Пример #1
print("press ESC to escape, S to go back, any key for next slide")

LOGGER = pi3d.Log.logger(__name__)
LOGGER.info("Log using this expression.")

# Setup display and initialise pi3d
DISPLAY = pi3d.Display.create(background=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), frames_per_second=20)
shader = pi3d.Shader("2d_flat")

#iFiles = glob.glob("/home/pi/slidemenu/testdir/*.*")
iFiles = glob.glob("textures/*.*")
nFi = len(iFiles)
fileQ = queue.Queue() # queue for loading new texture files

alpha_step = 0.025
nSli = 8
drawFlag = False

def tex_load():
  """ This function runs all the time in a background thread. It checks the
  fileQ for images to load that have been inserted by Carousel.next() or prev()

  here the images are scaled to fit the Display size, if they were to be
  rendered pixel for pixel as the original then the mipmap=False argument would
  be used, which is faster, and w and h values set to the Texture size i.e.

  tex = pi3d.Texture(f, mipmap=False)
          s_item.last_drawn = time.time()
    self.draw_list = sorted(self.draw_list, key=self._key_draw_list)
    cmap = self.scenery_list[cmap_id].shape
    return xm, zm, cmap

  #################### clear out unused scenery TODO clear unused textures too
  def clear_scenery(self, threshold):
    clear_list = sorted(self.scenery_list, key=self._key_age_list, reverse=True)[:-30]
    for key in clear_list:
      s_item = self.scenery_list[key]
      if s_item.last_drawn < threshold:
        s_item.status = 0
        s_item.shape = None

QDOWN = queue.Queue()

###################### function run in thread
def load_scenery():
  while True:
    item = QDOWN.get() #blocks for next available job
    if item[0] == 'STOP':
    key = item[0]
    pickle_path = item[1]
    s_item = item[2]
    texture_list = item[3]
    draw_list = item[4]
    offsetx = item[5]
    offsetz = item[6]