Пример #1
    def __sort_options(self, after, options, layer_index):
        '''Sort the options (combinations of befores and marks) by comparing their activations with the after result

        Keyword arguments:
            after -- image for basis of comparison of the combinations
            options -- combinations of befores and marks to sort
            layer_index -- layer at which we are judging everything

            Returns a list of the options sorted by how closely their activations match the after image.
        start_time = time.time()

        # get activations for after at layer
        after_act = get_layers_output(self.layers, [self.layer_names[layer_index]], after)[0]
        after_act = np.einsum('ijkc->c', after_act)

        target = normalize_L2(after_act)

        # get activations for options at layer
        result_acts = []
        for option in options:
            result = option[0]
            result_f = get_np_arr(result)
            result_act = get_layers_output(self.layers, [self.layer_names[layer_index]], result_f)[0]
            result_act = np.einsum('ijkc->c', result_act)
            result_act = normalize_L2(result_act)

        # calc difference between options and after for comparison
        error = []
        for i, result_act in enumerate(result_acts):
            error.append(np.sum((result_act - target) ** 2))

        # sort and return options in order of best match to after
        sort_idx = np.argsort(error)
        options_ordered = []
        for i in sort_idx:

        print('Found afters matches in --- %s seconds ---' % (time.time() - start_time))

        return options_ordered
Пример #2
    def __get_mark_matches(self, mark_to_match, n):
        '''Returns the top n matches to the given mark at layers 2 and 4 from the corpus. We could do every level, but this is faster and is meant to represent low (lines) and high level (closed forms) concepts.

        Keyword arguments:
            mark_to_match -- the mark made as an np array
            n -- number of matches to return

            Returns two lists of mark matches (from layer 2 and layer 4)
        start_time = time.time()

        f_size2 = layers_meta[1][2]
        mark2 = cv2.resize(mark_to_match, (f_size2, f_size2), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
        mark2_f = get_np_arr(mark2)
        mark2_acts = get_layers_output(self.layers, ['conv2'], mark2_f)[0]
        mark2_acts = mark2_acts[0, 0, 0, :]
        target2 = normalize_L2(mark2_acts)
        indices2 = self.ANN.get_nn(target2, 2, n)

        # get images corresponding to indices
        top_matches2 = []
        for idx in indices2:
            top_match = cv2.normalize(self.imgs2[idx], None, alpha=0, beta=1, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_32F)

        f_size4 = layers_meta[3][2]
        mark4 = cv2.resize(mark_to_match, (f_size4, f_size4), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
        mark4_f = get_np_arr(mark4)
        mark4_acts = get_layers_output(self.layers, ['conv4'], mark4_f)[0]
        mark4_acts = mark4_acts[0, 2, 2, :]
        target4 = normalize_L2(mark4_acts)
        indices4 = self.ANN.get_nn(target4, 4, n)

        # get images corresponding to indices
        top_matches4 = []
        for idx in indices4:
            top_match = cv2.normalize(self.imgs4[idx], None, alpha=0, beta=1, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_32F)

        print('Fetched mark matches in --- %s seconds ---' % (time.time() - start_time))

        return top_matches2, top_matches4
Пример #3
def get_before_match_options(img, shape_to_match, pct_to_keep, layers,
    '''Return a filtered set of the image split into segments matching the shape given

    Keyword arguments:
        img -- image to split
        shape_to_match -- shape to match when splitting
        pct_to_keep -- percent of the image pieces to keep
        layers -- layers to use for calculating activations
        layer_name -- name of layer to get activations for

        Returns a list of img pieces, their activations, and their locations
    start_time = time.time()

    h, w, c = img.shape
    img_pieces = []
    locations = []
    acts = []
    ySteps = int(h - shape_to_match[0]) + 1
    xSteps = int(w - shape_to_match[1]) + 1
    for y in range(0, ySteps):
        for x in range(0, xSteps):
            # skip some percentage
            if random.random() > pct_to_keep:

            # get section of before image
            x_start = x
            x_end = x_start + shape_to_match[0]
            y_start = y
            y_end = y_start + shape_to_match[1]
            img_piece = img[y_start:y_end, x_start:x_end]


            # record location of this piece
            location = {'x': x_start, 'y': y_start}

            # get activations for piece at specified layer
            act = get_layers_output(layers, [layer_name], img_piece)[0]
            # get averages for each channel
            act_avg = np.einsum('ijkc->c', act)

    print('Divided in --- %s seconds ---' % (time.time() - start_time))
    return img_pieces, acts, locations
Пример #4
    def __get_before_matches(self, imgs, befores, n):
        '''Get matches from images that are similar to the before images.

