def test_classifier_chain_vs_independent_models(): # Verify that an ensemble of classifier chains (each of length # N) can achieve a higher Jaccard similarity score than N independent # models X, Y = generate_multilabel_dataset_with_correlations() X_train = X[:600, :] X_test = X[600:, :] Y_train = Y[:600, :] Y_test = Y[600:, :] ovr = OneVsRestClassifier(LogisticRegression()), Y_train) Y_pred_ovr = ovr.predict(X_test) chain = ClassifierChain(LogisticRegression()), Y_train) Y_pred_chain = chain.predict(X_test) assert_greater(jaccard_score(Y_test, Y_pred_chain, average='samples'), jaccard_score(Y_test, Y_pred_ovr, average='samples'))
def test_base_chain_crossval_fit_and_predict(): # Fit chain with cross_val_predict and verify predict # performance X, Y = generate_multilabel_dataset_with_correlations() for chain in [ClassifierChain(LogisticRegression()), RegressorChain(Ridge())]:, Y) chain_cv = clone(chain).set_params(cv=3), Y) Y_pred_cv = chain_cv.predict(X) Y_pred = chain.predict(X) assert Y_pred_cv.shape == Y_pred.shape assert not np.all(Y_pred == Y_pred_cv) if isinstance(chain, ClassifierChain): assert jaccard_score(Y, Y_pred_cv, average='samples') > .4 else: assert mean_squared_error(Y, Y_pred_cv) < .25
def get_jaccard_score(y_true, y_pred, params=None): if params: return jaccard_score(y_true, y_pred, **params) return round(jaccard_score(y_true, y_pred), 3)
ys_t = Split(n_targets, axis=1)(y_t) ys_p = [] for j, k in enumerate(order): x_stacked = ColumnStack()(inputs=[x, *ys_p[:j]]) ys_t[k] = Lambda(np.squeeze, axis=1)(ys_t[k]) ys_p.append(LogisticRegression(solver="lbfgs")(x_stacked, ys_t[k])) ys_p = [ys_p[order.index(j)] for j in range(n_targets)] y_p = ColumnStack()(ys_p) model = Model(inputs=x, outputs=y_p, targets=y_t) plot_model(model, filename="classifier_chain.png", dpi=96) # This might take a few seconds # ------- Train model, Y_train) # ------- Evaluate model Y_train_pred = model.predict(X_train) Y_test_pred = model.predict(X_test) print( "Jaccard score on train data:", jaccard_score(Y_train, Y_train_pred, average="samples"), ) print( "Jaccard score on test data:", jaccard_score(Y_test, Y_test_pred, average="samples"), )
def jaccard_distance(KCA,KCs): distance = [1-jaccard_score(KCA,np.array(KCs[odor].values)) for odor in KCs.columns] return distance
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression if __name__ == "__main__": # Load a multi-label dataset from X, Y = fetch_openml('yeast', version=4, return_X_y=True) Y = Y == 'TRUE' X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=.2, random_state=0) # Fit an independent logistic regression model for each class using the # OneVsRestClassifier wrapper. base_lr = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs') ovr = OneVsRestClassifier(base_lr), Y_train) Y_pred_ovr = ovr.predict(X_test) ovr_jaccard_score = jaccard_score(Y_test, Y_pred_ovr, average='samples') # Fit an ensemble of logistic regression classifier chains and take the # take the average prediction of all the chains. chains = [ClassifierChain(base_lr, order='random', random_state=i) for i in range(10)] for chain in chains:, Y_train) Y_pred_chains = np.array([chain.predict(X_test) for chain in chains]) chain_jaccard_scores = [jaccard_score(Y_test, Y_pred_chain >= .5, average='samples') for Y_pred_chain in Y_pred_chains] Y_pred_ensemble = Y_pred_chains.mean(axis=0)
nist_fps = csr_matrix( nist_fps)[:, fpkeep].todense() # fingerprints of nist compounds output = pd.DataFrame(columns=['smiles', 'mass', 'fp_score', 'rank']) for i in tqdm(range(len(smiles))): smi = smiles[i] std_smi = Chem.MolToSmiles(Chem.MolFromSmiles(smi)) mass = molwt[i] pred_fp = pred_fps[i] try: true_fp = np.array(get_cdk_fingerprints( std_smi)) # true fingerprint of the "unknown" except: continue true_fp = true_fp[fpkeep] true_score = jaccard_score(pred_fp, true_fp) # score of the true compound candidate = np.where( np.abs(nist_masses - mass) < 5)[0] # candidate of nist cand_smi = nist_smiles[candidate] rep_ind = np.where( cand_smi == std_smi)[0] # if the compound in nist, remove it. candidate = np.delete(candidate, rep_ind) fp_scores = get_fp_score( pred_fp, nist_fps[candidate, :]) # scores of all candidtates rank = len(np.where(fp_scores > true_score)[0]) + 1 output.loc[len(output)] = [smi, mass, true_score, rank] output.to_csv('Discussion/MassBank_test/results/DeepEI_massbank.csv')
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test) # Converting the object into array yt = [] for ele in y_test: yt.append(ele) # Calculate the efficiency count = 0 for i in range(len(yt)): if y_pred[i] == yt[i]: count += 1 eff = count / len(yt) print('Efficiency: {}'.format(eff)) print('F1 score: {}'.format(f1_score(yt, y_pred, average='macro'))) print('Precision score: {}'.format(precision_score(yt, y_pred, average='macro'))) print('Jaccard score: {}'.format(jaccard_score(yt, y_pred, average=None))) # Plot the efficiency data onto a graph plt.title('HRV model 3 class') plt.plot(y_pred) plt.plot(yt) # Construct a confusion matrix from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred) # End of model print('End of model')
def metrics_for_whole_test(self): ground_truth_array = np.load(self.ground_truth_array_path) predicted_images_array = np.load(self.predicted_images_one_hot) ground_truth_array_reshaped = np.reshape( ground_truth_array, (ground_truth_array.shape[0] * ground_truth_array.shape[1]**2, self.number_of_classes)) predicted_images_array_reshaped = np.reshape( predicted_images_array, (predicted_images_array.shape[0] * predicted_images_array.shape[1]**2, self.number_of_classes)) ground_truth_array_a = np.argmax(ground_truth_array_reshaped, axis=1) predicted_images_array_a = np.argmax(predicted_images_array_reshaped, axis=1) acc = accuracy_score(ground_truth_array_a, predicted_images_array_a) class_report = classification_report( ground_truth_array_a, predicted_images_array_a, labels=self.labels, target_names=self.conf_matrix_labels) conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(ground_truth_array_a, predicted_images_array_a, labels=self.labels) jacc_score = jaccard_score(ground_truth_array_a, predicted_images_array_a, labels=self.labels, average=None) # dice_score = prediction.dice_coef(ground_truth_array_reshaped, predicted_images_array_reshaped) # print ('***************FOR ALL IMAGES METRICS ARE***************') # print ('Confusion matrix') # print (conf_matrix) # print ('Accuracy') # print (acc) # print ('Classification report') # print (class_report) # print ('Dice score (F1_score): {:.4f}'.format(dice_score)) # print ('Jaccard index (IoU): {:.4f}'.format(jacc_score)) class_report_dict = classification_report( ground_truth_array_a, predicted_images_array_a, labels=self.labels, target_names=self.conf_matrix_labels, output_dict=True) class_report_df = pd.DataFrame(class_report_dict).transpose().round(4) jacc_list = np.around(jacc_score, decimals=4).tolist() jacc_list = jacc_list + ['NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'] if self.number_of_classes == 2: acc_list = [acc.round(4), 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'] else: acc_list = [acc.round(4), 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'] class_report_df['Accuracy'], class_report_df['Jaccard'] = [ acc_list, jacc_list ] confusion_matrix_df = pd.DataFrame(data=conf_matrix, index=self.conf_matrix_labels, columns=self.conf_matrix_labels) # df_combined = pd.concat([class_report_df, confusion_matrix_df], axis =0, ignore_index=True) class_report_csv_path = self.model_stat_folder + '/' + 'class_report.csv' class_report_df.to_csv(class_report_csv_path, index=True, header=True) confusion_matrix_csv_path = self.model_stat_folder + '/' + 'confusion_matrix.csv' confusion_matrix_df.to_csv(confusion_matrix_csv_path, index=True, header=True)
for i in tqdm(range(len(valid_dataset))): im , lbl = valid_dataset[i] im = Variable(im.unsqueeze(0)).to(device) out = model(im) pred = out.max(1)[1].squeeze().cpu().data.numpy() true_labels.extend(lbl.flatten()) predictions.extend(pred.flatten()) #Senstivity (Recall), F1 Score, and Precision print("Recall,F1 Score, and Precision:") print(classification_report(true_labels,predictions,digits=3)) #Jaccard Similarity print("Jaccard Score:") print(jaccard_score(true_labels, predictions, average=None)) print(jaccard_score(true_labels, predictions, average="macro")) #Accuracy print("Accuracy Score:") print(accuracy_score(true_labels, predictions, normalize=True)) #Specificity CM = confusion_matrix(true_labels,predictions) false_positives = [] true_negatives = [] for l in range(len(CM)): class_true_negative = 0 class_false_positive = 0
