def downscale(data, downscale_factor): new_data = [] for i, (stk,roi) in enumerate(data): new_stk = downscale_local_mean(stk, (1,downscale_factor,downscale_factor)) new_roi = downscale_local_mean(roi, (1,downscale_factor,downscale_factor)) new_data.append((new_stk, new_roi)) return new_data
def test_downscale_local_mean(): image1 = np.arange(4 * 6).reshape(4, 6) out1 = downscale_local_mean(image1, (2, 3)) expected1 = np.array([[4., 7.], [16., 19.]]) assert_array_equal(expected1, out1) image2 = np.arange(5 * 8).reshape(5, 8) out2 = downscale_local_mean(image2, (4, 5)) expected2 = np.array([[14., 10.8], [8.5, 5.7]]) assert_array_equal(expected2, out2)
def main(): args = vars(parser.parse_args()) filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args["image"][0]) image = skimage.img_as_uint(color.rgb2gray(io.imread(filename))) subsample = 1 if (not args["subsample"] == 1): subsample = args["subsample"][0] image = transform.downscale_local_mean(image, (subsample, subsample)) image = transform.pyramid_expand(image, subsample, 0, 0) image = exposure.rescale_intensity(image, out_range=(0,args["depth"][0])) if (args["visualize"]): io.imshow(image) source = generate_face(image, subsample, args["depth"][0], FLICKER_SPEED) if source: with open(args["output"][0], 'w') as file_: file_.write(source) else: print "Attempted to generate source code, failed."
def make_hips_allsky_jpeg_file(order):'Making HiPS allsky image for order {order}') tiles = [] for ipix in range(healpix_order_to_npix(order=order)):'Processing tile {ipix}') meta = HipsTileMeta(order=order, ipix=ipix, file_format='jpg', frame='galactic', width=2 ** shift_order) filename = DATA_DIR / 'maps' / 'Fermi10GeV' / meta.tile_default_path tile =, filename) # Downsample the tile factor = 2 ** allsky_downsample_order # import IPython; IPython.embed(); 1/0 data = downscale_local_mean(, factors=(factor, factor, 1)) meta.order -= allsky_downsample_order meta.width //= factor # This is to debug when all-sky is shown data[:, :, 0] = 255 tile = HipsTile.from_numpy(meta, data.astype('uint8')) # print(, tile.meta) tiles.append(tile) allsky = HipsTileAllskyArray.from_tiles(tiles) path = DATA_DIR / 'maps' / 'Fermi10GeV' / f'Norder{order}' / 'Allsky.jpg' # path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)'Writing {path}') allsky.write(path)
def load_and_downscale(input_filename): """Load the image, covert to grayscale and downscale as needed.""" image = Image.from_file(input_filename) blue_channel = image[:,:,2] downscaled = downscale_local_mean(blue_channel, (2, 2)) return downscaled
def downscale_in_chunks(im, downscale_tuple=None, nfrchunk=1000, print_status=True): cL = [] if print_status: print('downscaling frames... ', end='') for iC in range(int(np.ceil(im.shape[0]/nfrchunk))): maxfr = np.min((nfrchunk*(iC+1),im.shape[0])) cL.append(transform.downscale_local_mean(im[nfrchunk*iC:maxfr,:,:], downscale_tuple)) if print_status: print(maxfr, end=' ') if print_status: print('done.') return(np.concatenate(cL,axis=0))
def generate_column(numbers): images = [] for i in numbers: i = selected[i] image_fpath = dataset.item_content_abspath(i) images.append( downscale_local_mean(Image.from_file(image_fpath), (5, 5, 1)) ) column = join_horizontally(images) return column
def preprocess(data, radius): for i, (stk,roi) in enumerate(data): # Normalize low_p = np.percentile(stk.flatten(), 3) high_p = np.percentile(stk.flatten(), 99) #print np.min(stk.flatten()), low_p, high_p, np.max(stk.flatten()) # plt.figure() # plt.hist(stk.flatten()) # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(downscale_local_mean(stk[0], (DOWNSCALE_FACTOR, DOWNSCALE_FACTOR)), cmap="gray") # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(downscale_local_mean(np.mean(stk, axis=0), (DOWNSCALE_FACTOR, DOWNSCALE_FACTOR)), cmap="gray") stk = np.clip(stk, low_p, high_p) stk = stk - stk.mean() stk = np.divide(stk-np.min(stk), np.max(stk) - np.min(stk)) #print np.min(stk.flatten()), np.max(stk.flatten()) # plt.figure() # plt.hist(stk.flatten()) # Downscale stk = downscale_local_mean(stk, (1,DOWNSCALE_FACTOR,DOWNSCALE_FACTOR)) roi = downscale_local_mean(roi, (1,DOWNSCALE_FACTOR,DOWNSCALE_FACTOR)) new_stk = np.zeros((stk.shape[1], stk.shape[2], IMG_CHANNELS)) # Uncomment following 2 lines to use more channels #new_stk[:,:,2] = stk.max(axis=0) #new_stk[:,:,1] = np.std(stk, axis=0) new_stk[:,:,0] = np.mean(stk, axis=0) # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(stk[0], cmap="gray") # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(new_stk[:,:,0], cmap="gray") # roi_centroids = get_centroids(roi, radius).max(axis=0) data[i] = (new_stk, roi.max(axis=0), roi.max(axis=0))#(new_stk, roi_centroids, roi.max(axis=0)) return data
def auto_centre(self, window=400, downsample_y=2, plot=True): """ Automatic method for finding the centre of rotation. # window: Window width to search across (pixels). """ downsample = (downsample_y, 1) half_win = window // 2 win_range = range(-half_win, half_win) # Compare ref image with flipped 180deg counterpart ref_image = self.im_stack[:, half_win:-half_win, self.p0] ref = downscale_local_mean(ref_image, downsample) im_180_image = self.im_stack[:, :, self.num_images // 2 + self.p0] im_180 = downscale_local_mean(im_180_image, downsample) flipped = np.fliplr(im_180) diff = np.nan * np.zeros(len(win_range)) # Flip win_range as we are working on flipped data for idx, i in enumerate(win_range[::-1]): cropped = flipped[:, half_win + i: -half_win + i] tmp = cropped - ref diff[idx] = tmp.std() minima = np.argmin(diff) self.cor_offset = win_range[minima] print('COR = %i' % self.cor_offset) if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.canvas.set_window_title('Centre Analysis') ax.plot([i for i in win_range], diff) ax.plot(self.cor_offset, np.min(diff), '*') ax.set_ylabel('Standard deviation (original v 180deg flipped)') ax.set_xlabel('2 * Centre correction (pixels)') im_copy = np.copy(self.im_stack[:, :, self.p0]) recentre_plot(im_copy, self.cor_offset)
def load_dir(dir_name, ext='.tif'): X, Y = [], [] fns = glob.glob(dir_name+'/*' + ext) random.shuffle(fns) for fn in fns: img = np.array(io.imread(fn), dtype='float32') scaled = img / np.float32(255.0) scaled = downscale_local_mean(scaled, factors=(2,2)) X.append(scaled) Y.append(os.path.basename(fn).split('_')[0]) return X, Y
def process_line(t): i, row = t image_urls = row[0].split(',') for image_url in image_urls: if 'http' in image_url: try: image_data = imread(image_url) grayed = rgb2gray(image_data) image_resized = resize(grayed, (100, 100)) descriptor = local_binary_pattern(image_resized, 3, 20, 'uniform') descriptor = downscale_local_mean(descriptor, (10, 10)) descriptor_list = np.floor(descriptor.flatten()).tolist() return [image_url, row[2], descriptor_list] except: return [image_url, row[2], []]
def resample_binary_majority(raster, factor): resampled = downscale_local_mean(raster, factors=factor) resampled_bool = np.zeros_like(resampled) resampled_bool[resampled >= 0.5] = 1 mask = np.ones_like(resampled) if raster.shape[0] % factor[0] != 0: y = (factor[0] - (raster.shape[0] % factor[0])) * -1 mask[y:,:] = 0 if raster.shape[1] % factor[1] != 0: x = (factor[1] - (raster.shape[1] % factor[1])) * -1 mask[:,x:] = 0 # Create mask mask = mask.astype(bool) return [factor, resampled_bool, mask]
def _build_expected_output(self): funcs = (grey.erosion, grey.dilation, grey.opening, grey.closing, grey.white_tophat, grey.black_tophat) selems_2D = (selem.square, selem.diamond, selem.disk, with expected_warnings(['Possible precision loss']): image = img_as_ubyte(transform.downscale_local_mean( color.rgb2gray(, (20, 20))) output = {} for n in range(1, 4): for strel in selems_2D: for func in funcs: key = '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(strel.__name__, n, func.__name__) output[key] = func(image, strel(n)) return output
def render(img, color_samples): print("Rendering...") h, w = [2*x for x in img.shape[:2]] xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(h), np.arange(w)) pixel_coords = np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()] colors = np.empty([h, w, 3]) coords = [] for color_sample in color_samples: coord = tuple(x*2 for x in color_sample[:2][::-1]) colors[coord] = color_sample[2:] coords.append(coord) tree = KDTree(coords) idxs = tree.query(pixel_coords)[1] data = colors[tuple([idxs].astype(int).T)].reshape((w, h, 3)) data = np.transpose(data, (1, 0, 2)) return downscale_local_mean(data, (2, 2, 1))
