Пример #1
def get_all_faces(imgs, labels, augment=True):
    '''Get a list of face images of size BOX_SIZE'''
    faces = []
    for img_id, rects in tqdm(labels.items(), desc='Extracting all faces'):
        for face_rect in rects:
            face = face_rect.extract_from_img(imgs[img_id])
            ratio = face.shape[1] / face.shape[0]
            if ratio < BOX_SIZE.w / BOX_SIZE.h:
                scaleW = BOX_SIZE.w / face.shape[1]
                face = rescale(face, scaleW, multichannel=False)
                # crop top and bottom
                diffH = face.shape[0] - BOX_SIZE.h
                face_cropped = crop(face, ((diffH // 2, diffH - diffH//2), (0, 0)))
                scaleH = BOX_SIZE.h / face.shape[0]
                face = rescale(face, scaleH, multichannel=False)
                # crop left and right
                diffW = face.shape[1] - BOX_SIZE.w
                face_cropped = crop(face, ((0, 0), (diffW // 2, diffW - diffW // 2)))

    if augment:
        return augment_data(faces)
        return faces
Пример #2
def crop(img, top, left, width, height):
    """crop image from position top and left, width and height
        img {numpy.ndarray} -- input image
        top {int} -- start position row
        left {int} -- start position column
        width {int} -- crop width
        height {int} -- crop height
    if not all([isinstance(x, int) for x in (top, left, width, height)]):
        raise ValueError("params should be integer!")
    if (width > img.shape[0] or height > img.shape[1]):
        raise ValueError(
            "the output imgage size should be small than input image!!!")

    if len(img.shape) == 2:
        img_height, img_width = img.shape
        img_height, img_width, _ = img.shape
    right = img_width - (left + width)
    bottom = img_height - (top + height)
    if len(img.shape) == 2:
        img_croped = util.crop(img, ((top, bottom), (left, right)))
        img_croped = util.crop(img, ((top, bottom), (left, right), (0, 0)))

    return img_croped
Пример #3
def crop_and_flip(img, scale="small"):
    h, w = np.shape(img)[0], np.shape(img)[1]
    if len(np.shape(img)) > 2:
        cropped_img = sutil.crop(img, ((CROP_SIZE, CROP_SIZE),
                                       (CROP_SIZE, CROP_SIZE), (0, 0)))
        if scale is "small":
            # img_scale is small ,r.g height, width<640
            lu = cropped_img[:256, :256, :]
            ru = cropped_img[:256, w - 256:w, :]
            ld = cropped_img[h - 256:h, :256, :]
            rd = cropped_img[h - 256:h, w - 256:w, :]
            print("wait to updates!")

        cropped_img = sutil.crop(img, ((10, 10), (10, 10)))
        if scale is "small":
            lu = cropped_img[:256, :256]
            ru = cropped_img[:256, w - 256:w]
            ld = cropped_img[h - 256:h, :256]
            rd = cropped_img[h - 256:h, w - 256:w]
            print("wait to updates!")
    return lu, ru, ld, rd, np.fliplr(lu), np.fliplr(ru), np.fliplr(
        ld), np.fliplr(rd)
Пример #4
def process_photo(filename, size=(8, 8)):
    Returns a greyscale version of an image of a given size. If the original
    image has a different aspect ratio to the target size, the image will
    first be cropped before being resized to prevent it getting distorted.

    filename : string
        name of image file (including path)
    size : int tuple
        size that we want input image to be rescaled to
    # read photo as greyscale
    photo = io.imread(filename, as_grey=True)

    # crop photo so it's the correct ratio
    if photo.shape[0] / photo.shape[1] > size[0] / size[1]:
        crop_amount = int(
            0.5 * photo.shape[0] *
            (photo.shape[0] / photo.shape[1] - size[0] / size[1]))
        small_photo = util.crop(photo, ((crop_amount, crop_amount), (0, 0)))
        crop_amount = int(
            0.5 * photo.shape[1] *
            (photo.shape[1] / photo.shape[0] - size[1] / size[0]))
        small_photo = util.crop(photo, ((0, 0), (crop_amount, crop_amount)))

    # now resize the photo
    small_photo = transform.resize(small_photo, size)

    return small_photo
Пример #5
 def fit_crop(self, size):
     std_H = self.std.shape[0]
     std_W = self.std.shape[1]
     test_H = self.test.shape[0]
     test_W = self.test.shape[1]
     self.std = crop(self.std, ((int(
         (std_H - size) / 2), int((std_H - size) / 2)), (int(
             (std_W - size) / 2), int((std_W - size) / 2)), (0, 0)))
     self.test = crop(self.test, ((int(
         (test_H - size) / 2), int((test_H - size) / 2)), (int(
             (test_W - size) / 2), int((test_W - size) / 2)), (0, 0)))
Пример #6
def circularcrop(img, border=200, threshold=20000, threshold1=100):
    This function trims the circular image by border pixels, nullifies outside borders
    and crops the total img to the disk size
    img: retina image to be processed
    border: width of the border that will be trimmed from the disk. This allows to get 
    rid of camera edge distortion
    threshold: threshold for detection image shape 
    threshold1: threshold for detection image shape
    s = np.sum(img, axis=2)
    cols = np.sum(s, axis=0) > threshold
    rows = np.sum(s, axis=1) > threshold

    height = rows.shape[0]
    width = cols.shape[0]

    x_min = np.argmax(cols[0:width])
    x_max = width / 2 + np.argmin(cols[width / 2:width - 1])
    y_min = np.argmax(rows[0:height / 2])
    y_max = np.argmin(cols[height / 2:height - 1])
    y_max = height / 2 + y_max if y_max > 0 else height

    radius = (x_max - x_min) / 2
    center_x = x_min + radius
    center_y = y_min + radius  # the default case (if y_min != 0)
    if y_min == 0:  # the upper side is cropped
        if height - y_max > 0:  # lower border is not 0
            center_y = y_max - radius
            upper_line_width = np.sum(
                s[0, :] > threshold1)  # threshold for single line
            center_y = math.sqrt(radius**2 - (upper_line_width / 2)**2)
    radius1 = radius - border

