Пример #1
 def compute_binary_diff_image(self, new_image):
     Compute an Otsu-thresholded image corresponding to the
     absolute difference between the empty chessboard image and the
     current image.
     adj_start_image = exposure.adjust_gamma(
                     color.rgb2gray(self.empty_chessboard_image), 0.1)
     # gamma values have a strong impact on classification
     adj_image = exposure.adjust_gamma(color.rgb2gray(new_image), 0.1)
     diff_image = exposure.adjust_gamma(np.abs(adj_image - adj_start_image),
     return diff_image > threshold_otsu(diff_image)
Пример #2
def image_prep(img):
	# apply filters for better contrast and noise removal
	img_gamma = adjust_gamma(img, 0.7)
	img_median = median(img_gamma, disk(1))

	# apply threshold
	val =  threshold_otsu(img_median)
	img_otsu = img_median > val

	# label image regions
	label_image = label(img_otsu)

	candidates = []
	for region in regionprops(label_image):
		minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox
		if (maxr - minr > maxc - minc):

	# find numbers
	areas = []
	for candidate in candidates:

	n = 1
	v = []
	for candidate in candidates:
		if (candidate.area == areas[0] or candidate.area == areas[1] or candidate.area == areas[2]):
			imsave('num%d.png' % n, candidate.image)
			n += 1
	return v
Пример #3
def gamma_correction(img=None, gamma=1., gain=1.):
    Gamma correction or power law transform. It can be expressed as:

    .. math::
        I_{out} = gain \times {I_{in}} ^ {\gamma}

    Adjusts contrast without changing the shape of the histogram. For the values
    .. :math:`\gamma > 1` : Histogram shifts towards left (darker)
    .. :math:`\gamma < 1` : Histogram shifts towards right (lighter)

    img : array_like
        Single image as numpy array or multiple images as array-like object
    gamma : float
        Non-negative real number
    gain : float
        Multiplying factor

    .. [1] http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/auto_examples/color_exposure/plot_log_gamma.html # noqa
    .. [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_correction

    img_out = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, gamma, gain)
    return img_out
Пример #4
def gen_thumbs(dirname, key='/*/*decon.tif', where='host', level=2, figsize=6,
               redo=True, gamma=1.0, **kwargs):
    Main function to generate and save thumbnail pngs
    # load data
    data = load_data(dirname, key)
    if data:
        # can clean the dirnames here
        foldername = os.path.abspath(dirname).split(os.path.sep)[-level]
        if where == 'host':
            save_name = 'Thumbs ' + foldername + '.png'
        elif where == 'in folder':
            save_name = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.join(dirname, 'Thumbs ' + foldername + '.png'))
            save_name = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.join(where, 'Thumbs ' + foldername + '.png'))
        if not redo and os.path.exists(save_name):
            print(save_name, "already exists, skipping")
            return dirname + os.path.sep + key
        data = {clean_dirname(k, figsize): adjust_gamma(abs(v), gamma)
                for k, v in data.items()}
        fig, ax = display_grid(data, figsize=figsize, **kwargs)
        # make the layout 'tight'
        # save the figure
        print('Saving', save_name, 'on', os.getpid(), '...')
        fig.savefig(save_name, bbox_inches='tight')
        print('finished saving', save_name)
    # mark data for gc
    del data
    return dirname + os.path.sep + key
Пример #5
def image_generate(img, ZCA_array) :
	timg = np.copy(img)
	timg = timg.transpose(1, 2, 0) # transpose to use skimage
	augnum = random.randrange(0, 5)
	if augnum==0 or augnum==1 : 
		# change nothing
	elif augnum==2 :
		# horizontal flip 
		for j in range(3) :
			timg[:,:,j] = np.fliplr(timg[:,:,j])
	elif augnum==3 :
		# random rotation of -15~15 degrees
		angle = random.random()*30-15
		timg = transform.rotate(timg/256.0, angle)
	elif augnum==4 :
		# gamma correction (luminance adjust) - random gamma 0.7~1.3
		gamma = random.random()*0.6+0.7
		timg = exposure.adjust_gamma(timg/256.0, gamma)

	timg = timg.transpose(2, 0, 1)
	for i in range(3) :
		timg[i,:,:] -= np.mean(timg[i,:,:])
		timg[i,:,:] /= np.std(timg[i,:,:])
		timg[i,:,:] = np.dot(ZCA_array, timg[i,:,:].reshape(1024, 1)).reshape(32, 32)

	return timg
    def save_segmented_image(self, filepath_image, modality='t1c', show=False):
        Creates an image of original brain with segmentation overlay and save it in ./predictions
        INPUT   (1) str 'filepath_image': filepath to test image for segmentation, including file extension
                (2) str 'modality': imaging modality to use as background. defaults to t1c. options: (flair, t1, t1c, t2)
                (3) bool 'show': If true, shows output image. defaults to False.
        OUTPUT  (1) if show is True, shows image of segmentation results
                (2) if show is false, returns segmented image.
        modes = {'flair': 0, 't1': 1, 't1c': 2, 't2': 3}

        segmentation = self.predict_image(filepath_image, show=False)
        print 'segmentation = ' + str(segmentation)
        img_mask = np.pad(segmentation, (16, 16), mode='edge')
        ones = np.argwhere(img_mask == 1)
        twos = np.argwhere(img_mask == 2)
        threes = np.argwhere(img_mask == 3)
        fours = np.argwhere(img_mask == 4)

        test_im = io.imread(filepath_image)
        test_back = test_im.reshape(5, 216, 160)[modes[modality]]
        # overlay = mark_boundaries(test_back, img_mask)
        gray_img = img_as_float(test_back)

        # adjust gamma of image
        image = adjust_gamma(color.gray2rgb(gray_img), 0.65)
        sliced_image = image.copy()
        red_multiplier = [1, 0.2, 0.2]
        yellow_multiplier = [1, 1, 0.25]
        green_multiplier = [0.35, 0.75, 0.25]
        blue_multiplier = [0, 0.25, 0.9]

        print str(len(ones))
        print str(len(twos))
        print str(len(threes))
        print str(len(fours))

        # change colors of segmented classes
        for i in xrange(len(ones)):
            sliced_image[ones[i][0]][ones[i][1]] = red_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(twos)):
            sliced_image[twos[i][0]][twos[i][1]] = green_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(threes)):
            sliced_image[threes[i][0]][threes[i][1]] = blue_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(fours)):
            sliced_image[fours[i][0]][fours[i][1]] = yellow_multiplier
        #if show=True show the prediction
        if show:
            print 'Showing...'
        #save the prediction
        print 'Saving...'
            io.imsave('./predictions/' + os.path.basename(filepath_image) + '.png', sliced_image)
            print 'prediction saved.'
            io.imsave('./predictions/' + os.path.basename(filepath_image) + '.png', sliced_image)
            print 'prediction saved.'
Пример #7
 def __prepare_image(image):
     """Prepare image for comparison"""
     image = rgb2gray(image)
     image = adjust_gamma(image)
     image = pyramid_reduce(image, downscale=8)
     with warnings.catch_warnings():
         image = img_as_ubyte(image)
     return image
Пример #8
    def S2_image_to_rgb(self, rgb_bands=("B11", "B08", "B03"), rgb_gamma=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),hist_chop_off_fraction=0.01,

        if output_size is None:
            if self.target_resolution is None:
                raise ValueError("output_size=None is only allowed for target_resolution != None")
                output_shape = list(self.final_shape)
            output_shape = [output_size,output_size]

        rgb_type = np.uint8
        S2_rgb = np.zeros(output_shape + [len(rgb_bands),],dtype=rgb_type)

        if self.unit == "reflectance":
            bins = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,100 / 2.0)
        elif self.unit == "dn":
            bins = np.linspace(0,10000,100 / 2.0)

        for i_rgb, (band, gamma) in enumerate(zip(rgb_bands, rgb_gamma)):
            if self.target_resolution is None:
                data = self.data[band]
                i_band = self.band_list.index(band)
                data = self.data[:,:,i_band]

            if self.bad_data_value is np.NAN:
                bf = data[:,:][np.isfinite(data[:,:])]
                bf = data[:,:][data[:,:] == self.bad_data_value]

            pixel_skip = np.int(np.floor(bf.shape[0] / max_hist_pixel) + 1)
            bf = bf[::pixel_skip]
            hh, xx = np.histogram(bf, bins=bins,normed=False)
            bb = 0.5 * (xx[1:] + xx[:-1])
            hist_chop_off = hist_chop_off_fraction * np.sum(hh) / len(bins)
            lim = (lambda x: (np.min(x), np.max(x)))(bb[hh > hist_chop_off])
            zoom_factor = np.array(output_shape) / np.array(data[:,:].shape)

            zm = np.nan_to_num(np.array(data[:, :],dtype=np.float32))
            if (zoom_factor != [1.0,1.0]).all():
                self.logger.info("Resample band for RGB image: %i,%s,zoom:%.2f" % (i_rgb, band,zoom_factor[0]))
                zm = zoom(input=zm,zoom=zoom_factor,order=resample_order)

            bf = rescale_intensity(image=zm,in_range=lim,out_range=(0.0, 255.0))
            S2_rgb[:, :, i_rgb] = np.array(bf,dtype=rgb_type)

            self.logger.info("Rescale band for RGB image: %i,%s,(%.2f,%.2f)->(0,256), zoom:%.2f" %
                             (i_rgb, band, lim[0], lim[1],zoom_factor[0]))

