Пример #1
    def fit(self, X, y=None, features=None):
        Constructs DAG according to `self.dag_method`.

        X: `numpy.ndarray` or `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`
            Matrix with rows corresponding to all of the samples that
            define the DAG and columns corresponding to features.
        features: `numpy.ndarray` of `str`
            A list of strings with feature labels.
        if features is None:
            self.features = np.array(range(X.shape[1]))

        if self.reduce_dim is not None:
            if issubclass(type(self.reduce_dim), np.ndarray):
                X_ = self.reduce_dim
            elif isinstance(self.reduce_dim, int):
                X_ = reduce_dimensionality(X, dim_red_k=self.reduce_dim)
                raise ValueError('`reduce_dim` has invalid type {}'.format(
            X_ = X

        X_ = self.check_and_sketch(X_)

        if self.verbose:
            tprint('Constructing DAG...')

        if self.dag_method == 'agg_ward':
            from sklearn.cluster.hierarchical import ward_tree

            ret = ward_tree(X_, n_clusters=None, return_distance=True)
            children, n_components, n_leaves, parent, distances = ret
            assert (n_components == 1)

            self.create_dag_agg(children, X_.shape[0])

        elif self.dag_method == 'louvain':

            raise ValueError('Invalid DAG construction method {}'.format(

        if len(self.sample_idx) != X.shape[0]:
                'Some samples have been orphaned during '
                'DAG construction, {} orphans detected'.format(
                    X.shape[0] - len(self.sample_idx)), RuntimeWarning)

        return self
Пример #2
def cluster(clusterType, vectors, y):
    if (clusterType == "KMeans"):
        kclusterer = KMeansClusterer(
        assigned_clusters = kclusterer.cluster(vectors, assign_clusters=True)

    elif (clusterType == "GMM"):
        GMM = GaussianMixture(n_components=NUM_CLUSTERS)
        assigned_clusters = GMM.fit_predict(vectors)

    elif (clusterType == "SVM"):
        classifier = SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma='auto', random_state=0)
        assigned_clusters = cross_validation(classifier, vectors, y)

    elif (clusterType == "T2VH"):
        ret = hierarchical.ward_tree(vectors, n_clusters=NUM_CLUSTERS)
        children = ret[0]
        n_leaves = ret[2]
        assigned_clusters = hierarchical._hc_cut(NUM_CLUSTERS, children,

    elif (clusterType == "RandomForest"):
        classifier = RandomForestClassifier()
        assigned_clusters = cross_validation(classifier, vectors, y)
        # classifier.fit(vectors, y)
        # assigned_clusters=classifier.predict(vectors)

    elif (clusterType == "DecisionTree"):
        classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier()
        assigned_clusters = cross_validation(classifier, vectors, y)
        # classifier.fit(vectors, y)
        # assigned_clusters=classifier.predict(vectors)

    elif (clusterType == "LogisticRegression"):
        classifier = sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression()
        assigned_clusters = cross_validation(classifier, vectors, y)
        # classifier.fit(vectors, y)
        # assigned_clusters=classifier.predict(vectors)