    mask = np.zeros(img.shape[0:2])
    rr, cc = circle(center_y, center_x, radius1, img.shape)
    mask[rr, cc] = 1
    img[:, :, 0] *= mask
    img[:, :, 1] *= mask
    img[:, :, 2] *= mask

    x_borders = (center_x - radius1, img.shape[1] - center_x - radius1)
    y_borders = (max(center_y - radius1,
                     0), max(img.shape[0] - center_y - radius1, 0))

    imgres = util.crop(img, (y_borders, x_borders, (0, 0)))
    maskT = util.crop(mask, (y_borders, x_borders))

    border_pixels = np.sum(1 - maskT)

    return imgres, maskT, center_x, center_y, radius
Пример #7
def open_and_resize(im, size):
    h, w, c = im.shape
    if h < w:
        before_n = (w - h) / 2
        after_n = w - (h + before_n)
        im_cropped = crop(im, ((0, 0), (before_n, after_n), (0, 0)))
        before_n = (h - w) / 2
        after_n = h - (w + before_n)
        im_cropped = crop(im, ((before_n, after_n), (0, 0), (0, 0)))
    im_cropped = resize(im_cropped, (size, size, c))
    return im_cropped
Пример #8
def test_copy_crop():
    arr = np.arange(45).reshape(9, 5)
    out0 = crop(arr, 1, copy=True)
    assert out0.flags.c_contiguous
    out0[0, 0] = 100
    assert not np.any(arr == 100)
    assert not np.may_share_memory(arr, out0)

    out1 = crop(arr, 1)
    out1[0, 0] = 100
    assert arr[1, 1] == 100
    assert np.may_share_memory(arr, out1)
Пример #9
def open_and_resize(im, size):
    h, w, c = im.shape
    if h < w:
        before_n = (w - h) / 2
        after_n = w - (h + before_n)
        im_cropped = crop(im, ((0, 0), (before_n, after_n), (0, 0)))
        before_n = (h - w) / 2
        after_n = h - (w + before_n)
        im_cropped = crop(im, ((before_n, after_n), (0, 0), (0, 0)))
    im_cropped = resize(im_cropped, (size, size, c))
    return im_cropped
Пример #10
def _mean_std(image, w):
    """Return local mean and standard deviation of each pixel using a
    neighborhood defined by a rectangular window size ``w``.
    The algorithm uses integral images to speedup computation. This is
    used by :func:`threshold_niblack` and :func:`threshold_sauvola`.

    image : ndarray
        Input image.
    w : int, or iterable of int
        Window size specified as a single odd integer (3, 5, 7, …),
        or an iterable of length ``image.ndim`` containing only odd
        integers (e.g. ``(1, 5, 5)``).

    m : ndarray of float, same shape as ``image``
        Local mean of the image.
    s : ndarray of float, same shape as ``image``
        Local standard deviation of the image.

    .. [1] F. Shafait, D. Keysers, and T. M. Breuel, "Efficient
           implementation of local adaptive thresholding techniques
           using integral images." in Document Recognition and
           Retrieval XV, (San Jose, USA), Jan. 2008.
    if not isinstance(w, Iterable):
        w = (w, ) * image.ndim

    pad_width = tuple((k // 2 + 1, k // 2) for k in w)
    padded = np.pad(image.astype('float'), pad_width, mode='reflect')
    padded_sq = padded * padded

    integral = integral_image(padded)
    integral_sq = integral_image(padded_sq)

    kern = np.zeros(tuple(k + 1 for k in w))
    for indices in itertools.product(*([[0, -1]] * image.ndim)):
        kern[indices] = (-1)**(image.ndim % 2 != np.sum(indices) % 2)

    total_window_size = np.prod(w)
    sum_full = ndi.correlate(integral, kern, mode='constant')
    mean = crop(sum_full, pad_width) / total_window_size
    sum_sq_full = ndi.correlate(integral_sq, kern, mode='constant')
    ex2 = crop(sum_sq_full, pad_width) / total_window_size
    stdev = np.sqrt(ex2 - mean**2)
    return mean, stdev
Пример #11
def circularcrop(img, border=200, threshold=20000, threshold1=100):
    This function trims the circular image by border pixels, nullifies outside borders
    and crops the total img to the disk size
    img: retina image to be processed
    border: width of the border that will be trimmed from the disk. This allows to get 
    rid of camera edge distortion
    threshold: threshold for detection image shape 
    threshold1: threshold for detection image shape
    s = np.sum(img, axis=2)
    cols = np.sum(s, axis=0) > threshold  
    rows = np.sum(s, axis=1) > threshold

    height = rows.shape[0]
    width = cols.shape[0]

    x_min = np.argmax(cols[0:width])
    x_max = width/2 + np.argmin(cols[width/2:width-1])
    y_min = np.argmax(rows[0:height/2])
    y_max = np.argmin(cols[height/2:height-1])
    y_max = height/2 + y_max if y_max > 0 else height

    radius = (x_max - x_min)/2
    center_x = x_min + radius
    center_y = y_min + radius # the default case (if y_min != 0)
    if y_min == 0: # the upper side is cropped
        if height - y_max > 0: # lower border is not 0
            center_y = y_max - radius
            upper_line_width = np.sum(s[0,:] > threshold1) # threshold for single line
            center_y = math.sqrt( radius**2 - (upper_line_width/2)**2)
    radius1 = radius - border    
    mask = np.zeros(img.shape[0:2])
    rr, cc = circle(center_y, center_x, radius1, img.shape)
    mask[rr, cc] = 1
    img[:,:,0] *= mask
    img[:,:,1] *= mask
    img[:,:,2] *= mask 
    x_borders = (center_x - radius1, img.shape[1] - center_x - radius1)
    y_borders = (max(center_y - radius1,0), max(img.shape[0] - center_y - radius1, 0))

    imgres = util.crop(img, (y_borders, x_borders,  (0,0)))
    maskT = util.crop(mask, (y_borders, x_borders))

    border_pixels = np.sum(1 - maskT)
    return imgres, maskT, center_x, center_y, radius
Пример #12
def _mean_std(image, w):
    """Return local mean and standard deviation of each pixel using a
    neighborhood defined by a rectangular window with size w times w.
    The algorithm uses integral images to speedup computation. This is
    used by threshold_niblack and threshold_sauvola.

    image : ndarray
        Input image.
    w : int
        Odd window size (e.g. 3, 5, 7, ..., 21, ...).

    m : 2-D array of same size of image with local mean values.
    s : 2-D array of same size of image with local standard
        deviation values.