            if gamma != 0.0:
                S2_rgb[:, :, i_rgb] = np.array(
                        adjust_gamma(np.array(S2_rgb[:, :, i_rgb], dtype=np.float32),gamma),dtype=rgb_type)
        return S2_rgb
Пример #9
def make_square(img):
  height, width = img.shape
  max_side = max([height, width])

  copy = np.zeros(shape=(max_side, max_side), dtype=np.uint8)
  for i in range(height):
    for j in range(width):
      copy[i][j] = img[i][j]
  # increase contrast a bit with a gamma correction
  copy = exposure.adjust_gamma(copy, gamma=1.8)
  return copy
Пример #10
    def transform(self, Xb, yb):
        Xb, yb = super(AdjustGammaBatchIteratorMixin, self).transform(Xb, yb)
        Xb_transformed = Xb.copy()

        if self.adjust_gamma_p > 0:
            random_idx = get_random_idx(Xb, self.adjust_gamma_p)
            for i in random_idx:
                gamma = choice(self.adjust_gamma_chocies)
                Xb_transformed[i] = adjust_gamma(
                    Xb[i].transpose(1, 2, 0), gamma=gamma
                ).transpose(2, 0, 1)

        return Xb_transformed, yb
Пример #11
 def call(self, image, saliency_image):
     img_resize = resize(image, saliency_image.shape)
     saliency_range = max(0.15, saliency_image.max() - saliency_image.min())
     saliency_norm = (saliency_image - saliency_image.min()) / saliency_range
     saliency_gamma = adjust_gamma(saliency_norm, gamma=self.gamma)
     cmap = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('viridis')
     cmap_hsv = rgb2hsv(cmap(saliency_gamma)[:, :, :3])
     hsv = np.stack([
         cmap_hsv[:, :, 0],
     ], axis=-1)
     return hsv2rgb(hsv)
    def save_segmented_image(self, index, test_img, save=False):
        Creates an image of original brain with segmentation overlay
        :param index: index of image to save
        :param test_img: filepath to test image for segmentation, including file extension
        :param save: If true, shows output image. (defaults to False)
        :return: if show is True, shows image of segmentation results
                 if show is false, returns segmented image.

        segmentation = self.predict_image(test_img)

        img_mask = np.pad(segmentation, (16, 16), mode='edge')
        ones = np.argwhere(img_mask == 1)
        twos = np.argwhere(img_mask == 2)
        threes = np.argwhere(img_mask == 3)
        fours = np.argwhere(img_mask == 4)

        test_im = mpimg.imread(test_img).astype('float')
        test_back = rgb2gray(test_im).reshape(5, 216, 160)[-2]
        # overlay = mark_boundaries(test_back, img_mask)
        gray_img = img_as_float(test_back)

        # adjust gamma of image
        image = adjust_gamma(color.gray2rgb(gray_img), 0.65)
        sliced_image = image.copy()
        red_multiplier = [1, 0.2, 0.2]
        yellow_multiplier = [1, 1, 0.25]
        green_multiplier = [0.35, 0.75, 0.25]
        blue_multiplier = [0, 0.25, 0.9]

        # change colors of segmented classes
        for i in xrange(len(ones)):
            sliced_image[ones[i][0]][ones[i][1]] = red_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(twos)):
            sliced_image[twos[i][0]][twos[i][1]] = green_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(threes)):
            sliced_image[threes[i][0]][threes[i][1]] = blue_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(fours)):
            sliced_image[fours[i][0]][fours[i][1]] = yellow_multiplier

        if save:

                io.imsave('./results/result' + '_' + str(index) + '.png', sliced_image)
                io.imsave('./results/result' + '_' + str(index) + '.png', sliced_image)
            return sliced_image
Пример #13
def test_adjust_gamma_less_one():
    """Verifying the output with expected results for gamma
    correction with gamma equal to half"""
    image = np.arange(0, 255, 4, np.uint8).reshape(8,8)
    expected = np.array([[  0,  31,  45,  55,  63,  71,  78,  84],
        [ 90,  95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 119, 123],
        [127, 131, 135, 139, 142, 146, 149, 153],
        [156, 159, 162, 165, 168, 171, 174, 177],
        [180, 183, 186, 188, 191, 194, 196, 199],
        [201, 204, 206, 209, 211, 214, 216, 218],
        [221, 223, 225, 228, 230, 232, 234, 236],
        [238, 241, 243, 245, 247, 249, 251, 253]], dtype=np.uint8)

    result = exposure.adjust_gamma(image, 0.5)
    assert_array_equal(result, expected)
Пример #14
def test_adjust_gamma_greater_one():
    """Verifying the output with expected results for gamma
    correction with gamma equal to two"""
    image = np.arange(0, 255, 4, np.uint8).reshape(8,8)
    expected = np.array([[  0,   0,   0,   0,   1,   1,   2,   3],
        [  4,   5,   6,   7,   9,  10,  12,  14],
        [ 16,  18,  20,  22,  25,  27,  30,  33],
        [ 36,  39,  42,  45,  49,  52,  56,  60],
        [ 64,  68,  72,  76,  81,  85,  90,  95],
        [100, 105, 110, 116, 121, 127, 132, 138],
        [144, 150, 156, 163, 169, 176, 182, 189],
        [196, 203, 211, 218, 225, 233, 241, 249]], dtype=np.uint8)

    result = exposure.adjust_gamma(image, 2)
    assert_array_equal(result, expected)
def augment_image(img):
    Augment an image using a combination of lightening, darkening, rotation and mirror images.
    :params img: Image as numpy array
    :return: array of augmented images 
    augmented_images = []
    for g in [0.45, 0.65, 0.85, 1.25, 1.5, 2]:
        new_img = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, gamma=g)
    new_img = transform.rotate(img, 180)
    return np.array(augmented_images)
    def show_segmented_image(self, test_img, modality='t1c', show = False):
        Creates an image of original brain with segmentation overlay
        INPUT   (1) str 'test_img': filepath to test image for segmentation, including file extension
                (2) str 'modality': imaging modelity to use as background. defaults to t1c. options: (flair, t1, t1c, t2)
                (3) bool 'show': If true, shows output image. defaults to False.
        OUTPUT  (1) if show is True, shows image of segmentation results
                (2) if show is false, returns segmented image.
        modes = {'flair':0, 't1':1, 't1c':2, 't2':3}

        segmentation = self.predict_image(test_img, show=False)
        img_mask = np.pad(segmentation, (16,16), mode='edge')
        ones = np.argwhere(img_mask == 1)
        twos = np.argwhere(img_mask == 2)
        threes = np.argwhere(img_mask == 3)
        fours = np.argwhere(img_mask == 4)

        test_im = io.imread(test_img)
        test_back = test_im.reshape(5,240,240)[-2]
        # overlay = mark_boundaries(test_back, img_mask)
        gray_img = img_as_float(test_back)

        # adjust gamma of image
        image = adjust_gamma(color.gray2rgb(gray_img), 0.65)
        sliced_image = image.copy()
        red_multiplier = [1, 0.2, 0.2]
        yellow_multiplier = [1,1,0.25]
        green_multiplier = [0.35,0.75,0.25]
        blue_multiplier = [0,0.25,0.9]

        # change colors of segmented classes
        for i in xrange(len(ones)):
            sliced_image[ones[i][0]][ones[i][1]] = red_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(twos)):
            sliced_image[twos[i][0]][twos[i][1]] = green_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(threes)):
            sliced_image[threes[i][0]][threes[i][1]] = blue_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(fours)):
            sliced_image[fours[i][0]][fours[i][1]] = yellow_multiplier

        if show:

            return sliced_image
Пример #17
def image_transformation(X, method_type='blur', **kwargs):
    # https://www.kaggle.com/tomahim/image-manipulation-augmentation-with-skimage
    q = kwargs['percentile'] if 'percentile' in kwargs else (0.2, 99.8)
    angle = kwargs['angle'] if 'angle' in kwargs else 60
    transformation_dict = {
        'blur': normalize(ndimage.uniform_filter(X)),
        'invert': normalize(util.invert(X)),
        'rotate': rotate(X, angle=angle),
        'rescale_intensity': _rescale_intensity(X, q=q),
        'gamma_correction': exposure.adjust_gamma(X, gamma=0.4, gain=0.9),
        'log_correction': exposure.adjust_log(X),
        'sigmoid_correction': exposure.adjust_sigmoid(X),
        'horizontal_flip': X[:, ::-1],
        'vertical_flip': X[::-1, :],
        'rgb2gray': skimage.color.rgb2gray(X)
    return transformation_dict[method_type]
Пример #18
def enhance_patches(_img, _patches, _gamma=0.2):
    Emphasize a set of rectangular regions from an image. The original image is altered such that
    the regions of interest appear enhanced.

