Пример #1
    def userNameRequestReceived(self, host, port, key, payload):
        """The client asks for the display name of a user account."""

        if len(payload) != 8: return

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if pilot is None:
            log.err("No such pilot: %d" % key)

        data = struct.unpack('!II', payload)
        user_id = data[0]

        user = User.get(user_id)
        if user is None:
            response = struct.pack('!IHHQIIIBBBBII', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_USER_NAME_RESPONSE, 0,
                                   user_id, USER_FLAG_NOT_FOUND, 0,
                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            response = set_crc(response)
            self.transport.write(response, (host, port))

        name = user.name[:64].encode('utf8', 'ignore')
        club_id = user.club_id or 0

        response = struct.pack('!IHHQIIIBBBBII', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_USER_NAME_RESPONSE, 0,
                               user_id, 0, club_id,
                               len(name), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        response += name
        response = set_crc(response)
        self.transport.write(response, (host, port))
Пример #2
    def userNameRequestReceived(self, host, port, key, payload):
        """The client asks for the display name of a user account."""

        if len(payload) != 8: return

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if pilot is None:
            log.err("No such pilot: %d" % key)

        data = struct.unpack('!II', payload)
        user_id = data[0]

        user = User.get(user_id)
        if user is None:
            response = struct.pack('!IHHQIIIBBBBII', MAGIC, 0,
                                   TYPE_USER_NAME_RESPONSE, 0, user_id,
                                   USER_FLAG_NOT_FOUND, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            response = set_crc(response)
            self.transport.write(response, (host, port))

        name = user.name[:64].encode('utf8', 'ignore')
        club_id = user.club_id or 0

        response = struct.pack('!IHHQIIIBBBBII', MAGIC, 0,
                               TYPE_USER_NAME_RESPONSE, 0, user_id, 0, club_id,
                               len(name), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        response += name
        response = set_crc(response)
        self.transport.write(response, (host, port))
Пример #3
    def trafficRequestReceived(self, host, port, key, payload):
        if len(payload) != 8: return

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if pilot is None:
            log.err("No such pilot: %d" % key)

        data = struct.unpack('!II', payload)
        or_filters = []

        flags = data[0]
        if flags & TRAFFIC_FLAG_FOLLOWEES:
            subq = db.session \
                .query(Follower.destination_id) \
                .filter(Follower.source_id == pilot.id) \


        if flags & TRAFFIC_FLAG_CLUB:
            subq = db.session \
                .query(User.id) \
                .filter(User.club_id == pilot.club_id) \


        if len(or_filters) == 0:

        query = TrackingFix.query() \
            .distinct(TrackingFix.pilot_id) \
            .filter(and_(TrackingFix.time >= datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=2),
                         TrackingFix.pilot_id != pilot.id,
                         TrackingFix.location_wkt != None,
                         TrackingFix.altitude != None,
                         or_(*or_filters))) \
            .order_by(TrackingFix.pilot_id, TrackingFix.time.desc()) \

        response = ''
        count = 0
        for fix in query:
            location = fix.location
            if location is None: continue

            t = fix.time
            t = t.hour * 3600000 + t.minute * 60000 + t.second * 1000 + t.microsecond / 1000
            response += struct.pack('!IIiihHI', fix.pilot_id, t,
                                    int(location.latitude * 1000000),
                                    int(location.longitude * 1000000),
                                    int(fix.altitude), 0, 0)
            count += 1

        response = struct.pack('!HBBI', 0, 0, count, 0) + response
        response = struct.pack('!IHHQ', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_TRAFFIC_RESPONSE,
                               0) + response
        response = set_crc(response)
        self.transport.write(response, (host, port))
Пример #4
    def trafficRequestReceived(self, host, port, key, payload):
        if len(payload) != 8: return