def _sgdclassifier(*, train, test, x_predict=None, metrics, loss='hinge', penalty='l2', alpha=0.0001, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, max_iter=1000, tol=0.001, shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=0.1, n_jobs=None, random_state=None, learning_rate='optimal', eta0=0.0, power_t=0.5, early_stopping=False, validation_fraction=0.1, n_iter_no_change=5, class_weight=None, warm_start=False, average=False): """For for info visit : """ model = SGDClassifier(loss=loss, penalty=penalty, alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, shuffle=shuffle, verbose=verbose, epsilon=epsilon, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state, learning_rate=learning_rate, eta0=eta0, power_t=power_t, early_stopping=early_stopping, validation_fraction=validation_fraction, n_iter_no_change=n_iter_no_change, class_weight=class_weight, warm_start=warm_start, average=average)[0], train[1]) model_name = 'SGDClassifier' y_hat = model.predict(test[0]) if metrics == 'f1_score': accuracy = f1_score(test[1], y_hat) if metrics == 'jaccard_score': accuracy = jaccard_score(test[1], y_hat) if metrics == 'accuracy_score': accuracy = accuracy_score(test[1], y_hat) if x_predict is None: return (model_name, accuracy, None) y_predict = model.predict(x_predict) return (model_name, accuracy, y_predict)
def jackass(str1,str2): asc1 = [ord(i) for i in str1] asc2 = [ord(i) for i in str2] result = jaccard_score(asc1, asc2, average='macro') return 100- (result*100)
pred = np.array(pred) indices = pred > 0 comp = np.zeros(pred.shape) comp[indices] = 1 for x in range(1, len(data)): pred =, feed_dict={ text: [bv.sequenceTranslate(data[0][0].split(), wdfull)] }) pred = np.array(pred) indices = pred > 0 tmp = np.zeros(pred.shape) tmp[indices] = 1 comp = np.concatenate((comp, tmp)) truths = np.array([bv.translate(b[1], labelDict) for b in data]) print('Hamming Loss:', hamming_loss(comp, truths)) print('Zero One Loss:', zero_one_loss(comp, truths)) print('Jaccard Score:', jaccard_score(comp, truths, average='samples')) print('F1-Score Micro:', f1_score(comp, truths, average='micro')) print('F1-Score Macro:', f1_score(comp, truths, average='macro')) print('Accuracy :', accuracy_score(comp, truths))
def evaluateNetwork(dataset, dataloader, loss_to_use, CEloss, w_for_GDL, tversky_loss_alpha, tversky_loss_beta, focal_tversky_gamma, epoch, epochs_switch, epochs_transition, nclasses, net, flag_compute_mIoU=False, savefolder=""): """ It evaluates the network on the validation set. :param dataloader: Pytorch DataLoader to load the dataset for the evaluation. :param net: Network to evaluate. :param savefolder: if a folder is given the classification results are saved into this folder. :return: all the computed metrics. """"" ##### SETUP THE NETWORK ##### USE_CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available() if USE_CUDA: device = torch.device("cuda") torch.cuda.synchronize() ##### EVALUATION ##### net.eval() # set the network in evaluation mode batch_size = dataloader.batch_size CM = np.zeros((nclasses, nclasses), dtype=int) class_indices = list(range(nclasses)) ypred_list = [] ytrue_list = [] loss_values = [] with torch.no_grad(): for k, data in enumerate(dataloader): batch_images, labels_batch, names = data['image'], data['labels'], data['name'] txt = "Evaluation running.. {:.2f} % \r".format(((100.0 * k) / len(dataloader))) sys.stdout.write(txt) if USE_CUDA: batch_images = labels_batch = # N x K x H x W --> N: batch size, K: number of classes, H: height, W: width outputs = net(batch_images) # predictions size --> N x H x W values, predictions_t = torch.max(outputs, 1) if loss_to_use == "NONE": loss_values.append(0.0) else: loss = computeLoss(loss_to_use, CEloss, w_for_GDL, tversky_loss_alpha, tversky_loss_beta, focal_tversky_gamma, epoch, epochs_switch, epochs_transition, labels_batch, outputs) loss_values.append(loss.item()) pred_cpu = predictions_t.cpu() labels_cpu = labels_batch.cpu() if flag_compute_mIoU: ypred_list.extend(pred_cpu.numpy().ravel()) ytrue_list.extend(labels_cpu.numpy().ravel()) # CONFUSION MATRIX, PREDICTIONS ARE PER-COLUMN, GROUND TRUTH CLASSES ARE PER-ROW for i in range(batch_size): pred_index = pred_cpu[i].numpy().ravel() true_index = labels_cpu[i].numpy().ravel() confmat = confusion_matrix(true_index, pred_index, class_indices) CM += confmat # SAVE THE OUTPUT OF THE NETWORK for i in range(batch_size): if savefolder: imgfilename = os.path.join(savefolder, names[i]) dataset.saveClassificationResult(batch_images[i].cpu(), outputs[i].cpu(), imgfilename) mean_loss = sum(loss_values) / len(loss_values) jaccard_s = 0.0 if flag_compute_mIoU: ypred = np.array(ypred_list) del ypred_list ytrue = np.array(ytrue_list) del ytrue_list jaccard_s = jaccard_score(ytrue, ypred, average='weighted') # NORMALIZED CONFUSION MATRIX sum_row = CM.sum(axis=1) sum_row = sum_row.reshape((nclasses, 1)) # transform into column vector sum_row = sum_row + 1 CMnorm = CM / sum_row # divide each row using broadcasting # FINAL ACCURACY pixels_total = CM.sum() pixels_correct = np.sum(np.diag(CM)) accuracy = float(pixels_correct) / float(pixels_total) metrics = {'ConfMatrix': CM, 'NormConfMatrix': CMnorm, 'Accuracy': accuracy, 'JaccardScore': jaccard_s} return metrics, mean_loss
print(LR) # Now we can predict using our test set: yhat = LR.predict(X_test) print(yhat) # predict_proba returns estimates for all classes, ordered by the label of classes # So, the first column is the probability of class 1, P(Y=1|X), # and second column is probability of class 0, P(Y=0|X yhat_prob = LR.predict_proba(X_test) print(yhat_prob) # Evaluation # jaccard index from sklearn.metrics import jaccard_score print(jaccard_score(y_test, yhat, pos_label=0)) # confusion matrix from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix import itertools def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes, normalize=False, title='Confusion matrix', """ This function prints and plots the confusion matrix. Normalization can be applied by setting `normalize=True`. """ if normalize:
def get_iou(pred, gt): pred = np.asarray(pred.detach().cpu()).flatten() pred = np.around(pred) gt = np.asarray(gt.detach().cpu()).flatten() iou = jaccard_score(y_pred=pred, y_true=gt) return iou
print("confusion_matrix \n", cm) print("cm.diagonal() ", cm.diagonal()) print("cm.sum(axis=0) ", cm.sum(axis=0)) accuracy = cm.diagonal() / cm.sum(axis=0) print("accuracy ", accuracy) print("accuracy_score ", metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, predicted)) print("macro metrics.f1_score ", metrics.f1_score(y_test, predicted, average="macro")) print("micro metrics.f1_score ", metrics.f1_score(y_test, predicted, average="micro")) print( "macro metrics.jaccard_score ", metrics.jaccard_score(y_test, predicted, average="macro"), ) print( "micro metrics.jaccard_score ", metrics.jaccard_score(y_test, predicted, average="micro"), ) print("metrics.classification_report \n", metrics.classification_report(y_test, predicted)) print( "metrics.precision_score ", metrics.precision_score(y_test, predicted, average="macro"), ) print("metrics.recall_score ", metrics.recall_score(y_test, predicted, average="micro")) print( "metrics.fbeta_score ",