    :param _img: numpy.ndarray
       original image
    :param _patches: list
       list of 4-elements vectors indicating the coordinates of patches of interest
    :param _gamma: float
       gamma adjustment for "background" image

    _res = adjust_gamma(_img, _gamma)

    for p in _patches:
        _res[p[0]:p[1], p[2]:p[3]] = _img[p[0]:p[1], p[2]:p[3]]

    return _res
def transform_features(data):
    with open('transformed_test_inputs.csv', 'wb') as csvfile:
        d = get_circle_filter(48,48)
        # writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
        # writer.writerow(["Id", "Prediction"])
        out_data = []
        i = 1
        bar = pyprind.ProgBar(len(data), title="Transforming raw features")
        for row in data:
            # from (2304,) to (48,48) because i wrote the functions for 2d , can optimize later
            m = a2m(row)
            dm = deskew(apply_filter(exposure.adjust_gamma(m,0.4), d))
            dm = dm-get_dilated(dm)*0.5
            # print len(dm.flattenedten())
            r = "%s," % str(i)
            for j in dm.flatten():
                r += "%s," % str(j)
            csvfile.write(r[:-1] + "\n")
            i += 1
        return out_data
Пример #20
			Y = []
			for fname in image_file_list[k:k+n]:
				label = label_dict[fname.split('.')[0]]
				cur_img = imread(folder+'/'+fname , as_grey=True)
				cur_img = 1 - cur_img

				# randomly add samples
				r_for_eq = random()

				if r_for_eq<0.3:
					cur_img = equalize_adapthist(cur_img,ntiles_x=5,ntiles_y=5,clip_limit=0.1)
				if 0.3<r_for_eq<0.4:
					cur_img = adjust_sigmoid(cur_img,cutoff=0.5, gain=10, inv=False)
				if 0.5<r_for_eq<0.6:
					cur_img = adjust_gamma(cur_img,gamma=0.5, gain=1)
				label_vec = [0]*5
				label_vec[label] = 1
				label_vec = [0]*3
				if label == 0 or label == 1:
					label_vec[0] = 1
				elif label == 2 or label == 3 :
					label_vec[1] = 1
					label_vec[2] = 1
Пример #21
def do_darken(pic):
    return exposure.adjust_gamma(pic,1.3)
Пример #22
    ax_hist.set_xlim(0, 1)

    # Display cumulative distribution
    img_cdf, bins = exposure.cumulative_distribution(image, bins)
    ax_cdf.plot(bins, img_cdf, 'r')

    return ax_img, ax_hist, ax_cdf

# Load an example image
img = data.moon()

# Gamma
gamma_corrected = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, 2)

# Logarithmic
logarithmic_corrected = exposure.adjust_log(img, 1)

# Display results
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
axes = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype=np.object)
axes[0, 0] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 1)
axes[0, 1] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 2, sharex=axes[0, 0], sharey=axes[0, 0])
axes[0, 2] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 3, sharex=axes[0, 0], sharey=axes[0, 0])
axes[1, 0] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 4)
axes[1, 1] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 5)
axes[1, 2] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 6)

ax_img, ax_hist, ax_cdf = plot_img_and_hist(img, axes[:, 0])
Пример #23
def main():
    p = opt.ArgumentParser(description="""
            Classifies regions of an image (based on SURF) using a pre-built model (codebook).
    p.add_argument('in_file', action='store', help='image file name')
    p.add_argument('out_file', action='store', help='file to store the resulting classification')
    p.add_argument('model', action='store', help='file containing the model')
    p.add_argument('-a', '--annot', action='store', help='annotation file name', default=None)
    p.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', action='store', type=int, default=5000,
                   help='Hessian threshold for SURF features.')
    p.add_argument('-x', action='store', help='image name with patches classified', default=None)
    p.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose?')
    args = p.parse_args()
    th = args.threshold
    if args.verbose:
        print("Image:", args.in_file)
    img = cv2.imread(args.in_file)
    mask = None
    with ModelPersistence(args.model, 'r', format='pickle') as mp:
        codebook = mp['codebook']
        Xm = mp['shift']
        Xs = mp['scale']
        standardize = mp['standardize']
        avg_dist = mp['avg_dist_to_centroid']
        sd_dist = mp['stddev_dist_to_centroid']
    if args.annot is not None:
        coords = np.fromfile(args.annot, dtype=int, sep=' ')  # x y - values
        coords = np.reshape(coords, (coords.size/2, 2), order='C')
        # get the bounding box:
        xmin, ymin = coords.min(axis=0)
        xmax, ymax = coords.max(axis=0)
        img = img[ymin:ymax+3, xmin:xmax+3, :]            # keep only the region of interest

        if args.verbose:
            print("\t...building mask")
        mask = np.zeros(img.shape[0:2], dtype=np.uint8)
        r, c = skimage.draw.polygon(coords[:,1]-ymin, coords[:,0]-xmin) # adapt to new image...
        mask[r,c] = 1                                         # everything outside the region is black

    if args.verbose:
        print("\t...H&E extraction")

    img_h, _ = rgb2he(img, normalize=True)                # get the H- component
    img_h = equalize_adapthist(img_h)
    img_h = rescale_intensity(img_h, out_range=(0,255))
    # make sure the dtype is right for image and the mask: OpenCV is sensitive to data type
    img_h = img_h.astype(np.uint8)

    if mask is not None:
        img_h *= mask
    if args.verbose:
        print("\t...feature detection and computation")
    feat = cv2.xfeatures2d.SURF_create(hessianThreshold=th)
    keyp, desc = feat.detectAndCompute(img_h, mask)
    if args.verbose:
        print("\t...", str(len(keyp)), "features extracted")
    X = np.hstack(desc)
    X = np.reshape(X, (len(desc), desc[0].size), order='C')
    if standardize:
        # make sure each variable (column) is mean-centered and has unit standard deviation
        X = (X - Xm) / Xs
    if args.verbose:
    # instead of the following, allow for "no label":
    y0 = codebook.predict(X).tolist()
    y = np.zeros(X.shape[0], dtype=np.int) - 1
    d = np.zeros((X.shape[0], codebook.cluster_centers_.shape[0]))
    for k in range(0, codebook.cluster_centers_.shape[0]):
        d[:, k] = np.linalg.norm(X - codebook.cluster_centers_[k, :], axis=1)

    for i in range(0, d.shape[0]):
        # find the closest centroid among those that have a distance < 3*SD
        j = np.where(d[i, :] < avg_dist + 3.0*sd_dist)[0]
        if np.any(j):
            y[i] = j[np.argmin(d[i, j])]    # the label of the closest centroid
    #if np.any(y < 0):
    #    y = y[y >= 0]
    if args.verbose:
        print("\t...of", str(X.shape[0]), "patches,", str(y.size), "where assigned a label")
    with open(args.out_file, mode='w') as fout:
        for k in range(len(y)):
            s = '\t'.join([str(np.round(keyp[k].pt[0])), str(np.round(keyp[k].pt[1])),
                           str(np.round(keyp[k].size)), str(y[k]), str(y0[k])]) + '\n'

    if args.x is not None:
        # construct a representation of the image based on the class labels
        img = adjust_gamma(img, 0.2)             # dim the image
        for k in range(len(y)):
            x, y = keyp[k].pt
            x = int(np.round(x))
            y = int(np.round(y))
            r = int(np.round(keyp[k].size))
            img[y-int(r/2):y+int(r/2), x-int(r/2):x+int(r/2), :] = (10, (10+2*k)%256, k%256)
        cv2.imwrite(args.x, img)
Пример #24
def do_composite(image, bg_fname, sigma, motion, noise, gamma):
    """Composite a background image onto the foreground.

    image: original image, floating point [0,1].
    bg_fname: background image file name, None or empty string if none.
    sigma: blur in pixels; single value or range.
    motion: 4-tuple <min_pix_move, max_pix_move, min_deg_angle, max_deg angle>.
    noise: pixel noise in the range 0-255, either single value or range.
    gamma: gamma correction to be applied to image, 0 for none.

    Updated image.
    def make_random(x):
        # Arg x can be list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
        if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple):
            x = np.array(x)
        assert isinstance(
            x, np.ndarray), 'Argument to do_composite must be list or array'
        if x.size == 0:
            return None
        elif x.size == 1:
            return x[0]
            return random.uniform(x[0], x[1])

    if motion[1]:
        image = do_motion_blur(image, motion[:2], motion[2:])

    ys, xs, _ = image.shape
    if bg_fname:
        scene = read_image(bg_fname) * (1.0 / 255.0)
        if random.choice([True, False]):
            scene = np.flipud(scene)
        if random.choice([True, False]):
            scene = np.fliplr(scene)
        yss, xss = scene.shape[0], scene.shape[1]
        assert yss > ys, 'Background image must be larger than training image'
        assert xss > xs, 'Background image must be larger than training image'

    # Adjust gamma of image.
    gamma = make_random(gamma)
    if gamma is not None:
        image[:, :, :3] = adjust_gamma(image[:, :, :3], gamma)
    # Add noise to object.
    noise = make_random(noise)
    if noise is not None:
        image[:, :, :3] += np.random.randn(ys, xs, 3) * noise * 0.5 / 255.
    np.clip(image, 0.0, 1.0, image)

    # Cut out ellipse where image alpha is 0.
    if bg_fname:
        ul_y = random.randint(0, yss - ys - 1)
        ul_x = random.randint(0, xss - xs - 1)
        scene_crop = scene[ul_y:ul_y + ys, ul_x:ul_x + xs, :]
        mask = image[:, :, 3]
        rgbmask = np.stack([mask, mask, mask], axis=2)
        image[:, :, :3] = scene_crop * (1.0 -
                                        rgbmask) + image[:, :, :3] * rgbmask
        image[image[:, :, 3] == 0, 0:3] = 0.5

    # Add gaussian blur and noise.
    sigma = make_random(sigma)
    im = np.copy(image[:, :, :3])  # Need copy to preserve float32
    gaussian(image[:, :, :3], sigma, multichannel=True, output=im)
    # Add noise to whole scene, after blur.
    if noise is not None:
        im[:, :, :3] += np.random.randn(ys, xs, 3) * noise * 0.5 / 255.
    np.clip(im, 0.0, 1.0, im)

    return im
Пример #25
def test_adjust_gamma_neggative():
    image = np.arange(0, 255, 4, np.uint8).reshape((8, 8))
    with testing.raises(ValueError):
        exposure.adjust_gamma(image, -1)
Пример #26
from skimage import feature
from skimage import draw
from skimage import util
from skimage import color
from skimage import morphology
from skimage import filters
from skimage import measure
from skimage import transform
from skimage import exposure

filename = 'AmorpHole.jpg'

image = io.imread(filename)
grey = color.rgb2grey(image)
grey = exposure.equalize_adapthist(exposure.adjust_gamma(grey))
# grey = exposure.equalize_adapthist(exposure.adjust_gamma(grey))
grey = grey > 0.5