        print(clusterType, " is not a predefined cluster type.")
    return assigned_clusters
Пример #3
def compute_stability_fold(samples, train, test, method='ward',
                           max_k=None, stack=False,
                           stability=True, cv_likelihood=False,
                           ground_truth=None, n_neighbors=1,  **kwargs):
    General function to compute the stability on a cross-validation fold.
        samples : list of arrays
            List of arrays containing the samples to cluster, each
            array has shape (n_samples, n_features) in PyMVPA terminology.
            We are clustering the features, i.e., the nodes.
        train : list or array
            Indices for the training set.
        test : list or array
            Indices for the test set.
        method : {'complete', 'gmm', 'kmeans', 'ward'}
            Clustering method to use. Default is 'ward'.
        max_k : int or None
            Maximum k to compute the stability testing, starting from 2. By
            default it will compute up to the maximum possible k, i.e.,
            the number of points.
        stack : bool
            Whether to stack or average the datasets. Default is False,
            meaning that the datasets are averaged by default.
        stability : bool
            Whether to compute the stability measure described in Lange et
            al., 2004. Default is True.
        cv_likelihood : bool
            Whether to compute the cross-validated likelihood for mixture
            model; only valid if 'gmm' method is used. Default is False.
        corr_score : {'pearson','spearman'} or None
            Whether to compute the specified type of correlation score. 
            Default is None.
        ground_truth : array or None
            Array containing the ground truth of the clustering of the data,
            useful to compare stability against ground truth for simulations.
        n_neighbors : int
            Number of neighbors to use to predict clustering solution on
            test set using K-nearest neighbors. Currently used only for
            methods `complete` and `ward`. Default is 1.
        kwargs : optional
            Keyword arguments being passed to the clustering method (only for
            'ward' and 'gmm').
        ks : array
            A (max_k-1,) array, where ks[i] is the `k` of the clustering
            solution for iteration `i`.
        ari : array
            A (max_k-1,) array, where ari[i] is the Adjusted Rand Index of the
            predicted clustering solution on the test set and the actual
            clustering solution of the test set for `k` of ks[i].
        ami : array
            A (max_k-1,) array, where ari[i] is the Adjusted Mutual
            Information of the predicted clustering solution on the test set
            and the actual clustering solution of the test set for
            `k` of ks[i].
        stab : array or None
            A (max_k-1,) array, where stab[i] is the stability measure
            described in Lange et al., 2004 for `k` of ks[i]. Note that this
            measure is the un-normalized one. It will be normalized later in
            the process.
        likelihood : array or None
            If method is 'gmm' and cv_likelihood is True, a
            (max_k-1,) array, where likelihood[i] is the cross-validated
            likelihood of the GMM clustering solution for `k` of ks[i].
            Otherwise returns None.
        ari_gt : array or None
            If ground_truth is not None, a (max_k-1,) array, where ari_gt[i]
            is the Adjusted Rand Index of the predicted clustering solution on
            the test set for `k` of ks[i] and the ground truth clusters of the
            Otherwise returns None.
        ami_gt : array or None
            If ground_truth is not None, a (max_k-1,) array, where ami_gt[i]
            is the Adjusted Mutual Information of the predicted clustering
            solution on the test set for `k` of ks[i] and the ground truth
            clusters of the data.
            Otherwise returns None.
        stab_gt : array or None
            If ground_truth is not None, a (max_k-1,) array, where stab_gt[i]
            is the stability measure of the predicted clustering
            solution on the test set for `k` of ks[i] and the ground truth
            clusters of the data.
            Otherwise returns None.
        corr : array or None
            Average correlation for each fold. TODO
        corr_gt : array or None
            Avg correlation against GT. TODO
    if method not in AVAILABLE_METHODS:
        raise ValueError('Method {0} not implemented'.format(method))

    if cv_likelihood and method != 'gmm':
        raise ValueError(
            "Cross-validated likelihood is only available for 'gmm' method")

    # if max_k is None, set max_k to maximum value
    if not max_k:
        max_k = samples[0].shape[1]

    # preallocate arrays for results
    ks = np.zeros(max_k-1, dtype=int)
    ari = np.zeros(max_k-1)
    ami = np.zeros(max_k-1)
    if stability:
        stab = np.zeros(max_k-1)
    if cv_likelihood:
        likelihood = np.zeros(max_k-1)
    if corr_score is not None:
        corr = np.zeros(max_k-1)
    if ground_truth is not None:
        ari_gt = np.zeros(max_k-1)
        ami_gt = np.zeros(max_k-1)
        if stability:
            stab_gt = np.zeros(max_k-1)
        if corr_score is not None:
            corr_gt = np.zeros(max_k-1)

    # get training and test
    train_set = [samples[x] for x in train]
    test_set = [samples[x] for x in test]
    if stack:
        train_ds = np.vstack(train_set)
        test_ds = np.vstack(test_set)
        train_ds = np.mean(np.dstack(train_set), axis=2)
        test_ds = np.mean(np.dstack(test_set), axis=2)

