def updateParametros(val): global p_segmentos, p_sigma, p_compactness, segments, image, cuda_python if(val == "Python SLIC"): cuda_python = 0 elif(val == "CUDA gSLICr"): cuda_python = 1 p_segmentos = int("%d" % (slider_segmentos.val)) p_sigma = slider_sigma.val p_compactness = slider_compactness.val image = c_image.copy() if(cuda_python == 0): start_time = time.time() segments = slic(img_as_float(image), n_segments=p_segmentos, sigma=p_sigma, compactness=p_compactness) print("--- Tempo Python skikit-image SLIC: %s segundos ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) else: start_time = time.time() gSLICrInterface.process( p_segmentos) print("--- Tempo C++/CUDA gSLICr: %s segundos ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) segments = cuda_seg obj.set_data(mark_boundaries(img_as_float(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)), segments, outline_color=p_outline)) draw()
def compute_sept_isodata(self, mask, thick, septum_base): """Method used to create the cell sept_mask using the threshold_isodata to separate the cytoplasm from the septum""" cell_mask = mask if septum_base: fluor_box = 1 - self.base_box else: fluor_box = self.fluor perim_mask = self.compute_perim_mask(cell_mask, thick) inner_mask = cell_mask - perim_mask inner_fluor = (inner_mask > 0) * fluor_box threshold = threshold_isodata(inner_fluor[inner_fluor > 0]) interest_matrix = inner_mask * (inner_fluor > threshold) label_matrix = label(interest_matrix, connectivity=2) interest_label = 0 interest_label_sum = 0 for l in range(np.max(label_matrix)): if np.sum(img_as_float(label_matrix == l + 1)) > interest_label_sum: interest_label = l + 1 interest_label_sum = np.sum(img_as_float(label_matrix == l + 1)) return img_as_float(label_matrix == interest_label)
def createFigure4(list_file, list_param, corpus_meta, prob_topic_doc, segment_dir, n_topic, output_dir): for file_item in list_file: print file_item for topic in range(n_topic): print topic fig = plt.figure() img = img_as_float(io.imread(img_dir+file_item+'.ppm')) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4,4, 1, axisbg='grey') ax1.set_xticks(()), ax1.set_yticks(()) ax1.imshow(img) index=2 for param in list_param: if 'slic' in param: # print 'test', index # print corpus_meta[0][1].split('-')[0] segment_in_file = [item_corpus for item_corpus in corpus_meta if file_item == item_corpus[1].split('-')[0]] print len(segment_in_file) segments_res = csv2Array(segment_dir+'/'+file_item+'/'+file_item+'-'+param+'.sup') img = img_as_float(io.imread(img_dir+file_item+'.ppm')) output = np.zeros( (len(img), len(img[0])) ) for segment in segment_in_file: # print prob_topic_doc[int(segment[0])][topic] output[segments_res == int(segment[2])] = prob_topic_doc[int(segment[0])][topic] output = mark_boundaries(output, segments_res) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4,4, index, axisbg='grey') # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(5,10, index, axisbg='grey') ax1.set_xticks(()), ax1.set_yticks(()) ax1.imshow(output) index += 1 ensure_path(output_dir+'/'+file_item+'/') plt.savefig(output_dir+'/'+file_item+'/topic-'+str(topic)+'-'+file_item+'.pdf') plt.clf() plt.close()
def get(self, uri): i = imread(uri) if len(i.shape) == 2: i = gray2rgb(i) else: i = i[:, :, :3] c = self._image_to_color.get(i) dbg = self._settings['debug'] if dbg is None: return c c, imgs = c b = splitext(basename(uri))[0] imsave(join(dbg, b + '-resized.jpg'), imgs['resized']) imsave(join(dbg, b + '-back.jpg'), img_as_float(imgs['back'])) imsave(join(dbg, b + '-skin.jpg'), img_as_float(imgs['skin'])) imsave(join(dbg, b + '-clusters.jpg'), imgs['clusters']) return c, { 'resized': join(dbg, b + '-resized.jpg'), 'back': join(dbg, b + '-back.jpg'), 'skin': join(dbg, b + '-skin.jpg'), 'clusters': join(dbg, b + '-clusters.jpg'), }
def slic_data(): for i in range(uu_num_train+uu_num_test): print "data %d" %(i+1) img_name = '' if i < 10: img_name = '0' + str(i) else: img_name = str(i) #Read first 70 images as floats img = img_as_float(io.imread('..\data\\training\image_2\uu_0000' + img_name + '.png')) img_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(img) gt_img = img_as_float(io.imread('..\data\\training\gt_image_2\uu_road_0000' + img_name + '.png')) #Create superpixels for training images image_segment = slic(img, n_segments = numSegments, sigma = 5) t, train_indices = np.unique(image_segment, return_index=True) images_train_indices.append(train_indices) image = np.reshape(img,(1,(img.shape[0]*img.shape[1]),3)) image_hsv = np.reshape(img_hsv,(1,(img_hsv.shape[0]*img_hsv.shape[1]),3)) #images_train.append([image[0][i] for i in train_indices]) images_train_hsv.append([image_hsv[0][i] for i in train_indices]) #Create gt training image values index at train_indices and converted to 1 or 0 gt_image = np.reshape(gt_img, (1,(gt_img.shape[0]*gt_img.shape[1]),3)) gt_image = [1 if gt_image[0][i][2] > 0 else 0 for i in train_indices] gt_images_train.append(gt_image)
def compute_mask(self, params): """Creates the mask for the base image. Needs the base image, an instance of imageloaderparams and the clip area, which should be already defined by the load_base_image method. Creates the mask by improving the base mask created by the compute_base_mask method. Applies the mask closing, dilation and fill holes parameters. """ self.compute_base_mask(params) mask = np.copy(self.base_mask) closing_matrix = np.ones((params.mask_closing, params.mask_closing)) if params.mask_closing > 0: # removes small dark spots and then small white spots mask = img_as_float(morphology.closing( mask, closing_matrix)) mask = 1 - \ img_as_float(morphology.closing( 1 - mask, closing_matrix)) for f in range(params.mask_dilation): mask = morphology.erosion(mask, np.ones((3, 3))) if params.mask_fill_holes: # mask is inverted mask = 1 - img_as_float(ndimage.binary_fill_holes(1.0 - mask)) self.mask = mask self.overlay_mask_base_image()
def svm_predict(case,svm_classifier): print "svm predict" A = [] b = [] if case == 1: for i in range(uu_num_test): img_name = i + uu_num_train if img_name < 10: img_name = '0' + str(img_name) else: img_name = str(img_name) print "data %d " %(i+uu_num_train) #Read test images as floats img = img_as_float(io.imread('..\data\\training\image_2\uu_0000' + img_name + '.png')) gt_img = img_as_float(io.imread('..\data\\training\gt_image_2\uu_road_0000' + img_name + '.png')) #Create superpixels for test images image_segment = slic(img, n_segments = numSegments, sigma = 5) t, train_indices = np.unique(image_segment, return_index=True) images_train_indices.append(train_indices) image = np.reshape(img,(1,(img.shape[0]*img.shape[1]),3)) images_train.append([image[0][i] for i in train_indices]) #Create gt test image values index at train_indices and converted to 1 or 0 gt_image = np.reshape(gt_img, (1,(gt_img.shape[0]*gt_img.shape[1]),3)) gt_image = [1 if gt_image[0][i][2] > 0 else 0 for i in train_indices] print "len of gt_image: %d with ones: %d" %(len(gt_image),gt_image.count(1)) gt_images_train.append(gt_image) for i in range(uu_num_test): for j in range(len(images_train[i])): A.append(images_train[i][j]) b.append(gt_images_train[i][j]) else: for i in range(uu_num_train,uu_num_train+uu_num_test): for j in range(len(images_train_hsv[i])): #val = np.zeros(6) #val[0:3] = images_train[i][j] #val[3:6] = images_train_hsv[i][j] #A.append(val) #A.append(images_train[i][j]) A.append(images_train_hsv[i][j]) b.append(gt_images_train[i][j]) A = np.asarray(A) b = np.asarray(b) print "A.shape = %s, b.shape = %s" %(A.shape,b.shape) predicted = svm_classifier.predict(A) print svm_classifier.score(A,b) #for i in range(len(gt_images_train)): # for j in range(len(gt_images_train[i])): # print "%d, %d" %(gt_images_train[i][j], predicted[j]) print("Classification report for classifier %s:\n%s\n" %(svm_classifier,metrics.classification_report(b,predicted)))
def run_metrics(result_dir, metrics_initial_path, noisy_image_dir): # Add initial metric values csv_file = open(metrics_initial_path, 'r') csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file) metrics_initial = {} for row in csv_reader: metrics_initial[row['image']] = { 'q': float(row['q']), 'ocr': float(row['ocr']), 'mse': float(row['mse']) } csv_file.close() results = [] DEFAULT_TEXT = 'Lorem ipsum\ndolor sit amet,\nconsectetur\n\nadipiscing elit.\n\nDonec vel\naliquet velit,\nid congue\nposuere.' runs = list(xrange(1, 10 + 1, 1)) for run in runs: # print "--- RUN " + run run_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, str(run)) for filename in os.listdir(run_dir): if not filename.endswith('.png'): continue image_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] blur, noise, contrast = _parse_image_name(image_name) image_path = os.path.join(run_dir, filename) image = util.img_as_float(io.imread(image_path)) ocr = ocr_accuracy(image, DEFAULT_TEXT) try: result = next( r for r in results if r['image']['name'] == image_name) except StopIteration: result = { 'image': { 'name': image_name, 'blur': blur, 'noise': noise, 'contrast': contrast }, 'metrics_initial': metrics_initial[image_name], 'ocr': [], 'q': [], 'mse': [], } results.append(result) result['ocr'].append(ocr) result['q'].append(q_py(image)) # MSE ideal_image_name = 'noisy-00-00-' + str(contrast).replace('.', '') + '.png' ideal_image_path = os.path.join(noisy_image_dir, ideal_image_name) ideal_image = util.img_as_float(io.imread(ideal_image_path)) mse_val = mse(ideal_image, image) result['mse'].append(mse_val) return results