    .. [1] F. Shafait, D. Keysers, and T. M. Breuel, "Efficient
           implementation of local adaptive thresholding techniques
           using integral images." in Document Recognition and
           Retrieval XV, (San Jose, USA), Jan. 2008.
    if w == 1 or w % 2 == 0:
        raise ValueError("Window size w = %s must be odd and greater than 1." %

    left_pad = w // 2 + 1
    right_pad = w // 2
    padded = np.pad(image.astype('float'), (left_pad, right_pad),
    padded_sq = padded * padded

    integral = integral_image(padded)
    integral_sq = integral_image(padded_sq)

    kern = np.zeros((w + 1, ) * image.ndim)
    for indices in itertools.product(*([[0, -1]] * image.ndim)):
        kern[indices] = (-1)**(image.ndim % 2 != np.sum(indices) % 2)

    sum_full = ndi.correlate(integral, kern, mode='constant')
    m = util.crop(sum_full, (left_pad, right_pad)) / (w**image.ndim)
    sum_sq_full = ndi.correlate(integral_sq, kern, mode='constant')
    g2 = util.crop(sum_sq_full, (left_pad, right_pad)) / (w**image.ndim)
    s = np.sqrt(g2 - m * m)
    return m, s
Пример #13
def test_cropped_camera_image():
    image = crop(camera(), ((206, 206), (206, 206)))
    assert_allclose(frangi(image), np.zeros((100, 100)), atol=1e-03)
    assert_allclose(frangi(image, black_ridges=True),
                    np.zeros((100, 100)),
    assert_allclose(hessian(image), np.ones((100, 100)), atol=1 - 1e-07)
def contour_to_binary_mask(filename, mask_shape):

    current_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    image_path = os.path.join(current_path, filename)
    image = io.imread(image_path)
    image_gray = color.rgb2gray(image)

    # Deleting white spaces around certain contour images
    binary_image = image_gray < 0.996
    y_crop = np.nonzero(binary_image)[0][0]
    x_crop = np.nonzero(binary_image)[1][0]
    cropped_image = crop(image, ((y_crop, y_crop), (x_crop, x_crop), (0, 0)))

    cropped_image = resize(cropped_image, mask_shape,

    cropped_gray = color.rgb2gray(cropped_image)
    edge_mask = np.zeros(cropped_gray.shape)
    size_y = np.shape(cropped_image)[0]
    size_x = np.shape(cropped_image)[1]

    # A condition for thresholding found empirically
    for y in range(size_y):
        for x in range(size_x):
            if abs(int(cropped_image[y, x][0]) -
                   int(cropped_image[y, x][1])) > 10.0:
                edge_mask[y, x] = 1

    binary_contour = nd.morphology.binary_fill_holes(edge_mask).astype(int)

    return binary_contour
Пример #15
def original2patch(item):
    inPath = os.path.join(item.inPath, item.ID)
    files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(inPath, '*.tif')))
    for fileName in files:
        basename = os.path.splitext(fileName)[0]
        basename = os.path.basename(basename)
#        print(basename)
        img = imread(fileName)
        print(basename, img.shape)
        width = img.shape[1]
        height = img.shape[0]
        i = 0
        while i < 300:
            rx = random.randint(0, width - wndSize)
            ry = random.randint(0, height - wndSize)
            xw = (rx, width - (rx + wndSize))
            yw = (ry, height - (ry + wndSize))
            zw = (0, 0)
            imgC = crop(img, (yw, xw, zw))
#            print(rx, ry, imgC.shape)
            filename = os.path.join(item.outPath, basename + '_{0:06d}'.format(rx) + '_{0:06d}.png'.format(ry))
            imsave(filename, imgC)
            i += 1
Пример #16
def crop_pad_around(image, size):
    Pads or crops an image so that the image is of a given size.
    image: numpy array, 
        3 channel numpy array to crop/pad.
    size: tuple of integers, 
        size to achieve.
    A padded or croped version of image so that image
    has a size of size.
    x, y, z = image.shape

    x_pad_width = size[0] - x if size[0] > x else 0
    y_pad_width = size[1] - y if size[1] > y else 0
    if x_pad_width > 0 or y_pad_width > 0:
        pad_width = [(x_pad_width, y_pad_width) for _ in range(2)]
        pad_width +=[(0, 0)]
        image = np.pad(image, pad_width, mode='constant')

    x, y, z = image.shape
    shapes = [x, y, z]
    x_crop_width = x - size[0] if x > size[0] else 0
    y_crop_width = y - size[1] if y > size[1] else 0
    if x_crop_width > 0 or y_crop_width > 0:
        crops = []
        for i, c in enumerate([x_crop_width, y_crop_width]):
            crop_v = np.random.randint(0, c) if c != 0 else 0
            crops.append((crop_v, shapes[i] - size[i] - crop_v))
        image = crop(image, crops, copy=True)
    return image
Пример #17
def random_translation(image_array, limit):
    seed = np.random.randint(limit, size=6)
    choice = np.random.choice(2, 3)

    rt = util.crop(copy=True,
                   crop_width=((seed[0], seed[1]), (seed[2], seed[3]),
                               (seed[4], seed[5])))

    if (choice[0] == 0):
        rt = util.pad(rt, ((seed[0] + seed[1], 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)), 'constant')
        rt = util.pad(rt, ((0, seed[0] + seed[1]), (0, 0), (0, 0)), 'constant')

    if (choice[1] == 0):
        rt = util.pad(rt, ((0, 0), (seed[2] + seed[3], 0), (0, 0)), 'constant')
        rt = util.pad(rt, ((0, 0), (0, seed[2] + seed[3]), (0, 0)), 'constant')

    if (choice[2] == 0):
        rt = util.pad(rt, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (seed[4] + seed[5], 0)), 'constant')
        rt = util.pad(rt, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, seed[4] + seed[5])), 'constant')

    return rt
Пример #18
 def extract_state(self, prev_frame, curr_frame):
     diff_frame = rgb2gray(curr_frame) - rgb2gray(prev_frame)
     #frame = rgb2gray(frame)
     frame = crop(diff_frame, ((25, 10), (0,0)))
     frame = resize(frame, (84, 84))
     state = torch.from_numpy(frame).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).float()
     return state
Пример #19
def preprocessFiles(in_dir, out_file, num_images=-1):
	files = os.listdir(in_dir)
	if num_images > 0:
		files = files[0:num_images]

