def test_ValueError_full(self):
     """Checks that the matrix cannot be normalized
     if there is a zero variation matrix."""
     X = np.array([2, 2, 2]).reshape(-1, 1)
     model = StandardFlexibleScaler(column_wise=False)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
 def test_NotFittedError_inverse(self):
     """Checks that an error is returned when
     trying to use the inverse transform function
     before the fit function"""
     X = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(3, 3))
     model = StandardFlexibleScaler()
     with self.assertRaises(sklearn.exceptions.NotFittedError):
 def test_ValueError_column_wise(self):
     """Checks that the matrix cannot be normalized
     across columns if there is a zero variation column."""
     X = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(3, 3))
     X[0][0] = X[1][0] = X[2][0] = 2
     model = StandardFlexibleScaler(column_wise=True)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
 def test_fit_transform_pf(self):
     """Checks that in the case of normalization by columns,
     the result is the same as in the case of using the package from sklearn
     X = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(3, 3))
     model = StandardFlexibleScaler(column_wise=True)
     transformed_skcosmo = model.fit_transform(X)
     transformed_sklearn = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)
 def test_fit_transform_npf(self):
     """Checks that the entire matrix is correctly normalized
     (not column-wise). Compare with the value calculated
     directly from the equation.
     X = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(3, 3))
     model = StandardFlexibleScaler(column_wise=False)
     X_tr = model.fit_transform(X)
     mean = X.mean(axis=0)
     var = ((X - mean)**2).mean(axis=0)
     scale = np.sqrt(var.sum())
     X_ex = (X - mean) / scale
     self.assertTrue((np.isclose(X_ex, X_tr, atol=1e-12)).all())
 def test_transform(self):
     """Checks the transformation relative
     to the reference matrix.
     X = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(3, 3))
     model = StandardFlexibleScaler(column_wise=True)
     Y = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(3, 3))
     Y_tr = model.transform(Y)
     mean = X.mean(axis=0)
     var = ((X - mean)**2).mean(axis=0)
     scale = np.sqrt(var)
     Y_ex = (Y - mean) / scale
     self.assertTrue((np.isclose(Y_tr, Y_ex, atol=1e-12)).all())
 def test_shape_inconsistent_inverse(self):
     """Checks that an error is returned when attempting
     to use the inverse transform function with mismatched matrix sizes."""
     X = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(3, 3))
     X_test = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(4, 4))
     model = StandardFlexibleScaler(column_wise=True)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
 def test_inverse_transform(self):
     """Checks the inverse transformation with
     respect to the reference matrix.
     X = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(3, 3))
     model = StandardFlexibleScaler(column_wise=True)
     Y = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(3, 3))
     Y_tr = model.transform(Y)
     Y = np.around(Y, decimals=4)
     Y_inv = np.around((model.inverse_transform(Y_tr)), decimals=4)
     self.assertTrue((np.isclose(Y, Y_inv, atol=1e-12)).all())
     X = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(3, 3))
     model = StandardFlexibleScaler(column_wise=False)
     Y = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=(3, 3))
     Y_tr = model.transform(Y)
     Y = np.around(Y, decimals=4)
     Y_inv = np.around((model.inverse_transform(Y_tr)), decimals=4)
     self.assertTrue((np.isclose(Y, Y_inv, atol=1e-12)).all())