def _equalize_images(distractor_images_dict, targets): mean_lm_list = [] # calculate mean luminance of each image # TODO: add contrast equalization for key in distractor_images_dict: for im in distractor_images_dict[key]: data = np.asarray(im) non_transparent_indices = (data[:, :, 3] != 0) yiq = rgb2yiq(data[:, :, 0:3] / 255) mean_lm_list.append(np.mean(yiq[non_transparent_indices, 0])) for im in targets: data = np.asarray(im) non_transparent_indices = (data[:, :, 3] != 0) yiq = rgb2yiq(data[:, :, 0:3] / 255) mean_lm_list.append(np.mean(yiq[non_transparent_indices, 0])) mean_lm = np.mean(mean_lm_list) for key in distractor_images_dict: for j in range(len(distractor_images_dict[key])): new_im = _equalize_luminance(distractor_images_dict[key][j], mean_lm) = distractor_images_dict[key][j].info distractor_images_dict[key][j] = new_im for j in range(len(targets)): new_im = _equalize_luminance(targets[j], mean_lm) = targets[j].info targets[j] = new_im return distractor_images_dict, targets
def test_yuv(self): rgb = np.array([[[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]]) assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2yuv(rgb), np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]])) assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2yiq(rgb), np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]])) assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2ypbpr(rgb), np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]])) assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2ycbcr(rgb), np.array([[[235, 128, 128]]])) rgb = np.array([[[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]]) assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2yuv(rgb), np.array([[[0.587, -0.28886916, -0.51496512]]])) assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2yiq(rgb), np.array([[[0.587, -0.27455667, -0.52273617]]])) assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2ypbpr(rgb), np.array([[[0.587, -0.331264, -0.418688]]])) assert_array_almost_equal(rgb2ycbcr(rgb), np.array([[[144.553, 53.797, 34.214]]]))
def match_luminance(content, style): content = content / 255 style = style / 255 content = color.rgb2yiq(content) style = color.rgb2yiq(style) mean_c = np.mean(content) mean_s = np.mean(style) stddev_c = np.std(content) stddev_s = np.std(style) style = (stddev_c / stddev_s) * (style - mean_s) + mean_c style = np.clip(color.yiq2rgb(style), 0, 1) * 255 return style
def test_yuv_roundtrip(self): img_rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)[::16, ::16] assert_array_almost_equal(yuv2rgb(rgb2yuv(img_rgb)), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal(yiq2rgb(rgb2yiq(img_rgb)), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal(ypbpr2rgb(rgb2ypbpr(img_rgb)), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal(ycbcr2rgb(rgb2ycbcr(img_rgb)), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal(ydbdr2rgb(rgb2ydbdr(img_rgb)), img_rgb)
def processingLayer1(self): """ Processing for YIQ, LAB, YCBC color models """ print(" ") print("Preprocessing - Layer 1 processing") widgets = [ progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ' ', progressbar.AdaptiveETA() ] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=3) bar.start() self.yiq = rgb2yiq(self.image) ## 1 self.lab = rgb2lab(self.image) ## 2 self.ycb = rgb2ycbcr(self.image) ## 2 bar.update(1) ## morph procedure binary_yiq = self.morfprocess(self.yiq, 2, 1, 1, 0, self.percent) binary_lab = self.morfprocess(self.lab, 2, 1, 0, 0, self.percent) binary_ycb = self.morfprocess(self.ycb, 2, 1, 0, 0, self.percent) bar.update(2) ## Arragne the information self.Array_layer1[:, :, 0] = binary_yiq self.Array_layer1[:, :, 1] = binary_lab self.Array_layer1[:, :, 2] = binary_ycb bar.update(3) ## Return the information return self.Array_layer1
def test_rgb2yiq_conversion(self): rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)[::16, ::16] yiq = rgb2yiq(rgb).reshape(-1, 3) gt = np.array([colorsys.rgb_to_yiq(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) for pt in rgb.reshape(-1, 3)] ) assert_almost_equal(yiq, gt, decimal=2)