def get_images(noisy_image_dir, clear_image_dir): images = [] for noisy_image_file in sorted(os.listdir(noisy_image_dir)): name, ext = os.path.splitext(noisy_image_file) contrast = name.split('-')[::-1][0] clear_image_name = 'clear-00-00-' + contrast + ext noisy_image_path = os.path.join(noisy_image_dir, noisy_image_file) clear_image_path = os.path.join(clear_image_dir, clear_image_name) # Read images noisy_image = util.img_as_float(io.imread(noisy_image_path)) clear_image = util.img_as_float(io.imread(clear_image_path)) images.append((noisy_image, clear_image, name)) return images
def create_bin(img, otsu_method=True): # Binary image created from Threshold, then labelling is done on this image if otsu_method: int_img = rescale(img) t_otsu = threshold_otsu(int_img) bin_img = (int_img >= t_otsu) float_img = img_as_float(bin_img) return float_img else: thresh = 400 int_img = rescale(img) bin_img = (int_img >= thresh) float_img = img_as_float(bin_img) return float_img
def showPredictionOutput(self): image_withText = self.image.copy() # show the output of the prediction with text for (i, segVal) in enumerate(np.unique(self.segments)): CORD = self.centerList[i] if self.predictionList[i] == "other": colorFont = (255, 0, 0) # "Blue color for other" else: colorFont = (0, 0, 255) # "Red color for ocean" #textOrg = CORD #textOrg = tuple(numpy.subtract((10, 10), (4, 4))) testOrg = (40,40) # need this for the if statment bellow # for some yet unknown reason CORD does sometime contain somthing like this [[[210 209]] [[205 213]] ...] # the following if statemnet is to not get a error becouse of this if len(CORD) == len(testOrg): #textOrg = tuple(np.subtract(CORD, (12, 0))) textOrg = CORD cv2.putText(self.image, self.predictionList[i], textOrg, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.1, colorFont, 3) markedImage = mark_boundaries(img_as_float(cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)), self.segments) else: pass cv2.imshow("segmented image", markedImage) cv2.waitKey(0)
def harris_ones(img, window_size, k=0.05): """Calculate the harris score based on a window function of diagonal ones. Args: img The image to use for corner detection. window_size Size of the window (NxN). k Weighting parameter during the final scoring (det vs. trace). Returns: Corner score image """ # Gradients img = skiutil.img_as_float(img) imgy, imgx = np.gradient(img) imgxy = imgx * imgy imgxx = imgx ** 2 imgyy = imgy ** 2 # window function (matrix of diagonal ones) window = np.ones((window_size, window_size)) # compute parts of harris matrix a11 = signal.correlate(imgxx, window, mode="same") / window_size a12 = signal.correlate(imgxy, window, mode="same") / window_size a21 = a12 a22 = signal.correlate(imgyy, window, mode="same") / window_size # compute score per pixel det_a = a11 * a22 - a12 * a21 trace_a = a11 + a22 return det_a - k * trace_a ** 2
def get_image(fname): arr = io.imread(fname) if arr.ndim == 2: arr = color.gray2rgb(arr) arr = util.img_as_float(arr) assert arr.ndim == 3 return arr
def segment_selection_using_GA(name_file, param): global map_segment map_segment = generate_map_segment(name_file, param) global img img = img_as_float(io.imread(param['img_dir']+name_file+'.ppm')) ind_segment = do_selection(name_file) create_segmentfile_from_binary_string(name_file, param['segment_dir'], param['corpus_meta'], param['output_dir'], param['img_dir'], ind_segment)
def plot_top_N_segment_in_topic(list_file, segment_dir, corpus_meta, prob_topic_doc, n_topic, N, output_dir): index = 0 for name_file in list_file: index += 1 print name_file, index for topic in range(n_topic): fig = plt.figure() index_plt = 1 ind_segment = [int(item_corpus[0]) for item_corpus in corpus_meta if name_file == item_corpus[1].split('-')[0]] val_segment = [prob_topic_doc[ind][topic] for ind in ind_segment] ind_of_ind_segment = get_index_bestdoc(val_segment, 12) for index in ind_of_ind_segment: segments_res = csv2Array(segment_dir+'/'+name_file+'/'+ corpus_meta[ind_segment[index]][1]) no_segment = int(corpus_meta[ind_segment[index]][2]) output = img_as_float(io.imread(img_dir+name_file+'.ppm')) output[segments_res != no_segment] = (0.0,0.0,0.9) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4,3, index_plt, axisbg='grey') ax1.set_xticks(()), ax1.set_yticks(()) ax1.set_title(prob_topic_doc[ind_segment[index]][topic]) ax1.imshow(output) index_plt += 1 ensure_path(output_dir+'/'+name_file+'/') plt.savefig(output_dir+'/'+name_file+'/'+str(topic)+'.pdf') plt.clf() plt.close()
def main(): """Load template image (needle) and the large example image (haystack), generate matching score per pixel, plot the results.""" img_haystack = skiutil.img_as_float( # the image in which to search img_needle = img_haystack[140:190, 220:270] # the template to search for img_sad = np.zeros(img_haystack.shape) # score image height_h, width_h = img_haystack.shape height_n, width_n = img_needle.shape # calculate score for each pixel # stop iterating over pixels when the whole template cannot any more (i.e. stop # at bottom and right border) for y in range(height_h - height_n): for x in range(width_h - width_n): patch = img_haystack[y:y+height_n, x:x+width_n] img_sad[y, x] = sad(img_needle, patch) img_sad = img_sad / np.max(img_sad) # add highest score to bottom and right borders img_sad[height_h-height_n:, :] = np.max(img_sad[0:height_h, 0:width_h]) img_sad[:, width_h-width_n:] = np.max(img_sad[0:height_h, 0:width_h]) # plot results util.plot_images_grayscale( [img_haystack, img_needle, img_sad], ["Image", "Image (Search Template)", "Matching (darkest = best match)"] )
def get_saliency_ft(img_path): # Saliency map calculation based on: img = img_rgb = img_as_float(img) img_lab = skimage.color.rgb2lab(img_rgb) mean_val = np.mean(img_rgb,axis=(0,1)) kernel_h = (1.0/16.0) * np.array([[1,4,6,4,1]]) kernel_w = kernel_h.transpose() blurred_l = scipy.signal.convolve2d(img_lab[:,:,0],kernel_h,mode='same') blurred_a = scipy.signal.convolve2d(img_lab[:,:,1],kernel_h,mode='same') blurred_b = scipy.signal.convolve2d(img_lab[:,:,2],kernel_h,mode='same') blurred_l = scipy.signal.convolve2d(blurred_l,kernel_w,mode='same') blurred_a = scipy.signal.convolve2d(blurred_a,kernel_w,mode='same') blurred_b = scipy.signal.convolve2d(blurred_b,kernel_w,mode='same') im_blurred = np.dstack([blurred_l,blurred_a,blurred_b]) sal = np.linalg.norm(mean_val - im_blurred,axis = 2) sal_max = np.max(sal) sal_min = np.min(sal) sal = 255 * ((sal - sal_min) / (sal_max - sal_min)) return sal
def create_best_segment_image(list_file, segment_dir, corpus_meta, prob_topic_doc, n_topic, n_segment, output_dir): for name_file in list_file: print name_file buff_segment = [] ind_segment = [int(item_corpus[0]) for item_corpus in corpus_meta if name_file == item_corpus[1].split('-')[0]] val_segment = [(ind, prob_topic_doc[ind][topic]) for ind in ind_segment for topic in range(n_topic)] val_segment = sorted(val_segment,key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) bag_of_best_segment = val_segment[0:n_segment] fig = plt.figure() index_plt = 1 for index, prob in bag_of_best_segment: print 'jogie' img = img_as_float(io.imread(img_dir+name_file+'.ppm')) n_col = len(img[0]) list_of_segment = csvToListOfSegment(segment_dir+'/'+name_file+'/'+ corpus_meta[index][1]) no_segment = int(corpus_meta[index][2]) buff_segment.append([row*n_col+col for row, col in list_of_segment[no_segment]]) segments_res = csv2Array(segment_dir+'/'+name_file+'/'+ corpus_meta[index][1]) img[segments_res != no_segment] = (0.0,0.0,0.9) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(6,5, index_plt, axisbg='grey') ax1.set_xticks(()), ax1.set_yticks(()) ax1.imshow(img) index_plt += 1 plt.savefig('coba/'+name_file) plt.clf() plt.close()
def enumerate_images(image_dir, format='png'): for filename in os.listdir(image_dir): if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].endswith(format): image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, filename) image = util.img_as_float(io.imread(image_path)) image_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] yield image_name, image
def run_initial(noisy_image_dir, output_file): DEFAULT_TEXT = 'Lorem ipsum\ndolor sit amet,\nconsectetur\n\nadipiscing elit.\n\nDonec vel\naliquet velit,\nid congue\nposuere.' fieldnames = ['image', 'q', 'ocr', 'mse'] csv_file = open(output_file, 'w') writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() clear_images = _read_clear_images() for noisy_image_file in sorted(os.listdir(noisy_image_dir)): if noisy_image_file.endswith('.png'): image = util.img_as_float(io.imread( os.path.join(noisy_image_dir, noisy_image_file))) image_name = os.path.splitext(noisy_image_file)[0] # All three metrics q = q_py(image) ocr = ocr_accuracy(image, DEFAULT_TEXT) _, __, contrast = _parse_image_name(image_name) contrast_str = str(contrast).replace('.', '') clear_image_name = 'clear-00-00-' + contrast_str mse_val = mse(clear_images[clear_image_name], image) result_row = { 'image': image_name, 'q': q, 'ocr': ocr, 'mse': mse_val } writer.writerow(result_row) csv_file.close() return None