	# This will store data for all images.
	datas = np.ndarray([len(files), DESIRED_SHAPE[0], DESIRED_SHAPE[1]], dtype=np.float16)

	for i, fname in enumerate(files):
		# Load image and convert to greyscale
		data = io.imread(os.path.join(in_dir, fname), as_grey=True)

		if data.shape[0] > data.shape[1]:
			# Make all images have width be the longest dimension.
			data = transform.rotate(data, 90, resize=True)

		# Scale images so that the shortest dimension matches the corresponding one in the 
		# DESIRED_SHAPE. We do this so that later we can crop a bit of the longer axis and all
		# images the same dimensions without distortion.
		scale_factor = (float(DESIRED_SHAPE[1]) / float(data.shape[1]) 
						if DESIRED_ASPECT_RATIO < float(data.shape[0]) / float(data.shape[1])
						else float(DESIRED_SHAPE[0]) / float(data.shape[0])) 
		data = transform.rescale(data, scale_factor)

		# Crop whatever is left on the long axis
		data = util.crop(data, [(0, data.shape[0] - DESIRED_SHAPE[0]), 
								(0, data.shape[1] - DESIRED_SHAPE[1])])

		datas[i] = data

		print '%s: %s, %0.5f' % (fname, data.shape, float(data.shape[0]) / float(data.shape[1]))

	with open(out_file, 'w') as f:
Пример #20
def random_augmentation(image,
    pepper_sigma = np.random.normal(0.100, 0.010)
    blur_sigma = np.random.normal(1, 0.1)
    rotate_angle = np.random.normal(0, 5)

    image_x = image.shape[0]
    image_y = image.shape[1]
    delta_x_percent = tuple(
        [int(image_x * abs(np.random.normal(0, 0.03))) for _ in range(2)])
    delta_y_percent = tuple(
        [int(image_y * abs(np.random.normal(0, 0.03))) for _ in range(2)])

    if random.random() < pepper_percent:
        image = random_noise(image, var=pepper_sigma**2)
    if random.random() < blur_percent:
        image = gaussian(image, sigma=blur_sigma, multichannel=True)
    if random.random() < rotation_percent:
        image = rotate(image, angle=rotate_angle, mode='reflect')
    if random.random() < crop_percent:
        image = crop(image, (delta_x_percent, delta_y_percent, (0, 0)),

    return image
Пример #21
def data_extend(image, angle, crop_num, prelim_size, final_size):
    array_out = []
    #import as 100x100 numpy array, perform distortions and resize to 32x32 to train
    image = s.imprep(image, prelim_size)
    image = np.reshape(image, [prelim_size, prelim_size])    #consider changing the imprep function because its so stupid

    angles = np.linspace(-angle, angle, 2*angle+1)
    for a in angles:
        a = int(a)
        image2 = rotate(image, a)
        for i in range(abs(a)):     #gets rid of black border from rotation, f(angle)
            for j in range(prelim_size):

        gradient = np.linspace(0.90, 1, 11)

        for colour in gradient:
            for i in range(prelim_size):
                for j in range(prelim_size):
                    if image2[i,j]>0.5:

            for c in range(crop_num):
                image3 = crop(image2, c)
                image3 = resize(image3, (final_size, final_size))

    array_out = np.array(array_out)
    return array_out
Пример #22
def feature_visualization(feature, inp, steps):
    Images were optimized for 2560 steps in a color-decorrelated fourier-transformed space, using Adam at a learning
    rate of 0.05. We used each of following transformations in the given order at each step of the optimization:

    • Padding the input by 16 pixels to avoid edge artifacts
    • Jittering by up to 16 pixels
    • Scaling by a factor randomly selected from this list: 1, 0.975, 1.025, 0.95, 1.05
    • Rotating by an angle randomly selected from this list; in degrees: -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • Jittering a second time by up to 8 pixels
    • Cropping the padding
    shape = [d._value for d in inp.shape]
    shape[0] = 1
    x = np.random.randn(*shape) * .1

    sess = K.get_session()
    grad = K.gradients(feature, inp)

    for i in range(steps):
        g = sess.run(grad, {inp: x})[0]
        g = filters.gaussian(g, sigma=1, multichannel=True, preserve_range=True)
        o_size = g.shape
        g = transform.rescale(g, np.random.choice([1, 0.975, 1.025, 0.95, 1.05]), multichannel=True)
        g = util.crop(g, [g.shape[0] - o_size[0], g.shape[1] - o_size[1], g.shape[2] - o_size[2]])
        x += g
    return x
Пример #23
def randomZoom(image, mask, m, u=0.5):
    Randomly zoom the image and mask by trimming the top, bottom, left and right.

      image: the iamge
      mask: the mask
      m: the maximum to trim from the top, bottom, left and right
      u: the augmentation probability
    if random() < u:
        original_shape = image.shape
        c = ((randint(0,m),randint(0,m)),(randint(0,m),randint(0,m)),(0,0))
        image = resize(crop(image, crop_width=c), original_shape)
        mask = resize(crop(mask, crop_width=c), original_shape)
    return image, mask
Пример #24
def _translate_one_array(one_array, seed, choice, pad_val=0):
    rt = util.crop(copy=True,
                   crop_width=((seed[0], seed[1]), (seed[2], seed[3]),
                               (seed[4], seed[5])))

    if (choice[0] == 0):
        rt = util.pad(rt, ((seed[0] + seed[1], 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)),
        rt = util.pad(rt, ((0, seed[0] + seed[1]), (0, 0), (0, 0)),

    if (choice[1] == 0):
        rt = util.pad(rt, ((0, 0), (seed[2] + seed[3], 0), (0, 0)),
        rt = util.pad(rt, ((0, 0), (0, seed[2] + seed[3]), (0, 0)),

