED!" sys.exit(1) curtry = 0 if (len(results) == 0): break sys.stderr.write("[PAGE %d]\n" %(pagecnt)) try: for r in results: single = singleScan(self.config) single.setURL(r["Url"]) single.setQuite(True) single.scan() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise time.sleep(1)
def startMassScan(self): print "MassScan reading file: '%s'..." % self.list f = open(self.list, "r") idx = 0 for l in f: if idx >= 0: l = l.strip() if (l.startswith("http://"), l.startswith("https://")): print "[%d][MASS_SCAN] Scanning: '%s'..." % (idx, l) single = singleScan(self.config) single.setURL(l) single.setQuite(True) single.scan() idx = idx + 1 print "MassScan completed."
def startMassScan(self): print "MassScan reading file: '%s'..."%self.list f = open(self.list, "r") idx = 0 for l in f: if idx >= 0: l = l.strip() if (l.startswith("http://"), l.startswith("https://")): print "[%d][MASS_SCAN] Scanning: '%s'..." %(idx,l) single = singleScan(self.config) single.setURL(l) single.setQuite(True) single.scan() idx = idx +1 print "MassScan completed."
def scan(self): print "Requesting '%s'..." % (self.URL) extHeader = "" code, headers = self.doRequest(self.URL, self.config["p_useragent"], self.config["p_post"], self.config["header"], self.config["p_ttl"]) if (headers != None): for head in headers: if head[0] in ("set-cookie", "set-cookie2"): cookie = head[1] c = Cookie.SimpleCookie() c.load(cookie) for k, v in c.items(): extHeader += "%s=%s; " % (k, c[k].value) if (code == None): print "Code == None!" print "Does the target exist?!" print "AutoAwesome mode failed. -> Aborting." sys.exit(1) if (extHeader != ""): print "Cookies retrieved. Using them for further requests." extHeader = extHeader.strip()[:-1] if (self.config["header"].has_key("Cookie") and extHeader != ""): print "WARNING: AutoAwesome mode got some cookies from the server." print "Your defined cookies will be overwritten!" if (extHeader != ""): print "Testing file inclusion against given cookies..." self.config["header"]["Cookie"] = extHeader single = singleScan(self.config) single.setURL(self.URL) single.setQuite(True) single.scan() soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(''.join(code)) idx = 0 for form in soup.findAll("form"): idx += 1 caption = None desturl = None method = None if (soup.has_key("action")): desturl = soup["action"] else: desturl = self.URL if (form.has_key("name")): caption = form["name"] else: caption = "Unnamed Form #%d" % (idx) if (form.has_key("method")): if (form["method"].lower() == "get"): method = 0 else: method = 1 else: method = 1 # If no method is defined assume it's POST. params = "" for input in form.findAll("input"): if (input.has_key("name")): input_name = input["name"] input_val = None if (input.has_key("value")): input_val = input["value"] if (input_val == None): params += "%s=&" % (input_name) else: params += "%s=%s&" % (input_name, input_val) else: print "An input field doesn't have an 'name' attribute! Skipping it." if ("&" in params): params = params[:-1] print "Analyzing form '%s' for file inclusion bugs." % (caption) modConfig = deepcopy(self.config) if (method == 0): # Append the current get params to the current URL. if ("?" in desturl): # There are already params in the URL. desturl = "%s&%s" % (desturl, params) else: # There are no other params. desturl = "%s&?%s" % (desturl, params) else: currentPost = modConfig["p_post"] if (currentPost == None or currentPost == ""): currentPost = params else: currentPost = currentPost + "&" + params modConfig["p_post"] = currentPost single = singleScan(modConfig) single.setURL(desturl) single.setQuite(True) single.scan() print "Starting harvester engine to get links (Depth: 0)..." crawl = crawler(self.config) crawl.crawl_url(self.URL, 0) if (len(crawl.urlpool) == 0): print "No links found." else: print "Harvesting done. %d links found. Analyzing links now..." % ( len(crawl.urlpool)) for url in crawl.urlpool: try: single = singleScan(self.config) single.setURL(str(url[0])) single.setQuite(True) single.scan() except: print "Caught an exception. Continuing..." print "AutoAwesome is done."