# grey = util.invert(grey)

# def getHoleImage(hole_coords):
#         hole_image = numpy.zeros((image_height,image_width))
#         for coord in hole_coords:
#             hole_image[coord[1],coord[0]] = 1

#         return ndi.binary_fill_holes(morphology.binary_closing(hole_image))

Пример #27
def bleach_plot2(k, v, bg=100.0, num_tiles=16, gamma=0.5, dt=1):
    """Plot bleaching of image timeseries

    k : str
        Title string
    v : ndarray (t, y, x)
        Image stack (x must y)
    bg : float
        Background counts
    num_tiles : int
        Number of tiles per image side
    nt, ny, nx = v.shape
    assert ny == nx, "data isn't square"
    # make figure
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3))
    (ax, ax_k, ax_i) = axs
    fig.suptitle(k, y=1.05)
    # split the image
    img_split = split_img(v, nx // num_tiles)
    # sum kinetics, convert to float
    bg = np.asarray(bg)
    bg.shape = (-1, 1, 1)
    kinetics = (img_split * 1.0 - bg).sum((2, 3))
    # anything that's negative mask with an nan
    kinetics[kinetics < 0] = np.nan
    # normalize all the kinetics with the max one
    norm_kinetics = kinetics / np.max(kinetics[:, np.newaxis], -1)
    kin_img = np.ones_like(img_split)[:, 0,
                                      ...] * norm_kinetics[:, -1, np.newaxis,
    # start plotting
    # plot kinetics, color by amount of bleaching and set alpha to initial intensity
    for trace, cpoint in zip(norm_kinetics, scale(norm_kinetics[:, -1])):
        # make sure the point is not an nan
        if np.isfinite(cpoint):
            ax.loglog(np.arange(len(trace)) * dt,
    # label stuff
    ax.set_title("Bleaching Kinetics")
    ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)")
    ax.set_ylabel("Relative Intensity (a.u.)")
    # calculate the max image
    v_max = v.max(0)
    # plot color coded kinetics
    ax_k.matshow(combine_img(kin_img), cmap="spring", zorder=0)
    # plot image with alpha over it
    ax_k.matshow(v_max, cmap=greys_alpha_cm, norm=LogNorm(), zorder=1)
    # plot raw image with gamma adjustment for reference
    ax_i.matshow(adjust_gamma(v_max, gamma), cmap="Greys_r")
    # remove grids
    for ax in (ax_i, ax_k):
    # set titles
    ax_k.set_title("Bleaching Map")
    return fig, axs
Пример #28
# There are plenty of ways of combining the different grey-level images into a
# false-color representation (it's a bit of an art!).  This is a very simple
# pipeline, that mainly tweaks intensities, and that does nothing fancy along
# the lines of denoising, sharpening, etc.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from skimage import img_as_float, io, exposure

ic = io.ImageCollection('m8_050507_*.png')
ic = [img_as_float(img) for img in ic]
H, B, G, R, L = ic

H = exposure.adjust_sigmoid(H, cutoff=0.05, gain=35)
L = exposure.adjust_sigmoid(L, cutoff=0.05, gain=15)
R = exposure.adjust_gamma(R, 0.1)

# Merge R, G, B channels
out = np.dstack((H, L, R))
out = exposure.adjust_gamma(out, 2.1)

io.imsave('m8_recon.png', out)

f, ax = plt.subplots()
Пример #29
    def generator(self):
        rand_index = np.arange(len(self.image_list))
        for index in range(len(self.image_list)):
            image_path = self.image_list[rand_index[index]]
            mask_path = self.mask_list[rand_index[index]]
            # image_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, file_basename_image)
            if image_path.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0] == 'n':
                label = np.array([0.0])
                label = np.array([1.0])

            # label = image_path.split('/')
            # label = label[-2]
            # label = label_dict[label]

            image, mask = self.read_data(image_path, mask_path)

            # image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32)
            # mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.float32)
            image = image / 255
            mask = mask / 255

            # mask = scalar2onehot(mask)
            # image = (np.array(image[:, :, np.newaxis]))
            # mask = np.array(mask[:, :, np.newaxis])

            # if self.__Param["mode"] == "train_decision" or self.__Param["mode"] == "train_segmentation":
            #     aug_random = np.random.uniform()
            #     if aug_random > 0.6:
            #         expo = np.random.choice([0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3])
                    # image = exposure.adjust_gamma(image, expo)
            #                    angle=np.random.randint(1,72)*5
            #                    image=rotate(image,angle)
            # if IMAGE_MODE == 0:  # expanding dimension is needed only in mono mode
            if self.__Param["mode"] == "train_decision" or self.__Param["mode"] == "train_segmentation":
                aug_random = np.random.uniform()
                if aug_random > 0.7:

                    # adjust_gamma
                    if np.random.uniform() > 0.7:
                        expo = np.random.choice([0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3])
                        image = exposure.adjust_gamma(image, expo)

                    # flip
                    if np.random.uniform() > 0.7:
                        aug_seed = np.random.randint(-1, 2)
                        image = cv2.flip(image, aug_seed)
                        mask = cv2.flip(mask, aug_seed)

                    # # rotate
                    # if np.random.uniform() > 0.7:
                    #     angle = np.random.randint(-5, 5)
                    #     image = rotate(image, angle)
                    #     mask = rotate(mask, angle)

                    # GassianBlur
                    if np.random.uniform() > 0.7:
                        image = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (5, 5), 0)

                    # # shift
                    # if np.random.uniform() > 0.7:
                    #     dx = np.random.randint(-5, 5)  # width*5%
                    #     dy = np.random.randint(-5, 5)  # Height*10%
                    #     rows, cols = image.shape[:2]
                    #     M = np.float32([[1, 0, dx], [0, 1, dy]])  # (x,y) -> (dx,dy)
                    #     image = cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (cols, rows))
                    #     mask = cv2.warpAffine(mask, M, (cols, rows))

            # mask = self.ImageBinarization(mask)
            if IMAGE_MODE == 0:  # expanding dimention is needed only in mono mode
                image = image[:,:,0]
                image = (np.array(image[:, :, np.newaxis]))
            mask = (np.array(mask[:, :, np.newaxis]))  # needed only when label is mono
            #     image = (np.array(image[:, :, np.newaxis]))

            yield image, mask, label, image_path
    io.imsave(os.path.join("/data/images", new_name), new_img)

    # Jitter by -10 in RGB
    new_img = jitter_rgb(img, -10)
    new_name = im_name + "_p4" + ".jpg"
    new_image_list.append(new_name + " " + label)
    io.imsave(os.path.join("/data/images", new_name), new_img)

    # Equalize histogram
    new_img = exposure.equalize_hist(img)
    new_name = im_name + "_p5" + ".jpg"
    new_image_list.append(new_name + " " + label)
    io.imsave(os.path.join("/data/images", new_name), new_img)

    # Lighten 1
    new_img = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, gamma=0.5)
    new_name = im_name + "_p6" + ".jpg"
    new_image_list.append(new_name + " " + label)
    io.imsave(os.path.join("/data/images", new_name), new_img)

    # Lighten 2
    new_img = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, gamma=0.65)
    new_name = im_name + "_p7" + ".jpg"
    new_image_list.append(new_name + " " + label)
    io.imsave(os.path.join("/data/images", new_name), new_img)

    # Lighten 3
    new_img = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, gamma=0.85)
    new_name = im_name + "_p8" + ".jpg"
    new_image_list.append(new_name + " " + label)
    io.imsave(os.path.join("/data/images", new_name), new_img)
Пример #31
def color_erode(img_data, color_data, is_alpha, transparent, noise, img_type):

    blacks = rgb2gray(img_data)
    blacks = blacks < 0.2
    original_image = img_data
    img_data = color_data
    img_data = exposure.adjust_gamma(color_data, 1)

    grayscale = rgb2gray(img_data)
    original_grayscale = grayscale

    print(grayscale[0, 0])
    print(img_data[0, 0])

    #grayscale += 9

    grayscale = 10 * np.round_(grayscale, 1)
    grayscale = grayscale.astype(int)
    grayscale += blacks

    if is_alpha and transparent:
        major_alpha, a = alpha_test(is_alpha, color_data)
        if major_alpha:
            alpha_mask = a
            print("Not enough transparency, falling back to white threshold")
            smoothness = 2
            alpha_mask = smooth(grayscale, smoothness)
            alpha_mask = invert(alpha_mask)
        smoothness = 2
        alpha_mask = smooth(grayscale, smoothness)
        alpha_mask = invert(alpha_mask)

    label_image = label(grayscale)
    img_data = grayscale

    new_arr = np.zeros(img_data.shape)

    for region in regionprops(label_image):
        if region.area >= 3:
            #gives us square area in original image region is inside
            minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox

            #use the offset to get the position of the region and rip it from the image
            img_slice = region.image

            if is_alpha and transparent:
                img_slice *= alpha_mask[minr:maxr, minc:maxc]

            if img_data.shape[1] < 2880:
                print("Image under 2880px wide, resizing to avoid artifacts")
                img_slice = rescale(img_slice, 2, anti_aliasing=False)

