Пример #1
def getInsetPoint( loop, tinyRadius ):
	"Get the inset vertex."
	pointIndex = getWideAnglePointIndex( loop )
	point = loop[ pointIndex % len( loop ) ]
	afterPoint = loop[ ( pointIndex + 1 ) % len( loop ) ]
	beforePoint = loop[ ( pointIndex - 1 ) % len( loop ) ]
	afterSegmentNormalized = euclidean.getNormalized( afterPoint - point )
	beforeSegmentNormalized = euclidean.getNormalized( beforePoint - point )
	afterClockwise = complex( afterSegmentNormalized.imag, - afterSegmentNormalized.real )
	beforeWiddershins = complex( - beforeSegmentNormalized.imag, beforeSegmentNormalized.real )
	midpoint = afterClockwise + beforeWiddershins
	midpointNormalized = midpoint / abs( midpoint )
	return point + midpointNormalized * tinyRadius
Пример #2
	def insertPathsBetween( self, aroundBetweenPath, nextBeginning, pathEnd ):
		"Insert paths between the perimeter and the fill."
		betweenX = []
		switchX = []
		segment = euclidean.getNormalized( nextBeginning - pathEnd )
		segmentYMirror = complex( segment.real, - segment.imag )
		pathEndRotated = segmentYMirror * pathEnd
		nextBeginningRotated = segmentYMirror * nextBeginning
		y = pathEndRotated.imag
		for betweenIndex in xrange( len( self.getBetweens() ) ):
			between = self.getBetweens()[ betweenIndex ]
			betweenRotated = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis( segmentYMirror, between )
			euclidean.addXIntersectionIndexes( betweenRotated, betweenIndex, switchX, y )
		maximumX = max( pathEndRotated.real, nextBeginningRotated.real )
		minimumX = min( pathEndRotated.real, nextBeginningRotated.real )
		for xIntersection in switchX:
			if xIntersection.x > minimumX and xIntersection.x < maximumX:
				betweenX.append( xIntersection )
		betweenXIndex = self.getStartIndex( betweenX )
		while betweenXIndex < len( betweenX ) - 1:
			betweenXFirst = betweenX[ betweenXIndex ]
			betweenXSecond = betweenX[ betweenXIndex + 1 ]
			loopFirst = self.getBetweens()[ betweenXFirst.index ]
			betweenFirst = segment * complex( betweenXFirst.x, y )
			betweenSecond = segment * complex( betweenXSecond.x, y )
			isLeavingPerimeter = False
			if betweenXSecond.index != betweenXFirst.index:
				isLeavingPerimeter = True
			self.addPathBetween( aroundBetweenPath, betweenFirst, betweenSecond, isLeavingPerimeter, loopFirst )
			betweenXIndex += 2
Пример #3
def getInsetFromClockwiseTriple(aheadAbsolute, behindAbsolute, center, radius):
    "Get loop inset from clockwise triple, out from widdershins loop."
    originalCenterMinusBehind = euclidean.getNormalized(center -
    reverseRoundZAngle = complex(originalCenterMinusBehind.real,
    rotatedAheadAbsolute = aheadAbsolute * reverseRoundZAngle
    rotatedBehindAbsolute = behindAbsolute * reverseRoundZAngle
    rotatedCenter = center * reverseRoundZAngle
    aheadIntersection = getIntersectionAtInset(rotatedAheadAbsolute,
                                               rotatedCenter, radius)
    behindIntersection = getIntersectionAtInset(rotatedCenter,
                                                rotatedBehindAbsolute, radius)
    centerMinusAhead = rotatedCenter - rotatedAheadAbsolute
    if abs(centerMinusAhead.imag) < abs(0.00001 * centerMinusAhead.real):
        between = 0.5 * (aheadIntersection + behindIntersection)
        return originalCenterMinusBehind * between
    yMinusAhead = behindIntersection.imag - aheadIntersection.imag
    x = aheadIntersection.real + yMinusAhead * centerMinusAhead.real / centerMinusAhead.imag
    insetFromClockwiseTriple = originalCenterMinusBehind * complex(
        x, behindIntersection.imag)
    insetMinusOriginal = insetFromClockwiseTriple - center
    distance = abs(insetMinusOriginal)
    maximumDistance = 2.0 * radius
    if distance < maximumDistance:
        return insetFromClockwiseTriple
    return center + maximumDistance / distance * insetMinusOriginal
Пример #4
 def insertPathsBetween(self, aroundBetweenPath, nextBeginning, pathEnd):
     "Insert paths between the perimeter and the fill."
