Пример #1
    def add_filters(cls, url, filters):
        """add_filters adds dict values (filters) to url as query parameters

        :param url: base URL for the request
        :param filters: dict with var:val pairs to add as parameters to URL
        :returns: url string
        return url + "?" + parse(filters)
Пример #2
    def add_filters(cls, url, filters):
        """add_filters adds dict values (filters) to url as query parameters

        :param url: base URL for the request
        :param filters: dict with var:val pairs to add as parameters to URL
        :returns: url string
        return url + "?" + parse(filters)
Пример #3
 def _to_python(self, value, state):
         return parse(value)
     except (ValueError, TypeError):
         if self.if_invalid != formencode.api.NoDefault:
             return self.if_invalid
Пример #4
    def get_context(self):
        aux = self.block_course_id
        course_key = CourseKey.from_string(aux)
        context = {'xblock': self}

        if self.show_staff_grading_interface():
            context['is_course_staff'] = True
            context['id_form'] = self.idform
            context['is_course_staff'] = False
            context['timify'] = False
            context["expired"] = False
            context["score"] = "None"
            user_id = self.scope_ids.user_id
            id_form = self.idform

            if self.is_past_due():
                context["expired"] = True
                state = self.get_link(user_id)
                if len(state) > 0:
                    context["score"] = state['score']
                return context

            if id_form != "":
                connectsid, apiKey = self.get_api_token()
                if connectsid is False:
                    return context
                student_module = self.get_or_create_student_module(user_id)
                state = json.loads(student_module.state)
                if len(state) == 0:
                    context = self.create_link(context, connectsid, apiKey,
                                               student_module, state)

                elif state["id_form"] == id_form:
                    from dateutil.parser import parse
                    context['done'] = self.get_done(state['id_link'],
                                                    connectsid, apiKey)
                    context['timify'] = True
                        'link'] = "https://quilgo.com/link/" + state['link']
                    context['name_link'] = state['name_link']
                    context['id_form'] = id_form
                    context['score'] = state['score']

                    expired_date = self.expired_date()
                    if state[
                            'expired'] is not None and expired_date is not None:
                        context['late'] = parse(
                            state['expired']) > expired_date
                        context['late'] = "Sin Registros"
                    context = self.create_link(context, connectsid, apiKey,
                                               student_module, state)

        return context
Пример #5
    def test_url_is_set(self):
        """ Tests that URL is provided with token for OAuth """
        pump = WebPump(self.client)

        url = parse(pump.url)
        query = parse.parse_qs(url.query)

        self.assertEqual(url.netloc, "somewhere.com")
        self.assertEqual(url.path, "/oauth/authorize")
        self.assertTrue("token" in query)
        self.assertEqual(pump.get_registration()[0], query["token"])
    def __deserialize_date(self, string):
        """Deserializes string to date.

        :param string: str.
        :return: date.
            from dateutil.parser import parse
            return parse(string).date()
        except ImportError:
            return string
        except ValueError:
            raise rest.ApiException(
                reason="Failed to parse `{0}` as date object".format(string)
Пример #7
def main():
    """Setup parameters for the test and call the test function
        This is a very simple interface with fixed cli arguments. If there
        are no arguments it defaults to a standard internal set of

    if len(sys.argv) < 7:
        print("Requires fixed set of arguments or defaults to internally\n "
              "defined arguments.\n"
              "Usage: %s <url> <username> <password> <indication-count>" \
              "Where: <url> server url, ex. http://localhost\n" \
              "       <port> http listener port, ex. 5000\n" \
              "       <username> username for authentication\n" \
              "       <password> password for authentication\n" \
              "       <indication-count> Number of indications to request.\n" \
              "       <repeat_loop>   Repeat the send test repeat_loop times.\n"
              "Ex: %s http://fred 5000 blah blah 1000 10 " \
              % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0]))
        server_url = 'http://localhost'
        username = '******'
        password = '******'
        http_listener_port = 5000
        requested_indications = 1000
        repeat_loop = 1

        server_url = sys.argv[1]
        http_listener_port = int(sys.argv[2])
        username = sys.argv[3]
        password = sys.argv[4]
        requested_indications = int(sys.argv[5])
        repeat_loop = int(sys.argv[6])

    listener_addr = urllib.parse(server_url).netloc

    print('url=%s listener=%s port=%s usr=%s pw=%s cnt=%s repeat=%s' % \
          (server_url, listener_addr, http_listener_port, \
           username, password, requested_indications, repeat_loop))