    if (choice[2] == 0):
        rt = util.pad(rt, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (seed[4] + seed[5], 0)),
        rt = util.pad(rt, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, seed[4] + seed[5])),

    return rt
Пример #25
def preprocess(image):  # color 210 x 160
    preproc_img = color.rgb2gray(image)  # gray 210 x 160
    preproc_img = crop(preproc_img, ((150), (0)))
    preproc_img = resize(preproc_img,
                         output_shape=(IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT),
                         anti_aliasing=False)  # 110 x 84
    return preproc_img
Пример #26
 def __call__(self, image):
     pad_or_crop = np.random.randint(2)
     if pad_or_crop:
         # pad
         margin_top, margin_bottom, margin_left, margin_right = np.random.randint(
             self.max_margin + 1, size=4)
         padded_image = pad(image, ((margin_top, margin_bottom),
                                    (margin_left, margin_right)),
         resized_image = resize(padded_image,
         # crop
         margin_top, margin_bottom, margin_left, margin_right = np.random.randint(
             self.max_margin + 1, size=4)
         cropped_image = crop(image, ((margin_top, margin_bottom),
                                      (margin_left, margin_right)),
         resized_image = resize(cropped_image,
     return resized_image
Пример #27
def _center_crop(image):
    x_start = int((image.shape[0] - IMAGE_DIMS[0]) / 2)
    y_start = int((image.shape[1] - IMAGE_DIMS[1]) / 2)
    x_end = image.shape[0] - (IMAGE_DIMS[0] + x_start)
    y_end = image.shape[1] - (IMAGE_DIMS[1] + y_start)

    return util.crop(image, ((x_start, x_end), (y_start, y_end)), copy=True)
Пример #28
 def deconvolve(self, image, iterations):
     ## Code for deconvolution
     psf = ai.airy_psf(self.window, self.psf_radius)
     image = np.pad(image, int(psf.shape[0] / 2), mode="reflect")
     deconvolved = restoration.richardson_lucy(image, psf, iterations,
     deconvolved = util.crop(deconvolved, int(psf.shape[0] / 2))
     return deconvolved
Пример #29
def crop_center(image):
    if not is_more_than_720(image) :
        return []
    height, width, _ = image.shape
    if width < height:  # very rare case
        return []
    x_margin = width - height
    return skutil.crop(image,((0, 0), (x_margin/2, x_margin/2), (0, 0)))
Пример #30
def load_image_data(filelist, perc_tr=0.7, im_func=None):
    -load in the images as numpy arrays and return the following:
    1. a numpy array of shape (perc_tr*len(filelist), 1, 48, 48) that contains the training image data
    2. a numpy array of shape (perc_tr*len(filelist),) that contains the training emotion code for each training image
    3. a numpy array of shape ((1-perc_tr)*len(filelist), 1, 48, 48) that contains the test image data
    4. a numpy array of shape ((1-perc_tr)*len(filelist), ) that contains the test emotion codes for each test image
    :param filelist:
    if perc_tr < 0.5:
        print "Training subset percent too low, defaulting to 50%..."
        perc_tr = 0.5

    # subset the list of file names into training and testing
    # note that the file names have been shuffled randomly before coming
    # in to the function
    tr_len = int(round(perc_tr * len(filelist)))
    te_len = len(filelist) - tr_len
    training = filelist[:tr_len]
    test = filelist[tr_len:]

    # initialize empty arrays to hold the training and testing image data
    # we are cropping the images to 42 X 42
    imgs_train = np.empty(shape=(tr_len, 1, 42, 42), dtype=np.float32)
    emos_train = np.empty(shape=tr_len, dtype=np.int8)
    imgs_test = np.empty(shape=(te_len, 1, 42, 42), dtype=np.float32)
    emos_test = np.empty(shape=te_len, dtype=np.int8)

    # populate the training arrays
    for i in range(len(training)):
        img = imread(training[i], as_grey=True)
        img_crop = crop(img, crop_width=3)
        img_crop = im_func(img_crop)
        imgs_train[i, 0] = img_crop
        emos_train[i] = get_emo_int(training[i])

    # populate the test arrays
    for i in range(len(test)):
        img = imread(test[i], as_grey=True)
        img_crop = crop(img, crop_width=3)
        img_crop = im_func(img_crop)
        imgs_test[i, 0] = img_crop
        emos_test[i] = get_emo_int(test[i])

    return imgs_train, emos_train, imgs_test, emos_test
Пример #31
def crop_center(image):
    if not is_more_than_720(image):
        return []
    height, width, _ = image.shape
    if width < height:  # very rare case
        return []
    x_margin = width - height
    return skutil.crop(image, ((0, 0), (x_margin / 2, x_margin / 2), (0, 0)))
Пример #32
def load_image_data(filelist, perc_tr=0.7, im_func=None):
    -load in the images as numpy arrays and return the following:
    1. a numpy array of shape (perc_tr*len(filelist), 1, 48, 48) that contains the training image data
    2. a numpy array of shape (perc_tr*len(filelist),) that contains the training emotion code for each training image
    3. a numpy array of shape ((1-perc_tr)*len(filelist), 1, 48, 48) that contains the test image data
    4. a numpy array of shape ((1-perc_tr)*len(filelist), ) that contains the test emotion codes for each test image
    :param filelist:
    if perc_tr < 0.5:
        print "Training subset percent too low, defaulting to 50%..."
        perc_tr = 0.5

    # subset the list of file names into training and testing
    # note that the file names have been shuffled randomly before coming
    # in to the function
    tr_len = int(round(perc_tr * len(filelist)))
    te_len = len(filelist) - tr_len
    training = filelist[:tr_len]
    test = filelist[tr_len:]

    # initialize empty arrays to hold the training and testing image data
    # we are cropping the images to 42 X 42
    imgs_train = np.empty(shape=(tr_len, 1, 42, 42), dtype=np.float32)
    emos_train = np.empty(shape=tr_len, dtype=np.int8)
    imgs_test = np.empty(shape=(te_len, 1, 42, 42), dtype=np.float32)
    emos_test = np.empty(shape=te_len, dtype=np.int8)