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if pilot is None:
            log.err("No such pilot: %d" % key)

        data = struct.unpack('!II', payload)
        or_filters = []

        flags = data[0]
        if flags & TRAFFIC_FLAG_FOLLOWEES:
            subq = db.session \
                .query(Follower.destination_id) \
                .filter(Follower.source_id == pilot.id) \


        if flags & TRAFFIC_FLAG_CLUB:
            subq = db.session \
                .query(User.id) \
                .filter(User.club_id == pilot.club_id) \


        if len(or_filters) == 0:

        query = TrackingFix.query() \
            .distinct(TrackingFix.pilot_id) \
            .filter(and_(TrackingFix.time >= datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=2),
                         TrackingFix.pilot_id != pilot.id,
                         TrackingFix.location_wkt != None,
                         TrackingFix.altitude != None,
                         or_(*or_filters))) \
            .order_by(TrackingFix.pilot_id, TrackingFix.time.desc()) \

        response = ''
        count = 0
        for fix in query:
            location = fix.location
            if location is None: continue

            t = fix.time
            t = t.hour * 3600000 + t.minute * 60000 + t.second * 1000 + t.microsecond / 1000
            response += struct.pack('!IIiihHI', fix.pilot_id, t,
                                    int(location.latitude * 1000000),
                                    int(location.longitude * 1000000),
                                    int(fix.altitude), 0, 0)
            count += 1

        response = struct.pack('!HBBI', 0, 0, count, 0) + response
        response = struct.pack('!IHHQ', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_TRAFFIC_RESPONSE, 0) + response
        response = set_crc(response)
        self.transport.write(response, (host, port))
Пример #5
def _parse_user():
    """Read and check the tracking key (supplied via 'user' field)"""

    if 'user' not in request.values:
        raise BadRequest('`user` parameter is missing.')

        key = int(request.values['user'], 16)
    except ValueError:
        raise BadRequest('`user` must be the hexadecimal tracking key.')

    return key, User.by_tracking_key(key)
Пример #6
def _parse_user():
    """Read and check the tracking key (supplied via 'user' field)"""

    if 'user' not in request.values:
        raise BadRequest('`user` parameter is missing.')

        key = int(request.values['user'], 16)
    except ValueError:
        raise BadRequest('`user` must be the hexadecimal tracking key.')

    return key, User.by_tracking_key(key)
Пример #7
    def pingReceived(self, host, port, key, payload):
        if len(payload) != 8: return
        id, reserved, reserved2 = struct.unpack('!HHI', payload)

        flags = 0

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if not pilot:
            flags |= FLAG_ACK_BAD_KEY

        data = struct.pack('!IHHQHHI', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_ACK, 0, id, 0, flags)
        data = set_crc(data)
        self.transport.write(data, (host, port))
Пример #8
    def pingReceived(self, host, port, key, payload):
        if len(payload) != 8: return
        id, reserved, reserved2 = struct.unpack('!HHI', payload)

        flags = 0

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if not pilot:
            flags |= FLAG_ACK_BAD_KEY

        data = struct.pack('!IHHQHHI', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_ACK, 0,
                           id, 0, flags)
        data = set_crc(data)
        self.transport.write(data, (host, port))
Пример #9
    def pingReceived(self, host, port, key, payload):
        if len(payload) != 8: return
        id, reserved, reserved2 = struct.unpack('!HHI', payload)

        flags = 0

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if not pilot:
            log("%s PING unknown pilot (key: %x)" % (host, key))
            flags |= FLAG_ACK_BAD_KEY
            log("%s PING %s -> PONG" % (host, unicode(pilot).encode('utf8', 'ignore')))

        data = struct.pack('!IHHQHHI', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_ACK, 0,
                           id, 0, flags)
        data = set_crc(data)
        self.socket.sendto(data, (host, port))
Пример #10
    def pingReceived(self, host, port, key, payload):
        if len(payload) != 8: return
        id, reserved, reserved2 = struct.unpack('!HHI', payload)

        flags = 0

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if not pilot:
            log("%s PING unknown pilot (key: %x)" % (host, key))
            flags |= FLAG_ACK_BAD_KEY
            log("%s PING %s -> PONG" %
                (host, unicode(pilot).encode('utf8', 'ignore')))

        data = struct.pack('!IHHQHHI', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_ACK, 0, id, 0, flags)
        data = set_crc(data)
        self.socket.sendto(data, (host, port))
Пример #11
    def userNameRequestReceived(self, host, port, key, payload):
        """The client asks for the display name of a user account."""