    #https_listener_port = http_listener_port + 1
    https_listener_port = None

    run_test(server_url, listener_addr, username, password, http_listener_port,
             https_listener_port, requested_indications, repeat_loop)

    return 0
    def __deserialize_datatime(self, string):
        """Deserializes string to datetime.

        The string should be in iso8601 datetime format.

        :param string: str.
        :return: datetime.
            from dateutil.parser import parse
            return parse(string)
        except ImportError:
            return string
        except ValueError:
            raise rest.ApiException(
                    "Failed to parse `{0}` as datetime object"
Пример #9
def setup_ssh(config, secrets):
    def iter_lines_clean(blob):
        for line in blob.splitlines():
            if not line or line.startswith("#"):
                yield line

        create_at = config.ssh.create_at
    except AttributeError:
        create_at = None
    if not create_at:
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
            if not os.path.isdir(create_at):
        ssh_conf = config.ssh.config
    except AttributeError:
        ssh_conf = None
    if ssh_conf:
        ssh_conf_path = os.path.join(create_at, "config")
        with open(ssh_conf_path, 'wb') as fh:
        os.chmod(ssh_conf_path, 0o600)
        ssh_priv = config.ssh.private_key
    except AttributeError:
        ssh_priv = None
    if ssh_priv:
        ssh_priv_path = os.path.join(create_at, "id_rsa")
        with open(ssh_priv_path, 'wb') as fh:
        os.chmod(ssh_priv_path, 0o600)
        ssh_pub = config.ssh.public_key
    except AttributeError:
        ssh_pub = None
    if ssh_pub:
        ssh_pub_path = os.path.join(create_at, "id_rsa.pub")
        with open(ssh_pub_path, 'wb') as fh:
        os.chmod(ssh_pub_path, 0o600)
        known_hosts = config.ssh.known_hosts
    except AttributeError:
        known_hosts = ()
    known_hosts_lines = []
    for host in known_hosts:
        scan_command = ['ssh-keyscan']
        # Use urlparse and fake an https address using the given host.
        # This works well with both hostnames and IPs (v4/v6), and ALSO ports.
        parsed = urllib.parse("https://{}".format(host))
        if parsed.port:
            scan_command.extend(['-p', parsed.port])
        r = pu.run(scan_command, stdout=pu.PIPE, stderr=pu.PIPE)
        known_hosts_lines.append("# Keyscan for '%s'" % host)
        fetcher_func = config.plugins.env_fetcher_func
    except AttributeError:
        fetcher_func = None
        fetcher_func = utils.import_func(fetcher_func)
    render_bin = utils.find_executable("render")
    if render_bin and fetcher_func:
        for env_name, env_topo_fn in fetcher_func(
            r = pu.run([render_bin, '-e', env_topo_fn, 'known_hosts'],
            known_hosts_lines.append("# Environment '%s'" % env_name)
    if known_hosts_lines:
        known_hosts_path = os.path.join(create_at, "known_hosts")
        with open(known_hosts_path, 'wb') as fh:
            fh.write(("# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT THIS"
                      " FILE (IT WAS AUTOGENERATED ON BOT BOOTSTRAP!!!)\n"))
        os.chmod(known_hosts_path, 0o644)
Пример #10
def main():
    """Start the tool.