def evaluate(model, test_x, test_y, output_folder, title, class_specific=False, all_labels=None, weight_vector=None): # Ensure that labels is an np array if all_labels is None: labels = None else: labels = list(all_labels) if weight_vector is None: y_predicted = model.predict(test_x) y_predicted_max = np.argmax(y_predicted, axis=1) else: # Variant Output Shift y_predicted = model.predict(test_x) predicted_shift = list() for e in y_predicted: predicted_shift.append(shift_output(e, weight_vector)) y_predicted_max = np.argmax(predicted_shift, axis=1) y_test_max = np.argmax(test_y, axis=1) # Print classification report report = classification_report(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, labels=labels, output_dict=True, digits=5) report_df = pd.DataFrame(report) report_df.to_csv(os.path.join(output_folder, 'report_' + title + '.csv'), sep=' ', header=True, mode='a') # Print confusion matrix cm = confusion_matrix(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, labels=labels) cm_df = pd.DataFrame(cm) cm_df.to_csv(os.path.join(output_folder, 'cm_' + title + '.csv'), sep=' ', header=True, mode='a') metrics = dict() # Evaluate further metrics # ============================================================================= # Balanced Accuracy Score # ============================================================================= metrics['Balanced Accuracy Score'] = balanced_accuracy_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max) # ============================================================================= # Cohen Kappa Score # ============================================================================= metrics['Cohen Kappa Score (No weighted)'] = cohen_kappa_score( y_predicted_max, y_test_max, weights=None) metrics['Cohen Kappa Score (Linear weighted)'] = cohen_kappa_score( y_predicted_max, y_test_max, weights='linear') metrics['Cohen Kappa Score (Quadratic weighted)'] = cohen_kappa_score( y_predicted_max, y_test_max, weights='quadratic') # ============================================================================= # Hinge Loss # ============================================================================= metrics['Hinge Loss'] = hinge_loss(y_test_max, y_predicted, labels=labels) # ============================================================================= # Matthews Correlation Coefficient # ============================================================================= metrics['Matthews Correlation Coefficient'] = matthews_corrcoef( y_test_max, y_predicted_max) # ============================================================================= # Top k Accuracy Score (does not work, To DO) # ============================================================================= # print("\n Top k Accuracy: ") # print(top_k_accuracy_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, k=5)) # ============================================================================= # The following also work in the multi label case # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # Accuracy Score # ============================================================================= metrics['Accuracy Score'] = accuracy_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max) # ============================================================================= # F1 Score # ============================================================================= metrics['F Score (Micro)'] = f1_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='micro') metrics['F Score (Macro)'] = f1_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='macro') metrics['F Score (Weighted)'] = f1_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='weighted') if class_specific: metrics['F Score (None, i.e. for each class)'] = f1_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average=None) # ============================================================================= # ROC AUC Score (in case of multi class sklearn only support macro and weighted averages) # ============================================================================= # ROC AUC only works if each label occurs at least one time. Hence, we need to catch a exception print(y_test_max) try: metrics['ROC AUC Score (OVR) Macro'] = roc_auc_score(y_test_max, y_predicted, multi_class='ovr', average='macro', labels=labels) metrics['ROC AUC Score (OVR) Weighted'] = roc_auc_score( y_test_max, y_predicted, multi_class='ovr', average='weighted', labels=labels) metrics['ROC AUC Score (OVO) Macro'] = roc_auc_score(y_test_max, y_predicted, multi_class='ovo', average='macro', labels=labels) metrics['ROC AUC Score (OVO) Weighted'] = roc_auc_score( y_test_max, y_predicted, multi_class='ovo', average='weighted', labels=labels) except: print("Cannot calculate ROC AUC Score!") pass # ============================================================================= # F Beta Score # ============================================================================= metrics['F Beta Score (Micro) b=0.5'] = fbeta_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='micro', beta=0.5) metrics['F Beta Score (Macro) b=0.5'] = fbeta_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='macro', beta=0.5) metrics['F Beta Score (Weighted) b=0.5'] = fbeta_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='weighted', beta=0.5) if class_specific: metrics[ 'F Beta Score (None, i.e. for each class) b=0.5'] = fbeta_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average=None, beta=0.5) metrics['F Beta Score (Micro) b=1.5'] = fbeta_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='micro', beta=1.5) metrics['F Beta Score (Macro) b=1.5'] = fbeta_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='macro', beta=1.5) metrics['F Beta Score (Weighted) b=1.5'] = fbeta_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='weighted', beta=1.5) if class_specific: metrics[ 'F Beta Score (None, i.e. for each class) b=1.5'] = fbeta_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average=None, beta=1.5) # ============================================================================= # Hamming Loss # ============================================================================= metrics['Hamming Loss'] = hamming_loss(y_test_max, y_predicted_max) # ============================================================================= # Jaccard Score # ============================================================================= metrics['Jaccard Score (Micro)'] = jaccard_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='micro') metrics['Jaccard Score (Macro)'] = jaccard_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='macro') metrics['Jaccard Score (Weighted)'] = jaccard_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='weighted') if class_specific: metrics['Jaccard Score (None, i.e. for each class)'] = jaccard_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average=None) # ============================================================================= # Log Loss # ============================================================================= metrics['Logg Loss'] = log_loss(y_test_max, y_predicted, labels=labels) # ============================================================================= # Precision Score # ============================================================================= metrics['Precision Score (Micro)'] = precision_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='micro') metrics['Precision Score (Macro)'] = precision_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='macro') metrics['Precision Score (Weighted)'] = precision_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='weighted') if class_specific: metrics[ 'Precision Score (None, i.e. for each class)'] = precision_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average=None) # ============================================================================= # Specificity Score # ============================================================================= metrics['Specificity Score (Micro)'] = specificity_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='micro') metrics['Specificity Score (Macro)'] = specificity_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='macro') metrics['Specificity Score (Weighted)'] = specificity_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='weighted') if class_specific: metrics[ 'Specificity Score (None, i.e. for each class)'] = specificity_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average=None) # ============================================================================= # Recall Score (also named Sensitivity Score). Hence, the Sensitivity Score values # should be the same as the Recall Score values # ============================================================================= metrics['Recall Score (Micro)'] = recall_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='micro') metrics['Recall Score (Macro)'] = recall_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='macro') metrics['Recall Score (Weighted)'] = recall_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='weighted') if class_specific: metrics['Recall Score (None, i.e. for each class)'] = recall_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average=None) metrics['Sensitivity Score (Micro)'] = sensitivity_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='micro') metrics['Sensitivity Score (Macro)'] = sensitivity_score(y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='macro') metrics['Sensitivity Score (Weighted)'] = sensitivity_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='weighted') if class_specific: metrics[ 'Sensitivity Score (None, i.e. for each class)'] = sensitivity_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average=None) # ============================================================================= # Geometric Mean Score # ============================================================================= metrics['Geometric Mean Score (Normal)'] = geometric_mean_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max) metrics['Geometric Mean Score (Micro)'] = geometric_mean_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='micro') metrics['Geometric Mean Score (Macro)'] = geometric_mean_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='macro') metrics['Geometric Mean Score (Weighted)'] = geometric_mean_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average='weighted') if class_specific: metrics[ 'Geometric Mean Score (None, i.e. for each class)'] = geometric_mean_score( y_test_max, y_predicted_max, average=None) # ============================================================================= # Zero one Loss # ============================================================================= metrics['Zero One Loss'] = zero_one_loss(y_test_max, y_predicted_max) # ============================================================================= # Make Index Balanced Accuracy with # ============================================================================= # print("\n MIBA with Matthews") # geo_mean = make_index_balanced_accuracy(alpha=0.5, squared=True)(hamming_loss) # print(geo_mean(y_test_max, y_predicted_max)) return metrics
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) # Build model LR = LogisticRegression(C=0.01, solver='liblinear').fit(X_train, y_train) # Using model to predict yhat = LR.predict(X_test) yhat_prob = LR.predict_proba(X_test) print(yhat) print(yhat_prob) # Evaluation using Jaccard Index print('average=None', metrics.jaccard_score(y_test, yhat, average=None)) print('micro', metrics.jaccard_score(y_test, yhat, average='micro')) print('macro', metrics.jaccard_score(y_test, yhat, average='macro')) print('weighted', metrics.jaccard_score(y_test, yhat, average='weighted')) # Evaluation using confusion matrix cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, yhat) disp = metrics.ConfusionMatrixDisplay( confusion_matrix=cm, display_labels=["Iris-setosa", "Iris-versicolor", "Iris-virginica"]) disp.plot() # Evaluation using confusion matrix (normalize=true -> return probability over true label (row)) cm_true = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, yhat, normalize='true') disp_true = metrics.ConfusionMatrixDisplay( confusion_matrix=cm_true,
def score_estimators(self): """ Get F1 scores of self.r_estimators and self.f_estimators on the fake and real data, respectively. :return: dataframe with the results for each estimator on each data test set. """ if self.target_type == 'class': rows = [] for r_classifier, f_classifier, estimator_name in zip( self.r_estimators, self.f_estimators, self.estimator_names): for dataset, target, dataset_name in zip( [self.real_x_test, self.fake_x_test], [self.real_y_test, self.fake_y_test], ['real', 'fake']): predictions_classifier_real = r_classifier.predict(dataset) predictions_classifier_fake = f_classifier.predict(dataset) f1_r = f1_score(target, predictions_classifier_real, average="micro") f1_f = f1_score(target, predictions_classifier_fake, average="micro") jac_sim = jaccard_score(predictions_classifier_real, predictions_classifier_fake, average='micro') row = { 'index': f'{estimator_name}_{dataset_name}', 'f1_real': f1_r, 'f1_fake': f1_f, 'jaccard_similarity': jac_sim } rows.append(row) results = pd.DataFrame(rows).set_index('index') elif self.target_type == 'regr': r2r = [ rmse(self.real_y_test, clf.predict(self.real_x_test)) for clf in self.r_estimators ] f2f = [ rmse(self.fake_y_test, clf.predict(self.fake_x_test)) for clf in self.f_estimators ] # Calculate test set accuracies on the other dataset r2f = [ rmse(self.fake_y_test, clf.predict(self.fake_x_test)) for clf in self.r_estimators ] f2r = [ rmse(self.real_y_test, clf.predict(self.real_x_test)) for clf in self.f_estimators ] index = [f'real_data_{classifier}' for classifier in self.estimator_names] + \ [f'fake_data_{classifier}' for classifier in self.estimator_names] results = pd.DataFrame({ 'real': r2r + f2r, 'fake': r2f + f2f }, index=index) else: raise Exception( f'self.target_type should be either \'class\' or \'regr\', but is {self.target_type}.' ) return results
def iteration(self, node_status=True): ''' Execute a single model iteration :return: Iteration_id, Incremental node status (dictionary code -> status) ''' # An iteration changes the opinion of the selected agent 'i' using the following procedure: # if i is stubborn then its status doesn't change, else # - select all its neighbors # - if between each pair of agents, there is a smaller distance than epsilon, then # the state of the agent change, becoming the sum between its initial opinion and # the average of weighted opinions of its neighbors # multiplied by a different factor based on the sign of the agent's (i) opinion. self.clean_initial_status(None) actual_status = {node: nstatus for node, nstatus in future.utils.iteritems(self.status)} if self.actual_iteration == 0: use_stubborn_node = False negatives = [] positives = [] for node in self.graph.nodes: if self.params['model']['similarity'] == 1: # use the similarity vector # create binary vector for the agent character i = 0 if len(self.params['nodes']['vector'][node]) == 0: #self.params['nodes']['vector'][node] = [] while i < 5: self.params['nodes']['vector'][node].append(np.random.randint(2)) i += 1 if self.params['nodes']['stubborn'][node] == 1: # use the stubborn nodes use_stubborn_node = True # if stubborns have intermediate negative opinions '''if actual_status[node]>=-0.6 and actual_status[node]<=-0.4:''' if actual_status[node] <= -0.8: if node not in negatives: negatives.append(node) # if stubborns have intermediate positive opinions '''if actual_status[node] >= 0.4 and actual_status[node]<=0.6:''' if actual_status[node] >= 0.8: if node not in positives: positives.append(node) join_list = negatives + positives num_stubborns = 0 if use_stubborn_node == False: # based on the value of option_for_stubbornness, compute num_stubborns or only on negatives, or on positives or on the union of the two if self.params['model']['option_for_stubbornness'] == -1 and len(negatives) != 0: num_stubborns = int(float(len(negatives)) * float(self.params['model']['perc_stubborness'])) elif self.params['model']['option_for_stubbornness'] == 1 and len(positives) != 0: num_stubborns = int(float(len(positives)) * float(self.params['model']['perc_stubborness'])) elif self.params['model']['option_for_stubbornness'] == 0 and len(join_list) != 0: num_stubborns = int(float(len(join_list)) * float(self.params['model']['perc_stubborness'])) count_stub = 0 while count_stub < num_stubborns: if self.params['model']['option_for_stubbornness'] == -1: n = random.choice(negatives) elif self.params['model']['option_for_stubbornness'] == 1: n = random.choice(positives) elif self.params['model']['option_for_stubbornness'] == 0: n = random.choice(join_list) if self.params['nodes']['stubborn'][n] == 0: self.params['nodes']['stubborn'][n] = 1 count_stub += 1 # if num_stubborns is compute with uniform distribution over the entire population (option_for_stubbornness is not used in this case) ''' num_stubborns = 0 if setting == False: num_stubborns = int(float(self.graph.number_of_nodes())*float(self.params['model']['perc_stubborness'])) count_stub = 0 while count_stub < num_stubborns: n = list(self.graph.nodes)[np.random.randint(0,self.graph.number_of_nodes())] if self.params['nodes']['stubborn'][n] == 0: self.params['nodes']['stubborn'][n] = 1 count_stub += 1 ''' self.actual_iteration += 1 # delta, node_count, status_delta = self.status_delta(self.status) if node_status: return {"iteration": 0, "status": self.status.copy(), "node_count": len(self.status), "status_delta": self.status.copy()} else: return {"iteration": 0, "status": {}, "node_count": len(self.status), "status_delta": self.status.copy()} ''' - select