def __init__(self, infile='skpar_in.yaml', verbose=True): # setup logger # ------------------------------------------------------------------- loglevel = logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO self.logger = get_logger(name='skpar', filename='skpar.log', verbosity=loglevel) # specific for printing/reporting from numpy objects np.set_printoptions(threshold=60, linewidth=79, suppress=True) # Project work directory # ------------------------------------------------------------------- self.workdir = os.getcwd() # Main part # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # parse input file'Parsing input file {:s}'.format(infile)) taskdict, tasklist, objectives, optimisation, config =\ parse_input(infile, verbose=verbose) if optimisation is not None: algo, options, parameters = optimisation parnames = [ for p in parameters] else: parnames = None # instantiate the evaluator machinery'Instantiating Evaluator') self.evaluator = Evaluator(objectives, tasklist, taskdict, parnames, config, verbose=verbose) # instantiate the optimiser if optimisation is not None: self.do_optimisation = True'Instantiating Optimiser') self.optimiser = Optimiser(algo, parameters, self.evaluator, options, verbose=True) else: self.do_optimisation = False
from os.path import normpath, expanduser from os.path import join as joinpath from os.path import split as splitpath import numpy as np import logging import yaml from pprint import pprint, pformat from skpar.core.utils import get_logger, normalise, arr2s from skpar.core.utils import get_ranges, f2prange from skpar.core.database import Query from skpar.core.evaluate import COSTF, ERRF DEFAULT_COST_FUNC = "rms" DEFAULT_ERROR_FUNC = "abs" LOGGER = get_logger(__name__) def parse_weights_keyval(spec, data, normalised=True): """Parse the weights corresponding to key-value type of data. Args: spec (dict): Specification of weights, in a key-value fashion. It is in the example format:: { 'dflt': 0., 'key1': w1, 'key3': w3} with w1, w3, etc. being float values. data (structured numpy array): Data to be weighted. Typical way of obtaining `data` in this format is to use:: loader_args = {'dtype': [('keys', 'S15'), ('values', 'float')]}
Therefore the above assumptions is safe. The interpretation of min/max parameter values remains the same as usual. While there is no encoded limitation on the number of parameters to use in a scan, practically, for more than 2 or three parameters, the computational effort will be excessive, in comparison to optimisation based on the PSO. """ import numpy as np from deap import base from deap import creator from deap import tools from skpar.core.utils import get_logger module_logger = get_logger('skpar.pscan') def declareTypes(weights=(-1, )): """Declare a types relevant to PSCAN. """ creator.create("pFitness", base.Fitness, weights=weights) creator.create("Population", list, inext=None, best=None, ibest=None) creator.create("Point", list, ind=None, fitness=creator.pFitness) def create_positions(ranges, numpts): """Create a sequence of over the ranges. Args: ranges: list of 2-tuples, each tuple being [min, max] of a numerical range.
* the user must create an OrderedDict of parameter name:value pairs; the OrderedDict eliminates automatically duplicate definitions of parameters, yielding the minimum possible number of degrees of freedom for the optimiser * the OrderedDictionary is built by parsing an skdefs.template file that contains parameter-strings (conveying the name, initial value and range). * skdefs.template is parsed by functions looking for a given format from which parameter-strings are extracted * the Class Parameter is initialised from a parameter-string. * a reduced skdefs.template is obtained, by removing the initial value and range from the input skdefs.template which is ready for creating the final skdefs file by string.format(dict(zip(ParNames,Parvalues)) substitution. """ import os.path from skpar.core.utils import get_logger LOGGER = get_logger('__name__') def get_parameters(userinp): """Parse user input for definitions of parameters. The definitions should be of the form ('name', 'optionally_something'). The optional part could in principle be one or more str/float/int. """ params = [] for pardef in userinp: try: # Due to yaml/json representation, each parameter definition is a # dictionary on its own, with one item. Using (key, val), we # extract the one and only item in this dict. (pname, pdef), = pardef.items() except AttributeError:
import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator import numpy as np import itertools import logging from skpar.core.utils import get_logger module_logger = get_logger('skpar.tasks') def set_mplrcpar(**kwargs): """Configure matplotlib rcParams.""" matplotlib.rcParams.update({'axes.titlesize': kwargs.get('fontsize', 18),\ 'font.size': kwargs.get('fontsize', 18),\ '': kwargs.get('fontfamily', 'sans-serif'), 'font.sans-serif': kwargs.get('font', ['Arial', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'Lucida Grande', 'Verdana', 'Geneva', 'Lucid', 'Helvetica', 'Avant Garde', 'sans-serif'])}) plt.rc('lines', linewidth=2) plt.rc('savefig', bbox='tight') plt.rc('savefig', transparent='True') def set_axes(ax, xlabel, ylabel, xticklabels=None, yticklabels=None, extend_xticks=False,
* ``gbestfit`` -- globally the best fitness (i.e. the quality value of gbest) The swarm is declared, created and let to evolve with the help of the ``PSO`` class. """ import random import operator import sys import numpy as np from deap import base from deap import creator from deap import tools from skpar.core.utils import get_logger module_logger = get_logger('skpar.pso') def declareTypes(weights): """ Declare Particle class with fitting objectives (-1: minimization; +1 maximization). Each particle consists of a set of normalised coordinates, returned by the particle's instance itself. The true (physical) coordinates of the particle are stored in the field 'renormalized'. The field 'best' contains the best fitness-wise position that the particle has ever had (in normalized coords). Declare also Swarm class; inherit from list + PSO specific attributes gbest and gbestfit. Arguments: weights -- tupple, e.g. (-1,) for single objective minimization, or (+1,+0.5) for two objective maximization, etc. """