            #now erode it and stick it in the new array
            selem = disk(1)
            eroded_slice = binary_erosion(img_slice, selem)

            if img_data.shape[1] < 2880:
                eroded_slice = rescale(eroded_slice, 0.5, anti_aliasing=False)

            new_arr[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] += eroded_slice
            #new_arr[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] += img_slice

    vor_arr = np.pad(new_arr, pad_width=10, mode='constant', constant_values=1)

    #medial axis skeleton, to get point location and thickness
    skel, distance = medial_axis(new_arr, return_distance=True)
    dist_on_skel = distance * skel

    #Voronoi diagram from Harris edges, to avoid concave shapes
    h_smoothness = 0
    label_image2 = harris_voronoi(new_arr, vor_arr, h_smoothness, dist_on_skel,

    lst = pts_to_list(dist_on_skel, label_image2, noise, img_type, color_data)

    return lst
Пример #32
def image_augmentation(image, segment, policy):
    # # TODO melanoma area mask or replacement
    # # 30% room in
    if 'enhence' in policy and np.random.rand() > 0.7:
        # print("room in")
        # # find object border
        h, w, _ = image.shape
        locy, locx = np.where(segment == 255)
        objl, objr, obju, objd = min(locx), max(locx), min(locy), max(locy)

        # #        (objl + objr) / 2, (obju + objd) / 2, r - l, d - u
        cropl_max = (3 * objl + objr) / 4.
        cropr_min = (3 * objr + objl) / 4.
        cropu_max = (3 * obju + objd) / 4.
        cropd_min = (3 * objd + obju) / 4.

        mu_l, sigma_l = 2 * cropl_max / 3., cropl_max / 6.
        mu_r, sigma_r = (2 * cropr_min + w) / 3., (w - cropr_min) / 6.
        mu_u, sigma_u = 2 * cropu_max / 3., cropu_max / 8.
        mu_d, sigma_d = (2 * cropd_min + h) / 3., (h - cropd_min) / 8.

        cropl = np.random.normal(mu_l, sigma_l)
        cropr = np.random.normal(mu_r, sigma_r)
        cropu = np.random.normal(mu_u, sigma_u)
        cropd = np.random.normal(mu_d, sigma_d)

        cropl = np.clip(cropl, 0, cropl_max).astype(int)
        cropr = np.clip(cropr, cropr_min, w).astype(int)
        cropu = np.clip(cropu, 0, cropu_max).astype(int)
        cropd = np.clip(cropd, cropd_min, h).astype(int)

        # print("image", h, w, "obj", objl, objr, obju, objd, 'crop_m', cropl_max, cropr_min, cropu_max, cropd_min, "crop", cropl, cropr, cropu, cropd)

        image = image[cropu:cropd, cropl:cropr]
        # io.imshow(image)
        # io.show()
        segment = segment[cropu:cropd, cropl:cropr]

    # print(image.shape, segment.shape)

    # # 30% exposure
    if np.random.rand() > 0.7:
        # print("exposure")
        # # Brightness adjust
        image = exposure.adjust_gamma(image, np.random.normal(1.0, 0.1),
                                      np.random.normal(1.0, 0.1))
        image = exposure.adjust_log(image, np.random.normal(1.0, 0.1))
        image = exposure.adjust_sigmoid(image, np.random.normal(.25, 0.1),
                                        10 * np.random.normal(1.0, 0.1))
        image = img_as_ubyte(image)

    # # 30% rotation
    if np.random.rand() > 0.7:
        # print("rotation")
        image = Image.fromarray(image)
        image.rotate(60 * np.random.normal(1.0, 0.2))
        image = np.asarray(image)

    # # 30% random noise
    if np.random.rand() > 0.7:
        # print("noise")
        image = util.random_noise(image,
                                  var=5e-4 * np.random.normal(1.0, 0.1))
        image = img_as_ubyte(image)

    # # 30% padding
    if np.random.rand() > 0.7:
        # print("padding")
        p = 20
        th, tw, _ = image.shape
        tmp_img = np.zeros((th + 2 * p, tw + 2 * p, 3))
        tmp_img[p:th + p, p:tw + p] = image
        tmp_segment = np.zeros((th + 2 * p, tw + 2 * p))
        tmp_segment[p:th + p, p:tw + p] = segment
        tmp_img = image
        tmp_segment = segment

    # io.imshow(tmp_img)
    # io.show()
    # io.imshow(tmp_segment)
    # io.show()
    return tmp_img, tmp_segment
Пример #33
def gamma(image):
    return exposure.adjust_gamma(image, gamma=0.5, gain=1)
Пример #34
def recovery_plot(k, v, bg=100, p0=(-0.1, 100, 1), num_tiles=16):
    """Plot the recovery of intensity

    k : str
        Figure title
    v : nd.array (t, y, x)
        Assumes an image stack
    bg : numeric
        Background for image data
    p0 : tuple
        Initial guesses for exponential decay
    num_tiles : int
        The number of sub images to calculate

    fig : figure handle
    axs : axes handles"""
    # make figure
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,
                            figsize=(4 * 3.3, 3),
                            gridspec_kw=dict(width_ratios=(1, 1.3, 1, 1)))
    (ax, ax_k, ax_h, ax_i) = axs
    my_shape = v.shape
    fig.suptitle(k, y=1.05)
    # split the image
    img_split = split_img(v, v.shape[-1] // num_tiles) * 1.0 - bg
    # sum kinetics, convert to float
    kinetics = img_split.mean((2, 3))
    norm_kinetics = kinetics / kinetics[:, np.newaxis].max(-1)
    xdata = np.arange(my_shape[0]) * 0.1 * 46
    ks = np.array(
        [curve_fit(exp, xdata, kin, p0=p0)[0][1] for kin in norm_kinetics])
    kin_img = np.ones_like(img_split)[:, 0, ...] * ks[:, np.newaxis,
    # plot kinetics, color by amount of bleaching and set alpha to initial intensity
    for trace, cpoint in zip(norm_kinetics, scale(ks)):
        if np.isfinite(cpoint):
            ax.plot(xdata, trace, c=plt.get_cmap("spring")(cpoint))
    # start plotting
    ax.set_title("Bleaching Kinetics")
    ax.set_ylabel("Relative Intensity (a.u.)")
    img = ax_k.matshow(combine_img(kin_img), cmap="spring")
    cb = plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax_k, aspect=10, use_gridspec=True)
    cb.set_label("Decay constant (J/cm$^2$)")
    ax_k.matshow(v.max(0), cmap=greys_alpha_cm, norm=LogNorm())
    ax_i.matshow(adjust_gamma(v.max(0), 0.25), cmap="Greys_r")
    ax_h.hist(ks, bins=int(np.sqrt(ks.size)))
    ax_h.set_title("Median = {:.0f}".format(np.median(ks)))
    for ax in (ax_i, ax_k):
    ax_k.set_title("Bleaching Map")
    return fig, axs
Пример #35
    def __call__(self, sample):
        sigma = np.random.uniform(self.sigmas[0], self.sigmas[1])
        sample = exposure.adjust_gamma(self.norm(sample), sigma)

        return sample
Пример #36
def plot_false_RGB(im1,
    Make false color RGB from 3 bands of images and plot

    im1: numpy array
        b1 image, 2d

    im2: numpy array
        b2 image, 2d

    im3: 2d array
        b3 image, 3d

    gamma: float
        gamma correction value

    perlow: int or float
        lower bound for percentile for imshow constrast stretch

    perhigh: int or float
        uppper bound for percentile for imshow constrast stretch

    savedir: str
        where to save plots

    tag: str
        e.g., 'train' or 'test'

    savefig: bool
        save plot or show


    # Normalize band
    im3_norm = normalize(im3)
    im2_norm = normalize(im2)
    im1_norm = normalize(im1)

    false_RGB = np.dstack((im1_norm, im2_norm, im3_norm))

    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(savedir + tag + '_falsergb_hist.png')

    # scale up contrast
    from skimage import exposure
    plow, phigh = np.percentile(false_RGB, (perlow, perhigh))
    rgbStretched = exposure.rescale_intensity(
        in_range=(plow, phigh))  # Perform contrast stretch on RGB range
    rgbStretched = exposure.adjust_gamma(rgbStretched,
                                         gamma)  # Perform Gamma Correction

    # imshow
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0, 0, 1, 1])
    # Plot a natural color RGB
    ax.imshow(rgbStretched, interpolation='bilinear', alpha=0.9)
    if savefig:
        plt.savefig(savedir + tag + '_falsergb.png')
Пример #37
def test_negative():
    image = np.arange(-10, 245, 4).reshape((8, 8)).astype(np.double)
    with testing.raises(ValueError):
Пример #38
    # Display cumulative distribution
    img_cdf, bins = exposure.cumulative_distribution(image, bins)
    ax_cdf.plot(bins, img_cdf, 'r',lw=3)

    return ax_img, ax_hist, ax_cdf

### Load example image

# Load an example image
img = data.moon()

### Gamma corrected with $\gamma=2$

gamma_corrected = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, 2)

### Logarithmic correction

logarithmic_corrected = exposure.adjust_log(img, 1)

