def resize(inpath: Path, outpath: Path, size: float) -> Path: if outpath.exists(): return outpath image = io.imread(inpath) image = _resize(image, size) io.imsave(outpath, image) return outpath
def buildNpzETH80(data_filename, data_dirname='', resizeValue=None): Nobjects = 10 # fixed values Nclasses = 8 # fixed value data_dirname_new = data_dirname + data_filename.split('.')[0] + '/' all_filenames = _os.listdir(data_dirname_new) all_filenames = sorted(all_filenames, key=_io_work.stringSplitByNumbers) data = [] classes = [] for i in xrange(Nclasses): locDirnames = all_filenames[i * Nobjects:(i + 1) * Nobjects] class_data = [] className = filter(lambda x: not x.isdigit(), locDirnames[0]) classes.append(className) for j in xrange(Nobjects): fnms = _os.listdir(data_dirname_new + locDirnames[j]) fnms = filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.png'), fnms) fnms = sorted(fnms, key=_io_work.stringSplitByNumbers) object_data = [] for k in xrange(len(fnms)): local_dirname_lv2 = data_dirname_new + locDirnames[j] + '/' tmp = _imageio.imread(local_dirname_lv2 + fnms[k]) if resizeValue is not None: newShape = [resizeValue] * 2 tmp = _resize(tmp, newShape, mode='constant') object_data.append(tmp.copy()) class_data.append(_copy.deepcopy(object_data)) data.append(_copy.deepcopy(class_data)) data = _np.array(data) if data.max() > 1.: data = data / 255. return data, classes
def resize(mask, output_shape): """Resize a mask to the requested output shape with nearest neighbors Parameters ---------- mask : ndarray binary array output_shape : tuple requested shape Returns ------- output_shape : tuple requested output shape TODO: It might be possible to combine this function with one of the transforms """ assert_nD(mask, 2, 'mask') assert_binary(mask, 'mask') out = _resize( mask.astype(np.float), output_shape, order=0, mode='constant', cval=0, clip=True, preserve_range=False) return out.astype('uint8')
def resize(): img = data2array( size = request.args.get('size', '50%') # size can be either "30%" or "200x300" if size.endswith('%'): def conv(val): return int(val * float(size[:-1])/100.0) width, height = [conv(v) for v in img.shape[:2]] else: width, height = [int(v) for v in size.split('x')] resized = _resize(img, (width, height)) return img_resonse(resized)
def resize(): img = data2array( size = request.args.get('size', '50%') # size can be either "30%" or "200x300" if size.endswith('%'): def conv(val): return int(val * float(size[:-1]) / 100.0) width, height = [conv(v) for v in img.shape[:2]] else: width, height = [int(v) for v in size.split('x')] resized = _resize(img, (width, height)) return img_resonse(resized)
def sig_to_thumbnail(s, out_path, dpi=92): """ Generate a preview thumbnail from an arbitrary HyperSpy signal. For a 2D signal, the signal from the first navigation position is used (most likely the top- and left-most position. For a 1D signal (*i.e.* a spectrum or spectrum image), the output depends on the number of navigation dimensions: - 0: Image of spectrum - 1: Image of linescan (*a la* DigitalMicrograph) - 2: Image of spectra sampled from navigation space - 2+: As for 2 dimensions Parameters ---------- s : :py:class:`hyperspy.signal.BaseSignal` (or subclass) The HyperSpy signal for which a thumbnail should be generated out_path : str A path to the desired thumbnail filename. All formats supported by :py:meth:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig` can be used. dpi : int The "dots per inch" resolution for the outputted figure Returns ------- f : :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Handle to a matplotlib Figure Notes ----- This method heavily utilizes HyperSpy's existing plotting functions to figure out how to best display the image """ def _set_extent_and_save(): _set_title(ax, s.metadata.General.title) items = [ax, ax.title, ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label] for labels in _get_visible_labels(ax): items += labels extent = _full_extent(ax, items, pad=0.05).transformed( ax.figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) f.savefig(out_path, bbox_inches=extent, dpi=dpi) _pad_to_square(out_path, 500) # _plt.close(f) # close all currently open plots to ensure we don't leave a mess behind # in memory _plt.close('all') _plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray' # Processing 1D signals (spectra, spectrum images, etc) if isinstance(s, _hsapi.signals.Signal1D): # signal is single spectrum if s.axes_manager.navigation_dimension == 0: s.plot() # get signal plot figure f = s._plot.signal_plot.figure ax = f.get_axes()[0] # Change line color to matplotlib default ax.get_lines()[0].set_color(_plt.get_cmap('tab10')(0)) _set_extent_and_save() return f # signal is 1D linescan elif s.axes_manager.navigation_dimension == 1: s.plot() s._plot.pointer.set_on(False) # remove pointer f = s._plot.navigator_plot.figure f.get_axes()[1].remove() # remove colorbar scale ax = f.get_axes()[0] _set_extent_and_save() return f elif s.axes_manager.navigation_dimension > 1: nav_size = s.axes_manager.navigation_size if nav_size >= 9: n_to_plot = 9 else: n_to_plot = nav_size # temporarily unfold the signal so we can get spectra from all # over the navigation space easily: with s.unfolded(): idx_to_plot = _np.linspace(0, nav_size - 1, n_to_plot, dtype=int) s_to_plot = [s.inav[i] for i in idx_to_plot] f = _plt.figure() _hsapi.plot.plot_spectra(s_to_plot, style='cascade', padding=0.1, fig=f) ax = _plt.gca() desc = r'\ x\ '.join( [str(x) for x in s.axes_manager.navigation_shape]) _set_title(ax, s.metadata.General.title) ax.set_title(ax.get_title() + '\n' + r"$\bf{" + desc + r'\ Spectrum\ Image}$') # Load "watermark" stamp and rescale to be appropriately sized stamp = _imread( _os.path.join(_dir_path, 'spectrum_image_logo.svg.png')) width, height = ax.figure.get_size_inches() * f.dpi stamp_width = int(width / 2.5) scaling = (stamp_width / float(stamp.shape[0])) stamp_height = int(float(stamp.shape[1]) * float(scaling)) stamp = _resize(stamp, (stamp_width, stamp_height), mode='wrap', anti_aliasing=True) # Create matplotlib annotation with image in center imagebox = _OIm(stamp, zoom=1, alpha=.15) imagebox.image.axes = ax ao = _AOb('center', pad=1, borderpad=0, child=imagebox) ao.patch.set_alpha(0) ax.add_artist(ao) # Pack figure and save f.tight_layout() f.savefig(out_path, dpi=dpi) _pad_to_square(out_path, 500) return f # Signal is an image of some sort, so we'll use hs.plot.plot_images elif isinstance(s, _hsapi.signals.Signal2D): # signal is single image if s.axes_manager.navigation_dimension == 0: # check to see if this is a dm3/dm4; if so try to plot with # annotations orig_fname = s.metadata.General.original_filename if '.dm3' in orig_fname or '.dm4' in orig_fname: add_annotation_markers(s) s.plot(colorbar=False) _plt.gca().axis('off') else: _hsapi.plot.plot_images([s], axes_decor='off', colorbar=False, scalebar='all', label=None) f = _plt.gcf() ax = _plt.gca() _set_title(ax, s.metadata.General.title) f.tight_layout() f.savefig(out_path, dpi=dpi) _pad_to_square(out_path, 500) return f # we're looking at an image stack elif s.axes_manager.navigation_dimension == 1: _plt.figure() _plt.imshow( _project_image_stack(s, num=min(5, s.axes_manager.navigation_size), dpi=dpi)) ax = _plt.gca() ax.set_position([0, 0, 1, .8]) ax.set_axis_off() _set_title(ax, s.metadata.General.title) ax.set_title(ax.get_title() + '\n' + r"$\bf{" + str(s.axes_manager.navigation_size) + r'-member' + r'\ Image\ Series}$') # use _full_extent to determine the bounding box needed to pick # out just the items we're interested in extent = _full_extent(ax, [ax, ax.title], pad=0.1).transformed( ax.figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) ax.figure.savefig(out_path, bbox_inches=extent, dpi=300) _pad_to_square(out_path, 500) return ax.figure # This is a 4D-STEM type image, so display as tableau elif s.axes_manager.navigation_dimension == 2: asp_ratio = s.axes_manager.signal_shape[ 1] / s.axes_manager.signal_shape[0] width = 6 f = _plt.figure(figsize=(width, width * asp_ratio)) if s.axes_manager.navigation_size >= 9: square_n = 3 elif s.axes_manager.navigation_size >= 4: square_n = 2 else: square_n = 1 num_to_plot = square_n**2 im_list = [None] * num_to_plot desc = r'\ x\ '.join( [str(x) for x in s.axes_manager.navigation_shape]) s.unfold_navigation_space() chunk_size = s.axes_manager.navigation_size // num_to_plot for i in range(num_to_plot): if square_n == 1: im_list = [s] else: im_list[i] = s.inav[i * chunk_size:(i + 1) * chunk_size].inav[chunk_size // 2] axlist = _hsapi.plot.plot_images(im_list, colorbar=None, axes_decor='off', tight_layout=True, scalebar=[0], per_row=square_n, fig=f) # Make sure scalebar is fully on plot: txt = axlist[0].texts[0] left_extent = txt.get_window_extent().transformed( axlist[0].transData.inverted()).bounds[0] if left_extent < 0: # Move scalebar text over if it overlaps outside of axis txt.set_x(txt.get_position()[0] + left_extent * -1) # txt.set_y(txt.get_position()[1]*1.1) f.suptitle( _textwrap.fill(s.metadata.General.title, 60) + '\n' + r"$\bf{" + desc + r'\ Hyperimage}$') f.tight_layout(rect=(0, 0, 1, f.texts[0].get_window_extent().transformed( f.transFigure.inverted()).bounds[1])) f.savefig(out_path, dpi=dpi) _pad_to_square(out_path, 500) return f # Complex image, so plot power spectrum (like an FFT) elif isinstance(s, _hsapi.signals.ComplexSignal2D): # in tests, setting minimum to a percentile around 66% looks good s.amplitude.plot(interpolation='bilinear', norm='log', vmin=_np.nanpercentile(, 66), colorbar=None, axes_off=True) f = _plt.gcf() ax = _plt.gca() _set_title(ax, s.metadata.General.title) extent = _full_extent(ax, [ax, ax.title], pad=0.1).transformed( ax.figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) f.savefig(out_path, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches=extent) _pad_to_square(out_path, 500) return f # if we have a different type of signal, just output a graphical # representation of the axis manager else: f, ax = _plt.subplots() ax.set_position([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.set_axis_off() # Remove axes_manager text ax_m = s.axes_manager.__repr__() ax_m = ax_m.split('\n') ax_m = ax_m[1:] ax_m = '\n'.join(ax_m) ax.text(0.03, .9, s.metadata.General.title, fontweight='bold', va='top') ax.text(0.03, 0.85, 'Could not generate preview image', va='top', color='r') ax.text(0.03, 0.8, 'Axes information:', va='top', fontstyle='italic') ax.text(0.03, .75, ax_m, fontfamily='monospace', va='top') extent = _full_extent(ax, ax.texts, pad=0.1).transformed( ax.figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) f.savefig(out_path, bbox_inches=extent, dpi=300) _pad_to_square(out_path, 500) return f