Пример #1
def test_check_estimator():
    # tests that the estimator actually fails on "bad" estimators.
    # not a complete test of all checks, which are very extensive.

    # check that we have a set_params and can clone
    msg = "it does not implement a 'get_params' methods"
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object)
    # check that we have a fit method
    msg = "object has no attribute 'fit'"
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator)
    # check that fit does input validation
    msg = "TypeError not raised by fit"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, BaseBadClassifier)
    # check that predict does input validation (doesn't accept dicts in input)
    msg = "Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in predict"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, NoCheckinPredict)
    # check for sparse matrix input handling
    msg = "Estimator type doesn't seem to fail gracefully on sparse data"
    # the check for sparse input handling prints to the stdout,
    # instead of raising an error, so as not to remove the original traceback.
    # that means we need to jump through some hoops to catch it.
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    string_buffer = StringIO()
    sys.stdout = string_buffer
        sys.stdout = old_stdout
    assert_true(msg in string_buffer.getvalue())

    # doesn't error on actual estimator
def test_check_estimator():
    # tests that the estimator actually fails on "bad" estimators.
    # not a complete test of all checks, which are very extensive.

    # check that we have a set_params and can clone
    msg = "it does not implement a 'get_params' methods"
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object)
    # check that we have a fit method
    msg = "object has no attribute 'fit'"
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator)
    # check that fit does input validation
    msg = "TypeError not raised by fit"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, BaseBadClassifier)
    # check that predict does input validation (doesn't accept dicts in input)
    msg = "Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in predict"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, NoCheckinPredict)
    # check for sparse matrix input handling
    msg = "Estimator type doesn't seem to fail gracefully on sparse data"
    # the check for sparse input handling prints to the stdout,
    # instead of raising an error, so as not to remove the original traceback.
    # that means we need to jump through some hoops to catch it.
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    string_buffer = StringIO()
    sys.stdout = string_buffer
        sys.stdout = old_stdout
    assert_true(msg in string_buffer.getvalue())

    # doesn't error on actual estimator
def test_check_estimator():
    # tests that the estimator actually fails on "bad" estimators.
    # not a complete test of all checks, which are very extensive.

    # check that we have a set_params and can clone
    msg = "it does not implement a 'get_params' methods"
    with raises(TypeError, match=msg):

    # check that we have a fit method
    msg = "object has no attribute 'fit'"
    with raises(AttributeError, match=msg):
    # check that fit does input validation
    msg = "TypeError not raised"
    with raises(AssertionError, match=msg):
    # check that predict does input validation (doesn't accept dicts in input)
    msg = "Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in predict"
    with raises(AssertionError, match=msg):
    # check that estimator state does not change
    # at transform/predict/predict_proba time
    msg = 'Estimator changes __dict__ during predict'
    with raises(AssertionError, match=msg):
    # check that `fit` only changes attributes that
    # are private (start with an _ or end with a _).
    msg = ('Estimator changes public attribute\(s\) during the fit method.'
           ' Estimators are only allowed to change attributes started'
           ' or ended with _, but wrong_attribute changed')
    with raises(AssertionError, match=msg):
    # check that `fit` doesn't add any public attribute
    msg = ('Estimator adds public attribute\(s\) during the fit method.'
           ' Estimators are only allowed to add private attributes'
           ' either started with _ or ended'
           ' with _ but wrong_attribute added')
    with raises(AssertionError, match=msg):
    # check for sparse matrix input handling
    name = NoSparseClassifier.__name__
    msg = ("Estimator " + name + " doesn't seem to fail gracefully on"
           " sparse data")
    # the check for sparse input handling prints to the stdout,
    # instead of raising an error, so as not to remove the original traceback.
    # that means we need to jump through some hoops to catch it.
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    string_buffer = StringIO()
    sys.stdout = string_buffer
        sys.stdout = old_stdout
    assert msg in string_buffer.getvalue()
def test_check_estimator():
    # tests that the estimator actually fails on "bad" estimators.
    # not a complete test of all checks, which are very extensive.