### Display results side by side

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))

axes = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype=np.object)
axes[0, 0] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 1)
axes[0, 1] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 2, sharex=axes[0, 0], sharey=axes[0, 0])
axes[0, 2] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 3, sharex=axes[0, 0], sharey=axes[0, 0])
axes[1, 0] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 4)
axes[1, 1] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 5)
Пример #39
def gamma_correction(image: ndarray):
    return adjust_gamma(image, gamma=0.4, gain=0.9)
    #     # data = exposure.rescale_intensity(data, in_range=(np.min(data)*100, np.max(data)*100))
    #     seed = np.copy(fdata)
    #     seed[1:-1, 1:-1] = fdata.min()
    #     fdata = fdata - reconstruction(seed, fdata, method='dilation')
    #     fdata = filters.gaussian_filter(fdata, sigma=5)
    #     seed = None
    #     seed = np.copy(fdata)
    #     seed[1:-1, 1:-1] = fdata.min()
    #     fdata = fdata - reconstruction(seed, fdata, method='dilation')
    #     seed = None
    #     scipy.misc.imsave(oname, fdata)

    #data = np.flipud(data)
    #fdata = np.flipud(fdata)
    fdata = exposure.adjust_gamma(fdata, 5)
    p1, p2 = np.percentile(fdata, (2, 98))
    fdata = exposure.rescale_intensity(fdata, in_range=(p1, p2))

    fdata -= fdata.min()
    fdata /= fdata.max()

    if show_plots:
        plt.imshow(fdata, cmap="gray")

    #thresh = threshold_otsu(fdata)
    thresh = threshold_minimum(fdata)

    #bin = fdata > thresh*1.70
Пример #41
def test_adjust_gamma_zero():
    """White image should be returned for gamma equal to zero"""
    image = np.random.uniform(0, 255, (8, 8))
    result = exposure.adjust_gamma(image, 0)
    dtype = image.dtype.type
    assert_array_equal(result, dtype_range[dtype][1])
Пример #42
def img_to_list(img_data, num, noise, img_type, transparent, smoothness):

    #smoothness = 5
    h_smoothness = smoothness * 1.5
    is_alpha = False
    width, height = img_data.size
    img_data = np.array(img_data)
    img_data = np.array(img_data)

    color_data = img_data.copy()
    color_data = exposure.adjust_gamma(color_data, 2)

    lst = []
    #strip colors
        img_data = rgb2gray(rgba2rgb(img_data))
        is_alpha = True
    except ValueError:
        img_data = rgb2gray(img_data)
    #smooth and threshold Line Art to make sure it isn't basically empty
    smooth_intensity = 0        
    #don't want to smooth the image for the panic test if it's too small
    if width >= 700 and height >= 700:
        smooth_intensity = 2            
        blank_test = smooth(img_data, smooth_intensity)    
        #keep it from panicking if the image is blank
        if is_blank(blank_test):

    if img_type == "SHADING":

        lst = shading_to_list(img_data, color_data, is_alpha)

    if img_type == "COLOR":
        lst = color_erode(img_data, color_data, is_alpha, transparent, noise,

    if img_type == "LINEART":
        #make a padded version so the Voronoi output looks better
        vor_arr = np.pad(img_data,

        if is_alpha and transparent:
            major_alpha, a = alpha_test(is_alpha, color_data)
            if major_alpha:
                img_data = a
                    "Not enough transparency, falling back to white threshold")
                img_data = smooth(img_data, smoothness)
                img_data = invert(img_data)
            img_data = smooth(img_data, smoothness)
            img_data = invert(img_data)

        #medial axis skeleton, to get point location and thickness
        skel, distance = medial_axis(img_data, return_distance=True)
        dist_on_skel = distance * skel

        #Voronoi diagram from Harris edges, to avoid concave shapes
        label_image = harris_voronoi(img_data, vor_arr, h_smoothness,
                                     dist_on_skel, is_alpha)

        lst = pts_to_list(dist_on_skel, label_image, noise, img_type,

    return lst
    im_path = pair[0]

    full_im_name = re.findall(r'\/(.+)', im_path)[0]
    im_name = re.findall(r'(\d+)\.', full_im_name)[0]

    # Add original image to list of augmented images
    #Load the image
    img = io.imread(os.path.join(image_path, im_path))
    #Save the original image
    io.imsave(os.path.join(image_out, full_im_name), img)
    new_image_list.append(full_im_name + " " + label)
    io.imsave(os.path.join(image_out, "m_" + full_im_name), np.fliplr(img))
    new_image_list.append("m_" + full_im_name + " " + label)
    #Perform transformations
    # Lighten 1 & mirror image
    new_img = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, gamma=0.45)
    new_name = im_name + "_p1" + ".jpg"
    new_image_list.append(new_name + " " + label)
    io.imsave(os.path.join(image_out, new_name), new_img)
    new_name = im_name + "_p1m" + ".jpg"
    new_image_list.append(new_name + " " + label)
    io.imsave(os.path.join(image_out, new_name), np.fliplr(new_img))

    # Lighten 2 & mirror image
    new_img = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, gamma=0.65)
    new_name = im_name + "_p2" + ".jpg"
    new_image_list.append(new_name + " " + label)
    io.imsave(os.path.join(image_out, new_name), new_img)
    new_name = im_name + "_p2m" + ".jpg"
    io.imsave(os.path.join(image_out, new_name), np.fliplr(new_img))
Пример #44
def test_adjust_gamma_neggative():
    image = np.arange(0, 255, 4, np.uint8).reshape((8, 8))
    with testing.raises(ValueError):
        exposure.adjust_gamma(image, -1)
Пример #45
def do_brighten(pic):
    return exposure.adjust_gamma(pic,0.7)
Пример #46
def evaluate(test_data, mask):
    with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
        y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                            shape=[None, 6, 117, 120, 2],
        mask_p = tf.placeholder(tf.complex64,
                                shape=[None, 6, 117, 120],
        kspace_p = tf.placeholder(tf.complex64,
                                  shape=[None, 6, 117, 120],

        y = inference.inference(mask_p, kspace_p, None)

        loss = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(y, y_), [1, 2, 3, 4]))

        with tf.Session() as sess:
            ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(model_save_path)
            saver = tf.train.Saver()
            test_case = 'show image'
            if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
                saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
                if __name__ == '__main__':
                    if test_case == 'check_loss':
                        count = 0
                        for ys in train.iterate_minibatch(test_data,
                            xs_l, kspace_l, mask_l, ys_l = train.prep_input(
                                ys, mask)
                            loss_value, y_pred = sess.run([loss, y],
                                                              y_: ys_l,
                                                              mask_p: mask_l,
                            print("The loss of No.{} test data = {}".format(
                                count + 1, loss_value))

                            y_c = real2complex(y_pred)
                            xs_c = real2complex(xs_l)
                            base_mse, test_mse, base_psnr, \
                            test_psnr, base_ssim, test_ssim = performance(xs_c, y_c, ys)
                            print("test loss:\t\t{:.6f}".format(loss_value))
                            print("test psnr:\t\t{:.6f}".format(test_psnr))
                            print("base psnr:\t\t{:.6f}".format(base_psnr))
                            print("base mse:\t\t{:.6f}".format(base_mse))
                            print("test mse:\t\t{:.6f}".format(test_mse))
                            print("base ssim:\t\t{:.6f}".format(base_ssim))
                            print("test ssim:\t\t{:.6f}".format(test_ssim))
                            count += 1
                    elif test_case == 'show image':
                        final_result_path = '/media/keziwen/86AA9651AA963E1D/Tensorflow/MyDeepMRI-KI_Net V2/for KI/final results'
                        figure_save_path = join(final_result_path,
                                                'KI vs KI_with_KLoss(e-1)',
                        if not os.path.isdir(figure_save_path):
                        order = 79
                        ys = test_data[order]
                        ys = ys[np.newaxis, :]
                        xs_l, kspace_l, mask_l, ys_l = train.prep_input(
                            ys, mask)
                        time_start = time.time()
                        loss_value, y_pred = sess.run([loss, y],
                                                          y_: ys_l,
                                                          mask_p: mask_l,
                                                          kspace_p: kspace_l
                        time_end = time.time()
                        y_pred = real2complex(y_pred)
                        xs = real2complex(xs_l)
                        if order == 0:
                            order_x = 100
                        elif order == 1:
                            order_x = 60
                        elif order == 2:
                            order_x = 85
                        elif order == 6:
                            order_x = 40
                            order_x = 55
                        #order_x = 55 # (order, order_x): (0, 100), (1, 60), (6, 40), (7, 55)
                        ys_t = ys[:, :, order_x, :]
                        y_pred_t = y_pred[:, :, order_x, :]
                        xs_t = xs[:, :, order_x, :]
                        xs_t_error = ys_t - xs_t
                        y_pred_error = ys_t - y_pred_t

