Пример #1
    def read_hamiltonian(self, **kwargs):
        """ Returns the electronic structure from the siesta.TSHS file """

        # Now read the sizes used...
        Gamma, spin, no, no_s, nnz = _siesta.read_hsx_sizes(self.file)
        _bin_check(self, 'read_hamiltonian',
                   'could not read Hamiltonian sizes.')
        ncol, col, dH, dS, dxij = _siesta.read_hsx_hsx(self.file, Gamma, spin,
                                                       no, no_s, nnz)
        _bin_check(self, 'read_hamiltonian', 'could not read Hamiltonian.')

        # Try and immediately attach a geometry
        geom = kwargs.get('geometry', kwargs.get('geom', None))
        if geom is None:
            # We have *no* clue about the
            if np.allclose(dxij, 0.):
                # We truly, have no clue,
                # Just generate a boxed system
                xyz = [[x, 0, 0] for x in range(no)]
                geom = Geometry(xyz, Atom(1), sc=[no, 1, 1])
                # Try to figure out the supercell
                    self.__class__.__name__ + '.read_hamiltonian '
                    '(currently we can not calculate atomic positions from xij array)'
        if geom.no != no:
            raise SileError(
                str(self) + '.read_hamiltonian could not use the '
                'passed geometry as the number of atoms or orbitals is '
                'inconsistent with HSX file.')

        # Create the Hamiltonian container
        H = Hamiltonian(geom,

        # Create the new sparse matrix
        H._csr.ncol = ncol.astype(np.int32, copy=False)
        H._csr.ptr = np.insert(np.cumsum(ncol, dtype=np.int32), 0, 0)
        # Correct fortran indices
        H._csr.col = col.astype(np.int32, copy=False) - 1
        H._csr._nnz = len(col)

        H._csr._D = _a.emptyf([nnz, spin + 1])
        H._csr._D[:, :spin] = dH[:, :]
        H._csr._D[:, spin] = dS[:]


        # Convert the supercells to sisl supercells
        if no_s // no == np.product(geom.nsc):
            _csr_from_siesta(geom, H._csr)

        return H
Пример #2
    def read_overlap(self, **kwargs):
        """ Returns the overlap matrix from the siesta.HSX file """
        # Now read the sizes used...
        Gamma, spin, no, no_s, nnz = _siesta.read_hsx_sizes(self.file)
        _bin_check(self, 'read_overlap',
                   'could not read overlap matrix sizes.')
        ncol, col, dS = _siesta.read_hsx_s(self.file, Gamma, spin, no, no_s,
        _bin_check(self, 'read_overlap', 'could not read overlap matrix.')

        geom = kwargs.get('geometry', kwargs.get('geom', None))
        if geom is None:
            warn(self.__class__.__name__ +
                 ".read_overlap requires input geometry to assign S")
        if geom.no != no:
            raise SileError(
                str(self) + '.read_overlap could not use the '
                'passed geometry as the number of atoms or orbitals is '
                'inconsistent with HSX file.')

        # Create the Hamiltonian container
        S = SparseOrbitalBZ(geom, nnzpr=1)

        # Create the new sparse matrix
        S._csr.ncol = ncol.astype(np.int32, copy=False)
        S._csr.ptr = np.insert(np.cumsum(ncol, dtype=np.int32), 0, 0)
        # Correct fortran indices
        S._csr.col = col.astype(np.int32, copy=False) - 1
        S._csr._nnz = len(col)

        S._csr._D = _a.emptyf([nnz, 1])
        S._csr._D[:, 0] = dS[:]

        # Convert the supercells to sisl supercells
        if no_s // no == np.product(geom.nsc):
            _csr_from_siesta(geom, S._csr)

        return S
Пример #3
    def read_charge(self,
        r"""Read charges calculated in SCF loop or MD loop (or both)

        Siesta enables many different modes of writing out charges.

        NOTE: currently Mulliken charges are not implemented.

