Пример #1
    def _get_rand_transform_matrix(self, image_size, d, batch_size):

        M = np.zeros((batch_size, 8))

        for i in range(batch_size):
            tl_top = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top left corner, top
            tl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top left corner, left
            bl_bottom = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bot left corner, bot
            bl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bot left corner, left
            tr_top = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top right corner, top
            tr_right = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top right corner, right
            br_bottom = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bot right corner, bot
            br_right = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bot right corner, right

            transform = ProjectiveTransform()
            if i == 0:
                    np.array(((0, 0), (0, image_size),
                              (image_size, image_size), (image_size, 0))),
                    np.array(((0, 0), (0, image_size),
                              (image_size, image_size), (image_size, 0))))
                        ((tl_left, tl_top), (bl_left, image_size - bl_bottom),
                         (image_size - br_right, image_size - br_bottom),
                         (image_size - tr_right, tr_top))),
                    np.array(((0, 0), (0, image_size),
                              (image_size, image_size), (image_size, 0))))

            M[i] = transform.params.flatten()[:8]

        return M
Пример #2
    def apply_projection_transform(self, Xb, batch_size, image_size):
        d = image_size * 0.3 * self.intensity
        for i in np.random.choice(batch_size,
                                  int(batch_size * self.p),
            tl_top = random.uniform(-d, d)
            tl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)
            bl_bottom = random.uniform(-d, d)
            bl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)
            tr_top = random.uniform(-d, d)
            tr_right = random.uniform(-d, d)
            br_bottom = random.uniform(-d, d)
            br_right = random.uniform(-d, d)

            transform = ProjectiveTransform()
                np.array(((tl_left, tl_top), (bl_left, image_size - bl_bottom),
                          (image_size - br_right, image_size - br_bottom),
                          (image_size - tr_right, tr_top))),
                np.array(((0, 0), (0, image_size), (image_size, image_size),
                          (image_size, 0))))
            Xb[i] = warp(Xb[i],
                         output_shape=(image_size, image_size),
        return Xb
def apply_projection_transform(X, intensity=0.75, depth=1):
    d = image_size * 0.3 * intensity
    indices_project = np.random.choice(
        X.shape[0], math.ceil(X.shape[0]*depth*0.5), replace=False)
    for i in indices_project:
        tl_top = uniform(-d, d)     # Top left corner, top margin
        tl_left = uniform(-d, d)    # Top left corner, left margin
        bl_bottom = uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom left corner, bottom margin
        bl_left = uniform(-d, d)    # Bottom left corner, left margin
        tr_top = uniform(-d, d)     # Top right corner, top margin
        tr_right =uniform(-d, d)   # Top right corner, right margin
        br_bottom =uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom right corner, bottom margin
        br_right = uniform(-d, d)   # Bottom right corner, right margin

        transform = ProjectiveTransform()
                (tl_left, tl_top),
                (bl_left, image_size - bl_bottom),
                (image_size - br_right, image_size - br_bottom),
                (image_size - tr_right, tr_top)
            )), np.array((
                (0, 0),
                (0, image_size),
                (image_size, image_size),
                (image_size, 0)

        X_.append(warp(X[i], transform, output_shape=(image_size, image_size), order = 1, mode = 'edge'))
        X_.append(warp(X[i], transform.inverse, output_shape=(image_size, image_size), order = 1, mode = 'edge'))
    return np.asarray(X_)  
    def apply_warp_augmentation_on_an_image(self, image):
        image_size = image.shape[0]
        #aff_tform = AffineTransform(scale=(1, 1/1.2), rotation=1, shear=0.7, translation=(210, 50))
        aff_tform = AffineTransform(scale=(1, 1 / 1.2))
        image = warp(image,
                     output_shape=(image_size, image_size),

        x = image_size * 0.2
        # top_right - x,y
        # bottom_left - x,y
        # top_right - x,y
        # bottom_right - x,y
        tl_x, tl_y, bl_x, bl_y, tr_x, tr_y, br_x, br_y = np.random.uniform(
            -x, x, size=8)

        src = np.array([[tl_y, tl_x], [bl_y, image_size - bl_x],
                        [image_size - br_y, image_size - br_x],
                        [image_size - tr_y, tr_x]])
        dst = np.array([[0, 0], [0, image_size], [image_size, image_size],
                        [image_size, 0]])

        proj_tform = ProjectiveTransform()
        proj_tform.estimate(src, dst)

        image = warp(image,
                     output_shape=(image_size, image_size),

        return image
def apply_projection_transform(X, intensity):
    image_size = X.shape[1]
    d = image_size * 0.3 * intensity

    tl_top = random.uniform(-d, d)
    tl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)
    bl_bottom = random.uniform(-d, d)
    bl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)
    tr_top = random.uniform(-d, d)
    tr_right = random.uniform(-d, d)
    br_bottom = random.uniform(-d, d)
    br_right = random.uniform(-d, d)

    transform = ProjectiveTransform()
        np.array(((tl_left, tl_top), (bl_left, image_size - bl_bottom),
                  (image_size - br_right,
                   image_size - br_bottom), (image_size - tr_right, tr_top))),
        np.array(((0, 0), (0, image_size), (image_size, image_size),
                  (image_size, 0))))