    # check that we have a set_params and can clone
    msg = "it does not implement a 'get_params' methods"
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object)
    # check that we have a fit method
    msg = "object has no attribute 'fit'"
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator)
    # check that fit does input validation
    msg = "TypeError not raised"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, BaseBadClassifier)
    # check that sample_weights in fit accepts pandas.Series type
        from pandas import Series  # noqa

        msg = (
            "Estimator NoSampleWeightPandasSeriesType raises error if "
            "'sample_weight' parameter is of type pandas.Series"
        assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, check_estimator, NoSampleWeightPandasSeriesType)
    except ImportError:
    # check that predict does input validation (doesn't accept dicts in input)
    msg = "Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in predict"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, NoCheckinPredict)
    # check that estimator state does not change
    # at transform/predict/predict_proba time
    msg = "Estimator changes __dict__ during predict"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, ChangesDict)

    # check for sparse matrix input handling
    name = NoSparseClassifier.__name__
    msg = "Estimator " + name + " doesn't seem to fail gracefully on sparse data"
    # the check for sparse input handling prints to the stdout,
    # instead of raising an error, so as not to remove the original traceback.
    # that means we need to jump through some hoops to catch it.
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    string_buffer = StringIO()
    sys.stdout = string_buffer
        sys.stdout = old_stdout
    assert_true(msg in string_buffer.getvalue())

    # doesn't error on actual estimator
def test_check_estimator():
    # tests that the estimator actually fails on "bad" estimators.
    # not a complete test of all checks, which are very extensive.

    # check that we have a set_params and can clone
    msg = "it does not implement a 'get_params' methods"
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object)
    # check that we have a fit method
    msg = "object has no attribute 'fit'"
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator)
    # check that fit does input validation
    msg = "TypeError not raised"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, BaseBadClassifier)
    # check that sample_weights in fit accepts pandas.Series type
        from pandas import Series  # noqa
        msg = ("Estimator NoSampleWeightPandasSeriesType raises error if "
               "'sample_weight' parameter is of type pandas.Series")
            ValueError, msg, check_estimator, NoSampleWeightPandasSeriesType)
    except ImportError:
    # check that predict does input validation (doesn't accept dicts in input)
    msg = "Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in predict"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, NoCheckinPredict)
    # check that estimator state does not change
    # at transform/predict/predict_proba time
    msg = 'Estimator changes __dict__ during predict'
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, ChangesDict)

    # check for sparse matrix input handling
    name = NoSparseClassifier.__name__
    msg = "Estimator " + name + " doesn't seem to fail gracefully on sparse data"
    # the check for sparse input handling prints to the stdout,
    # instead of raising an error, so as not to remove the original traceback.
    # that means we need to jump through some hoops to catch it.
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    string_buffer = StringIO()
    sys.stdout = string_buffer
        sys.stdout = old_stdout
    assert_true(msg in string_buffer.getvalue())

    # doesn't error on actual estimator
def test_check_estimator():
    # tests that the estimator actually fails on "bad" estimators.
    # not a complete test of all checks, which are very extensive.

    # check that we have a set_params and can clone
    msg = "it does not implement a 'get_params' methods"
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object)
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object())
    # check that we have a fit method
    msg = "object has no attribute 'fit'"
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator)
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator())
    # check that fit does input validation
    msg = "TypeError not raised"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    # check that sample_weights in fit accepts pandas.Series type
        from pandas import Series  # noqa
        msg = ("Estimator NoSampleWeightPandasSeriesType raises error if "
               "'sample_weight' parameter is of type pandas.Series")
            ValueError, msg, check_estimator, NoSampleWeightPandasSeriesType)
    except ImportError:
    # check that predict does input validation (doesn't accept dicts in input)
    msg = "Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in predict"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, NoCheckinPredict)
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    # check that estimator state does not change
    # at transform/predict/predict_proba time
    msg = 'Estimator changes __dict__ during predict'
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, ChangesDict)
    # check that `fit` only changes attribures that
    # are private (start with an _ or end with a _).
    msg = ('Estimator ChangesWrongAttribute should not change or mutate  '
           'the parameter wrong_attribute from 0 to 1 during fit.')
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg,
                        check_estimator, ChangesWrongAttribute)
    # check that `fit` doesn't add any public attribute
    msg = ('Estimator adds public attribute\(s\) during the fit method.'
           ' Estimators are only allowed to add private attributes'
           ' either started with _ or ended'
           ' with _ but wrong_attribute added')
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg,
                        check_estimator, SetsWrongAttribute)
    # check for invariant method
    name = NotInvariantPredict.__name__
    method = 'predict'
    msg = ("{method} of {name} is not invariant when applied "
           "to a subset.").format(method=method, name=name)
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg,
                        check_estimator, NotInvariantPredict)
    # check for sparse matrix input handling
    name = NoSparseClassifier.__name__
    msg = "Estimator %s doesn't seem to fail gracefully on sparse data" % name
    # the check for sparse input handling prints to the stdout,
    # instead of raising an error, so as not to remove the original traceback.
    # that means we need to jump through some hoops to catch it.
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    string_buffer = StringIO()
    sys.stdout = string_buffer
        sys.stdout = old_stdout
    assert_true(msg in string_buffer.getvalue())

    # doesn't error on actual estimator