def _compute_auto_correlation(image, sigma): """Compute auto-correlation matrix using sum of squared differences. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray Input image. sigma : float Standard deviation used for the Gaussian kernel, which is used as weighting function for the auto-correlation matrix. Returns ------- Axx : ndarray Element of the auto-correlation matrix for each pixel in input image. Axy : ndarray Element of the auto-correlation matrix for each pixel in input image. Ayy : ndarray Element of the auto-correlation matrix for each pixel in input image. """ if image.ndim == 3: image = img_as_float(rgb2grey(image)) imx, imy = _compute_derivatives(image) # structure tensore Axx = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imx * imx, sigma, mode='constant', cval=0) Axy = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imx * imy, sigma, mode='constant', cval=0) Ayy = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imy * imy, sigma, mode='constant', cval=0) return Axx, Axy, Ayy
def run_q(result_dir, output_file): csv_file = open(output_file, 'w') # fieldnames = ['image', 'param_set', 'final_error', 'training_time'] fieldnames = ['image', 'param_set', 'q'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() # Enumerate images for image_name in sorted(os.listdir(result_dir)): image_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, image_name) if os.path.isdir(image_dir): print image_name # Enumerate parameter sets for result_file in sorted(os.listdir(image_dir)): if result_file.endswith('.png'): image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, result_file) image = util.img_as_float(io.imread(image_path)) q = q_py(image) # result_json_path = os.path.join(image_dir, result_json) result_ps_name = os.path.splitext(result_file)[0] # result_data = read_results(result_json_path) # # last_epoch_error = float(parse_epochs(result_data)[-1]['error']) # last_epoch_error = float(parse_epochs(result_data)[-1]) # # Write into csv file result_row = { 'image': image_name, 'param_set': result_ps_name, 'q': q, } writer.writerow(result_row) csv_file.close() return None
def run_ocr(result_dir, output_file): DEFAULT_TEXT = 'Lorem ipsum\ndolor sit amet,\nconsectetur\n\nadipiscing elit.\n\nDonec vel\naliquet velit,\nid congue\nposuere.' csv_file = open(output_file, 'w') fieldnames = ['image', 'param_set', 'ocr'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() # Enumerate images for image_name in sorted(os.listdir(result_dir)): image_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, image_name) if os.path.isdir(image_dir): print image_name # Enumerate parameter sets for result_file in sorted(os.listdir(image_dir)): if result_file.endswith('.png'): image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, result_file) image = util.img_as_float(io.imread(image_path)) ocr = ocr_accuracy(image, DEFAULT_TEXT) result_ps_name = os.path.splitext(result_file)[0] # # Write into csv file result_row = { 'image': image_name, 'param_set': result_ps_name, 'ocr': ocr, } writer.writerow(result_row) csv_file.close() return None
def SegmentationFelz_run_2d(rod): img = img_as_float( RodriguesToUnambiguousColor(rod["x"], rod["y"], rod["z"], maxRange=None, centerR=None).astype("uint8") ) segments_slic = felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.0, min_size=10) print("Slic number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_slic))) return segments_slic
def to_norm(arr): """ Helper function to normalise/scale an array. This is needed for example for scikit-image which uses floats between 0 and 1. Parameters ---------- arr : `~numpy.ndarray` Array to normalise. Returns ------- arr : `~numpy.ndarray` Array with values between 0 (min) and 1 (max) Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sunpy.image.util import to_norm >>> out = to_norm(np.array([-1, 0, 1])) >>> out array([ 0. , 0.5, 1. ]) """ arr = np.array(arr, dtype='double') arr = img_as_float(arr, force_copy=True) if arr.min() < 0: arr += np.abs(arr.min()) arr /= arr.max() return arr
def build_target(args): target = img_as_float(io.imread(args['target'])) target = color.rgb2gray(target) ratio = float(target.shape[0]) / float(target.shape[1]) target = transform.resize(target, (sz, int(sz/ratio))) return target
def segment(self): self.segments = slic(img_as_float(self.img), enforce_connectivity=True) self.mask = np.zeros(self.img.shape[:2],dtype='int' ) self.mask = self.mask - 1 for (i, segVal) in enumerate(np.unique(self.segments)): self.mask[segVal == self.segments] = i self.pixel_list.append(self.Pixel(i))
def recreate_images(result_dir, noisy_image_dir): # Read noisy images first test_images = {} for image_name in os.listdir(noisy_image_dir): if image_name.endswith('.png'): image_path = os.path.join(noisy_image_dir, image_name) image = util.img_as_float(io.imread(image_path)) image_name_noext = os.path.splitext(image_name)[0] test_images[image_name_noext] = image # Enumerate results - image directories for image_name in sorted(os.listdir(result_dir)): image_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, image_name) if os.path.isdir(image_dir): print image_name for result_file in sorted(os.listdir(image_dir)): if result_file.endswith('.net'): # Instantiate trained ANN from .net file net_path = os.path.join(image_dir, result_file) ann = libfann.neural_net() ann.create_from_file(net_path) # Filter the same image which it was trained with filtered_image = filter_fann( test_images[image_name], ann) param_set_name = os.path.splitext(result_file)[0] io.imsave( os.path.join(image_dir, param_set_name + '.png'), filtered_image)
def harris_gauss(img, sigma=1, k=0.05): """Calculate the harris score based on a gauss window function. Args: img The image to use for corner detection. sigma The sigma value for the gauss functions. k Weighting parameter during the final scoring (det vs. trace). Returns: Corner score image""" # Gradients img = skiutil.img_as_float(img) imgy, imgx = np.gradient(img) imgxy = imgx * imgy imgxx = imgx ** 2 imgyy = imgy ** 2 # compute parts of harris matrix a11 = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imgxx, sigma=sigma, mode="constant") a12 = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imgxy, sigma=sigma, mode="constant") a21 = a12 a22 = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imgyy, sigma=sigma, mode="constant") # compute score per pixel det_a = a11 * a22 - a12 * a21 trace_a = a11 + a22 score = det_a - k * trace_a ** 2 return score
def superpixels(image): """ given an input image, create super pixels on it """ # we could try to limit the problem of holes in boundary by first over segmenting the image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage.segmentation import felzenszwalb, slic, quickshift from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries from skimage.util import img_as_float jac_float = img_as_float(image) plt.imshow(jac_float) #segments_fz = felzenszwalb(jac_float, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) segments_slic = slic(jac_float, n_segments=600, compactness=0.01, sigma=0.001 #, multichannel = False , max_iter=50) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, subplot_kw={'adjustable':'box-forced'}) fig.set_size_inches(8, 3, forward=True) fig.subplots_adjust(0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95, 0.05, 0.05) #ax[0].imshow(mark_boundaries(jac, segments_fz)) #ax[0].set_title("Felzenszwalbs's method") ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(jac_float, segments_slic)) ax.set_title("SLIC") return segments_slic
def adjust_contast_brightness(image: np.ndarray, alpha=1.0, betta=0.0) -> np.ndarray: image = img_as_float(image) return np.clip(alpha * image + betta, 0, 1)
def process_wrapper(self, **kwargs): """ From scikit-image: Quick shift segments image using quickshift clustering in Color-(x,y) space. Real time : No Keyword Arguments (in parentheses, argument name): * Color space (color_space): Selected color space, default: RGB * Width of Gaussian kernel (kernel_size): Width of Gaussian kernel used in smoothing the sample density. Higher means fewer clusters. * Max distance (max_dist): Cut-off point for data distances. Higher means fewer clusters * Ratio (ratio): Balances color-space proximity and image-space proximity. Higher values give more weight to color-space. """ wrapper = self.init_wrapper(**kwargs) if wrapper is None: return False color_space = self.get_value_of("color_space") kernel_size = self.get_value_of("kernel_size") max_dist = self.get_value_of("max_dist") ratio = self.get_value_of("ratio") / 100 res = False try: img = self.wrapper.current_image if color_space.upper() == "HSV": img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) elif color_space.upper() == "LAB": img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB) if kernel_size == 1: kernel_size = 0 elif kernel_size % 2 == 0: kernel_size += 1 img = img_as_float(img) labels = quickshift(img, kernel_size=kernel_size, max_dist=max_dist, ratio=ratio) self.result = labels.copy() labels[labels == -1] = 0 labels = ((labels - labels.min()) / (labels.max() - labels.min()) * 255).astype(np.uint8) water_img = cv2.applyColorMap(255 - labels, DEFAULT_COLOR_MAP) wrapper.store_image(water_img, "quick_shift_vis") self.demo_image = self.print_segmentation_labels( watershed_image=water_img.copy(), labels=labels, dbg_suffix="quick_shift", ) except Exception as e: res = False wrapper.error_holder.add_error( new_error_text=f'Failed to process {self. name}: "{repr(e)}"', new_error_level=35, target_logger=logger, ) else: res = True finally: return res