def test(): test_images, test_categories = [], [] for fn in glob.glob('data/splits/test/*.tif'): img = np.array(io.imread(fn), dtype='float32') scaled = img / np.float32(255.0) scaled = downscale_local_mean(scaled, factors=(2,2)) test_images.append(scaled) test_categories.append(os.path.basename(fn).split('_')[0]) label_encoder = pickle.load( open('models/' + MODEL_NAME + '/label_encoder.p', 'rb')) print('-> Working on classes:', label_encoder.classes_) test_int_labels = label_encoder.transform(test_categories) model = model_from_json(open('models/' + MODEL_NAME + '/architecture.json').read()) model.load_weights('models/' + MODEL_NAME + '/weights.hdf5') test_preds = [] for img in test_images: X = utils.augment_test_image(image=img, nb_rows=NB_ROWS, nb_cols=NB_COLS, nb_patches=NB_TEST_PATCHES) preds = np.array(model.predict(X), dtype='float64') av_pred = preds.mean(axis=0) test_preds.append(np.argmax(av_pred, axis=0)) print('Test accuracy:', accuracy_score(test_int_labels, test_preds)) # confusion matrix plt.clf() T = label_encoder.inverse_transform(test_int_labels) P = label_encoder.inverse_transform(test_preds) cm = confusion_matrix(T, P, labels=label_encoder.classes_) cm_normalized = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] np.set_printoptions(precision=2) sns.plt.figure() utils.plot_confusion_matrix(cm_normalized, target_names=label_encoder.classes_) sns.plt.savefig('models/' + MODEL_NAME + '/test_conf_matrix.pdf')
def DetectLargeImage(img_path, div_shape, sigma, neighborhood_size, threshold): ds, ysize, xsize, yblocks, xblocks, block_size = div_shape xcoord = [] ycoord = [] for n in range(yblocks): for m in range(xblocks): try: # Read part image print('Block: n={}, m={}'.format(n, m)) extra = 100 img_extended = np.uint8( ip.read_image_part_extra(img_path, div_shape, n, m, extra)) img = np.uint8(img_extended[:, extra:-extra, :]) # Convert to a* channel and Cb channel img_a = cv2.cvtColor(img_extended, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab)[:, :, 1] img_gauss = np.uint8( ndimage.gaussian_filter(downscale_local_mean( img, (10, 10, 1)), sigma=(2.0, 2.0, 0.0))) #img = None img_gauss_Cb = cv2.cvtColor(img_gauss, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab)[:, :, 2] img_gauss = None img_gauss_Cb_bin = img_gauss_Cb < 140 img_gauss_Cb = None img_gauss_Cb_bin_inv = np.invert(img_gauss_Cb_bin) img_gauss_Cb_bin = None img_temp = np.zeros((img_gauss_Cb_bin_inv.shape[0] + 2, img_gauss_Cb_bin_inv.shape[1] + 2), dtype=bool) img_temp[1:-1, 1:-1] = img_gauss_Cb_bin_inv img_gauss_Cb_bin = np.invert( ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(img_temp))[1:-1, 1:-1] img_temp = None img_gauss_Cb_bin_inv = None # ============================================================================= # img_plot = ip.Otsu(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab)[:,:,1],rev=True) # grass_plot = resize(img_gauss_Cb_bin,img_plot.shape) # img_p = np.multiply(img_plot, grass_plot) # ip.show_image(img_p) # ============================================================================= # Detect plants using local maxima try: xy = Detect(img_a, sigma, neighborhood_size, threshold) x_arr, y_arr = Filter(xy, block_size, extra=100) except IndexError: print('Algorithm found zero points') continue img_a = None sort_idx = y_arr.argsort() y_arr_sort = y_arr[sort_idx] x_arr_sort = x_arr[sort_idx] pos_arr = np.zeros((block_size // 10, block_size // 10), dtype=int) pos_arr[np.array(y_arr_sort // 10, dtype=int), np.array(x_arr_sort // 10, dtype=int)] = np.arange( 0, len(x_arr), 1, dtype=int) + 1 plant_pos = np.multiply(pos_arr, img_gauss_Cb_bin) pos = np.nonzero(plant_pos) x_plant = x_arr_sort[plant_pos[pos] - 1] y_plant = y_arr_sort[plant_pos[pos] - 1] xcoord += list(x_plant + m * block_size) ycoord += list(y_plant + n * block_size) except ValueError: print( 'Moving on to next block, since this block ({}, {}) is not part of the image' .format(n, m)) return np.array(xcoord), np.array(ycoord)
def preprocess(self, s): s = color.rgb2gray(s).astype('float16') s = s.reshape(list(s.shape) + [1]) s = transf.downscale_local_mean(s, (2, 2, 1)) # Downsample s = s[17:-8, :, :] return s
print len(data) print len(labels) data = np.array(data) print data.shape new_data = [] data = np.array(data) des = data.shape[0] / 100 if (whichdata == 2): data = [] labels = [] for i in range(1, 12): folder = "./Face_data/" + str(i) + "/" for face in os.listdir(folder): if ("yale" in face and "info" not in face): f = misc.imread(folder + face) f = downscale_local_mean(f, (12, 12)) if (f.shape == (16, 14)): data.append(f.ravel()) labels.append(i) data = np.array(data) labels = np.array(labels) print data.shape des = data.shape[0] data = np.array(data) acc = [] FPRS = [] TPRS = [] models = [] for _ in range(5): i_train = random.sample(range(0, data.shape[0]),
def ds(img): il, ih, iw = img.shape img_tmp = np.zeros((il, ih / 2, iw / 2)) for i in range(len(img)): img_tmp[i] = downscale_local_mean(img[i], (2, 2)) return img_tmp
def initialize_components(Y, K=30, gSig=[5, 5], gSiz=None, ssub=1, tsub=1, nIter=5, maxIter=5, nb=1, kernel=None, use_hals=True, normalize=True, img=None, method='greedy_roi', max_iter_snmf=500, alpha_snmf=10e2, sigma_smooth_snmf=(.5, .5, .5), perc_baseline_snmf=20): """Initalize components This method uses a greedy approach followed by hierarchical alternative least squares (HALS) NMF. Optional use of spatio-temporal downsampling to boost speed. Parameters ---------- Y: np.ndarray d1 x d2 [x d3] x T movie, raw data. K: [optional] int number of neurons to extract (default value: 30). tau: [optional] list,tuple standard deviation of neuron size along x and y [and z] (default value: (5,5). gSiz: [optional] list,tuple size of kernel (default 2*tau + 1). nIter: [optional] int number of iterations for shape tuning (default 5). maxIter: [optional] int number of iterations for HALS algorithm (default 5). ssub: [optional] int spatial downsampling factor recommended for large datasets (default 1, no downsampling). tsub: [optional] int temporal downsampling factor recommended for long datasets (default 1, no downsampling). kernel: [optional] np.ndarray User specified kernel for greedyROI (default None, greedy ROI searches for Gaussian shaped neurons) use_hals: [optional] bool Whether to refine components with the hals method normalize: [optional] bool Whether to normalize data before running the initialization img: optional [np 2d array] Image with which to normalize. If not present use the mean + offset method: str Initialization method 'greedy_roi' or 'sparse_nmf' max_iter_snmf: int Maximum number of sparse NMF iterations alpha_snmf: scalar Sparsity penalty Returns -------- Ain: np.ndarray (d1*d2[*d3]) x K , spatial filter of each neuron. Cin: np.ndarray T x K , calcium activity of each neuron. center: np.ndarray K x 2 [or 3] , inferred center of each neuron. bin: np.ndarray (d1*d2[*d3]) x nb, initialization of spatial background. fin: np.ndarray nb x T matrix, initalization of temporal background. """ if gSiz is None: gSiz = 2 * np.asarray(gSig) + 1 d, T = np.shape(Y)[:-1], np.shape(Y)[-1] # rescale according to downsampling factor gSig = np.round(np.asarray(gSig) // ssub).astype( gSiz = np.round(np.asarray(gSiz) // ssub).astype( print('Noise Normalization') if normalize is True: if img is None: img = np.mean(Y, axis=-1) img += np.median(img) Y = old_div(Y, np.reshape(img, d + (-1, ), order='F')) alpha_snmf /= np.mean(img) # spatial downsampling mean_val = np.mean(Y) if ssub != 1 or tsub != 1: print("Spatial Downsampling ...") Y_ds = downscale_local_mean(Y, tuple([ssub] * len(d) + [tsub]), cval=mean_val) else: Y_ds = Y print('Roi Extraction...') if method == 'greedy_roi': Ain, Cin, _, b_in, f_in = greedyROI(Y_ds, nr=K, gSig=gSig, gSiz=gSiz, nIter=nIter, kernel=kernel, nb=nb) if use_hals: print('Refining Components...') Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in = hals(Y_ds, Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in, maxIter=maxIter) elif method == 'sparse_nmf': Ain, Cin, _, b_in, f_in = sparseNMF(Y_ds, nr=K, nb=nb, max_iter_snmf=max_iter_snmf, alpha=alpha_snmf, sigma_smooth=sigma_smooth_snmf, remove_baseline=True, perc_baseline=perc_baseline_snmf) # print np.sum(Ain), np.sum(Cin) # print 'Refining Components...' # Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in = hals(Y_ds, Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in, maxIter=maxIter) # print np.sum(Ain), np.sum(Cin) elif method == 'pca_ica': Ain, Cin, _, b_in, f_in = ICA_PCA(Y_ds, nr = K, sigma_smooth=sigma_smooth_snmf, truncate = 2, fun='logcosh',\ max_iter=max_iter_snmf, tol=1e-10,remove_baseline=True, perc_baseline=perc_baseline_snmf, nb=nb) else: print(method) raise Exception("Unsupported method") K = np.shape(Ain)[-1] ds = Y_ds.shape[:-1] Ain = np.reshape(Ain, ds + (K, ), order='F') if len(ds) == 2: Ain = resize(Ain, d + (K, ), order=1) else: # resize only deals with 2D images, hence apply resize twice Ain = np.reshape([resize(a, d[1:] + (K, ), order=1) for a in Ain], (ds[0], d[1] * d[2], K), order='F') Ain = resize(Ain, (d[0], d[1] * d[2], K), order=1) Ain = np.reshape(Ain, (, K), order='F') #import pdb # pdb.set_trace() b_in = np.reshape(b_in, ds + (nb, ), order='F') if len(ds) == 2: b_in = resize(b_in, d + (nb, ), order=1) else: b_in = np.reshape([resize(b, d[1:] + (nb, ), order=1) for b in b_in], (ds[0], d[1] * d[2], nb), order='F') b_in = resize(b_in, (d[0], d[1] * d[2], nb), order=1) b_in = np.reshape(b_in, (, nb), order='F') Cin = resize(Cin, [K, T]) f_in = resize(np.atleast_2d(f_in), [nb, T]) # center = com(Ain, *d) center = np.asarray( [center_of_mass(a.reshape(d, order='F')) for a in Ain.T]) if normalize is True: #import pdb # pdb.set_trace() Ain = Ain * np.reshape(img, (, -1), order='F') b_in = b_in * np.reshape(img, (, -1), order='F') # b_in = np.atleast_2d(b_in * img.flatten('F')) #np.reshape(img, # (, -1),order='F') Y = Y * np.reshape(img, d + (-1, ), order='F') return Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in, center