     betweenX = []
     switchX = []
     segment = euclidean.getNormalized(nextBeginning - pathEnd)
     segmentYMirror = complex(segment.real, -segment.imag)
     pathEndRotated = segmentYMirror * pathEnd
     nextBeginningRotated = segmentYMirror * nextBeginning
     y = pathEndRotated.imag
     for betweenIndex in xrange(len(self.getBetweens())):
         between = self.getBetweens()[betweenIndex]
         betweenRotated = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(
             segmentYMirror, between)
         euclidean.addXIntersectionIndexes(betweenRotated, betweenIndex,
                                           switchX, y)
     maximumX = max(pathEndRotated.real, nextBeginningRotated.real)
     minimumX = min(pathEndRotated.real, nextBeginningRotated.real)
     for xIntersection in switchX:
         if xIntersection.x > minimumX and xIntersection.x < maximumX:
     betweenXIndex = self.getStartIndex(betweenX)
     while betweenXIndex < len(betweenX) - 1:
         betweenXFirst = betweenX[betweenXIndex]
         betweenXSecond = betweenX[betweenXIndex + 1]
         loopFirst = self.getBetweens()[betweenXFirst.index]
         betweenFirst = segment * complex(betweenXFirst.x, y)
         betweenSecond = segment * complex(betweenXSecond.x, y)
         isLeavingPerimeter = False
         if betweenXSecond.index != betweenXFirst.index:
             isLeavingPerimeter = True
         self.addPathBetween(aroundBetweenPath, betweenFirst, betweenSecond,
                             isLeavingPerimeter, loopFirst)
         betweenXIndex += 2
Пример #5
def getWideAnglePointIndex( loop ):
	"Get a point index which has a wide enough angle, most point indexes have a wide enough angle, this is just to make sure."
	dotProductMinimum = 9999999.9
	widestPointIndex = 0
	for pointIndex in xrange( len( loop ) ):
		point = loop[ pointIndex % len( loop ) ]
		afterPoint = loop[ ( pointIndex + 1 ) % len( loop ) ]
		beforePoint = loop[ ( pointIndex - 1 ) % len( loop ) ]
		afterSegmentNormalized = euclidean.getNormalized( afterPoint - point )
		beforeSegmentNormalized = euclidean.getNormalized( beforePoint - point )
		dotProduct = euclidean.getDotProduct( afterSegmentNormalized, beforeSegmentNormalized )
		if dotProduct < .99:
			return pointIndex
		if dotProduct < dotProductMinimum:
			dotProductMinimum = dotProduct
			widestPointIndex = pointIndex
	return widestPointIndex
Пример #6
 def getPathsBetween(self, begin, end):
     "Insert paths between the perimeter and the fill."
     aroundBetweenPath = []
     points = [begin]
     lineX = []
     switchX = []
     segment = euclidean.getNormalized(end - begin)
     segmentYMirror = complex(segment.real, -segment.imag)
     beginRotated = segmentYMirror * begin
     endRotated = segmentYMirror * end
     y = beginRotated.imag
     boundaries = self.getBoundaries()
     for boundaryIndex in xrange(len(boundaries)):
         boundary = boundaries[boundaryIndex]
         boundaryRotated = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(
             segmentYMirror, boundary)
                                                    boundaryIndex, switchX,
     maximumX = max(beginRotated.real, endRotated.real)
     minimumX = min(beginRotated.real, endRotated.real)
     for xIntersection in switchX:
         if xIntersection.x > minimumX and xIntersection.x < maximumX:
             point = segment * complex(xIntersection.x, y)
     lineXIndex = 0
     pathBetweenAdded = False
     while lineXIndex < len(lineX) - 1:
         lineXFirst = lineX[lineXIndex]
         lineXSecond = lineX[lineXIndex + 1]