        if len(payload) != 8: return

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if pilot is None:
            log("%s USER_NAME_REQUEST unknown pilot (key: %x)" % (host, key))

        data = struct.unpack('!II', payload)
        user_id = data[0]

        user = User.get(user_id)
        if user is None:
            response = struct.pack('!IHHQIIIBBBBII', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_USER_NAME_RESPONSE, 0,
                                   user_id, USER_FLAG_NOT_FOUND, 0,
                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            response = set_crc(response)
            self.transport.write(response, (host, port))

            log("%s, USER_NAME_REQUEST %s -> NOT_FOUND" %
                (host, unicode(pilot).encode('utf8', 'ignore')))


        name = user.name[:64].encode('utf8', 'ignore')
        club_id = user.club_id or 0

        response = struct.pack('!IHHQIIIBBBBII', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_USER_NAME_RESPONSE, 0,
                               user_id, 0, club_id,
                               len(name), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        response += name
        response = set_crc(response)
        self.socket.sendto(response, (host, port))

        log("%s USER_NAME_REQUEST %s -> %s" %
            (host, unicode(pilot).encode('utf8', 'ignore'),
             unicode(user).encode('utf8', 'ignore')))
Пример #12
    def username_request_received(self, host, port, key, payload):
        """The client asks for the display name of a user account."""

        if len(payload) != 8: return

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if pilot is None:
            log("%s USER_NAME_REQUEST unknown pilot (key: %x)" % (host, key))

        data = struct.unpack('!II', payload)
        user_id = data[0]

        user = User.get(user_id)
        if user is None:
            response = struct.pack('!IHHQIIIBBBBII', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_USER_NAME_RESPONSE, 0,
                                   user_id, USER_FLAG_NOT_FOUND, 0,
                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            response = set_crc(response)
            self.transport.write(response, (host, port))

            log("%s, USER_NAME_REQUEST %s -> NOT_FOUND" %
                (host, pilot.name.encode('utf8', 'ignore')))


        name = user.name[:64].encode('utf8', 'ignore')
        club_id = user.club_id or 0

        response = struct.pack('!IHHQIIIBBBBII', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_USER_NAME_RESPONSE, 0,
                               user_id, 0, club_id,
                               len(name), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        response += name
        response = set_crc(response)
        self.socket.sendto(response, (host, port))

        log("%s USER_NAME_REQUEST %s -> %s" %
            (host, pilot.name.encode('utf8', 'ignore'),
             user.name.encode('utf8', 'ignore')))
Пример #13
    def fix_received(self, host, key, payload):
        if len(payload) != 32:

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if not pilot:
            log("%s FIX unknown pilot (key: %x)" % (host, key))

        data = struct.unpack("!IIiiIHHHhhH", payload)

        fix = TrackingFix()
        fix.ip = host
        fix.pilot = pilot

        # import the time stamp from the packet if it's within a
        # certain range
        time_of_day_ms = data[1] % (24 * 3600 * 1000)
        time_of_day_s = time_of_day_ms / 1000
        time_of_day = ms_to_time(data[1])

        now = datetime.utcnow()
        now_s = ((now.hour * 60) + now.minute) * 60 + now.second
        if now_s - 1800 < time_of_day_s < now_s + 180:
            fix.time = datetime.combine(now.date(), time_of_day)
        elif now_s < 1800 and time_of_day_s > 23 * 3600:
            # midnight rollover occurred
            fix.time = datetime.combine(now.date(),
                                        time_of_day) - timedelta(days=1)
            log("bad time stamp: " + str(time_of_day))
            fix.time = datetime.utcnow()

        fix.time_visible = fix.time + timedelta(minutes=pilot.tracking_delay)

        flags = data[0]
        if flags & FLAG_LOCATION:
            latitude = data[2] / 1000000.0
            longitude = data[3] / 1000000.0
            fix.set_location(longitude, latitude)