def _forward(self, input_act): act = downscale_local_mean(np.rollaxis(input_act, 0, 4), (self.pool_size, self.pool_size, 1, 1)) return np.rollaxis(act, 3, 0)
def pre_processing(img): return transform.downscale_local_mean(img, (2, 2))
def read_and_downscale(f): img = plt.imread(f) ds = downscale_local_mean(img[:, :, 2], (10, 10)) return ds[:225, :300]
# There are lots of details to be worked out here, still -- mainly trying to select overlapping image patches. # In[ ]: from skimage.transform import downscale_local_mean img1 = plt.imread(set175[1])[:, :, 2] img2 = plt.imread(set175[3])[:, :, 2] # In[ ]: np.shape(img1), np.shape(img2) # In[ ]: img1ds = downscale_local_mean(img1, (10, 10)) img2ds = downscale_local_mean(img2, (10, 10)) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 10)) plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(img1ds[:225, :300]) plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(img2ds[:225, :300]) # For prototyping my goal is to get a bunch of downscaled images so that I can feed them in to test # plausibility of basic NN architecture decisions. # # Dims are subsampled and hard-coded for now so we don't have wrong dimensions showing up here and there. # In[ ]:
def process_image(state): state = color.rgb2gray(state) state = np.resize(downscale_local_mean(state, (4, 4)), (1, 60, 64, 1)) return state
def sk_downscale(imageIn, factors): """ use the scikit-image method for downsampling needs a tuple with same number of factors as dim of imgIn """ return downscale_local_mean(imageIn, factors)
def downsample(image, factors): return downscale_local_mean(image, tuple(factors))
def train_model(train_set, images_folder, valid_set): print('Start training model...') # Number of training samples m = train_set.shape[0] print('Number of samples: ', m) # Create empty dataframe x = np.empty((0, 64 * 64 * 3), float) y = np.empty((0, 384 * 384), float) for i in range(m): #print(train_set.iloc[i, 0]) # Read image image_path = images_folder + '/' + train_set.iloc[i, 0] img = io.imread(image_path) # Downscale img_t = transform.downscale_local_mean(img, (12, 12, 1)) img_t = img_t.astype(np.uint8) #plt.imshow(img_t.astype(np.uint8)) #exit(0) img_norm = img_t.astype(float) / 255.0 # Append to dataframe rgb = np.reshape(img_norm, (-1, 3)) array = np.concatenate((rgb[:, 0], rgb[:, 1], rgb[:, 2])) x = np.vstack((x, array)) mask = get_mask(train_set.iloc[i, 1]) y = np.vstack((y, mask)) # Setup the classifier model = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(4096, 2048), activation='relu', max_iter=1000, learning_rate_init=0.001, verbose=10) # Training the model print('Training model...'), y) # Save the model on hard disk for future uses joblib.dump(model, 'model.joblib') # Plot loss fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(model.loss_curve_) plt.xlabel('Iteration') plt.ylabel('Cost') fig.savefig('error_plot.png') return model
def __getitem__(self, idx): if torch.is_tensor(idx): idx = idx.tolist() img_name = os.path.join(self.root_dir, "t1/", self.list_of_images.iloc[idx, 0]) image_t1 = np.load(img_name) image_t2 = np.load( os.path.join(self.root_dir, "t2/", self.list_of_images.iloc[idx, 0])) image_t3 = np.load( os.path.join(self.root_dir, "t3/", self.list_of_images.iloc[idx, 0])) image_t4 = np.load( os.path.join(self.root_dir, "t4/", self.list_of_images.iloc[idx, 0])) image_t5 = np.load( os.path.join(self.root_dir, "t5/", self.list_of_images.iloc[idx, 0])) poss_targets = [image_t1, image_t2, image_t3, image_t4, image_t5] mediana = [ image_t1.mean(), image_t2.mean(), image_t3.mean(), image_t4.mean(), image_t5.mean() ] for i in range(len(mediana)): for j in range(len(mediana) - 1): if mediana[i] > mediana[j + 1]: var = poss_targets[i] poss_targets[i] = poss_targets[j + 1] poss_targets[j + 1] = var target = np.copy(poss_targets[2]) image_t1 = np.transpose(image_t1, (1, 2, 0)) # formato HWC image_t1 = transform.downscale_local_mean(image_t1, (2, 2, 1)) image_t1 = np.transpose(image_t1, (2, 0, 1)) # formato CHW image_t2 = np.transpose(image_t2, (1, 2, 0)) # formato HWC image_t2 = transform.downscale_local_mean(image_t2, (2, 2, 1)) image_t2 = np.transpose(image_t2, (2, 0, 1)) # formato CHW image_t3 = np.transpose(image_t3, (1, 2, 0)) # formato HWC image_t3 = transform.downscale_local_mean(image_t3, (2, 2, 1)) image_t3 = np.transpose(image_t3, (2, 0, 1)) # formato CHW image_t4 = np.transpose(image_t4, (1, 2, 0)) # formato HWC image_t4 = transform.downscale_local_mean(image_t4, (2, 2, 1)) image_t4 = np.transpose(image_t4, (2, 0, 1)) # formato CHW image_t5 = np.transpose(image_t5, (1, 2, 0)) # formato HWC image_t5 = transform.downscale_local_mean(image_t5, (2, 2, 1)) image_t5 = np.transpose(image_t5, (2, 0, 1)) # formato CHW if self.norm == True: image_t1 = image_t1 / 32767 image_t2 = image_t2 / 32767 image_t3 = image_t3 / 32767 image_t4 = image_t4 / 32767 image_t5 = image_t5 / 32767 target = target / 32767 if self.stand == True: image_t1_mean = image_t1.mean(keepdims=True, axis=(1, 2)) image_t1_stddev = image_t1.std(keepdims=True, axis=(1, 2)) image_t1 = (image_t1 - image_t1_mean) / image_t1_stddev image_t2_mean = image_t2.mean(keepdims=True, axis=(1, 2)) image_t2_stddev = image_t2.std(keepdims=True, axis=(1, 2)) image_t2 = (image_t2 - image_t2_mean) / image_t2_stddev image_t3_mean = image_t3.mean(keepdims=True, axis=(1, 2)) image_t3_stddev = image_t3.std(keepdims=True, axis=(1, 2)) image_t3 = (image_t3 - image_t3_mean) / image_t3_stddev image_t4_mean = image_t4.mean(keepdims=True, axis=(1, 2)) image_t4_stddev = image_t4.std(keepdims=True, axis=(1, 2)) image_t4 = (image_t4 - image_t4_mean) / image_t4_stddev image_t5_mean = image_t5.mean(keepdims=True, axis=(1, 2)) image_t5_stddev = image_t5.std(keepdims=True, axis=(1, 2)) image_t5 = (image_t5 - image_t5_mean) / image_t5_stddev target_mean = target.mean(keepdims=True, axis=(1, 2)) target_stddev = target.std(keepdims=True, axis=(1, 2)) target = (target - target_mean) / target_stddev samples = { 'image_1': image_t1.astype('float32'), 'image_2': image_t2.astype('float32'), 'image_3': image_t3.astype('float32'), 'image_4': image_t4.astype('float32'), 'image_5': image_t5.astype('float32') } t = {'target': target.astype('float32')} if self.transform != None: samples, t = self.transform(samples, t) return samples, t
def initialize_components(Y, K=30, gSig=[5, 5], gSiz=None, ssub=1, tsub=1, nIter=5, maxIter=5, nb=1, kernel=None, use_hals=True, normalize=True, img=None, method='greedy_roi', max_iter_snmf=500, alpha_snmf=10e2, sigma_smooth_snmf=(.5, .5, .5), perc_baseline_snmf=20): """Initalize components This method uses a greedy approach followed by hierarchical alternative least squares (HALS) NMF. Optional use of spatio-temporal downsampling to boost speed. Parameters ---------- Y: np.ndarray d1 x d2 [x d3] x T movie, raw data. K: [optional] int number of neurons to extract (default value: 30). tau: [optional] list,tuple standard deviation of neuron size along x and y [and z] (default value: (5,5). gSiz: [optional] list,tuple size of kernel (default 2*tau + 1). nIter: [optional] int number of iterations for shape tuning (default 5). maxIter: [optional] int number of iterations for HALS algorithm (default 5). ssub: [optional] int spatial downsampling factor recommended for large datasets (default 1, no downsampling). tsub: [optional] int temporal downsampling factor recommended for long datasets (default 1, no downsampling). kernel: [optional] np.ndarray User specified kernel for greedyROI (default None, greedy ROI searches for Gaussian shaped neurons) use_hals: [optional] bool Whether to refine components with the hals method normalize: [optional] bool Whether to normalize data before running the initialization img: optional [np 2d array] Image with which to normalize. If not present use the mean + offset method: str Initialization method 'greedy_roi' or 'sparse_nmf' max_iter_snmf: int Maximum number of sparse NMF iterations alpha_snmf: scalar Sparsity penalty Returns -------- Ain: np.ndarray (d1*d2[*d3]) x K , spatial filter of each neuron. Cin: np.ndarray T x K , calcium activity of each neuron. center: np.ndarray K x 2 [or 3] , inferred center of each neuron. bin: np.ndarray (d1*d2[*d3]) x nb, initialization of spatial background. fin: np.ndarray nb x T matrix, initalization of temporal background. """ if gSiz is None: gSiz = 2 * np.asarray(gSig) + 1 d, T = np.shape(Y)[:-1], np.shape(Y)[-1] # rescale according to downsampling factor gSig = np.round(np.asarray(gSig) // ssub).astype( gSiz = np.round(np.asarray(gSiz) // ssub).astype( print('Noise Normalization') if normalize is True: if img is None: img = np.mean(Y, axis=-1) img += np.median(img) Y = old_div(Y, np.reshape(img, d + (-1,), order='F')) alpha_snmf /= np.mean(img) # spatial downsampling mean_val = np.mean(Y) if ssub != 1 or tsub != 1: print("Spatial Downsampling ...") Y_ds = downscale_local_mean(Y, tuple([ssub] * len(d) + [tsub]), cval=mean_val) else: Y_ds = Y print('Roi Extraction...') if method == 'greedy_roi': Ain, Cin, _, b_in, f_in = greedyROI( Y_ds, nr=K, gSig=gSig, gSiz=gSiz, nIter=nIter, kernel=kernel, nb=nb) if use_hals: print('Refining Components...') Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in = hals(Y_ds, Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in, maxIter=maxIter) elif method == 'sparse_nmf': Ain, Cin, _, b_in, f_in = sparseNMF(Y_ds, nr=K, nb=nb, max_iter_snmf=max_iter_snmf, alpha=alpha_snmf, sigma_smooth=sigma_smooth_snmf, remove_baseline=True, perc_baseline=perc_baseline_snmf) # print np.sum(Ain), np.sum(Cin) # print 'Refining Components...' # Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in = hals(Y_ds, Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in, maxIter=maxIter) # print np.sum(Ain), np.sum(Cin) else: print(method) raise Exception("Unsupported method") K = np.shape(Ain)[-1] ds = Y_ds.shape[:-1] Ain = np.reshape(Ain, ds + (K,), order='F') if len(ds) == 2: Ain = resize(Ain, d + (K,), order=1) else: # resize only deals with 2D images, hence apply resize twice Ain = np.reshape([resize(a, d[1:] + (K,), order=1) for a in Ain], (ds[0], d[1] * d[2], K), order='F') Ain = resize(Ain, (d[0], d[1] * d[2], K), order=1) Ain = np.reshape(Ain, (, K), order='F') #import pdb # pdb.set_trace() b_in = np.reshape(b_in, ds + (nb,), order='F') if len(ds) == 2: b_in = resize(b_in, d + (nb,), order=1) else: b_in = np.reshape([resize(b, d[1:] + (nb,), order=1) for b in b_in], (ds[0], d[1] * d[2], nb), order='F') b_in = resize(b_in, (d[0], d[1] * d[2], nb), order=1) b_in = np.reshape(b_in, (, nb), order='F') Cin = resize(Cin, [K, T]) f_in = resize(np.atleast_2d(f_in), [nb, T]) # center = com(Ain, *d) center = np.asarray([center_of_mass(a.reshape(d, order='F')) for a in Ain.T]) if normalize is True: #import pdb # pdb.set_trace() Ain = Ain * np.reshape(img, (, -1), order='F') b_in = b_in * np.reshape(img, (, -1), order='F') # b_in = np.atleast_2d(b_in * img.flatten('F')) #np.reshape(img, # (, -1),order='F') Y = Y * np.reshape(img, d + (-1,), order='F') return Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in, center
def reconstruct(self, downsample=(4, 4), crop=True, median_filter=False, kernel=9, recon_alg='fbp', sart_iters=1, crop_circle=False, save=True, fancy_out=True): """ Reconstruct the data using a radon transform. Reconstructed slices saved in folder specified upon class creation. # downsample: Downsample (local mean) data before reconstructing. Specify mean kernel size (height, width). # pre_filter: If True apply median filter to data before reconstructing # kernel: Kernel size to use for median filter """ if self.cor_offset >= 0: images = self.im_stack[:, self.cor_offset:] else: images = self.im_stack[:, :self.cor_offset] images = images[:, :, self.p0:self.num_images + self.p0] if crop: left, right, top, bottom = self.crop images = images[top:bottom, left:right] images = downscale_local_mean(images, downsample + (1, )) recon_height, recon_width = images.shape[:2] self.recon_data = np.zeros((recon_width, recon_width, recon_height)) if median_filter: print('Applying median filter...') for i in range(images.shape[-1]): sys.stdout.write('\rProgress: [{0:20s}] {1:.0f}%'.format('#' * int(20 * (i + 1) / images.shape[-1]), 100 * ((i + 1) / images.shape[-1]))) sys.stdout.flush() images[:, :, i] = medfilt(images[:, :, i], kernel_size=kernel) print('\nReconstructing...') if save: save_folder = os.path.join(self.folder, 'reconstruction') if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) for the_file in os.listdir(save_folder): file_path = os.path.join(save_folder, the_file) if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) if fancy_out: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4)) fig.canvas.set_window_title('Reconstruction') patch = Wedge((.5, .5), .375, 90, 90, width=0.1) ax.add_patch(patch) ax.axis('equal') ax.set_xlim([0, 1]) ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax.axis('off') t = ax.text(0.5, 0.5, '0%%', fontsize=15, ha='center', va='center') for j in range(recon_height): # Update figure every other slice if fancy_out and j % 2 == 0: patch.set_theta1(90 - 360 * (j + 1) / recon_height) progress = 100 * (j + 1) / recon_height t.set_text('%02d%%' % progress) plt.pause(0.001) else: sys.stdout.write('\rProgress: [{0:20s}] {1:.0f}%'.format('#' * int(20 * (j + 1) / recon_height), 100 * ((j + 1) / recon_height))) sys.stdout.flush() sino_tmp = np.squeeze(images[j, :, :]) if recon_alg is 'sart': image_tmp = iradon_sart(sino_tmp, theta=self.angles) for i in range(sart_iters - 1): image_tmp = iradon_sart(sino_tmp, theta=self.angles, image=image_tmp) else: image_tmp = iradon(sino_tmp, theta=self.angles, filter=None, circle=True) # if crop_circle: # image_tmp = image_tmp[w0:wf, w0:wf] self.recon_data[:, :, j] = image_tmp if crop_circle: w = int((recon_width**2 / 2)**0.5) w = w if (w - recon_width) % 2 == 0 else w - 1 w0 = int((recon_width - w) / 2 ) wf = int(w0 + w) self.recon_data = self.recon_data[w0:wf, w0:wf] if save: for j in range(recon_height): image_tmp = self.recon_data[:, :, j] imsave(os.path.join(save_folder, '%04d.tif' % j), image_tmp) if fancy_out: plt.close()
abs_pix = np.sqrt((x**2 + y**2)).ravel() angle_pix = np.arctan2(y, x).ravel() angle_array, abs_array = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 900), np.linspace(0, np.sqrt(2), 900)) polar_image = griddata((angle_pix, abs_pix), image.ravel(), (angle_array.ravel(), abs_array.ravel()), method='nearest') #nearest cubic linear polar_image = polar_image.reshape(900, 900) grad_r, grad_fi = np.gradient(polar_image) grad_r = downscale_local_mean(grad_r, (30, 30)) grad_fi = downscale_local_mean(grad_fi, (30, 30)) abs_array = abs_array[::30, ::30] angle_array = angle_array[::30, ::30] polar_image = np.zeros((30, 30), dtype=np.float) grad_r_na = grad_r[:, :450] grad_r_na = np.fliplr(grad_r_na) polar_image[:, :450] = np.fliplr(cumtrapz(grad_r_na, axis=0, initial=0)) polar_image[:, 450:] = cumtrapz(grad_r[:, 450:], axis=0, initial=0) # polar_image = cumtrapz(grad_r, axis=0, initial=0) # integral_over_fi = 0 # for i in range( grad_fi.shape[1] - 2 ): # integral_over_fi += cumtrapz(np.roll(grad_fi, i+1, axis=1), axis=1, initial=0) # integral_over_fi /= (i+1)
def downsample_4_image(path): image = io.imread(path, as_grey=True) image_downsampled = downscale_local_mean(image, (4, 4)) plt.gray() matplotlib.image.imsave(path + "_downsampled.jpg", image_downsampled)
def _prepare_data(idx, batch_idx): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Preparation of the image data if len(im_list_raw) > idx: # Check whether the result exists if a target folder is given here if target_folder is not None: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(target_folder, os.path.split(im_list_raw[idx])[1])): # Return Nones for each slice that was already computed if verbose: print('{} already exists, nothing to do...'