Пример #1
def mk_update_sql(row, tbl, pkey_list, field_map = None):
    r"""Generate UPDATE statement from dict data.

    >>> mk_update_sql({'id': 0, 'id2': '2', 'data': 'str\\'}, 'Table', ['id', 'id2'])
    'update only public."Table" set data = E\'str\\\\\' where id = \'0\' and id2 = \'2\';'

    if len(pkey_list) < 1:
        raise Exception("update needs pkeys")
    set_list = []
    whe_list = []
    pkmap = {}
    for k in pkey_list:
        pkmap[k] = 1
        new_k = field_map and field_map[k] or k
        col = quote_ident(new_k)
        val = quote_literal(row[k])
        whe_list.append("%s = %s" % (col, val))

    if field_map:
        for src, dst in field_map.iteritems():
            if src not in pkmap:
                col = quote_ident(dst)
                val = quote_literal(row[src])
                set_list.append("%s = %s" % (col, val))
        for col, val in row.iteritems():
            if col not in pkmap:
                col = quote_ident(col)
                val = quote_literal(val)
                set_list.append("%s = %s" % (col, val))
    return "update only %s set %s where %s;" % (quote_fqident(tbl),
            ", ".join(set_list), " and ".join(whe_list))
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, curs, table_name):
        """Initializes class by loading info about table_name from database."""

        BaseStruct.__init__(self, curs, table_name)

        self.table_name = table_name

        # fill args
        schema, name = fq_name_parts(table_name)
        args = {
            'schema': schema,
            'table': name,
            'fqname': self.fqname,
            'fq2name': quote_literal(self.fqname),
            'oid': get_table_oid(curs, table_name),
            'pg_class_oid': get_table_oid(curs, 'pg_catalog.pg_class'),

        # load table struct
        self.col_list = self._load_elem(curs, self.name, args, TColumn)
        self.object_list = [ TTable(table_name, self.col_list) ]
        self.seq_list = []

        # load seqs
        for col in self.col_list:
            if col.seqname:
                owner = self.fqname + '.' + quote_ident(col.name)
                seq_args = { 'fqname': col.seqname, 'owner': quote_literal(owner) }
                self.seq_list += self._load_elem(curs, col.seqname, seq_args, TSeq)
        self.object_list += self.seq_list

        # load additional objects
        to_load = [TConstraint, TIndex, TTrigger, TRule, TGrant, TOwner, TParent]
        for eclass in to_load:
            self.object_list += self._load_elem(curs, self.name, args, eclass)
Пример #3
def mk_update_sql(row, tbl, pkey_list, field_map=None):
    r"""Generate UPDATE statement from dict data.

    >>> mk_update_sql({'id': 0, 'id2': '2', 'data': 'str\\'}, 'Table', ['id', 'id2'])
    'update only public."Table" set data = E\'str\\\\\' where id = \'0\' and id2 = \'2\';'

    if len(pkey_list) < 1:
        raise Exception("update needs pkeys")
    set_list = []
    whe_list = []
    pkmap = {}
    for k in pkey_list:
        pkmap[k] = 1
        new_k = field_map and field_map[k] or k
        col = quote_ident(new_k)
        val = quote_literal(row[k])
        whe_list.append("%s = %s" % (col, val))

    if field_map:
        for src, dst in field_map.iteritems():
            if src not in pkmap:
                col = quote_ident(dst)
                val = quote_literal(row[src])
                set_list.append("%s = %s" % (col, val))
        for col, val in row.iteritems():
            if col not in pkmap:
                col = quote_ident(col)
                val = quote_literal(val)
                set_list.append("%s = %s" % (col, val))
    return "update only %s set %s where %s;" % (
        quote_fqident(tbl), ", ".join(set_list), " and ".join(whe_list))
Пример #4
def mk_update_sql(row, tbl, pkey_list, field_map = None):
    """Generate UPDATE statement from dict data."""

    if len(pkey_list) < 1:
        raise Exception("update needs pkeys")
    set_list = []
    whe_list = []
    pkmap = {}
    for k in pkey_list:
        pkmap[k] = 1
        new_k = field_map and field_map[k] or k
        col = quote_ident(new_k)
        val = quote_literal(row[k])
        whe_list.append("%s = %s" % (col, val))

    if field_map:
        for src, dst in field_map.iteritems():
            if src not in pkmap:
                col = quote_ident(dst)
                val = quote_literal(row[src])
                set_list.append("%s = %s" % (col, val))
        for col, val in row.iteritems():
            if col not in pkmap:
                col = quote_ident(col)
                val = quote_literal(val)
                set_list.append("%s = %s" % (col, val))
    return "update %s set %s where %s;" % (quote_fqident(tbl),
            ", ".join(set_list), " and ".join(whe_list))
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, curs, table_name):
        """Initializes class by loading info about table_name from database."""

