Пример #1
def setup_skyfield_loader(cfg):
    ''' setup skyfield loader '''
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    fp_load = '/'.join([cwd, cfg['data']['sf_path']])
    if not os.path.exists(fp_load):
        print('Skyfield data path doesn\'t exist: {:s}'.format(fp_load))
    load = sf.Loader(fp_load, verbose=True)
    return load
def get_seasons(timezone_name, year):
    ts = api.load.timescale(builtin=True)
    load = api.Loader('/var/data')
    eph = load('de430t.bsp')
    localtz = timezone(timezone_name)
    t0 = ts.utc(year)  # midnight Jan 1
    t1 = ts.utc(year + 1)  # midnight Jan 1 following year
    t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac.seasons(eph))
    season = {}
    for yi, ti in zip(y, t):
        season[almanac.SEASON_EVENTS[yi]] = ti.utc_datetime().astimezone(localtz)
    return season
Пример #3
def _risesetextremes(lat, lon, tzstr, startYear, years, verbose=False):
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    load = api.Loader('/var/data')
    e = load('de430t.bsp')
    # earth = planets['earth']

    tz = timezone(tzstr)

    bluffton = api.Topos(lat, lon)
    t0 = ts.utc(startYear, 1, 1)
    t1 = ts.utc(startYear+years, 1, 1)
    t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac.sunrise_sunset(e, bluffton))

    if verbose: print ('done')

    result = dict()

    prevrise = None
    for ti, yi in zip(t, y):
        dt, _ = ti.astimezone_and_leap_second(tz)
        if yi:
            x = 'rise'
            x = 'set'

        year = str(dt.year)

        if year not in result.keys():
            result[year] = {'rises': [],
                            'rise_hr': [],
                            'sets': [],
                            'set_hr': [],
                            'sunlight': []
        hrs = dt.hour + dt.minute/60.0 + dt.second/3600.0
        if yi:
            prevrise = ti
            if prevrise is not None:
                result[year]['sunlight'].append((ti - prevrise)*24.0)

    return result
Пример #4
def init_data():

    if (PLANETS is None) or (TIMESCALE is None) or (S_MWAPOS is None):
        if 'XDG_CACHE_HOME' in os.environ:
            datadir = os.environ['XDG_CACHE_HOME'] + '/skyfield'
            datadir = '/tmp'
        skyfield_loader = si.Loader(datadir, verbose=False, expire=True)
            PLANETS = skyfield_loader('de421.bsp')
            PLANETS = skyfield_loader(
        TIMESCALE = skyfield_loader.timescale(
            builtin=True)  # TODO - set back to True when new version released
            'earth'] + MWA_TOPO  #        with replacement for USNO server.
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, path=None, expire=True, ephemeris='de421.bsp'):

        import os

        self._ephemeris_name = ephemeris

        if path is None:

            if 'CAPUT_SKYFIELD_PATH' in os.environ:
                path = os.environ['CAPUT_SKYFIELD_PATH']
                path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', '')

        # Defer failure if Skyfield is not available until we try to load
        # anything
            from skyfield import api
            self._load = api.Loader(path, expire=expire)
        except ImportError:
Пример #6
def load():
    path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        yield api.Loader(path)
# The terms of the AGPL v3 license can be found in the main directory of this
# repository.

# Generate a list of ephemerides using pyephem.
# The output of this script is used in the test in src/swe.c

import ephem
import json
import skyfield.api as sf

from skyfield.data import hipparcos
from math import *

# Load all the needed kernels.
loader = sf.Loader('./tmp')
de421 = loader('de421.bsp')
jup365 = loader('jup365.bsp')
mar097 = loader('https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/spk/'

def JD_to_besselian_epoch(jd):
    return 2000.0 + (jd - 2451545.0) / 365.25

# Compute target using skyfield.
def compute(target,
Пример #8
    if not os.path.isfile(fp_cfg) == True:
        print('ERROR: Invalid Configuration File: {:s}'.format(fp_cfg))
    print('Importing configuration File: {:s}'.format(fp_cfg))
    with open(fp_cfg, 'r') as json_data:
        cfg = json.load(json_data)