        Keyword arguments:
            imgs -- the current state of the AI images
            befores -- the before state where the mark was made on the human canvas at sizes appropriate for layer
            n -- number of matches to fetch

            Returns a list (by layer) of lists of before matches
        start_time = time.time()

        # the percent of randomly selected pieces of the image to search.
        # higher values will make it slower, there are a lot more strides
        # at lower levels.
        pcts = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001]

        # find the best matches for each layer
        # limit to first 3, because issue finding matches for L4
        before_matches_by_layer = []
        for i in range(0, 3):
            before = befores[i]
            shape_to_match = before.shape
            img_pieces, acts, locations = get_before_match_options(imgs[i], shape_to_match, pcts[i], self.layers, self.layer_names[i])

            # get the activations for this before image
            before_act = get_layers_output(self.layers, [self.layer_names[i]], before)[0]
            before_act = np.einsum('ijkc->c', before_act)
            target = normalize_L2(before_act)

            # find n closest matches from chopped up image...
            error = []
            for i, act in enumerate(acts):
                # use Euclidean distance
                act = normalize_L2(act)
                error.append(np.sum((act - target) ** 2))
            sort_idx = np.argsort(error)

            # get top matches that hopefully do not overlap
            n_safe = min(n, len(sort_idx))
            top_matches = []
            for j in range(n_safe):
                match_idx = sort_idx[j]
                location = locations[match_idx]
                img_piece = img_pieces[match_idx]
                match = [img_piece, location]
                # ignore matches that overlap matches we already found
                if not overlapsInList(match, top_matches):

            # get the imgs and their locations

        # TODO: Fix issue with L4!
        # matching does not work well at L4 for some reason
        # for now, copy L3 matches to L4 and resize
        before_matches_L4 = []
        img_L3 = imgs[2]
        layer_name3, stride3, f_size3, padding3 = layers_meta[2]
        layer_name4, stride4, f_size4, padding4 = layers_meta[3]
        padding = (f_size4 - f_size3) / 2
        for before_match in before_matches_by_layer[2]:
            before_match_img, location = before_match
            x, y = location['x'] - padding, location['y'] - padding
            end_x, end_y = x + f_size4, y + f_size4
            location = {'x': x, 'y': y}
            before_match_img = img_L3[x:end_x, y:end_y]
            h, w, c = before_match_img.shape
            before_match_img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(before_match_img, 0, (f_size4 - h), 0, (f_size4 - w), cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[0., 0., 0.])
            before_matches_L4.append((before_match_img, location))

        print('Fetched before matches in --- %s seconds ---' % (time.time() - start_time))

        return before_matches_by_layer
Пример #5
def load_corpus_for_layer_2(sample_rate,
    '''Load corpus of image pieces to use for low level mark matches

    Keyword arguments:
        sample_rate -- percent of images from corpus to keep
        pct_to_keep -- percent of image segments to keep
        low_threshold -- the threshold to filter mostly empty image pieces
        low_threshold_pct -- percent of pieces below the threshold to keep
        top_threshold -- the threshold to filter really busy image pieces
        top_threshold_pct -- percent of pieces above the top threshold to keep

        Returns a list of img pieces and a corresponding list with their activations at layer 2.
    start_time = time.time()

    # load the Sketch-A-Net layers to use for calculating activations
    layers = load_layers('./data/model_without_order_info_224.mat')

