def audit_( config: Configuration, report_only: bool, report_format: str, file_format: str, sources: List[str], file: TextIO, ) -> None: """ Checks a given dependency file against advisory databases. \b FILE is the path to the dependency file to audit. """ config.report_only = report_only config.report_format = report_format # Only override sources if at least once --source is passed. if len(sources) > 0: config.sources = list(set(sources)) if len(config.sources) == 0: raise click.ClickException( "Please specify or configure at least one advisory source." ) packages = extract_package_list_from(config, file, file_format) if config.verbose: click.secho("Checking ", nl=False, err=True) click.secho(f"{len(packages)}", fg="green", nl=False, err=True) click.secho(" package(s).", err=True) click.secho("Using ", nl=False, err=True) click.secho(f"{config.sources}", fg="green", nl=False, err=True) click.secho(" as source(s).", err=True) results, vulnerable = audit(config, packages) report(config, results) if len(vulnerable) > 0 and config.verbose: click.secho("", err=True) click.secho( f" Found {len(vulnerable)} vulnerable packages!", fg="red", blink=True, err=True, ) click.secho("", err=True) elif config.verbose: click.secho("", err=True) click.secho(f" No vulnerable packages found!", fg="green", err=True) # By default we want to exit with a non-zero exit-code when we encounter # any findings. if not config.report_only and len(vulnerable) > 0: sys.exit(1)
def cli(config: Configuration, configuration_file: click.Path, verbose: bool) -> None: """ Check a given Python dependency file against a set of advisory databases.""" doc = {} if os.path.exists(str(configuration_file)): with open(str(configuration_file)) as fh: doc = tomlkit.parse( else: click.secho("Warning: No 'pyproject.toml' found!", err=True, fg="yellow") _config = doc.get("tool", {}).get("skjold", {}) # Configuration file config.report_only = _config.get("report_only", config.report_only) config.report_format = _config.get("report_format", config.report_format) config.cache_dir = _config.get("cache_dir", config.cache_dir) config.cache_expires = _config.get("cache_expires", config.cache_expires) config.verbose = verbose # Configure cache_dir selection: ENV > pyproject.toml > default(posix). app_home = click.get_app_dir("skjold", roaming=False, force_posix=True) default_cache_dir = os.path.join(app_home, "cache") config.cache_dir = os.environ.get( "SKJOLD_CACHE_DIR", _config.get("cache_dir", default_cache_dir)) if config.verbose: click.secho(f"Using {config.cache_dir} as cache location", err=True) # Check for cache directory and create it if necessary. if not os.path.isdir(config.cache_dir): os.makedirs(config.cache_dir, exist_ok=True) if config.verbose: click.secho( f"Cache '{config.cache_dir}' does not exist! Creating it.", err=True) if not os.path.isdir(config.cache_dir): raise click.ClickException( f"Unable to create cache directory '{config.cache_dir}'!") # Configure and validate sources. config.sources = _config.get("sources", []) if not len(config.sources): click.secho("Warning: No advisory sources configured!", err=True, fg="yellow") for source_name in config.sources: if not is_registered_source(source_name): raise click.ClickException( f"Source with name '{source_name}' does not exist!") if config.verbose: print_configuration(config)