def detector(frame, average, roi, output, cluster_pars=["dbscan", 10, 10], threshold_pars=["otsu"], total_frames=False, fit_kind="circle", block_shape=(256, 256), nthreads=2, regex="[0-9]{6,}", debug=False): """ Detect whitecapping using a local thresholding approach. There is no output, this function will write to file. Parameters: ---------- frame : str Full frame path averages : str Full average path. Use to obtain the averages. roi : list or pd.DataFrame Region of interest for processing. Use to obtain a valid file. output : str Output path for the processed data. cluster_pars : list List of parameters for clustering. threshold_pars : list List of parameters for thresholding. total_frames: int Total number of frames. for plotting only fit_kind : str What geometry to fit to a cluster. Can be either circle or ellipse. block_shape : tupple Block size for view_as_blocks. must be a power of 2 regex : string Regex to get the sequential image number "[0-9]{6,}". debug : bool Run in debug mode. will run in serial and plot outputs. Returns: ------- Nothing. Will write to file instead. """ # try to figure out frame number and process ID PID = os.getpid() frmid = int(, os.path.basename(frame)).group()) print(" -- started processing frame", frmid, "of", total_frames, "with PID", PID) # ---- try the detection pipeline ---- try: # read img = img_as_float(rgb2gray(imread(frame))) # ---- deal with roi ---- try: roi_coords, roi_rect, mask = compute_roi(roi, frame, regex=regex) except Exception: print(" -- died because of Region of Interest processing frame", frmid) return 0 # try to read average image try: avg = img_as_float(rgb2gray(imread(average))) except Exception: avg = np.zeros(img.shape) # remove average and mask where the intensity decreases dif = img - avg dif[dif < 0] = 0 mask = rgb2gray(mask) # TODO: Verify effect of scalling instead of subtraction dif = img_as_ubyte(dif) img = img_as_ubyte(img) avg = img_as_ubyte(avg) # threshold if threshold_pars[0] == "otsu": trx = otsu_threshold(dif) bin_img = apply_threshold(dif * mask, trx) bin_img = np.invert(bin_img) elif threshold_pars[0] == "entropy": kptrx = kapur_threshold(dif) bin_img = apply_threshold(dif * mask, kptrx) bin_img = np.invert(bin_img) elif threshold_pars[0] == "adaptative": local_thresh = threshold_local(dif * mask, threshold_pars[1], offset=threshold_pars[2]) bin_img = dif > local_thresh elif threshold_pars[0] == "constant": bin_img = apply_threshold(dif * mask, int(threshold_pars[1])) bin_img = np.invert(bin_img) elif threshold_pars[0] == "file": trxdf = pd.read_csv(threshold_pars[1]) nearest = trxdf["frame"].values[np.argmin( np.abs(frmid - trxdf["frame"].values))] bin_img = apply_threshold(dif * mask, trxdf.iloc[nearest]["threshold"]) bin_img = np.invert(bin_img) else: raise ValueError("Fatal: could not deal with thresholding method.") # ensure the shape is right for processing as blocks bin_img, block_shape = ensure_shape(bin_img, block_shape) view = view_as_blocks(bin_img, tuple(block_shape.tolist())) # outputs dfs = [] # store dbscan results # loop over image blocks for i in range(view.shape[0]): for j in range(view.shape[1]): # target block blk = view[i, j, :, :] # update indexes i1 = block_shape[0] * i i2 = i1 + block_shape[0] j1 = block_shape[1] * j j2 = j1 + block_shape[1] # try to group bright pixels try: df = cluster(np.invert(blk), cluster_pars[1], cluster_pars[2], backend=cluster_pars[0], nthreads=nthreads, fit_kind=fit_kind) if not df.empty: # fix offsets # i, j need to swaped here, not sure why df["ic"] = df["ic"] + j1 df["jc"] = df["jc"] + i1 # add info about the processing blocks df["block_i"] = j df["block_j"] = i df["block_i_left"] = j1 df["block_i_right"] = j2 df["block_j_top"] = i1 df["block_j_bottom"] = i2 # append dfs.append(df) except Exception: raise pass # do nothing here # it means that a block search failled # concatenate if dfs: df_dbscan = pd.concat(dfs) # add some extra information # df_dbscan["step"] = int(os.path.basename(frame).split(".")[0]) df_dbscan["frame"] = frmid # write to file fname = str(frmid).zfill(8) + ".csv" df_dbscan.to_csv(os.path.join(output, fname), index=False) else: print(" -- no clusters were found processing frame", frmid) df_dbscan = pd.DataFrame() return 0 # debug plot if debug: fig, ax = plot(frmid, img, bin_img, block_shape, roi_rect, df_dbscan, total_frames, fit_kind) # save to file fname = str(frmid).zfill(8) + ".png" plt.savefig(os.path.join(output, fname), dpi=150, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.1) # plt.close() except Exception: raise print(" -- died for some unknown reason processing frame", frmid) print(" -- finished processing frame", frmid) return 1
def vein_gabor_enhancement(img, scale): I = img_as_float(img) No_of_Orientation = 16 # in wrist paper 16 oreientations No_of_Scale = len(scale) a = scale Gr, _ = Gabor(0, 1.5, 1, 200, a[No_of_Scale-1]) # 1.5 p = Energy_check(Gr) Gabor_Matrix_Gr = np.zeros( (2*p + 1, 2*p + 1, No_of_Orientation, No_of_Scale)) ER = [0] * No_of_Scale for s in range(No_of_Scale): ang_count = 0 for ang in range(0, 179, int(np.ceil(180 / No_of_Orientation))): Gr, _ = Gabor(ang, 1.5, 1, p, a[s]) # 1.5 Gabor_Matrix_Gr[:, :, ang_count, s] = Gr ang_count = ang_count + 1 if ang_count == No_of_Orientation: break R = Energy_check(np.squeeze(Gabor_Matrix_Gr[:, :, 1, s])) ER[s] = R Energy_Map = np.zeros(I.shape) Scale_Map = np.ones(I.shape) Orient_Map = np.ones(I.shape) E = np.zeros((I.shape[0], I.shape[1], No_of_Orientation, No_of_Scale)) Gabor_fft_Matrix_Gr = np.zeros( (I.shape[0], I.shape[1], No_of_Orientation, No_of_Scale)) I_fft = np.fft.fft2(I) for s in range(No_of_Scale): for ang in range(No_of_Orientation): pad1 = math.floor((I.shape[0] - (2*p+1)) / 2) pad2 = math.floor((I.shape[1] - (2*p+1)) / 2) pad = [(pad1, pad2), (pad1, pad2)] Gabor_fft_Matrix_Gr[:, :, ang, s] = np.fft.fft2( np.pad(Gabor_Matrix_Gr[:, :, ang, s], pad, mode='constant'), I.shape) I2 = np.square(I) Image_Power = np.zeros((I.shape[0], I.shape[1], No_of_Scale)) for s in range(No_of_Scale): Image_Power[:, :, s] = np.sqrt( signal.convolve2d(I2, np.ones((ER[s], ER[s])), 'same')) + 0.1 for ang in range(No_of_Orientation): E[:, :, ang, s] = np.fft.fftshift( np.fft.ifft2(-Gabor_fft_Matrix_Gr[:, :, ang, s] * I_fft)) / Image_Power[:, :, s] EngAng = np.zeros((I.shape[0], I.shape[1], No_of_Scale)) AngIdx = np.zeros((I.shape[0], I.shape[1], No_of_Scale)) for s in range(No_of_Scale): EngAng[:, :, s] = np.amax(E[:, :, :, s], axis=2) AngIdx[:, :, s] = np.argmax(E[:, :, :, s], axis=2) Energy_Map = np.amax(EngAng, axis=2) Scale_Map = np.argmax(EngAng, axis=2) for x in range(Energy_Map.shape[0]): for y in range(Energy_Map.shape[1]): Orient_Map[x, y] = AngIdx[x, y, Scale_Map[x, y]] return Orient_Map
def test_li_coins_image_as_float(): coins = util.img_as_float(data.coins()) assert 94 / 255 < threshold_li(coins) < 95 / 255
def test_equalize_float(): img = util.img_as_float(test_img) img_eq = exposure.equalize_hist(img) cdf, bin_edges = exposure.cumulative_distribution(img_eq) check_cdf_slope(cdf)
def paint_segment_skimage(self, image, color, px=0, py=0, idx_segment=[], border=True, clear=False): """Paint a list of segments using a index or position in image. Parameters ---------- image : opencv 3-channel color image. Segmented image. color : string X11Color name. px : integer, optional, default = 0 Segment point inside the image in x-axis. py : integer, optional, default = 0 Segment point inside the image in y-axis. idx_segment : list, optional, default = [] List of segments. border : boolean, optional, default = True If true paint the border of segments with default color. clear : boolean, optional, default = False If true clear previous painting in the image. Returns ------- new_image : opencv 3-channel color image. Painted image. run_time : integer Running time spent in milliseconds. """ # Check if segmentation was already performed if self._segments is None: return image, 0 start_time = TimeUtils.get_time() # If idx_segment not passed, get the segment index using the points (px, py) if len(idx_segment) == 0: idx_segment = [self._segments[py, px]] height, width, channels = self._original_image.shape # Create a mask, painting black all pixels outside of segments and white the pixels inside mask_segment = np.zeros(self._original_image.shape[:2], dtype="uint8") for idx in idx_segment: mask_segment[self._segments == idx] = 255 mask_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(mask_segment) # Paint all pixels in original image with choosed color class_color = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8) class_color[:, :] = X11Colors.get_color(color) if SkimageSegmenter.FORCE_OPT == False: colored_image = cv2.addWeighted(self._original_image, 0.7, class_color, 0.3, 0) else: colored_image = cv2.addWeighted(image, 0.7, class_color, 0.3, 0) colored_image = cv2.bitwise_and(colored_image, colored_image, mask=mask_segment) # Create a new image keeping the painting only in pixels inside of segments new_image = image if clear == False else self._original_image new_image = cv2.bitwise_and(new_image, new_image, mask=mask_inv) mask_segment[:] = 255 new_image = cv2.bitwise_or(new_image, colored_image, mask=mask_segment) # If border is true, paint the segments borders if border == True and SkimageSegmenter.FORCE_OPT == False: color = X11Colors.get_color_zero_one( self.border_color.get_cast_val()) outline_color = color if self.border_outline.value == 'Yes' else None new_image = img_as_ubyte( mark_boundaries(img_as_float(new_image), self._segments.astype(np.int8), color=color, outline_color=outline_color)) end_time = TimeUtils.get_time() # Return painted image return new_image, (end_time - start_time)
