Пример #1
def create_fake_observation():
    """Create a subsample with defined property"""

    # Create a subsample of a larger sample such that we can compute
    # the expected probability of the unseen portion.
    # This is used in the tests of lladser_pe and lladser_ci
    counts = np.ones(1001, dtype='int64')
    counts[0] = 9000
    total = counts.sum()

    fake_obs = subsample(counts, 1000)
    exp_p = 1 - sum([x/total for (x, y) in zip(counts, fake_obs) if y > 0])

    return fake_obs, exp_p
Пример #2
def michaelis_menten_fit(counts, num_repeats=1, params_guess=None,
    """Michaelis-Menten fit to rarefaction curve of observed species

    Note: there is some controversy about how to do the fitting. The ML model
    givem by Raaijmakers 1987 is based on the assumption that error is roughly
    proportional to magnitude of observation, reasonable for enzyme kinetics
    but not reasonable for rarefaction data. Here we just do a nonlinear
    curve fit for the parameters using least-squares.

    S = Smax*n/(B + n) . n: number of individuals, S: # of species
    returns Smax

    num_repeats: will perform rarefaction (subsampling without replacement)
    this many times at each value of n
    params_guess: intial guess of Smax, B (None => default)
    return_b: if True will return the estimate for Smax, B. Default is just Smax

    the fit is made to datapoints where n = 1,2,...counts.sum(),
    S = species represented in random sample of n individuals

    counts = asarray(counts)
    if params_guess is None:
        params_guess = array([100, 500])

    # observed # of species vs # of individuals sampled, S vs n
    xvals = arange(1, counts.sum() + 1)
    ymtx = []
    for i in range(num_repeats):
        ymtx.append(array([observed_species(subsample(counts, n))
                           for n in xvals]))
    ymtx = asarray(ymtx)
    yvals = ymtx.mean(0)

    # fit to obs_sp = max_sp * num_idiv / (num_indiv + B)
    # return max_sp
    def fitfn(p, n):  # works with vectors of n, returns vector of S
        return p[0] * n / (p[1] + n)

    def errfn(p, n, y):  # vectors of actual vals y and number of individuals n
        return ((fitfn(p, n) - y) ** 2).sum()

    p1 = fmin_powell(errfn, params_guess, args=(xvals, yvals), disp=0)
    if return_b:
        return p1
        return p1[0]  # return only S_max, not the K_m (B) param
Пример #3
def create_fake_observation():
    """Create a subsample with defined property"""

    # Create a subsample of a larger sample such that we can compute
    # the expected probability of the unseen portion.
    # This is used in the tests of lladser_pe and lladser_ci
    x = [9000]
    x.extend([1] * 1000)
    counts = np.array(x)
    total = counts.sum()

    fake_obs = subsample(counts, 1000)
    exp_p = 1 - sum([x / total for (x, y) in zip(counts, fake_obs) if y > 0])

    return fake_obs, exp_p
Пример #4
def create_fake_observation():
    """Create a subsample with defined property"""

    # Create a subsample of a larger sample such that we can compute
    # the expected probability of the unseen portion.
    # This is used in the tests of lladser_pe and lladser_ci
    x = [9000]
    x.extend([1] * 1000)
    counts = np.array(x)
    total = counts.sum()

    fake_obs = subsample(counts, 1000)
    exp_p = 1 - sum([x/total for (x, y) in zip(counts, fake_obs) if y > 0])

    return fake_obs, exp_p
Пример #5
def michaelis_menten_fit(counts, num_repeats=1, params_guess=None):
    """Calculate Michaelis-Menten fit to rarefaction curve of observed OTUs.

    The Michaelis-Menten equation is defined as

    .. math::


    where :math:`n` is the number of individuals and :math:`S` is the number of
    OTUs. This function estimates the :math:`S_{max}` parameter.

    The fit is made to datapoints for :math:`n=1,2,...,N`, where :math:`N` is
    the total number of individuals (sum of abundances for all OTUs).
    :math:`S` is the number of OTUs represented in a random sample of :math:`n`

    counts : 1-D array_like, int
        Vector of counts.
    num_repeats : int, optional
        The number of times to perform rarefaction (subsampling without
        replacement) at each value of :math:`n`.
    params_guess : tuple, optional
        Initial guess of :math:`S_{max}` and :math:`B`. If ``None``, default
        guess for :math:`S_{max}` is :math:`S` (as :math:`S_{max}` should
        be >= :math:`S`) and default guess for :math:`B` is ``round(N / 2)``.

