Пример #1
def test_text_widget():
    viewer = get_image_viewer()
    txt = Text('hello', 'hello, world!')
    viewer.plugins[0] += txt

    assert_equal(str(txt.text), 'hello, world!')
    txt.text = 'goodbye, world!'
    assert_equal(str(txt.text), 'goodbye, world!')
Пример #2

# image = data.camera()
image = imread(
    '/Users/zhizhao/PycharmProjects/BOFO/Devlog/test.jpg')  # True means gray
# You can create a UI for a filter just by passing a filter function...
# plugin = OverlayPlugin(image_filter=canny)
plugin = Plugin()
# plugin = OverlayPlugin()
# plugin = LabelPainter()
# plugin = PlotPlugin()
# ... and adding widgets to adjust parameter values.
plugin += Slider(
    'sigma', 0, 5, value_type='int', value=3, callback=printf
)  # name, low=0.0, high=1.0, value=None, value_type='float','int',orientation='horizontal'/'vertical'
# plugin += Button('name',callback=printf) # name, callback
# plugin += ComboBox('Combo', ['123', '312', 'rqr'])  # name, items, ptype='kwarg', callback=None
plugin += Text('text', text='printtext')  # name=None, text=''
# plugin += SaveButtons()
plugin += CheckBox(
    'check', value=False, alignment='left'
)  # name, value=False, alignment='center'/'left'/'right', ptype='kwarg',callback=None
# ... and we can also add buttons to save the overlay:
# plugin += SaveButtons(name='Save overlay to:')

# Finally, attach the plugin to an image viewer.
viewer = ImageViewer(image)
viewer += plugin