Created on Tue Jun 20 09:23:45 2017 @author: viper """ matplotlib.use('pgf') # Force Matplotlib back-end # Modules.... import matplotlib import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage import io from scipy import ndimage from skimage import segmentation from skimage.util import img_as_float from skimage import color plt.close('all') # Close all remaining figures filename = 'DoP.tiff' im = io.imread(filename) # Open the image im = img_as_float(im) im = color.grey2rgb(im) plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(im, cmap='gray') labels = segmentation.felzenszwalb(im, scale=800, sigma=0.5, min_size=250) plt.imshow(segmentation.mark_boundaries(color.label2rgb(labels, im), labels)) plt.savefig('Processed/Felzenszwalb/' + filename)
of Quickshift, while ``n_segments`` chooses the number of centers for kmeans. .. [3] Radhakrishna Achanta, Appu Shaji, Kevin Smith, Aurelien Lucchi, Pascal Fua, and Sabine Suesstrunk, SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-art Superpixel Methods, TPAMI, May 2012. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from import lena from skimage.segmentation import felzenszwalb, slic, quickshift from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries from skimage.util import img_as_float img = img_as_float(lena()[::2, ::2]) segments_fz = felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) segments_slic = slic(img, ratio=10, n_segments=250, sigma=1) segments_quick = quickshift(img, kernel_size=3, max_dist=6, ratio=0.5) print("Felzenszwalb's number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_fz))) print("Slic number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_slic))) print("Quickshift number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_quick))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3) fig.set_size_inches(8, 3, forward=True) plt.subplots_adjust(0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95, 0.05, 0.05) ax[0].imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments_fz)) ax[0].set_title("Felzenszwalbs's method") ax[1].imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments_slic))
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-i", "--image", required=True, help="Path to the image") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) # load the image and apply SLIC and extract (approximately) # the supplied number of segments image = cv2.imread(args["image"]) image = cv2.resize(image, (800, 600)) segments = slic(image, n_segments=40) # show the output of SLIC fig = plt.figure("Superpixels") ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow( mark_boundaries(img_as_float(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)), segments)) plt.axis("off") # loop over the unique segment values for (i, segVal) in enumerate(np.unique(segments)): # construct a mask for the segment print "[x] inspecting segment %d" % (i) mask = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype="uint8") mask[segments == segVal] = 255 # show the masked region cv2.imshow("Applied", cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=mask)) cv2.waitKey(0)
def adaptiveEqualization(img: np.ndarray, clip_limit: float = 0.03) -> np.ndarray: img_f = img_as_float(img)[0, :4]) return img_as_ubyte(exposure.equalize_adapthist(img_f, clip_limit))
# In[ ]: # In[50]: # 3 segmentation algorithms: felzenszwalb, slic, quickshift from __future__ import print_function import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from skimage.segmentation import felzenszwalb, slic, quickshift from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries from skimage.util import img_as_float img = img_as_float(resize(image, (100, 100))) # img = img_as_float(resize(image, (50, 50))) segments_fz = felzenszwalb(img, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) segments_slic = slic(img, n_segments=250, compactness=10, sigma=1) segments_quick = quickshift(img, kernel_size=3, max_dist=6, ratio=0.5) print("Felzenszwalb's number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_fz))) print("Slic number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_slic))) print("Quickshift number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_quick))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3) fig.set_size_inches(8, 3, forward=True) fig.subplots_adjust(0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95, 0.05, 0.05) ax[0].imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments_fz))
return min_i # prepare filter bank kernels kernels = [] for theta in range(4): theta = theta / 4. * np.pi for sigma in (1, 3): for frequency in (0.05, 0.25): kernel = np.real(gabor_kernel(frequency, theta=theta, sigma_x=sigma, sigma_y=sigma)) kernels.append(kernel) shrink = (slice(0, None, 3), slice(0, None, 3)) brick = img_as_float(data.load('brick.png'))[shrink] grass = img_as_float(data.load('grass.png'))[shrink] wall = img_as_float(data.load('rough-wall.png'))[shrink] image_names = ('brick', 'grass', 'wall') images = (brick, grass, wall) # prepare reference features ref_feats = np.zeros((3, len(kernels), 2), dtype=np.double) ref_feats[0, :, :] = compute_feats(brick, kernels) ref_feats[1, :, :] = compute_feats(grass, kernels) ref_feats[2, :, :] = compute_feats(wall, kernels) print('Rotated images matched against references using Gabor filter banks:') print('original: brick, rotated: 30deg, match result: ', end='') feats = compute_feats(ndi.rotate(brick, angle=190, reshape=False), kernels)
def carregaImg(arg): return data.imread("../imagens/" + arg) #carrega imagem img_1 = carregaImg(sys.argv[1]) nome_img_saida = sys.argv[2] mask_size = int(sys.argv[3]) # Se necessário, converte para imagem em níveis de cinza. if img_1.ndim > 2: img_1 = color.rgb2gray(img_1) # Converte imagem para float. img_1 = util.img_as_float(img_1) #processa a imagem masc_random = np.ones([mask_size, mask_size], dtype=float) masc_random = masc_random / float(mask_size ^ 2) img = img_1 img_1 = filters.convolve(img_1, masc_random, mode='constant', cval=0) # Operadores de Sobel sob_h = np.array([[-1., -2., -1.], [0., 0., 0.], [1., 2., 1.]], dtype=float) sob_v = np.array([[-1., 0., 1.], [-2., 0., 2.], [-1., 0., 1.]], dtype=float) # Gradiente de Sobel. im_sob_h = filters.convolve(img_1, sob_h) im_sob_v = filters.convolve(img_1, sob_v)
def random_walker(data, labels, mode='bf', tol=1.e-3, copy=True, return_full_prob=False, spacing=None, alpha=0.3, beta=0.3, gamma=0.4, a=130.0, b=10.0, c=800.0): """Random walker algorithm for segmentation from markers. Random walker algorithm is implemented for gray-level or multichannel images. Parameters ---------- data : array_like Image to be segmented in phases. Gray-level `data` can be two- or three-dimensional; multichannel data can be three- or four- dimensional (multichannel=True) with the highest dimension denoting channels. Data spacing is assumed isotropic unless the `spacing` keyword argument is used. labels : array of ints, of same shape as `data` without channels dimension Array of seed markers labeled with different positive integers for different phases. Zero-labeled pixels are unlabeled pixels. Negative labels correspond to inactive pixels that are not taken into account (they are removed from the graph). If labels are not consecutive integers, the labels array will be transformed so that labels are consecutive. In the multichannel case, `labels` should have the same shape as a single channel of `data`, i.e. without the final dimension denoting channels. beta : float Penalization coefficient for the random walker motion (the greater `beta`, the more difficult the diffusion). mode : string, available options {'cg_mg', 'cg', 'bf'} Mode for solving the linear system in the random walker algorithm. If no preference given, automatically attempt to use the fastest option available ('cg_mg' from pyamg >> 'cg' with UMFPACK > 'bf'). - 'bf' (brute force): an LU factorization of the Laplacian is computed. This is fast for small images (<1024x1024), but very slow and memory-intensive for large images (e.g., 3-D volumes). - 'cg' (conjugate gradient): the linear system is solved iteratively using the Conjugate Gradient method from scipy.sparse.linalg. This is less memory-consuming than the brute force method for large images, but it is quite slow. - 'cg_mg' (conjugate gradient with multigrid preconditioner): a preconditioner is computed using a multigrid solver, then the solution is computed with the Conjugate Gradient method. This mode requires that the pyamg module ( is installed. For images of size > 512x512, this is the recommended (fastest) mode. tol : float tolerance to achieve when solving the linear system, in cg' and 'cg_mg' modes. copy : bool If copy is False, the `labels` array will be overwritten with the result of the segmentation. Use copy=False if you want to save on memory. multichannel : bool, default False If True, input data is parsed as multichannel data (see 'data' above for proper input format in this case) return_full_prob : bool, default False If True, the probability that a pixel belongs to each