         loopFirst = boundaries[lineXFirst.index]
         isLeavingPerimeter = False
         if lineXSecond.index != lineXFirst.index:
             isLeavingPerimeter = True
         pathBetween = self.getPathBetween(points[lineXIndex + 1],
                                           points[lineXIndex + 2],
                                           isLeavingPerimeter, loopFirst)
         if isLeavingPerimeter:
             if not pathBetweenAdded:
                 self.addRunningJumpPath(points[lineXIndex + 3],
             pathBetweenAdded = True
             pathBetween = self.getSimplifiedAroundPath(
                 points[lineXIndex], points[lineXIndex + 3], loopFirst,
             pathBetweenAdded = True
         aroundBetweenPath += pathBetween
         lineXIndex += 2
     return aroundBetweenPath
Пример #7
	def getCircleIntersectionAhead( self ):
		circleIntersections = self.circleNodeAhead.circleIntersections
		circleIntersectionAhead = None
		smallestWiddershinsDot = 999999999.0
		positionRelativeToAhead = self.getAbsolutePosition() - self.circleNodeAhead.circle
		positionRelativeToAhead = euclidean.getNormalized( positionRelativeToAhead )
		for circleIntersection in circleIntersections:
			if not circleIntersection.steppedOn:
				circleIntersectionRelative = circleIntersection.getPositionRelativeToBehind()
				circleIntersectionRelative = euclidean.getNormalized( circleIntersectionRelative )
				widdershinsDot = euclidean.getWiddershinsDotGiven( positionRelativeToAhead, circleIntersectionRelative )
				if widdershinsDot < smallestWiddershinsDot:
					smallestWiddershinsDot = widdershinsDot
					circleIntersectionAhead = circleIntersection
		if circleIntersectionAhead == None:
			print( 'this should never happen, circleIntersectionAhead in intercircle is None' )
			print( self.circleNodeAhead.circle )
			for circleIntersection in circleIntersections:
				print( circleIntersection.circleNodeAhead.circle )
		return circleIntersectionAhead
Пример #8
def isLoopIntersectingLoop( anotherLoop, loop ):
	"Determine if the a loop is intersecting another loop."
	for pointIndex in xrange( len( loop ) ):
		pointFirst = loop[ pointIndex ]
		pointSecond = loop[ ( pointIndex + 1 ) % len( loop ) ]
		segment = pointFirst - pointSecond
		normalizedSegment = euclidean.getNormalized( segment )
		segmentYMirror = complex( normalizedSegment.real, - normalizedSegment.imag )
		segmentFirstPoint = segmentYMirror * pointFirst
		segmentSecondPoint = segmentYMirror * pointSecond
		if euclidean.isLoopIntersectingInsideXSegment( anotherLoop, segmentFirstPoint.real, segmentSecondPoint.real, segmentYMirror, segmentFirstPoint.imag ):
			return True
	return False
Пример #9
def isLoopIntersectingLoop( anotherLoop, loop ):
	"Determine if the a loop is intersecting another loop."
	for pointIndex in xrange( len( loop ) ):
		pointFirst = loop[ pointIndex ]
		pointSecond = loop[ ( pointIndex + 1 ) % len( loop ) ]
		segment = pointFirst - pointSecond
		normalizedSegment = euclidean.getNormalized( segment )
		segmentYMirror = complex( normalizedSegment.real, - normalizedSegment.imag )
		segmentFirstPoint = segmentYMirror * pointFirst
		segmentSecondPoint = segmentYMirror * pointSecond
		if euclidean.isLoopIntersectingInsideXSegment( anotherLoop, segmentFirstPoint.real, segmentSecondPoint.real, segmentYMirror, segmentFirstPoint.imag ):
			return True
	return False
Пример #10
def getInsetFromClockwiseTriple( aheadAbsoluteComplex, behindAbsoluteComplex, centerComplex, radius ):
	"Get loop inset from clockwise triple, out from widdershins loop."
