Пример #1
    def crossvalidate(self,
        Use K-fold cross validation.
        Measuring performance in terms of Cohen's Kappa, F1 and AUROC.
        X,Y: array-like, shape: {(n_timepoints),(n_samples, n_timepoints)}, horizontal and vertical eye positions in degree
        Labels: array-like, shape: {(n_timepoints),(n_samples, n_timepoints)}, class labels in range [0 classes-1], fixation=0, saccades=1
        X_val,Y_val: array-like, shape: {(n_timepoints),(n_samples, n_timepoints)}, additional horizontal and vertical eye positions in degree for validation
        Labels_val: array-like, shape: {(n_timepoints),(n_samples, n_timepoints)}, additional class labels in range [0 classes-1], fixation=0, saccades=1 for validation
        Labels_test: array-like, shape: {(n_timepoints),(n_samples, n_timepoints)}, if test Labels different from training labels (for training with missing labels only), optional
        K: float, number of folds of cross validation

        Performance: dict with keys: 
            {'kappa': cohen's kappa values for all classes, 
            'fpr': false positive rate (saccades),
            'tpr': true positive rate (saccades),
            'auroc': area under the ROC (saccades),
            'f1': harmonic mean of precision and recall (saccades)
            'on': onset difference in timebins for true positive saccades
            'off': offset difference in timebins for true positive saccades }

        # check if data has right dimensions (2)
        xdim, ydim, ldim = X.ndim, Y.ndim, Labels.ndim
        if any((xdim != 2, ydim != 2, ldim != 2)):
            # reshape into matrix with trials of length=1sec
            # training set
            trial_len = int(1000 * self.sampfreq / 1000)
            time_points = len(X_val)
            n_trials = int(time_points / trial_len)
            X = np.reshape(X[:n_trials * trial_len], (n_trials, trial_len))
            Y = np.reshape(Y[:n_trials * trial_len], (n_trials, trial_len))
            Labels = np.reshape(Labels[:n_trials * trial_len],
                                (n_trials, trial_len))
            # validation set
            time_points = len(X_val)
            n_trials = int(time_points / trial_len)
            X_val = np.reshape(X_val[:n_trials * trial_len],
                               (n_trials, trial_len))
            Y_val = np.reshape(Y_val[:n_trials * trial_len],
                               (n_trials, trial_len))
            Labels_val = np.reshape(Labels_val[:n_trials * trial_len],
                                    (n_trials, trial_len))

        n_samples, n_time = X.shape
        classes = len(np.unique(Labels[np.isnan(Labels) == False]))
        self.net = UNet(classes, self.ks, self.mp)

        Labels_mc = np.zeros((n_samples, n_time, classes))
        Labels_mc_val = np.zeros((Labels_val.shape[0], n_time, classes))
        for c in range(classes):
            Labels_mc[:, :, c] = Labels == c
            Labels_mc_val[:, :, c] = Labels_val == c
        Labels = Labels_mc
        Labels_val = Labels_mc_val

        if Labels_test is None:  #if no alternative test labels given, use training labels for testing
            Labels_test = Labels.copy()

        # check if number of timebins is multiple of the maxpooling kernel size squared, otherwise cut:
        fac = (self.mp**2)
        if n_time % fac != 0:
            X = X[:, :int(np.floor(n_time / fac) * fac)]
            Y = Y[:, :int(np.floor(n_time / fac) * fac)]
            X_val = X_val[:, :int(np.floor(n_time / fac) * fac)]
            Y_val = Y_val[:, :int(np.floor(n_time / fac) * fac)]

            Labels = Labels[:, :int(np.floor(n_time / fac) * fac), :]
            Labels_test = Labels_test[:, :int(np.floor(n_time / fac) * fac), :]
            Labels_val = Labels_val[:, :int(np.floor(n_time / fac) * fac), :]
            n_time = X.shape[1]

