Пример #1
    def __init__(self, *_, libretro='data/gambatte_libretro.dll', rom='data/pokeblue.gb',
                 state='data/pokeblue.state', draw_pad=True, scale_factor=2):

        # load the libretro core and feed the emulator a ROM
        self.emu = retro.core.EmulatedSystem(libretro)
        self.emu.load_game_normal(open(rom, 'rb').read(), path=rom)
        self.name = self.emu.name

        # load a starting state if one was provided
            with open(state or '', 'rb') as f:
        except IOError:

        # scaling
        self.scale_factor = int(scale_factor)

        # showing what buttons are active
        self.pad = 0
        self.pad_overlay = SnesPadDrawing(name='SUPER SYNC') if draw_pad else None

        # register rendering and input-reading callbacks
        # disabled until there's a decent audio implementation
        # retro.portaudio_audio.set_audio_sample_internal(self.emu)

        # unplug player 2 controller so we don't get twice as many input state callbacks
        self.emu.set_controller_port_device(1, retro.DEVICE_NONE)

        # limit FPS
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        self.limit_fps = True
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, args={}):
        Game.__init__(self, args, defaultargs, validargs)

        # load the libretro core and feed the emulator a ROM
        self.emu = core.EmulatedSNES(args['libretro'])
        self.emu.load_cartridge_normal(open(args['rom'], 'rb').read())

        # load a starting state if one was provided
        if args['initstate']:
                f = open(args['initstate'], 'rb')
            except IOError:

        # register drawing and input-reading callbacks
        self.snesfb = None
        if self.args['video']:
            self.snesfb = pygame.Surface(self.emu.get_av_info()['base_size'])
            pgvid.set_video_refresh_surface(self.emu, self.snesfb)

        # unplug player 2 controller so we don't get twice as many input state callbacks
        self.emu.set_controller_port_device(1, retro.DEVICE_NONE)

        # only bother with the overhead of audio if it's requested
        audtype = self.args['audio']
        #if audtype == 'wave':     waveaud.set_audio_sink(self.emu, 'superopti.wav')
        if audtype == 'pygame': pgaud.set_audio_sample_internal(self.emu)
        elif audtype == 'array':

        # don't put anything in the work ram until the emulator can
        self.wram = None
        self.soundbuf = array('H', [])
        self.pad = 0

        self._Heuristic = None
            self._Heuristic = __import__(self.args['heuristic']).Heuristic
            print 'SuperOpti: could not load given heuristic, falling back to blind'

        # number of frames to let a single input persist
        self.granularity = self.args['granularity']

        # maximum length of inputs before making a new 'keyframe' state
        self.tweening = self.args['tweening']
        self.keyframe = None
        self.inputs_since_keyframe = []

        # showing what buttons are active
        self.padoverlay = None
        if self.args['padoverlay']:
            self.padoverlay = SnesPadDrawing(name='SUPEROPTI')
Пример #3
	def __init__(self, args = {}):
		Game.__init__(self, args, defaultargs, validargs)

		# load the libretro core and feed the emulator a ROM
		self.emu = core.EmulatedSNES(args['libretro'])
		self.emu.load_cartridge_normal(open(args['rom'], 'rb').read())

		# load a starting state if one was provided
		if args['initstate']:
				f = open(args['initstate'], 'rb')
			except IOError: pass

		# register drawing and input-reading callbacks
		self.snesfb = None
		if self.args['video']:
			self.snesfb = pygame.Surface(self.emu.get_av_info()['base_size'])
			pgvid.set_video_refresh_surface(self.emu, self.snesfb)

		# unplug player 2 controller so we don't get twice as many input state callbacks
		self.emu.set_controller_port_device(1, retro.DEVICE_NONE)

		# only bother with the overhead of audio if it's requested
		audtype = self.args['audio']
		#if audtype == 'wave':     waveaud.set_audio_sink(self.emu, 'superopti.wav')
		if audtype == 'pygame':   pgaud.set_audio_sample_internal(self.emu)
		elif audtype == 'array':  self.emu.set_audio_sample_cb(self._audio_sample_cb)

		# don't put anything in the work ram until the emulator can
		self.wram = None
		self.soundbuf = array('H', [])
		self.pad = 0

		self._Heuristic = None
			self._Heuristic = __import__(self.args['heuristic']).Heuristic
			print 'SuperOpti: could not load given heuristic, falling back to blind'

		# number of frames to let a single input persist
		self.granularity = self.args['granularity']

		# maximum length of inputs before making a new 'keyframe' state
		self.tweening = self.args['tweening']
		self.keyframe = None
		self.inputs_since_keyframe = []

		# showing what buttons are active
		self.padoverlay = None
		if self.args['padoverlay']:
			self.padoverlay = SnesPadDrawing(name='SUPEROPTI')
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, args = {}):
        Game.__init__(self, args, defaultargs, validargs)

        self.inputs = { 'hat0_up':    0b0001,
                        'hat0_down':  0b0010,
                        'hat0_left':  0b0100,
                        'hat0_right': 0b1000 }

        # parse map
        lines = open(self.args['map'], 'r').read().strip('\n').split('\n')
        self.w, self.h = (max(len(l) for l in lines), len(lines))