    X = warp(X,
             output_shape=(image_size, image_size),

    return X
def projection_transform(image, max_warp=0.8, height=32, width=32):
    #Warp Location
    d = height * 0.3 * np.random.uniform(0, max_warp)

    #Warp co-ordinates
    tl_top = np.random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top left corner, top margin
    tl_left = np.random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top left corner, left margin
    bl_bottom = np.random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom left corner, bottom margin
    bl_left = np.random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom left corner, left margin
    tr_top = np.random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top right corner, top margin
    tr_right = np.random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top right corner, right margin
    br_bottom = np.random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom right corner, bottom margin
    br_right = np.random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom right corner, right margin

    ##Apply Projection
    transform = ProjectiveTransform()
        np.array(((tl_left, tl_top), (bl_left, height - bl_bottom),
                  (height - br_right, height - br_bottom), (height - tr_right,
        np.array(((0, 0), (0, height), (height, height), (height, 0))))
    output_image = warp(image,
                        output_shape=(height, width),
    return output_image
Пример #7
def coord(contours, r, g, b, box_img):
    t = ProjectiveTransform()  # Initiate Projective Transform

    # Use the Image and World Reference Points to Generate Source and Destination NumPy arrays for the transform
    src = np.asarray([i_bl, i_tl, i_tr, i_br])
    dst = np.asarray([w_bl, w_tl, w_tr, w_br])

    t.estimate(src, dst)  # Prepare the transform model
    i_nos = 0  # Count number of objects of the color
    objects = []  # Start with an empty array for image coordinates
    for k_coord in contours:  # Check each contour for a valid object
        y_k, x_k, w_k, h_k = cv2.boundingRect(k_coord)
        # Bound the individual contour with a rectangle
        if w_k > 40 and h_k > 40:  # Only select objects bigger than a threshold - to filter out disturbances
            cv2.rectangle(box_img, (y_k, x_k), (y_k + w_k, x_k + h_k),
                          (b, g, r), 2)
            # Draw a box on the image - to be subsequently printed on screen
            objects.append([x_k + h_k / 2, y_k + w_k / 2])
            # Add the object to the array (image coordinates)
            i_nos += 1  # Increase the count of number of objects
    if i_nos == 0:  # If there are no valid objects in the image
        world = []  # return empty array for world coordinates
    else:  # If there are valid objects in the image
        world = t(
        )  # Carry out Projective Transform to populate the world coordinates array
    return i_nos, objects, world  # return the no. of objects, image coordinates and world coordinates
Пример #8
def randomPerspective(im):
    wrapper of Projective (or perspective) transform, from 4 random points selected from 4 corners of the image within a defined region.
    region = 1 / 4
    A = pl.array([[0, 0], [0, im.shape[0]], [im.shape[1], im.shape[0]],
                  [im.shape[1], 0]])
    B = pl.array([
            int(randRange(0, im.shape[1] * region)),
            int(randRange(0, im.shape[0] * region))
            int(randRange(0, im.shape[1] * region)),
            int(randRange(im.shape[0] * (1 - region), im.shape[0]))
            int(randRange(im.shape[1] * (1 - region), im.shape[1])),
            int(randRange(im.shape[0] * (1 - region), im.shape[0]))
            int(randRange(im.shape[1] * (1 - region), im.shape[1])),
            int(randRange(0, im.shape[0] * region))

    pt = ProjectiveTransform()
    pt.estimate(A, B)
    return warp(im, pt, output_shape=im.shape[:2])
Пример #9
    def random_transform(cls, img):
        image_size = img.shape[0]
        d = image_size * 0.2
        tl_top, tl_left, bl_bottom, bl_left, tr_top, tr_right, br_bottom, br_right = np.random.uniform(
            -d, d, size=8)  # Bottom right corner, right margin
        aft = AffineTransform(scale=(1, 1 / 1.2))
        img = warp(img,
                   output_shape=(image_size, image_size),
        transform = ProjectiveTransform()
            np.array(((tl_left, tl_top), (bl_left, image_size - bl_bottom),
                      (image_size - br_right, image_size - br_bottom),
                      (image_size - tr_right, tr_top))),
            np.array(((0, 0), (0, image_size), (image_size, image_size),
                      (image_size, 0))))

        img = warp(img,
                   output_shape=(image_size, image_size),
        return img
Пример #10
def get_sprites(image, ctrs, debug=False):
    This function computes a projective transform from the source (mnist image) to
    the destination (contour) and extracts the warped sprite.
    # We make sure that we work on a local copy of the image
    img = image.copy()