                        base_mse, test_mse, base_psnr,\
                        test_psnr, base_ssim, test_ssim = performance(xs, y_pred, ys)
                        print("test time:\t\t{:.6f}".format(time_end -
                        print("test loss:\t\t{:.6f}".format(loss_value))
                        print("test psnr:\t\t{:.6f}".format(test_psnr))
                        print("base psnr:\t\t{:.6f}".format(base_psnr))
                        print("base mse:\t\t{:.6f}".format(base_mse))
                        print("test mse:\t\t{:.6f}".format(test_mse))
                        print("base ssim:\t\t{:.6f}".format(base_ssim))
                        print("test ssim:\t\t{:.6f}".format(test_ssim))
                        mask_shift = mymath.fftshift(mask, axes=(-1, -2))
                        gamma = 1
                            exposure.adjust_gamma(np.abs(ys[0][0]), gamma),
                        plt.title('ground truth')
                                                  gamma), plt.cm.gray)
                        plt.imshow(exposure.adjust_gamma(abs(xs[0][0]), gamma),
                            exposure.adjust_gamma(abs(y_pred[0][0]), gamma),
                            join(figure_save_path, 'test%s.png' % order))
                            exposure.adjust_gamma(np.abs(ys[0][0]), gamma),
                        plt.title('ground truth')
                        plt.savefig(join(figure_save_path, 'gr%s.png' % order))
                        plt.imshow(exposure.adjust_gamma(abs(xs[0][0]), gamma),
                            join(figure_save_path, 'under%s.png' % order))
                            exposure.adjust_gamma(abs(y_pred[0][0]), gamma),
                            join(figure_save_path, 'recon%s.png' % order))
                                abs(np.abs(ys[0][0]) - abs(y_pred[0][0])),
                            join(figure_save_path, 'error%s.png' % order))
                        plt.imshow(np.abs(ys_t[0]), plt.cm.gray)
                        plt.imshow(np.abs(xs_t[0]), plt.cm.gray)
                        plt.imshow(np.abs(y_pred_t[0]), plt.cm.gray)
                                         't_y%s.png' % order))
                        train_plot = np.load(
                            join(project_root, 'models/%s' % model_file,
                        validate_plot = np.load(
                            join(project_root, 'models/%s' % model_file,
                        ] = train_plot.shape
                        ] = validate_plot.shape
                        x1 = np.arange(1, num_train_plot + 1)
                        x2 = np.arange(1, num_validate_plot + 1)
                        l1, = plt.plot(x1, train_plot)
                        l2, = plt.plot(x2, validate_plot)
                                   labels=['train loss', 'validation loss'],
                        if not os.path.exists(
                                join(figure_save_path, 'loss.png')):
                            plt.savefig(join(figure_save_path, 'loss.png'))
                    #elif test_case == "Save image":

                print("No checkpoint file found")
Пример #47
 def read(self, name, flatten=True):
     img = img_as_ubyte(imread(name, flatten))
     cropped = img[55:150, 175:300]
     cropped = exposure.adjust_gamma(cropped)
     return cropped
Пример #48
def test_adjust_gamma_zero():
    """White image should be returned for gamma equal to zero"""
    image = np.random.uniform(0, 255, (8, 8))
    result = exposure.adjust_gamma(image, 0)
    dtype = image.dtype.type
    assert_array_equal(result, dtype_range[dtype][1])
Пример #49
from PIL import Image
from skimage import data, exposure, img_as_float
import os
import numpy as np

dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
dirnames = [os.path.join(dirname, 'train'), os.path.join(dirname, 'train')]

for dirname in dirnames:
    for i in range(2000):
        im = Image.open(dirname + '/%d/%d_1.png' % (i, i))
        gam1 = exposure.adjust_gamma(im, 2)
        gam2 = exposure.adjust_gamma(im, 0.5)
        im_Contrast = skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity(im)
        gam1.save(dirname + '/%d/%d_2.png' % (i, i))
        gam2.save(dirname + '/%d/%d_3.png' % (i, i))
        im_Contrast.save(dirname + '/%d/%d_4.png' % (i, i))
        im_noise = im
        rows, cols, dims = im_noise.shape
        for j in range(500):
            x = np.random.randint(0, rows)
            y = np.random.randint(0, cols)
            im_noise[x, y, :] = 255
        im_noise.save(dirname + '/%d/%d_5.png' % (i, i))

        im_transpose = im.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
        im_transpose.save(dirname + '/%d/%d_6.png' % (i, i))
        gam1 = exposure.adjust_gamma(im_transpose, 2)
        gam2 = exposure.adjust_gamma(im_transpose, 0.5)
        im_Contrast = skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity(im_transpose)
        gam1.save(dirname + '/%d/%d_7.png' % (i, i))
Пример #50
# brightens or darkens an image. A power-law transform, where `gamma` denotes
# the power-law exponent, is applied to each pixel in the image: `gamma < 1`
# will brighten an image, while `gamma > 1` will darken an image.

def plot_hist(ax, data, title=None):
    # Helper function for plotting histograms
    ax.hist(data.ravel(), bins=256)
    ax.ticklabel_format(axis="y", style="scientific", scilimits=(0, 0))

    if title:

gamma_low_val = 0.5
gamma_low = exposure.adjust_gamma(data, gamma=gamma_low_val)

gamma_high_val = 1.5
gamma_high = exposure.adjust_gamma(data, gamma=gamma_high_val)

_, ((a, b, c), (d, e, f)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 8))

show_plane(a, data[32], title='Original')
show_plane(b, gamma_low[32], title=f'Gamma = {gamma_low_val}')
show_plane(c, gamma_high[32], title=f'Gamma = {gamma_high_val}')

plot_hist(d, data)
plot_hist(e, gamma_low)
plot_hist(f, gamma_high)
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 4
Пример #51
def imrandgammaadj(im, gammarange):
    gamma = float(np.random.randint(gammarange[0], gammarange[1])) / 100.0
    return xpsr.adjust_gamma(im, gamma)
Пример #52
def mobile_chioce(img_path,save_path,choice_num,image_Var):

    :param img_path: 图片路径
    :param save_path: 图片保存路径
    :param choice_num: 选项个数
    :param image_Var: 图片模糊度,可设置(10,20。。。),值越大,过滤掉的模糊图片越多
    :return: 识别出来的图片,对应的out,不能识别的模糊图片

    choice_set = [(0, 0, 42, 32), (42, 0, 84, 32), (84, 0, 126, 32), (126, 0, 168, 32)
        , (168, 0, 210, 32), (210, 0, 252, 32), (252, 0, 294, 32)]
    unknown_img = []
    for file in os.listdir(img_path):
        if file == '.DS_Store':
            img=cv2.imread(img_path + '/' + file)
            imageVar = cv2.Laplacian(img, cv2.CV_64F).var()   #拉普拉斯求图像的模糊程度
            normalizedImg = np.zeros((32, 168))
            normalizedImg = cv2.normalize(img, normalizedImg, 255.0, 0, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8U)
            all_choice_picel = []
            all_out = []
            all_crop_img = []
            if imageVar<image_Var:
                if image_Var<imageVar < 100:
                    gam1 = exposure.adjust_log(normalizedImg)   #增加图像对比度和亮度(log)
                    # NpKernel = np.uint8(np.ones((3, 3)))
                    # erosion = cv2.dilate(gam1, NpKernel)
                    _, erosion = cv2.threshold(erosion_gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

                    for ii in range(choice_num):
                        erosion_img = erosion_gray[choice_set[ii][1]:choice_set[ii][3], choice_set[ii][0]:choice_set[ii][2]]
                        _, erosion_cropimg1 = cv2.threshold(erosion_img, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
                        erosion_cropimg2=erosion[choice_set[ii][1]:choice_set[ii][3], choice_set[ii][0]:choice_set[ii][2]]
                        if np.mean(erosion_cropimg1) > np.mean(erosion_cropimg2):
                            ok_img = erosion_cropimg1
                            ok_img = erosion_cropimg2

                        all_crop_img.append(ok_img.reshape([32, 42, 1]))
                        # cv2.imwrite(save_path+'/'+file+'_{}.jpg'.format(ii),ok_img)
                        pixels = ok_img.reshape([-1])
                        pixel_num = 0
                        for pixel in pixels:
                            if pixel == 0:
                                pixel_num += 1
                    # cv2.waitKey(0)
                    bright = brightness(img_path + '/' + file)     #计算图片的亮度值
                    gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                    bright_img2 = exposure.adjust_gamma(gray_img, 0.3)  #增加图片的亮度(gamma)
                    _1, img2 = cv2.threshold(bright_img2, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)   #img2图像整体OTSU
                    for ii in range(choice_num):
                        crop_img = exposure.adjust_gamma(crop_img, 0.3)
                        tret2, crop_img = cv2.threshold(crop_img, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) #crop_img图像局部OTSU
                        if bright>190:    #图片亮度比较大的时候采用局部阈值分割的结果
                        else:     #亮度较暗采用黑色像素点较少的图片
                            if np.mean(crop_img)>np.mean(crop_img2):
                                ok_img =crop_img2
                        # cv2.imwrite(save_path + '/' + file + '_{}.jpg'.format(ii), ok_img)
                        for pixel in pixels:
                            if pixel==0:
                                pixel_num += 1

                picel_scale = np.array(all_choice_picel) / max(all_choice_picel)   #计算所得的每个选项的比值
                image,cls=clas_md(np.array(all_crop_img)/255-0.5)     #得到深度学习分类结果
                for index in range(len(all_choice_picel)):
                    if picel_scale[index] > 0.55 and cls[index]==1:
                if len(all_out) > 1:    #根据选项比值第二次塞选过滤
                    r_scale = 1 - np.array(picel_scale)
                    all_out=np.where(r_scale < 0.4)[0]



        #         if len(all_out) == 0:
        #             misc.imsave(save_path + '/' + str(cc) + '_X.jpg',img)
        #         else:
        #             name = ''
        #             for c in all_out:
        #                 name += '_' + chioce_dict.get(c)
        #             misc.imsave(save_path + '/' + str(cc) + str(name) + '.jpg', img)
        #         cc += 1
        # print(cc)
    return all_image,all_output,unknown_img,all_lable
Пример #53
 def gamma(self):
     gamma = round(random.uniform(0.4, 0.9), 2)
     gain = round(random.uniform(0.4, 0.9), 2)
     return exposure.adjust_gamma(self, gamma, gain)
 def _changeLight(self, img):
     # random.seed(int(time.time()))
     flag = random.uniform(0.5, 1.5)  #flag>1为调暗,小于1为调亮
     return exposure.adjust_gamma(img, flag)
Пример #55
def test_negative():
    image = np.arange(-10, 245, 4).reshape((8, 8)).astype(np.double)
    with testing.raises(ValueError):
Пример #56
    ax_hist.set_xlim(0, 1)