of the labels will be returned, instead of only the most likely label. spacing : iterable of floats Spacing between voxels in each spatial dimension. If `None`, then the spacing between pixels/voxels in each dimension is assumed 1. Returns ------- output : ndarray * If `return_full_prob` is False, array of ints of same shape as `data`, in which each pixel has been labeled according to the marker that reached the pixel first by anisotropic diffusion. * If `return_full_prob` is True, array of floats of shape `(nlabels, data.shape)`. `output[label_nb, i, j]` is the probability that label `label_nb` reaches the pixel `(i, j)` first. See also -------- skimage.morphology.watershed: watershed segmentation A segmentation algorithm based on mathematical morphology and "flooding" of regions from markers. Notes ----- Multichannel inputs are scaled with all channel data combined. Ensure all channels are separately normalized prior to running this algorithm. The `spacing` argument is specifically for anisotropic datasets, where data points are spaced differently in one or more spatial dimensions. Anisotropic data is commonly encountered in medical imaging. The algorithm was first proposed in *Random walks for image segmentation*, Leo Grady, IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell. 2006 Nov;28(11):1768-83. The algorithm solves the diffusion equation at infinite times for sources placed on markers of each phase in turn. A pixel is labeled with the phase that has the greatest probability to diffuse first to the pixel. The diffusion equation is solved by minimizing x.T L x for each phase, where L is the Laplacian of the weighted graph of the image, and x is the probability that a marker of the given phase arrives first at a pixel by diffusion (x=1 on markers of the phase, x=0 on the other markers, and the other coefficients are looked for). Each pixel is attributed the label for which it has a maximal value of x. The Laplacian L of the image is defined as: - L_ii = d_i, the number of neighbors of pixel i (the degree of i) - L_ij = -w_ij if i and j are adjacent pixels The weight w_ij is a decreasing function of the norm of the local gradient. This ensures that diffusion is easier between pixels of similar values. When the Laplacian is decomposed into blocks of marked and unmarked pixels:: L = M B.T B A with first indices corresponding to marked pixels, and then to unmarked pixels, minimizing x.T L x for one phase amount to solving:: A x = - B x_m where x_m = 1 on markers of the given phase, and 0 on other markers. This linear system is solved in the algorithm using a direct method for small images, and an iterative method for larger images. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> a = np.zeros((10, 10)) + 0.2 * np.random.rand(10, 10) >>> a[5:8, 5:8] += 1 >>> b = np.zeros_like(a) >>> b[3, 3] = 1 # Marker for first phase >>> b[6, 6] = 2 # Marker for second phase >>> random_walker(a, b) array([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]], dtype=int32) """ # Parse input data if mode is None: if amg_loaded: mode = 'cg_mg' elif UmfpackContext is not None: mode = 'cg' else: mode = 'bf' if (labels != 0).all(): warn('Random walker only segments unlabeled areas, where ' 'labels == 0. No zero valued areas in labels were ' 'found. Returning provided labels.') if return_full_prob: # Find and iterate over valid labels unique_labels = np.unique(labels) unique_labels = unique_labels[unique_labels > 0] out_labels = np.empty(labels.shape + (len(unique_labels), ), dtype=np.bool) for n, i in enumerate(unique_labels): out_labels[..., n] = (labels == i) else: out_labels = labels return out_labels if data.ndim < 4: raise ValueError('Dta must have 4 ' 'dimensions.') dims = data[..., 0].shape # To reshape final labeled result data = img_as_float(data) # Spacing kwarg checks if spacing is None: spacing = np.asarray((1., ) * 4) elif len(spacing) == len(dims): if len(spacing) == 2: # Need a dummy spacing for singleton 3rd dim spacing = np.r_[spacing, 1.] else: # Convert to array spacing = np.asarray(spacing) else: raise ValueError('Input argument `spacing` incorrect, should be an ' 'iterable with one number per spatial dimension.') if copy: labels = np.copy(labels) label_values = np.unique(labels) # Reorder label values to have consecutive integers (no gaps) if np.any(np.diff(label_values) != 1): mask = labels >= 0 labels[mask] = rank_order(labels[mask])[0].astype(labels.dtype) labels = labels.astype(np.int32) # If the array has pruned zones, be sure that no isolated pixels # exist between pruned zones (they could not be determined) if np.any(labels < 0): filled = ndi.binary_propagation(labels > 0, mask=labels >= 0) labels[np.logical_and(np.logical_not(filled), labels == 0)] = -1 del filled labels = np.atleast_3d(labels) if np.any(labels < 0): lap_sparse = _build_laplacian(data, spacing, mask=labels >= 0, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, a=a, b=b, c=c) else: lap_sparse = _build_laplacian(data, spacing, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, a=a, b=b, c=c) lap_sparse, B = _buildAB(lap_sparse, labels) # We solve the linear system # lap_sparse X = B # where X[i, j] is the probability that a marker of label i arrives # first at pixel j by anisotropic diffusion. if mode == 'cg': X = _solve_cg(lap_sparse, B, tol=tol, return_full_prob=return_full_prob) if mode == 'cg_mg': if not amg_loaded: warn("""pyamg ( is needed to use this mode, but is not installed. The 'cg' mode will be used instead.""") X = _solve_cg(lap_sparse, B, tol=tol, return_full_prob=return_full_prob) else: X = _solve_cg_mg(lap_sparse, B, tol=tol, return_full_prob=return_full_prob) if mode == 'bf': X = _solve_bf(lap_sparse, B, return_full_prob=return_full_prob) # Clean up results if return_full_prob: labels = labels.astype(np.float) X = np.array([ _clean_labels_ar(Xline, labels, copy=True).reshape(dims) for Xline in X ]) for i in range(1, int(labels.max()) + 1): mask_i = np.squeeze(labels == i) X[:, mask_i] = 0 X[i - 1, mask_i] = 1 else: X = _clean_labels_ar(X + 1, labels).reshape(dims) return X
# construct the argument parser and parse the arguments #ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() #ap.add_argument("-i", "--image", required = True, help = "Path to the image") #args = vars(ap.parse_args()) train = [] # load the image and apply SLIC and extract (approximately) # the supplied number of segments #image = cv2.imread(args["image"]) for i in range(3, 20): image = cv2.imread('images/image' + str(i) + '.jpg') #img = image.load_img('image2.jpg') ground_truth = cv2.imread('ground_truth/ground_truth' + str(i) + '.jpg') segments = slic(img_as_float(image), n_segments=100, sigma=5) res = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype="uint8") selected = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype="uint8") res = ground_truth[:, :, 0] # show the output of SLIC fig = plt.figure("Superpixels") ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow( mark_boundaries( img_as_float(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)), segments)) plt.axis("off") label = np.zeros(1)
if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): assert_array_equal(bin_centers, np.arange(imin, imax + 1)) assert frequencies[0][0] == channel_size assert frequencies[0][-1] == 0 assert frequencies[1][0] == 0 assert frequencies[1][-1] == channel_size # Test histogram equalization # =========================== np.random.seed(0) test_img_int = # squeeze image intensities to lower image contrast test_img = util.img_as_float(test_img_int) test_img = exposure.rescale_intensity(test_img / 5. + 100) def test_equalize_uint8_approx(): """Check integer bins used for uint8 images.""" img_eq0 = exposure.equalize_hist(test_img_int) img_eq1 = exposure.equalize_hist(test_img_int, nbins=3) np.testing.assert_allclose(img_eq0, img_eq1) def test_equalize_ubyte(): img = util.img_as_ubyte(test_img) img_eq = exposure.equalize_hist(img) cdf, bin_edges = exposure.cumulative_distribution(img_eq)