	originalCenterMinusBehindComplex = euclidean.getNormalized( centerComplex - behindAbsoluteComplex )
	reverseRoundZAngle = complex( originalCenterMinusBehindComplex.real, - originalCenterMinusBehindComplex.imag )
	aheadAbsoluteComplex *= reverseRoundZAngle
	behindAbsoluteComplex *= reverseRoundZAngle
	centerComplex *= reverseRoundZAngle
	aheadIntersectionComplex = getIntersectionAtInset( aheadAbsoluteComplex, centerComplex, radius )
	behindIntersectionComplex = getIntersectionAtInset( centerComplex, behindAbsoluteComplex, radius )
	centerComplexMinusAhead = centerComplex - aheadAbsoluteComplex
	if abs( centerComplexMinusAhead.imag ) < abs( 0.000001 * centerComplexMinusAhead.real ):
		between = 0.5 * ( aheadIntersectionComplex + behindIntersectionComplex )
		return originalCenterMinusBehindComplex * between
	yMinusAhead = behindIntersectionComplex.imag - aheadIntersectionComplex.imag
	x = aheadIntersectionComplex.real + yMinusAhead * centerComplexMinusAhead.real / centerComplexMinusAhead.imag
	return originalCenterMinusBehindComplex * complex( x, behindIntersectionComplex.imag )
Пример #11
def getInsetFromClockwiseTriple( aheadAbsoluteComplex, behindAbsoluteComplex, centerComplex, radius ):
	"Get loop inset from clockwise triple, out from widdershins loop."
	originalCenterMinusBehindComplex = euclidean.getNormalized( centerComplex - behindAbsoluteComplex )
	reverseRoundZAngle = complex( originalCenterMinusBehindComplex.real, - originalCenterMinusBehindComplex.imag )
	aheadAbsoluteComplex *= reverseRoundZAngle
	behindAbsoluteComplex *= reverseRoundZAngle
	centerComplex *= reverseRoundZAngle
	aheadIntersectionComplex = getIntersectionAtInset( aheadAbsoluteComplex, centerComplex, radius )
	behindIntersectionComplex = getIntersectionAtInset( centerComplex, behindAbsoluteComplex, radius )
	centerComplexMinusAhead = centerComplex - aheadAbsoluteComplex
	if abs( centerComplexMinusAhead.imag ) < abs( 0.000001 * centerComplexMinusAhead.real ):
		between = 0.5 * ( aheadIntersectionComplex + behindIntersectionComplex )
		return originalCenterMinusBehindComplex * between
	yMinusAhead = behindIntersectionComplex.imag - aheadIntersectionComplex.imag
	x = aheadIntersectionComplex.real + yMinusAhead * centerComplexMinusAhead.real / centerComplexMinusAhead.imag
	return originalCenterMinusBehindComplex * complex( x, behindIntersectionComplex.imag )
Пример #12
 def getPathsBetween(self, begin, end):
     "Insert paths between the perimeter and the fill."
     aroundBetweenPath = []
     points = [begin]
     lineX = []
     switchX = []
     segment = euclidean.getNormalized(end - begin)
     segmentYMirror = complex(segment.real, -segment.imag)
     beginRotated = segmentYMirror * begin
     endRotated = segmentYMirror * end
     y = beginRotated.imag
     boundaries = self.getBoundaries()
     for boundaryIndex in xrange(len(boundaries)):
         boundary = boundaries[boundaryIndex]
         boundaryRotated = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(segmentYMirror, boundary)
         euclidean.addXIntersectionIndexesFromLoopY(boundaryRotated, boundaryIndex, switchX, y)
     maximumX = max(beginRotated.real, endRotated.real)
     minimumX = min(beginRotated.real, endRotated.real)
     for xIntersection in switchX:
         if xIntersection.x > minimumX and xIntersection.x < maximumX:
             point = segment * complex(xIntersection.x, y)
     lineXIndex = 0
     while lineXIndex < len(lineX) - 1:
         lineXFirst = lineX[lineXIndex]
         lineXSecond = lineX[lineXIndex + 1]
         loopFirst = boundaries[lineXFirst.index]
         isLeavingPerimeter = False
         if lineXSecond.index != lineXFirst.index:
             isLeavingPerimeter = True
         pathBetween = self.getPathBetween(
             points[lineXIndex + 1], points[lineXIndex + 2], isLeavingPerimeter, loopFirst
         if isLeavingPerimeter:
             pathBetween = self.getRunningJumpPath(
                 points[lineXIndex + 3], boundaries[lineXSecond.index], pathBetween
             pathBetween = self.getSimplifiedAroundPath(
                 points[lineXIndex], points[lineXIndex + 3], loopFirst, pathBetween
         aroundBetweenPath += pathBetween
         lineXIndex += 2
     return aroundBetweenPath
Пример #13
	def getCircleIntersectionAhead( self ):
		"Get the first circle intersection on the circle node ahead."