            fix.elevation = Elevation.get(fix.location_wkt)

        if flags & FLAG_TRACK:
            fix.track = data[5]

        if flags & FLAG_GROUND_SPEED:
            fix.ground_speed = data[6] / 16.0

        if flags & FLAG_AIRSPEED:
            fix.airspeed = data[7] / 16.0

        if flags & FLAG_ALTITUDE:
            fix.altitude = data[8]

        if flags & FLAG_VARIO:
            fix.vario = data[9] / 256.0

        if flags & FLAG_ENL:
            fix.engine_noise_level = data[10]

        log("{} FIX {} {} {}".format(
            pilot.name.encode("utf8", "ignore"),
            fix.time and fix.time.time(),

        except SQLAlchemyError as e:
            log("database error:" + str(e))
Пример #14
    def fixReceived(self, host, key, payload):
        if len(payload) != 32: return

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if not pilot:
            log("%s FIX unknown pilot (key: %x)" % (host, key))

        data = struct.unpack('!IIiiIHHHhhH', payload)

        fix = TrackingFix()
        fix.ip = host
        fix.pilot = pilot

        # import the time stamp from the packet if it's within a
        # certain range
        time_of_day_ms = data[1] % (24 * 3600 * 1000)
        time_of_day_s = time_of_day_ms / 1000
        time_of_day = time(time_of_day_s / 3600,
                           (time_of_day_s / 60) % 60,
                           time_of_day_s % 60,
                           (time_of_day_ms % 1000) * 1000)
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        now_s = ((now.hour * 60) + now.minute) * 60 + now.second
        if now_s - 1800 < time_of_day_s < now_s + 180:
            fix.time = datetime.combine(now.date(), time_of_day)
        elif now_s < 1800 and time_of_day_s > 23 * 3600:
            # midnight rollover occurred
            fix.time = (datetime.combine(now.date(), time_of_day) -
            log("bad time stamp: " + str(time_of_day))

        flags = data[0]
        if flags & FLAG_LOCATION:
            latitude = data[2] / 1000000.
            longitude = data[3] / 1000000.
            fix.set_location(longitude, latitude)

            fix.elevation = Elevation.get(fix.location_wkt)

        if flags & FLAG_TRACK:
            fix.track = data[5]

        if flags & FLAG_GROUND_SPEED:
            fix.ground_speed = data[6] / 16.

        if flags & FLAG_AIRSPEED:
            fix.airspeed = data[7] / 16.

        if flags & FLAG_ALTITUDE:
            fix.altitude = data[8]

        if flags & FLAG_VARIO:
            fix.vario = data[9] / 256.

        if flags & FLAG_ENL:
            fix.engine_noise_level = data[10]

        log("{} FIX {} {} {}".format(
            host, unicode(pilot).encode('utf8', 'ignore'),
            fix.time and fix.time.time(), fix.location))

        except SQLAlchemyError, e:
            log('database error:' + str(e))
Пример #15
    def trafficRequestReceived(self, host, port, key, payload):
        if len(payload) != 8: return

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if pilot is None:
            log("%s TRAFFIC_REQUEST unknown pilot (key: %x)" % (host, key))

        data = struct.unpack('!II', payload)
        or_filters = []

        flags = data[0]
        if flags & TRAFFIC_FLAG_FOLLOWEES:
            subq = db.session \
                .query(Follower.destination_id) \
                .filter(Follower.source_id == pilot.id) \


        if flags & TRAFFIC_FLAG_CLUB:
            subq = db.session \
                .query(User.id) \
                .filter(User.club_id == pilot.club_id) \


        if len(or_filters) == 0:

        # Add a db.Column to the inner query with
        # numbers ordered by time for each pilot
        row_number = db.over(db.func.row_number(),

