def replace_original(self): f = '[CompressMedia] utils.Commands.replace_original' if self.Success: failed = [] mes = _( 'Do you REALLY want to replace your original files with converted ones?\n\nIt is highly recommended to create a backup first.' ) if sh.objs.get_mes(f, mes).show_question(): objs.get_progress().show() for i in range(len(self.ifiles)): mes = _('Move "{}" ({}/{})') mes = mes.format(self.ifiles[i].relpath, i + 1, len(self.ifiles)) sh.objs.get_mes(f, mes, True).show_info() objs.progress.set_text(mes) objs.progress.update(i, len(self.ifiles)) if os.path.exists(self.ifiles[i].target) \ and not self.ifiles[i].Failed: bname = sh.Path(self.ifiles[i].target).get_basename() new_mod_dir = os.path.join(self.path, str(self.ifiles[i].date)) new_mod_file = os.path.join(new_mod_dir, bname) if new_mod_file in (self.ifiles[i].source, self.ifiles[i].target): mes = _('Wrong input data: "{}"!') mes = mes.format(new_mod_file) sh.objs.get_mes(f, mes, True).show_warning() failed.append(self.ifiles[i].target) else: if sh.Path(new_mod_dir).create(): if sh.File(self.ifiles[i].target, new_mod_file).move(): if not sh.File( self.ifiles[i].source).delete(): failed.append(self.ifiles[i].source) else: failed.append(self.ifiles[i].target) else: failed.append(self.ifiles[i].target) objs.progress.close() if failed: mes = _('Failed to process the following files:') mes = mes + '\n' + '\n'.join(failed) sh.objs.get_mes(f, mes).show_warning() else: mes = _('Operation was a success.\nProcessed files: {}.') mes = mes.format(len(self.ifiles)) sh.objs.get_mes(f, mes).show_info() else: mes = _('Operation has been canceled by the user.') objs.get_mes(f, mes, True).show_info() else:
def get_size(self): f = '[CompressMedia] compress.Converter.get_size' old_size = 0 new_size = 0 if self.Success: ''' We should only consider successfully processed files, since taking into account failed or skipped files can give a user a false impression that a lot of space can be freed. ''' ifiles = self.get_ready() for ifile in ifiles: old_size += sh.File(ifile.source).get_size() new_size += sh.File( else: return(old_size,new_size)
def get_files(self): f = '[CompressMedia] tests.Compression.get_files' if self.Success: files = self.idir.get_subfiles() filesw = self.idirw.get_subfiles() for file in files: ifile = File() ifile.file = file ifile.filename = sh.Path(file).get_filename() ifile.old_size = sh.File(file).get_size() self.ifiles.append(ifile) for filew in filesw: filename = sh.Path(filew).get_filename() for ifile in self.ifiles: if ifile.filename == filename: ifile.filew = filew ifile.new_size = sh.File(filew).get_size() else:
def reset(self, ifopath): self.set_values() self.path = ifopath ipath = sh.Path(self.path) ''' We need a filename with an absolute path here. 'file'[:-4] basically does the same thing (providing that extensions are only 3 symbols long). 'sh.Path' is more precise for other cases. ''' self.fname = os.path.join(ipath.get_dirname(), ipath.get_filename()) self.Success = sh.File(self.path).Success self.check() self.set_meta()
def alter(self): if os.path.exists(self.clone): sh.File(self.clone).delete() # Alter DB and add/remove some columns idb = DB(path=self.path, clone=self.clone) idb.connect() idb.connectw() idb.fetch() idb.create_tables() idb.fill() idb.savew() idb.close() idb.closew()
def open(self,path): f = '[shared]' if self.Success: if path: if sh.File(path).Success: try: self.loader = self.gui.get_loader(path) self.image = self.gui.get_image(self.loader) return self.image except Exception as e: self.show_error(f,e) else: # No need to warn, the error is already GUI-based self.Success = False else: self.Success = False else:
def reset(self, path): self.set_values() self.path = path self.Success = sh.File(self.path).Success self.load()
def __init__(self, path, clone): self.albums = () self.tracks = () self.path = path self.clone = clone self.Success = self.clone and sh.File(self.path).Success