		circleIntersections = self.circleNodeAhead.circleIntersections
		circleIntersectionAhead = None
		largestDot = - 999999999.0
		for circleIntersection in circleIntersections:
			if not circleIntersection.steppedOn:
				circleIntersectionRelativeToMidpoint = euclidean.getNormalized( circleIntersection.positionRelativeToBehind + self.aheadMinusBehind )
				dot = euclidean.getDotProduct( self.demichord, circleIntersectionRelativeToMidpoint )
				if dot > largestDot:
					largestDot = dot
					circleIntersectionAhead = circleIntersection
		if circleIntersectionAhead == None:
			print( 'this should never happen, circleIntersectionAhead in intercircle is None' )
			print( self.circleNodeAhead.circle )
			for circleIntersection in circleIntersections:
				print( circleIntersection.circleNodeAhead.circle )
		return circleIntersectionAhead
Пример #14
 def getIsAsFarAndNotIntersecting(self, begin, center, end, loop):
     "Determine if the point on the line is at least as far from the loop as the center point."
     if begin == end:
             "this should never happen but it does not really matter, begin == end in getIsAsFarAndNotIntersecting in comb."
         return True
     centerMinusEnd = center - end
     centerMinusEndLength = abs(centerMinusEnd)
     if centerMinusEndLength <= 0.0:
         return True
     segment = euclidean.getNormalized(begin - end)
     segmentCenterMinusEnd = segment * centerMinusEndLength + end
     nearestCenterDistanceIndex = euclidean.getNearestDistanceIndex(center, loop)
     nearestCenterMinusEndDistanceIndex = euclidean.getNearestDistanceIndex(segmentCenterMinusEnd, loop)
     if nearestCenterMinusEndDistanceIndex.distance < nearestCenterDistanceIndex.distance:
         return False
     return not euclidean.isLineIntersectingLoops(self.getBetweens(), begin, end)
Пример #15
def getOverhangDirection( belowOutsetLoops, segmentBegin, segmentEnd ):
	"Add to span direction from the endpoint segments which overhang the layer below."
	segment = segmentEnd - segmentBegin
	normalizedSegment = euclidean.getNormalized( complex( segment.real, segment.imag ) )
	segmentYMirror = complex( normalizedSegment.real, - normalizedSegment.imag )
	segmentBegin = segmentYMirror * segmentBegin
	segmentEnd = segmentYMirror * segmentEnd
	solidXIntersectionList = []
	y = segmentBegin.imag
	solidXIntersectionList.append( euclidean.XIntersectionIndex( - 1.0, segmentBegin.real ) )
	solidXIntersectionList.append( euclidean.XIntersectionIndex( - 1.0, segmentEnd.real ) )
	for belowLoopIndex in xrange( len( belowOutsetLoops ) ):
		belowLoop = belowOutsetLoops[ belowLoopIndex ]
		rotatedOutset = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis( segmentYMirror, belowLoop )
		euclidean.addXIntersectionIndexes( rotatedOutset, belowLoopIndex, solidXIntersectionList, y )
	overhangingSegments = euclidean.getSegmentsFromXIntersectionIndexes( solidXIntersectionList, y )
	overhangDirection = complex()
	for overhangingSegment in overhangingSegments:
		overhangDirection += getDoubledRoundZ( overhangingSegment, normalizedSegment )
	return overhangDirection
Пример #16
 def getTruncatedJumpSpace(self, begin, segment):
     "Get the jump space truncated to an intersection."
     truncatedJumpSpace = begin + segment * self.runningJumpSpace
     switchX = []
     segment = euclidean.getNormalized(truncatedJumpSpace - begin)
     segmentYMirror = complex(segment.real, -segment.imag)
     beginRotated = segmentYMirror * begin
     truncatedJumpSpaceRotated = segmentYMirror * truncatedJumpSpace
     y = beginRotated.imag
     betweens = self.getBetweens()
     for betweenIndex in xrange(len(betweens)):
         between = betweens[betweenIndex]
         betweenRotated = euclidean.getPointsRoundZAxis(segmentYMirror, between)
         euclidean.addXIntersectionIndexesFromLoopY(betweenRotated, betweenIndex, switchX, y)
     maximumX = max(beginRotated.real, truncatedJumpSpaceRotated.real)
     minimumX = min(beginRotated.real, truncatedJumpSpaceRotated.real)
     for xIntersection in switchX:
         if xIntersection.x > minimumX and xIntersection.x < maximumX:
             return segment * complex(xIntersection.x, y)
     return truncatedJumpSpace
Пример #17
def getInsetFromClockwiseTriple( aheadAbsolute, behindAbsolute, center, radius ):
	"Get loop inset from clockwise triple, out from widdershins loop."