def dsqm(img1,original,blkSize = 100): img1 = img1.astype(np.float32) / 256.0 original = original.astype(np.float32) / 256.0 h,w,p = original.shape imgL = original imgV = img1 cp = np.zeros((h,w)) offsetX = 2 offsetY = 2 imgLYIQ = rgb2yiq(imgL).astype(np.float32) imgLY = imgLYIQ[:,:,1] imgVYIQ = rgb2yiq(imgV).astype(np.float32) imgVY = imgVYIQ[:,:,1] brow = blkSize bcol = brow blkV = makeBlocks(imgVY, brow, bcol) blkRows, blkCols = blkV.shape[0:2] bestMatch = np.full((blkRows,blkCols), {'v':None,'x':None,'y':None}) blkVmatch = np.full((blkRows,blkCols), {}) score = np.zeros(blkV.shape) for i in xrange(blkCols): for j in xrange(blkRows): T = blkV[j,i] Tx = i * bcol Ty = j * brow Bx = (i+1) * bcol By = (j+1) * brow img = imgLY[max(0, Ty-offsetY):min(h, By+offsetY),max(0,Tx-offsetX):min(w, Bx+offsetX)] orig = original[max(0, Ty-offsetY):min(h, By+offsetY),max(0,Tx-offsetX):min(w, Bx+offsetX)] warped = imgV[max(0, Ty-offsetY):min(h, By+offsetY),max(0,Tx-offsetX):min(w, Bx+offsetX)] b = imgV[j*bcol:(j+1)*bcol,i*brow:(i+1)*brow] mp = cv2.matchTemplate(orig, b, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED) #mp = cv2.matchTemplate(img, T, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED) y,x = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(mp),mp.shape) bestMatch[j,i] = {'v': mp[y,x], 'x': x, 'y': y} blkVmatch[j,i]['arr'] = img[y:(y+bcol),x:(x+brow)] a = orig[y:y+bcol,x:x+brow] x = phasecong(T) y = phasecong(blkVmatch[j,i]['arr']) score[j,i] = np.abs(x[0].mean()-y[0].mean()) cp[j*bcol:(j+1)*bcol,i*brow:(i+1)*brow] = (y[0]-x[0])**2*256 return cp.mean(), cp
def extract(self, x): YIQ = rgb2yiq(x) # From RGB to YIQ Y = YIQ[:, :, 0] (hist, _) = np.histogram(Y.ravel(), bins=self.numPointsHistogram) # normalize the histogram hist = hist.astype('float') hist /= (hist.sum() + 1e-7) return hist
def YIQ(image): image_yiq = rgb2yiq(image) image_yiq = np.around(image_yiq * 255, decimals=0) #print(image_yiq) #print(type(image_yiq)) image_yiq = image_yiq.astype(np.uint8) #image_yiq = image_yiq.astype(np.float32) return image_yiq
def compute_priorities(front, C, D, cote_patch, mask, img, color): (n, m) = C.shape P = np.zeros((n, m)) coordonnees = np.stack((np.nonzero(front)[0], np.nonzero(front)[1]), axis=-1) if (color): imgYIQ = rgb2yiq(img) imgY = imgYIQ[:, :, 0] raw_gradient = np.gradient(imgY) gradient = np.stack((raw_gradient[0], raw_gradient[1]), axis=-1) else: raw_gradient = np.gradient(img) gradient = np.stack((raw_gradient[0], raw_gradient[1]), axis=-1) raw_normal_vectors = compute_n(mask) normal_vectors = np.stack((raw_normal_vectors[0], raw_normal_vectors[1]), axis=-1) element_structurant = np.ones((3, 3)) #temp_mask = scnd.morphology.binary_dilation(mask, element_structurant).astype('float') old_front_approx = abs( mask - scnd.morphology.binary_dilation(mask, element_structurant)) for psi_p in coordonnees: gradient[psi_p[0], psi_p[1]] = calculate_grad_approx(psi_p[0], psi_p[1], gradient, old_front_approx) D[psi_p[0], psi_p[1]] = abs( np.vdot( np.array([ gradient[psi_p[0], psi_p[1]][1], gradient[psi_p[0], psi_p[1]][0] ]), normal_vectors[psi_p[0], psi_p[1]])) p_x_min = max(0, psi_p[0] - cote_patch // 2) p_x_max = min(psi_p[0] + cote_patch // 2, n - 1) + 1 p_y_min = max(0, psi_p[1] - cote_patch // 2) p_y_max = min(psi_p[1] + cote_patch // 2, m - 1) + 1 #confidence = np.sum(C[p_x_min: p_x_max, p_y_min: p_y_max]) / ((p_x_max - p_x_min) * (p_y_max - p_y_min)) norme = (p_x_max - p_x_min) * (p_y_max - p_y_min) # Approximation sum = 0 for i in range(p_x_min, p_x_max): for j in range(p_y_min, p_y_max): if mask[i, j] == 0.0: sum += C[i, j] C[psi_p[0], psi_p[1]] = sum / norme for i in range(n): for j in range(m): if front[i, j] == 1.0: P[i, j] = C[i, j] * D[i, j] return P, C
def yiq_blend(im1, im2, mask, max_levels, filter_size_im, filter_size_mask): """ :param im1: input rgb image to be blended :param im2: input rgb image to be blended :param mask: boolean mask containing True and False representing which parts of im1 and im2 should appear in the resulting im_blend :param max_levels: max_levels parameter you should use when generating the Gaussian and Laplacian pyramids. :param filter_size_im: is the size of the Gaussian filter (an odd scalar that represents a squared filter) which defining the filter used in the construction of the Laplacian pyramids of im1 and im2 :param filter_size_mask: size of the Gaussian filter(an odd scalar that represents a squared filter) which defining the filter used in the construction of the Gaussian pyramid of mask. :return: the blended image """ y_im1 = rgb2yiq(im1) y_im2 = rgb2yiq(im2) channel = 0 y_im2[:, :, channel] = pyramid_blending(y_im1[:, :, channel], y_im2[:, :, channel], mask, max_levels, filter_size_im, filter_size_mask) blended_i = yiq2rgb(y_im2) return blended_i