    S_max : double
        Estimate of the :math:`S_{max}` parameter in the Michaelis-Menten

    See Also

    There is some controversy about how to do the fitting. The ML model given
    in [1]_ is based on the assumption that error is roughly proportional to
    magnitude of observation, reasonable for enzyme kinetics but not reasonable
    for rarefaction data. Here we just do a nonlinear curve fit for the
    parameters using least-squares.

    .. [1] Raaijmakers, J. G. W. 1987 Statistical analysis of the
       Michaelis-Menten equation. Biometrics 43, 793-803.

    counts = _validate(counts)

    n_indiv = counts.sum()
    if params_guess is None:
        S_max_guess = observed_otus(counts)
        B_guess = int(round(n_indiv / 2))
        params_guess = (S_max_guess, B_guess)

    # observed # of OTUs vs # of individuals sampled, S vs n
    xvals = np.arange(1, n_indiv + 1)
    ymtx = np.empty((num_repeats, len(xvals)), dtype=int)
    for i in range(num_repeats):
        ymtx[i] = np.asarray([observed_otus(subsample(counts, n))
                              for n in xvals], dtype=int)
    yvals = ymtx.mean(0)

    # Vectors of actual vals y and number of individuals n.
    def errfn(p, n, y):
        return (((p[0] * n / (p[1] + n)) - y) ** 2).sum()

    # Return S_max.
    return fmin_powell(errfn, params_guess, ftol=1e-5, args=(xvals, yvals),
Пример #6
 def y(self):
     try: return [self.div_fn(subsample(self.parent.sample.counts, k)) for k in self.x]
     except ValueError: return [0 for k in self.x]
Пример #7
def michaelis_menten_fit(counts, num_repeats=1, params_guess=None):
    """Calculate Michaelis-Menten fit to rarefaction curve of observed OTUs.

    The Michaelis-Menten equation is defined as

    .. math::


    where :math:`n` is the number of individuals and :math:`S` is the number of
    OTUs. This function estimates the :math:`S_{max}` parameter.

    The fit is made to datapoints for :math:`n=1,2,...,N`, where :math:`N` is
    the total number of individuals (sum of abundances for all OTUs).
    :math:`S` is the number of OTUs represented in a random sample of :math:`n`

    counts : 1-D array_like, int
        Vector of counts.
    num_repeats : int, optional
        The number of times to perform rarefaction (subsampling without
        replacement) at each value of :math:`n`.
    params_guess : tuple, optional
        Initial guess of :math:`S_{max}` and :math:`B`. If ``None``, default
        guess for :math:`S_{max}` is :math:`S` (as :math:`S_{max}` should
        be >= :math:`S`) and default guess for :math:`B` is ``round(N / 2)``.

    S_max : double
        Estimate of the :math:`S_{max}` parameter in the Michaelis-Menten

    See Also

    There is some controversy about how to do the fitting. The ML model given
    in [1]_ is based on the assumption that error is roughly proportional to
    magnitude of observation, reasonable for enzyme kinetics but not reasonable
    for rarefaction data. Here we just do a nonlinear curve fit for the
    parameters using least-squares.

    .. [1] Raaijmakers, J. G. W. 1987 Statistical analysis of the
       Michaelis-Menten equation. Biometrics 43, 793-803.

    counts = _validate(counts)

    n_indiv = counts.sum()
    if params_guess is None:
        S_max_guess = observed_otus(counts)
        B_guess = int(round(n_indiv / 2))
        params_guess = (S_max_guess, B_guess)

    # observed # of OTUs vs # of individuals sampled, S vs n
    xvals = np.arange(1, n_indiv + 1)
    ymtx = np.empty((num_repeats, len(xvals)), dtype=int)
    for i in range(num_repeats):
        ymtx[i] = np.asarray(
            [observed_otus(subsample(counts, n)) for n in xvals], dtype=int)
    yvals = ymtx.mean(0)

    # Vectors of actual vals y and number of individuals n.
    def errfn(p, n, y):
        return (((p[0] * n / (p[1] + n)) - y)**2).sum()

    # Return S_max.
    return fmin_powell(errfn,
                       args=(xvals, yvals),