    # We loop through the sprites
    sprts = []

    for contour in ctrs:

        # We compute the projective transform
        source_points = np.array([[28, 28], [0, 28], [0, 0], [28, 0]])
        destination_points = np.array(contour)
        transform = ProjectiveTransform()
        transform.estimate(source_points, destination_points)

        # We transform the image
        warped = warp(img, transform, output_shape=(28, 28))

        if debug:
            _, axis = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(8, 3))
            axis[0].imshow(img, cmap='gray')
            axis[0].plot(destination_points[:, 0], destination_points[:, 1], '.r')
            axis[1].imshow(warped, cmap='gray')


    return sprts
Пример #11
def apply_projection_transform_(X, intensity):
    image_size = X.shape[1]
    d = image_size * 0.3 * intensity
    for i in range(X.shape[0]):
        tl_top = random.uniform(-d, d)     # Top left corner, top margin
        tl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)    # Top left corner, left margin
        bl_bottom = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom left corner, bottom margin
        bl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)    # Bottom left corner, left margin
        tr_top = random.uniform(-d, d)     # Top right corner, top margin
        tr_right = random.uniform(-d, d)   # Top right corner, right margin
        br_bottom = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom right corner, bottom margin
        br_right = random.uniform(-d, d)   # Bottom right corner, right margin

        transform = ProjectiveTransform()
                (tl_left, tl_top),
                (bl_left, image_size - bl_bottom),
                (image_size - br_right, image_size - br_bottom),
                (image_size - tr_right, tr_top)
            )), np.array((
                (0, 0),
                (0, image_size),
                (image_size, image_size),
                (image_size, 0)
        X[i] = warp(X[i], transform, output_shape=(image_size, image_size), order = 1, mode = 'edge')

    return X
Пример #12
def normalize_image(image, image_colored, rescale_param=0.5):
    image = image.copy()
    image_colored = image_colored.copy()
    image_scaled = rescale(image, rescale_param)
    edges = canny(image_scaled)

    selem = disk(1)
    edges = dilation(edges, selem)

    edges = (edges).astype(np.uint8)
    img, ext_contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges.copy(),
    contour = max(ext_contours, key=cv2.contourArea)
    contour = contour.squeeze()

    epsilon = 0.05 * cv2.arcLength(contour, True)
    corners = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, epsilon, True).squeeze()
    corners = (perspective.order_points(corners))
    corners = corners / rescale_param

    size_square = min(image_scaled.shape)
    tform = ProjectiveTransform()
    tform.estimate(np.array([[0, 0], [1020, 0], [1020, 720], [0, 720]]),
    image_warped = warp(image_colored, tform)[:720, :1020]

    img = img_as_ubyte(image_warped)
    img = adjusting_brightness(img[30:-5, 15:-15], a=1.7, b=2)
    return img, tform
Пример #13
def apply_projection_transform(Xb, batch_size, image_size):
    Applies projection transform to a random subset of images. Projection margins are randomised in a range
    depending on the size of the image. Range itself is subject to scaling depending on augmentation intensity.
    d = image_size * 0.3 * intensity
    for i in np.random.choice(batch_size, int(batch_size * p), replace = False):        
        tl_top = random.uniform(-d, d)     # Top left corner, top margin
        tl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)    # Top left corner, left margin
        bl_bottom = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom left corner, bottom margin
        bl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)    # Bottom left corner, left margin
        tr_top = random.uniform(-d, d)     # Top right corner, top margin
        tr_right = random.uniform(-d, d)   # Top right corner, right margin
        br_bottom = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom right corner, bottom margin
        br_right = random.uniform(-d, d)   # Bottom right corner, right margin

        transform = ProjectiveTransform()
                (tl_left, tl_top),
                (bl_left, image_size - bl_bottom),
                (image_size - br_right, image_size - br_bottom),
                (image_size - tr_right, tr_top)
            )), np.array((
                (0, 0),
                (0, image_size),
                (image_size, image_size),
                (image_size, 0)
        Xb[i] = warp(Xb[i], transform, output_shape=(image_size, image_size), order = 1, mode = 'edge')

    return Xb
Пример #14
def warp_image_by_corner_points_projection(corner_points, image):
    """Given corner points of a Sudoku, warps original selection to a square image.

    :param corner_points:
    :type: corner_points: list
    :param image:
    :type image:

    # Clarify by storing in named variables.
    top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right = np.array(corner_points)

    top_edge = np.linalg.norm(top_right - top_left)
    bottom_edge = np.linalg.norm(bottom_right - bottom_left)
    left_edge = np.linalg.norm(top_left - bottom_left)
    right_edge = np.linalg.norm(top_right - bottom_right)

    L = int(np.ceil(max([top_edge, bottom_edge, left_edge, right_edge])))
    src = np.array([top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right])
    dst = np.array([[0, 0], [L - 1, 0], [0, L - 1], [L - 1, L - 1]])

    tr = ProjectiveTransform()
    tr.estimate(dst, src)
    warped_image = warp(image, tr, output_shape=(L, L))
    out = resize(warped_image, (500, 500))

    return out
Пример #15
def robustEstimate(ptsA, ptsB):
	Perform robust estimation on the given
	correspondences using RANSAC.

		ptsA: A 2 x N matrix of points.
		ptsB: A 2 x N matrix of points.