    #set up data path
    fp_load = '/'.join([cwd, cfg['data_path']])
    if not os.path.exists(fp_load):
        print('Skyfield data path doesn\'t exist: {:s}'.format(fp_load))
    load = sf.Loader(fp_load, verbose=True)
    #load timescale object
    ts = load.timescale()
    #load almanac
    e = load('de421.bsp')
    earth = e['earth']
    sun = e['sun']
    print('Earth:', earth)
    print('  Sun:', sun)

    fp_bsp = '/'.join([cwd, cfg['data_path'], cfg['bsp_file']])
    if not os.path.isfile(fp_bsp) == True:
        print('ERROR: Invalid BSP File: {:s}'.format(fp_bsp))
    k21 = SPKType21.open(fp_bsp)
    spkid = k21.segments[0].target
Пример #9
from datetime import datetime

from flask import Flask, jsonify, abort
from skyfield import api as skyapi
from skyfield import named_stars

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello World!'

load = skyapi.Loader('./data')
ts = load.timescale()
planets = load('de405.bsp')
earth = planets['earth']
PRINCETON_EARTH = skyapi.Topos('40.3440 N', '74.6514 W')

STARS = [skyapi.NamedStar(star) for star in named_stars.named_star_dict.keys()]

def star_data(stars, loc, time):
    altaz = [loc.at(time).observe(s).apparent().altaz() for s in stars]
    return [(altaz_[0].degrees, altaz_[1].degrees) for altaz_ in altaz]
    # data = []
    # for star in stars:
    #     obs = princeton.at(now).observe(s)
    #     alt, az, d = obs.apparent().altaz()
Пример #10
def rad_to_degminsec(angle, fmt="{deg:01d}deg {min:01d}' {sec:0.1f}\""):
    Given an angle in radians,
      return it as a degrees arcmin arcsec string
      where degrees is in [0 .. 360)
    angle = degrees(angle) % 360.
    deg = int(angle)
    rem = 60. * (angle - deg)
    min_ = int(rem)
    sec = 60. * (rem - min_)
    return fmt.format(deg=deg, min=min_, sec=sec)

# load ephemeris data
load = api.Loader("d:/skyfield-data")   # set up data dir
data = load("de435.bsp")                # load JPL ephemerides

# set locations
earth  = data["Earth"]                  # Earth CoM
lex = api.Topos('35.65 N', '88.39 W')   # city offsets from Earth-center
zag = api.Topos('45.81 N', '15.98 W')
moon = data["Moon"]                     # Moon CoM

# set timescale
ts = load.timescale()
photo_time = ts.utc(2019, 2, 20, 4, 13)          # UTC time of Lexington photo

# find alt/az of Moon
lex_moon = (earth + lex).at(photo_time).observe(moon)
print("Lexington:", lex_moon.apparent().altaz("standard"))
import unittest
from pprint import pprint
from skyfield import api, almanac
import pandas as pd
import simple_cache
import numpy as np
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 999)
import datetime
import isodate
from pytz import timezone
import argparse

ts = api.load.timescale(builtin=True)
load = api.Loader('/var/data')
equinoxen = ['Vernal', 'Autumnal']

utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

@simple_cache.cache_it(filename=".seasons.cache", ttl=1200000)
def get_seasons(timezone_name, year):
    ts = api.load.timescale(builtin=True)
    load = api.Loader('/var/data')
    eph = load('de430t.bsp')
    localtz = timezone(timezone_name)
    t0 = ts.utc(year)  # midnight Jan 1
    t1 = ts.utc(year + 1)  # midnight Jan 1 following year
    t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac.seasons(eph))
    season = {}
    for yi, ti in zip(y, t):
        season[almanac.SEASON_EVENTS[yi]] = ti.utc_datetime().astimezone(localtz)
Пример #12
def get_stars(zip_code, date_utc) -> list:
    :rtype: list
    :param zip_code:  user zip code or coordinates
    :param date_utc:  current time in UTC
    :return:          returns a df of the bright stars

    load = api.Loader('./tmp/data')

    manhattan_beach = api.Topos('33.881519 S',
                                '118.388177 W')  # TODO change location

    ephemeris = load('de421.bsp')  # download JPL ephemeris
    earth = ephemeris['earth']

    with load.open(data.hipparcos.URL) as f:
        df = data.hipparcos.load_dataframe(f)

    bright = df[df['magnitude'] <= 5.5]  # don't know what this does tbh

    ts = load.timescale()
    t = ts.utc(2020, 12, 20)  # TODO set the date here

    df = df[df['ra_degrees'].notnull()]  # remove nulls values
    bright = df[df['magnitude'] <=
                5.5]  # Prevent apparent magnitude from being greater than 5.5
    bright_stars = api.Star.from_dataframe(bright)

    astrometric = earth.at(t).observe(bright_stars)
    ra, dec, distance = astrometric.radec()

