def calculate_min_distance(hsu,nhru,cluster_ids,lats,lons,clats,clons): radius = 6367.0 # Minimum distance between HRUs # Get lat lon from the borders idx = (cluster_ids == hsu) idx = clear_border(idx,bgval=False) idx = find_boundaries(idx, mode='inner') bd_lats = lats[idx].flatten() bd_lons = lons[idx].flatten() if len(bd_lats) < 1 : idx = (cluster_ids == hsu) idx = find_boundaries(idx, mode='inner') bd_lats = lats[idx].flatten() bd_lons = lons[idx].flatten() # Get unique lat,lon values and sample 50 points points = set(zip(bd_lats,bd_lons)) nsamp = 1#30 if len(points) <= nsamp: nsamp = int(len(points)/2.) if len(points) <= 5: nsamp = len(points) points = random.sample(points, nsamp) bd_lats = np.array(list(zip(*points))[0]) bd_lons = np.array(list(zip(*points))[1]) distance = np.ones(nhru)*10000000. #Calculate the distance of a boundary to a centroid of each hru for lat, lon in zip(bd_lats,bd_lons): dlat = np.radians(lat-clats) dlon = np.radians(lon-clons) a = np.sin(dlat/2) * np.sin(dlat/2) + np.cos(np.radians(clats)) \ * np.cos(np.radians(lat)) * np.sin(dlon/2) * np.sin(dlon/2) c = np.zeros((len(a))) for count in range(len(a)): c[count] = 2 * np.math.atan2(np.sqrt(a[count]), np.sqrt(1-a[count])) dist = radius * c distance[dist < distance] = dist[dist < distance] # for hrs in range(nhru): # if hrs == hsu: # distance[hrs] = 0.0 # else: # clat = clats[hrs] # clon = clons[hrs] # # for lat, lon in zip(bd_lats,bd_lons): # dlat = np.radians(lat-clat) # dlon = np.radians(lon-clon) # a = np.sin(dlat/2) * np.sin(dlat/2) + np.cos(np.radians(clat)) \ # * np.cos(np.radians(lat)) * np.sin(dlon/2) * np.sin(dlon/2) # c = 2 * np.math.atan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1-a)) # dist = radius * c # if dist < distance[hrs]: distance[hrs] = dist # #print hsu, hrs, dist, distance[hrs] #print hsu, distance return distance
def findBoundaries(boneMap, cartMap): boneBoundary = find_boundaries(boneMap, mode = 'inner')#.astype(int) cartBoundary = find_boundaries(cartMap).astype(int) bci = numpy.multiply(boneBoundary, cartBoundary) boneBoundaryCart = find_boundaries(boneMap).astype(int) cartBoundaryCart = find_boundaries(cartMap, mode = 'inner').astype(int) bciCart = numpy.multiply(boneBoundaryCart, cartBoundaryCart) articularSurface = boneBoundaryCart = bciCart return(bci.astype('float32'), articularSurface.astype('float32'))
def findBinaryMapBoundaries(boneMap, cartMap): # boneBoundary = find_boundaries(boneMap, mode = 'inner').astype(int) #this identifies points inside the bone (NOT cartilage) # cartBoundary = find_boundaries(cartMap).astype(int)# this creates a "double" boundary where there are two pixels thick, one inside and one outside of the cartilage. # adjacentBone = numpy.multiply(boneBoundary, cartBoundary) #by multiplying these we end up with only the ones that are "in" the bone but adjacent to cartialge. # bci = numpy.multiply boneBoundaryCart = find_boundaries(boneMap).astype('int') #here we identify the bone (two pixels thick) - inside and outside. cartBoundaryInner = find_boundaries(cartMap, mode = 'inner').astype('int') #Here we identify only the points that are "inside" the cartilage.... its definitely "cartilage" bciCart = numpy.multiply(boneBoundaryCart, cartBoundaryInner)# this gives us the "inside" of the bone/cartilage interface. I.e. points on the boundary that are inside of the cartilage. articularSurface = cartBoundaryInner - bciCart #take pizels that are labeled as being the inside of the cartilage and subtract the points on the inside that are adjacent to the bone. This leaves us with just the points that are inside the cartilage but are NOT adjacent to the bone. return(bciCart.astype('float32'), articularSurface.astype('float32'))
def process_image(image): tic = time.clock() # rescale intensity p2, p98 = np.percentile(image, (1, 99.9)) image = rescale_intensity(1.0*image, in_range=(p2, p98)) # do simple filter based on color value thresh = 0.5*threshold_func(image) filtered_image = np.zeros_like(image,dtype=np.uint8) # set up all-zero image filtered_image[image > thresh] = 1 # filtered values set to 1 # perform watershed transform to split clusters distance = ndi.distance_transform_edt(filtered_image) local_maxi = peak_local_max(distance, indices=False, footprint=morphology.square(7), labels=filtered_image, exclude_border=False) markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0] # segment and label particles labels = morphology.watershed(-distance, markers, mask=filtered_image) backup_labels = labels.copy() # remove boundaries and restore any small particles deleted in this process labels[find_boundaries(labels)] = 0 for i in np.unique(backup_labels)[1:]: if np.count_nonzero(labels[backup_labels == i]) == 0: labels[backup_labels == i] = i toc = time.clock() procTime = toc - tic return image, labels, procTime
def get_bg_mask(img): #if img.ndim == 3: # bg_mask = img.any(axis=-1) # bg_mask = np.invert(bg_mask) # consistent with, True if masked # # make multichannel (is it really this hard?) # bg_mask = np.repeat(bg_mask[:,:,np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) # #else: # bg_mask = (img != 0) # bg_mask = np.invert(bg_mask) # see above #bound = segmentation.find_boundaries(bg_mask, mode='inner', background=1) #bg_mask[bound] = 1 #min_size = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] // 4 #holes = morphology.remove_small_holes(bg_mask, min_size=min_size) #bg_mask[holes] = 1 bg_mask = segmentation.find_boundaries(img) bg_mask = morphology.remove_small_objects(bg_mask) bg_mask = morphology.remove_small_holes(bg_mask) bg_mask = np.invert(bg_mask) return bg_mask
def shapesPlot(shapes,inds,fig,ax): from skimage.measure import label,regionprops from skimage import feature from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries import pylab as plt import numpy as np #fig = plt.figure() #ax = fig.add_subplot(111) sz = np.int32(shapes.shape) for i in inds: img = shapes[i,:,:] mx = img[:].max() test = img>0.4*mx test2 = binary_dilation(binary_dilation(test)) lbls = label(test2) rgs = regionprops(lbls) if np.size(rgs)>0: szs = [] for prop in rgs: szs.append(prop.area) ind = np.argmax(szs) if rgs[ind].area>100: pt = rgs[ind].centroid region = lbls==ind+1 edges = find_boundaries(region) eln = edges.nonzero() ax.scatter(eln[1],eln[0],marker='.',color='r',linewidths=0.01) ax.text(pt[1]-4,pt[0]+4,'%i' % i,fontsize=14,color='k') return fig,ax
def sample_points(img, n_points=100): """Sample points along edges in a binary image. Returns an array of shape ``(n_points, 2)`` in image coordinates. If there are several disconnected contours, they are sampled seperately and appended in order of their minimum distance to the origin of ``img`` in NumPy array coordinates. """ # FIXME: what if contour crosses itself? for example: an infinity # symbol? assert img.ndim == 2 assert n_points > 0 boundaries = skeletonize(find_boundaries(img)) # reorder along curves; account for holes and disconnected lines # with connected components. labels, n_labels = ndimage.label(boundaries, structure=np.ones((3, 3))) n_labeled_pixels = labels.sum() all_labels = range(1, n_labels + 1) curve_n_pixels = list((labels == lab).sum() for lab in all_labels) curve_n_points = list(int(np.ceil((n / n_labeled_pixels) * n_points)) for n in curve_n_pixels) # sample a linear subset of each connected curve samples = list(_sample_single_contour(labels == lab, n_points) for lab, n_points in zip(all_labels, curve_n_points)) # append them together. They should be in order, because # ndimage.label() labels in order. points = list(itertools.chain(*samples)) return np.vstack(points)
def plot_roi_bg(roi, bg, fg, pixel_per_um): bg_norm = _normalize8_img(bg) fg_norm = _normalize8_img(fg) borders = segmentation.find_boundaries(roi) frame_rgb = numpy.zeros((roi.shape[0], roi.shape[1], 3), dtype='uint8') frame_rgb[..., 0] = bg_norm frame_rgb[..., 1] = fg_norm frame_rgb[..., 0][borders] = 255 frame_rgb[..., 1][borders] = 255 frame_rgb = frame_rgb[::-1] figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) x_axis_end = roi.shape[0] * 1/pixel_per_um y_axis_end = roi.shape[1] * 1/pixel_per_um pyplot.imshow(frame_rgb, extent=[0, y_axis_end, 0, x_axis_end]) for i in range(1, numpy.amax(roi)+1): coordinates_neuron = numpy.where(roi == i) pyplot.text((coordinates_neuron[1][0]+10) * 1/pixel_per_um, (coordinates_neuron[0][0]+10) * 1/pixel_per_um, i, fontsize=20, color='white') pyplot.xlabel("[um]") pyplot.ylabel("[um]") pyplot.tight_layout() return figure
