Пример #1
def create_surrogate_model(explainer, type, max_vars, max_depth, **kwargs):
    # utility function for model_surrogate(type=('tree', 'linear'))

    y_hat = explainer.predict(
        explainer.data) if explainer.y_hat is None else explainer.y_hat

    # init a proper model
    if explainer.model_type == 'regression':
        if type == 'tree':
            from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
            surrogate_model = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=max_depth,
        elif type == 'linear':
            from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
            surrogate_model = LinearRegression(**kwargs)
    elif explainer.model_type == 'classification':
        y_hat = y_hat.round().astype(int)  # modify prob to classes
        if type == 'tree':
            from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
            surrogate_model = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=max_depth,
        elif type == 'linear':
            from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
            surrogate_model = LogisticRegression(**kwargs)
        raise ValueError(
            "'explainer.model_type' must be 'regression' or 'classification'")

    # find the most important variables
    if max_vars is not None and max_vars < len(explainer.data.columns):
        # use model native feature importance if possible
        if hasattr(explainer.model,
                   "feature_importances_"):  # scikit, xgboost, lightgbm
            # take last max_vars of the variables sorted from least to most important
            vi = explainer.model.feature_importances_
            variables = explainer.data.columns[np.argsort(vi)][-max_vars:]
            # calculate model_parts and take max_vars most important variables
            vi = explainer.model_parts(N=500, B=15)
            variables = vi.result.variable[~vi.result.variable.isin(
                ['_baseline_', '_full_model_'])].tail(max_vars)
        X = explainer.data.loc[:, variables]
        variables = explainer.data.columns
        X = explainer.data

    surrogate_model.fit(X, y_hat)

    # add additional attributes to the surrogate model object
    surrogate_model.feature_names = variables.tolist()
    surrogate_model.class_names = \
        surrogate_model.classes_.astype(str).tolist() if hasattr(surrogate_model, 'classes_') else None

    from .object import Explainer
    surrogate_explainer = Explainer(surrogate_model,
    surrogate_model_performance = surrogate_explainer.model_performance()
    surrogate_model.performance = surrogate_model_performance.result

    # add the plot method to the surrogate model object
    if type == 'tree':
        # it uses feature_names and class_names if needed
        import types
        surrogate_model.plot = types.MethodType(plot_tree_custom,

    # TODO: add plot method for the linear model

    return surrogate_model