Пример #1
from plone.app.testing import ploneSite
from plone.app.testing import setRoles
from plone.app.testing import TEST_USER_ID
from plone.app.testing import TEST_USER_NAME
from plone.app.testing import TEST_USER_PASSWORD
from plone.namedfile.file import NamedImage
from plone.testing import z2
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces import IBaseObject
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from six import StringIO
from zope.configuration import xmlconfig

GIF = StringIO(decodestring(B64_DATA))
GIF.filename = 'sample.gif'
GIF.contentType = 'image/gif'
GIF._width = 1
GIF._height = 1

def create(container, type_name, **kwargs):
    """A easy helper method to create some content since we do not have
    plone.api in core.

    new_id = container.invokeFactory(type_name, **kwargs)
    content = container[new_id]

    # Archetypes specific code was taken from ``plone.api``
    # Switch when api has been merged into core.
    if IBaseObject.providedBy(content):