    # get images from TU Berlin corpus
    imgs = load_corpus_imgs_for_TU_Berlin(sample_rate)

    # keep a record of the images filtered by the bottom and top filters and those kept
    b_imgs = []
    t_imgs = []
    kept_imgs = []
    layer_name, stride, f_size, padding = layers_meta[1]

    for img in imgs:
        # split the image up into pieces matching this layer2 size
        img_segs = split_img_by_receptive_field(img, stride, f_size, padding)
        for i, img_seg in enumerate(img_segs):
            # skip some percentage
            if random.random() > pct_to_keep:

            # calculate how much of the image is markings
            img_sum = np.sum(img_seg) / (f_size**2)

            # check low threshold
            if low_threshold is not None:
                if img_sum < low_threshold and random.random(
                ) > low_threshold_pct:

            # check high threshold
            if top_threshold is not None:
                if img_sum > top_threshold and random.random(
                ) > top_threshold_pct:

            # keep image

    # save the filtered images to help with tuning of filters
    save_imgs(b_imgs, 'b_2_imgs_debug')
    save_imgs(t_imgs, 't_2_imgs_debug')
    save_imgs(kept_imgs, 'kept_2_imgs_debug')

    # calculate the activations for the kept images at layer 4
    acts = []
    for img in kept_imgs:
        act = get_layers_output(layers, ['conv2'], img)[0]
        # get averages for each channel
        act_avg = np.einsum('ijkc->c', act)

    print('Loaded corpus in --- %s seconds ---' % (time.time() - start_time))
    print('Loaded ' + str(len(kept_imgs)) + ' imgs and ' + str(len(acts)) +
          ' acts')
    return kept_imgs, acts
Пример #6
def load_corpus_for_layer_4(sample_rate,
    '''Load corpus of image pieces to use for high level mark matches

    Keyword arguments:
        sample_rate -- percent of images from corpus to keep
        low_threshold -- the threshold to filter mostly empty image pieces
        low_threshold_pct -- percent of pieces below the threshold to keep
        top_threshold -- the threshold to filter really busy image pieces
        top_threshold_pct -- percent of pieces above the top threshold to keep

        Returns a list of img pieces and a corresponding list with their activations at layer 4.
    start_time = time.time()

    # load the Sketch-A-Net layers to use for calculating activations
    layers = load_layers('./data/model_without_order_info_224.mat')

    layer4_size = layers_meta[3][2]

    # load the preprocessed sketch corpus (contains images from Google "Quick, Draw" and TU Berlin)
    with open('./data/sketchrnn_corpus.txt', 'rb') as fp:
        imgs = pickle.load(fp)

        # keep a record of the images filtered by the bottom and top filters and those kept
        b_imgs = []
        t_imgs = []
        kept_imgs = []

        for i, img in enumerate(imgs):
            if i % sample_rate == 0:
                # cutout the center of the image to test for threshold
                # this gives us a better filter
                h, w = img.shape
                stt = int(h * 0.25)
                end = int(h * 0.75)
                cutout_size = int(h * 0.5)
                img_seg = img[stt:end, stt:end]

                # calculate how much of the image is markings
                img_sum = np.sum(img_seg) / (cutout_size**2)

                # check low threshold
                if low_threshold is not None:
                    if img_sum < low_threshold and random.random(
                    ) > low_threshold_pct:

                # check high threshold
                if top_threshold is not None:
                    if img_sum > top_threshold and random.random(
                    ) > top_threshold_pct:

                # keep image
                img = img.reshape(layer4_size, layer4_size, 1)

        # save the filtered images to help with tuning of filters
        save_imgs(b_imgs, 'b_4_imgs_debug')
        save_imgs(t_imgs, 't_4_imgs_debug')
        save_imgs(kept_imgs, 'kept_4_imgs_debug')

        # calculate the activations for the kept images at layer 4
        acts = []
        for img in kept_imgs:
            act = get_layers_output(layers, ['conv4'], img)[0]
            # get averages for each channel
            act_avg = np.einsum('ijkc->c', act)

        print('Loaded corpus in --- %s seconds ---' %
              (time.time() - start_time))
        print('Loaded ' + str(len(kept_imgs)) + ' imgs and ' + str(len(acts)) +
              ' acts')
        return kept_imgs, acts