		The number of inliers within the points.
	src, dst, N = [], [], ptsA.shape[1]
	for i in xrange(N):
		src.append((ptsA[0, i], ptsA[1, i]))
		dst.append((ptsB[0, i], ptsB[1, i]))

	src, dst = np.asarray(src), np.asarray(dst)

	model = ProjectiveTransform()
	model.estimate(src, dst)
	model_robust, inliers = ransac((src, dst), ProjectiveTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=2, max_trials=100)

	return inliers
Пример #16
    def projection_transform(self, x):
        image_size = x.shape[1]

        change = image_size * 0.3 * self.intensity

        x_return = np.empty(x.shape, dtype=x.dtype)

        indices = np.random.choice(x.shape[0], int(x.shape[0] * self.ratio),
        for i in indices:
            changes = []
            for _ in range(8):
                changes.append(random.uniform(-change, change))

            transform = ProjectiveTransform()
                    (changes[0], changes[1]),  # top left
                    (changes[2], image_size - changes[3]),  # bottom left
                    (image_size - changes[4], changes[5]),  # top right
                    (image_size - changes[6], image_size - changes[7])  # bottom right
                )), np.array(
                    (0, 0),
                    (0, image_size),
                    (image_size, 0),
                    (image_size, image_size)

            x_return[i] = warp(x[i], transform,
                               output_shape=(image_size, image_size),
                               order=1, mode="edge")

        return x_return
Пример #17
def source_to_projection(src: List, verbose: bool = False):
    # for point in src:
    # print(round(point[0],3), round(point[1], 3))
    src = np.asarray(src)  # bottom_left, top_left, top_right, bottom_right
    dst = np.asarray([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0]])
    pt = ProjectiveTransform()
    pt.estimate(src, dst)
    return pt
Пример #18
 def projection(self, tile: HipsTile) -> ProjectiveTransform:
     """Estimate projective transformation on a HiPS tile."""
     corners = tile.meta.skycoord_corners.to_pixel(self.geometry.wcs)
     src = np.array(corners).T.reshape((4, 2))
     dst = tile_corner_pixel_coordinates(tile.meta.width)
     pt = ProjectiveTransform()
     pt.estimate(src, dst)
     return pt
Пример #19
 def _make_transform_to_crop(self, points, center_points):
     dst_points = self._get_points_to_transform(points, center_points)
     src_points = array([
         (0, 0),
         (0, self.HEIGHT),
         (self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT),
         (self.WIDTH, 0),
     tform = ProjectiveTransform()
     tform.estimate(src_points, dst_points)
     return tform
 def correct_warping(self):
     self.warpcorrected_keypoints = []
     coordinates = np.array(self.coordinates[:4])
     target_coordinates = np.asarray([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0]])
     t = ProjectiveTransform()
     for frame_count, keypoint_t in enumerate(self.keypoints):
         if np.size(keypoint_t) != 0:
             corrected_kp_t = t(keypoint_t[:,:2])
     return self.warpcorrected_keypoints
Пример #21
def test_projective_estimation():
    # exact solution
    tform = estimate_transform('projective', SRC[:4, :], DST[:4, :])
    assert_array_almost_equal(tform(SRC[:4, :]), DST[:4, :])

    # over-determined
    tform2 = estimate_transform('projective', SRC, DST)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tform2.inverse(tform2(SRC)), SRC)

    # via estimate method
    tform3 = ProjectiveTransform()
    tform3.estimate(SRC, DST)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tform3._matrix, tform2._matrix)
def transform_img(x, y, path, cla):
    Projective transform of all images in a class
    #Scale as in LeCun
    scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-0.1, 1.175))
    all_img = os.listdir(path)
    #List structure so I can .append
    aux = x.tolist()
    for img in all_img:
        if int(img[0:2]) == cla:
            image_path = path + '/' + img
            #prepare parameters for randomization
            intensity = 0.75
            image_read = cv2.imread(image_path, 0)  #read in greyscale
            resize = cv2.resize(image_read, (32, 32),
            image_shape = resize.shape
            image_size = image_shape[0]
            d = image_size * 0.3 * intensity
            #With these 8 parameters we can perform a transofrmation of the image in such a way
            #that the image is different enough from the original but not too different, since
            #we should be able to still recognize the class in the transformed image.
            tl_top = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top left corner, top margin
            tl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top left corner, left margin
            bl_bottom = random.uniform(-d,
                                       d)  # Bottom left corner, bottom margin
            bl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom left corner, left margin
            tr_top = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top right corner, top margin
            tr_right = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top right corner, right margin
            br_bottom = random.uniform(-d,
                                       d)  # Bottom right corner, bottom margin
            br_right = random.uniform(-d,
                                      d)  # Bottom right corner, right margin
            transform = ProjectiveTransform()
                np.array(((tl_left, tl_top), (bl_left, image_size - bl_bottom),
                          (image_size - br_right, image_size - br_bottom),
                          (image_size - tr_right, tr_top))),
                np.array(((0, 0), (0, image_size), (image_size, image_size),
                          (image_size, 0))))
            warped = warp(image_read,
                          output_shape=(image_size, image_size),
            X_new = scaler.fit_transform(warped)
            warped = np.reshape(X_new, (32, 32, 1))
    return np.array(aux), y
Пример #23
def randomPerspective(im,mask):