.format(os.path.split(im_list_raw[idx])[1])) return None, None, None, None # Load the raw data slice im = imread(im_list_raw[idx]) assert im.dtype in ['uint8', 'uint16'], 'Only the data types uint8 and uint16 are supported!' else: # This happens if the number of images does not divide by the number of batches (smaller last batch) # Return Nones for each missing slice to fill up the batch if verbose: print('Filling up batch...') return None, None, None, None # Start end end indices for the median filter, idx being the current slice position in the center start_id = idx - median_radius end_id = idx + median_radius + 1 # Load the necessary data for the z-median filtered slice for load_idx, slice_idx in enumerate(range(start_id, end_id)): load_idx += idx - batch_idx # print('load_idx = {}; slice_idx = {}'.format(load_idx, slice_idx)) if 0 <= slice_idx < len(im_list_pre): if template_data[load_idx] is None: template_data[load_idx] = imread(im_list_pre[slice_idx]) assert template_data[load_idx].dtype == 'uint8', 'Only 8bit template data is supported!' # else: # print('Template data is not None') # else: # print('slice_idx < 0') # Do the median smoothing to obtain one composition image at the current z-position ims = [x for x in template_data[idx - batch_idx: idx - batch_idx + median_radius * 2 + 1] if x is not None] median_z = np.median(ims, axis=0).astype('uint8') del ims # The sift doesn't like images of different size. This fixes some cases by cropping away areas from the raw data # that are zero and padding it with zeros to the size of the template image # We are assuming here that the template data slices are larger than the non-zero region of interest in the raw # data. if im.shape != median_z.shape: try: bounds = _crop_zero_padding(im) cropped_im = im[bounds] t_im = np.zeros(median_z.shape, dtype=im.dtype) t_im[0:cropped_im.shape[0], 0:cropped_im.shape[1]] = cropped_im im = t_im except ValueError as e: # This happened when a white slice was present (no zero pixel) warnings.warn('Cropping zero-padding failed with ValueError: {}'.format(str(e))) print('This happens if a completely black slice is present in the data. ') print('Affected slice: {}'.format(im_list_raw[idx])) print('Replacing with empty slice ...') im = np.zeros(median_z.shape, dtype=im.dtype) # Gaussian smooth the image and the median_z for the SIFT step if sift_sigma is not None: median_z_smooth = gaussianSmoothing(median_z, sift_sigma) if im.dtype == 'uint8': im_smooth = gaussianSmoothing(im, sift_sigma) else: # vigra.gaussianSmoothing cannot handle 16 bit data im_smooth = gaussianSmoothing(im.astype('float32'), sift_sigma) # The data for the sift step does not require to be 16 bit im_smooth = (im_smooth / (2 ** 16) * (2 ** 8)).astype('uint8') else: median_z_smooth = median_z.copy() im_smooth = im.copy() if im_smooth.dtype == 'uint16': # The data for the sift step does not require to be 16 bit im_smooth = (im_smooth.astype('float32') / (2 ** 16) * (2 ** 8)).astype('uint8') # Downsample for SIFT step for speed-up of computation if sift_downsample is not None: median_z_smooth = downscale_local_mean(median_z_smooth, sift_downsample).astype('uint8') im_smooth = downscale_local_mean(im_smooth, sift_downsample).astype('uint8') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return the results assert im.dtype in ['uint8', 'uint16'] assert im_smooth.dtype == 'uint8' assert median_z.dtype == 'uint8' assert median_z_smooth.dtype == 'uint8' return im, im_smooth, median_z, median_z_smooth
def cascadeCorners(img_path, georef_path, truth_corners, plot, downscale_factor): img = imread(img_path, as_gray=True) georef_img = imread(georef_path, as_gray=True) # downscale images img_small = downscale_local_mean(img, (downscale_factor, downscale_factor)) georef_img_small = downscale_local_mean( georef_img, (downscale_factor, downscale_factor)) # blurring adds 0.8s (6.7->7.5) per image on average, but helps with correct corner identification (even though 3,3 gaussian is a bit much...) img_small = filters.gaussian(img_small, sigma=(3, 3), truncate=1.0) georef_img_small = filters.gaussian(georef_img_small, sigma=(3, 3), truncate=1.0) # rescale truth corners to small resolution scaled_corners = [(x // downscale_factor, y // downscale_factor) for (x, y) in truth_corners] # find corners in small image corner_points = findCorners(img_small, georef_img_small, scaled_corners, template_size=20, plot=plot) # rescale found coordinates to original resolution corner_points = [(x * downscale_factor, y * downscale_factor) for (x, y) in corner_points] corner_coords = [] for idx, corner in enumerate(corner_points): roi_size = 100 template_size = 20 # extract ROI from original size image x_min = max(0, corner[1] - roi_size) x_max = max(0, corner[1] + roi_size) y_min = max(0, corner[0] - roi_size) y_max = max(0, corner[0] + roi_size) roi = georef_img[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max] ref_corner = truth_corners[idx] template = img[ref_corner[1] - template_size:ref_corner[1] + template_size, ref_corner[0] - template_size:ref_corner[0] + template_size] # match again in ROIs match = match_corner(roi, template) match = (match[0] + (y_min), match[1] + (x_min) ) # scale match to non-ROI positions corner_coords.append(get_coords_from_raster(georef_path, match)) if plot: # show corners ax = plt.subplot(2, 4, idx + 1) ax.set_title("original") plt.xticks([], []) plt.yticks([], []) plt.gray() plt.imshow(template) ax = plt.subplot(2, 4, idx + 5) ax.set_title("warped") plt.xticks([], []) plt.yticks([], []) plt.gray() x_min = max(0, match[1] - template_size) x_max = min(georef_img.shape[0], match[1] + template_size) y_min = max(0, match[0] - template_size) y_max = min(georef_img.shape[1], match[0] + template_size) plt.imshow(georef_img[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max]) # plt.imshow(georef_img[match[1]-template_size:match[1]+template_size, match[0]-template_size:match[0]+template_size]) # TODO: plot center point, to show pixel perfect location if plot: return corner_coords
img = mpimg.imread(x[i][2]) gray_img = segment(img).ravel() trainX = np.vstack((trainX, gray_img)) trainY.append(int(x[i][0])) trainY = np.array(trainY) f = open('test','r') x = f.readlines() testY = [] testX = np.array([]).reshape(0, 300*400) for i in range(len(x)): x[i] = x[i].strip().split('\t') path = x[i][2] img = imread(x[i][2]) print(i) gray_img = segment(img) gray_img = downscale_local_mean(gray_img, (4,4)).ravel() testX = np.vstack((testX, gray_img)) testY.append(int(x[i][0])) testY = np.array(testY)'testX.npy', testX)'testY.npy', testY) #'trainX.npy', trainX) #'trainY.npy', trainY)
def preproc_field(field, mask, inpaint=True, median=True, med_size=(3, 1), downscale=True, dscale_size=(2, 2), sigmoid=False, scale=None, expon=None, only_inpaint=False, gradient=False, log_scale=False): """ Preprocess an input field image with a series of steps: 1. Inpainting 2. Median 3. Downscale 4. Sigmoid 5. Scale 6. Remove mean Parameters ---------- field : np.ndarray mask : np.ndarray Data mask. True = masked inpaint : bool, optional if True, inpaint masked values median : bool, optional If True, apply a median filter med_size : tuple Median window to apply downscale : bool, optional If True downscale the image dscale_size : tuple, optional Size to rescale by scale : float Scale the SSTa values by this multiplicative factor expon : float Exponate the SSTa values by this exponent gradient : bool, optional If True, apply a Sobel gradient enhancing filter Returns ------- pp_field, meta_dict : np.ndarray, dict Pre-processed field, mean temperature """ meta_dict = {} # Inpaint? if inpaint: if != 'uint8': mask = np.uint8(mask) field = sk_inpaint.inpaint_biharmonic(field, mask, multichannel=False) if only_inpaint: if np.any(np.isnan(field)): return None, None else: return field, None # Capture more metadata srt = np.argsort(field.flatten()) meta_dict['Tmax'] = field.flatten()[srt[-1]] meta_dict['Tmin'] = field.flatten()[srt[0]] i10 = int(0.1 * field.size) i90 = int(0.9 * field.size) meta_dict['T10'] = field.flatten()[srt[i10]] meta_dict['T90'] = field.flatten()[srt[i90]] # Median if median: field = median_filter(field, size=med_size) # Reduce to 64x64 if downscale: field = downscale_local_mean(field, dscale_size) # Check for junk if np.any(np.isnan(field)): return None, None # De-mean the field mu = np.mean(field) pp_field = field - mu meta_dict['mu'] = mu # Sigmoid? if sigmoid: pp_field = special.erf(pp_field) # Scale? if scale is not None: pp_field *= scale # Exponate? if expon is not None: neg = pp_field < 0. pos = np.logical_not(neg) pp_field[pos] = pp_field[pos]**expon pp_field[neg] = -1 * (-1 * pp_field[neg])**expon # Sobel Gradient? if gradient: pp_field = filters.sobel(pp_field) # Log? if log_scale: if not gradient: raise IOError("Only implemented with gradient=True so far") # Set 0 values to the lowest non-zero value zero = pp_field == 0. if np.any(zero): min_nonz = np.min(pp_field[np.logical_not(zero)]) pp_field[zero] = min_nonz # Take log pp_field = np.log(pp_field) # Return return pp_field, meta_dict
def trip_diffusion_convolution(self, img, trip_filter): n = DESTINATION_PROFILE_SPATIAL_AGGREGATION M = downscale_local_mean(img, (n, n)) M = np.tensordot(trip_filter, M) M = resize(M, img.shape, mode='edge') return M