        # prepare validation data: same for all cross validations
        Lval = Labels_val.copy()
        n_val_samp = X_val.shape[0]
        # differentiated signal:
        Xdiff = np.diff(X_val, axis=-1)
        Xdiff = np.concatenate((np.zeros((n_val_samp, 1)), Xdiff), 1)
        Xdiff[np.isinf(Xdiff)] = self.inf_correction
        Xdiff[np.isnan(Xdiff)] = 0
        Ydiff = np.diff(Y_val, axis=-1)
        Ydiff[np.isnan(Ydiff)] = 0
        Ydiff[np.isinf(Ydiff)] = self.inf_correction
        Ydiff = np.concatenate((np.zeros((n_val_samp, 1)), Ydiff), 1)
        # input matrix:
        V = np.tile((Xdiff, Ydiff), 1)
        V = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(V, 0, 1), 1, 2)
        # torch Variable:
        Vval = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(V).unsqueeze(1), requires_grad=False)
        Lval = np.swapaxes(Lval, 1, 2)
        Lval = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(Lval.astype(float)),

        n_test = int(n_samples / K)
        np.random.seed(1)  # fixed seed for comparable cross validations

        indices = np.random.permutation(n_samples)
        # Cross Validation:

        Kappa = np.zeros((K, classes))
        F1 = np.zeros(K)
        On = []
        Off = []
        for i in range(K):
                1)  #fixed seed to control random data shuffling in each epoch
            print(str(i + 1) + '. cross validation...')
            ind_train = indices.copy()
            if i == K - 1:
                ind_train = np.array(
                    np.delete(ind_train, range(n_test * i, n_samples)))
                ind_test = indices[n_test * i:]
                ind_train = np.array(
                    np.delete(ind_train, range(n_test * i, n_test * (i + 1))))
                ind_test = indices[n_test * i:n_test * (i + 1)]
            # training and test set
            Xtrain = X[ind_train, :].copy()
            Ytrain = Y[ind_train, :].copy()
            Xtest = X[ind_test, :].copy()
            Ytest = Y[ind_test, :].copy()

            Ltrain = Labels[ind_train, :].copy()
            Ltest = Labels_test[ind_test, :].copy()

            Ltrain = np.swapaxes(Ltrain, 1, 2)
            Ltest = np.swapaxes(Ltest, 1, 2)

            # data augmentation: signal rotation
            theta = np.arange(0.25, 2, 0.5)
            r = np.sqrt(Xtrain**2 + Ytrain**2)
            x = Xtrain.copy()
            y = Ytrain.copy()
            for t in theta:
                x2 = x.copy() * math.cos(np.pi * t) + y.copy() * math.sin(
                    np.pi * t)
                y2 = -x.copy() * math.sin(np.pi * t) + y.copy() * math.cos(
                    np.pi * t)
                Xtrain = np.concatenate((Xtrain.copy(), x2), 0)
                Ytrain = np.concatenate((Ytrain.copy(), y2), 0)
                Ltrain = np.concatenate((Ltrain, Ltrain), 0)

            # Prepare Training data:
            n_training = Xtrain.shape[0]
            # differentiated signal:
            Xdiff = np.diff(Xtrain, axis=-1)
            Xdiff = np.concatenate((np.zeros((n_training, 1)), Xdiff), 1)
            Xdiff[np.isinf(Xdiff)] = 1.5
            Xdiff[np.isnan(Xdiff)] = 0
            Ydiff = np.diff(Ytrain, axis=-1)
            Ydiff[np.isnan(Ydiff)] = 0
            Ydiff[np.isinf(Ydiff)] = 1.5
            Ydiff = np.concatenate((np.zeros((n_training, 1)), Ydiff), 1)
            # input matrix:
            V = np.tile((Xdiff, Ydiff), 1)
            V = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(V, 0, 1), 1, 2)
            # torch Variable:
            Vtrain = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(V).unsqueeze(1),
            Ltrain = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(Ltrain.astype(float)),