    If the command line arguments are those of the 'manual' mode, then
    starts a manual one-time harvesting. Else trigger a BibSched task
    for automated harvesting based on the OAIHarvest admin settings.
    # Let's try to parse the arguments as used in manual harvesting:

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "o:v:m:p:i:s:f:u:r:c:k:l:w:",

        # So everything went smoothly: start harvesting in manual mode
        if len([opt
                for opt, opt_value in opts if opt in ['-v', '--verb']]) > 0:
            # verb parameter is given
            http_param_dict = {}
            method = "POST"
            output = ""
            user = None
            password = None
            cert_file = None
            key_file = None
            sets = []
            # get options and arguments
            for opt, opt_value in opts:
                if opt in ["-v", "--verb"]:
                    http_param_dict['verb'] = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-m", '--method']:
                    if opt_value == "GET" or opt_value == "POST":
                        method = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-p", "--metadataPrefix"]:
                    http_param_dict['metadataPrefix'] = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-i", "--identifier"]:
                    http_param_dict['identifier'] = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-s", "--set"]:
                    sets = opt_value.split()
                elif opt in ["-f", "--from"]:
                    http_param_dict['from'] = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-u", "--until"]:
                    http_param_dict['until'] = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-r", "--resumptionToken"]:
                    http_param_dict['resumptionToken'] = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-o", "--output"]:
                    output = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-c", "--certificate"]:
                    cert_file = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-k", "--key"]:
                    key_file = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-l", "--user"]:
                    user = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-w", "--password"]:
                    password = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-V", "--version"]:
                    usage(1, "Option %s is not allowed" % opt)

            if len(args) > 0:
                base_url = args[-1]
                if not base_url.lower().startswith('http'):
                    base_url = 'http://' + base_url
                (addressing_scheme, network_location, path, dummy1, dummy2,
                 dummy3) = urllib.parse(base_url)
                secure = (addressing_scheme == "https")

                if (cert_file and not key_file) or \
                        (key_file and not cert_file):
                    # Both are needed if one specified
                    usage(1, "You must specify both certificate and key files")

                if password and not user:
                    # User must be specified when password is given
                    usage(1, "You must specify a username")
                elif user and not password:
                    if not secure:
                            "*WARNING* Your password will be sent in clear!\n")
                        password = getpass.getpass()
                    except KeyboardInterrupt as error:
                        sys.stderr.write("\n%s\n" % (error, ))

                getter.harvest(network_location, path, http_param_dict, method,
                               output, sets, secure, user, password, cert_file,

                    "Harvesting completed at: %s\n\n" %
                    time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S --> ", time.localtime()))
                usage(1, "You must specify the URL to harvest")
            # verb is not given. We will continue with periodic
            # harvesting. But first check if URL parameter is given:
            # if it is, then warn directly now

            if len([opt for opt, opt_value in opts if
                    opt in ['-i', '--identifier']]) == 0 \
                and len(args) > 1 or \
                    (len(args) == 1 and not args[0].isdigit()):
                usage(1, "You must specify the --verb parameter")
    except getopt.error:
        # So could it be that we are using different arguments? Try to
        # start the BibSched task (automated harvesting) and see if it
        # validates
        # BibSched mode - periodical harvesting
    # Note that the 'help' is common to both manual and automated
    # mode.

    num_of_critical_parameter = 0
    num_of_critical_parameterb = 0
    repositories = []

    for opt in sys.argv[1:]:
        if opt in "-r" or opt in "--repository":
            num_of_critical_parameter += 1
        elif opt in "--workflow":
            num_of_critical_parameterb += 1
        if num_of_critical_parameter > 1 or num_of_critical_parameterb > 1:
            usage(1, "You can't specify twice -r or --workflow")

    if num_of_critical_parameter == 1:
        if "-r" in sys.argv:
            position = sys.argv.index("-r")
            position = sys.argv.index("--repository")
        repositories = sys.argv[position + 1].split(",")
        if len(repositories) > 1 and \
                ("-i" in sys.argv or "--identifier" in sys.argv):
                1, "It is impossible to harvest an identifier from several "