        The below table shows a list of different cases that
        may be encountered, the letters are referred to in the
        return section to indicate what is returned.

        | Case      | *A* | *B* | *C*    | *D*   | *E*              |
        | Charge    | MD  | SCF | MD+SCF | Final | Orbital resolved |
        | Voronoi   | +   | +   | +      | +     | -                |
        | Hirshfeld | +   | +   | +      | +     | -                |
        | Mulliken  | +   | +   | +      | +     | +                |

        Errors will be raised if one requests information not present. I.e.
        passing an integer or `Opt.ALL` for `iscf` will raise an error if
        the SCF charges are not present. For `Opt.ANY` it will return
        the most information, effectively SCF will be returned if present.

        Currently Mulliken is not implemented, any help in reading this would be
        very welcome.

        name: {"voronoi", "hirshfeld"}
            the name of the charges that you want to read
        iscf: int or Opt, optional
            index (0-based) of the scf iteration you want the charges for.
            If the enum specifier `Opt.ANY` or `Opt.ALL` are used, then
            the returned quantities depend on what is present.
            If ``None/Opt.NONE`` it will not return any SCF charges.
            If both `imd` and `iscf` are ``None`` then only the final charges will be returned.
        imd: int or Opt, optional
            index (0-based) of the md step you want the charges for.
            If the enum specifier `Opt.ANY` or `Opt.ALL` are used, then
            the returned quantities depend on what is present.
            If ``None/Opt.NONE`` it will not return any MD charges.
            If both `imd` and `iscf` are ``None`` then only the final charges will be returned.
        key_scf : str, optional
            the key lookup for the scf iterations (a ":" will automatically be appended)
        as_dataframe: boolean, optional
            whether charges should be returned as a pandas dataframe.

            if a specific MD+SCF index is requested (or special cases where output is
            not complete)
        list of numpy.ndarray
            if one both `iscf` or `imd` is different from ``None/Opt.NONE``.
            if `as_dataframe` is requested. The dataframe will have multi-indices if multiple
            SCF or MD steps are requested.
        if not hasattr(self, 'fh'):
            with self:
                return read_charge(self, name, iscf, imd, key_scf,
        namel = name.lower()
        if as_dataframe:
            import pandas as pd

            def _empty_charge():
                # build a fake dataframe with no indices
                return pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index([],
            pd = None

            def _empty_charge():
                # return for single value with nan values
                return _a.arrayf([[None]])

        # define helper function for reading voronoi+hirshfeld charges
        def _voronoi_hirshfeld_charges():
            """ Read output from Voronoi/Hirshfeld charges """
            nonlocal pd

            # Expecting something like this:
            # Voronoi Atomic Populations:
            # Atom #     dQatom  Atom pop         S        Sx        Sy        Sz  Species
            #      1   -0.02936   4.02936   0.00000  -0.00000   0.00000   0.00000  C

            # Define the function that parses the charges
            def _parse_charge(line):
                atom_idx, *vals, symbol = line.split()
                # assert that this is a proper line
                # this should catch cases where the following line of charge output
                # is still parseable
                atom_idx = int(atom_idx)
                return list(map(float, vals))

            # first line is the header
            header = (
                self.readline().replace("dQatom", "dq")  # dQatom in master
                .replace(" Qatom", " dq")  # Qatom in 4.1
                .replace("Atom pop", "e")  # not found in 4.1

            # We have found the header, prepare a list to read the charges
            atom_charges = []
            line = ' '
            while line != "":
                    line = self.readline()
                    charge_vals = _parse_charge(line)
                    # We already have the charge values and we reached a line that can't be parsed,
                    # this means we have reached the end.
            if pd is None:
                # not as_dataframe
                return _a.arrayf(atom_charges)

            # determine how many columns we have
            # this will remove atom indices and species, so only inside
            ncols = len(atom_charges[0])
            assert ncols == len(header)

            # the precision is limited, so no need for double precision
            return pd.DataFrame(atom_charges,

        # define helper function for reading voronoi+hirshfeld charges
        def _mulliken_charges():
            """ Read output from Mulliken charges """
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Mulliken charges are not implemented currently")

        # Check that a known charge has been requested
        if namel == "voronoi":
            _r_charge = _voronoi_hirshfeld_charges
            charge_keys = [
                "Voronoi Atomic Populations", "Voronoi Net Atomic Populations"
        elif namel == "hirshfeld":
            _r_charge = _voronoi_hirshfeld_charges
            charge_keys = [
                "Hirshfeld Atomic Populations",
                "Hirshfeld Net Atomic Populations"
        elif namel == "mulliken":
            _r_charge = _mulliken_charges
            charge_keys = ["mulliken: Atomic and Orbital Populations"]
            raise ValueError(
                f"{self.__class__.__name__}.read_charge name argument should be one of {known_charges}, got {name}?"