# 4. Register ### path = sys.argv[1] nframes = int(sys.argv[2]) #'/media/timrudge/tjr34_ntfs/Microscopy/Cavendish/10.01.16/Pos0000' infile = os.path.join(path, 'Frame%04dStep%04d.tiff') outfile = os.path.join(path, 'aligned_Frame%04dStep%04d.tiff') outfile_mask = os.path.join(path, 'aligned_mask_Frame%04dStep%04d.tiff') startframe = 0 step = 1 scale = 2 im1 = imread(infile % (0, startframe), plugin='tifffile').astype(np.float32) im1 = gaussian_filter(im1, 1) im1 = downscale_local_mean(im1, (scale, scale)) # Use first image to compute background of 1st channel bgmean = np.mean(im1.ravel()) bgstd = np.std(im1.ravel()) bgval = bgmean + bgstd * 2 print(bgmean) im2 = imread(infile % (2, startframe + step), plugin='tifffile').astype(np.float32) im2 = gaussian_filter(im2, 1) im2 = downscale_local_mean(im2, (scale, scale)) shifts = np.zeros((nframes - step, 2)) # Offset images to align to sequentially
def rasterize(shp, ext_outline=False, ext_fill=True, int_outline=False, int_fill=False, scale_factor=4): """Convert a vector shape to a raster. Assumes the shape has already been transformed in to a pixel based coordinate system. The algorithm checks for the intersection of each point in the shape with a pixel grid created by the bounds of the shape. Partial overlaps are estimated by scaling the image in X and Y by the scale factor, rasterizing the shape, and downscaling (using mean), back to the bounds of the original shape. Parameters ---------- shp: shapely.Polygon or Multipolygon The shape to rasterize ext_outline: boolean (default False) Include the outline of the shape in the raster ext_fill: boolean (default True) Fill the shape in the raster int_outline: booelan (default False) Include the outline of the interior shapes int_fill: boolean (default False): Fill the interior shapes scale_factor: int (default 4) The amount to scale the shape in X, Y before downscaling. The higher this number, the more precise the estimate of the overlap. Returns ------- np.ndarray representing the rasterized shape. """ sf = scale_factor minx, miny, maxx, maxy = map(int, shp.bounds) if minx == maxx and miny == maxy: return np.array([[1.]]) elif maxy > miny and minx == maxx: n = maxy - miny + 1 return np.zeros([n, 1]) + 1./n elif maxy == miny and minx < maxx: n = maxx - minx + 1 return np.zeros([1, n]) + 1./n if ((maxx - minx + 1) + (maxy - miny + 1)) <= 2*sf: sf = 1.0 shp = scale(shp, xfact=sf, yfact=sf) minx, miny, maxx, maxy = shp.bounds width = int(maxx - minx + 1) height = int(maxy - miny + 1) img ='L', (width, height), 0) _shp = shp.geoms if hasattr(shp, "geoms") else [shp] ext_outline = int(ext_outline) ext_fill = int(ext_fill) int_outline = int(int_outline) int_fill = int(int_fill) for pg in _shp: ext_pg = [(x-minx, y-miny) for x, y in pg.exterior.coords] ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(ext_pg, outline=ext_outline, fill=ext_fill) for s in pg.interiors: int_pg = [(x-minx, y-miny) for x, y in s.coords] ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(int_pg, outline=int_outline, fill=int_fill) return downscale_local_mean(np.array(img), (sf, sf))
def initialize_components(Y, K=30, gSig=[5, 5], gSiz=None, ssub=1, tsub=1, nIter=5, maxIter=5, kernel=None, use_hals=True, Cn=None, sn=None): """Initalize components This method uses a greedy approach followed by hierarchical alternative least squares (HALS) NMF. Optional use of spatio-temporal downsampling to boost speed. Parameters ---------- Y: np.ndarray d1 x d2 [x d3] x T movie, raw data. K: [optional] int number of neurons to extract (default value: 30). tau: [optional] list,tuple standard deviation of neuron size along x and y [and z] (default value: (5,5). gSiz: [optional] list,tuple size of kernel (default 2*tau + 1). nIter: [optional] int number of iterations for shape tuning (default 5). maxIter: [optional] int number of iterations for HALS algorithm (default 5). ssub: [optional] int spatial downsampling factor recommended for large datasets (default 1, no downsampling). tsub: [optional] int temporal downsampling factor recommended for long datasets (default 1, no downsampling). kernel: [optional] np.ndarray User specified kernel for greedyROI (default None, greedy ROI searches for Gaussian shaped neurons) use_hals: [bool] Whether to refine components with the hals method Returns -------- Ain: np.ndarray (d1*d2[*d3]) x K , spatial filter of each neuron. Cin: np.ndarray T x K , calcium activity of each neuron. center: np.ndarray K x 2 [or 3] , inferred center of each neuron. bin: np.ndarray (d1*d2[*d3]) x nb, initialization of spatial background. fin: np.ndarray nb x T matrix, initalization of temporal background. """ if gSiz is None: gSiz = 2 * np.asarray(gSig) + 1 d, T = np.shape(Y)[:-1], np.shape(Y)[-1] # rescale according to downsampling factor gSig = np.round(np.asarray(gSig) / ssub).astype( gSiz = np.round(np.asarray(gSiz) / ssub).astype( print 'Noise Normalization' if sn is not None: min_noise = np.percentile(sn, 2) noise = np.maximum(sn, min_noise) Y = Y / np.reshape(noise, d + (-1,),order='F') # spatial downsampling mean_val = np.mean(Y) if ssub != 1 or tsub != 1: print "Spatial Downsampling ..." Y_ds = downscale_local_mean(Y, tuple([ssub] * len(d) + [tsub]), cval=mean_val) if Cn is not None: Cn = downscale_local_mean(Cn, tuple([ssub] * len(d)), cval=mean_val) else: Y_ds = Y print 'Roi Extraction...' Ain, Cin, _, b_in, f_in = greedyROI( Y_ds, nr=K, gSig=gSig, gSiz=gSiz, nIter=nIter, kernel=kernel) if use_hals: print 'Refining Components...' Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in = hals(Y_ds, Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in, maxIter=maxIter) ds = Y_ds.shape[:-1] Ain = np.reshape(Ain, ds + (K,), order='F') if len(ds) == 2: Ain = resize(Ain, d + (K,), order=1) else: # resize only deals with 2D images, hence apply resize twice Ain = np.reshape([resize(a, d[1:] + (K,), order=1) for a in Ain], (ds[0], d[1] * d[2], K), order='F') Ain = resize(Ain, (d[0], d[1] * d[2], K), order=1) Ain = np.reshape(Ain, (, K), order='F') b_in = np.reshape(b_in, ds, order='F') # b_in = resize(b_in, ds) b_in = resize(b_in, d) b_in = np.reshape(b_in, (-1, 1), order='F') Cin = resize(Cin, [K, T]) f_in = resize(np.atleast_2d(f_in), [1, T]) # center = com(Ain, *d) center = np.asarray([center_of_mass(a.reshape(d, order='F')) for a in Ain.T]) if sn is not None: Ain = Ain * np.reshape(noise, (, -1),order='F') b_in = b_in * np.atleast_2d(noise).T Y = Y * np.reshape(noise, d + (-1,),order='F') return Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in, center
# antialias not yet in skimage 0.13.1 .... imm = rescale(imgray, 1.0 / 4.0, mode="reflect") # , anti_aliasing=False) lb = "Resscale / 4" iml.append(imm) lbl.append(lb) print("shape: ", imm.shape, ", dtype: ", imm.dtype) imm = resize(imgray, (imgray.shape[0] / 4, imgray.shape[1] / 4), mode="reflect") #, anti_aliasing=True) lb = "Resize to size" iml.append(imm) lbl.append(lb) print("shape: ", imm.shape, ", dtype: ", imm.dtype) print(lb) imm = downscale_local_mean(imgray, (4, 3)) lb = "Downscale 4/3" iml.append(imm) lbl.append(lb) print("shape: ", imm.shape, ", dtype: ", imm.dtype) print(lb) imm = rotate(imgray, 90, resize=True, mode="reflect") lb = "Rotate" iml.append(imm) lbl.append(lb) print("shape: ", imm.shape, ", dtype: ", imm.dtype) print(lb) imm = imgray > filters.threshold_li(imgray) lb = "Threshold"
#! /usr/bin/env python from skimage import io, feature, transform startlong=-8. startlat=43. scale=10. dbpic=io.imread("./example.jpg",as_grey=True) dbpic=transform.downscale_local_mean(dbpic, (10, 10)) edges=feature.canny(dbpic) with open("./out.csv","w+") as out: out.write("point,latitude,longitude\n") for ni,i in enumerate(edges): for nj,j in enumerate(i): if j: out.write("%02i-%02i,"%(ni,nj)) out.write("%f,%f\n"%(startlat-(ni/scale),startlong+(nj/scale)))
def rebin(img): img = img.reshape(inpshape) if crop_left: img = img[crop_left:,crop_left:] ret=downscale_local_mean(img, factors) return ret
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches from skimage import data, io from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu from skimage.segmentation import clear_border from skimage.measure import label, regionprops from skimage.morphology import closing, square from skimage.color import label2rgb, rgb2gray from skimage.transform import downscale_local_mean im_file = io.imread("photo.bmp") #image = data.coins()[50:-50, 50:-50] # image = scaled[:, :, 0] im_gray = rgb2gray(im_file) image = downscale_local_mean(im_gray, (10, 10)) # io.imsave("photo.png", image) # apply threshold thresh = threshold_otsu(image) bw = closing(image > thresh, square(5)) # remove artifacts connected to image border cleared = clear_border(bw) # label image regions label_image = label(bw) image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=image) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) ax.imshow(image) #_label_overlay)
def filter_and_voxelise(corrected_path): mean_filtered_stack = mean_filter(corrected_path) print 'Voxelising stack' voxelised_stack = tf.downscale_local_mean(mean_filtered_stack, (1, 4, 4)) return voxelised_stack