    if num_of_critical_parameterb == 1:

        position = sys.argv.index("--workflow")
        workflows = sys.argv[position + 1].split(",")

        for workflow_candidate in workflows:
            if workflow_candidate not in registry_workflows:
                usage(1, "The workflow %s doesn't exist." % workflow_candidate)

    if num_of_critical_parameter == 1 and num_of_critical_parameterb == 0:

        for name_repository in repositories:
                oaiharvest_instance = OaiHARVEST.get(
                    OaiHARVEST.name == name_repository).one()
                if oaiharvest_instance.workflows not in registry_workflows:
                        "The repository %s doesn't have a valid workflow specified."
                        % name_repository)
            except orm.exc.NoResultFound:
                    1, "The repository %s doesn't exist in our database." %

    elif num_of_critical_parameter == 1 and num_of_critical_parameterb == 1:

        for name_repository in repositories:
                OaiHARVEST.get(OaiHARVEST.name == name_repository).one()
            except orm.exc.NoResultFound:
                    1, "The repository %s doesn't exist in our database." %

        print("A workflow has been specified, overriding the repository one.")

    task_set_option("repository", None)
    task_set_option("dates", None)
    task_set_option("workflow", None)
    task_set_option("identifiers", None)
        authorization_msg="oaiharvest Task Submission",
Harvest records from OAI sources.
Manual vs automatic harvesting:
   - Manual harvesting retrieves records from the specified URL,
     with the specified OAI arguments. Harvested records are displayed
     on the standard output or saved to a file, but are not integrated
     into the repository. This mode is useful to 'play' with OAI
     repositories or to build special harvesting scripts.
   - Automatic harvesting relies on the settings defined in the OAI
     Harvest admin interface to periodically retrieve the repositories
     and sets to harvest. It also take care of harvesting only new or
     modified records. Records harvested using this mode are converted
     and integrated into the repository, according to the settings
     defined in the OAI Harvest admin interface.

Manual (single-shot) harvesting mode:
   Save to /tmp/z.xml records from CDS added/modified between 2004-04-01
   and 2004-04-02, in MARCXML:
     $ oaiharvest -vListRecords -f2004-04-01 -u2004-04-02 -pmarcxml -o/tmp/z.xml http://cds.cern.ch/oai2d
Automatic (periodical) harvesting mode:
   Schedule daily harvesting of all repositories defined in OAIHarvest admin:
     $ oaiharvest -s 24h
   Schedule daily harvesting of repository 'arxiv', defined in OAIHarvest admin:
     $ oaiharvest -r arxiv -s 24h
   Harvest in 10 minutes from 'pubmed' repository records added/modified
   between 2005-05-05 and 2005-05-10:
     $ oaiharvest -r pubmed -d 2005-05-05:2005-05-10 -t 10m
        help_specific_usage='Manual single-shot harvesting mode:\n'
        '  -o, --output         specify output file\n'
        '  -v, --verb           OAI verb to be executed\n'
        '  -m, --method         http method (default POST)\n'
        '  -p, --metadataPrefix metadata format\n'
        '  -i, --identifier     OAI identifier\n'
        '  -s, --set            OAI set(s). Whitespace-separated list\n'
        '  -r, --resuptionToken Resume previous harvest\n'
        '  -f, --from           from date (datestamp)\n'
        '  -u, --until          until date (datestamp)\n'
        '  -c, --certificate    path to public certificate (in case of certificate-based harvesting)\n'
        '  -k, --key            path to private key (in case of certificate-based harvesting)\n'
        '  -l, --user           username (in case of password-protected harvesting)\n'
        '  -w, --password       password (in case of password-protected harvesting)\n'
        'Deamon mode (periodical or one-shot harvesting mode):\n'
        '  -r, --repository="repo A"[,"repo B"] \t which repositories to harvest (default=all)\n'
        '  -d, --dates=yyyy-mm-dd:yyyy-mm-dd \t reharvest given dates only\n'
        '  -i, --identifier     OAI identifier if wished to run in as a task.\n'
        '  --notify-email-to    Receive notifications on given email on successful upload and/or finished harvest.\n'
        '  --workflow       specify the workflow to execute.\n'
        '  --create-ticket-in   Provide desired ticketing queue to create a ticket in it on upload and/or finished harvest.\n'
        '                       Requires a configured ticketing system (BibCatalog).\n',
        specific_params=("r:i:d:W", [
            "repository=", "identifier=", "dates=", "workflow=",
            "notify-email-to=", "create-ticket-in="
Пример #11
def ago_string(s):
        return ago(parse(s, ignoretz=True))
    except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError):
        return 'unknown'
Пример #12
def main():
    """Start the tool.