    # ra.hours, dec.degrees, & distance.au returns ndarrays
    ra_array = ra.hours.tolist()
    dec_array = dec.degrees.tolist()
    distance_array = distance.au.tolist()

    apparent_magnitude_array = []

    for row_label, row in bright.iterrows():
        # grab magnitudes of stars

    orig = []
    for i in range(len(ra_array)):
            apparent_magnitude_array[i], ra_array[i], dec_array[i],

    sorted_list = []
    for i in range(len(orig)):
        n = 0
        inserted = False
        while n < len(sorted_list) and not inserted:
            if orig[i][2] <= sorted_list[n][2]:
                # shift items after index n and insert curr at n
                sorted_list.insert(n, orig[i])
                inserted = True
                n += 1

        if not inserted:  # curr has not been inserted in sorted_list yet - will be inserted at the end (x is largest)
    return sorted_list
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# reset ide
%reset -f


from datetime import datetime

import urllib
from skyfield import api as sf
datadir = '/home/g/python/python-skyfield/'
loader = sf.Loader(datadir, expire=False)

import simplekml
kml = simplekml.Kml()

lats = []
lngs = []
elevation = []

satellites = loader.tle('http://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/stations.txt')
satellite = satellites['ISS (ZARYA)']

now = datetime.utcnow()
ts = loader.timescale()

for i in range(now.hour, now.hour+24):
    t = ts.utc(now.year, now.month, now.day, i, range(0, 59), 0)
Пример #14
# Graph the variation in Earth-Moon distance over time

#   There are a bunch of different implementations of Python;
#   I happen to like Anaconda, https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/
#   it's a scientific-oriented version that has a lot of modules
#   precompiled for Windows which can otherwise be problematic to install.

# Skyfield docs at https://rhodesmill.org/skyfield/
#   install as: pip install skyfield
from skyfield import almanac, api
# Matplotlib docs at https://matplotlib.org/users/index.html
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load ephemeris data
load = api.Loader("d:/skyfield-data")       # which directory to store your BSP files in
#   BSP files are precomputed tables of planet location at time intervals,
#   prepared by JPL by numeric integration; skyfield can find very precise
#   planet locations at any time by interpolating between intervals.
#   You can get different files, covering different sets of planets and moons
#   at varying precision over varying periods; some of the files can get quite large.
# data = load("de421.bsp")                  # default base data set
data = load("de435.bsp")                    # Extended data set (higher precision over longer time period)
                                            # You may have to download this manually from JPL - about 114 MB
                                            # See https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/spk/planets/

# Init bodies
sun   = data["Sun"]
earth = data["Earth"]
moon  = data["Moon"]

# Set up a timescale (a date or list of dates)
Пример #15
import constants as const
import satellites as sat

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import csv
import datetime as dt
import os
from collections import defaultdict

from skyfield import api as skyapi, toposlib as topo

pi = np.pi

gps_loader = skyapi.Loader(".\\data", verbose=False, expire=True)

gps_sats = list(set(gps_loader.tle("gps-ops.txt").values()))
#setup names
for gps_sat in gps_sats:
    gps_sat.name = gps_sat.name[-3:-1].strip('0')

ts = gps_loader.timescale(builtin=True)

now = dt.datetime.now()

rocket = sat.Observer(latitude_degrees=const.LAT_UBC_DEGREES,

log_fold = os.path.join("logs", f"datalog_" + now.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"))
Пример #16
    df = pd.read_csv(in_f)
    df.name = cfg['data_file'].split("_")[1]

    df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['datetime_str'], utc=True)
    # df['datetime'] = df['datetime'].tz_localize('UTC')
    doppler = sat_utils.Doppler_Shift(cfg['satellite']['freq'],
                                      df['Range Rate [km/sec]'] * 1000.0)
    df['Doppler Center [Hz]'] = doppler['center']
    df['Doppler Offset [Hz]'] = doppler['offset']

    lam = sat_utils.Freq_2_Lambda(cfg['satellite']['freq'])
    df['Path Loss [dB]'] = sat_utils.Path_Loss(df['Range [km]'] * 1000.0, lam)