            # Prepare Test data:
            n_test_samp = Xtest.shape[0]
            # differentiated signal:
            Xdiff = np.diff(Xtest, axis=-1)
            Xdiff = np.concatenate((np.zeros((n_test_samp, 1)), Xdiff), 1)
            Xdiff[np.isinf(Xdiff)] = 1.5
            Xdiff[np.isnan(Xdiff)] = 0
            Ydiff = np.diff(Ytest, axis=-1)
            Ydiff[np.isnan(Ydiff)] = 0
            Ydiff[np.isinf(Ydiff)] = 1.5
            Ydiff = np.concatenate((np.zeros((n_test_samp, 1)), Ydiff), 1)
            # input matrix:
            V = np.tile((Xdiff, Ydiff), 1)
            V = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(V, 0, 1), 1, 2)
            # torch Variable:
            Vtest = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(V).unsqueeze(1),
            Ltest = Ltest.astype(float)

            # model

            # send to gpu is cuda enabled
            if self.use_gpu:
                Vtest = Vtest.cuda()
                Vval = Vval.cuda()
                Lval = Lval.cuda()

            # learning parameters
            criterion = MCLoss()
            optimizer = optim.Adam(self.net.parameters(), lr=self.lr)
            l2_lambda = 0.001
            iters = 10  #iterations per epoch
            batchsize = int(np.floor(n_training / iters))

            epoch = 1
            L = []  #validation loss storage
            Loss_train = []  #training loss storage
            key = ['out']  #layer to output
            getting_worse = 0
            while epoch < self.max_iter:
                # shuffle training data in each epoch:
                rand_ind = torch.randperm(n_training)
                Vtrain = Vtrain[rand_ind, :]
                Ltrain = Ltrain[rand_ind, :]
                loss_train = np.zeros(
                    iters)  #preallocate vector for loss storage
                for niter in range(iters):
                    # Minibatches:
                    if niter != iters - 1:
                        Vbatch = Vtrain[niter * batchsize:(niter + 1) *
                                        batchsize, :]
                        Lbatch = Ltrain[niter * batchsize:(niter + 1) *
                                        batchsize, :]
                        Vbatch = Vtrain[niter * batchsize:, :]
                        Lbatch = Ltrain[niter * batchsize:, :]

                    # send to gpu if cuda is enabled
                    if self.use_gpu:
                        Vbatch = Vbatch.cuda()
                        Lbatch = Lbatch.cuda()

                    out = self.net(Vbatch, key)[0]
                    loss = criterion(out, Lbatch)
                    loss_train[niter] = loss.data.cpu().numpy(
                    )  #store loss in each iteration

                    reg_loss = 0
                    for param in self.net.parameters():
                        reg_loss += torch.sum(param**2)

                    loss += l2_lambda * reg_loss

                    loss_train))  #append average loss over all iterations

                # validate every epoch:
                # validation loss
                out_val = self.net(Vval, key)[0]
                loss_val = criterion(out_val, Lval)
                reg_loss_val = 0
                for param in self.net.parameters():
                    reg_loss_val += torch.sum(param**2)  #L2 penalty
                loss_val += l2_lambda * reg_loss_val
                if len(L) > 3:
                    if L[-1] < np.mean(
                    ):  #validation performance better than last
                        getting_worse = 0
                        if L[-1] < best_loss:
                            best_loss = L[-1]
                            uneye_weights = self.net.state_dict(
                            )  #store weights
                            save_weights = True
                                uneye_weights)  #load best weights

                    else:  #validation performance worse than last
                        #learning rate decay:
                        optimizer = lr_decay(
                            optimizer)  #reduce learning rate by a fixed step
                        getting_worse += 1
                            uneye_weights)  #load best weights
                    best_loss = np.min(L)
                    uneye_weights = self.net.state_dict()

                if getting_worse > 3:
                    epoch = self.max_iter + 1  # stop the training if the loss is increasing for the validation set
                    print('early stop')

                epoch += 1

            # Evaluate on test set
            out_test = self.net(Vtest, key)[0]

            if self.classes == 2:
                Prediction = binary_prediction(
                    out_test[:, 1, :].data.cpu().numpy(),
                    min_sacc_dur=int(self.min_sacc_dur /
                                     (1000 / self.sampfreq)))
                Prediction = np.argmax(
                    1)  # predict class that maximizes the softmax
            for c in range(classes):
                pred = Prediction == c
                kappa = cohenskappa(Ltest[:, c, :].flatten(),
                Kappa[i, c] = kappa