    If the command line arguments are those of the 'manual' mode, then
    starts a manual one-time harvesting. Else trigger a BibSched task
    for automated harvesting based on the OAIHarvest admin settings.
    # Let's try to parse the arguments as used in manual harvesting:

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "o:v:m:p:i:s:f:u:r:c:k:l:w:",

        # So everything went smoothly: start harvesting in manual mode
        if len([opt for opt, opt_value in opts
                if opt in ['-v', '--verb']]) > 0:
            # verb parameter is given
            http_param_dict = {}
            method = "POST"
            output = ""
            user = None
            password = None
            cert_file = None
            key_file = None
            sets = []
            # get options and arguments
            for opt, opt_value in opts:
                if opt in ["-v", "--verb"]:
                    http_param_dict['verb'] = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-m", '--method']:
                    if opt_value == "GET" or opt_value == "POST":
                        method = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-p", "--metadataPrefix"]:
                    http_param_dict['metadataPrefix'] = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-i", "--identifier"]:
                    http_param_dict['identifier'] = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-s", "--set"]:
                    sets = opt_value.split()
                elif opt in ["-f", "--from"]:
                    http_param_dict['from'] = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-u", "--until"]:
                    http_param_dict['until'] = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-r", "--resumptionToken"]:
                    http_param_dict['resumptionToken'] = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-o", "--output"]:
                    output = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-c", "--certificate"]:
                    cert_file = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-k", "--key"]:
                    key_file = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-l", "--user"]:
                    user = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-w", "--password"]:
                    password = opt_value
                elif opt in ["-V", "--version"]:
                    usage(1, "Option %s is not allowed" % opt)

            if len(args) > 0:
                base_url = args[-1]
                if not base_url.lower().startswith('http'):
                    base_url = 'http://' + base_url
                (addressing_scheme, network_location, path, dummy1,
                 dummy2, dummy3) = urllib.parse(base_url)
                secure = (addressing_scheme == "https")

                if (cert_file and not key_file) or \
                        (key_file and not cert_file):
                    # Both are needed if one specified
                    usage(1, "You must specify both certificate and key files")

                if password and not user:
                    # User must be specified when password is given
                    usage(1, "You must specify a username")
                elif user and not password:
                    if not secure:
                            "*WARNING* Your password will be sent in clear!\n")
                        password = getpass.getpass()
                    except KeyboardInterrupt as error:
                        sys.stderr.write("\n%s\n" % (error,))

                getter.harvest(network_location, path,
                               http_param_dict, method,
                               output, sets, secure, user,
                               password, cert_file,

                sys.stderr.write("Harvesting completed at: %s\n\n" %
                                 time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S --> ",
                usage(1, "You must specify the URL to harvest")
            # verb is not given. We will continue with periodic
            # harvesting. But first check if URL parameter is given:
            # if it is, then warn directly now

            if len([opt for opt, opt_value in opts if
                    opt in ['-i', '--identifier']]) == 0 \
                and len(args) > 1 or \
                    (len(args) == 1 and not args[0].isdigit()):
                usage(1, "You must specify the --verb parameter")
    except getopt.error:
        # So could it be that we are using different arguments? Try to
        # start the BibSched task (automated harvesting) and see if it
        # validates
        # BibSched mode - periodical harvesting
    # Note that the 'help' is common to both manual and automated
    # mode.