    # Display cumulative distribution
    img_cdf, bins = exposure.cumulative_distribution(img, bins)
    ax_cdf.plot(bins, img_cdf, 'r')

    return ax_img, ax_hist, ax_cdf

# Load an example image
img = data.moon()

# Gamma
gamma_corrected = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, 2)

# Logarithmic
logarithmic_corrected = exposure.adjust_log(img, 1)

# Display results
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 5))

ax_img, ax_hist, ax_cdf = plot_img_and_hist(img, axes[:, 0])
ax_img.set_title('Low contrast image')

y_min, y_max = ax_hist.get_ylim()
ax_hist.set_ylabel('Number of pixels')
ax_hist.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, y_max, 5))

ax_img, ax_hist, ax_cdf = plot_img_and_hist(gamma_corrected, axes[:, 1])
Пример #57
def test_adjust_gamma_one():
    """Same image should be returned for gamma equal to one"""
    image = np.random.uniform(0, 255, (8, 8))
    result = exposure.adjust_gamma(image, 1)
    assert_array_equal(result, image)
Пример #58
def gamma_(img, gamma=1.2):
    #gamma < 1 ise parlaklık artar.
    #gamma > 1 ise parlaklık azalır.
    return exposure.adjust_gamma(img, gamma)
def combine_data(resize=False, newHeight=0, newWidth=0, training_ratio=0.8, distortionRate=0.0, carOriginPos=[376.0, 480.0], addFlipped=True):

    class DataSets(object):

    data_sets = DataSets()

    # Read images and labels
    images = read_images(DATA_FOLDERS, resize, newHeight, newWidth)
    labels = read_labels(DATA_FOLDERS, newHeight, newWidth)

    # Delete images and labels for which the labels are infinite
    mask = labels[:,0] > -1000
    labels = labels[mask]
    images = images[mask]

    # Convert from [0, 255] -> [0.0, 1.0].
    images = images.astype(np.float32)
    images = np.multiply(images, 1.0 / 256.0)
    #images = np.multiply(images, 1.0 / np.float(np.max(images)))

    # Batch randomisation
    nr_of_splits = 40
    nrsplits = images.shape[0] / nr_of_splits
    nrrows = int(training_ratio * nrsplits)
    trainidx = np.sort(np.random.choice(nrsplits, nrrows, replace=False))
    testidx = [x for x in range(nrsplits) if x not in trainidx]
    #validx = np.sort(np.random.choice(testidx, np.ceil(((1.0-training_ratio)/2.0)*nrsplits).astype(int), replace=False))
    #testidx = list(set(testidx) - set(validx))

    # Training Set
    images_split = np.array_split(images, nrsplits)
    labels_split = np.array_split(labels, nrsplits)
    train_images = images_split[trainidx[0]]
    train_labels = labels_split[trainidx[0]]
    for idx in trainidx[1:]:
        train_images = np.append(train_images, images_split[idx], axis=0)
        train_labels = np.append(train_labels, labels_split[idx], axis=0)

    # Flipped Images
    if addFlipped:
        print('\nFlips Images..')

        flipped_images = [np.fliplr(i) for i in images]
        flipped_labels = np.copy(labels)

        for lidx in range(flipped_labels.shape[0]):
            if flipped_labels[lidx][0] >= carOriginPos[0]:
                flipped_labels[lidx][0] = carOriginPos[0] - (flipped_labels[lidx][0] - carOriginPos[0])
                flipped_labels[lidx][0] = carOriginPos[0] + (carOriginPos[0] - flipped_labels[lidx][0])

        flipped_images_split = np.array_split(flipped_images, nrsplits)
        flipped_labels_split = np.array_split(flipped_labels, nrsplits)

        IMAGE = 600
        plt.imshow(imresize(images[IMAGE], [480, 752], 'bilinear'), cmap='gray')
        plt.plot(labels[IMAGE][0], labels[IMAGE][1], "ro")
        plt.imshow(imresize(flipped_images[IMAGE], [480, 752], 'bilinear'), cmap='gray')
        plt.plot(flipped_labels[IMAGE][0], flipped_labels[IMAGE][1], "ro")
        plt.imshow(exposure.adjust_gamma(images[IMAGE], random.uniform(1.0, 3.0)), cmap='gray')
        plt.imshow(filters.gaussian(images[IMAGE], random.uniform(0.5, 2.0)), cmap='gray')
        plt.imshow(exposure.equalize_hist(images[IMAGE]), cmap='gray')

        del flipped_images
        del flipped_labels

        for idx in trainidx:
            train_images = np.append(train_images, flipped_images_split[idx], axis=0)
            train_labels = np.append(train_labels, flipped_labels_split[idx], axis=0)

        del flipped_images_split
        del flipped_labels_split

    # Distorted Images
    print('\nDistorting Images..')

    distorted_images = np.copy(images)

    del images
    del labels

    for i in range(distorted_images.shape[0]):
        distortionType = random.randrange(0,3)
        if (distortionType == 0): # Gamma Correction
            distorted_images[i] = exposure.adjust_gamma(distorted_images[i], random.uniform(1.0, 3.0))
        elif (distortionType == 1): # Gaussian Blur
            distorted_images[i] = filters.gaussian(distorted_images[i], random.uniform(0.5, 2.0))
        else: # Histogram Equalization
            distorted_images[i] = exposure.equalize_hist(distorted_images[i])

    distorted_images_split = np.array_split(distorted_images, nrsplits)

    for idx in trainidx:
        if (random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) < distortionRate):
            train_images = np.append(train_images, distorted_images_split[idx], axis=0)
            train_labels = np.append(train_labels, labels_split[idx], axis=0)

    del distorted_images
    del distorted_images_split

    # Test set
    test_images = images_split[testidx[0]]
    test_labels = labels_split[testidx[0]]
    for idx in testidx[1:]:
        test_images = np.append(test_images, images_split[idx], axis=0)
        test_labels = np.append(test_labels, labels_split[idx], axis=0)

    # Put the training, validation, and test set into a dataset
    data_sets.train = DataSet(np.expand_dims(train_images, axis=3), train_labels)
    data_sets.test = DataSet(np.expand_dims(test_images, axis=3), test_labels)

    print('Training Set Shape: ' + str(data_sets.train.images.shape))
    print('Test Set Shape: ' + str(data_sets.test.images.shape))

    return (data_sets)
Пример #60
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        image_path = self.image_dir[idx]
        aseg_path = self.label_dir[idx]

        image = sio.loadmat(image_path)['img']
        aseg_img = sio.loadmat(aseg_path)['img']
        if image.shape[2] > 276:
            image = image[:, :, 20:276]
            aseg_img = aseg_img[:, :, 20:276]
            image = image[:, :, :256]
            aseg_img = aseg_img[:, :, :256]
        flip = random.random() > 0.5
        angle = random.uniform(-10, 10)
        dx = np.round(random.uniform(-15, 15))
        dy = np.round(random.uniform(-15, 15))

        im = Image.fromarray(image[0])
        target = Image.fromarray(aseg_img[0])
        if self.train_data:
            if self.flipping and flip:
                im = im.transpose(0)
                target = target.transpose(0)
            if self.rotation:
                im = im.rotate(angle)
                target = target.rotate(angle)
            if self.translation:
                im = im.transform((256, 256), 0, (1, 0, dx, 0, 1, dy))
                target = target.transform((256, 256), 0, (1, 0, dx, 0, 1, dy))

        guassian_flag = random.random() > 0.5

        im = np.array(im, np.float64, copy=False)
        min_im = np.min(im)
        max_im = np.max(im)
        im = (im - min_im) / (max_im - min_im + 1e-4)
        if self.train_data and guassian_flag:
            sigma_rand = random.uniform(0.65, 1.0)
            im_sigma = gaussian(im, sigma=sigma_rand)
            gamma_rand = random.uniform(1.6, 2.4)
            im_sigma_gamma = exposure.adjust_gamma(im_sigma, gamma_rand)
            im = (im_sigma_gamma - np.min(im_sigma_gamma)) / (
                np.max(im_sigma_gamma) - np.min(im_sigma_gamma) + 1e-4)

        if self.coord:
            im = np.array([im, x_coordinate, y_coordinate],
            im = torch.from_numpy(im).type(torch.FloatTensor)
            im = torch.from_numpy(im).type(torch.FloatTensor).unsqueeze(0)

        target = np.array(target, np.float64, copy=False)
        target_label = np.zeros((len(self.rest_available) + 1, 256, 256))
        for i, a in enumerate(self.available_segments):
            temp = (target == a).astype(int)
            if a in self.rest_available:
                target_label[self.rest_available.index(a), :, :] = temp
                target_label[len(self.rest_available), :, :] = target_label[
                    len(self.rest_available), :, :] + temp
        target_label[len(self.rest_available), :, :] = (
            target_label[len(self.rest_available), :, :] >= 1).astype(int)
        target_label[self.rest_available.index(43), :, :] = np.logical_and(
            target >= 100, target % 2 != 0)
        target_label[self.rest_available.index(42), :, :] = np.logical_and(
            target >= 100, target % 2 == 0)
        target_label = torch.from_numpy(target_label).type(torch.FloatTensor)
        sample = {'x': im, 'y': target_label}
        return sample