def create_neighbour_matrix(self): bounds = find_boundaries(self.segments_slic) N = len(self.props) #matrice d'adjacence self.neighbourhood_matrix = np.zeros((N,N)) #on parcourt les pixels pour savoir s'ils font partie d'une frontiere for row in range(bounds.shape[0]): for column in range(bounds.shape[1]): #si le pixel appartient a un frontiere, on check le label de ces voisins if bounds[row,column]==1: if row != 0 and row != (bounds.shape[0]-1) and column != 0 and column != (bounds.shape[1]-1): if self.segments_slic[row-1,column] != self.segments_slic[row+1,column]: self.neighbourhood_matrix[self.segments_slic[row-1,column]-1,self.segments_slic[row+1,column]-1]=1 self.neighbourhood_matrix[self.segments_slic[row+1,column]-1,self.segments_slic[row-1,column]-1]=1 if self.segments_slic[row,column-1] != self.segments_slic[row,column+1]: self.neighbourhood_matrix[self.segments_slic[row,column-1]-1,self.segments_slic[row,column+1]-1]=1 self.neighbourhood_matrix[self.segments_slic[row,column+1]-1,self.segments_slic[row,column-1]-1]=1 #attention si on est sur un bord elif row ==0 or row == bounds.shape[0]-1: if self.segments_slic[row,column-1] != self.segments_slic[row,column+1]: self.neighbourhood_matrix[self.segments_slic[row,column-1]-1,self.segments_slic[row,column+1]-1]=1 self.neighbourhood_matrix[self.segments_slic[row,column+1]-1,self.segments_slic[row,column-1]-1]=1 elif column == 0 or column == bounds.shape[1]-1: if self.segments_slic[row-1,column] != self.segments_slic[row+1,column]: self.neighbourhood_matrix[self.segments_slic[row-1,column]-1,self.segments_slic[row+1,column]-1]=1 self.neighbourhood_matrix[self.segments_slic[row+1,column]-1,self.segments_slic[row-1,column]-1]=1
def serve_blob(time_series,pid): """Serve blob zip or image""" pid_hit = pid_resolver.resolve(pid=pid) hit = blob_resolver.resolve(pid=pid,time_series=time_series) if hit is None: abort(404) zip_path = hit.value if is None: # bin, not target? if hit.extension != 'zip': abort(404) # the zip file is on disk, stream it directly to client return Response(file(zip_path), direct_passthrough=True, mimetype='application/zip', headers=max_age()) else: # target, not bin blobzip = ZipFile(zip_path) png ='.png') blobzip.close() # now determine PIL format and MIME type (pil_format, mimetype) = image_types(hit) if pid_hit.product == 'blob' and mimetype == 'image/png': return Response(png, mimetype='image/png', headers=max_age()) else: # FIXME support more imaage types blob_image = if pid_hit.product == 'blob_outline': blob = np.asarray(blob_image.convert('L')) blob_outline = find_boundaries(blob) roi = np.asarray(get_stitched_roi(hit.bin_pid, int( blob = np.dstack([roi,roi,roi]) blob[blob_outline] = [255,0,0] blob_image = Image.fromarray(blob,'RGB') return image_response(blob_image, pil_format, mimetype)
def edge_curvature(mask, min_sep=5, average_over=3): ''' Compute the menger curvature along the edges of the contours in the mask. ''' labels = me.label(mask, neighbors=8, connectivity=2) edges = find_boundaries(labels, connectivity=2, mode='outer') pts = integer_boundaries(mask, edges, 0.5) curvature_mask = np.zeros_like(mask, dtype=float) for cont_pts in pts: # Last one is a duplicate cont_pts = cont_pts[:-1] num = cont_pts.shape[0] for i in xrange(num): curv = 0.0 for j in xrange(min_sep, min_sep+average_over+1): curv += menger_curvature(cont_pts[i-j], cont_pts[i], cont_pts[(i+j) % num]) y, x = cont_pts[i] if np.isnan(curv): curv = 0.0 curvature_mask[y, x] = curv / average_over return curvature_mask
def watershed_separation(image, s_elem): distance = ndi.distance_transform_edt(image) local_maxi = peak_local_max(distance, indices=False, footprint=s_elem, labels=image) markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0] seg = watershed(-distance, markers, mask=image) lines = find_boundaries(seg, mode='outer', background=True) lines = binary_dilation(lines, s_elem) return subtraction(image, lines)
def labels_to_masks(labels,num_feature=None,include_boundary=False,feature_value=False,**kwargs): """ convert labels array to list of masks Parameters ---------- labels : array of labels to analyze num_features : number of features to analyze (Default None) if None, get num_feature from labels include_boundary : bool (Default False) if True, include boundary regions in output mask feature value : bool (Default False) value which indicates feature. False is MaskedArray convension True is image convension **kwargs : arguments to find_boundary if include_boundary is True mode='outer', connectivity=labels.ndim Returns ------- output : list of masks of same shape as labels mask for each feature """ if include_boundary: kwargs = dict(dict(mode='outer',connectivity=labels.ndim),**kwargs) if num_feature is None: num_feature = labels.max() output = [] for i in range(1,num_feature+1): m = labels==i if include_boundary: b = find_boundaries(m.astype(int),**kwargs) m = m+b #right now mask is in image convesion #if fature_value is false, convert if not feature_value: m = ~m output.append(m) return output
def test_find_boundaries_bool(): image = np.zeros((5, 5), dtype=np.bool) image[2:5, 2:5] = True ref = np.array([[False, False, False, False, False], [False, False, True, True, True], [False, True, True, True, True], [False, True, True, False, False], [False, True, True, False, False]], dtype=np.bool) result = find_boundaries(image) assert_array_equal(result, ref)
def outline_segments(self, mask_background=False): """ Outline the labeled segments. The "outlines" represent the pixels *just inside* the segments, leaving the background pixels unmodified. This corresponds to the ``mode='inner'`` in `skimage.segmentation.find_boundaries`. Parameters ---------- mask_background : bool, optional Set to `True` to mask the background pixels (labels = 0) in the returned image. This is useful for overplotting the segment outlines on an image. The default is `False`. Returns ------- boundaries : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` or `` An image with the same shape of the segmenation image containing only the outlines of the labeled segments. The pixel values in the outlines correspond to the labels in the segmentation image. If ``mask_background`` is `True`, then a `` is returned. Examples -------- >>> from photutils import SegmentationImage >>> segm = SegmentationImage([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ... [0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0], ... [0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0], ... [0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0], ... [0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0], ... [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) >>> segm.outline_segments() array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0], [0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) """ import skimage if LooseVersion(skimage.__version__) < LooseVersion('0.11'): raise ImportError('The outline_segments() function requires ' 'scikit-image >= 0.11') from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries outlines = * find_boundaries(, mode='inner') if mask_background: outlines = == 0, outlines) return outlines
def watershed(imgInput, cap=-1, sigma=1.0, min_dist_maxima=4): normFac = imgInput.max() imgSmoothed = normFac * gaussian_filter(imgInput/normFac, sigma=sigma) if cap==-1: cap = imgInput.max() imgCapped = np.minimum(imgSmoothed, cap*np.ones_like(imgSmoothed)) # imgCapped = np.minimum(imgInput, cap*np.ones_like(imgInput)) # imgSmoothed = gaussian_filter(imgCapped/imgCapped.max(), sigma=sigma) local_maxi = peak_local_max(imgCapped, indices=False, exclude_border=False, min_distance=min_dist_maxima ) markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0] labels = ski.morphology.watershed(-imgInput, markers) boundaries = find_boundaries(labels, mode='thick') return labels, boundaries, markers, local_maxi, imgCapped