def preprocess(original, marked): """ Preprocesses input images: the original grayscale image, and the version marked with colored scribbles. Converts images to YUV space and trims based on (???). """ # read in images from files grayscale = cv2.imread(original) if grayscale is None: raise Exception(f"Could not read from image file '{original}'") marked = cv2.imread(marked) if marked is None: raise Exception(f"Could not read from image file '{marked}'") marked = cv2.cvtColor(marked, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # scale to float grayscale = grayscale / 255. marked = marked / 255. # isolate colored markings marks = np.sum(np.abs(grayscale - marked), axis=2) > PRECISION marks = marks.astype('double') # convert to YIQ gray_ntsc = rgb2yiq(grayscale) marked_ntsc = rgb2yiq(marked) # create image to be colorized h, w, c = gray_ntsc.shape im = np.empty((h, w, c)) im[:, :, 0] = gray_ntsc[:, :, 0] im[:, :, 1] = marked_ntsc[:, :, 1] im[:, :, 2] = marked_ntsc[:, :, 2] return (marks, im)
def extract_superpixel_features(stats, img, adj_matrix, binaryCropMask): imgHSV = rgb2hsv(img) imgLAB = rgb2lab(img) imgYCbCr = rgb2ycbcr(img) / PIXEL_MAX_VAL imgYIQ = rgb2yiq(img) # set pixel range to [0,1] imgRGB = img / PIXEL_MAX_VAL imgRGBsum = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(imgRGB), axis=0)) # broadcasting will make division in 3 channels imgRGBnorm = np.divide(imgRGB, imgRGBsum) gradient_maps = get_7_gradient_maps(imgRGB) minCoverPercentage = 0.5 color_spaces = [imgRGB, imgRGBnorm, imgLAB, imgHSV, imgYCbCr, imgYIQ] features = [] for i, s in enumerate(stats): # get features of superpixels inside a mask if s.area <= 0 or np.mean(binaryCropMask[s.coords[:, 0], s.coords[:, 1]]) <= minCoverPercentage: continue feature = [] # put coords of superpixel as a feature feature.append(s.centroid[0]) feature.append(s.centroid[1]) # get features of 8 neighbors and itself neighbors = get8neighbors4_superpixel(stats, adj_matrix, i) neighbors.append(i) for color_space in color_spaces: for nei in neighbors: for channel in range(3): coords = stats[nei].coords color_values = color_space[coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], channel] feature.append(np.mean(color_values)) feature.append(np.var(color_values)) for gradient_map in gradient_maps: for nei in neighbors: coords = stats[nei].coords values = gradient_map[coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]] feature.append(np.mean(values)) feature.append(np.var(values)) features.append(feature) return features
def _equalize_luminance(im, new_mean): im_arr = np.asarray(im) ret_im = np.zeros_like(im_arr, dtype=np.uint8) # asarray is const ret_im[:, :, 3] = im_arr[:, :, 3] non_transparent_indices = (im_arr[:, :, 3] != 0) rgb = im_arr[:, :, 0:3] / 255 # turn to 0-1 image instead of 0-255 yiq = rgb2yiq(rgb) cur_mean = np.mean(yiq[non_transparent_indices, 0]) # disregard pixels with alpha=0 yiq[non_transparent_indices, 0] -= (cur_mean - new_mean) rgb = np.round(yiq2rgb(yiq) * 255) # convert back to RGB nad non-normalized image rgb /= np.max(rgb) # normalize rgb = np.round(rgb * 255) # back to 0-255 ret_im[:, :, 0:3] = rgb ret_im = Image.fromarray(ret_im) return ret_im
def test_yuv_roundtrip(self, channel_axis): img_rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)[::16, ::16] img_rgb = np.moveaxis(img_rgb, source=-1, destination=channel_axis) assert_array_almost_equal( yuv2rgb(rgb2yuv(img_rgb, channel_axis=channel_axis), channel_axis=channel_axis), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal( yiq2rgb(rgb2yiq(img_rgb, channel_axis=channel_axis), channel_axis=channel_axis), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal( ypbpr2rgb(rgb2ypbpr(img_rgb, channel_axis=channel_axis), channel_axis=channel_axis), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal( ycbcr2rgb(rgb2ycbcr(img_rgb, channel_axis=channel_axis), channel_axis=channel_axis), img_rgb) assert_array_almost_equal( ydbdr2rgb(rgb2ydbdr(img_rgb, channel_axis=channel_axis), channel_axis=channel_axis), img_rgb)