        # Create inner query
        subq = db.session \
            .query(TrackingFix.id, row_number.label('row_number')) \
            .join(TrackingFix.pilot) \
            .filter(TrackingFix.pilot_id != pilot.id) \
            .filter(TrackingFix.max_age_filter(2)) \
            .filter(TrackingFix.delay_filter(User.tracking_delay_interval())) \
            .filter(TrackingFix.location_wkt != None) \
            .filter(TrackingFix.altitude != None) \
            .filter(or_(*or_filters)) \

        # Create outer query that orders by time and
        # only selects the latest fix
        query = TrackingFix.query() \
            .filter(TrackingFix.id == subq.c.id) \
            .filter(subq.c.row_number == 1) \
            .order_by(TrackingFix.time.desc()) \

        response = ''
        count = 0
        for fix in query:
            location = fix.location
            if location is None: continue

            t = fix.time
            t = t.hour * 3600000 + t.minute * 60000 + t.second * 1000 + t.microsecond / 1000
            response += struct.pack('!IIiihHI', fix.pilot_id, t,
                                    int(location.latitude * 1000000),
                                    int(location.longitude * 1000000),
                                    int(fix.altitude), 0, 0)
            count += 1

        response = struct.pack('!HBBI', 0, 0, count, 0) + response
        response = struct.pack('!IHHQ', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_TRAFFIC_RESPONSE, 0) + response
        response = set_crc(response)
        self.socket.sendto(response, (host, port))

        log("%s TRAFFIC_REQUEST %s -> %d locations" %
            (host, unicode(pilot).encode('utf8', 'ignore'), count))
Пример #16
    def fixReceived(self, host, key, payload):
        if len(payload) != 32: return

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if not pilot:
            log.err("No such pilot: %x" % key)

        data = struct.unpack('!IIiiIHHHhhH', payload)

        fix = TrackingFix()
        fix.ip = host
        fix.pilot = pilot

        # import the time stamp from the packet if it's within a
        # certain range
        time_of_day_ms = data[1] % (24 * 3600 * 1000)
        time_of_day_s = time_of_day_ms / 1000
        time_of_day = time(time_of_day_s / 3600, (time_of_day_s / 60) % 60,
                           time_of_day_s % 60, (time_of_day_ms % 1000) * 1000)
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        now_s = ((now.hour * 60) + now.minute) * 60 + now.second
        if now_s - 1800 < time_of_day_s < now_s + 180:
            fix.time = datetime.combine(now.date(), time_of_day)
        elif now_s < 1800 and time_of_day_s > 23 * 3600:
            # midnight rollover occurred
            fix.time = (datetime.combine(now.date(), time_of_day) -
            log.msg("ignoring time stamp from FIX packet: " + str(time_of_day))

        flags = data[0]
        if flags & FLAG_LOCATION:
            latitude = data[2] / 1000000.
            longitude = data[3] / 1000000.
            fix.set_location(longitude, latitude)

            fix.elevation = Elevation.get(fix.location_wkt)

        if flags & FLAG_TRACK:
            fix.track = data[5]

        if flags & FLAG_GROUND_SPEED:
            fix.ground_speed = data[6] / 16.

        if flags & FLAG_AIRSPEED:
            fix.airspeed = data[7] / 16.

        if flags & FLAG_ALTITUDE:
            fix.altitude = data[8]

        if flags & FLAG_VARIO:
            fix.vario = data[9] / 256.

        if flags & FLAG_ENL:
            fix.engine_noise_level = data[10]

        log.msg("{} {} {} {}".format(fix.time and fix.time.time(), host,
                                     unicode(pilot).encode('utf8', 'ignore'),

        except SQLAlchemyError, e:
            log.err(e, 'database error')
Пример #17
    def trafficRequestReceived(self, host, port, key, payload):
        if len(payload) != 8: return

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if pilot is None:
            log("%s TRAFFIC_REQUEST unknown pilot (key: %x)" % (host, key))

        data = struct.unpack('!II', payload)
        or_filters = []

        flags = data[0]
        if flags & TRAFFIC_FLAG_FOLLOWEES:
            subq = db.session \
                .query(Follower.destination_id) \
                .filter(Follower.source_id == pilot.id) \


        if flags & TRAFFIC_FLAG_CLUB:
            subq = db.session \
                .query(User.id) \
                .filter(User.club_id == pilot.club_id) \


        if len(or_filters) == 0:

        # Add a db.Column to the inner query with
        # numbers ordered by time for each pilot
        row_number = db.over(db.func.row_number(),

        # Create inner query
        subq = db.session \
            .query(TrackingFix.id, row_number.label('row_number')) \
            .join(TrackingFix.pilot) \
            .filter(TrackingFix.pilot_id != pilot.id) \
            .filter(TrackingFix.max_age_filter(2)) \
            .filter(TrackingFix.delay_filter(User.tracking_delay_interval())) \
            .filter(TrackingFix.location_wkt != None) \
            .filter(TrackingFix.altitude != None) \
            .filter(or_(*or_filters)) \

        # Create outer query that orders by time and
        # only selects the latest fix
        query = TrackingFix.query() \
            .filter(TrackingFix.id == subq.c.id) \
            .filter(subq.c.row_number == 1) \
            .order_by(TrackingFix.time.desc()) \

        response = ''
        count = 0
        for fix in query:
            location = fix.location
            if location is None: continue

            t = fix.time
            t = t.hour * 3600000 + t.minute * 60000 + t.second * 1000 + t.microsecond / 1000
            response += struct.pack('!IIiihHI', fix.pilot_id, t,
                                    int(location.latitude * 1000000),
                                    int(location.longitude * 1000000),
                                    int(fix.altitude), 0, 0)
            count += 1

        response = struct.pack('!HBBI', 0, 0, count, 0) + response
        response = struct.pack('!IHHQ', MAGIC, 0, TYPE_TRAFFIC_RESPONSE,
                               0) + response
        response = set_crc(response)
        self.socket.sendto(response, (host, port))

        log("%s TRAFFIC_REQUEST %s -> %d locations" %
            (host, unicode(pilot).encode('utf8', 'ignore'), count))
Пример #18
    def fixReceived(self, host, key, payload):
        if len(payload) != 32: return
        data = struct.unpack('!IIiiIHHHhhH', payload)

        pilot = User.by_tracking_key(key)
        if not pilot:
            log.err("No such pilot: %d" % key)

        flags = data[0]

        fix = TrackingFix()
        fix.ip = host
        fix.pilot = pilot

        # import the time stamp from the packet if it's within a
        # certain range
        time_of_day_ms = data[1] % (24 * 3600 * 1000)
        time_of_day_s = time_of_day_ms / 1000
        time_of_day = datetime.time(time_of_day_s / 3600,
                                    (time_of_day_s / 60) % 60,
                                    time_of_day_s % 60,
                                    (time_of_day_ms % 1000) * 1000)
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        now_s = ((now.hour * 60) + now.minute) * 60 + now.second
        if now_s - 1800 < time_of_day_s < now_s + 180:
            fix.time = datetime.datetime.combine(now.date(), time_of_day)
        elif now_s < 1800 and time_of_day_s > 23 * 3600:
            # midnight rollover occurred
            fix.time = datetime.datetime.combine(now.date(), time_of_day) \
                       - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            log.msg("ignoring time stamp from FIX packet: " + str(time_of_day))

        if flags & FLAG_LOCATION:
            fix.location = Location(latitude=data[2] / 1000000.,
                                    longitude=data[3] / 1000000.)

        if flags & FLAG_TRACK:
            fix.track = data[5]

        if flags & FLAG_GROUND_SPEED:
            fix.ground_speed = data[6] / 16.

        if flags & FLAG_AIRSPEED:
            fix.airspeed = data[7] / 16.

        if flags & FLAG_ALTITUDE:
            fix.altitude = data[8]

        if flags & FLAG_VARIO:
            fix.vario = data[9] / 256.

        if flags & FLAG_ENL:
            fix.engine_noise_level = data[10]

        log.msg(u"%s %s %s %s" % (fix.time and fix.time.time(), host, pilot, fix.location))

        except SQLAlchemyError, e:
            log.err(e, 'database error')