        # Ensure the key_scf matches exactly (prepend a space)
        key_scf = f" {key_scf.strip()}:"

        # Reading charges may be quite time consuming for large MD simulations.

        # to see if we finished a MD read, we check for these keys
        search_keys = [
            # two keys can signal ending SCF
            "SCF Convergence",
            "siesta: Final energy",
        # adjust the below while loop to take into account any additional
        # segments of search_keys
        IDX_SCF_END = [0, 1]
        IDX_FINAL = [2]
        IDX_SCF = [3]
        # the rest are charge keys
        IDX_CHARGE = list(
            range(len(search_keys) - len(charge_keys), len(search_keys)))

        # state to figure out where we are
        state = PropertyDict()
        state.INITIAL = 0
        state.MD = 1
        state.SCF = 2
        state.CHARGE = 3
        state.FINAL = 4

        # a list of scf_charge
        md_charge = []
        md_scf_charge = []
        scf_charge = []
        final_charge = None

        # signal that any first reads are INITIAL charges
        current_state = state.INITIAL
        charge = _empty_charge()
        FOUND_SCF = False
        FOUND_MD = False
        FOUND_FINAL = False

        # TODO whalrus
        ret = self.step_to(search_keys,
        while ret[0]:
            if ret[2] in IDX_SCF_END:
                # we finished all SCF iterations
                current_state = state.MD
                scf_charge = []

            elif ret[2] in IDX_SCF:
                current_state = state.SCF
                # collect scf-charges (possibly none)

            elif ret[2] in IDX_FINAL:
                current_state = state.FINAL
                # don't do anything, this is the final charge construct
                # regardless of where it comes from.

            elif ret[2] in IDX_CHARGE:
                FOUND_CHARGE = True
                # also read charge
                charge = _r_charge()

                if state.INITIAL == current_state or state.CHARGE == current_state:
                    # this signals scf charges
                    FOUND_SCF = True
                    # There *could* be 2 steps if we are mixing H,
                    # this is because it first does
                    # compute H -> compute DM -> compute H
                    # in the first iteration, subsequently we only do
                    # compute compute DM -> compute H
                    # once we hit ret[2] in IDX_SCF we will append
                    scf_charge = []

                elif state.MD == current_state:
                    FOUND_MD = True
                    # we just finished an SCF cycle.
                    # So any output between SCF ending and
                    # a new one beginning *must* be that geometries
                    # charge

                    # Here `charge` may be NONE signalling
                    # we don't have charge in MD steps.

                    # reset charge
                    charge = _empty_charge()

                elif state.SCF == current_state:
                    FOUND_SCF = True

                elif state.FINAL == current_state:
                    FOUND_FINAL = True
                    # a special state writing out the charges after everything
                    final_charge = charge
                    charge = _empty_charge()
                    scf_charge = []
                    # we should be done and no other charge reads should be found!
                    # should we just break?

                current_state = state.CHARGE

            # step to next entry
            ret = self.step_to(search_keys,

        if not any((FOUND_SCF, FOUND_MD, FOUND_FINAL)):
            raise SileError(
                f"{str(self)} does not contain any charges ({name})")

        # if the scf-charges are not stored, it means that the MD step finalization
        # has not been read. So correct
        if len(scf_charge) > 0:
            assert False, "this test shouldn't reach here"
            # we must not have read through the entire MD step
            # so this has to be a running simulation
            if charge is not None:
                charge = _empty_charge()

        # otherwise there is some *parsing* error, so for now we use assert
        assert len(scf_charge) == 0

        if as_dataframe:
            # convert data to proper data structures
            # regardless of user requests. This is an overhead... But probably not that big of a problem.
            if FOUND_SCF:
                md_scf_charge = pd.concat([
                              keys=pd.RangeIndex(1, len(iscf) + 1,
                    for iscf in md_scf_charge
                                              len(md_scf_charge) + 1,
            if FOUND_MD:
                md_charge = pd.concat(md_charge,
                                                         len(md_charge) + 1,
            if FOUND_SCF:
                nan_array = _a.emptyf(md_scf_charge[0][0].shape)

                def get_md_scf_charge(scf_charge, iscf):
                        return scf_charge[iscf]
                        return nan_array

            if FOUND_MD:
                md_charge = np.stack(md_charge)