    region = 1/4
    A = pl.array([[0, 0], [0, im.shape[0]], [im.shape[1], im.shape[0]], [im.shape[1], 0]])
    B = pl.array([[int(randRange(0, im.shape[1] * region)), int(randRange(0, im.shape[0] * region))],
                  [int(randRange(0, im.shape[1] * region)), int(randRange(im.shape[0] * (1-region), im.shape[0]))],
                  [int(randRange(im.shape[1] * (1-region), im.shape[1])), int(randRange(im.shape[0] * (1-region), im.shape[0]))],
                  [int(randRange(im.shape[1] * (1-region), im.shape[1])), int(randRange(0, im.shape[0] * region))],

    pt = ProjectiveTransform()
    pt.estimate(A, B)

    return warp(im, pt, output_shape=im.shape[:2]), warp(mask, pt, output_shape=im.shape[:2])
Пример #24
def projective_transform(image, original_corners, final_corners):
    Correct perspective warping
    original_corners = np.array(original_corners)
    final_corners = np.array(final_corners)

    w = np.max(final_corners[:, 0])
    h = np.max(final_corners[:, 1])

    tform = ProjectiveTransform()
    tform.estimate(final_corners, original_corners)
    warped = warp(image, tform, output_shape=(h, w))
    return warped
 def prep_image(self):
   """Takes the solved coordinate system and makes a piecewise \
   transform on the origin image to the target image"""
   transform = ProjectiveTransform()
   self.coord_solver.coordinates = self.coord_solver.min_coords.copy()
   self.new_image = np.zeros(self.coord_solver.image.shape)
   coords = np.array([self.coord_solver.coordinates[x:x+2, y:y+2, :].reshape([4, 2]) for x in \
     range(self.coord_solver.coordinates.shape[0]) for y in range(self.coord_solver.coordinates.shape[1]) \
     if (self.coord_solver.coordinates[x:x+2, y:y+2, :].shape == (2, 2, 2))])
   canonical_coords = np.indices((self.coord_solver.width, self.coord_solver.height)).T.astype('float32')
   flattened_canonical = np.array([canonical_coords[x:x+2, y:y+2, :].reshape([4, 2]) for x in \
     range(canonical_coords.shape[0]-1) for y in range(canonical_coords.shape[1]-1)])
   mesh_size = self.coord_solver.mesh_factor
   print "needs %s calcs" % coords.shape[0]
   for k in range(coords.shape[0]):
     src = mesh_size*coords[k, :, :]
     canon_coord = mesh_size*flattened_canonical[k, :, :]
     des = mesh_size*flattened_canonical[k, :, :]
     if not transform.estimate(src, des):
       raise Exception("estimate failed at %s" % str(k))
     area_in_question_x = canon_coord[0, 0].astype(int)
     area_in_question_y = canon_coord[0, 1].astype(int)
     scaled_area = tf.warp(self.coord_solver.image, transform)
     self.new_image[area_in_question_y:area_in_question_y+mesh_size, \
       area_in_question_x:area_in_question_x+mesh_size] += scaled_area[area_in_question_y:\
       area_in_question_y+mesh_size, area_in_question_x:area_in_question_x+mesh_size]
Пример #26
 def prep_image(self):
   """Takes the solved coordinate system and makes a piecewise \
   transform on the origin image to the target image"""
   transform = ProjectiveTransform()
   self.coord_solver.coordinates = self.coord_solver.min_coords.copy()
   self.new_image = np.zeros(self.coord_solver.image.shape)
   coords = np.array([self.coord_solver.coordinates[x:x+2, y:y+2, :].reshape([4, 2]) for x in \
     range(self.coord_solver.coordinates.shape[0]) for y in range(self.coord_solver.coordinates.shape[1]) \
     if (self.coord_solver.coordinates[x:x+2, y:y+2, :].shape == (2, 2, 2))])
   canonical_coords = np.indices((self.coord_solver.width, self.coord_solver.height)).T.astype('float32')
   flattened_canonical = np.array([canonical_coords[x:x+2, y:y+2, :].reshape([4, 2]) for x in \
     range(canonical_coords.shape[0]-1) for y in range(canonical_coords.shape[1]-1)])
   mesh_size = self.coord_solver.mesh_factor
   print "needs %s calcs" % coords.shape[0]
   coord_grid = np.indices(self.coord_solver.image.shape[:-1]).T.astype('float32').reshape(-1,2)
   for k in range(coords.shape[0]):
     des = mesh_size*coords[k, :, :]
     canon_coord = mesh_size*flattened_canonical[k, :, :]
     src = mesh_size*flattened_canonical[0, :, :]
     if not transform.estimate(des, canon_coord):
       raise Exception("estimate failed at %s" % str(k))
     area_in_question_x = canon_coord[0, 0].astype(int)
     area_in_question_y = canon_coord[0, 1].astype(int)
     scaled_area = tf.warp(self.coord_solver.image, transform)
     area_path = path.Path([des[0],des[1],des[3],des[2],des[0]])
     points_in_area = area_path.contains_points(coord_grid,radius=0.00001).reshape(self.coord_solver.image.shape[:-1])
     self.new_image += scaled_area*points_in_area[:,:,np.newaxis]
Пример #27
def normalize_slice_projection(slice_pixel_array, crop_bounds, desired_width,
    result = np.zeros((desired_height, desired_width))
    #Crop bounds must be converted from (x, y) points to (y, x) points
    source_bounds = np.asarray([[0, 0], [0, desired_width],
                                [desired_height, desired_width],
                                [desired_height, 0]])
    destination_bounds = np.asarray([[crop_bounds[0][1], crop_bounds[0][0]],
                                     [crop_bounds[1][1], crop_bounds[1][0]],
                                     [crop_bounds[2][1], crop_bounds[2][0]],
                                     [crop_bounds[3][1], crop_bounds[3][0]]])
    projective_transform = ProjectiveTransform()
    if not projective_transform.estimate(source_bounds, destination_bounds):
        print("Cannot project from crop bounds to desired image dimensions")
        for x in range(0, desired_width):
            for y in range(0, desired_height):
                normalized_point = [y, x]
                transform = projective_transform(normalized_point)
                slice_point = transform[0]
                value = MathUtil.sample_image_bilinear(slice_pixel_array,
                result[y][x] = value