            # f1 value for saccades
            true_pos, false_pos, false_neg, on_distance, off_distance = accuracy(
                (Prediction == 1).astype(float), Ltest[:, 1, :])
            f1 = (2 * true_pos) / (2 * true_pos + false_neg + false_pos)
            print('F1:', np.round(f1, 3))
            F1[i] = f1

            # FREE UP GPU
            del optimizer, criterion, Vtrain, Ltrain, Vtest, out, out_val, out_test, loss

            # save weights of last validation
            uneye_weights = self.net.state_dict()
            out_folder = './crossvalidation/' + self.weights_name
            if not os.path.exists(out_folder):

            # weights to cpu
            if self.use_gpu:
                Keys = list(uneye_weights.keys())
                for k, key in enumerate(Keys):
                    uneye_weights[key] = uneye_weights[key].cpu()

                       os.path.join(out_folder, 'crossvalidation_' + str(i)))

        print("Weights saved to", self.weights_name)
Пример #2
    def test(self, X, Y, Labels):
        Predict Saccades with trained weights and test performance against given labels.

        X,Y: array-like, shape: {(n_timepoints),(n_samples, n_timepoints)}, horizontal and vertical eye positions in degree
        Labels: array-like, shape: {(n_timepoints),(n_samples, n_timepoints)}, class labels in range [0 classes-1], fixation=0, saccades=1
        Pred: array-like, shape: {(classes, n_timepoints),(n_samples, n_timepoints)}, class prediction, values in range [0 classes-1], fixation=0, saccades=1
        Prob: array-like, shape: {(classes, n_timepoints),(n_samples, classes, n_timepoints)}, class probabilits (network softmax output)
        Performance: dict with keys: 
            {'kappa': cohen's kappa values for all classes, 
            'fpr': false positive rate (saccades),
            'tpr': true positive rate (saccades),
            'auroc': area under the ROC (saccades),
            'f1': harmonic mean of precision and recall (saccades)
            'on': onset difference in timebins for true positive saccades
            'off': offset difference in timebins for true positive saccades }
        # determine number of classes
        # check if weights_name is absolute path
        if os.path.isabs(self.weights_name):
            w_name = self.weights_name
            # output folder: local folder called "training"
            out_folder = './training'
            w_name = os.path.join(out_folder, self.weights_name)
        w = torch.load(w_name)
        classes = w['c7.weight'].shape[0]
        self.net = UNet(classes, self.ks, self.mp)

        n_dim = len(X.shape)
        if n_dim == 1:
            X = np.atleast_2d(X)
            Y = np.atleast_2d(Y)
        if X.shape[1] < 25:
            raise ValueError(
                'Input is to small along dimension 1. Expects input of the form (n_samples x n_bins) or (n_bins).'

        n_samples, n_time = X.shape

        # differentiated signal:
        Xdiff = np.diff(X, axis=-1)
        Xdiff = np.concatenate((np.zeros((n_samples, 1)), Xdiff), 1)
        Xdiff[np.isinf(Xdiff)] = self.inf_correction
        Xdiff[np.isnan(Xdiff)] = 0
        Ydiff = np.diff(Y, axis=-1)
        Ydiff[np.isnan(Ydiff)] = 0
        Ydiff[np.isinf(Ydiff)] = self.inf_correction
        Ydiff = np.concatenate((np.zeros((n_samples, 1)), Ydiff), 1)