a random agent n1 - if it is stubborn: its status doesn't change - else: - select all its neighbors - for each neighbor, diff_opinion is compute - if diff_opinion < epsilon then: sum the weighted opinion of the neighbor to the sum_op - compute new_op (updated opinion of n1) ''' for i in range(0, self.graph.number_of_nodes()): # select a random node n1 = list(self.graph.nodes)[np.random.randint(0, self.graph.number_of_nodes())] # if n1 isn't stubborn if self.params['nodes']['stubborn'][n1] == 0: # select neighbors of n1 neighbours = list(self.graph.neighbors(n1)) sum_op = 0 count_in_eps = 0 if len(neighbours) == 0: continue for neigh in neighbours: key = (n1, neigh) # compute the difference between opinions diff_opinion = np.abs((actual_status[n1]) - (actual_status[neigh])) if diff_opinion < self.params['model']['epsilon']: jaccard_sim = 0 if self.params['model']['similarity'] == 1: # compute similarity between n1 and neigh using jaccard score jaccard_sim = jaccard_score(self.params['nodes']['vector'][n1], self.params['nodes']['vector'][neigh]) weight = 0 if not self.graph.has_edge(key[0], key[1]): e = list(key) reverse = [e[1], e[0]] link = tuple(reverse) if link in self.params['edges']['weight']: weight = (self.params['edges']['weight'][link]) elif not self.graph.directed: weight = (self.params['edges']['weight'][key]) else: if key in self.params['edges']['weight']: weight = (self.params['edges']['weight'][key]) elif not self.graph.directed: weight = (self.params['edges']['weight'][(key[1], key[0])]) if self.params['model']['similarity'] == 1: sum_op += (actual_status[neigh] * weight) * jaccard_sim else: sum_op += (actual_status[neigh] * weight) # count_in_eps is the number of neighbors in epsilon count_in_eps += 1 if (count_in_eps > 0): if actual_status[n1] > 0: new_op = actual_status[n1] + ((sum_op / count_in_eps) * (1 - actual_status[n1])) elif actual_status[n1] <= 0: new_op = actual_status[n1] + ((sum_op / count_in_eps) * (1 + actual_status[n1])) else: # if there aren't neighbors in epsilon, the status of n1 doesn't change new_op = actual_status[n1] # if n1 is stubborn else: # opinion doesn't change new_op = actual_status[n1] actual_status[n1] = new_op # delta, node_count, status_delta = self.status_delta(actual_status) self.status = actual_status self.actual_iteration += 1 if node_status: return {"iteration": self.actual_iteration - 1, "status": self.status.copy(), "node_count": len(actual_status), "status_delta": self.status.copy()} else: return {"iteration": self.actual_iteration - 1, "status": {}, "node_count": len(actual_status), "status_delta": self.status.copy()}
AnnList.append(ann) PredList.append(out2) PredList = np.array(PredList) AnnList = np.array(AnnList) # print(PredList.shape) # print(AnnList.shape) PredList = PredList.reshape((-1, )) AnnList = AnnList.reshape((-1, )) # print(PredList.shape) # print(AnnList.shape) Acc = accuracy_score(AnnList, PredList) F1 = f1_score(AnnList, PredList, average='macro') av_iou = jaccard_score(AnnList, PredList, average='macro') print('======================================') print('precision_score=', precision_score(AnnList, PredList, average='macro')) print('recall_score=', recall_score(AnnList, PredList, average='macro')) print('av_iou=', av_iou) print('F1_score=', F1) print('accuracy_score=', Acc) print('======================================') f = open('results/' + Modelname.split('.')[0] + '.txt', "w+") f.write(Modelname.split('.')[0] + '\n') f.write('===============' + '\n') f.write('precision_score= ' + str(precision_score(AnnList, PredList, average='macro')) + '\n') f.write('recall_score= ' +
) for method in methods: sep = ',' if method == 'raw': infile = '../experiment/dataset-1000/' + dataset + '.' + method + '.csv' elif method == 'dca': infile = '../experiment/dataset-1000-result/' + \ method + '/' + dataset + '.' + method + '.tsv' sep = '\t' else: infile = '../experiment/dataset-1000-result/' + \ method + '/' + dataset + '.' + method + '.csv' print('reading {0} data...'.format(method)) print(infile) data = pd.read_csv(infile, index_col=0, sep=sep) data = data.fillna(0) clustering = KMeans(n_clusters=5).fit(data.T) labels = clustering.labels_ print(labels.shape) output.write(','.join([ method, str(adjusted_rand_score(groups, labels)), str(jaccard_score(groups, labels, average='macro')), str( normalized_mutual_info_score( groups, labels, average_method='min')), str(silhouette_score(data.T, groups)) ]) + '\n')
bestScore = score best_clf = clf_knn bestK = k print("Best K is :", bestK, "| Cross validation Accuracy :", bestScore) clf_knn = best_clf plt.plot(range(3, 12), accList) plt.xlabel('K') plt.ylabel('CV Accuracy'), y_train) y_pred = best_clf.predict(x_train) trainScores['KNN-jaccard'] = jaccard_score(y_train, y_pred) trainScores['KNN-f1-score'] = f1_score(y_train, y_pred, average='weighted') trainScores """# Decision Tree""" from sklearn import tree clf_tree = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier() clf_tree =, y_train) y_pred = clf_tree.predict(x_train) trainScores['Tree-jaccard'] = jaccard_score(y_train, y_pred) trainScores['Tree-f1-score'] = f1_score(y_train, y_pred, average='weighted')
print('Train set:', X_train.shape, y_train.shape) print('Test set:', X_test.shape, y_test.shape) from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix LR = LogisticRegression(C=0.01, solver='liblinear').fit(X_train, y_train) print(LR) yhat = LR.predict(X_test) yhat_prob = LR.predict_proba(X_test) from sklearn.metrics import jaccard_score print(jaccard_score(y_test, yhat)) from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix import itertools def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes, normalize=False, title='Confusion matrix', """ This function prints and plots the confusion matrix. Normalization can be applied by setting `normalize=True`. """ if normalize:
def jaccard_similarity(list1, list2): return jaccard_score(list1, list2, average='binary')
# Load a multi-label dataset from X, Y = fetch_openml("yeast", version=4, return_X_y=True) Y = Y == "TRUE" X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) # Fit an independent logistic regression model for each class using the # OneVsRestClassifier wrapper. base_lr = LogisticRegression() ovr = OneVsRestClassifier(base_lr), Y_train) Y_pred_ovr = ovr.predict(X_test) ovr_jaccard_score = jaccard_score(Y_test, Y_pred_ovr, average="samples") # Fit an ensemble of logistic regression classifier chains and take the # take the average prediction of all the chains. chains = [ ClassifierChain(base_lr, order="random", random_state=i) for i in range(10) ] for chain in chains:, Y_train) Y_pred_chains = np.array([chain.predict(X_test) for chain in chains]) chain_jaccard_scores = [ jaccard_score(Y_test, Y_pred_chain >= 0.5, average="samples") for Y_pred_chain in Y_pred_chains ]
def save_class_results(y_groundtruth, y_predicted, file_names, fold): metrics = np.zeros((3, 9)) metrics_names = [ 'Bal_Acc', 'Prec_Mic', 'Prec_Mac', 'Prec_Wgt', 'Rec_Mic', 'Rec_Mac', 'Rec_Wgt', 'Jac_Mac', 'Jac_Wgt' ] preds_df = None report_df = None for i, grade in enumerate(['BE', 'ICM', 'TE']): y_preds = np.argmax(y_predicted[:, :3], axis=1) y_truth = y_groundtruth[:, i].round() metrics[i, 0] = balanced_accuracy_score(y_truth, y_preds) metrics[i, 1] = precision_score(y_truth, y_preds, average='micro') metrics[i, 2] = precision_score(y_truth, y_preds, average='macro') metrics[i, 3] = precision_score(y_truth, y_preds, average='weighted') metrics[i, 4] = recall_score(y_truth, y_preds, average='micro') metrics[i, 5] = recall_score(y_truth, y_preds, average='macro') metrics[i, 6] = recall_score(y_truth, y_preds, average='weighted') metrics[i, 7] = jaccard_score(y_truth, y_preds, average='macro') metrics[i, 8] = jaccard_score(y_truth, y_preds, average='weighted') if grade == 'BE': y_truth = [REBMUN.get(item, item) for item in y_truth] y_preds = [REBMUN.get(item, item) for item in y_preds] classes = [4, 3, 2] else: y_truth = [RETTEL.get(item, item) for item in y_truth] y_preds = [RETTEL.get(item, item) for item in y_preds] classes = ['A', 'B', 'C'] class_report_index = pd.Index( [classes[0], classes[1], classes[2],\ 'micro avg', 'macro avg', 'weighted avg']) cmat = confusion_matrix(y_truth, y_preds) out_name = OUT_PATH + 'CM_{}fold{}.png'.format(grade, fold) plot_confusion_matrix(cmat=cmat, classes=classes, out_name=out_name) pred_results = pd.DataFrame({ "Filenames": file_names, "Labels" + grade: y_truth, "Preds" + grade: y_preds }) preds_df = pred_results.set_index("Filenames") if preds_df is None else \ preds_df.join(pred_results.set_index("Filenames")) class_report = classification_report(y_truth, y_preds, output_dict=True) class_report = pd.DataFrame(class_report).transpose() class_report = class_report.set_index(class_report_index) report_df = class_report if report_df is None else \ report_df.append(class_report) preds_df.to_csv(OUT_PATH + "Preds-fold{}.csv".format(fold), index=True) prerec_results = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ metrics_names[i]: [metrics[0, i], metrics[1, i], metrics[2, i]] for i in range(9) }).set_index(pd.Index(['BE', 'ICM', 'TE'])) prerec_results.to_csv(OUT_PATH + "PrecRec-fold{}.csv".format(fold), index=True) report_df.to_csv(OUT_PATH + "ClassificationReport-fold{}.csv".format(fold), index=True)
