Пример #1
def fill_gaps(xres, tags, smooth=False, grid=None):

    res = xres.copy()

    if grid is None:
        grid = LDAS_io().grid
    lons, lats = np.meshgrid(grid.ease_lons, grid.ease_lats)

    ind_lat = res['row'].values.astype('int')
    ind_lon = res['col'].values.astype('int')

    imp = IterativeImputer(max_iter=10, random_state=0)
    for tag in np.atleast_1d(tags):
        img = np.full(lons.shape, np.nan)
        img[ind_lat, ind_lon] = res[tag]

        # find all non-zero values
        idx = np.where(~np.isnan(img))
        vmin, vmax = np.percentile(img[idx], [2.5, 97.5])
        img[img < vmin] = vmin
        img[img > vmax] = vmax

        # calculate fitting parameters
        imp.set_params(min_value=vmin, max_value=vmax)

        # Define an anchor pixel to infer fitted image dimensions
        tmp_img = img.copy()
        tmp_img[idx[0][20], idx[1][20]] = 1000000

        # transform image with and without anchor pixel
        tmp_img_fitted = imp.transform(tmp_img)
        img_fitted = imp.transform(img)

        # # Get indices of fitted image
        idx_anchor = np.where(tmp_img_fitted == 1000000)[1][0]
        start = idx[1][20] - idx_anchor
        end = start + img_fitted.shape[1]

        # write output
        img[:, start:end] = img_fitted

        if smooth:
            img = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=0.6, truncate=1)

        res.loc[:, tag] = img[ind_lat, ind_lon]
        res.loc[:, tag] = res.loc[:, tag].replace(np.nan,
                                                  res.loc[:, tag].median())

    return res
Пример #2
def smooth_pert_corr():

    res = pd.read_csv('/work/GLEAM/perturbation_correction_v2/result.csv', index_col=0)

    gpis_valid = get_valid_gpis(latmin=24., latmax=51., lonmin=-128., lonmax=-64.)
    ind_valid = np.unravel_index(gpis_valid, (720, 1440))

    imp = IterativeImputer(max_iter=10, random_state=0)
    ind = np.unravel_index(res.index.values, (720, 1440))
    for tag in ['a1', 'b1', 'c1','a2', 'b2', 'c2']:

        img = np.full((720, 1440), np.nan)
        img[ind] = res[tag]

        # find all non-zero values
        idx = np.where(~np.isnan(img))
        vmin, vmax = np.percentile(img[idx], [2.5, 97.5])
        img[img < vmin] = vmin
        img[img > vmax] = vmax

        # calculate fitting parameters
        imp.set_params(min_value=vmin, max_value=vmax)

        # Define an anchor pixel to infer fitted image dimensions
        tmp_img = img.copy()
        tmp_img[idx[0][100], idx[1][100]] = 1000000

        # transform image with and without anchor pixel
        tmp_img_fitted = imp.transform(tmp_img)
        img_fitted = imp.transform(img)

        # # Get indices of fitted image
        idx_anchor = np.where(tmp_img_fitted == 1000000)[1][0]
        start = idx[1][100] - idx_anchor
        end = start + img_fitted.shape[1]

        # write output
        img[:, start:end] = img_fitted
        img = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=0.6, truncate=1)

        res.loc[:, tag + '_s'] = img[ind_valid]

    res.to_csv('/work/GLEAM/perturbation_correction_v2/result_smoothed.csv', float_format='%.8f')
Пример #3
def fill_error_gaps():

    res = pd.read_csv('/work/GLEAM/errors/result.csv', index_col=0)

    gpis_valid = get_valid_gpis(latmin=24., latmax=51., lonmin=-128., lonmax=-64.)
    ind_valid = np.unravel_index(gpis_valid, (720,1440))

    res_gapfilled = pd.DataFrame(index=gpis_valid)

    r_min = 0.0

    ind = (res['R_GLEAM_ASCAT'] <= r_min) | \
          (res['R_GLEAM_AMSR2'] <= r_min) | \
          (res['R_ASCAT_AMSR2'] <= r_min)

    res.loc[ind, ['TC1_R2_GLEAM', 'TC1_R2_ASCAT', 'TC1_R2_AMSR2']] = np.nan
    res.loc[ind, ['TC1_RMSE_GLEAM', 'TC1_RMSE_ASCAT', 'TC1_RMSE_AMSR2']] = np.nan