    # populate the training arrays
    for i in range(len(training)):
        img = imread(training[i], as_grey=True)
        img_crop = crop(img, crop_width=3)
        img_crop = im_func(img_crop)
        imgs_train[i, 0] = img_crop
        emos_train[i] = get_emo_int(training[i])

    # populate the test arrays
    for i in range(len(test)):
        img = imread(test[i], as_grey=True)
        img_crop = crop(img, crop_width=3)
        img_crop = im_func(img_crop)
        imgs_test[i, 0] = img_crop
        emos_test[i] = get_emo_int(test[i])

    return imgs_train, emos_train, imgs_test, emos_test
Пример #33
def image_crop(img, img_size_ori=101, img_size_target=img_size_t):
    if img_size_ori == img_size_target:
        return img
    crop_width = ((int(np.floor((img_size_t-img_size_ori)/2)),
    out_image = util.crop(img, crop_width)
    return out_image
Пример #34
def split_letters(image, num_letters=4, debug=False):
    split full captcha image into `num_letters` lettersself.
    return list of letters binary image (0: white, 255: black)
    # move left
    left = crop(image, ((0, 0), (0, image.shape[1] - SHIFT_PIXEL)), copy=True)
    image[:, :-SHIFT_PIXEL] = image[:, SHIFT_PIXEL:]
    image[:, -SHIFT_PIXEL:] = left
    # binarization
    binary = image > BINARY_THRESH
    # find contours
    # contours = find_contours(binary, 0.5)
    # contours = [[
    #     [int(floor(min(contour[:, 1]))), int(floor(min(contour[:, 0])))],  # top-left point
    #     [int(ceil(max(contour[:, 1]))), int(ceil(max(contour[:, 0])))]  # down-right point
    #   ] for contour in contours]
    # # keep letters order
    # contours = sorted(contours, key=lambda contour: contour[0][0])
    # # find letters box
    # letter_boxs = []
    letter_boxs = [[[0, 7], [11, 24]], [[13, 5], [30, 30]], [[30, 5], [45,
                   [[47, 4], [61, 28]]]

    # for contour in contours:
    #     if len(letter_boxs) > 0 and contour[0][0] < letter_boxs[-1][1][0] - 5:
    #         # skip inner contour
    #         continue
    #     # extract letter boxs by contour
    #     boxs = get_letter_boxs(binary, contour)
    #     for box in boxs:
    #         letter_boxs.append(box)
    # check letter outer boxs number
    if len(letter_boxs) != num_letters:
        print('ERROR: number of letters is NOT valid', len(letter_boxs))
        # debug
        if debug:
            plt.imshow(binary, interpolation='nearest', cmap=plt.cm.gray)
            for [x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max] in letter_boxs:
                plt.plot([x_min, x_max, x_max, x_min, x_min],
                         [y_min, y_min, y_max, y_max, y_min],
        return None

    # normalize size (40x40)
    letters = []
    for [x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max] in letter_boxs:
        letter = resize(image[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max], LETTER_SIZE)
        letter = img_as_ubyte(letter < 0.6)

    return letters
Пример #35
def detect_face(data):
    img = read_image(data)
    dets, scores, idx = detector.run(img, 1)
    scores = list(scores)
    best = dets[scores.index(max(scores))]
    x,y,c = img.shape
    c_img = util.crop(img, ((best.top(), y - best.bottom()), (best.left(), x - best.right()), (0,0)))
    s = write_image(c_img)
    return s
Пример #36
def slightRotation(img, degrees):
    height = img.shape[0]
    width = img.shape[1]
    channels = img.shape[2]
    rotation = trans.rotate(img, degrees)
    margin = np.ceil(np.abs((img.shape[0] * np.pi * degrees) / 360)) / 2
    rotation = crop(rotation, ((margin, margin), (margin, margin), (0, 0)))
    rotation = trans.resize(rotation, (height, width, channels))
    return rotation
Пример #37
def crop_manual(img):
    Set the "threshold" & crop based on when we have reached it
    threshold = 20000
    s = np.sum(img, axis=2)
    cols = np.sum(s, axis=0) > threshold  
    rows = np.sum(s, axis=1) > threshold
    left_border = np.argmax(cols[0:len(cols)/2])
    right_border = np.argmax(cols[len(cols)-1:len(cols)/2:-1])
    upper_border = np.argmax(rows[0:len(rows)/2])
    lower_border = np.argmax(rows[len(rows)-1:len(rows)/2:-1])
    return crop(img, ((upper_border, lower_border),(left_border, right_border),  (0,0)))
Пример #38
def fill_holes_with_contour_filling(gray_mask,inverse=False):
    Input: Grayscale image
    Returns: Image with holes filled by contour mapping

    filled = gray_mask.copy()
    filled = pad(filled,((5,5),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=255)
    if inverse:
        filled = cv2.bitwise_not(filled)
    image, contour, _ = cv2.findContours(filled, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    for cnt in contour:
            cv2.drawContours(filled,[cnt], 0, 255, -1)
    if inverse:
        filled = cv2.bitwise_not(filled)
    filled = crop(filled,((5,5),(0,0)))
    return filled
Пример #39
    def crop_ronc(self, ronc):
        Crop the input Ronchigram by the specified ammount using the specified method.

        ronc : numpy.array
            Input image to be cropped.

        cropped_ronc : numpy.array
            Cropped image

        if self.crop_ammount is None:
            return ronc

        crop_ammount = self.crop_ammount
        crop_method = self.crop_method

        if crop_method == 'percent':
            crop_ammount = np.round(np.atleast_2d(crop_ammount) / 100.0 * ronc.shape)
            crop_ammount = tuple([tuple(row) for row in crop_ammount.astype(np.uint32)])
        elif crop_method == 'absolute':
            if isinstance(crop_ammount, int):
                crop_ammount = ((crop_ammount,), (crop_ammount,))
            elif len(crop_ammount) == 2:
                crop_ammount = ((crop_ammount[0],), (crop_ammount[1],))
            elif len(crop_ammount) == 4:
                crop_ammount = ((crop_ammount[0], crop_ammount[1]), (crop_ammount[2], crop_ammount[3]))
                raise ValueError('The crop_ammount should be an integer or list of 2 or 4 integers.')
            raise ValueError('Allowed values of crop_method are percent and absolute.')