def generate(csv_file, images_folder, fraction): print("Generating input...") # Read dataset df = pd.read_csv(csv_file) # Add label df.loc[df['EncodedPixels'].notnull(), 'EncodedPixels'] = 1 df.loc[df['EncodedPixels'].isnull(), 'EncodedPixels'] = 0 # Change column name df.columns = ['ImageId', 'Label'] # Remove duplicates df_dropped = df.drop_duplicates(['ImageId'], keep='first') # Select a fraction of samples df_set = df_dropped.sample(frac=fraction, random_state=1) m = df_set.shape[0] print("Number of samples: ", m) # Create empty dataframe x = np.empty((0, 128 * 128), float) for i in range(m): # Read image image_path = images_folder + '/' + df_set.iloc[i, 0] img = io.imread(image_path) # Convert to grayscale img_gray = rgb2gray(img) # Compute FFT img_fft = fftpack.fft2(img_gray) img_abs = np.abs(img_fft) / (768 * 768) # Downscale fft_t = transform.downscale_local_mean(img_abs, (6, 6)) # Append to dataframe array = np.reshape(fft_t, (-1)) x = np.vstack((x, array)) # Column names column_names = ['ImageId', 'Label'] for i in range(x.shape[1]): column_names.append('Pixel_' + str(i)) # Create dataframe from pixels values df_pixels = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=column_names[2:]) # Concatenate the pixels values df_set.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_set = pd.concat([df_set, df_pixels], axis=1, ignore_index=True) # Add column names df_set.columns = column_names # Save csv df_set.to_csv('train_modified.csv', index=False)
def image_to_patches(self, path, patch_size=7, iterations=500, batch_size=20, color=False, downscale_factor=2, is_matrix=False, is_recons=False): ''' #***** args: path (string): Path and filename of input image patch_size (int): Pixel dimension of square patches taken of image color (boolean): Specifies conversion of image to RGB (True) or grayscale (False). Default value = false. When color = True, images in gray colorspace will still appear gray, but will thereafter be represented in RGB colorspace using three channels. downscale_factor: Specifies the extent to which the image will be downscaled. Greater values will result in more downscaling but faster speed. For no downscaling, use downscale_factor=1. returns: #*** ''' #open image and convert it to either RGB (three channel) or grayscale (one channel) if is_matrix: img = np.load(path) data = (img + 1) / 2 # it was +-1 matrix; now it is 0-1 matrix else: img = if color: img = img.convert('RGB') img = tl_unfold(img, mode=2).T print('img.shape_color_after_unfolding', img.shape) else: img = img.convert('L') # normalize pixel values (range 0-1) data = np.asarray(img) / 255 ''' img = np.load(path) data = (img + 1) / 2 # it was +-1 matrix; now it is 0-1 matrix ''' if DEBUG: print(np.asarray(img)) # downscale image for speed if downscale_factor > 1: data = downscale_local_mean(data, (downscale_factor, downscale_factor)) # show_array(data) if not is_recons: patches = extract_patches_2d(data, (patch_size, patch_size), max_patches=iterations * batch_size) else: # for reconstruction we need to use all patches not to mess up with the ordering patches = extract_patches_2d(data, (patch_size, patch_size)) # we do not need more than iterations*batch_size patches for training dictionaries # convert 7x7 squares to 1d (49,) vectors patches_flat = patches.reshape(len(patches), -1).T # (Num patches)*(7*7) array # .reshape(len(patches),-1) makes it two dimensional -- (Num patches)*(whatever that's correct) # take transpose to make it 49 * (Num patches) print(patches_flat.shape) return patches_flat
def downscale_channel(self, channel): return downscale_local_mean(channel, (self.down_factor, self.down_factor)).astype(np.uint8)
def main(): """ This script converts MRI scans in nifti format from a specified data path to numpy arrays (.npy). This is the required format to be used in the data generators of the Keras deep learning model created for the MRI-based classification of Alzheimer's Disease. In the settings can be specified which data set and data type should be converted. Also can be specified whether images should be converted to whole brain and/or down sampled images. A mask is applied to all images so that the area outside the brain is set to zero. Furthermore the images are cropped to this mask. This script should be run to create data before a model can be trained on this data with the '' script. """ # SETTINGS dataset = "PSI" # ADNI / PSI datatype = "GM" # T1 / T1m / GM WB = False # if True: whole brain images, if False: downsampled by factor 4 testing = True # if True: only applied to 4 subjects # create output dir if WB: save_path_WB = f"path/to/WB/" create_data_directory(save_path_WB) else: save_path_f4 = f"path/to/f4/" create_data_directory(save_path_f4) # set path to data if dataset == "ADNI": if datatype == "GM": data_path = f"path/to/cartesius_mount/Template_space/*/Brain_image_in_template_space/gmModulatedJacobian.nii.gz" elif datatype == "T1": data_path = "/mnt/cartesius/ADNI/Template_space/*_bl/Brain_image_in_MNI_space/result.nii.gz" elif datatype == "T1m": data_path = "/mnt/cartesius/ADNI/Template_space/*_bl/Brain_image_in_template_space/T1wModulatedJacobian.nii.gz" elif dataset == "PSI": if datatype == "GM": data_path = f"path/to/cartesius_mount_parelsnoer/Template_space/*/Brain_image_in_template_space/gmModulatedJacobian.nii.gz" elif datatype == "T1": data_path = "/mnt/cartesius/Parelsnoer/Template_space/PSI_*/Brain_image_in_MNI_space/result.nii.gz" elif datatype == "T1m": data_path = "/mnt/cartesius/Parelsnoer/Template_space/PSI_*/Brain_image_in_template_space/T1wModulatedJacobian.nii.gz" # create mask of brain template_file = f"path/to/cartesius_mount/Template_space/brain_mask_in_template_space.nii.gz" template = nib.load(template_file).get_fdata() mask = np.zeros(template.shape) mask[np.where(template != 0)] = 1 cnt = 0 # loop over all files in data path for filename in glob.glob(data_path): cnt += 1 # get subject ID if dataset == "ADNI": # format: ".../Template_space/*/Brain_image_in_template_space/..." common_substring_1 = "Template_space" common_substring_2 = "Brain_image_in_template_space" x1 = filename.index(common_substring_1) x2 = filename.index(common_substring_2) subject = filename[x1+15:x2-1] elif dataset == "PSI": #subject = filename[41:50] common_substring_1 = "Template_space" common_substring_2 = "Brain_image_in_template_space" x1 = filename.index(common_substring_1) x2 = filename.index(common_substring_2) subject = filename[x1+15:x2-1] if WB: if os.path.exists(save_path_WB + subject + ".h5py"): continue else: if os.path.exists(save_path_f4 + subject + ".h5py"): continue # for testing break early if testing: if cnt % 5 == 0: break print(subject) # print progress if cnt % 50 == 0: print('\n----- Working on subject number ' + str(cnt) + ' -----') # load .nii data as 3d numpy array image = nib.load(filename).get_fdata() # normalization for signal intensity if datatype == "T1": image = normalize(operator.mul(image, mask)) # apply mask + crop image masked = apply_mask(image, mask) # save as .npy if WB: # .npy to .h5py in order to save storage space with h5py.File(save_path_WB + subject + ".h5py", "w") as hf: hf.create_dataset(subject, data=masked, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9) + subject + '.npy', masked) else: # down sample by factor 4 based on local mean downsampled = downscale_local_mean(masked, (4, 4, 4)) # .npy to .h5py in order to save storage space with h5py.File(save_path_f4 + subject + ".h5py", "w") as hf: hf.create_dataset(subject, data=downsampled, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9)
def initialize_components(Y, K=30, gSig=[5,5], gSiz=None, ssub=1, tsub=1, nIter = 5, maxIter=5, kernel = None, use_hals=True,Cn=None,sn=None): """Initalize components This method uses a greedy approach followed by hierarchical alternative least squares (HALS) NMF. Optional use of spatio-temporal downsampling to boost speed. Parameters ---------- Y: np.ndarray d1 x d2 x T movie, raw data. K: [optional] int number of neurons to extract (default value: 30). tau: [optional] list,tuple standard deviation of neuron size along x and y (default value: (5,5). gSiz: [optional] list,tuple size of kernel (default 2*tau + 1). nIter: [optional] int number of iterations for shape tuning (default 5). maxIter: [optional] int number of iterations for HALS algorithm (default 5). ssub: [optional] int spatial downsampling factor recommended for large datasets (default 1, no downsampling). tsub: [optional] int temporal downsampling factor recommended for long datasets (default 1, no downsampling). kernel: [optional] np.ndarray User specified kernel for greedyROI (default None, greedy ROI searches for Gaussian shaped neurons) use_hals: [bool] Whether to refine components with the hals method Returns -------- Ain: np.ndarray (d1*d2) x K , spatial filter of each neuron. Cin: np.ndarray T x K , calcium activity of each neuron. center: np.ndarray K x 2 , inferred center of each neuron. bin: np.ndarray (d1*d2) X nb, initialization of spatial background. fin: np.ndarray nb X T matrix, initalization of temporal background. """ if gSiz is None: gSiz=(2*gSig[0] + 1,2*gSig[1] + 1) d1,d2,T=np.shape(Y) # rescale according to downsampling factor gSig = np.round([gSig[0]/ssub,gSig[1]/ssub]).astype( gSiz = np.round([gSiz[0]/ssub,gSiz[1]/ssub]).astype( print 'Noise Normalization' if sn is not None: min_noise=np.percentile(sn,2) noise=np.maximum(sn,min_noise) Y=Y/np.reshape(noise,(d1,d2))[:,:,np.newaxis] # spatial downsampling mean_val=np.mean(Y) if ssub!