	originalCenterMinusBehind = euclidean.getNormalized( center - behindAbsolute )
	reverseRoundZAngle = complex( originalCenterMinusBehind.real, - originalCenterMinusBehind.imag )
	rotatedAheadAbsolute = aheadAbsolute * reverseRoundZAngle
	rotatedBehindAbsolute = behindAbsolute * reverseRoundZAngle
	rotatedCenter = center * reverseRoundZAngle
	aheadIntersection = getIntersectionAtInset( rotatedAheadAbsolute, rotatedCenter, radius )
	behindIntersection = getIntersectionAtInset( rotatedCenter, rotatedBehindAbsolute, radius )
	centerMinusAhead = rotatedCenter - rotatedAheadAbsolute
	if abs( centerMinusAhead.imag ) < abs( 0.00001 * centerMinusAhead.real ):
		between = 0.5 * ( aheadIntersection + behindIntersection )
		return originalCenterMinusBehind * between
	yMinusAhead = behindIntersection.imag - aheadIntersection.imag
	x = aheadIntersection.real + yMinusAhead * centerMinusAhead.real / centerMinusAhead.imag
	insetFromClockwiseTriple = originalCenterMinusBehind * complex( x, behindIntersection.imag )
	insetMinusOriginal = insetFromClockwiseTriple - center
	distance = abs( insetMinusOriginal )
	maximumDistance = 2.0 * radius
	if distance < maximumDistance:
		return insetFromClockwiseTriple
	return center + maximumDistance / distance * insetMinusOriginal
Пример #18
	def getCircleIntersectionAhead( self ):
		"Get the first circle intersection on the circle node ahead."
		aheadMinusBehind = 0.5 * ( self.circleNodeAhead.circle - self.circleNodeBehind.circle )
		circleIntersections = self.circleNodeAhead.circleIntersections
		circleIntersectionAhead = None
		circleNodesMidpoint = 0.5 * ( self.circleNodeAhead.circle + self.circleNodeBehind.circle )
		largestDot = - 999999999.0
		positionRelativeToMidpoint = self.getDemichord( aheadMinusBehind )
		circleNodeAheadCircleMinusMidpoint = self.circleNodeAhead.circle - circleNodesMidpoint
		for circleIntersection in circleIntersections:
			if not circleIntersection.steppedOn:
				circleIntersectionRelativeToMidpoint = circleIntersection.getPositionRelativeToBehind() + circleNodeAheadCircleMinusMidpoint
				circleIntersectionRelativeToMidpoint = euclidean.getNormalized( circleIntersectionRelativeToMidpoint )
				dot = euclidean.getDotProduct( positionRelativeToMidpoint, circleIntersectionRelativeToMidpoint )
				if dot > largestDot:
					largestDot = dot
					circleIntersectionAhead = circleIntersection
		if circleIntersectionAhead == None:
			print( 'this should never happen, circleIntersectionAhead in intercircle is None' )
			print( self.circleNodeAhead.circle )
			for circleIntersection in circleIntersections:
				print( circleIntersection.circleNodeAhead.circle )
		return circleIntersectionAhead
Пример #19
 def getCircleIntersectionAhead(self):
     "Get the first circle intersection on the circle node ahead."
     circleIntersections = self.circleNodeAhead.circleIntersections
     circleIntersectionAhead = None
     largestDot = -999999999.0
     for circleIntersection in circleIntersections:
         if not circleIntersection.steppedOn:
             circleIntersectionRelativeToMidpoint = euclidean.getNormalized(
                 circleIntersection.positionRelativeToBehind +
             dot = euclidean.getDotProduct(
                 self.demichord, circleIntersectionRelativeToMidpoint)
             if dot > largestDot:
                 largestDot = dot
                 circleIntersectionAhead = circleIntersection
     if circleIntersectionAhead == None:
             'this should never happen, circleIntersectionAhead in intercircle is None'
         for circleIntersection in circleIntersections:
     return circleIntersectionAhead