def as_masked(img,mask,outline=False): if len(img.shape)==2: rgb = gray2rgb(img) else: rgb = img copy = img_as_float(rgb,force_copy=True) if outline: (labels,_) = measurements.label(mask) boundaries = find_boundaries(labels) copy[boundaries] = [1,0,0] else: copy[mask] = [1,0,0] return copy
def _interp(img,mask,method): xi = np.where(mask) if len(xi[0])==0: return img edges = maximum_filter(find_boundaries(mask),3) edges[xi] = 0 yp, xp = np.where(edges) values = seed[yp,xp] # add jitter to points to avoid yp = np.array(yp) + (random.standard_normal((yp.size)) * 0.0001) xp = np.array(xp) + (random.standard_normal((xp.size)) * 0.0001) fill = griddata((yp,xp),values,xi,method=method) img[xi] = fill return img
def raster(cells): s_elem = Functions.fig(Functions.fig_size) image = cells.copy() image = np.invert(image) distance = ndi.distance_transform_edt(image) local_maxi = peak_local_max(distance, indices=False, footprint=s_elem, labels=image) markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0] seg2 = watershed(distance, markers) lines = find_boundaries(seg2, mode='outer', background=True) lines = binary_dilation(lines, s_elem) return lines
def test_find_boundaries(): image = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.uint8) image[2:7, 2:7] = 1 ref = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) result = find_boundaries(image) assert_array_equal(result, ref)
def serve_blob_image(parsed, mimetype, outline=False, target_img=None): # first, read the blob from the zipfile blob_zip = get_product_file(parsed, 'blobs') png_name = parsed['lid'] + '.png' # name is target LID + png extension png_data = get_zip_entry_bytes(blob_zip, png_name) # if we want a blob png, then pass it through without conversion if not outline and mimetype == 'image/png': return Response(png_data, mimetype='image/png') else: # read the png-formatted blob image into a PIL image pil_img = blob = np.array(pil_img.convert('L')) # convert to 8-bit grayscale if not outline: # unless we are drawing the outline return Response(as_bytes(blob), mimetype=mimetype) # format and serve else: blob_outline = find_boundaries(blob) roi = target_img blob = np.dstack([roi,roi,roi]) blob[blob_outline] = [255,0,0] return Response(as_bytes(blob, mimetype), mimetype=mimetype)
def get_bg_mask(img): if img.ndim == 3: bg_mask = img.any(axis=-1) bg_mask = np.invert(bg_mask) # consistent with, True if masked # make multichannel (is it really this hard?) bg_mask = np.repeat(bg_mask[:,:,np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) else: bg_mask = (img != 0) bg_mask = np.invert(bg_mask) # see above bound = segmentation.find_boundaries(bg_mask, mode='inner', background=1) bg_mask[bound] = 1 holes = morphology.remove_small_holes(bg_mask) bg_mask[holes] = 1 return bg_mask
def test_make_outline_overlay(): rgb_data = np.random.rand(2, 50, 50, 3) predictions = np.zeros((2, 50, 50, 1), dtype='int') predictions[0, :10, :10, 0] = 1 predictions[0, 15:30, 30:45, 0] = 2 predictions[1, 10:15, 25:35, 0] = 1 predictions[1, 40:50, 0:10, 0] = 2 overlay = plot_utils.make_outline_overlay(rgb_data=rgb_data, predictions=predictions) for img in range(predictions.shape[0]): outline = find_boundaries(predictions[img, ..., 0], connectivity=1, mode='inner') outline_mask = outline > 0 assert np.all(overlay[img, outline_mask, 0] == 1) # invalid prediction shape with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = plot_utils.make_outline_overlay(rgb_data=rgb_data, predictions=predictions[0]) # more predictions than rgb images with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = plot_utils.make_outline_overlay(rgb_data=rgb_data[:1], predictions=predictions)
def main(conf, logger=None): logger = logging.getLogger('plot_results_ksp')'--------')'Writing result frames to: ' + conf.dataOutDir)'--------') res = np.load(os.path.join(conf.dataOutDir, 'results.npz')) frame_dir = os.path.join(conf.dataOutDir, 'results') if (not os.path.exists(frame_dir)):'Creating output frame dir: {}'.format(frame_dir)) os.makedirs(frame_dir) scores = (res['ksp_scores_mat'].astype('uint8')) * 255 imgs = [io.imread(f) for f in conf.frameFileNames] truth_dir = os.path.join(conf.root_path, conf.ds_dir, conf.truth_dir) gts = [ io.imread(f) for f in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(truth_dir, '*.png'))) ] locs2d = csv.readCsv( os.path.join(conf.root_path, conf.ds_dir, conf.locs_dir, conf.csvFileName_fg)) for f in range(scores.shape[-1]):'{}/{}'.format(f + 1, scores.shape[-1])) cont_gt = segmentation.find_boundaries(gts[f], mode='thick') idx_cont_gt = np.where(cont_gt) im = csv.draw2DPoint(locs2d, f, imgs[f], radius=7) im[idx_cont_gt[0], idx_cont_gt[1], :] = (255, 0, 0) score_ = np.repeat(scores[..., f][..., np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) im_ = np.concatenate((im, score_), axis=1) io.imsave(os.path.join(frame_dir, 'im_{0:04d}.png'.format(f)), im_)
def get_region_edge_v2(self, boundary_region_index): """ Args: region_id: region label in superpixels """ region_initial = np.zeros((self.height, self.width)) region_initial[boundary_region_index] = 1 region_boundary_mask = find_boundaries(region_initial, mode='inner', background=0).astype(np.uint8) self.region_boundary_mask = region_boundary_mask # return 1 # import pdb ; pdb.set_trace() # step-3: get all pixels index of a region for mapping # region_pixels_loc = np.argwhere(self.superpixel==region_id) num_pixels = boundary_region_index[0].shape[ 0] # number of pixels in a region region_pixels_loc_tuple = [(boundary_region_index[0][i], boundary_region_index[1][i]) for i in range(num_pixels)] # step-4: generate dict for mapping boundary mask point index and its coordinate mapping_dict = dict(zip(range(num_pixels), region_pixels_loc_tuple)) # step-5: generate boundary point index from boundary mask region_boundary_point_index = np.where(region_boundary_mask == 1) # step-6: use region boundary_point_index to look up its coordinate # np.where return a tuple, fetch the np.ndarray with index [0] boundary_coordinate = np.array([ mapping_dict[key] for key in region_boundary_point_index[0].tolist() ]) return boundary_coordinate
def seg2seeds_max(segmentation, beta=0.1, max_radius=10): boundary = find_boundaries(segmentation, connectivity=2) adjusted_seg = segmentation + 1 adjusted_seg[boundary] = 0 ids, counts = np.unique(adjusted_seg, return_counts=True) new_seg = np.zeros_like(adjusted_seg) seeds = np.zeros_like(adjusted_seg) for i, (_ids, _counts) in enumerate(zip(ids[1:], counts[1:])): mask = adjusted_seg == _ids dt_mask = distance_transform_edt(mask) mask_max = np.argmax(dt_mask) x, y = np.unravel_index(mask_max, mask.shape) seeds[x, y] = i + 1 new_seg[(segmentation + 1) == _ids] = i return seeds, new_seg
def get_large_label(mask, min_area=2.5e3, erosion_size=5, get_boundary=False, print_msg=False): # initial label label_img, num_label = measure.label(mask, connectivity=1, return_num=True) # remove regions with small area if print_msg: print('remove regions with area < {}'.format(int(min_area))) min_area = min(min_area, label_img.size * 3e-3) flag_slabel = np.bincount(label_img.flatten()) < min_area flag_slabel[0] = False label_small = np.where(flag_slabel)[0] for i in label_small: label_img[label_img == i] = 0 label_img, num_label = measure.label(label_img, connectivity=1, return_num=True) # re-label # remove regions that would disappear after erosion operation erosion_structure = np.ones((erosion_size, erosion_size)) label_erosion_img = morph.erosion(label_img, erosion_structure).astype(np.uint8) erosion_regions = measure.regionprops(label_erosion_img) if len(erosion_regions) < num_label: if print_msg: print('Some regions are lost during morphological erosion operation') label_erosion = [reg.label for reg in erosion_regions] for orig_reg in measure.regionprops(label_img): if orig_reg.label not in label_erosion: if print_msg: print('label: {}, area: {}, bbox: {}'.format(orig_reg.label, orig_reg.area, orig_reg.bbox)) label_img[label_img == orig_reg.label] = 0 label_img, num_label = measure.label(label_img, connectivity=1, return_num=True) # re-label # get label boundaries to facilitate bridge finding if get_boundary: label_bound = seg.find_boundaries(label_erosion_img, mode='thick').astype(np.uint8) label_bound *= label_erosion_img return label_img, num_label, label_bound else: return label_img, num_label
