Пример #1
def test_fit_1d():
    """test_fit_1d : Test the fit of the model on a defined example, with known parameters.
    # Generate the data
    x = np.random.rand(1000,1)
    y = np.sin(4*x+3)*np.sin(15*x+9)
    n_neurons = 100
    problem = 'r'
    activation_function = np.tanh
    myelm = elm(problem, n_neurons, activation_function)
    # The fit should always be better than 1e-8, in MSE
    myelm, yh, yloo = myelm.fit(x, y)
    assert_less(np.mean((yh-y)**2), 10**(-8))
    assert_less(np.mean((yloo-y)**2), 10**(-8))

    # Same data, with some added noise
    x = np.random.rand(1000,1)
    y = np.sin(4*x+3)*np.sin(15*x+9)+np.random.randn(1000, 1)*0.025
    n_neurons = 100
    problem = 'r'
    activation_function = np.tanh
    myelm = elm(problem, n_neurons, activation_function)
    # The fit should always be better than 1e-3, in MSE
    myelm, yh, yloo = myelm.fit(x, y)
    assert_less(np.mean((yh-y)**2), 10**(-3))
    assert_less(np.mean((yloo-y)**2), 10**(-3))
Пример #2
def test_data_shapes():
    """test_data_shapes : Test for different types of input data
    # Test the regression part of the code, first
    n_neurons = 100
    problem = 'r'
    activation_function = np.tanh
    myelm = elm(problem, n_neurons, activation_function)
    # Generate 1-d regression data, first
    x = np.random.randn(200, 1)
    y = np.random.randn(200, 1)
    myelm.fit(x, y)
    # Then n-d regression data
    x = np.random.randn(200, 5)
    y = np.random.randn(200, 1)
    myelm.fit(x, y)
    # And n-d regression data with multi-output
    x = np.random.randn(200, 5)
    y = np.random.randn(200, 3)
    myelm.fit(x, y)

    # Now classification data
    problem = 'c'
    myelmC = elm(problem, n_neurons, activation_function)
    # 1-d binary classification
    iris = datasets.load_iris()
    xall = iris['data']
    x = xall[:, 0].reshape((xall.shape[0], 1))
    yall = iris['target']
    # Using a bogus target, as the original is multi-class
    y = np.sign(np.random.randn(x.shape[0], 1))
    myelmC.fit(x, y)
    # n-d binary classification
    x = xall
    myelmC.fit(x, y)
    # n-d multi-class classification
    y = yall.reshape((x.shape[0], 1))
    myelmC.fit(x, y)
    # n-d multi-class multi-output classification
    # This is not supported and should raise an exception
    y = np.hstack((yall, yall)).reshape((x.shape[0], 2))
    assert_raises(ValueError, myelmC.fit, x, y)
Пример #3
def test_predict_1d():
    """test_predict_1d : Test the predict function on the same example as that
    of the test_fit_1d.
    # Generate the data
    xall = np.random.rand(2000, 1)
    yall = np.sin(4*xall+3)*np.sin(15*xall+9)+np.random.randn(2000, 1)*0.25
    x = xall[:999, :]
    y = yall[:999, :]
    xt = xall[1000:, :]
    yt = yall[1000:, :]
    n_neurons = 100
    problem = 'r'
    activation_function = np.tanh
    myelm = elm(problem, n_neurons, activation_function)
    # The fit should always be better than 1e-8, in MSE
    myelm, yh, yloo = myelm.fit(x, y)
    yth = myelm.predict(xt)
Пример #4
def test_perf():
    """Tests the quality of the prediction on known examples.
    # Multi-class classification
    iris = datasets.load_iris()
    xall = iris['data']
    yall = iris['target']
    yall = yall.reshape((yall.shape[0], 1))
    xall, yall = shuffle(xall, yall)
    x = xall[:99, :]
    y = yall[:99, :]
    xt = xall[100:, :]
    yt = yall[100:, :]
    n_neurons = 100
    problem = 'c'
    activation_function = np.tanh
    myelmC = elm(problem, n_neurons, activation_function)
    myelmC, yh, yloo = myelmC.fit(x, y)
    yth = myelmC.predict(xt)