    return result
Пример #28
def preprocess_image(im):

    im = resize_im(im, MAX_SIDE_LENGTH)
    gray = rgb2gray(im)

    # Get the edges of the receipt
    top_line, right_line, bottom_line, left_line = get_receipt_edges(gray)

    # Intersect to get corners
    TR = line_intersection(top_line, right_line)
    TL = line_intersection(top_line, left_line)
    BR = line_intersection(bottom_line, right_line)
    BL = line_intersection(bottom_line, left_line)

    # Warp so receipt corners are image corners
    transform = ProjectiveTransform()
    height = max([BL[1] - TL[1], BR[1] - TR[1]])
    width = max([TR[0] - TL[0], BR[1] - BL[1]])
    src_pts = np.array([TL, TR, BL, BR])
    dest_pts = np.array([[0, 0], [width, 0], [0, height], [width, height]])
    success = transform.estimate(src_pts, dest_pts)
    warped_im = warp(gray, transform.inverse)[:int(height), :int(width)]

    warped_gray = rgb2gray(warped_im)
    enhanced_gray = img_as_ubyte(adjust_log(warped_gray))

    return enhanced_gray
Пример #29
def increase_data(images, nb_int, labels=None):
    image_size = images[0].shape[0]
    data_size = images.shape[0]
    for i in range(data_size):
        for j in range(nb_int):
            delta = random.uniform(-20,
                                   20)  # scale using augmentation intensity
            d = random.uniform(-10, 10)
            tl_top = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top left corner, top margin
            tl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top left corner, left margin
            bl_bottom = random.uniform(-d,
                                       d)  # Bottom left corner, bottom margin
            bl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom left corner, left margin
            tr_top = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top right corner, top margin
            tr_right = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top right corner, right margin
            br_bottom = random.uniform(-d,
                                       d)  # Bottom right corner, bottom margin
            br_right = random.uniform(-d,
                                      d)  # Bottom right corner, right margin
            transform = ProjectiveTransform()
                np.array(((tl_left, tl_top), (bl_left, image_size - bl_bottom),
                          (image_size - br_right, image_size - br_bottom),
                          (image_size - tr_right, tr_top))),
                np.array(((0, 0), (0, image_size), (image_size, image_size),
                          (image_size, 0))))