        # option parsing is a bit *difficult* with flag enums
        # So first figure out what is there, and handle this based
        # on arguments
        def _p(flag, found):
            """ Helper routine to do the following:

            is_opt : bool
                whether the flag is an `Opt`
            flag :
                corrected flag
            if isinstance(flag, Opt):
                # correct flag depending on what `found` is
                # If the values have been found we
                # change flag to None only if flag == NONE
                # If the case has not been found, we
                # change flag to None if ANY or NONE is in flags

                if found:
                    # flag is only NONE, then pass none
                    if not (Opt.NONE ^ flag):
                        flag = None
                else:  # not found
                    # we convert flag to none
                    # if ANY or NONE in flag
                    if (Opt.NONE | Opt.ANY) & flag:
                        flag = None

            return isinstance(flag, Opt), flag

        opt_imd, imd = _p(imd, FOUND_MD)
        opt_iscf, iscf = _p(iscf, FOUND_SCF)

        if not (FOUND_SCF or FOUND_MD):
            # none of these are found
            # we request that user does not request any input
            if (opt_iscf or (not iscf is None)) or \
               (opt_imd or (not imd is None)):
                raise SileError(f"{str(self)} does not contain MD/SCF charges")

        elif not FOUND_SCF:
            if opt_iscf or (not iscf is None):
                raise SileError(f"{str(self)} does not contain SCF charges")

        elif not FOUND_MD:
            if opt_imd or (not imd is None):
                raise SileError(f"{str(self)} does not contain MD charges")

        # if either are options they may hold
        if opt_imd and opt_iscf:
            if FOUND_SCF:
                return md_scf_charge
            elif FOUND_MD:
                return md_charge
            elif FOUND_FINAL:
                # I think this will never be reached
                # If neither are found they will be converted to
                # None
                return final_charge

            raise SileError(
                f"{str(self)} unknown argument for 'imd' and 'iscf'")

        elif opt_imd:
            # flag requested imd
            if not (imd & (Opt.ANY | Opt.ALL)):
                # wrong flag
                raise SileError(f"{str(self)} unknown argument for 'imd'")

            if FOUND_SCF and iscf is not None:
                # this should be handled, i.e. the scf should be taken out
                if as_dataframe:
                    return md_scf_charge.groupby(level=[0, 2]).nth(iscf)
                return np.stack(
                    tuple(get_md_scf_charge(x, iscf) for x in md_scf_charge))

            elif FOUND_MD and iscf is None:
                return md_charge
            raise SileError(
                f"{str(self)} unknown argument for 'imd' and 'iscf', could not find SCF charges"

        elif opt_iscf:
            # flag requested imd
            if not (iscf & (Opt.ANY | Opt.ALL)):
                # wrong flag
                raise SileError(f"{str(self)} unknown argument for 'iscf'")
            if imd is None:
                # correct imd
                imd = -1
            if as_dataframe:
                md_scf_charge = md_scf_charge.groupby(level=0)
                group = list(md_scf_charge.groups.keys())[imd]
                return md_scf_charge.get_group(group).droplevel(0)
            return np.stack(md_scf_charge[imd])

        elif imd is None and iscf is None:
            if FOUND_FINAL:
                return final_charge
            raise SileError(f"{str(self)} does not contain final charges")

        elif imd is None:
            # iscf is not None, so pass through as though explicitly passed
            imd = -1

        elif iscf is None:
            # we return the last MD step and the requested scf iteration
            if as_dataframe:
                return md_charge.groupby(level=1).nth(imd)
            return md_charge[imd]

        if as_dataframe:
            # first select imd
            md_scf_charge = md_scf_charge.groupby(level=0)
            group = list(md_scf_charge.groups.keys())[imd]
            md_scf_charge = md_scf_charge.get_group(group).droplevel(0)
            return md_scf_charge.groupby(level=1).nth(iscf)
        return md_scf_charge[imd][iscf]