def compute_metrics_for_all_cubes(self, inference_full_image=True): cubes_to_use = [] dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() torch.cuda.empty_cache() if "lidc" in self.dataset_name: return if hasattr(self.trainer, "model"): del self.trainer.model del self.trainer sleep(20) self.trainer = Trainer(config=self.config, dataset=None) dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() self.trainer.load_model(from_path=True, path=self.model_path, phase="sup", ensure_sup_is_completed=True) if inference_full_image is False: print("PATCHING Will be Done") full_cubes_used_for_testing = self.get_all_cubes_which_were_used_for_testing() full_cubes_used_for_training = self.get_all_cubes_which_were_used_for_training() cubes_to_use.extend(full_cubes_used_for_testing) cubes_to_use.extend(full_cubes_used_for_training) cubes_to_use_path = [os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, i) for i in cubes_to_use] label_cubes_of_cubes_to_use_path = [os.path.join(self.dataset_labels_dir, i) for i in cubes_to_use] metric_dict = dict() ( dice_logits_test, dice_logits_train, dice_binary_test, dice_binary_train, jaccard_test, jaccard_train, hausdorff_test, hausdorff_train, ) = ([], [], [], [], [], [], [], []) for idx, cube_path in enumerate(cubes_to_use_path): np_array = self._load_cube_to_np_array(cube_path) # (x,y,z) self.original_cube_dimensions = np_array.shape if sum([i for i in np_array.shape]) > 550 and self.two_dim is False: inference_full_image = False if self.dataset_name.lower() in ("task04_sup", "task01_sup", "cellari_heart_sup_10_192", "cellari_heart_sup"): if self.tried is False: inference_full_image = True else: inference_full_image = False if inference_full_image is False: print("CUBE TOO BIG, PATCHING") patcher = Patcher(np_array, two_dim=self.two_dim) with torch.no_grad(): self.trainer.model.eval() for patch_idx, patch in patcher: patch = torch.unsqueeze(patch, 0) # (1,C,H,W or 1) -> (1,1,C,H,W or 1) if self.config.model.lower() in ( "vnet_mg", "unet_3d", "unet_acs", "unet_acs_axis_aware_decoder", "unet_acs_with_cls", ): patch, pad_tuple = pad_if_necessary_one_array(patch, return_pad_tuple=True) pred = self.trainer.model(patch) assert pred.shape == patch.shape, "{} vs {}".format(pred.shape, patch.shape) # need to then unpad to reconstruct if self.two_dim is True: raise RuntimeError("SHOULD NOT BE USED HERE") pred = self._unpad_3d_array(pred, pad_tuple) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1, 1, C,H,W) -> (1,C,H,W) # pred_mask = self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) patcher.predicitons_to_reconstruct_from[ :, patch_idx ] = pred # update array in patcher that will construct full cube predicted mask del pred dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() pred_mask_full_cube = patcher.get_pred_mask_full_cube() else: full_cube_tensor = torch.Tensor(np_array) full_cube_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(full_cube_tensor, 0) # (C,H,W) -> (1,C,H,W) full_cube_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(full_cube_tensor, 0) # (1,C,H,W) -> (1,1,C,H,W) with torch.no_grad(): self.trainer.model.eval() if self.two_dim is False: if self.config.model.lower() in ( "vnet_mg", "unet_3d", "unet_acs", "unet_acs_axis_aware_decoder", "unet_acs_with_cls", ): full_cube_tensor, pad_tuple = pad_if_necessary_one_array(full_cube_tensor, return_pad_tuple=True) try: p = self.trainer.model(full_cube_tensor)"cpu") pred = p del p dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() torch.cuda.empty_cache() pred = self._unpad_3d_array(pred, pad_tuple) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1, 1, C,H,W) -> (1,C,H,W) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) pred_mask_full_cube = pred # self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() del pred except RuntimeError as e: if "out of memory" in str(e) or "cuDNN error: CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED" in str(e): print("TOO BIG FOR MEMORY, DEFAULTING TO PATCHING") # exit(0) dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() self.tried = True res = self.compute_metrics_for_all_cubes(inference_full_image=False) return res else: pred_mask_full_cube = torch.zeros(self.original_cube_dimensions) for z_idx in range(full_cube_tensor.size()[-1]): tensor_slice = full_cube_tensor[..., z_idx] # SLICE : (1,1,C,H,W) -> (1,1,C,H) assert tensor_slice.shape == (1, 1, self.original_cube_dimensions[0], self.original_cube_dimensions[1]) pred = self.trainer.model(tensor_slice) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1, 1, C,H) -> (1,C,H) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1,C,H) -> (C,H) pred_mask_slice = pred # self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) pred_mask_full_cube[..., z_idx] = pred_mask_slice full_cube_label_tensor = torch.Tensor(self._load_cube_to_np_array(label_cubes_of_cubes_to_use_path[idx])) full_cube_label_tensor = self.adjust_label_cube_acording_to_dataset(full_cube_label_tensor) pred_mask_full_cube ="cpu") threshold = self._set_threshold(pred_mask_full_cube, full_cube_label_tensor) pred_mask_full_cube_binary = self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred_mask_full_cube, threshold=threshold) dice_score_soft = float(DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred_mask_full_cube, full_cube_label_tensor, return_loss=False)) dice_score_binary = float(DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred_mask_full_cube_binary, full_cube_label_tensor, return_loss=False)) hausdorff = hausdorff_distance(np.array(pred_mask_full_cube_binary), np.array(full_cube_label_tensor)) x_flat = pred_mask_full_cube_binary.contiguous().view(-1) y_flat = full_cube_label_tensor.contiguous().view(-1) x_flat = x_flat.cpu() y_flat = y_flat.cpu() jac_score = jaccard_score(y_flat, x_flat) if idx < len(full_cubes_used_for_testing): dice_logits_test.append(dice_score_soft) dice_binary_test.append(dice_score_binary) jaccard_test.append(jac_score) hausdorff_test.append(hausdorff) else: dice_logits_train.append(dice_score_soft) dice_binary_train.append(dice_score_binary) jaccard_train.append(jac_score) hausdorff_train.append(hausdorff) dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() sleep(10) print(idx) avg_jaccard_test = sum(jaccard_test) / len(jaccard_test) avg_jaccard_train = sum(jaccard_train) / len(jaccard_train) avg_dice_test_soft = sum(dice_logits_test) / len(dice_logits_test) avg_dice_test_binary = sum(dice_binary_test) / len(dice_binary_test) avg_dice_train_soft = sum(dice_logits_train) / len(dice_logits_train) avg_dice_train_binary = sum(dice_binary_train) / len(dice_binary_train) avg_hausdorff_train = sum(hausdorff_train) / len(hausdorff_train) avg_hausdorff_test = sum(hausdorff_test) / len(hausdorff_test) metric_dict["dice_test_soft"] = avg_dice_test_soft metric_dict["dice_test_binary"] = avg_dice_test_binary metric_dict["dice_train_soft"] = avg_dice_train_soft metric_dict["dice_train_binary"] = avg_dice_train_binary metric_dict["jaccard_test"] = avg_jaccard_test metric_dict["jaccard_train"] = avg_jaccard_train metric_dict["hausdorff_test"] = avg_hausdorff_test metric_dict["hausdorff_train"] = avg_hausdorff_train return metric_dict