def histogram_equalize(im_orig): """ performs histogram equalization to the image :param im_orig: an ndimage array :return: array of equalized image, the original histogram and the cumulative histogram """ if len(im_orig.shape) > 2: # rgb YIQim = rgb2yiq(im_orig) * 255 hist_orig, bin_edges = np.histogram(YIQim[:, :, 0], 256) rows, columns, dim = im_orig.shape cum_hist = np.cumsum(hist_orig) cum_hist = cum_hist.astype(np.float64) else: # grayscale im_orig *= 255 hist_orig, bin_edges = np.histogram(im_orig, 256) cum_hist = np.cumsum(hist_orig) cum_hist = cum_hist.astype(np.float64) rows, columns = im_orig.shape tot_pixels = rows * columns cum_hist = (cum_hist / tot_pixels) minimum = min(np.nonzero(cum_hist)[0]) maximum = np.nonzero(cum_hist)[0][-1] minVal = cum_hist[minimum] maxVal = cum_hist[maximum] cum_hist = (255 * ((cum_hist - minVal) / (maxVal - minVal))) cum_hist = np.around(cum_hist) if len(im_orig.shape) > 2: im_eq = np.copy(YIQim) y_values = cum_hist[YIQim[:, :, 0].astype(np.int8)] im_eq[:, :, 0] = y_values im_eq = yiq2rgb(im_eq / 255) else: im_eq = cum_hist[im_orig.astype(np.int8)] cum_hist /= 255 cum_hist = np.clip(cum_hist, 0, 1) return [im_eq, hist_orig, cum_hist]
import cv2 from skimage import color as scl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt imgRGB = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("Lenna.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) imgHSV = scl.rgb2hsv(imgRGB) imgYIQ = scl.rgb2yiq(imgRGB) plt.subplot(221) plt.imshow(imgRGB) plt.title("Original Image") imgRGB[:, :, 0] = cv2.equalizeHist(imgRGB[:, :, 0]) imgRGB[:, :, 1] = cv2.equalizeHist(imgRGB[:, :, 1]) imgRGB[:, :, 2] = cv2.equalizeHist(imgRGB[:, :, 2]) plt.subplot(222) plt.imshow(imgRGB) plt.title("RGB") # imgHSV[:, :, 2] = cv2.equalizeHist(imgHSV[:, :, 2]) plt.subplot(223) plt.imshow(scl.hsv2rgb(imgHSV)) plt.title("HSV") # imgYIQ[:, :, 0] = cv2.normalize(cv2.equalizeHist(cv2.normalize(imgYIQ[:, :, 0], None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)), None, 0.0, 1.0, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) # imgYIQ[:, :, 0] = yiq1 plt.subplot(224) plt.imshow(scl.yiq2rgb(imgYIQ)) print(imgYIQ[:, :, 0].max) plt.title("YIQ")
def signal_from_ROI(input_fullname): # Open video vid = cv2.VideoCapture(input_fullname) counter = 0 frameNumber = 0 amplified_signal = [0, 0] length = int(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) FPS = int(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) print("Frames per second: ", FPS) temp_cdata = # ROI selection r = cv2.selectROI(temp_cdata[1]) row_ini = int(r[1]) row_fin = int(r[1] + r[3]) cols_ini = int(r[0]) cols_fin = int(r[0] + r[2]) # Shows interactive image fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) Ln, = ax.plot(amplified_signal) plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 0.1]) ax.set_xlim([0, length + 2]) plt.ion() # Loop while vid.isOpened(): print("Procesando: %.1f%%" % (100 * counter / length)) temp_cdata = if temp_cdata[0]: # creates ROI and convert to RGB temp_BGR_ROI = temp_cdata[1][row_ini:row_fin, cols_ini:cols_fin, :] temp_RGB_ROI = cv2.cvtColor(temp_BGR_ROI, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) currentFrame_ROI = temp_RGB_ROI.astype('float') / 255 # Show ROI in video cv2.imshow("ROI", temp_BGR_ROI) # Reference frame if counter == 2: RGB_ini_ROI = currentFrame_ROI # Creates signal if counter > 2: diff_ROI_RGB = currentFrame_ROI - RGB_ini_ROI # diff_ROI_RGB = np.clip(diff_ROI_RGB, a_min=0, a_max=1) diff_ROI_RGB = np.abs(diff_ROI_RGB) diff_ROI_YIQ = color.rgb2yiq(diff_ROI_RGB) mean_Y = np.mean(diff_ROI_YIQ[:, :, 0]) amplified_signal = np.append(amplified_signal, mean_Y) # shows peaks every 2 seconds buffer_length = np.round(2 * FPS) if frameNumber % buffer_length == 0: # search and draw peaks peaks, _ = find_peaks(amplified_signal[( len(amplified_signal) - buffer_length):len(amplified_signal)], height=0) plt.plot( len(amplified_signal) - buffer_length + peaks, amplified_signal[len(amplified_signal) - buffer_length + peaks], "x") # Update amplified signal in figure Ln.set_ydata(amplified_signal) Ln.set_xdata(range(len(amplified_signal))) plt.pause(0.01) frameNumber = frameNumber + 1 else: break counter = counter + 1 ### end of WHILE #### # Shows remaining peaks in the signal peaks, _ = find_peaks( amplified_signal[(len(amplified_signal) - buffer_length):len(amplified_signal)], height=0) plt.plot( len(amplified_signal) - buffer_length + peaks, amplified_signal[len(amplified_signal) - buffer_length + peaks], "x") plt.pause(5.0) # Release video vid.release()