    num_of_critical_parameter = 0
    num_of_critical_parameterb = 0
    repositories = []

    for opt in sys.argv[1:]:
        if opt in "-r" or opt in "--repository":
            num_of_critical_parameter += 1
        elif opt in "--workflow":
            num_of_critical_parameterb += 1
        if num_of_critical_parameter > 1 or num_of_critical_parameterb > 1:
            usage(1, "You can't specify twice -r or --workflow")

    if num_of_critical_parameter == 1:
        if "-r" in sys.argv:
            position = sys.argv.index("-r")
            position = sys.argv.index("--repository")
        repositories = sys.argv[position + 1].split(",")
        if len(repositories) > 1 and \
                ("-i" in sys.argv or "--identifier" in sys.argv):
                  "It is impossible to harvest an identifier from several "

    if num_of_critical_parameterb == 1:

        position = sys.argv.index("--workflow")
        workflows = sys.argv[position + 1].split(",")

        for workflow_candidate in workflows:
            if workflow_candidate not in registry_workflows:
                usage(1, "The workflow %s doesn't exist." % workflow_candidate)

    if num_of_critical_parameter == 1 and num_of_critical_parameterb == 0:

        for name_repository in repositories:
                oaiharvest_instance = OaiHARVEST.get(
                    OaiHARVEST.name == name_repository).one()
                if oaiharvest_instance.workflows not in registry_workflows:
                          "The repository %s doesn't have a valid workflow specified." % name_repository)
            except orm.exc.NoResultFound:
                      "The repository %s doesn't exist in our database." % name_repository)

    elif num_of_critical_parameter == 1 and num_of_critical_parameterb == 1:

        for name_repository in repositories:
                OaiHARVEST.get(OaiHARVEST.name == name_repository).one()
            except orm.exc.NoResultFound:
                      "The repository %s doesn't exist in our database." % name_repository)

        print("A workflow has been specified, overriding the repository one.")

    task_set_option("repository", None)
    task_set_option("dates", None)
    task_set_option("workflow", None)
    task_set_option("identifiers", None)
              authorization_msg="oaiharvest Task Submission",
Harvest records from OAI sources.
Manual vs automatic harvesting:
   - Manual harvesting retrieves records from the specified URL,
     with the specified OAI arguments. Harvested records are displayed
     on the standard output or saved to a file, but are not integrated
     into the repository. This mode is useful to 'play' with OAI
     repositories or to build special harvesting scripts.
   - Automatic harvesting relies on the settings defined in the OAI
     Harvest admin interface to periodically retrieve the repositories
     and sets to harvest. It also take care of harvesting only new or
     modified records. Records harvested using this mode are converted
     and integrated into the repository, according to the settings
     defined in the OAI Harvest admin interface.

Manual (single-shot) harvesting mode:
   Save to /tmp/z.xml records from CDS added/modified between 2004-04-01
   and 2004-04-02, in MARCXML:
     $ oaiharvest -vListRecords -f2004-04-01 -u2004-04-02 -pmarcxml -o/tmp/z.xml http://cds.cern.ch/oai2d
Automatic (periodical) harvesting mode:
   Schedule daily harvesting of all repositories defined in OAIHarvest admin:
     $ oaiharvest -s 24h
   Schedule daily harvesting of repository 'arxiv', defined in OAIHarvest admin:
     $ oaiharvest -r arxiv -s 24h
   Harvest in 10 minutes from 'pubmed' repository records added/modified
   between 2005-05-05 and 2005-05-10:
     $ oaiharvest -r pubmed -d 2005-05-05:2005-05-10 -t 10m