def drawBoundAndBackground(img,mask,bg=None,replace=False,lines=50, size=0.2,bound=True,boundmode='thick'): ''' 给出mask 将给mask区域填充背景色bg的线条 并加上黑白边框 mask: 所要标注区域 bg : 背景填充 可以为颜色|图片 默认为红色 replace : 是否在原图上操作 lines: 线条的间距 size:线条多粗 即线条是间距的多少倍 bound:是否画出边缘 boundmode: thick 粗正好在边界 'inner'只在前景里面 但是较细 ''' assert mask.ndim ==2, 'mask 必须为布尔值' if not mask.any(): return img isint = isNumpyType(img,int) if not replace: img = img.copy() if bg is None: bg = [max(255,img.max()),128,0]if isint else [1.,.5,0] white = max(255,img.max()) if isint else 1. m,n=img.shape[:2] i,j = np.mgrid[:m,:n] step = (m+n)//2//lines a = int(step*(1-size)) drawInd = ~np.where(((i%step<a)& (j%step<a)),True,False) # from tool import g # g.x = mask,drawInd, bg,img if isinstance(bg,np.ndarray) and bg.ndim >=2: img[mask*drawInd] = bg[mask*drawInd] else: img[mask*drawInd] = bg if bound: from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries boundind = find_boundaries(mask, mode=boundmode,background=True) boundBg = np.where((i+j)%10<5,white,0) img[boundind] = boundBg[boundind][...,None] return (img)
def paramenter_comparison(): im1 = cv2.imread("0degree.bmp", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) im2 = cv2.imread("15degree.bmp", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) im3 = cv2.imread("30degree.bmp", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) im4 = cv2.imread("45degree.bmp", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) gt = cv2.imread("gt.jpg", 0) max_im = ImageSynthesis.maximum_image(4, [im1, im2, im3, im4]) thres = 3 # threshold of distance between edge pixel and g.t. edge pixel # Multi-channel SLIC, our method print("begin multi-channel slic") img = [im1, im2, im3, im4] ## K = [200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600] ## m = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] K = [300] m = [5] ## outfile = file('parameter analysis.csv', 'wb') ## writer = csv.writer(outfile) for i in range(len(K)): for j in range(len(m)): L = mslic.mslic(img, K[i], m[j], 1, 5) L = regions.distinct_label(L) print("after multi-channel slic, there are " + str(np.max(L)) + " superpixels") L = clusters.merge_tiny_regions(im1, L, 200) print("after merging tiny regions, there are " + str(np.max(L)) + " superpixels left") bond_L = segmentation.find_boundaries(L) print("K=" + str(K[i]) + " m=" + str(m[j])) recall = performance.boundary_recall(gt, bond_L, thres) precision = performance.precision(gt, bond_L, thres) print(str(recall)) print(str(precision))
def extract_seg(seg): labels = label(seg) regions_original = regionprops(labels) regions = list() for region in regions_original: if region.area > 100: boundary = find_boundaries(region.image, mode='thick').astype(np.uint8) rgba = np.zeros((boundary.shape[0], boundary.shape[1], 4), 'uint8') rgba[..., 0] = 255 rgba[..., 3] = boundary * 255 img = Image.fromarray(rgba) output_buffer = BytesIO(), format='png') byte_data = output_buffer.getvalue() base64_str = "data:image/png;base64," + base64.b64encode( byte_data).decode('utf-8') regions.append(list(region.bbox) + [base64_str]) # bbox: (min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col) return {'regions': regions, 'size': MODEL_IMG_SIZE}
def save_prediction_image(_, panoptic_pred, img_info, out_dir, colors, num_stuff): msk, cat, obj, iscrowd = panoptic_pred img =["abs_path"]) # Prepare folders and paths folder, img_name = path.split(img_info["rel_path"]) img_name, _ = path.splitext(img_name) out_dir = path.join(out_dir, folder) ensure_dir(out_dir) out_path = path.join(out_dir, img_name + ".jpg") # Render semantic sem = cat[msk].numpy() crowd = iscrowd[msk].numpy() sem[crowd == 1] = 255 sem_img = Image.fromarray(colors[sem]) sem_img = sem_img.resize(img_info["original_size"][::-1]) # Render contours is_background = (sem < num_stuff) | (sem == 255) msk = msk.numpy() msk[is_background] = 0 contours = find_boundaries(msk, mode="outer", background=0).astype( np.uint8) * 255 contours = dilation(contours) contours = np.expand_dims(contours, -1).repeat(4, -1) contours_img = Image.fromarray(contours, mode="RGBA") contours_img = contours_img.resize(img_info["original_size"][::-1]) # Compose final image and save out = Image.blend(img.convert(mode="RGB"), sem_img, 0.5).convert(mode="RGBA") out = Image.alpha_composite(out, contours_img) out.convert(mode="RGB").save(out_path)
def make_spline_contour(arr, rc, ds_contour_rate=0.1, n=1000, s=0, k=3): arr_ = np.pad(arr, ((1, ), (1, )), mode='constant', constant_values=False) contour = segmentation.find_boundaries(arr_, mode='thick') y, x = np.where(contour) x = x.tolist() y = y.tolist() pts = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(x, y)] sort_fn = lambda pt: clockwiseangle(rc, pt) pts = sorted(pts, key=sort_fn) pts = np.array(pts) x, y = pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1] nodes = np.zeros([n, 2]) [tck, u] = interpolate.splprep([x, y], s=s, k=k) [nodes[:, 0], nodes[:, 1]] = interpolate.splev(np.linspace(0, 1, n), tck) return nodes
def __call__(self, m): boundary = (m == 0).astype('uint8') results = [boundary] if self.thick_boundary: t_boundary = find_boundaries(m, connectivity=1, mode='outer', background=0) results.append(t_boundary) if self.lta is not None: z_affs = self.lta(m) for z_aff in z_affs: results.append(z_aff) if self.ignore_index is not None: for b in results: b[m == self.ignore_index] = self.ignore_index if self.append_label: # append original input data results.append(m) return np.stack(results, axis=0)
def __init__(self, img, ROI, region_size=50): h, w = img.shape[0:2] img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB) img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (3, 3), 0) n_segment = int((h * w) / (region_size**2)) labels = slic(img, n_segment, compactness=10) contour_mask = find_boundaries(labels) contour_mask[ROI == 0] = 0 labels[ROI == 0] = -1 print(f'finished slic') self.labels_position = self.__get_labels_position(labels) print(f'finished get position') self.__remap_labels(labels) print(f'finished get position') self.labels = labels self.numOfPixel = np.max(labels) + 1 self.contour_mask = contour_mask self.adjacent_pairs = self.__construct_adjacency(labels)
def main(image_dir): # generate_image_for_labelling( # 'data_intermediate/ColFRI-semisq_PP2A_FLC_03/converted_S0_C0_Z20.png', # 'nuclei_to_mark_03.png' # ) # convert_nuclei_centroids_to_voronoi('C2Results.csv', 'C2Voronoi.png') # generate_mask_image( # 'data_intermediate/ColFRI-semisq_PP2A_FLC_03/converted_S0_C1_Z20.png', # 'mask_03.png' # ) # load_voronoi_and_experiment('C3Voronoi.png', 'mask_03.png') watershed = imread('scratch/shedded.png') borders = find_boundaries(watershed) imimsave('borders.png', borders) comp = make_composite_image(imread('scratch/adapt.png'), imread('markmeq.png')) comp[np.where(borders)] = [255, 255, 0] imsave('comp.png', comp)
def generate_cell(image_filepath, mask_filepath, channel_list, tile_shape, outline=False): mask = io.imread(mask_filepath) with tifffile.TiffFile(image_filepath) as infile: img_shape = infile.series[0].pages[0].shape for region in measure.regionprops(mask): # calculate tile coordinate c = region.centroids txl = int(np.round(c[0] - tile_shape[0] / 2)) tyl = int(np.round(c[1] - tile_shape[1] / 2)) txu, tyu = txl + tile_shape[0], tyl + tile_shape[1] # skip cells too close to image edge checklist = [ txl >= 0, txu < img_shape[0], tyl >= 0, tyu < img_shape[1] ] if not all(checklist): continue # compose cell = np.zeros(tile_shape + (len(channel_list), )) for channel in channel_list: img = infile.series[0].pages[channel].asarray(memmap=True) cell_img = img[txl:txu, tyl:tyu, channel] cell[..., channel] = img_as_float(cell_img) # add outline if outline: cm = mask[txl:txu, tyl:tyu].copy() co = segmentation.find_boundaries(cm, mode='inner')\ .astype(float) for ch in range(cell.shape[2]): cell[..., ch] = np.maximum(cell[..., ch], co) yield cell