        crop_ammount = ((0,), (0,)) + crop_ammount

        cropped_ronc = crop(ronc, crop_ammount)

        if any([dim == 0 for dim in cropped_ronc.shape]):
            warn("Requested crop ammount is greater than the image size.  No cropping will be done.")
            return ronc
        return cropped_ronc
def mkbox(   mask_seg  ):
    ''' Crop the non_zeros pixels of an image  to a new image 
        and pad with zeros to make double the new image size
        to avoid periodic artifacts from the FFT at correlation lengths.
    pxlst = np.where(mask_seg.ravel())[0]
    dims = mask_seg.shape
    imgwidthy = dims[1]   #dimension in y, but in plot being x
    imgwidthx = dims[0]   #dimension in x, but in plot being y
    #x and y are flipped???
    #matrix notation!!!
    pixely = pxlst%imgwidthy
    pixelx = pxlst//imgwidthy

    minpixelx = np.min(pixelx)
    minpixely = np.min(pixely)
    maxpixelx = np.max(pixelx)
    maxpixely = np.max(pixely)    
    img_crop = crop(  mask_seg, ((minpixelx, imgwidthx -  maxpixelx -1 ),
                                (minpixely, imgwidthy -  maxpixely -1 )) )
    widthx = maxpixelx - minpixelx + 1
    widthy = maxpixely - minpixely + 1
    oldimg = np.zeros(dims)
    oldimg.ravel()[pxlst] = 1
    #img_crop = np.copy(oldimg[minpixelx:maxpixelx+1,minpixely:maxpixely+1])
    #subpxlst = np.where(img_crop.ravel() != 0)[0]    
    #print("min/maxpixelx: {},{};min/maxpixely: {},{}".format(minpixelx,maxpixelx,minpixely,maxpixely))
    #padx = 2**np.int( np.ceil(  log(widthx +20  )/log(2) ) ) - widthx
    #pady = 2**np.int( np.ceil(  log(widthy +20)/log(2) ) ) -widthy
    padx = 2**np.int( np.ceil(  log(widthx*3)/log(2) ) ) - widthx
    pady = 2**np.int( np.ceil(  log(widthy*3)/log(2) ) ) -widthy
    img_pad = pad( img_crop, ((0, padx),(0, pady ) ) ,'constant', constant_values=(0,0))
    subpxlst = np.where(img_pad.ravel() != 0)[0]    
    return np.array(subpxlst,dtype = np.int32),  np.array(img_pad,dtype = np.int32) 
Пример #41
def crop_to_fit(image, shape):
    Return a copy of image resized and cropped to precisely fill a shape.

    To resize a colored 2D image, pass in a shape with two entries. When
    ``len(shape) < image.ndim``, higher dimensions are ignored.

    image : array
    shape : tuple
        e.g., ``(height, width)`` but any length <= ``image.ndim`` is allowed

    cropped_image : array
    # Resize smallest dimension (width or height) to fit.
    d = np.argmin(np.array(image.shape)[:2] / np.array(shape))
    enlarged_shape = (
        tuple(np.ceil(np.array(image.shape[: len(shape)]) * shape[d] / image.shape[d])) + image.shape[len(shape) :]
    resized = resize(image, enlarged_shape)
    # Now the image is as large or larger than the shape along all dimensions.
    # Crop any overhang in the other dimension.
    crop_width = []
    for actual, target in zip(resized.shape, shape):
        overflow = actual - target
        # Center the image and crop, biasing left if overflow is odd.
        left_margin = np.floor(overflow / 2)
        right_margin = np.ceil(overflow / 2)
        crop_width.append((left_margin, right_margin))
    # Do not crop any additional dimensions beyond those given in shape.
    for _ in range(resized.ndim - len(shape)):
        crop_width.append((0, 0))
    cropped = crop(resized, crop_width)
    return cropped
Пример #42
def get_our_images(imdir):
    -resize our images to 48X48 which is what the model is expecting
    :param imdir:
    jacob = imdir + "HJACOB.png"
    alex = imdir + "HALEX.png"
    david = imdir + "HDAVID.png"
    yannet = imdir + "HYANNET.png"
    james = imdir + "HJAMES.png"
    paul = imdir + "DPAUL.png"

    # load us in
    X_jacob_orig = io.imread(jacob, as_grey=True)
    X_alex_orig = io.imread(alex, as_grey=True)
    X_david_orig = io.imread(david, as_grey=True)
    X_yannet_orig = io.imread(yannet, as_grey=True)
    X_james_orig = io.imread(james, as_grey=True)
    X_paul_orig = io.imread(paul, as_grey=True)

    # resize to 48 X 48
    X_jacob_orig = transform.resize(X_jacob_orig, [48, 48])
    X_alex_orig = transform.resize(X_alex_orig, [48, 48])
    X_david_orig = transform.resize(X_david_orig, [48, 48])
    X_yannet_orig = transform.resize(X_yannet_orig, [48, 48])
    X_james_orig = transform.resize(X_james_orig, [48, 48])
    X_paul_orig = transform.resize(X_paul_orig, [48, 48])

    # smooth the image a tiny bit
    X_jacob_orig = ndimage.median_filter(X_jacob_orig, 1.5)
    X_alex_orig = ndimage.median_filter(X_alex_orig, 1.5)
    X_david_orig = ndimage.median_filter(X_david_orig, 1.5)
    X_yannet_orig = ndimage.median_filter(X_yannet_orig, 1.5)
    X_james_orig = ndimage.median_filter(X_james_orig, 1.5)
    X_paul_orig = ndimage.median_filter(X_paul_orig, 1.5)

    # crop the image down to 42 X 42
    X_jacob_orig = crop(X_jacob_orig, crop_width=3)
    X_alex_orig = crop(X_alex_orig, crop_width=3)
    X_david_orig = crop(X_david_orig, crop_width=3)
    X_yannet_orig = crop(X_yannet_orig, crop_width=3)
    X_james_orig = crop(X_james_orig, crop_width=3)
    X_paul_orig = crop(X_paul_orig, crop_width=3)