print(__doc__) # Load a multi-label dataset from X, Y = fetch_openml('yeast', version=4, return_X_y=True) Y = Y == 'TRUE' X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=.2, random_state=0) # Fit an independent logistic regression model for each class using the # OneVsRestClassifier wrapper. base_lr = LogisticRegression() ovr = OneVsRestClassifier(base_lr), Y_train) Y_pred_ovr = ovr.predict(X_test) ovr_jaccard_score = jaccard_score(Y_test, Y_pred_ovr, average='samples') # Fit an ensemble of logistic regression classifier chains and take the # take the average prediction of all the chains. chains = [ClassifierChain(base_lr, order='random', random_state=i) for i in range(10)] for chain in chains:, Y_train) Y_pred_chains = np.array([chain.predict(X_test) for chain in chains]) chain_jaccard_scores = [jaccard_score(Y_test, Y_pred_chain >= .5, average='samples') for Y_pred_chain in Y_pred_chains] Y_pred_ensemble = Y_pred_chains.mean(axis=0)
def save_segmentation_examples(self, nr_cubes=3, inference_full_image=True): # deal with recursion when defaulting to patchign if "lidc" in self.dataset_name: return torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() if hasattr(self.trainer, "model"): del self.trainer.model del self.trainer sleep(15) self.trainer = Trainer(config=self.config, dataset=None) dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() sleep(5) if inference_full_image is False: print("PATCHING Will be Done") dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() self.trainer.load_model(from_path=True, path=self.model_path, phase="sup", ensure_sup_is_completed=True) cubes_to_use = [] cubes_to_use.extend(self.sample_k_full_cubes_which_were_used_for_testing(nr_cubes)) cubes_to_use.extend(self.sample_k_full_cubes_which_were_used_for_training(nr_cubes)) cubes_to_use_path = [os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, i) for i in cubes_to_use] label_cubes_of_cubes_to_use_path = [os.path.join(self.dataset_labels_dir, i) for i in cubes_to_use] for cube_idx, cube_path in enumerate(cubes_to_use_path): np_array = self._load_cube_to_np_array(cube_path) # (x,y,z) self.original_cube_dimensions = np_array.shape if sum([i for i in np_array.shape]) > 550 and self.two_dim is False: inference_full_image = False if self.dataset_name.lower() in ("task04_sup", "task01_sup", "cellari_heart_sup_10_192", "cellari_heart_sup"): if self.tried is False: inference_full_image = True else: inference_full_image = False if inference_full_image is False: print("CUBE TOO BIG, PATCHING") patcher = Patcher(np_array, two_dim=self.two_dim) with torch.no_grad(): self.trainer.model.eval() for idx, patch in patcher: patch = torch.unsqueeze(patch, 0) # (1,C,H,W or 1) -> (1,1,C,H,W or 1) if self.config.model.lower() in ( "vnet_mg", "unet_3d", "unet_acs", "unet_acs_axis_aware_decoder", "unet_acs_with_cls", ): patch, pad_tuple = pad_if_necessary_one_array(patch, return_pad_tuple=True) pred = self.trainer.model(patch) assert pred.shape == patch.shape, "{} vs {}".format(pred.shape, patch.shape) # need to then unpad to reconstruct if self.two_dim is True: raise RuntimeError("SHOULD NOT BE USED HERE") pred = self._unpad_3d_array(pred, pad_tuple) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1, 1, C,H,W) -> (1,C,H,W) pred_mask = pred # self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) del pred patcher.predicitons_to_reconstruct_from[ :, idx ] = pred_mask # update array in patcher that will construct full cube predicted mask dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() pred_mask_full_cube = patcher.get_pred_mask_full_cube() # segmentations.append(patcher.get_pred_mask_full_cube()) else: full_cube_tensor = torch.Tensor(np_array) full_cube_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(full_cube_tensor, 0) # (C,H,W) -> (1,C,H,W) full_cube_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(full_cube_tensor, 0) # (1,C,H,W) -> (1,1,C,H,W) with torch.no_grad(): self.trainer.model.eval() if self.two_dim is False: if self.config.model.lower() in ( "vnet_mg", "unet_3d", "unet_acs", "unet_acs_axis_aware_decoder", "unet_acs_with_cls", ): full_cube_tensor, pad_tuple = pad_if_necessary_one_array(full_cube_tensor, return_pad_tuple=True) try: p = self.trainer.model(full_cube_tensor)"cpu") pred = p del p dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() torch.cuda.empty_cache() pred = self._unpad_3d_array(pred, pad_tuple) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1, 1, C,H,W) -> (1,C,H,W) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) pred_mask_full_cube = pred # self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() del pred except RuntimeError as e: if "out of memory" in str(e) or "cuDNN error: CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED" in str(e): print("TOO BIG FOR MEMORY, DEFAULTING TO PATCHING") # exit(0) dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() self.tried = True self.save_segmentation_examples(inference_full_image=False) return # segmentations.append(pred_mask_full_cube) else: pred_mask_full_cube = torch.zeros(self.original_cube_dimensions) for z_idx in range(full_cube_tensor.size()[-1]): tensor_slice = full_cube_tensor[..., z_idx] # SLICE : (1,1,C,H,W) -> (1,1,C,H) assert tensor_slice.shape == (1, 1, self.original_cube_dimensions[0], self.original_cube_dimensions[1]) pred = self.trainer.model(tensor_slice) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1, 1, C,H) -> (1,C,H) pred = torch.squeeze(pred, dim=0) # (1,C,H) -> (C,H) pred_mask_slice = pred # self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred) pred_mask_full_cube[..., z_idx] = pred_mask_slice # segmentations.append(pred_mask_full_cube) # for idx, pred_mask_full_cube in enumerate(segmentations): print(cube_idx) if cube_idx < nr_cubes: if inference_full_image is True: save_dir = os.path.join(self.save_dir, self.dataset_name, "testing_examples_full/", cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4]) else: save_dir = os.path.join( self.save_dir, self.dataset_name, "testing_examples_full/", cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4] + "_with_patcher" ) else: if inference_full_image is True: save_dir = os.path.join(self.save_dir, self.dataset_name, "training_examples_full/", cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4]) else: save_dir = os.path.join( self.save_dir, self.dataset_name, "training_examples_full/", cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4] + "_with_patcher" ) make_dir(save_dir) # save nii of segmentation pred_mask_full_cube = pred_mask_full_cube.cpu() # logits mask pred_mask_full_cube_binary = self._make_pred_mask_from_pred(pred_mask_full_cube) # binary mask nifty_img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(np.array(pred_mask_full_cube).astype(np.float32), np.eye(4)), os.path.join(save_dir, cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4] + "_logits_mask.nii.gz")) nifty_img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(np.array(pred_mask_full_cube_binary).astype(np.float32), np.eye(4)), os.path.join(save_dir, cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4] + "_binary_mask.nii.gz")) # save .nii.gz of cube if is npy original full cube file if ".npy" in cube_path: nifty_img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(np_array.astype(np.float32), np.eye(4)), os.path.join(save_dir, cubes_to_use[cube_idx][:-4] + "_cube.nii.gz")) # self.save_3d_plot(np.array(pred_mask_full_cube), os.path.join(save_dir, "{}_plt3d.png".format(cubes_to_use[idx]))) label_tensor_of_cube = torch.Tensor(self._load_cube_to_np_array(label_cubes_of_cubes_to_use_path[cube_idx])) label_tensor_of_cube = self.adjust_label_cube_acording_to_dataset(label_tensor_of_cube) label_tensor_of_cube_masked = np.array(label_tensor_of_cube) label_tensor_of_cube_masked = label_tensor_of_cube_masked < 0.5, label_tensor_of_cube_masked ) # it's binary anyway pred_mask_full_cube_binary_masked = np.array(pred_mask_full_cube_binary) pred_mask_full_cube_binary_masked = pred_mask_full_cube_binary_masked < 0.5, pred_mask_full_cube_binary_masked ) # it's binary anyway pred_mask_full_cube_logits_masked = np.array(pred_mask_full_cube) pred_mask_full_cube_logits_masked = pred_mask_full_cube_logits_masked < 0.3, pred_mask_full_cube_logits_masked ) # it's binary anyway make_dir(os.path.join(save_dir, "slices/")) for z_idx in range(pred_mask_full_cube.shape[-1]): # binary fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.imshow(np_array[:, :, z_idx], cmap=cm.Greys_r) plt.imshow(pred_mask_full_cube_binary_masked[:, :, z_idx], cmap="Accent") plt.axis("off") fig.savefig( os.path.join(save_dir, "slices/", "slice_{}_binary.jpg".format(z_idx + 