            images = np.append(images, [
                     output_shape=(32, 32),
            images = np.append(images, [
                rotate(images[i], random.uniform(-delta, delta), mode='edge')
            if labels is None:
                #labels = np.append(labels,labels[i])
                labels = np.append(labels, labels[i])
        if i % 100 == 0:
            print(i / data_size * 100, '% de progression')
    return (images, labels)
Пример #30
	def skew(self):
		#return 5 versions of the original image skewed in 5 different random ways, 

		outputDirectory=self.initializeDirectory("skewed") #prepare the output directory

		for (fileName,image) in zip(self.inputFilenames, self.inputImageList):
			(imageLength, imageWidth,_) = image.shape
			skewExtend = int(max(imageLength, imageWidth) * 0.20) #Will distord the image by max 20% of max length, width

			for nbNewImages in range(5): #generate 5 skewed images
				d = skewExtend #distorsion applied is proportionnal to the parameter
				#define the distortions to apply
				topLeftTopShift = random.uniform(-d, d)
				topLeftLeftShift = random.uniform(-d, d)
				bottomLeftBottomShift = random.uniform(-d, d)
				bottomLeftLeftShift = random.uniform(-d, d)
				topRightTopShift = random.uniform(-d, d)
				topRightRightShift = random.uniform(-d, d)
				bottomRightBottomShift = random.uniform(-d, d)
				bottomRightRightShift = random.uniform(-d, d)

				#enable the projective transform
				transform = ProjectiveTransform()

				#tear the image
										(topLeftLeftShift , topLeftTopShift),
										(bottomLeftLeftShift, imageWidth- bottomLeftBottomShift),
										(imageLength - bottomRightRightShift, imageWidth - bottomRightBottomShift),
										(imageLength- topRightRightShift, topRightTopShift))),
										(0, imageWidth),
										(imageLength, imageWidth),
				#apply the skew
				skewed = warp(image, transform, mode='edge')
				skewed = skewed*255
				outputFilename = os.path.join(outputDirectory,"skewed"+str(nbNewImages)+"_"+str(fileName))
				cv2.imwrite (outputFilename, skewed) #store skewed image

		if self.DBG:
			numberImages= len(os.listdir(outputDirectory))
			print("[DEBUG] : Saved {} images in {} ".format(numberImages, outputDirectory))
Пример #31
def make_homography(shifts, horizon_line, resolution):
    horizon_line = resolution * horizon_line
    left_top_dx, left_top_dy = shifts[0][0]
    right_top_dx, right_top_dy = shifts[0][1]
    left_hor_dx, left_hor_dy = shifts[1][0]
    right_hor_dx, right_hor_dy = shifts[1][1]
    points_src = np.array(
            [0, 0],  # left top
            [resolution, 0],  # right top
            [0, horizon_line],  # left bottom
            [resolution, horizon_line]
        dtype='float32')  # right bottom
    points_tgt = np.array(
            [left_top_dx, left_top_dy],  # left top
            [resolution + right_top_dx, right_top_dy],  # right top
            [left_hor_dx, horizon_line + left_hor_dy],  # left bottom
            [resolution + right_hor_dx, horizon_line + right_hor_dy]
        dtype='float32')  # right bottom
    sky_transform = ProjectiveTransform()
    sky_transform.estimate(points_src, points_tgt)

    points_src = np.array(
            [0, horizon_line],  # left horizon
            [resolution, horizon_line],  # right horizon
            [0, resolution],  # left bottom
            [resolution, resolution]
        dtype='float32')  # right bottom
    points_tgt = np.array(
            [left_hor_dx, horizon_line - left_hor_dy],  # left horizon
            [resolution + right_hor_dx, horizon_line - right_hor_dy
             ],  # right horizon
            [left_top_dx, resolution - left_top_dy],  # left bottom
            [resolution + right_top_dx, resolution - right_top_dy]
        dtype='float32')  # right bottom
    earth_transform = ProjectiveTransform()
    earth_transform.estimate(points_src, points_tgt)

    return sky_transform, earth_transform
Пример #32
def perspective_warp(img, grid_corners):    
    top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right = grid_corners

    top_edge = np.linalg.norm(top_right - top_left)
    bottom_edge = np.linalg.norm(bottom_right - bottom_left)
    left_edge = np.linalg.norm(top_left - bottom_left)
    right_edge = np.linalg.norm(top_right - bottom_right)