    # compute clustering on training set
    if method == 'complete':
        train_ds_dist = pdist(train_ds.T, metric='correlation')
        test_ds_dist = pdist(test_ds.T, metric='correlation')
        # I'm computing the full tree and then cutting
        # afterwards to speed computation
        Y_train = complete(train_ds_dist)
        # same on testing set
        Y_test = complete(test_ds_dist)
    elif method == 'ward':
        (children_train, n_comp_train, 
         n_leaves_train, parents_train) = ward_tree(train_ds.T, **kwargs)
        # same on testing set
        (children_test, n_comp_test, 
         n_leaves_test, parents_test) = ward_tree(test_ds.T, **kwargs)
    elif method == 'gmm' or method == 'kmeans':
        pass  # we'll have to run it for each k
        raise ValueError("We shouldn't get here")

    for i_k, k in enumerate(range(2, max_k+1)):
        if method == 'complete':
            # cut the tree with right K for both train and test
            train_label = cut_tree_scipy(Y_train, k)
            test_label = cut_tree_scipy(Y_test, k)
            # train a classifier on this clustering
            knn = KNeighborsClassifier(#algorithm='brute',
            # metric='correlation',
            knn.fit(train_ds.T, train_label)
            # predict the clusters in the test set
            prediction_label = knn.predict(test_ds.T)
        elif method == 'ward':
            # cut the tree with right K for both train and test
            train_label = _hc_cut(k, children_train, n_leaves_train)
            test_label = _hc_cut(k, children_test, n_leaves_test)
            # train a classifier on this clustering
            knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=n_neighbors)
            knn.fit(train_ds.T, train_label)
            # predict the clusters in the test set
            prediction_label = knn.predict(test_ds.T)
        elif method == 'gmm':
            gmm = GMM(n_components=k, **kwargs)
            # fit on train and predict test
            prediction_label = gmm.predict(test_ds.T)
            if cv_likelihood:
                log_prob = np.sum(gmm.score(test_ds.T))
            # fit on test and get labels
            test_label = gmm.predict(test_ds.T)
        elif method == 'kmeans':
            kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k)
            # fit on train and predict test
            prediction_label = kmeans.predict(test_ds.T)
            # fit on test and get labels
            test_label = kmeans.predict(test_ds.T)
            raise ValueError("We shouldn't get here")
        # append results
        ks[i_k] = k
        ari[i_k] = adjusted_rand_score(prediction_label, test_label)
        ami[i_k] = adjusted_mutual_info_score(prediction_label, test_label)
        if stability:
            stab[i_k] = stability_score(prediction_label, test_label, k)
        if cv_likelihood:
            likelihood[i_k] = log_prob
        if corr_score is not None:
            corr[i_k] = correlation_score(prediction_label, test_label,
                                          test_ds, corr_score)
        if ground_truth is not None:
            ari_gt[i_k] = adjusted_rand_score(prediction_label, ground_truth)
            ami_gt[i_k] = adjusted_mutual_info_score(prediction_label,
            if stability:
                stab_gt[i_k] = stability_score(prediction_label,
                                               ground_truth, k)
            if corr_score is not None:
                corr_gt[i_k] = correlation_score(prediction_label,
                                                 test_ds, corr_score)

    results = [ks, ari, ami]
    if stability:
    if cv_likelihood:

    if ground_truth is not None:
        results += [ari_gt, ami_gt]
        results += [None, None]

    if stability and ground_truth is not None:

    if corr_score is not None:

    if corr_score is not None and ground_truth is not None:

    return results
    #a = a[order]
    #b = b[order]
    #height = height[order]
    if 1:
        import pylab as pl
        children = np.c_[a, b].astype(np.int)
        from sklearn.cluster.hierarchical import _hc_cut, ward_tree
        labels = _hc_cut(n_clusters=4, children=children, n_leaves=N)
        pl.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=labels, cmap=pl.cm.spectral)
        pl.title('Complete linkage')
    if 1:
        from scipy.cluster import hierarchy
        children_s = hierarchy.complete(X)[:, :2].astype(np.int)
        labels_s = _hc_cut(n_clusters=4, children=children_s, n_leaves=N)
        import pylab as pl
        pl.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=labels_s, cmap=pl.cm.spectral)
        pl.title('Complete linkage (scipy)')
    if 0:
        children_w, _, _ = ward_tree(X)
        labels_w = _hc_cut(n_clusters=4, children=children_w, n_leaves=N)
        pl.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=labels_w, cmap=pl.cm.spectral)