if (config["p_url"] == None and config["p_mode"] == 4): print "Root URL required for AutoAwesome. (-u)" sys.exit(1) if (config["p_monkeymode"] == True): print "Blind FI-error checking enabled." if (config["force-os"] != None): if (config["force-os"] != "unix" and config["force-os"] != "windows"): print "Invalid parameter for 'force-os'." print "Only 'unix' or 'windows' are allowed!" sys.exit(1) try: if (config["p_mode"] == 0): single = singleScan(config) single.setURL(config["p_url"]) single.scan() elif(config["p_mode"] == 1): if (not os.path.exists(config["p_list"])): print "Your defined URL-List doesn't exist: '%s'" %config["p_list"] sys.exit(0) print "MassScanner is loading URLs from file: '%s'" %config["p_list"] m = massScan(config) m.startMassScan() show_report() elif(config["p_mode"] == 2): print "GoogleScanner is searching for Query: '%s'" %config["p_query"] g = googleScan(config)
def scan(self): print "Requesting '%s'..." %(self.URL) extHeader = "" code, headers = self.doRequest(self.URL, self.config["p_useragent"], self.config["p_post"], self.config["header"], self.config["p_ttl"]) if (headers != None): for head in headers: if head[0] in ("set-cookie", "set-cookie2"): cookie = head[1] c = Cookie.SimpleCookie() c.load(cookie) for k,v in c.items(): extHeader += "%s=%s; " %(k, c[k].value) if (code == None): print "Code == None!" print "Does the target exist?!" print "AutoAwesome mode failed. -> Aborting." sys.exit(1) if (extHeader != ""): print "Cookies retrieved. Using them for further requests." extHeader = extHeader.strip()[:-1] if (self.config["header"].has_key("Cookie") and extHeader != ""): print "WARNING: AutoAwesome mode got some cookies from the server." print "Your defined cookies will be overwritten!" if (extHeader != ""): print "Testing file inclusion against given cookies..." self.config["header"]["Cookie"] = extHeader single = singleScan(self.config) single.setURL(self.URL) single.setQuite(True) single.scan() soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(''.join(code)) idx = 0 for form in soup.findAll("form"): idx += 1 caption = None desturl = None method = None if (soup.has_key("action")): desturl = soup["action"] else: desturl = self.URL if (form.has_key("name")): caption = form["name"] else: caption = "Unnamed Form #%d" %(idx) if (form.has_key("method")): if (form["method"].lower() == "get"): method = 0 else: method = 1 else: method = 1 # If no method is defined assume it's POST. params = "" for input in form.findAll("input"): if (input.has_key("name")): input_name = input["name"] input_val = None if (input.has_key("value")): input_val = input["value"] if (input_val == None): params += "%s=&" %(input_name) else: params += "%s=%s&" %(input_name, input_val) else: print "An input field doesn't have an 'name' attribute! Skipping it." if ("&" in params): params = params[:-1] print "Analyzing form '%s' for file inclusion bugs." %(caption) modConfig = deepcopy(self.config) if (method == 0): # Append the current get params to the current URL. if ("?" in desturl): # There are already params in the URL. desturl = "%s&%s" %(desturl, params) else: # There are no other params. desturl = "%s&?%s" %(desturl, params) else: currentPost = modConfig["p_post"] if (currentPost == None or currentPost == ""): currentPost = params else: currentPost = currentPost + "&" + params modConfig["p_post"] = currentPost single = singleScan(modConfig) single.setURL(desturl) single.setQuite(True) single.scan() print "Starting harvester engine to get links (Depth: 0)..." crawl = crawler(self.config) crawl.crawl_url(self.URL, 0) if (len(crawl.urlpool) == 0): print "No links found." else: print "Harvesting done. %d links found. Analyzing links now..."%(len(crawl.urlpool)) for url in crawl.urlpool: single = singleScan(self.config) single.setURL(str(url[0])) single.setQuite(True) single.scan() print "AutoAwesome is done."
sys.exit(1) if (config["p_url"] == None and config["p_mode"] == 4): print("Root URL required for AutoAwesome. (-u)") sys.exit(1) if (config["p_monkeymode"] == True): print("Blind FI-error checking enabled.") if (config["force-os"] != None): if (config["force-os"] != "unix" and config["force-os"] != "windows"): print("Invalid parameter for 'force-os'.") print("Only 'unix' or 'windows' are allowed!") sys.exit(1) try: if (config["p_mode"] == 0): single = singleScan(config) single.setURL(config["p_url"]) single.scan() elif (config["p_mode"] == 1): if (not os.path.exists(config["p_list"])): print("Your defined URL-List doesn't exist: '%s'" % config["p_list"]) sys.exit(0) print("MassScanner is loading URLs from file: '%s'" % config["p_list"]) m = massScan(config) m.startMassScan() show_report() elif (config["p_mode"] == 2):