    # rescale the image to [0, 1] scale
    X_jacob = rescale_image(X_jacob_orig)
    X_alex = rescale_image(X_alex_orig)
    X_david = rescale_image(X_david_orig)
    X_yannet = rescale_image(X_yannet_orig)
    X_james = rescale_image(X_james_orig)
    X_paul = rescale_image(X_paul_orig)

    originals = np.empty(shape=(6, 1, 42, 42))
    our_test = np.empty(shape=(6, 1, 42, 42), dtype=np.float32)
    our_emos = np.empty(shape=6, dtype=np.int8)

    # original images resized
    originals[0, 0] = X_jacob_orig
    # io.imshow(originals[0,0])
    # io.show()
    originals[1, 0] = X_alex_orig
    originals[2, 0] = X_david_orig
    originals[3, 0] = X_yannet_orig
    originals[4, 0] = X_james_orig
    originals[5, 0] = X_paul_orig

    # inputs
    our_test[0, 0] = X_jacob
    our_test[1, 0] = X_alex
    our_test[2, 0] = X_david
    our_test[3, 0] = X_yannet
    our_test[4, 0] = X_james
    our_test[5, 0] = X_paul

    # input classifications
    our_emos[0,] = 0
    our_emos[1,] = 0
    our_emos[2,] = 0
    our_emos[3,] = 1
    our_emos[4,] = 0
    our_emos[5,] = 1

    return originals, our_test, our_emos
        def _gen_batches():
            num_samples = len(self.X)
            idx = np.random.permutation(num_samples)
            batches = range(0, num_samples - self.batchsize + 1, self.batchsize)
            for batch in batches:
                X_batch = self.X[idx[batch:batch + self.batchsize]]
                y_batch = self.y[idx[batch:batch + self.batchsize]]

                # set empty copy to hold augmented images so that we don't overwrite
                X_batch_aug = np.empty(shape = (X_batch.shape[0], 3, cropPIXELS, cropPIXELS), dtype = 'float32')

                # random rotations betweein -8 and 8 degrees
                dorotate = randint(-30,30)

                # random translations
                trans_1 = randint(-12,12)
                trans_2 = randint(-12,12)
                crop_amt = ((12 - trans_1, 12 + trans_1), (12 - trans_2, 12 + trans_2), (0,0))

                # random zooms
                zoom = uniform(1, 1.3)

                # shearing
                shear_deg = uniform(-10, 10)

                # set the transform parameters for skimage.transform.warp
                # have to shift to center and then shift back after transformation otherwise
                # rotations will make image go out of frame
                center_shift   = np.array((PIXELS, PIXELS)) / 2. - 0.5
                tform_center   = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=-center_shift)
                tform_uncenter = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=center_shift)

                tform_aug = transform.AffineTransform(rotation = np.deg2rad(dorotate),
                                                      #translation = (trans_1, trans_2),
                                                      shear = np.deg2rad(shear_deg),
                                                      scale = (1/zoom, 1/zoom))

                tform = tform_center + tform_aug + tform_uncenter

                r_intensity = randint(0,1)
                g_intensity = randint(0,1)
                b_intensity = randint(0,1)
                intensity_scaler = uniform(-0.25, 0.25)

                # images in the batch do the augmentation
                for j in range(X_batch.shape[0]):
                    img = X_batch[j]
                    img = img.transpose(1, 2, 0)
                    img_aug = np.zeros((PIXELS, PIXELS, 3))
                    for k in range(0,3):
                        img_aug[:, :, k] = fast_warp(img[:, :, k], tform, output_shape = (PIXELS, PIXELS))

                    img_aug = crop(img_aug, crop_amt)

                    if r_intensity == 1:
                        img_aug[:, :, 0] = img_aug[:, :, 0] + (np.std(img_aug[:, :, 0]) * intensity_scaler)
                    if g_intensity == 1:
                        img_aug[:, :, 1] = img_aug[:, :, 1] + (np.std(img_aug[:, :, 1]) * intensity_scaler)
                    if b_intensity == 1:
                        img_aug[:, :, 2] = img_aug[:, :, 2] + (np.std(img_aug[:, :, 2]) * intensity_scaler)

                    X_batch_aug[j] = img_aug.transpose(2, 0, 1)

                # Flip half of the images in this batch at random:
                bs = X_batch.shape[0]
                indices = np.random.choice(bs, bs / 2, replace=False)
                X_batch_aug[indices] = X_batch_aug[indices, :, :, ::-1]

                yield [X_batch_aug, y_batch]
Пример #44
def test_multi_crop():
    arr = np.arange(45).reshape(9, 5)
    out = crop(arr, ((1, 2), (2, 1)))
    assert_array_equal(out[0], [7, 8])
    assert_array_equal(out[-1], [32, 33])
    assert_equal(out.shape, (6, 2))
Пример #45
def test_int_crop():
    arr = np.arange(45).reshape(9, 5)
    out = crop(arr, 1)
    assert_array_equal(out[0], [6, 7, 8])
    assert_array_equal(out[-1], [36, 37, 38])
    assert_equal(out.shape, (7, 3))
Пример #46
def test_pair_crop():
    arr = np.arange(45).reshape(9, 5)
    out = crop(arr, (1, 2))
    assert_array_equal(out[0], [6, 7])
    assert_array_equal(out[-1], [31, 32])
    assert_equal(out.shape, (6, 2))
Пример #47
def crop_images(images, shape):
    left, top, right, bottom = shape
    crop_width = ((0, 0),(top, bottom),(left, right),(0, 0))
    return util.crop(images.reshape((1, images.shape[0], images.shape[1], images.shape[2])), crop_width)
Пример #48
def test_cropped_camera_image():
    image = crop(camera(), ((206, 206), (206, 206)))
    assert_allclose(frangi(image), np.zeros((100, 100)), atol=1e-03)
    assert_allclose(frangi(image, black_ridges=True),
                    np.zeros((100, 100)), atol=1e-03)
    assert_allclose(hessian(image), np.ones((100, 100)), atol=1-1e-07)
Пример #49
def test_zero_crop():
    arr = np.arange(45).reshape(9, 5)
    out = crop(arr, 0)
    assert out.shape == (9, 5)