              help_specific_usage='Manual single-shot harvesting mode:\n'
                                  '  -o, --output         specify output file\n'
                                  '  -v, --verb           OAI verb to be executed\n'
                                  '  -m, --method         http method (default POST)\n'
                                  '  -p, --metadataPrefix metadata format\n'
                                  '  -i, --identifier     OAI identifier\n'
                                  '  -s, --set            OAI set(s). Whitespace-separated list\n'
                                  '  -r, --resuptionToken Resume previous harvest\n'
                                  '  -f, --from           from date (datestamp)\n'
                                  '  -u, --until          until date (datestamp)\n'
                                  '  -c, --certificate    path to public certificate (in case of certificate-based harvesting)\n'
                                  '  -k, --key            path to private key (in case of certificate-based harvesting)\n'
                                  '  -l, --user           username (in case of password-protected harvesting)\n'
                                  '  -w, --password       password (in case of password-protected harvesting)\n'
                                  'Deamon mode (periodical or one-shot harvesting mode):\n'
                                  '  -r, --repository="repo A"[,"repo B"] \t which repositories to harvest (default=all)\n'
                                  '  -d, --dates=yyyy-mm-dd:yyyy-mm-dd \t reharvest given dates only\n'
                                  '  -i, --identifier     OAI identifier if wished to run in as a task.\n'
                                  '  --notify-email-to    Receive notifications on given email on successful upload and/or finished harvest.\n'
                                  '  --workflow       specify the workflow to execute.\n'
                                  '  --create-ticket-in   Provide desired ticketing queue to create a ticket in it on upload and/or finished harvest.\n'
                                  '                       Requires a configured ticketing system (BibCatalog).\n',
                  ["repository=", "identifier=", "dates=", "workflow=",
                   "notify-email-to=", "create-ticket-in="]),
Пример #13
    def show_score(self, data, suffix=''):
            Return a list with all score, finished date, email, name_link and username of the students
        pageId = self.idform
        user_id = self.scope_ids.user_id
        connectsid, apiKey = self.get_api_token()
        if connectsid is False:
                "Error with get api_key or connect.sid, pageId: {}, user_id: {}"
                .format(pageId, user_id))
            return {'result': 'error'}
        result = requests.get(
            cookies={'connect.sid': connectsid},
                'content-type': 'application/json',
                "x-api-key": apiKey

        if result.status_code == 200:
            from django.contrib.auth.models import User
            from dateutil.parser import parse
            aux = self.block_course_id
            course_key = CourseKey.from_string(aux)
            enrolled_students = User.objects.filter(
                    'id', 'username', 'email')
            datajson = json.loads(result.text)
            aux_links = datajson["links"]
            if len(aux_links) > 0:
                links = {}
                for link in aux_links:
                    ids = str(link['id'])
                    links[ids] = [
                        str(link['score']) if link['score'] is not None else
                        "Sin Registros", link["finishedAt"]
                list_student = []
                for student in enrolled_students:
                    student_module = self.get_or_create_student_module(
                    state = json.loads(student_module.state)

                    if len(state) > 0 and state['id_link'] in links:
                        id_link = state['id_link']
                        expired_date = self.expired_date()
                        if links[id_link][
                                1] is not None and expired_date is not None:
                            aux_date = "Si" if parse(
                                links[id_link][1]) > expired_date else "No"
                            aux_date = "Sin Registros"
                            student['id'], student['username'],
                            student['email'], state['name_link'],
                            links[id_link][0], aux_date
                        state['score'] = links[id_link][0]
                        state['expired'] = links[id_link][1]
                        student_module.state = json.dumps(state)
                    elif len(state) > 0:
                            student['id'], student['username'],
                            student['email'], state['name_link'],
                            "Sin Registros", "Sin Registros"
                            student['id'], student['username'],
                            student['email'], "Sin Registros", "Sin Registros",
                            "Sin Registros"
                return {'result': 'success', 'list_student': list_student}
                return {'result': 'error2'}
                "Error to get all Links, pageId: {}, userId: {}, response: {}".
                format(pageId, user_id, result.content))
        return {'result': 'error'}