        # all floor tiles at first
        # world[x][y] corresponds to lines[y][x] here.
        self.world = [[floor for i in xrange(self.h)] for j in xrange(self.w)]

        # generating the surface as we go along too
        self.surf = pygame.Surface((self.w, self.h))

        self.boxes = set()
        self.holes = set()
        for y in xrange(self.h):
            for x in xrange(len(lines[y])):
                char = lines[y][x]
                xy = (x, y)
                if char in '#':
                    self.world[x][y] = wall
                    self.surf.set_at(xy, wall_color)
                elif char in 'p@':
                    self.xpos, self.ypos = xy
                elif char in 'P+':
                    self.xpos, self.ypos = xy
                    self.surf.set_at(xy, hole_color)
                elif char in 'b$`':
                elif char in '.^':
                    self.surf.set_at(xy, hole_color)
                elif char in 'B*':
                    self.surf.set_at(xy, hole_color)

        # performance hack
        for boxhole in self.boxes & self.holes:
            if self.TrappedBox(boxhole):
                x, y = boxhole
                self.world[x][y] = wall
                self.surf.set_at(boxhole, boxhole_color)

        self.holes = frozenset(self.holes)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, args={}):
        Game.__init__(self, args, defaultargs, validargs)
        if 'seed' in self.args:
            random.seed(self.args['seed'])  # God does not play dice

        self.inputs = {
            'hat0_up': 0b0001,
            'hat0_down': 0b0010,
            'hat0_left': 0b0100,
            'hat0_right': 0b1000

        xmax, ymax = self.args['screen']
        self.w, self.h = (xmax, ymax)

        # all wall tiles at first
        self.world = [[wall for i in xrange(ymax)] for j in xrange(xmax)]

        # generating the surface as we go along too
        self.surf = pygame.Surface((xmax, ymax))

        x, y = (1, ymax / 2)  # start on left side in the middle

        # create our "Player"
        self.xpos = x
        self.ypos = y

        # carve out the world
            y] = floor  # place the floor tile, thereby demolishing the walls
        self.surf.set_at((x, y),
                         floor_color)  # do the same thing in the visual map

        # wander around until we hit the right side,
        #  but leave a border of wall around the outside
        while x < xmax - 1:
            step = random.randint(0, 1) * 2 - 1

            if random.randint(0, 1) == 1:
                x += step
                y += step

            # avoid crossing boundaries, except the right side
            #  (if we hit the right edge, we're done!)
            if y == 0: y = 1
            elif y == ymax - 1: y = ymax - 2
            if x == 0: x = 1
            # we check for x out of the right side in the 'while' condition.

            self.world[x][y] = floor
            self.surf.set_at((x, y), floor_color)
Пример #6
	def __init__(self, args = {}):
		Game.__init__(self, args, defaultargs, validargs)
		if 'seed' in self.args:  random.seed(self.args['seed'])  # God does not play dice

		self.inputs = { 'hat0_up':    0b0001,
						'hat0_down':  0b0010,
						'hat0_left':  0b0100,
						'hat0_right': 0b1000 }

		xmax, ymax = self.args['screen']
		self.w, self.h = (xmax, ymax)

		# all wall tiles at first
		self.world = [[wall for i in xrange(ymax)] for j in xrange(xmax)]

		# generating the surface as we go along too
		self.surf = pygame.Surface((xmax,ymax))

		x, y = (1, ymax/2)              # start on left side in the middle

		# create our "Player"
		self.xpos = x
		self.ypos = y

		# carve out the world
		self.world[x][y]=floor                # place the floor tile, thereby demolishing the walls
		self.surf.set_at((x,y), floor_color)  # do the same thing in the visual map

		# wander around until we hit the right side,
		#  but leave a border of wall around the outside
		while x < xmax-1:
			step = random.randint(0,1)*2 - 1

			if random.randint(0,1) == 1:

			# avoid crossing boundaries, except the right side
			#  (if we hit the right edge, we're done!)
			if y == 0: y=1
			elif y == ymax-1: y=ymax-2
			if x == 0: x=1
			# we check for x out of the right side in the 'while' condition.

			self.world[x][y] = floor
			self.surf.set_at((x,y), floor_color)
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, args = {}):
        Game.__init__(self, args, defaultargs, validargs)

        self.program = ''
        self.current_output = ''
        self.desired_output = self.args['output']
        self.iter_max = self.args['max_loop']
        self.bit_mask = (1 << self.args['bits_per_cell']) - 1

        # , is omitted because it could just produce a BF implementation of cat
        self.inputs = { 'hat0_up':    '+',
                        'hat0_down':  '-',
                        'hat0_left':  '<',
                        'hat0_right': '>',
                        0: '.',
                        1: '[',
                        2: ']' }

        self.pg_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 16)
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, args={}):
        Game.__init__(self, args, defaultargs, validargs)

        self.program = ''
        self.current_output = ''
        self.desired_output = self.args['output']
        self.iter_max = self.args['max_loop']
        self.bit_mask = (1 << self.args['bits_per_cell']) - 1

        # , is omitted because it could just produce a BF implementation of cat
        self.inputs = {
            'hat0_up': '+',
            'hat0_down': '-',
            'hat0_left': '<',
            'hat0_right': '>',
            0: '.',
            1: '[',
            2: ']'

        self.pg_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 16)