        BaseStruct.__init__(self, curs, table_name)

        self.table_name = table_name

        # fill args
        schema, name = fq_name_parts(table_name)
        args = {
            'schema': schema,
            'table': name,
            'fqname': self.fqname,
            'fq2name': quote_literal(self.fqname),
            'oid': get_table_oid(curs, table_name),
            'pg_class_oid': get_table_oid(curs, 'pg_catalog.pg_class'),

        # load table struct
        self.col_list = self._load_elem(curs, self.name, args, TColumn)
        self.object_list = [ TTable(table_name, self.col_list) ]
        self.seq_list = []

        # load seqs
        for col in self.col_list:
            if col.seqname:
                owner = self.fqname + '.' + quote_ident(col.name)
                seq_args = { 'fqname': col.seqname, 'owner': quote_literal(owner) }
                self.seq_list += self._load_elem(curs, col.seqname, seq_args, TSeq)
        self.object_list += self.seq_list

        # load additional objects
        to_load = [TConstraint, TIndex, TTrigger, TRule, TGrant, TOwner, TParent]
        for eclass in to_load:
            self.object_list += self._load_elem(curs, self.name, args, eclass)
Пример #6
def _gen_list_insert(tbl, row, fields, qfields):
    tmp = []
    for i in range(len(fields)):
        v = row[i]
    fmt = "insert into %s (%s) values (%s);"
    return fmt % (tbl, ",".join(qfields), ",".join(tmp))
Пример #7
def _gen_dict_insert(tbl, row, fields, qfields):
    tmp = []
    for f in fields:
        v = row.get(f)
    fmt = "insert into %s (%s) values (%s);"
    return fmt % (tbl, ",".join(qfields), ",".join(tmp))
Пример #8
def _gen_dict_insert(tbl, row, fields, qfields):
    tmp = []
    for f in fields:
        v = row.get(f)
    fmt = "insert into %s (%s) values (%s);"
    return fmt % (tbl, ",".join(qfields), ",".join(tmp))
Пример #9
def _gen_list_insert(tbl, row, fields, qfields):
    tmp = []
    for i in range(len(fields)):
        v = row[i]
    fmt = "insert into %s (%s) values (%s);"
    return fmt % (tbl, ",".join(qfields), ",".join(tmp))
Пример #10
def mk_insert_sql(row, tbl, pkey_list = None, field_map = None):
    """Generate INSERT statement from dict data."""

    col_list = []
    val_list = []
    if field_map:
        for src, dst in field_map.iteritems():
        for c, v in row.iteritems():
    col_str = ", ".join(col_list)
    val_str = ", ".join(val_list)
    return "insert into %s (%s) values (%s);" % (
                    quote_fqident(tbl), col_str, val_str)
Пример #11
 def __str__(self):
     if self.conf.param_type == PARAM_INLINE:
         return quote_literal(self.value)
     elif self.conf.param_type == PARAM_DBAPI:
         return "%s"
     elif self.conf.param_type == PARAM_PLPY:
         return "$%d" % self.pos
         raise Exception("bad QArgConf.param_type")
Пример #12
 def __str__(self):
     if self.conf.param_type == PARAM_INLINE:
         return quote_literal(self.value)
     elif self.conf.param_type == PARAM_DBAPI:
         return "%s"
     elif self.conf.param_type == PARAM_PLPY:
         return "$%d" % self.pos
         raise Exception("bad QArgConf.param_type")
Пример #13
def mk_insert_sql(row, tbl, pkey_list=None, field_map=None):
    """Generate INSERT statement from dict data.

    >>> mk_insert_sql({'id': '1', 'data': None}, 'tbl')
    "insert into public.tbl (data, id) values (null, '1');"

    col_list = []
    val_list = []
    if field_map:
        for src, dst in field_map.iteritems():
        for c, v in row.iteritems():
    col_str = ", ".join(col_list)
    val_str = ", ".join(val_list)
    return "insert into %s (%s) values (%s);" % (quote_fqident(tbl), col_str,
Пример #14
def mk_delete_sql(row, tbl, pkey_list, field_map=None):
    """Generate DELETE statement from dict data."""

    if len(pkey_list) < 1:
        raise Exception("delete needs pkeys")
    whe_list = []
    for k in pkey_list:
        new_k = field_map and field_map[k] or k
        col = quote_ident(new_k)
        val = quote_literal(row[k])
        whe_list.append("%s = %s" % (col, val))
    whe_str = " and ".join(whe_list)
    return "delete from only %s where %s;" % (quote_fqident(tbl), whe_str)
Пример #15
def mk_delete_sql(row, tbl, pkey_list, field_map = None):
    """Generate DELETE statement from dict data."""

    if len(pkey_list) < 1:
        raise Exception("delete needs pkeys")
    whe_list = []
    for k in pkey_list:
        new_k = field_map and field_map[k] or k
        col = quote_ident(new_k)
        val = quote_literal(row[k])
        whe_list.append("%s = %s" % (col, val))
    whe_str = " and ".join(whe_list) 
    return "delete from %s where %s;" % (quote_fqident(tbl), whe_str)