def vidmag_fn(input_fullname, parameters): alpha = parameters['alpha'] lambda_c = parameters['lambda_c'] fl = parameters['fl'] fh = parameters['fh'] samplingRate = parameters['samplingRate'] chromAttenuation = parameters['chromAttenuation'] nlevels = parameters['nlevels'] # Butterworth coefficients [low_a, low_b] = signal.butter(1, fl / samplingRate, 'low') [high_a, high_b] = signal.butter(1, fh / samplingRate, 'low') # output fullname format input_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_fullname))[0] output_fullname = c.PROCESSED_VIDEO_DIR+input_filename+'-butter-from-'+str(fl)+'-to-'+str(fh)+'Hz'+\ '-alpha-'+str(alpha)+'-lambda_c-'+str(lambda_c)+\ '-chromAtn-'+str(chromAttenuation)+'.mp4' input_video = cv2.VideoCapture(input_fullname) vidHeight = int(input_video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) vidWidth = int(input_video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) fr = int(input_video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) length = int(input_video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP4V') output_video = cv2.VideoWriter(output_fullname, fourcc, fr, (vidWidth, vidHeight), 1) # First frame temp_cdata = rgbframe = temp_cdata[1].astype('float') / 255.0 # get desired sizes used in all the Laplacian pyramid levels dsizes = np.zeros((nlevels + 1, 2)) for k in range(0, nlevels + 1): dsizes[k, :] = [ np.floor(rgbframe.shape[0] / (2**k)), np.floor(rgbframe.shape[1] / (2**k)) ] desired_sizes = tuple(map(tuple, dsizes)) print(desired_sizes) # first frame processing (initial conditions) frame = color.rgb2yiq(rgbframe) lpyr = buildlpyr(frame, nlevels, desired_sizes) # creates Laplacian pyramid lowpass1 = lpyr lowpass2 = lpyr pyr_prev = lpyr output_frame = color.yiq2rgb(frame) # yiq color space output_frame = output_frame * 255 output_video.write(output_frame.astype('uint8')) # processing remaining frames counter = 1 while input_video.isOpened(): print("Processing: %.1f%%" % (100 * counter / length)) temp_cdata = if not (temp_cdata[0]): break #from rgb to yiq rgbframe = temp_cdata[1].astype('float') / 255 frame = color.rgb2yiq(rgbframe) # Laplacian pyramid (expansion) lpyr = buildlpyr(frame, nlevels, desired_sizes) # Temporal filter lowpass1 = (-high_b[1] * lowpass1 + high_a[0] * lpyr + high_a[1] * pyr_prev) / high_b[0] lowpass2 = (-low_b[1] * lowpass2 + low_a[0] * lpyr + low_a[1] * pyr_prev) / low_b[0] filtered = lowpass1 - lowpass2 pyr_prev = lpyr # Amplification delta = lambda_c / 8 / (1 + alpha) exaggeration_factor = 2 lambda_ = (vidHeight**2 + vidWidth**2)**0.5 / 3 filtered[0] = np.zeros_like(filtered[0]) filtered[-1] = np.zeros_like(filtered[-1]) for i in range(nlevels - 1, 1, -1): # equation 14 (paper vidmag, see references) currAlpha = lambda_ / delta / 8 - 1 currAlpha = currAlpha * exaggeration_factor # from figure 6 (paper vidmag, see references) if currAlpha > alpha: filtered[i] = alpha * filtered[i] else: filtered[i] = currAlpha * filtered[i] lambda_ = lambda_ / 2 # Laplacian pyramid (contraction) for i in range(nlevels - 1): aux = cv2.pyrUp(filtered[i], dstsize=(int(desired_sizes[nlevels - 2 - i][1]), int(desired_sizes[nlevels - 2 - i][0]))) pyr_contraida = cv2.add(aux, filtered[i + 1]) # Components chrome attenuation pyr_contraida[:, :, 1] = pyr_contraida[:, :, 1] * chromAttenuation pyr_contraida[:, :, 2] = pyr_contraida[:, :, 2] * chromAttenuation # adding contracted pyramid to current frame output_frame = pyr_contraida + frame # recovering rgb frame output_frame = color.yiq2rgb(output_frame) output_frame = np.clip(output_frame, a_min=0, a_max=1) output_frame = output_frame * 255 # saving processed frame to output video output_video.write(output_frame.astype('uint8')) counter = counter + 1 ### end of WHILE #### # release video output_video.release() input_video.release() return output_fullname
def main(args): content_image = content_image = resize(content_image) style_image = content_image = np.asarray(content_image, dtype=np.float32) style_image = np.asarray(style_image, dtype=np.float32) # match luminance between style and content image style_image = match_luminance(content_image, style_image) content_image = np.expand_dims(content_image, 0) style_image = np.expand_dims(style_image, 0) img_shape = content_image.shape with tf.name_scope('image'): random_image = tf.random_normal(mean=1, stddev=.01, shape=img_shape) image = tf.Variable(initial_value=random_image, name='image', dtype=tf.float32) tf.summary.image('img', tf.clip_by_value(image, 0, 255), max_outputs=1) # subtract mean inputs = image - IMAGENET_MEAN # convert to BGR, because VGG16 was trained on BGR images channels = tf.unstack(inputs, axis=-1) inputs = tf.stack([channels[2], channels[1], channels[0]], axis=-1) _, endpoints = vgg_16(inputs, is_training=False, scope='vgg_16') saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='vgg_16')) style_tensors = [endpoints[l] for l in STYLE_LAYERS] content_tensors = [endpoints[l] for l in