def compute_sdf(img_gt, out_shape): """ compute the signed distance map of binary mask input: segmentation, shape = (batch_size,c, x, y, z) output: the Signed Distance Map (SDM) sdf(x) = 0; x in segmentation boundary -inf|x-y|; x in segmentation +inf|x-y|; x out of segmentation normalize sdf to [-1,1] """ img_gt = img_gt.astype(np.uint8) normalized_sdf = np.zeros(out_shape) for b in range(out_shape[0]): # batch size for c in range(out_shape[1]): posmask = img_gt[b].astype(np.bool) if posmask.any(): negmask = ~posmask posdis = distance(posmask) negdis = distance(negmask) boundary = skimage_seg.find_boundaries( posmask, mode='inner').astype(np.uint8) sdf = (negdis - np.min(negdis)) / (np.max(negdis) - np.min( negdis)) - (posdis - np.min(posdis)) / (np.max(posdis) - np.min(posdis)) sdf[boundary == 1] = 0 normalized_sdf[b][c] = sdf assert np.min(sdf) == -1.0, print(np.min(posdis), np.max(posdis), np.min(negdis), np.max(negdis)) assert np.max(sdf) == 1.0, print(np.min(posdis), np.min(negdis), np.max(posdis), np.max(negdis)) return normalized_sdf
def get_planar(image_path, depth_path): image = cv2.imread(image_path) depth = cv2.imread(depth_path, 0) clusters = slic(image, 1000, 3, 10, convert2lab=True) contours = find_boundaries(clusters) idx_clusters = get_clusters(clusters) seg_num = np.amax(clusters) + 1 #initilaize the parameters used in BFS algorihm adj_matrix = get_adjMatrix(clusters, contours) visited = [] root = [] qNode = [] sample_num = 50 for i in range(seg_num): visited.append(False) root.append(i) #Begin BFS for i in range(seg_num): if (visited[i] == False): visited[i] = True qNode.append(i) while (len(qNode) != 0): current = qNode.pop(0) for j in range(seg_num): if (adj_matrix[current][j] != 0 and visited[j] == False): visited[j] = True qNode.append(j) sample1 = get_samples(idx_clusters, current, sample_num, depth) sample2 = get_samples(idx_clusters, j, sample_num, depth) if (is_coplanar(sample1, sample2)): root[j] = root[current] #end BFS plane_clusters = get_plane(idx_clusters, root) display_avg_plane( image, plane_clusters) #display the average color of each clusters(ICRA 2009) display_box(image, plane_clusters) #display bounding boxes of planar area
def propagate(img,one_cell,sli_ind): z,x,y = img.shape sli_start,sli_end = sli_ind,sli_ind boundaries = find_boundaries(one_cell[sli_ind]) #print boundaries*1 #plt.imshow(boundaries,cmap='gray') one_cell[sli_ind]=boundaries*1 while (sli_start>0 or sli_end<z-1): print sli_start if sli_start>0: cur = img[sli_start] cur_2 = one_cell[sli_start] points = np.transpose(np.nonzero(cur_2)) prev_sli = np.zeros((x,y)) for point in points: #print len(point) print point prev = img[sli_start-1] #print cur[point].shape diff = abs(prev[max(point[0]-2,0):min(point[0]+3,x),max(point[1]-2,0):min(point[1]+3,y)]-cur[point[0],point[1]]) #print diff.shape ind = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(diff, axis=None), diff.shape) prev_sli[ind[0]+point[0]-2,ind[1]+point[1]-2]=1 one_cell[sli_start-1]=prev_sli sli_start = sli_start-1 if sli_end<z-1: cur = img[sli_end] cur_2 = one_cell[sli_start] points = np.transpose(np.nonzero(cur_2)) prev_sli = np.zeros((x,y)) for point in points: prev = img[sli_start-1] diff = abs(prev[max(point[0]-2,0):min(point[0]+3,x),max(point[1]-2,0):min(point[1]+3,y)]-cur[point[0],point[1]]) ind = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(diff, axis=None), diff.shape) prev_sli[ind[0]+point[0]-4,ind[1]+point[1]-4]=1 one_cell[sli_end+1]=prev_sli sli_end = sli_end+1 return one_cell
def fitting_curve(mask, margin=(60, 60)): """Compute thickness by fitting the curve Argument: margin: indicate valid mask region in case overfit Return: thickness: between upper and lower limbus curve_mask: the same shape as mask while labeled by 1 """ # 1. Find boundary bound = find_boundaries(mask, mode='outer') # 2. Crop marginal parts (may be noise) lhs, rhs = margin bound[:, :lhs] = 0 # left hand side bound[:, -rhs:] = 0 # right hand side # 3. Process upper and lower boundary respectively labeled_bound = label(bound, connectivity=bound.ndim) upper, lower = labeled_bound == 1, labeled_bound == 2 # 1) fit poly f_up, f_lw = [ np.poly1d(np.polyfit(np.where(limit)[1], np.where(limit)[0], 6)) for limit in [upper, lower] ] # 2) interpolation width = mask.shape[1] x_cord = range(width) y_up_fit, y_lw_fit = [f(x_cord) for f in [f_up, f_lw]] rw = 30 # roi width thickness = (y_up_fit - y_lw_fit)[width // 2 - rw:width // 2 + rw] curve_mask = np.zeros_like(mask) y_up_fit, y_lw_fit = [ np.array(y, dtype=int) for y in [y_up_fit, y_lw_fit] ] # int for slice curve_mask[y_up_fit[lhs:-rhs], x_cord[lhs:-rhs]] = 255 curve_mask[y_lw_fit[lhs:-rhs], x_cord[lhs:-rhs]] = 255 return abs(thickness.mean()), curve_mask
def label_boundary(label_img, num_label, erosion_size=5, print_msg=False): """Label the boundary of the labeled array Parameters: label_img - 2d np.ndarray of int, labeled array where all connected regions are assigned the same value num_label - int, number of labeled regions Returns: label_img - 2d np.ndarray of int, labeled array where all connected regions are assigned the same value num_label - int, number of labeled regions label_bound - 2d np.ndarrary of bool, where True represent a boundary pixel. """ if erosion_size > 0: # remove regions that would disappear after erosion # to ensure the consistency between label_img and label_bound erosion_structure = np.ones((erosion_size, erosion_size)) label_erosion_img = morph.erosion(label_img, erosion_structure).astype(np.uint8) erosion_regions = measure.regionprops(label_erosion_img) if len(erosion_regions) < num_label: if print_msg: print('regions lost during morphological erosion operation:') label_erosion = [reg.label for reg in erosion_regions] for orig_reg in measure.regionprops(label_img): if orig_reg.label not in label_erosion: label_img[label_img == orig_reg.label] = 0 if print_msg: print('label: {}, area: {}, bbox: {}'.format(orig_reg.label, orig_reg.area, orig_reg.bbox)) # update label label_img, num_label = measure.label(label_img, connectivity=1, return_num=True) # re-label # get label boundaries to facilitate bridge finding label_bound = seg.find_boundaries(label_erosion_img, mode='thick').astype(np.uint8) label_bound *= label_erosion_img return label_img, num_label, label_bound
def shapesPlot(shapes, inds, fig, ax): from skimage.measure import label, regionprops from skimage import feature from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries import pylab as plt import numpy as np #fig = plt.figure() #ax = fig.add_subplot(111) sz = np.int32(shapes.shape) for i in inds: img = shapes[i, :, :] mx = img[:].max() test = img > 0.4 * mx test2 = binary_dilation(binary_dilation(test)) lbls = label(test2) rgs = regionprops(lbls) if np.size(rgs) > 0: szs = [] for prop in rgs: szs.append(prop.area) ind = np.argmax(szs) if rgs[ind].area > 100: pt = rgs[ind].centroid region = lbls == ind + 1 edges = find_boundaries(region) eln = edges.nonzero() ax.scatter(eln[1], eln[0], marker='.', color='r', linewidths=0.01) ax.text(pt[1] - 4, pt[0] + 4, '%i' % i, fontsize=14, color='k') return fig, ax
def process_truth_dar(sample, L, init_rho_rel): """ This is called on segmentation mask to extract the ground truth snake, etc... """ truth = sample['label/segmentation'][..., 0] shape = truth.shape rc = np.array([shape[1] // 2, shape[0] // 2]) contour_nodes = make_spline_contour(truth, rc, s=0, k=3, n=1000) interp_coords, interp_radii, angles, delta_angles = interpolate_ground_truth_polygon( L, rc, contour_nodes) # interp_radii, r = get_contour(truth, rc, L) sample['interp_radii'] = interp_radii[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] sample['init_contour_origin'] = rc[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] sample['interp_xy'] = interp_coords[..., np.newaxis] sample['interp_angles'] = angles[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] sample['delta_angles'] = delta_angles[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] truth_contour = (segmentation.find_boundaries(truth > 0)) data = distance_transform_edt(np.logical_not(truth_contour)) beta = data.copy() beta[truth > 0] = 0 kappa = data.copy() kappa[truth == 0] = 0 sample['label/edt_D'] = data[..., np.newaxis] sample['label/edt_beta'] = beta[..., np.newaxis] sample['label/edt_kappa'] = kappa[..., np.newaxis] init_rho = init_rho_rel * np.max(truth.shape) sample['init_contour_radii'] = np.array([init_rho] * int(L))[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] return sample
