Пример #1
def test_seedname_read_coord(sisl_tmp, unit_sc, unit):
    f = sisl_tmp('read_coord.win', _dir)
    with open(f, 'w') as fh:
begin unit_cell_cart
  {} 2. 0. 0.
  0. 2. 0
  0 0 2.
end unit_cell_cart

begin atoms_cart
  {} C 0.5 0.5 0.5
""".format(unit_sc, unit))
    g = winSileWannier90(f).read_geometry()

    if len(unit) == 0:
        unit = 'ang'
    unit = units(unit.strip().capitalize(), 'Ang')

    if len(unit_sc) == 0:
        unit_sc = 'ang'
    unit_sc = units(unit_sc.strip().capitalize(), 'Ang')

    assert np.allclose(g.cell, np.identity(3) * 2 * unit_sc)
    assert np.allclose(g.xyz, [0.5 * unit] * 3)
Пример #2
    def read_dynamical_matrix(self, **kwargs):
        """ Returns a GULP dynamical matrix model for the output of GULP

        cutoff: float, optional
           absolute values below the cutoff are considered 0. Defaults to 1e-4 eV/Ang**2.
        dtype: np.dtype (np.float64)
           default data-type of the matrix
        order: list of str, optional
            the order of which to try and read the dynamical matrix
            By default this is ``['got'/'gout', 'FC']``. Note that ``FC`` corresponds to
            the `fcSileGULP` file (``FORCE_CONSTANTS_2ND``).
        geom = self.read_geometry(**kwargs)

        order = kwargs.pop('order', ['got', 'FC'])
        for f in order:
            v = getattr(self,
            if v is not None:
                # Convert the dynamical matrix such that a diagonalization returns eV ^ 2
                scale = constant.hbar / units('Ang', 'm') / units(
                    'eV amu', 'J kg')**0.5
                v.data *= scale**2
                return DynamicalMatrix.fromsp(geom, v)

        return None
Пример #3
        velocities per mode with final dimension ``(mode.shape[0], 3)``, the velocity unit is Ang/ps
        Units *may* change in future releases.
    if mode.ndim == 1:
        return velocity(mode.reshape(1, -1), hw, dDk, degenerate).ravel()

    return _velocity(mode, hw, dDk, degenerate)

# dDk is in [Ang * eV ** 2]
# velocity units in Ang/ps
_velocity_const = units('ps', 's') / constant.hbar('eV s')

def _velocity(mode, hw, dDk, degenerate):
    r""" For modes in an orthogonal basis """

    # Along all directions
    v = np.empty([mode.shape[0], 3], dtype=dtype_complex_to_real(mode.dtype))

    # Decouple the degenerate modes
    if not degenerate is None:
        for deg in degenerate:
            # Set the average frequency
            hw[deg] = np.average(hw[deg])

            # Now diagonalize to find the contributions from individual modes