CONTENT_LAYERS] image_style_tensors = [endpoints[l] for l in STYLE_LAYERS] image_content_tensors = [endpoints[l] for l in CONTENT_LAYERS] with tf.Session() as sess: tf.global_variables_initializer().run() saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.ckpt_file) style_features =, feed_dict={image: style_image}) content_features =, feed_dict={image: content_image}) # define style loss style_losses = [] for image_layer, style_layer in zip(image_style_tensors, style_features): _, height, width, channels = image_layer.get_shape().as_list() size = height * width * channels # computer gram matrices image_feats_reshape = tf.reshape(image_layer, [-1, channels]) image_gram = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(image_feats_reshape), image_feats_reshape) / size style_feats_reshape = tf.reshape(style_layer, [-1, channels]) style_gram = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(style_feats_reshape), style_feats_reshape) / size loss = tf.square( tf.norm(image_gram - style_gram, ord='fro', axis=(0, 1))) style_losses.append(loss) style_loss = STYLE_WEIGHT * tf.add_n(style_losses) # define content loss content_losses = [] for image_layer, content_layer in zip(image_content_tensors, content_features): _, height, width, channels = image_layer.get_shape().as_list() size = height * width * channels loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(image_layer - content_layer) / size content_losses.append(loss) content_loss = CONTENT_WEIGHT * tf.add_n(content_losses) # total variation denoising loss tvd_loss = TVD_WEIGHT * tf.reduce_sum(tf.image.total_variation(image)) loss = style_loss + content_loss + tvd_loss global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(LEARNING_RATE) train_op = optim.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step, var_list=[image]) with tf.Session() as sess: tf.global_variables_initializer().run() saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.ckpt_file) noise = tf.random_normal(mean=1, stddev=.01, shape=img_shape) rand_init = tf.clip_by_value(content_image * noise, 0, 255) image.assign(rand_init).eval() for step in range(FLAGS.steps): t0 = time.time() _, style_loss_val, content_loss_val, tvd_loss_val, loss_val = [train_op, style_loss, content_loss, tvd_loss, loss]) t = time.time() - t0 if step % 10 == 0: format_str = 'step: {}/{} loss: style: {}, content: {}, tvd: {}, total: {} | time: {:.2f} s/step' print( format_str.format(step, FLAGS.steps, style_loss_val, content_loss_val, tvd_loss_val, loss_val, t)) img =[0] # transfer luminance img = np.clip(img, 0, 255) / 255 content_image = content_image[0] / 255 result_y = np.expand_dims(color.rgb2yiq(img)[:, :, 0], 2) content_iq = color.rgb2yiq(content_image)[:, :, 1:] img = np.dstack((result_y, content_iq)) img = np.clip(color.yiq2rgb(img), 0, 1) imsave(FLAGS.result_file, img)
def pruebacolor(img): print("rgb") figure(0) imshow(img[:, :, 0]) title("rgb r") figure(1) imshow(img[:, :, 1]) title("rgb g") figure(2) imshow(img[:, :, 2]) title("rgb b") yiq = rgb2yiq(img) print("yiq") figure(3) imshow(yiq[:, :, 0]) title("yiq y") figure(4) imshow(yiq[:, :, 1]) title("yiq i") figure(5) imshow(yiq[:, :, 2]) title("yiq q") hsv = rgb2hsv(img) print("hsv") figure(6) imshow(hsv[:, :, 0]) title("hsv h") figure(7) imshow(hsv[:, :, 1]) title("hsv s") figure(8) imshow(hsv[:, :, 2]) title("hsv v") xyz = rgb2xyz(img) print("xyz") figure(9) imshow(xyz[:, :, 0]) title("xyz x") figure(10) imshow(xyz[:, :, 1]) title("xyz y") figure(11) imshow(xyz[:, :, 2]) title("xyz z") lab = rgb2lab(img) print("lab") figure(12) imshow(lab[:, :, 0]) title("lab l") figure(13) imshow(lab[:, :, 1]) title("lab a") figure(14) imshow(lab[:, :, 2]) title("lab b") ycbcr = rgb2ycbcr(img) print("ycbcr") figure(15) imshow(ycbcr[:, :, 0]) title("ycbcr y") figure(16) imshow(ycbcr[:, :, 1]) title("ycbcr cb") figure(17) imshow(ycbcr[:, :, 2]) title("ycbcr cr")