def split_nucl_and_memb_data(labeldata, nuclearmask=None): labeldata_memb = np.copy(labeldata) labeldata_nucl = np.copy(labeldata) memb_mask = find_boundaries(labeldata) for i, slc in enumerate(memb_mask): memb_mask[i, :, :] = binary_dilation(slc) labeldata_memb[~memb_mask] = 0 if nuclearmask is None: nuclearmask = ~memb_mask labeldata_nucl[~nuclearmask] = 0 # print('mask_nucl0_sum', np.sum(~memb_mask)) # print('mask_nucl1_sum', np.sum(nuclearmask)) # print('mask_memb_sum', np.sum(memb_mask)) # print('label_full_sum', np.sum(labeldata.astype('bool'))) # print('label_memb_sum', np.sum(labeldata_memb.astype('bool'))) # print('label_nucl_sum', np.sum(labeldata_nucl.astype('bool'))) return labeldata_memb, labeldata_nucl
def get_seg_map_boundaries(self, img=None, mode="inner"): if not isinstance(img, np.ndarray): img = self._img # img = imgtools.stack_image_dim(img) seg_map_bin = segmentation.find_boundaries(self._seg_map, mode=mode) if mode == "inner": img = cv2.resize(img, (seg_map_bin.shape[1], seg_map_bin.shape[0])) # colored boundaries # return img*seg_map_bin[:,:,np.newaxis] img_colorize = np.stack([ np.zeros(seg_map_bin.shape, dtype=np.uint8), np.full(seg_map_bin.shape, 255, dtype=np.uint8), np.zeros(seg_map_bin.shape, dtype=np.uint8) ], axis=2) return img * np.invert( seg_map_bin )[:, :, np.newaxis] + img_colorize * seg_map_bin[:, :, np.newaxis]
def find_grain_boundaries(self, segmented_image): """Find the grain boundaries. Parameters ---------- segmented_image : ndarray Label image, output of a segmentation. Returns ------- boundary : bool ndarray A bool ndarray, where True represents a boundary pixel. """ boundary = segmentation.find_boundaries(segmented_image) if self.__interactive_mode: # Superimpose the boundaries of the segmented image on the original image superimposed = segmentation.mark_boundaries(self.original_image, segmented_image, mode='thick') io.imshow(superimposed) print('Grain boundaries found.') return boundary
def test_rays_volume_area(n_rays = 187): from skimage.measure import regionprops from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries rays = Rays_GoldenSpiral(n_rays) shape = (55,56,58) center = np.array(shape)//2 dist = .4*np.random.uniform(.3*np.min(shape),.5*np.min(shape), n_rays) lbl = polyhedron_to_label([dist], [center], rays = rays, shape = shape) volume1 = rays.volume(dist) volume2 = np.mean(rays.volume(np.broadcast_to(dist,(13,17)+dist.shape))) volume3 = regionprops(lbl)[0].area surface1 = rays.surface(dist) surface2 = np.mean(rays.surface(np.broadcast_to(dist,(13,17)+dist.shape))) surface3 = np.sum(find_boundaries(lbl, mode= "outer")) print(volume1, volume2, volume3) print(surface1, surface2, surface3) return lbl
def outline_view(img0, maski, color=[1, 0, 0], mode='inner'): """ Generates a red outline overlay onto image. """ # img0 = utils.rescale(img0) if len(img0.shape) < 3: # img0 = image_to_rgb(img0) broken, transposing some images... img0 = np.stack([img0] * 3, axis=-1) if SKIMAGE_ENABLED: outlines = find_boundaries( maski, mode=mode ) #not using masks_to_outlines as that gives border 'outlines' else: outlines = utils.masks_to_outlines( maski, mode=mode ) #not using masks_to_outlines as that gives border 'outlines' outY, outX = np.nonzero(outlines) imgout = img0.copy() # imgout[outY, outX] = np.array([255,0,0]) #pure red imgout[outY, outX] = np.array(color) return imgout
def compute_sdf_np(arr, truncate_value=20): """ compute the signed distance map of binary mask input: segmentation, shape = (x, y, z) output: the Signed Distance Map (SDM) sdf(t) = 0; t in segmentation boundary +inf|t-b|; x in segmentation -inf|t-b|; x out of segmentation normalize sdf to [-1,1] """ posmask = arr.astype(np.bool) if posmask.any(): negmask = ~posmask posdis = distance(posmask) negdis = distance(negmask) posdis[posdis > truncate_value] = truncate_value negdis[negdis > truncate_value] = truncate_value boundary = skimage_seg.find_boundaries(posmask, mode='inner').astype(np.uint8) tsdf = (posdis - np.min(posdis)) / (np.max(posdis) - np.min(posdis)) - \ (negdis - np.min(negdis)) / (np.max(negdis) - np.min(negdis)) tsdf[boundary == 1] = 0 return tsdf
def save_sdf(gt_path=None): ''' generate SDM for gt segmentation ''' import nibabel as nib dir_path = 'C:/Seolen/PycharmProjects/semi_seg/semantic-semi-supervised-master/model/gan_sdfloss3D_0229_04/test' gt_path = dir_path + '/00_gt.nii.gz' gt_img = nib.load(gt_path) gt = gt_img.get_data().astype(np.uint8) posmask = gt.astype(np.bool) negmask = ~posmask posdis = distance(posmask) negdis = distance(negmask) boundary = skimage_seg.find_boundaries(posmask, mode='inner').astype(np.uint8) # sdf = (negdis - np.min(negdis)) / (np.max(negdis) - np.min(negdis)) - (posdis - np.min(posdis)) / ( np.max(posdis) - np.min(posdis)) sdf = (posdis - np.min(posdis)) / (np.max(posdis) - np.min(posdis)) sdf[boundary == 1] = 0 sdf = sdf.astype(np.float32) sdf = nib.Nifti1Image(sdf, gt_img.affine) save_path = dir_path + '/00_sdm_pos.nii.gz', save_path)
def mask_SuPix(overseg_img, SuPix_codes, show_bound=True): """Visualizing some super-pixels in the over-segmentation image where the boundaries of all the super-pixels are shown, and the selected ones are high-lighted """ s = overseg_img.shape masked_SuPix = np.zeros(s, dtype=bool) # get the boundaries if necessary if show_bound: for i in range(s[2]): masked_SuPix[:, :, i] = find_boundaries(overseg_img[:, :, i]) # selected superpixels slices slices = np.unique(SuPix_codes[0, :]) for j in slices: props = regionprops(overseg_img[:, :, j]) SuPix_labels = SuPix_codes[1, SuPix_codes[0, :] == j] n_overseg = len(props) prop_labels = [props[i]['label'] for i in range(n_overseg)] # mask the super-pixels for label in SuPix_labels: label_loc = np.where(prop_labels == label)[0][0] # indices of the pixels in # this super-pixel multinds_2D = props[label_loc]['coords'] vol = len(multinds_2D[:, 0]) multinds_3D = (multinds_2D[:, 0], multinds_2D[:, 1], np.ones(vol, dtype=int) * j) masked_SuPix[multinds_3D] = True return masked_SuPix
def __call__(self, img): img_arr = np.array(img) img_arr[img_arr == self.ignore_id] = self.num_classes if cfg.STRICTBORDERCLASS != None: one_hot_orig = self.new_one_hot_converter(img_arr) mask = np.zeros((img_arr.shape[0], img_arr.shape[1])) for cls in cfg.STRICTBORDERCLASS: mask = np.logical_or(mask, (img_arr == cls)) one_hot = 0 border = cfg.BORDER_WINDOW if (cfg.REDUCE_BORDER_EPOCH != -1 and cfg.EPOCH > cfg.REDUCE_BORDER_EPOCH): border = border // 2 border_prediction = find_boundaries(img_arr, mode='thick').astype(np.uint8) for i in range(-border, border + 1): for j in range(-border, border + 1): shifted = shift(img_arr, (i, j), cval=self.num_classes) one_hot += self.new_one_hot_converter(shifted) one_hot[one_hot > 1] = 1 if cfg.STRICTBORDERCLASS != None: one_hot = np.where(np.expand_dims(mask, 2), one_hot_orig, one_hot) one_hot = np.moveaxis(one_hot, -1, 0) if (cfg.REDUCE_BORDER_EPOCH != -1 and cfg.EPOCH > cfg.REDUCE_BORDER_EPOCH): one_hot = np.where(border_prediction, 2 * one_hot, 1 * one_hot) # print(one_hot.shape) return torch.from_numpy(one_hot).byte()