    # ind = (res['p_GLEAM_ASCAT'] >= 0.05) | \
    #       (res['p_GLEAM_AMSR2'] >= 0.05) | \
    #       (res['p_ASCAT_AMSR2'] >= 0.05)
    # res.loc[ind, ['TC1_R2_GLEAM', 'TC1_R2_ASCAT', 'TC1_R2_AMSR2']] = np.nan
    # res.loc[ind, ['TC1_RMSE_GLEAM', 'TC1_RMSE_ASCAT', 'TC1_RMSE_AMSR2']] = np.nan

    ind = (res['R_GLEAM_ASCAT'] <= r_min) | \
          (res['R_GLEAM_SMAP'] <= r_min) | \
          (res['R_ASCAT_SMAP'] <= r_min)

    res.loc[ind, ['TC2_R2_GLEAM', 'TC2_R2_ASCAT', 'TC2_R2_SMAP']] = np.nan
    res.loc[ind, ['TC2_RMSE_GLEAM', 'TC2_RMSE_ASCAT', 'TC2_RMSE_SMAP']] = np.nan

    # ind = (res['p_GLEAM_ASCAT'] >= 0.05) | \
    #       (res['p_GLEAM_SMAP'] >= 0.05) | \
    #       (res['p_ASCAT_SMAP'] >= 0.05)
    # res.loc[ind, ['TC2_R2_GLEAM', 'TC2_R2_ASCAT', 'TC2_R2_SMAP']] = np.nan
    # res.loc[ind, ['TC2_RMSE_GLEAM', 'TC2_RMSE_ASCAT', 'TC2_RMSE_SMAP']] = np.nan

    # ---------------------

    # tags = ['TC1_R2_GLEAM',]
    tags = ['TC1_R2_GLEAM', 'TC1_R2_ASCAT', 'TC1_R2_AMSR2',
            'TC2_R2_GLEAM', 'TC2_R2_ASCAT', 'TC2_R2_SMAP',
            'TC1_RMSE_GLEAM', 'TC1_RMSE_ASCAT', 'TC1_RMSE_AMSR2',
            'TC2_RMSE_GLEAM', 'TC2_RMSE_ASCAT', 'TC2_RMSE_SMAP']

    imp = IterativeImputer(max_iter=10, random_state=0)
    ind = np.unravel_index(res.index.values, (720,1440))
    for tag in tags:
        img = np.full((720,1440), np.nan)
        img[ind] = res[tag]

        # find all non-zero values
        idx = np.where(~np.isnan(img))
        vmin, vmax = np.percentile(img[idx], [2.5, 97.5])
        img[img<vmin] = vmin
        img[img>vmax] = vmax

        # calculate fitting parameters
        imp.set_params(min_value=vmin, max_value=vmax)

        # Define an anchor pixel to infer fitted image dimensions
        tmp_img = img.copy()
        tmp_img[idx[0][100],idx[1][100]] = 1000000

        # transform image with and without anchor pixel
        tmp_img_fitted = imp.transform(tmp_img)
        img_fitted = imp.transform(img)

        # # Get indices of fitted image
        idx_anchor = np.where(tmp_img_fitted == 1000000)[1][0]
        start = idx[1][100] - idx_anchor
        end = start + img_fitted.shape[1]

        # write output
        img[:,start:end] = img_fitted
        img = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=0.7, truncate=1)

        res_gapfilled.loc[:, tag] = img[ind_valid]

        # np.save('/work/GLEAM/test', img)

        print(tag, 'finished.')