def main(content_image_path, style_image_path, iterations, content_img_height, style_img_height, tv_weight, style_weight, content_weight, save_gif, preserve_color, learning_rate, beta_1, beta_2, epsilon): """Performs neural style transfer on a content image and style image.""" model = get_model() # Load images content_image = load_and_process_img(content_image_path, content_img_height) style_image = load_and_process_img(style_image_path, style_img_height) content_image_yiq = rgb2yiq( load_img(content_image_path, content_img_height)) # Compute content and style features style_outputs = model(style_image) content_outputs = model(content_image) # Get the style and content feature representations from our model style_features = [style_layer[0] for style_layer in style_outputs[:NUM_STYLE_LAYERS]] content_features = [content_layer[0] for content_layer in content_outputs[NUM_STYLE_LAYERS:]] gram_style_features = [gram_matrix(style_feature) for style_feature in style_features] # Set initial image init_image = load_and_process_img(content_image_path, content_img_height, as_gray=preserve_color) init_image = tf.Variable(init_image, dtype=tf.float32) # Create our optimizer optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate, beta_1=beta_1, beta_2=beta_2, epsilon=epsilon) # Create config dictionary loss_weights = (style_weight, content_weight, tv_weight) config = { 'model': model, 'loss_weights': loss_weights, 'init_image': init_image, 'gram_style_features': gram_style_features, 'content_features': content_features } images = [] # Optimization loop for step in range(1, iterations + 1): start_time = time.time() grads, loss = compute_grads(config) optimizer.apply_gradients([(grads, init_image)]) clipped = tf.clip_by_value(init_image, MIN_VALS, MAX_VALS) init_image.assign(clipped) img = deprocess_image(init_image.numpy()) if preserve_color: img = rgb2yiq(img) img[:, :, 1:] = content_image_yiq[:, :, 1:] img = yiq2rgb(img) img = np.clip(img, 0, 1) img = (img * 255).astype('uint8') images.append(img) end_time = time.time() print('Finished step {} ({:.03} seconds)\nLoss: {}\n'.format( step, end_time - start_time, loss)) # Save final image imsave('stylized.jpg', images[-1]) if save_gif: create_gif(images, 'transformation.gif')
def pixelmatch(img1, img2): yuv1 = rgb2yiq(img1) yuv2 = rgb2yiq(img2) delta2 = np.square(yuv1 - yuv2) # why square? return delta2 @ [0.5053, 0.299, 0.1957]
for i_b in range(B_prime_pyramid[l].shape[0]): print("\tRow %d" % i_b) for j_b in range(B_prime_pyramid[l].shape[1]): i_a, j_a = best_match(A_pyramid, A_prime_pyramid, B_pyramid, B_prime_pyramid, s, l, i_b, j_b) B_prime_pyramid[l][i_b][j_b] = A_prime_pyramid[l][i_a][j_a] s[(i_b, j_b)] = (i_a, j_a) return B_prime_pyramid[0] if __name__ == '__main__': A = plt.imread(INPUT + A_NAME) A_prime = plt.imread(INPUT + A_PRIME_NAME) B = plt.imread(INPUT + B_NAME) if USE_LUMINANCE: A, A_prime, B = rgb2yiq(A), rgb2yiq(A_prime), rgb2yiq(B) transform_func, inverse_transform_func = compute_luminance_transforms( A, B) A[:, :, 0] = transform_func(A[:, :, 0]) A_prime[:, :, 0] = transform_func(A_prime[:, :, 0]) B[:, :, 0] = transform_func(B[:, :, 0]) B_prime = create_image_analogy(A, A_prime, B) if USE_LUMINANCE: B_prime[:, :, 0] = inverse_transform_func(B_prime[:, :, 0]) B_prime = yiq2rgb(B_prime) try: os.makedirs(OUTPUT) except: pass
print(img_gray_01) print("変換後: [0, 255]") print(img_gray) io.imshow(img_gray.astype(np.uint8)) # #### グレースケール化② # 別のグレースケール化方法も試してみましょう。一度RGB空間からYIQ空間へ変換し、Yを利用を利用します。YIQ形式は、グレースケール情報がカラーデータから分離しているため、同じ信号をカラーと白黒の両方で使用可能です。 # # (※ グレースケール化のアルゴリズムによっては `img_gray_01` と `img_yiq[:, :, 0]` が等しくなりますが、skimageでは異なります) # In[38]: img_yiq = color.rgb2yiq(img_true) img_conb = np.concatenate( (img_yiq[:, :, 0], img_yiq[:, :, 1], img_yiq[:, :, 2]), axis=1) io.imshow(img_conb) # In[33]: # skimage.color.rgb2gray と比較 img_conb2 = np.concatenate((img_yiq[:, :, 0], img_gray_01), axis=1) io.imshow(img_conb2) # In[47]:
def __call__(self, img): img = np.asarray(img, np.uint8) img = color.rgb2yiq(img) return img
def quantize(im_orig, n_quant, n_iter): """ a function that performs optimal quantization of a given grayscale or RGB image. :param im_orig: is the input grayscale or RGB image to be quantized (float64 image with values in [0, 1]). :param n_quant: is the number of intensities your output im_quant image should have. :param n_iter: is the maximum number of iterations of the optimization procedure :return: im_quant - is the quantized output image. error - is an array with shape (n_iter,) (or less) of the total intensities error for each iteration of the quantization procedure """ error = [] q = np.array([0] * n_quant, dtype=np.float64) z = [0] * (n_quant + 1) if len(im_orig.shape) > 2: # rgb YIQim = rgb2yiq(im_orig) hist = np.histogram(YIQim[:, :, 0] * 255, bins=256)[0] else: # grayscale hist = np.histogram(im_orig * 255, bins=256)[0] cum_hist = np.cumsum(hist) for i in range(1, n_quant): z[i] = np.where(cum_hist > (i / n_quant) * cum_hist[255])[0][0] - 1 z[n_quant] = 255 q_1 = 0 q_2 = 0 for i in range(n_iter): change = False # boolean to see if z changed # calculate new q for j in range(n_quant): for x in range(z[j], z[j + 1] + 1): q_2 += hist[x] q_1 += (x * hist[x]) q[j] = int(q_1 / q_2) q_1 = 0 q_2 = 0 # calculate new z for j in range(1, n_quant): z_1 = int((q[j - 1] + q[j]) / 2) if z_1 != z[j]: z[j] = z_1 change = True error.append(compute_error(n_quant, z, q, hist)) if not change: lut = create_lut(z, q) if len(im_orig.shape) > 2: YIQim *= 255 im_quant = np.copy(YIQim) y_values = lut[YIQim[:, :, 0].astype(np.int8)] im_quant[:, :, 0] = y_values im_quant = yiq2rgb(im_quant) else: im_orig *= 255 im_quant = lut[im_orig.astype(np.int8)] return [im_quant, error] lut = create_lut(z, q) if len(im_orig.shape) > 2: YIQim *= 255 im_quant = np.copy(YIQim) y_values = lut[YIQim[:, :, 0].astype(np.int8)] im_quant[:, :, 0] = y_values im_quant = yiq2rgb(im_quant / 255) else: im_orig *= 255 im_quant = lut[im_orig.astype(np.int8)] return [im_quant, error]
def toYCbCr(rgb): return color.rgb2yiq(rgb)
def generateFeaturesImages(img_rgb, fparams): f_imgs = dict() f_imgs['gray'] = color.rgb2gray(img_rgb) f_imgs['RGB'] = img_rgb if fparams['LAB']['use']: f_imgs['LAB'] = color.rgb2lab(img_rgb) if fparams['HSV']['use']: f_imgs['HSV'] = color.rgb2hsv(img_rgb) if fparams['YCbCr']['use']: f_imgs['YCbCr'] = color.rgb2ycbcr(img_rgb) if fparams['xyz']['use']: f_imgs['xyz'] = color.rgb2xyz(img_rgb) if fparams['yiq']['use']: f_imgs['yiq'] = color.rgb2yiq(img_rgb) if fparams['yuv']['use']: f_imgs['yuv'] = color.rgb2yuv(img_rgb) if fparams['entropy']['use']: f_imgs['entropy'] = entropy(img_as_ubyte(f_imgs['gray']), disk(5)) #POR CAUSA DOS COMENTARIOS TESTE ''' if fparams['texton']['use']: # appende gabor filter responses to extract mean and std kernels = generateKernels() #generate gabor filters texton_imgs = np.empty((f_imgs['gray'].shape[0], f_imgs['gray'].shape[1], fparams['texton']['n_kernels'])) for k, kernel in enumerate(kernels): texton_imgs[:,:,k] = nd.convolve(f_imgs['gray'], kernel) if fparams['texton']['mean'] or fparams['texton']['std']: f_imgs['texton'] = texton_imgs if fparams['texton']['hist_max']: f_imgs['hist_max'] = np.argmax(texton_imgs, 2) if fparams['texton']['hist_kmeans']: data_t = np.empty((f_imgs['gray'].size, fparams['texton']['n_kernels'])) for k in range(fparams['texton']['n_kernels']): data_t [:, k] = texton_imgs[:,:,k].flatten() textons = kmeans.predict(data_t) f_imgs['hist_kmeans'] = textons.reshape(f_imgs['gray'].shape[0], f_imgs['gray'].shape[1]) ''' ''' if fparams['grayD']['use'] or fparams['grayA']['use']: f_imgs['grayMeans'] = generateGrayMeans(f_imgs['gray'], 6, 6, 1) #gray diff between mean gray of the block and some areas ''' if fparams['LBP']['use']: if fparams['LBP']['gray']: f_imgs['LBP_gray'] = local_binary_pattern(f_imgs['gray'], fparams['LBP']['n_neibor'], fparams['LBP']['radius']) #lbp image if fparams['LBP']['red']: f_imgs['LBP_r'] = local_binary_pattern(f_imgs['RGB'][:,:,0], fparams['LBP']['n_neibor'], fparams['LBP']['radius']) #lbp image if fparams['LBP']['green']: f_imgs['LBP_g'] = local_binary_pattern(f_imgs['RGB'][:,:,1], fparams['LBP']['n_neibor'], fparams['LBP']['radius']) #lbp image if fparams['LBP']['blue']: f_imgs['LBP_b'] = local_binary_pattern(f_imgs['RGB'][:,:,2], fparams['LBP']['n_neibor'], fparams['LBP']['radius']) #lbp image """ if fparams['VegetationIndex']['use']: img_nir = img_rgb.astype(float)[:,:,0] img_g = img_rgb.astype(float)[:,:,1] img_r = img_rgb.astype(float)[:,:,2] if fparams['VegetationIndex']['NDVI']: f_imgs['NDVI'] = ((img_nir-img_r)/(img_nir+img_r)) if fparams['VegetationIndex']['NNIR']: f_imgs['NNIR'] = ((img_nir)/(img_nir+img_g+img_r)) if fparams['VegetationIndex']['NGREEN']: f_imgs['NGREEN'] = ((img_g)/(img_nir+img_g+img_r)) if fparams['VegetationIndex']['NRED']: f_imgs['NRED'] = ((img_r)/(img_nir+img_g+img_r)) if fparams['VegetationIndex']['PVI']: b,a = np.polyfit(img_r[0,], img_nir[0,], 1) #regression to find values for b and a f_imgs['PVI'] = ((b*img_nir*img_r)+a)/(np.sqrt(b+1)) """ return f_imgs
import cv2 from skimage import color as scl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("Lenna.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) imgYIQ = scl.rgb2yiq(img) plt.subplot(221) plt.imshow(img) plt.title("Colorful image") plt.subplot(222) plt.imshow(imgYIQ[:, :, 0], cmap='gray') plt.title("Y") plt.subplot(223) plt.imshow(imgYIQ[:, :, 1], cmap='gray') plt.title("I") plt.subplot(224) plt.imshow(imgYIQ[:, :, 2], cmap='gray') plt.title("Q") plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=0.6, hspace=0.6)