1)), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close(fig=fig) # logits fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.imshow(np_array[:, :, z_idx], cmap=cm.Greys_r) plt.imshow(pred_mask_full_cube_logits_masked[:, :, z_idx], cmap="Blues", alpha=0.5) plt.axis("off") fig.savefig( os.path.join(save_dir, "slices/", "slice_{}_logits.jpg".format(z_idx + 1)), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close(fig=fig) # dist of logits histogram distribution_logits = np.array(pred_mask_full_cube[:, :, z_idx].contiguous().view(-1)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.hist(distribution_logits, bins=np.arange(min(distribution_logits), max(distribution_logits) + 0.05, 0.05)) fig.savefig( os.path.join(save_dir, "slices/", "slice_{}_logits_histogram.jpg".format(z_idx + 1)), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close(fig=fig) # save ground truth as wel, overlayed on original fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.imshow(np_array[:, :, z_idx], cmap=cm.Greys_r) plt.imshow(label_tensor_of_cube_masked[:, :, z_idx], cmap="jet") plt.axis("off") fig.savefig( os.path.join(save_dir, "slices/", "slice_{}_gt.jpg".format(z_idx + 1)), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close(fig=fig) dice_score_soft = float(DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred_mask_full_cube, label_tensor_of_cube, return_loss=False)) dice_score_binary = float(DiceLoss.dice_loss(pred_mask_full_cube_binary, label_tensor_of_cube, return_loss=False)) x_flat = pred_mask_full_cube_binary.contiguous().view(-1) y_flat = pred_mask_full_cube_binary.contiguous().view(-1) x_flat = x_flat.cpu() y_flat = y_flat.cpu() jaccard_scr = jaccard_score(y_flat, x_flat) metrics = {"dice_logits": dice_score_soft, "dice_binary": dice_score_binary, "jaccard": jaccard_scr} # print(dice) with open(os.path.join(save_dir, "dice.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(metrics, f) dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() dump_tensors() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() dump_tensors() sleep(10)
def metrics_for_predicted_items(self): '''CALCULATING METRICS BASED ON EACH PREDICTED ITEM (ARRAY OF AN IMAGE)''' if self.number_of_classes == 2: print( 'Confusion matrix - rows = actual, columns = predicted: 0 - {}, 1 - {}' .format(self.conf_matrix_labels[0], self.conf_matrix_labels[1])) else: print( 'Confusion matrix - rows = actual, columns = predicted: 0 - {}, 1 - {}, 2 - {}' .format(self.conf_matrix_labels[0], self.conf_matrix_labels[1], self.conf_matrix_labels[2])) # _, _, files = next(os.walk(ground_truth_folder)) statistics_per_image_path = self.model_stat_folder + '/for_each_image' os.makedirs(statistics_per_image_path) filenames = np.load(self.filenames_array_path) ground_truth_array = np.load(self.ground_truth_array_path) predicted_images_array = np.load(self.predicted_images_one_hot) filenames = filenames.tolist() image_counter = 0 for filename in filenames: ground_truth_item = ground_truth_array[image_counter] ground_truth_item_reshaped = np.reshape( ground_truth_item, (ground_truth_item.shape[0]**2, self.number_of_classes)) predicted_item = predicted_images_array[image_counter] predicted_item_reshaped = np.reshape( predicted_item, (predicted_item.shape[0]**2, self.number_of_classes)) ground_truth_item_a = np.argmax(ground_truth_item_reshaped, axis=1) predicted_item_a = np.argmax(predicted_item_reshaped, axis=1) acc = accuracy_score(ground_truth_item_a, predicted_item_a) class_report = classification_report( ground_truth_item_a, predicted_item_a, labels=self.labels, target_names=self.conf_matrix_labels) conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(ground_truth_item_a, predicted_item_a, labels=self.labels) jacc_score = jaccard_score(ground_truth_item_a, predicted_item_a, labels=self.labels, average=None) # dice_score = prediction.dice_coef(ground_truth_item_reshaped, predicted_item_reshaped) print('FOR IMAGE *************** {} ***************'.format( filename)) print('Confusion matrix') print(conf_matrix) print('Accuracy') print(acc) print('Classification report') print(class_report) # print ('Dice score (F1_score): {:.4f}'.format(dice_score)) # print ('Jaccard score (IoU): {:.4f}'.format(jacc_score)) class_report_dict = classification_report( ground_truth_item_a, predicted_item_a, labels=self.labels, target_names=self.conf_matrix_labels, output_dict=True) class_report_df = pd.DataFrame( class_report_dict).transpose().round(4) jacc_list = np.around(jacc_score, decimals=4).tolist() jacc_list = jacc_list + ['NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'] if self.number_of_classes == 2: acc_list = [acc.round(4), 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'] else: acc_list = [acc.round(4), 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'] class_report_df['Accuracy'], class_report_df['Jaccard'] = [ acc_list, jacc_list ] confusion_matrix_df = pd.DataFrame(data=conf_matrix, index=self.conf_matrix_labels, columns=self.conf_matrix_labels) # df_combined = pd.concat([class_report_df, confusion_matrix_df], axis =0, ignore_index=True) # ipdb.set_trace() class_report_csv_path = statistics_per_image_path + '/' + 'class_report_' + str( filename[:-4]) + '.csv' class_report_df.to_csv(class_report_csv_path, index=True, header=True) confusion_matrix_csv_path = statistics_per_image_path + '/' + 'confusion_matrix_' + str( filename[:-4]) + '.csv' confusion_matrix_df.to_csv(confusion_matrix_csv_path, index=True, header=True) image_counter += 1
def print_predict(ground_truth, prediction, hyper_params): rounded = 4 print(ground_truth.shape, prediction.shape) try: AUC_macro = round( roc_auc_score(ground_truth, prediction, average='macro'), rounded) AUC_micro = round( roc_auc_score(ground_truth, prediction, average='micro'), rounded) except: # ValueError, only 1 class present AUC_macro, AUC_micro = 0.0, 0.0 # print(ground_truth[:10]) # print(prediction[:10]) try: Coverage_error = round( (coverage_error(ground_truth, prediction)) / ground_truth.shape[1], rounded) rankloss = round(label_ranking_loss(ground_truth, prediction), rounded) One_error = round(one_error(ground_truth, prediction), rounded) Precision_at_ks = precision_at_ks(ground_truth, prediction) Log_loss = round(log_loss(ground_truth, prediction), rounded) Average_precision_score = round( average_precision_score(ground_truth, prediction), rounded) except: Coverage_error, rankloss, One_error, Precision_at_ks, Log_loss, Average_precision_score = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 # prediction = np.round(prediction) thresh = 0.5 print(f"Threshold at {thresh}") prediction = np.where(prediction > thresh, 1, 0) # same as round but with 0.4 # print(ground_truth) # print(prediction) F1_Micro = round(f1_score(ground_truth, prediction, average='micro'), rounded) F1_Macro = round(f1_score(ground_truth, prediction, average='macro'), rounded) Hamming_loss = round(hamming_loss(ground_truth, prediction), rounded) Accuracy = round(accuracy_score(ground_truth, prediction), rounded) Recall_score_macro = round( recall_score(ground_truth, prediction, average='macro'), rounded) Recall_score_micro = round( recall_score(ground_truth, prediction, average='micro'), rounded) Precision_score_macro = round( precision_score(ground_truth, prediction, average='macro'), rounded) Precision_score_micro = round( precision_score(ground_truth, prediction, average='micro'), rounded) Jaccard_score_macro = round( jaccard_score(ground_truth, prediction, average='macro'), rounded) Jaccard_score_micro = round( jaccard_score(ground_truth, prediction, average='micro'), rounded) print('Recall_score_macro: ', Recall_score_macro) print('Recall_score_micro: ', Recall_score_micro) print('Precision_score_macro: ', Precision_score_macro) print('Precision_score_micro: ', Precision_score_micro) print('F1_Micro ', F1_Micro) print('F1_Macro ', F1_Macro) print('Hamming_loss: ', Hamming_loss) print("Accuracy = ", Accuracy) print('Jaccard_score_macro: ', Jaccard_score_macro) print('Jaccard_score_micro: ', Jaccard_score_micro) print('precision_at_ks: ', Precision_at_ks) print('Log_loss: ', Log_loss) print('Average_precision_score: ', Average_precision_score) print('One_error: ', One_error) print('Ranking loss: ', rankloss) print('coverage: ', Coverage_error) print('AUC-micro: ', AUC_micro) print('AUC-macro: ', AUC_macro) print('\n') return [F1_Micro, F1_Macro, AUC_micro, AUC_macro, Recall_score_micro]