=1 or tsub!=1: print "Spatial Downsampling ..." Y_ds = downscale_local_mean(Y,(ssub,ssub,tsub),cval=mean_val) if Cn is not None: Cn = downscale_local_mean(Cn,(ssub,ssub),cval=mean_val) else: Y_ds = Y print 'Roi Extraction...' Ain, Cin, _, b_in, f_in = greedyROI2d(Y_ds, nr = K, gSig = gSig, gSiz = gSiz, nIter=nIter, kernel = kernel) if use_hals: print 'Refining Components...' Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in = hals_2D(Y_ds, Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in,maxIter=maxIter); #center = ssub*com(Ain,d1s,d2s) d1s,d2s,Ts=np.shape(Y_ds) Ain = np.reshape(Ain, (d1s, d2s,K),order='F') Ain = resize(Ain, [d1, d2, K],order=1) Ain = np.reshape(Ain, (d1*d2, K),order='F') b_in=np.reshape(b_in,(d1s, d2s),order='F') b_in = resize(b_in, [d1, d2]); b_in = np.reshape(b_in, (d1*d2, 1),order='F') Cin = resize(Cin, [K, T]) f_in = resize(np.atleast_2d(f_in), [1, T]) center = com(Ain,d1,d2) if sn is not None: Ain=Ain*np.reshape(noise,(d1*d2,))[:,np.newaxis] b_in=b_in*np.reshape(noise,(d1*d2,)) Y=Y*np.reshape(noise,(d1,d2))[:,:,np.newaxis] return Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in, center
`Downscale` operation serves the purpose of downsampling an n-dimensional image by calculating local mean on the elements of each block of the size factors given as a parameter to the function. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage import data from skimage.transform import rescale, resize, downscale_local_mean image = image_rescaled = rescale(image, 0.5) image_resized = resize(image, (400, 400), mode='reflect') image_downscaled = downscale_local_mean(image, (2, 3)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True) ax = axes.ravel() ax[0].imshow(image, cmap='gray') ax[0].set_title("Original image") ax[1].imshow(image_rescaled, cmap='gray') ax[1].set_title("Rescaled image") ax[2].imshow(image_resized, cmap='gray') ax[2].set_title("Resized image")
def normalize(x): # utility function to normalize a tensor by its L2 norm return x / (K.sqrt(K.mean(K.square(x))) + 1e-5) if os.path.isdir('crop_viz'): shutil.rmtree('crop_viz') os.mkdir('crop_viz') test_crops = [] for fn in glob.glob('data/splits/dev/*.tif'): img = None img = np.array(io.imread(fn), dtype='float32') scaled = None scaled = img / np.float32(255.0) scaled = downscale_local_mean(scaled, factors=(2,2)) test_crops.extend(utils.augment_test_image(scaled, img_width, img_height, NB_TEST_PATCHES)) print(len(test_crops)) if LAYER_NAME == 'prediction': label_encoder = pickle.load( open('models/' + MODEL_NAME + '/label_encoder.p', 'rb')) print('-> Working on classes:', label_encoder.classes_) NB_FILTERS = len(label_encoder.classes_) for filter_idx in range(0, NB_FILTERS): print('Processing filter', filter_idx) layer_output = layer_dict[LAYER_NAME].output if LAYER_NAME == 'prediction': loss = K.mean(layer_output[:, filter_idx])
example_dir = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(FILEPATH))[0] try: shutil.rmtree('viz/' + example_dir) except: pass os.mkdir('viz/' + example_dir) img = io.imread(FILEPATH) img = np.array(io.imread(FILEPATH), dtype='float32') print(img.shape) scipy.misc.imsave('viz/' + example_dir + '/orig.tiff', img) scaled = img / np.float32(255.0) scaled = downscale_local_mean(scaled, factors=(2, 2)) scipy.misc.imsave('viz/' + example_dir + '/downscaled' + '.tiff', scaled * 255) train_crops, _ = utils.augment_train_images([scaled], [0], NB_ROWS, NB_COLS, NB_PATCHES) for idx, x in enumerate(train_crops): x = x.reshape((x.shape[1], x.shape[2])) x *= 255 scipy.misc.imsave( 'viz/' + example_dir + '/train_crop_' + str(idx) + '.tiff', x) test_crops = utils.augment_test_image(scaled, NB_ROWS, NB_COLS, NB_PATCHES) for idx, x in enumerate(test_crops): x = x.reshape((x.shape[1], x.shape[2])) x *= 255
print(report) '''Show the classified validation images''' if ShowValidation: for s in range(len(ValidationSites.index)): UAVRaster = io.imread(DataFolder+'Cropped_'+ValidationSites.Abbrev[s]+'_'+str(ValidationSites.Month[s])+'_'+str(ValidationSites.Year[s])+'_UAVCLS.tif') UAVRaster[UAVRaster>3] =0 UAVRaster[UAVRaster<1] =0 UAVRasterRGB = np.zeros((UAVRaster.shape[0], UAVRaster.shape[1], 4)) UAVRasterRGB[:,:,0]=255*(UAVRaster==3) UAVRasterRGB[:,:,1]=255*(UAVRaster==2) UAVRasterRGB[:,:,2]=255*(UAVRaster==1) UAVRasterRGB[:,:,3] = 255*np.float32(UAVRaster != 0.0) UAVRasterRGB= downscale_local_mean(UAVRasterRGB, (10,10,1)) ValidRasterName = DataFolder+'Cropped_'+ValidationSites.Abbrev[s]+'_'+str(ValidationSites.Month[s])+'_'+str(ValidationSites.Year[s])+'_S2.tif' ValidRaster = io.imread(ValidRasterName) ValidRasterIR = np.uint8(np.zeros((ValidRaster.shape[0], ValidRaster.shape[1],4))) stretch=2 ValidRasterIR[:,:,0] = np.int16(stretch*255*ValidRaster[:,:,10]) ValidRasterIR[:,:,1] = np.int16(stretch*255*ValidRaster[:,:,5]) ValidRasterIR[:,:,2] = np.int16(stretch*255*ValidRaster[:,:,4]) ValidRasterIR[:,:,3]= 255*np.int16((ValidRasterIR[:,:,0] != 0.0)&(ValidRasterIR[:,:,1] != 0.0)) ValidTensor = slide_raster_to_tiles(ValidRaster, size) Valid=np.zeros(12) for n in range(1,13): if ('B'+str(n)) in FeatureSet: Valid[n-1]=1 ValidTensor = np.compress(Valid, ValidTensor, axis=3)
def plot_both( id_to_match, data_tree, data_pop, true_tree, true_pop, img_crop, widths=[14, 28, 56, 112, 224], save_dir=None, ): """Plot image, scene-level label, and super-res predictions at multiple scales. Parameters ---------- id_to_match : str ("int,int") The grid ID of the image to plot data_[tree,pop] : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The pixel-level superresolution predictions as arrays for treecover and population. true_[tree,pop] : float The scene-level labels for treecover and population img_crop : len-2 tuple The amount to crop the image along left/top and right/bottom dimensions. This is needed right, top, bottom. This is needed both because the feature extraction causes the predictions to be slightly smaller than the image (e.g. 256x256 image --> 254x254 predictions with a 3x3 filter), and because we may have cropped the predictions to be divisible by each scale of superresolution factor that we are displaying. widths : list of int The widths (in pixels) of the superresolution predictions to make. The last element should be equal to the length of the dimensions of ``data_[tree,pop]`` save_dir : str Path to directory where these images are saved. If None, do not save """ # plotting contexts context = sns.plotting_context("paper", font_scale=2) lines = True style = { "axes.grid": False, "axes.edgecolor": "0.0", "axes.labelcolor": "0.0", "axes.spines.right": lines, "": lines, "axes.spines.left": lines, "axes.spines.bottom": lines, } sns.set_context(context) sns.set_style(style) # set plotting context plot_bounds_tree = TREECOVER_CMAP_BOUNDS plot_bounds_pop = [0, 1000] plot_bounds = [plot_bounds_tree, plot_bounds_pop] names = ["treecover", "population"] names_disp = ["% Forest", "Pop. Dens."] # grab plotting constants from config file c_plotting = getattr(config, "plotting") cmap_fxn = c_plotting["cmap_fxn"] cmaps = [cmap_fxn(getattr(config, task)["color"]) for task in names] # get the image (returning blank if imagery is not saved) image_dir = Path(config.data_dir) / "raw" / "imagery" / "CONTUS_UAR" try: image_this = io.load_img_from_ids_local(id_to_match, image_dir, c=config) except FileNotFoundError: image_this = None for t, data_this in enumerate([(data_tree, true_tree), (data_pop, true_pop)]): pred_map = data_this[0] label_this = data_this[1] task_this = names[t] # get clipping bounds c_app = getattr(config, task_this) if c_app["logged"]: bounds = [np.exp(i) for i in c_app["us_bounds_log_pred"]] else: bounds = c_app["us_bounds_pred"] # collect maps by downscale level superres_preds_by_scale = [] for w in widths: # downscale assert pred_map.shape[0] % w == 0 this_preds = downscale_local_mean(pred_map, (w, w)) # clip if both bounds aren't None for this outcome if not (np.asarray(bounds) == None).all(): this_preds = np.clip(this_preds, *bounds) superres_preds_by_scale.append(this_preds) # plot for this variable cmap_this = cmaps[t] bounds_this = plot_bounds[t] plot_img_and_heatmap_and_preds_multiscale( image_this, superres_preds_by_scale, widths, label_this, cmap=cmap_this, vmin=bounds_this[0], vmax=bounds_this[1], name=names_disp[t], ) # save with descriptive name if save_dir is not None: plt.savefig( "{2}/{1}_multires_{0}.pdf".format(id_to_match, names[t], save_dir), bbox_inches="tight", )