    #----Setup Skyfield Parameters----
    load = sf.Loader('/'.join([cwd, cfg['data_path']]), verbose=True)
    #load timescale object
    ts = load.timescale()
    t = ts.utc(df['datetime'])
    #load almanac
    e = load('de421.bsp')
    earth = e['earth']
    sun = e['sun']
    #setup ground station
    gs = sf.Topos(latitude_degrees=cfg['gs']['latitude'],
    print(cfg['gs']['name'], gs)

    astrometric = (earth + gs).at(t).observe(sun)
    el, az, rho = astrometric.apparent().altaz()
Пример #17
# Find the relative acceleration of the Moon due to the Sun and Earth
from skyfield import almanac, api
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# load ephemeris data
load = api.Loader("d:/skyfield-data")       # save-data directory
data = load("de435.bsp")                    # Note: you may have to download this manually from JPL.
                                            #       Large file - about 114 MB.
# init bodies
sun   = data["Sun"]
earth = data["Earth"]
moon  = data["Moon"]

# set up timescale
ts = load.timescale()
t1 = ts.utc(2018, 3, range(24, 24+365))     # 2018/03/24 to 2019/03/23 = 365 days

# find accelerations
sun_locs = moon.at(t1).observe(sun)
sun_gm = 1.327e20
sun_acc = sun_gm / sun_locs.distance().m ** 2.

earth_locs = moon.at(t1).observe(earth)
earth_gm = 3.986e14
earth_acc = earth_gm / earth_locs.distance().m ** 2.

# plot the results
xs = t1.utc_datetime()
plt.plot(xs, sun_acc, "r-", xs, earth_acc, "b-")
Пример #18
def format_dt(dt):
    return dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')

def topo_from_data(lat, lon, alt):
    return api.Topos(lat, lon, elevation_m=alt)

def loc_from_data(lat, lon, alt):
    topo = topo_from_data(lat, lon, alt)
    return earth + topo

if '__main__' == __name__:
    logging.info('Loading timescale.')
    loader = api.Loader(data_dir, expire=True, verbose=True)
    data_downloaded = True
    # This is quite intense on a RPi Zero, should be a cmd line flag:
        with loader.open(hipparcos.URL) as f:
            logging.info('Loading Hipparcos catalog')
            df = hipparcos.load_dataframe(f)
    logging.info('%s', loader.log)
    # verbose displays progress bar when downloading
    loader = api.Loader(data_dir, expire=False, verbose=False)

    ts = loader.timescale()
Пример #19
                     help="Camera Configuration File Path",
                     help="Configuration File",
    args = parser.parse_args()
    #--------END Command Line argument parser------------------------------------------------------

    if not os.path.exists(args.data_path):
        print('Data path doesn\'t exist: {:s}'.format(args.data_path))
    load = sf.Loader(args.data_path, verbose=True)
    #load timescale object
    ts = load.timescale()

    #setup SPK/BSP file path
    fp_spk = '/'.join([args.data_path, args.spk_file])
    if not os.path.isfile(fp_spk) == True:
        print('ERROR: Invalid SPK/BSP File Path: {:s}'.format(fp_spk))
    print('Importing configuration File: {:s}'.format(fp_spk))
    #load SPK/BSP
    e = load(fp_spk)

Пример #20
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from math import ceil, floor
from skyfield import almanac, timelib, api
import pprint

# ts = None
# e = None
sky_load = api.Loader('./sky_data')
ts = sky_load.timescale()  # timescale
e = sky_load('de438.bsp')

# write code to automatically propagate these dates
init_year = None
last_year = None
start_second = None
end_second = None

equinox_day = 21
equinox_month = 3

# full_moon = datetime(2019,5,18,21,11,tzinfo=timezone.utc)
# test_date = datetime(2019,3,20,tzinfo=timezone.utc)
# print(test_date.date())

def march_equinox(year):
    # must be 15 day range minimum, apparently?
    t0 = ts.utc(year, 3, 13)
    t1 = ts.utc(year, 3, 28)
    tstamp, phase = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac.seasons(e))
    for phi, ti in zip(phase, tstamp):