    L = int(np.ceil(max([top_edge, bottom_edge, left_edge, right_edge])))
    src = np.flip(grid_corners, 1) # Flip x and y axes
    dst = np.array([[0, 0], [L-1, 0], [0, L-1], [L-1, L-1]])

    tf = ProjectiveTransform()
    tf.estimate(dst, src)
    warped_img = warp(img, tf, output_shape=(L, L))

    return warped_img
def apply_projection_transform_extended(X, y, intensity, labels):
    X_extended = np.empty([0, X.shape[1], X.shape[2], X.shape[3]],
    y_extended = np.empty([0], dtype=y.dtype)

    image_size = X.shape[1]
    d = image_size * 0.3 * intensity
    for c in labels:
        X_temp = np.empty([0, X.shape[1], X.shape[2], X.shape[3]],
        X_temp = np.append(X_temp, X[y == c], axis=0)

        for i in range(X_temp.shape[0]):
            tl_top = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top left corner, top margin
            tl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top left corner, left margin
            bl_bottom = random.uniform(-d,
                                       d)  # Bottom left corner, bottom margin
            bl_left = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Bottom left corner, left margin
            tr_top = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top right corner, top margin
            tr_right = random.uniform(-d, d)  # Top right corner, right margin
            br_bottom = random.uniform(-d,
                                       d)  # Bottom right corner, bottom margin
            br_right = random.uniform(-d,
                                      d)  # Bottom right corner, right margin

            transform = ProjectiveTransform()
                np.array(((tl_left, tl_top), (bl_left, image_size - bl_bottom),
                          (image_size - br_right, image_size - br_bottom),
                          (image_size - tr_right, tr_top))),
                np.array(((0, 0), (0, image_size), (image_size, image_size),
                          (image_size, 0))))
            X_temp[i] = warp(X_temp[i],
                             output_shape=(image_size, image_size),
        X_extended = np.append(X_extended, X_temp, axis=0)
        y_extended = np.append(
            np.full((X_extended.shape[0] - y_extended.shape[0]), c, dtype=int))
    return X_extended, y_extended
Пример #34
class HomographyWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(HomographyWidget, self).__init__(parent)

    # Initialize the UI
    def _initUI(self):
        # Widget parameters

        # Create the figure
        self._fig = Figure()

        # Canvas configuration
        self._canvas = FigureCanvas(self._fig)
        self._canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self._onPick)

        # Plot configuration
        self._plt = self._fig.add_subplot(111)

        # Finalize figure
        self._fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)

        # Reset the variables

        # Create the layout
        vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()

        # Add Canvas to the layout

        # Set the layout

        zp = ZoomPan()
        figZoom = zp.zoom_factory(self._plt)
        figPan = zp.pan_factory(self._plt)

    # Reset the variables to original state
    def reset(self):
        self._image = None
        self._render = None
        self._points = []
        self._lastPoints = []

    # Set an image to the widget
    def setImage(self, image):
        self._image = image
        self._render = image

    # Get the image of the widget
    def getImage(self):

    def setHomography(self, points):
        # Save points
        self._lastPoints = points

        # Redraw canvas

    # Redraw the image and points
    def _redraw(self):
        # Clear the canvas

        if len(self._points) == 2 and len(self._lastPoints) == 4:
            # Get points
            src = self._pointsToVector(self._lastPoints)
            dest = self._pointsToVector(self._rectangle())

            # Compute Transformation
            self._projective = ProjectiveTransform()
            self._projective.estimate(src, dest)

            # Prepare output image
            self._render = warp(self._image, self._projective.inverse)

        # Plot the image
        if self._render is not None:

        # Plot the points
        if len(self._points) > 0:
            xs = [x for (x, _) in self._rectangle()]
            ys = [y for (_, y) in self._rectangle()]
            self._plt.plot(xs + [xs[0]], ys + [ys[0]], '-', color='green')

            xs = [x for (x, _) in self._points]
            ys = [y for (_, y) in self._points]
            self._plt.plot(xs + [xs[0]], ys + [ys[0]], 'o', color='blue')

        # Draw the canvas

    # Handle click events
    def _onPick(self, event):

        if event.button == 3:
        elif event.button != 1:

        # Get point position
        x = event.xdata
        y = event.ydata

        if x is None or y is None:

        # For each existing points
        for px, py in self._points:

            # Compute distance to current point
            dst = np.sqrt((px - x) ** 2 + (py - y) ** 2)

            # If the distance is small remove it
            if dst < 10:
                self._removePoint(px, py)

        # Delegate to add the point
        self._addPoint(x, y)

        # Redraw the image

    # Add a new point
    def _addPoint(self, x, y):
        # Count points
        n = len(self._points)

        # If less than 3 points just add it
        if n < 2:
            self._points.append((x, y))

    # Remove an existing point
    def _removePoint(self, x, y):
        # Remove the point
        self._points = list(filter(lambda v: v != (x, y), self._points))

    def _rectangle(self):
        # Get xs and ys
        xs = [x for (x, _) in self._points]
        ys = [y for (_, y) in self._points]

        # Compute ranges
        xmax = max(xs)
        xmin = min(xs)
        ymax = max(ys)
        ymin = min(ys)

        # Return rectangle
        return [(xmin, ymin), (xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax), (xmax, ymin)]

    def _pointsToVector(self, points):
        # Get points values
        x1, y1 = points[0]
        x2, y2 = points[1]
        x3, y3 = points[2]
        x4, y4 = points[3]

        # Return the vector
        return np.array([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], [x4, y4]])