# # closed__ = binary_closing(cleared__, disk(int(sys.argv[2]))) filled = ndi.binary_fill_holes(cleared) filled_ = ndi.binary_fill_holes(cleared_) filled__ = ndi.binary_fill_holes(cleared__) bopened = binary_opening(filled, disk(int(sys.argv[2]))) bopened_ = binary_opening(filled_, disk(int(sys.argv[3]))) bopened__ = binary_opening(filled__, disk(int(sys.argv[4]))) boundaries = find_boundaries(bopened, mode="inner") boundaries_ = find_boundaries(bopened_, mode="inner") boundaries__ = find_boundaries(bopened__, mode="inner") # plt.subplot(131) # # plt.imshow(hematoxylin_) # # plt.subplot(132) # # plt.imshow(hematoxylin__) # # plt.subplot(133) #
def make_svg(self,views): '''Generate path-based svg of atlas (paths we can manipulate in d3)''' import cairo # We will save complete svg (for file), partial (for embedding), and paths svg_data = dict(); svg_data_partial = dict(); svg_data_file = dict(); if isinstance(views,str): views = [views] views = [v.lower() for v in views] self.views = views mr = middles = [numpy.round(x/2) for x in] # Create a color lookup table colors_html = get_colors(len(self.labels),"hex") self.color_lookup = self.make_color_lookup(colors_html) with make_tmp_folder() as temp_dir: # Get all unique regions (may not be present in every slice) regions = [ x for x in numpy.unique(mr) if x != 0] # Get colors - will later be changed colors = get_colors(len(self.labels),"decimal") # Generate an axial, sagittal, coronal view slices = dict() for v in views: # Keep a list of region names that correspond to paths region_names = [] # Generate each of the views if v == "axial": slices[v] = numpy.rot90(mr[:,:,middles[0]],2) elif v == "sagittal" : slices[v] = numpy.rot90(mr[middles[1],:,:],2) elif v == "coronal" : slices[v] = numpy.rot90(mr[:,middles[2],:],2) # For each region in the view, but not 0 regions = [ x for x in numpy.unique(slices[v]) if x != 0] # Write svg to temporary file output_file = '%s/%s_atlas.svg' %(temp_dir,v) fo = file(output_file, 'wb') # Set up the "context" - what cairo calls a canvas width, height = numpy.shape(slices[v]) surface = cairo.SVGSurface (fo, width*3, height*3) ctx = cairo.Context (surface) ctx.scale(3.,3.) # 90 degree rotation matrix rotation_matrix = cairo.Matrix.init_rotate(numpy.pi/2) for rr in range(0,len(regions)): index_value = regions[rr] #region_name = self.labels[str(index_value)].label filtered = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(slices[v])) filtered[slices[v] == regions[rr]] = 1 region = img_as_float(find_boundaries(filtered)) # We aren't using Canny anymore... ctx.set_source_rgb (float(colors[index_value-1][0]), float(colors[index_value-1][1]), float(colors[index_value-1][2])) # Solid color # Segment! segments_fz = felzenszwalb(region, scale=100, sigma=0.1, min_size=10) # For each cluster in the region, skipping value of 0 for c in range(1,len(numpy.unique(segments_fz))): cluster = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(region)) cluster[segments_fz==c] = 1 # Create distance matrix for points x,y = numpy.where(cluster==1) points = [[x[i],y[i]] for i in range(0,len(x))] disty = squareform(pdist(points, 'euclidean')) # This keeps track of which we have already visited visited = []; row = 0; current = points[row] visited.append(row) # We need to remember the first point, for the last one fp = current while len(visited) != len(points): thisx = current[0] thisy = current[1] ctx.move_to(thisx, thisy) # Find closest point, only include columns we have not visited distances = disty[row,:] distance_lookup = dict() # We need to preserve indices but still eliminate visited for j in range(0,len(distances)): if j not in visited: distance_lookup[j] = distances[j] # Get key minimum distance row = min(distance_lookup, key=distance_lookup.get) next = points[row] nextx = next[0] nexty = next[1] # If the distance is more than N pixels, close the path # This resolves some of the rough edges too if min(distance_lookup) > 70: ctx.line_to(fp[0],fp[1]) #cp = [(current[0]+fp[0])/2,(current[1]+fp[1])/2] #ctx.curve_to(fp[0],fp[1],cp[0],cp[1],cp[0],cp[1]) ctx.set_line_width(1) ctx.close_path() fp = next else: #cp = [(current[0]+nextx)/2,(current[1]+nexty)/2] #ctx.curve_to(nextx,nexty,cp[0],cp[1],cp[0],cp[1]) ctx.line_to(nextx, nexty) # Set next point to be current visited.append(row) current = next # Go back to the first point ctx.move_to(current[0],current[1]) #cp = [(current[0]+fp[0])/2,(current[1]+fp[1])/2] #ctx.curve_to(fp[0],fp[1],cp[0],cp[1],cp[0],cp[1]) ctx.line_to(fp[0],fp[1]) # Close the path ctx.set_line_width (1) ctx.stroke() # Finish the surface surface.finish() fo.close() # Now grab the file, set attributes # Give group name based on atlas, region id based on matching color dom = minidom.parse(output_file) for group in dom.getElementsByTagName("g"): group.setAttribute("id",os.path.split(self.file)[-1]) group.setAttribute("class",v) expression = re.compile("stroke:rgb") # Add class to svg - important so can manipulate in d3 dom.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0].setAttribute("class",v) for path in dom.getElementsByTagName("path"): style = path.getAttribute("style") # This is lame - but we have to use the color to look up the region color = [x for x in style.split(";") if][0] color = [percent_to_float(x) for x in color.replace("stroke:rgb(","").replace(")","").split(",")] region_index = [x for x in range(0,len(colors)) if numpy.equal(colors[x],color).all()][0]+1 region_label = self.labels[str(region_index)].label # We don't want to rely on cairo to style the paths self.remove_attributes(path,"style") self.set_attributes(path,["id","stroke"],[region_label,self.color_lookup[region_label]]) svg_data_file[v] = dom.toxml() svg_data[v] = dom.toxml().replace("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>","") # get rid of just xml tag svg_data_partial[v] = "/n".join(dom.toxml().split("\n")[1:-1]) return svg_data, svg_data_partial, svg_data_file
def FeatureExtraction(Label, In, Ic, W, K=128, Fs=6, Delta=8): """ Calculates features from a label image. Parameters ---------- Label : array_like A T x T label image. In : array_like A T x T intensity image for Nuclei. Ic : array_like A T x T intensity image for Cytoplasms. W : array_like A 3x3 matrix containing the stain colors in its columns. In the case of two stains, the third column is zero and will be complemented using cross-product. The matrix should contain a minumum two nonzero columns. K : Number of points for boundary resampling to calculate fourier descriptors. Default value = 128. Fs : Number of frequency bins for calculating FSDs. Default value = 6. Delta : scalar, used to dilate nuclei and define cytoplasm region. Default value = 8. Returns ------- df : 2-dimensional labeled data structure, float64 Pandas data frame. Notes ----- The following features are computed: - `Centroids`: - X,Y - `Morphometry features`: - Area, - Perimeter, - MajorAxisLength, - MinorAxisLength, - Eccentricity, - Circularity, - Extent, - Solidity - `Fourier shape descriptors`: - FSD1-FSD6 - Intensity features for hematoxylin and cytoplasm channels: - MinIntensity, MaxIntensity, - MeanIntensity, StdIntensity, - MeanMedianDifferenceIntensity, - Entropy, Energy, Skewness and Kurtosis - Gradient/edge features for hematoxylin and cytoplasm channels: - MeanGradMag, StdGradMag, SkewnessGradMag, KurtosisGradMag, - EntropyGradMag, EnergyGradMag, - SumCanny, MeanCanny References ---------- .. [1] D. Zhang et al. "A comparative study on shape retrieval using Fourier descriptors with different shape signatures," In Proc. ICIMADE01, 2001. .. [2] Daniel Zwillinger and Stephen Kokoska. "CRC standard probability and statistics tables and formulae," Crc Press, 1999. """ # get total regions NumofLabels = Label.max() # get Label size x size_x = Label.shape[0] # initialize centroids CentroidX = [] CentroidY = [] # initialize morphometry features Area = [] Perimeter = [] Eccentricity = [] Circularity = [] MajorAxisLength = [] MinorAxisLength = [] Extent = [] Solidity = [] # initialize FSD feature group FSDGroup = np.zeros((NumofLabels, Fs)) # initialize Nuclei, Cytoplasms Nuclei = [[] for i in range(NumofLabels)] Cytoplasms = [[] for i in range(NumofLabels)] # create round structuring element Disk = disk(Delta) # initialize panda dataframe df = pd.DataFrame() # fourier descriptors, spaced evenly over the interval 1:K/2 Interval = np.round( np.power( 2, np.linspace(0, math.log(K, 2)-1, Fs+1, endpoint=True) ) ).astype(np.uint8) # extract feature information for region in regionprops(Label): # add centroids CentroidX = np.append(CentroidX, region.centroid[0]) CentroidY = np.append(CentroidY, region.centroid[1]) # add morphometry features Area = np.append(Area, region.area) Perimeter = np.append(Perimeter, region.perimeter) Eccentricity = np.append(Eccentricity, region.eccentricity) if region.perimeter == 0: Circularity = np.append(Circularity, 0) else: Circularity = np.append( Circularity, 4 * math.pi * region.area / math.pow(region.perimeter, 2) ) MajorAxisLength = np.append(MajorAxisLength, region.major_axis_length) MinorAxisLength = np.append(MinorAxisLength, region.minor_axis_length) Extent = np.append(Extent, region.extent) Solidity = np.append(Solidity, region.solidity) # get bounds of dilated nucleus bounds = GetBounds(region.bbox, Delta, size_x) # grab nucleus mask Nucleus = ( Label[bounds[0]:bounds[1], bounds[2]:bounds[3]] == region.label ).astype(np.uint8) # find nucleus boundaries Bounds = np.argwhere( find_boundaries(Nucleus, mode="inner").astype(np.uint8) == 1 ) # calculate and add FSDs FSDGroup[region.label-1, :] = FSDs( Bounds[:, 0], Bounds[:, 1], K, Interval ) # generate object coords for nuclei and cytoplasmic regions Nuclei[region.label-1] = region.coords # get mask for all nuclei in neighborhood Mask = ( Label[bounds[0]:bounds[1], bounds[2]:bounds[3]] > 0 ).astype(np.uint8) # remove nucleus region from cytoplasm+nucleus mask cytoplasm = ( np.logical_xor(Mask, dilation(Nucleus, Disk)) ).astype(np.uint8) # get list of cytoplasm pixels Cytoplasms[region.label-1] = GetPixCoords(cytoplasm, bounds) # calculate hematoxlyin features, capture feature names HematoxylinIntensityGroup = IntensityFeatureGroup(In, Nuclei) HematoxylinTextureGroup = TextureFeatureGroup(In, Nuclei) HematoxylinGradientGroup = GradientFeatureGroup(In, Nuclei) # calculate eosin features EosinIntensityGroup = IntensityFeatureGroup(Ic, Cytoplasms) EosinTextureGroup = TextureFeatureGroup(Ic, Cytoplasms) EosinGradientGroup = GradientFeatureGroup(Ic, Cytoplasms) # add columns to dataframe df['X'] = CentroidX df['Y'] = CentroidY df['Area'] = Area df['Perimeter'] = Perimeter df['Eccentricity'] = Eccentricity df['Circularity'] = Circularity df['MajorAxisLength'] = MajorAxisLength df['MinorAxisLength'] = MinorAxisLength df['Extent'] = Extent df['Solidity'] = Solidity for i in range(0, Fs): df['FSD' + str(i+1)] = FSDGroup[:, i] for f in HematoxylinIntensityGroup._fields: df['Hematoxylin' + f] = getattr(HematoxylinIntensityGroup, f) for f in HematoxylinTextureGroup._fields: df['Hematoxylin' + f] = getattr(HematoxylinTextureGroup, f) for f in HematoxylinGradientGroup._fields: df['Hematoxylin' + f] = getattr(HematoxylinGradientGroup, f) for f in EosinIntensityGroup._fields: df['Cytoplasm' + f] = getattr(EosinIntensityGroup, f) for f in EosinTextureGroup._fields: df['Cytoplasm' + f] = getattr(EosinTextureGroup, f) for f in EosinGradientGroup._fields: df['Cytoplasm' + f] = getattr(EosinGradientGroup, f) return df
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from src.image_preprocess.PeakDetector import generate_green_map __author__ = 'Kern' if len(sys.argv) < 2: raise ValueError("Usage:", sys.argv[0], " Missing some argument to indicate input files") path = sys.argv[1] image = io.imread(path) # image = uniform_filter(image_input) image_green = generate_green_map(image) # image_grey = color.rgb2gray(image) image_out = find_boundaries(image) image_mark = mark_boundaries(image, image_green) fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3) ax0.imshow(image) ax0.set_title('Input image') ax1.imshow(image_out) ax1.set_title('boundaries image') ax1.axis('image') ax2.imshow(image_mark) ax2.set_title("grey image")
def watershedBlobAnalysis(img, thr, bright=True, showPlot=True, sig=3, pkSz=3, minPx=10, sf=1.79): """ Binarize an input image using the supplied threshold, perform a watershed analysis on a smoothed Euclidean Distance Map, optionally display boundaries on the image, and return a list of lists of the properties of the blobs. Parameters ---------- img: ndarray (2D) Input image, assumed to be grayscale thr: number The value to use for the gray level threshold bright: boolean (True) A flag indicating if the background is bright, and the blobs have gray levels less than the threshold value or the reverse. showPlot: boolean (True) A flag indicating whether to display a plot of the boundaries displayed in red on the grayscale input image sig: number (3) The sigma parameter for a gaussian smooth of the Euclidean Distance Map pkSz: number (3) The peak size of the footprint for the call to find the peak local maxima. minPx: integrer (10) the minimum number of pixels to conside a "blob" sf: float (1.79) The scale factor (units/px) for the image. The default is for a test image of AgX grains where the scale factor is 1.79 nm/px. Returns out: a list of lists [equivalent circular diameter, centroid, aspect ratio, solidity, circircularity, squareness] Lists of feature vectors useful for particle size and shape analysis. Only the ECD is in dimensions implied by the scale factor. """ from math import sqrt import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import ndimage from skimage import img_as_ubyte from skimage.morphology import disk, watershed, remove_small_objects from skimage.filters.rank import median from skimage.feature import peak_local_max from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries, mark_boundaries from skimage.measure import regionprops from skimage.color import gray2rgb if bright: bin_img = img < thr else: bin_img = img > thr bin_img = remove_small_objects(bin_img, min_size=minPx, connectivity=1, in_place=False) dist = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(bin_img) smooth = ndimage.gaussian_filter(dist, sig) # peak_local_max # possible below: #,labels=c.binarybackground) local_maxi = peak_local_max(smooth, indices=False, footprint=np.ones((pkSz, pkSz))) markers = ndimage.label(local_maxi)[0] labels = watershed(-smooth, markers, mask=bin_img) props = regionprops(labels) ecd = [] cent = [] ar = [] solid =[] circ = [] square = [] for prop in props: cent.append(prop.centroid) ecd.append(round(sf*prop.equivalent_diameter, 3)) if prop.minor_axis_length == 0: ar.append(float('nan')) else: ar.append(round(prop.major_axis_length/prop.minor_axis_length, 3)) solid.append(prop.solidity) fArea = float(prop.area) perim = prop.perimeter cir = 4.0 * np.pi * (fArea / (perim)**2) circ.append(cir) square.append(0.25*perim/sqrt(fArea)) #find outline of objects for plotting if showPlot: boundaries = find_boundaries(labels) max_g = np.max(img) if max_g > 255: img.astype(np.float32) img = img / float(max_g) img_rgb = gray2rgb(img) # transform 16bit to 8 overlay = np.flipud(mark_boundaries(img_rgb, boundaries, color=(1, 0, 0))) # plt.imshow(overlay); fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow(overlay, cmap='spectral'); ax.xaxis.set_visible(False); ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) fig.set_tight_layout(True); return ([ecd, cent, ar, solid, circ, square])
co_mom0 = co_cube.spectral_slab(start, end).moment0() co_mom0_reproj = reproject_interp(co_mom0.hdu, hi_mom0.header)[0] co_mom0 = Projection(co_mom0_reproj, wcs=hi_mom0.wcs) # Need a mask from the HI # Adjust the sigma in a single channel to the moment0 in the slab # sigma = 0.00152659 * hi_slab.shape[0] * \ # np.abs((hi_slab.spectral_axis[1] - hi_slab.spectral_axis[0]).value) bub = BubbleFinder2D(hi_mom0, auto_cut=False, sigma=sigma) bub.create_mask(bkg_nsig=30, region_min_nsig=60, mask_clear_border=False) # skeleton = medial_axis(~bub.mask) # skeletons.append(skeleton) edge_mask = find_boundaries(bub.mask, connectivity=2, mode='outer') hole_mask = bub.mask.copy() # Now apply a radial boundary to the edge mask where the CO data is valid # This is the same cut-off used to define the valid clouds radial_cut = radii <= max_radius edge_mask *= radial_cut edge_masks.append(edge_mask) dist_trans = nd.distance_transform_edt(~edge_mask) # Assign negative values to regions within holes. dist_trans[hole_mask] = -dist_trans[hole_mask] # hist = p.hist(co_mom0.value[np.isfinite(co_mom0.value)], bins=100) # p.draw() # raw_input("?") # p.clf()
# make it square (apparently avconv doesn't work correctly with arbitrary frame size...) win_size = (max(win_size), max(win_size)) ### centroids cell_centers = np.array([regionprops(mask)[0].centroid for mask in masks]) smooth_cell_centers = smooth_2D_trajectory(cell_centers) ### extract windows and put into big array windows = np.empty((len(frames), win_size[0], win_size[1])) for frame_num, (frame, center, mask) in enumerate(zip(frames, smooth_cell_centers, masks)): # make boundary bright boundary = find_boundaries(mask) frame += 0.5*frame.max()*boundary # extract window centered on mask centroid i, j = int(round(center[0])), int(round(center[1])) ista, jsta = i-win_size[0]/2, j-win_size[1]/2 iend, jend = ista+win_size[0], jsta+win_size[1] win = frame[ista:iend, jsta:jend] windows[frame_num,:,:] = correct_orientation(win) # save to file print 'Saving movie to %s.' % out_fn write_video(windows, out_fn)