        # input matrix:
        V = np.tile((Xdiff, Ydiff), 1)
        V = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(V, 0, 1), 1, 2)
        # torch Variable:
        V = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(V).unsqueeze(1), requires_grad=False)

        # load pretrained model

        # send to gpu if cuda enabled
        if self.use_gpu:

        #predict in batches
        batchsize = 50
        iters = int(np.ceil(n_samples / batchsize))
        n_time2 = V.size()[2]
        Pred = np.zeros((n_samples, n_time))
        if classes == 2:
            Prob = np.zeros((n_samples, n_time))
            Prob = np.zeros((n_samples, classes, n_time))

        for niter in range(iters):
            # Minibatches:
            if niter != iters - 1:
                Vbatch = V[niter * batchsize:(niter + 1) * batchsize, :]
                Vbatch = V[niter * batchsize:, :]

            # send to gpu if cuda is enabled
            if self.use_gpu:
                Vbatch = Vbatch.cuda()

            # check if number of timepoints is a multiple of the maxpooling kernel size squared:
            remaining = n_time2 % (self.mp**2)
            if remaining != 0:
                first_time_batch = int(
                    np.floor(n_time2 / (self.mp**2)) * (self.mp**2))
                Vbatch1 = Vbatch[:, :, :first_time_batch, :]
                Vbatch2 = Vbatch[:, :, -(self.mp**2):, :]
                Out1 = self.net(Vbatch1, ['out'])[0].data.cpu().numpy()
                Out2 = self.net(Vbatch2, ['out'])[0].data.cpu().numpy()
                Out = np.concatenate((Out1, Out2[:, :, -remaining:]), 2)

                Out = self.net(Vbatch, ['out'])[0].data.cpu().numpy()

            # Prediction:
            if classes == 2:
                Prediction = binary_prediction(
                    Out[:, 1, :],
                    min_sacc_dur=int(self.min_sacc_dur /
                                     (1000 / self.sampfreq)))
                Probability = Out[:, 1, :]
                Prediction = np.argmax(Out, 1)
                Probability = Out

            if niter != iters - 1:
                Pred[niter * batchsize:(niter + 1) * batchsize, :] = Prediction
                Prob[niter * batchsize:(niter + 1) *
                     batchsize, :] = Probability
                Pred[niter * batchsize:, :] = Prediction
                Prob[niter * batchsize:, :] = Probability

        # Cohen's Kappa, AUROC and f1
        if classes == 2:
            # if only two target classes (fixation and saccade), calculate performance measures for saccade detection
            pred = Pred == 1
            Kappa = cohenskappa((Labels == 1).astype(float).flatten(),
            print('Binary Cohens Kappa: ', np.round(Kappa, 3))
            true_pos, false_pos, false_neg, on_distance, off_distance = accuracy(
                Pred.astype(float), (Labels == 1).astype(float))
            # if multiple target classes, get cohen's kappa for all classes and auroc and f1 for saccades only (class 1)
            # cohen's kappa
            Kappa = np.zeros(classes)
            for c in range(classes):
                pred = Pred == c
                kappa = cohenskappa((Labels == c).astype(float).flatten(),
                Kappa[c] = kappa
                print('Cohens Kappa class', c, ': ', np.round(kappa, 3))
            true_pos, false_pos, false_neg, on_distance, off_distance = accuracy(
                (Pred == 1).astype(float), (Labels == 1).astype(float))
        if true_pos + false_neg + false_pos == 0:
            f1 = np.nan
            f1 = (2 * true_pos) / (2 * true_pos + false_neg + false_pos)
        print('F1:', np.round(f1, 3))

        Performance = {
            'kappa': Kappa,
            'f1': f1,
            'on': on_distance,
            'off': off_distance,
            'true_pos': true_pos,
            'false_pos': false_pos,
            'false_neg': false_neg

        # if input one dimensional, reduce back to one dimension:
        if n_dim == 1:
            Pred = Pred[0, :]
            Prob = Prob[0, :]

        return Pred, Prob, Performance