def validate_mask(val_loader, model, criterion, val_img_index): batch_time = AverageMeter() losses = AverageMeter() top1 = AverageMeter() top5 = AverageMeter() # switch to evaluate mode model.eval() end = time.time() count = 0 for i, (input, target) in enumerate(val_loader): count += 1 if count > val_img_index: break target = target.cuda(async=True) input_var = torch.autograd.Variable(input, volatile=True).cuda() target_var = torch.autograd.Variable(target, volatile=True).cuda() img_show = input[0].numpy().copy() img_show = img_show.transpose(1, 2, 0) img_show -= img_show.min() img_show /= img_show.max() img_show *= 255 img_show = img_show.astype(np.uint8) if count == val_img_index: #cv2.imwrite("orginal_img.png", img_show) segments = felzenszwalb(img_as_float(img_show), scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) print("Felzenszwalb number of segments: {}".format( len(np.unique(segments)))) # cv2.imshow('superpixels', mark_boundaries(img_as_float(img_show), segments)) # cv2.waitKey(0) # cv2.destroyAllWindows() # compute output output = model(input_var) loss = criterion(output, target_var) pred =, keepdim=True)[1] label = target[0] if pred[0].cpu().numpy()[0] == label: print("correct prediction, index ", count) correct_pred_count = 0 wrong_pred_count = 0 dict_pixel = get_pixel_sorted_mask_label() plot_summed_heatmap(val_img_index, img_show, label, dict_pixel) sorted_dict_values_set = sorted(set(dict_pixel.values())) # Binary search the pixel label threshold first = 0 last = len(sorted_dict_values_set) - 1 while first <= last: midpoint = int((first + last) / 2) mask_threshold1 = sorted_dict_values_set[midpoint] mask_threshold2 = sorted_dict_values_set[midpoint + 1] mask1 = generate_new_mask(dict_pixel, mask_threshold1) mask2 = generate_new_mask(dict_pixel, mask_threshold2) print("sorted_dict_values_set") print(sorted_dict_values_set) print("len(sorted_dict_values_set)") print(len(sorted_dict_values_set)) masked_img1 = input[0].numpy().copy() * mask1 masked_img2 = input[0].numpy().copy() * mask2 masked_img_batch1 = masked_img1[None, :, :, :] masked_img_batch2 = masked_img2[None, :, :, :] masked_img_tensor1 = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.from_numpy(masked_img_batch1)).cuda() masked_img_tensor2 = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.from_numpy(masked_img_batch2)).cuda() # Evaluate the NN model mask_output1 = model(masked_img_tensor1) mask_output2 = model(masked_img_tensor2) pred_mask1 =, keepdim=True)[1] pred_mask2 =, keepdim=True)[1] masked_img_show1 = masked_img1.copy() masked_img_show1 = masked_img_show1.transpose(1, 2, 0) masked_img_show1 -= masked_img_show1.min() masked_img_show1 /= masked_img_show1.max() masked_img_show1 *= 255 masked_img_show1 = masked_img_show1.astype(np.uint8) masked_img_show2 = masked_img2.copy() masked_img_show2 = masked_img_show2.transpose(1, 2, 0) masked_img_show2 -= masked_img_show2.min() masked_img_show2 /= masked_img_show2.max() masked_img_show2 *= 255 masked_img_show2 = masked_img_show2.astype(np.uint8) if pred_mask1[0].cpu().numpy()[0] == target[0]: correct_pred_count += 1 print("correct_pred_count: ", correct_pred_count) if pred_mask2[0].cpu().numpy()[0] != target[0]: plt.subplot(141), plt.imshow( cv2.cvtColor(img_show, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), 'gray'), plt.title('original_img_label_{}'.format( classes_dict[target[0]]), fontsize=60) plt.subplot(142), plt.imshow( mark_boundaries(img_as_float(img_show[:, :, ::-1]), segments), 'gray'), plt.title('Superpixel', fontsize=60) plt.subplot(143), plt.imshow( mask1 * 255, 'gray'), plt.title( "Mask threshold_{}".format(mask_threshold1), fontsize=60) plt.subplot(144), plt.imshow( cv2.cvtColor(masked_img_show1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), 'gray'), plt.title( 'Org_img_with_mask pred_{}'.format( classes_dict[pred_mask1[0].cpu().numpy() [0]]), fontsize=60) #cv2.imwrite("frog.png", masked_img_show1) figure = plt.gcf() # get current figure figure.set_size_inches(90, 30) plt.savefig( 'result_imgs/index_{}_threshold_{}.png'.format( val_img_index, mask_threshold1)) plt.subplot(141), plt.imshow( cv2.cvtColor(img_show, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), 'gray'), plt.title('original_img_label_{}'.format( classes_dict[target[0]]), fontsize=60) plt.subplot(142), plt.imshow( mark_boundaries(img_as_float(img_show[:, :, ::-1]), segments), 'gray'), plt.title('Superpixel', fontsize=60) plt.subplot(143), plt.imshow( mask2 * 255, 'gray'), plt.title( "Mask threshold_{}".format(mask_threshold2), fontsize=60) plt.subplot(144), plt.imshow( cv2.cvtColor(masked_img_show2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), 'gray'), plt.title('pred_{}'.format( classes_dict[pred_mask2[0].cpu().numpy()[0]]), fontsize=60) figure = plt.gcf() # get current figure figure.set_size_inches(90, 30) plt.savefig( 'result_imgs/index_{}_threshold_{}.png'.format( val_img_index, mask_threshold2)) # # plt.close() return mask_threshold1 else: first = midpoint + 1 else: wrong_pred_count += 1 print("wrong_pred_count: ", wrong_pred_count) last = midpoint - 1 print("masked label threshold") print(mask_threshold1)
def imgs2lf(input_dir, lf_file, lf_dataset='lightfield', img_extension='.png', dtype=np.uint8, RGB=True): """ Convert several images to a lightfield. Parameters ---------- input_dir : string The directory where the ligthfield images are located. lf_file: string The filename (including the directory), of the output file. lf_dataset : string, optional The new container name of the hdf5 file. img_extension : string, optional The file extension of the images to look for. dtype : numpy.dtype, optional The new data type for the downscaled lightfield. Must be either np.float64, np.uint8 or np.uint16. RGB : bool, optional If True, the output lightfield will be converted to RGB (default). Otherwise gray type images are stored. """ # look for images files = multiLoading(identifier="*.{e}".format(e=img_extension), path=input_dir) # prepare saving lf_file = prepareSaving(lf_file, extension=".hdf5") # Which dtype should be used? if dtype == np.float64: img_0 = img_as_float(imread(files[0])) elif dtype == np.uint8: img_0 = img_as_ubyte(imread(files[0])) elif dtype == np.uint16: img_0 = img_as_uint(imread(files[0])) else: raise TypeError('The given data type is not supported!') # Do we shall take RGB or gray images? if (len(img_0.shape) == 3 and img_0.shape[2] == 3): rows, cols, orig_channels = img_0.shape # automatically determine the images'shapes from the first image. elif len(img_0.shape) == 2: orig_channels = 1 rows, cols = img_0.shape # automatically determine the images'shapes from the first image. else: raise TypeError('The given images are neither gray nor RGB images!') f_out = h5py.File(lf_file, 'w') if RGB: dataset = f_out.create_dataset(lf_dataset, shape=(len(files), rows, cols, 3), dtype=dtype) else: dataset = f_out.create_dataset(lf_dataset, shape=(len(files), rows, cols), dtype=dtype) for k in range(len(files)): if dtype == np.float64: if orig_channels == 1 and RGB: dataset[k, ...] = img_as_float(gray2rgb(imread(files[k]))) elif orig_channels == 3 and not RGB: dataset[k, ...] = img_as_float(rgb2gray(imread(files[k]))) else: dataset[k, ...] = img_as_float(imread(files[k])) elif dtype == np.uint8: if orig_channels == 1 and RGB: dataset[k, ...] = img_as_ubyte(gray2rgb(imread(files[k]))) elif orig_channels == 3 and not RGB: dataset[k, ...] = img_as_ubyte(rgb2gray(imread(files[k]))) else: dataset[k, ...] = img_as_ubyte(imread(files[k])) elif dtype == np.uint16: if orig_channels == 1 and RGB: dataset[k, ...] = img_as_uint(gray2rgb(imread(files[k]))) elif orig_channels == 3 and not RGB: dataset[k, ...] = img_as_uint(rgb2gray(imread(files[k]))) else: dataset[k, ...] = img_as_uint(imread(files[k])) else: raise TypeError('Given dtype not supported.') f_out.close()
def test_otsu_coins_image_as_float(): coins = util.img_as_float(data.coins()) assert 0.41 < threshold_otsu(coins) < 0.42
##################################################################### # Calibrating a wavelet denoiser import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from import chelsea from skimage.restoration import calibrate_denoiser, denoise_wavelet from skimage.util import img_as_float, random_noise from functools import partial # rescale_sigma=True required to silence deprecation warnings _denoise_wavelet = partial(denoise_wavelet, rescale_sigma=True) image = img_as_float(chelsea()) sigma = 0.3 noisy = random_noise(image, var=sigma**2) # Parameters to test when calibrating the denoising algorithm parameter_ranges = { 'sigma': np.arange(0.1, 0.3, 0.02), 'wavelet': ['db1', 'db2'], 'convert2ycbcr': [True, False], 'multichannel': [True] } # Denoised image using default parameters of `denoise_wavelet` default_output = denoise_wavelet(noisy, multichannel=True, rescale_sigma=True) # Calibrate denoiser
def validate(val_loader, model, criterion, eval_img_index): batch_time = AverageMeter() losses = AverageMeter() top1 = AverageMeter() top5 = AverageMeter() # switch to evaluate mode model.eval() count = 0 for i, (input, target) in enumerate(val_loader): count += 1 if count > eval_img_index: break input_var = torch.autograd.Variable(input, volatile=True).cuda() target_var = torch.autograd.Variable(target, volatile=True).cuda() img_show = input[0].numpy().copy() img_show = img_show.transpose(1, 2, 0) img_show -= img_show.min() img_show /= img_show.max() img_show *= 255 img_show = img_show.astype(np.uint8) # cv2.imshow('index_{}_label_{}'.format(i, classes_dict[target[0]]), img_show) # # cv2.waitKey(0) if count == eval_img_index: segments = felzenszwalb(img_as_float(img_show), scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) print("Felzenszwalb number of segments: {}".format( len(np.unique(segments)))) #cv2.imshow('superpixels', mark_boundaries(img_as_float(img_show), segments)) # cv2.waitKey(0) # cv2.destroyAllWindows() # compute output output = model(input_var) loss = criterion(output, target_var) print("output") print(output) print("target_var") print(target_var) print("loss") print(loss) pred =, keepdim=True)[1] label = target[0] print("label ", label) print("pred[0].cpu().numpy() ", pred[0].cpu().numpy()[0]) mask_dir = './masks' if not os.path.exists(mask_dir): os.makedirs(mask_dir) else: shutil.rmtree(mask_dir) #removes all the subdirectories! os.makedirs(mask_dir) if pred[0].cpu().numpy()[0] == label: print("correct prediction, index_{} , label_{}".format( count, classes_dict[label])) correct_pred_count = 0 wrong_pred_count = 0 for i in range(args.num_mask_samples): total_num_segments = len(np.unique(segments)) num_conse_superpixels = int(0.4 * total_num_segments) print("total_num_segments: ", total_num_segments) print("num_conse_superpixels: ", num_conse_superpixels) firstIndex = randint( 1, total_num_segments - num_conse_superpixels) random_sampled_list = np.unique(segments)[firstIndex:( firstIndex + num_conse_superpixels)] #random_sampled_list= sample(range(np.unique(segments)[0], np.unique(segments)[-1]), num_conse_superpixels) #print("random_sampled_list: ", random_sampled_list) mask = np.zeros(img_show.shape[:2], dtype="uint8") #mask.fill(1) for (j, segVal) in enumerate(random_sampled_list): mask[segments == segVal] = 1 masked_img = input[0].numpy().copy() * mask masked_img_batch = masked_img[None, :, :, :] masked_img_tensor = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.from_numpy(masked_img_batch)).cuda() mask_output = model(masked_img_tensor) pred_mask =, keepdim=True)[1] masked_img_show = masked_img.copy() masked_img_show = masked_img_show.transpose(1, 2, 0) masked_img_show -= masked_img_show.min() masked_img_show /= masked_img_show.max() masked_img_show *= 255 masked_img_show = masked_img_show.astype(np.uint8) if pred_mask[0].cpu().numpy()[0] == target[0]: correct_pred_count += 1 print("correct_pred_count: ", correct_pred_count) cv2.imwrite('./masks/mask_{}_{}.png'.format(i, 1), mask * 255) # cv2.imwrite('./mask_on_img/masked_imgs_{}.png'.format(i), masked_img_show) else: wrong_pred_count += 1 print("wrong_pred_count: ", wrong_pred_count) cv2.imwrite('./masks/mask_{}_{}.png'.format(i, 0), mask * 255) #cv2.imwrite('./mask_on_img/masked_imgs_{}.png'.format(i), masked_img_show) return correct_pred_count else: print("wrong prediction") #print("%d samples, the corrrect prediction number: %d "%(len(mask_filenames), correct_pred_count)) return 0
#total_int = dapi.sum( axis = 0 ) global_thresh = filters.threshold_otsu(nuclei) * 5 mask_nuclei = nuclei > global_thresh #mask_nuclei = filters.threshold_local(nuclei, 21) mask_roi = np.zeros(nuclei.shape, dtype=bool) #mask_roi[nuclei>filters.threshold_otsu(nuclei)] = True mask_roi[nuclei > 1000] = True roi_ilot = morphology.remove_small_objects(mask_roi, 500000) bbox = ndi.find_objects(roi_ilot) dapi_roi = dapi[bbox[0]] #rb_roi = rb[bbox[0]] # Denoise using chambolle dapi_float = util.img_as_float(dapi_roi) dapi_float_tvc = restoration.denoise_tv_chambolle(dapi_float, weight=0.05) # Find z-stack w/highest variance variance = [np.var(image) for _, image in enumerate(mask_dapi)] idx = np.argmax(variance) dapi_roi_z = dapi_float_tvc[idx - 3:idx + 3] distance_a = ndi.distance_transform_edt(mask_dapi[3]) #Local peak markers smooth_distance = filters.gaussian(distance_a, sigma=4) local_maxi = feature.peak_local_max(smooth_distance, indices=True, exclude_border=False, footprint=np.ones((15, 15))) markers_lm = np.zeros(distance_a.shape,
for i, h in enumerate(norm_hists): if i in fgbg_superpixels[0]: g.add_tedge(nodes[i], 0, 1000) # FG - set high cost to BG elif i in fgbg_superpixels[1]: g.add_tedge(nodes[i], 1000, 0) # BG - set high cost to FG else: g.add_tedge(nodes[i], cv2.compareHist(fgbg_hists[0], h, hist_comp_alg), cv2.compareHist(fgbg_hists[1], h, hist_comp_alg)) g.maxflow() return g.get_grid_segments(nodes) if __name__ == '__main__': img = img_as_float(astronaut()[::2, ::2]) img_marking = cv2.imread("astronaut_marking.png") centers, colors_hists, segments, neighbors = superpixels_histograms_neighbors( img) fg_segments, bg_segments = find_superpixels_under_marking( img_marking, segments) # get cumulative BG/FG histograms, before normalization fg_cumulative_hist = cumulative_histogram_for_superpixels( fg_segments, colors_hists) bg_cumulative_hist = cumulative_histogram_for_superpixels( bg_segments, colors_hists) norm_hists = normalize_histograms(colors_hists)
def load_pred(output_dir, imname): pred_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}.png'.format(imname)) return img_as_float(imread(pred_path))
# prepare filter bank kernels kernels = [] for theta in range(4): theta = theta / 4. * np.pi for sigma in (1, 3): for frequency in (0.05, 0.25): kernel = np.real( gabor_kernel(frequency, theta=theta, sigma_x=sigma, sigma_y=sigma)) kernels.append(kernel) shrink = (slice(0, None, 3), slice(0, None, 3)) brick = img_as_float(data.brick())[shrink] grass = img_as_float(data.grass())[shrink] gravel = img_as_float(data.gravel())[shrink] image_names = ('brick', 'grass', 'gravel') images = (brick, grass, gravel) # prepare reference features ref_feats = np.zeros((3, len(kernels), 2), dtype=np.double) ref_feats[0, :, :] = compute_feats(brick, kernels) ref_feats[1, :, :] = compute_feats(grass, kernels) ref_feats[2, :, :] = compute_feats(gravel, kernels) print('Rotated images matched against references using Gabor filter banks:') print('original: brick, rotated: 30deg, match result: ', end='') feats = compute_feats(ndi.rotate(brick, angle=190, reshape=False), kernels)
from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from skimage import data from skimage.util import img_as_float from skimage.feature import (corner_harris, corner_subpix, corner_peaks, plot_matches) from skimage.transform import warp, AffineTransform from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity from skimage.color import rgb2gray from skimage.measure import ransac # generate synthetic checkerboard image and add gradient for the later matching checkerboard = img_as_float(data.checkerboard()) img_orig = np.zeros(list(checkerboard.shape) + [3]) img_orig[..., 0] = checkerboard gradient_r, gradient_c = np.mgrid[0:img_orig.shape[0], 0:img_orig.shape[1]] / float( img_orig.shape[0]) img_orig[..., 1] = gradient_r img_orig[..., 2] = gradient_c img_orig = rescale_intensity(img_orig) img_orig_gray = rgb2gray(img_orig) # warp synthetic image tform = AffineTransform(scale=(0.9, 0.9), rotation=0.2, translation=(20, -10)) img_warped = warp(img_orig, tform.inverse, output_shape=(200, 200)) img_warped_gray = rgb2gray(img_warped)
def paste(img, canvas, i, j, method='replace', export_dtype='float'): """ paste `img` on `canvas` with its left-top corner at (i, j) """ # check dtypes img = su.img_as_float(img) canvas = su.img_as_float(canvas) # check shapes if len(img.shape) != 2 or len(img.shape) != 3: if len(canvas.shape) != 2 or len(canvas.shape) != 3: assert AttributeError( 'dimensions of input images not all equal to 2 or 3!') # check channels # all grayscale image if len(img.shape) == 2 and len(canvas.shape) == 2: pass # `img` color image, possible with alpha channel; `canvas` grayscale image elif len(img.shape) == 3 and len(canvas.shape) == 2: c = img.shape[-1] if c == 3: canvas = np.stack([canvas] * c, axis=-1) if c == 4: canvas = np.stack([canvas] * (c - 1) + [np.ones((canvas.shape[0], canvas.shape[1]))], axis=-1) # `canvas` color image, possible with alpha channel; `img` grayscale image elif len(img.shape) == 2 and len(canvas.shape) == 3: c = canvas.shape[-1] if c == 3: img = np.stack([img] * c, axis=-1) if c == 4: img = np.stack([img] * (c - 1) + [np.ones((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]))], axis=-1) # all color image elif len(img.shape) == 3 and len(canvas.shape) == 3: if img.shape[-1] == 3 and canvas.shape[-1] == 4: img = np.concatenate( [img, np.ones((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 1))], -1) elif img.shape[-1] == 4 and canvas.shape[-1] == 3: canvas = np.concatenate( [canvas, np.ones((canvas.shape[0], canvas.shape[1], 1))], -1) elif img.shape[-1] == canvas.shape[-1]: pass else: assert ValueError('channel number should equal to 3 or 4!') # get shapes h_i, w_i = img.shape[:2] h_c, w_c = canvas.shape[:2] # find extent of `img` on `canvas` i_min = np.max([0, i]) i_max = np.min([h_c, i + h_i]) j_min = np.max([0, j]) j_max = np.min([w_c, j + w_i]) # paste `img` on `canvas` if method == 'replace': canvas[i_min:i_max, j_min:j_max] = img[i_min - i:i_max - i, j_min - j:j_max - j] elif method == 'add': canvas[i_min:i_max, j_min:j_max] += img[i_min - i:i_max - i, j_min - j:j_max - j] else: raise ValueError('no such method!') # return `canvas` if export_dtype == 'float': return canvas elif export_dtype == 'ubyte': return su.img_as_ubyte(canvas) else: raise ValueError('no such data type for exporting!')
def test_yen_coins_image_as_float(): coins = util.img_as_float(data.coins()) assert 0.43 < threshold_yen(coins) < 0.44
bck = bck / i #kp.append(list(bck.astype(np.uint8))) return list(bck.astype(np.uint8)) # def read_raw(filename,r,c): # fd = open(os.path.join(mask_src,filename.split('.')[0] + '.raw' ), 'rb') # f = np.fromfile(fd, dtype=np.uint8,count=r*c) # im = f.reshape((r,c)) #notice row, column format # fd.close() # return im g = gm.GenerateMask() for filename in file_list: # load the image and convert it to a floating point data type image = img_as_float(io.imread(os.path.join(img_src, filename))) img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(img_src, filename)) #image = cv2.resize(image,None,fx=2.5,fy=2.5,interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) #image = cv2.resize(image,None,fx=2.5,fy=2.5,interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) #img = cv2.resize(img,None,fx=2.5,fy=2.5,interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC).astype(np.uint8) temp = image.copy().astype('uint8') h, w, d = image.shape kp = read_csv(filename) bg, sure_fg = g.mask_generate(kp, h, w) mid_hip = ret_mid_pt([kp[8], kp[11]]) sure_fg = add_limb(kp[1], mid_hip, sure_fg) # sure_fg2 = add_limb(kp[1],kp[11],sure_fg) # sure_fg2 = add_limb(kp[1],kp[8],sure_fg2) sure_fg = add_limb(kp[5], kp[8], sure_fg)