def _run_interface(self, runtime): import os.path as op import nibabel.gifti as ng import numpy as np import skimage.measure as sm import nilearn.image as nimg import as sio import slam.differential_geometry as sdg from nipype.utils.filemanip import split_filename # Generate output mesh filename from the input image name _, fname, _ = split_filename(self.inputs.image_file) gii_file = op.abspath(op.join(runtime.cwd, fname + ".gii")) # Load the largest connected component of the input image img = nimg.largest_connected_component_img(self.inputs.image_file) # TODO: check if the input image is correct (binary) # Run the marching cube algorithm verts, faces, normals, values = sm.marching_cubes_lewiner( img.get_data(), self.inputs.level) # Convert vertices coordinates to image space # TODO: check that is correct by plotting the mesh on the image x, y, z = nimg.coord_transform(verts[:, 0], verts[:, 1], verts[:, 2], img.affine) mm_verts = np.array([x, y, z]).T # Save the mesh as Gifti # FIXME: FreeView can not open the mesh (but anatomist do) gii = ng.GiftiImage(darrays=[ ng.GiftiDataArray(mm_verts, intent='NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET'), ng.GiftiDataArray(faces, intent='NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE') ]) gii.meta = ng.GiftiMetaData().from_dict({ "volume_file": self.inputs.image_file, "marching_cube_level": str(self.inputs.level), "smoothing_iterations": str(self.inputs.smoothing_iter), "smoothing_dt": str(self.inputs.smoothing_dt) }) ng.write(gii, gii_file) # Optional: Smooth the marching cube output with SLAM if self.inputs.smoothing_iter > 0: mesh = sdg.laplacian_mesh_smoothing( sio.load_mesh(gii_file), nb_iter=self.inputs.smoothing_iter, dt=self.inputs.smoothing_dt) sio.write_mesh(mesh, gii_file) return runtime
def test_basic(self): mesh_a = self.sphere_A.copy() mesh_a_save = self.sphere_A.copy() sio.write_mesh(mesh_a, "tests/data/io/temp.gii") # Non modification assert (mesh_a.vertices == mesh_a_save.vertices).all() assert (mesh_a.faces == mesh_a_save.faces).all() mesh_b = sio.load_mesh('tests/data/io/temp.gii') precision_A = .00001 # Correctness assert (np.isclose(mesh_a.vertices, mesh_b.vertices, precision_A).all()) assert (np.isclose(mesh_a.faces, mesh_b.faces, precision_A).all())
def main(arguments): if len(arguments)==3: meshN = arguments[1] texN = arguments[2] mesh = sio.load_mesh(meshN) maxCurv = maxAbsCurvature(mesh) # visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(mesh=mesh, tex=maxCurv, # caption='max absolute curvature', # cblabel='max absolute curvature') # visb_sc.preview() sio.write_texture(stex.TextureND(darray=maxCurv), texN) else: print('Usage:') print('python mesh curvTex')
# Authors: Guillaume Auzias <*****@*****.**> # License: BSD (3-clause) # sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2 ############################################################################### # importation of slam modules import slam.plot as splt import as sio import numpy as np import trimesh ############################################################################### # loading an two unregistered meshes mesh_1 = sio.load_mesh('../examples/data/example_mesh.gii') mesh_2 = sio.load_mesh('../examples/data/example_mesh_2.gii') ############################################################################### # plot them to check the misalignment joint_mesh = mesh_1 + mesh_2 joint_tex = np.ones((joint_mesh.vertices.shape[0], )) joint_tex[:mesh_1.vertices.shape[0]] = 10 visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(mesh=joint_mesh, tex=joint_tex, caption='before registration') visb_sc.preview() ############################################################################### # compute ICP registration transf_mat, cost = trimesh.registration.mesh_other(mesh_1,
print(np.min(mesh_coords)) print(np.max(mesh_coords))""" main_folder = "/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Quadrics" curv_types = ['Peyre', 'Rusinkiewicz', 'PetitJean', 'Taubin', 'Dong'] #, 'Peyre', 'fem', 'boix', 'bary'] curv_types_leg = curv_types.copy() curv_types_leg.append('analytic') meshes = list() curv_mean = list() Ks = [[-1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 1]] for K in Ks: meshes.append('hex_quad_k1_' + str(K[0]) + '_k2_' + str(K[1]) + '_100') os.chdir( r"/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Quadrics") tmp_m = sio.load_mesh('hex_quad_k1_' + str(K[0]) + '_k2_' + str(K[1]) + '_100.gii') mesh_coords = tmp_m.vertices print(np.shape(mesh_coords)) curv_mean.append( gp.quadric_curv_mean(K[0], K[1])(mesh_coords[:, 0], mesh_coords[:, 1])) #meshes.append('FSsphere.ico7') #meshes.append('KKI2009_113_MR1.lh.white') for mesh_type, curv_ref in zip(meshes, curv_mean): print(mesh_type) print("Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape", np.shape(curv_ref)) file_fig = os.path.join(main_folder, mesh_type + '_curv_mean_comparison_hist.png') curvatures = list() integral = list()
class TestTopologyMethods(unittest.TestCase): # Sphere cut by two planes, with new vertices added at the intersection cutSphere_A = make_cut_sphere_a() # Sphere cut by one plane, with new vertices added at the intersection cutSphere_B = make_cut_sphere_b() # Sphere cut by two planes, with no new vertices added at the intersection cutSphere_C = sio.load_mesh("tests/data/topology/mesh_C.gii") # A 3D disk with height 0 and radius 2 disk_radius_2 = sio.load_mesh("tests/data/topology/mesh_D.gii") # hexagon 2 rings K = 4 k_rings = create_K_rings(K) def test_boundary_angles(self): # for a k ring the angle between two consecutive sides is pi - pi/(3k) N = len(self.k_rings.vertices) coords = np.hstack([self.k_rings.vertices, np.zeros((N, 1))]) indices = range(N - 6 * (self.K - 1), N) ang, norm = stop.boundary_angles(indices, coords) assert (ang == 180 - 180 / (3 * (self.K - 1))).all def test_boundaries_basic(self): mesh_a = self.cutSphere_A mesh_a_save = mesh_a.copy() boundary = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a) # Non modification assert (mesh_a.vertices == mesh_a_save.vertices).all() assert (mesh_a.faces == mesh_a_save.faces).all() # Correctness assert (len(boundary) == 2) # Type assert (isinstance(boundary, list)) assert (isinstance(boundary[0], list)) iterable = list(itertools.combinations(boundary, 2)) # Uniqueness for b1, b2 in iterable: assert set(b1).intersection(set(b2)) == set() def test_boundaries_triangles(self): mesh_a = distinct_triangles(5) mesh_b = random_triangles(5) boundary_a = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a) boundary_b = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_b) iterable_a = list(itertools.combinations(boundary_a, 2)) iterable_b = list(itertools.combinations(boundary_b, 2)) # Correctness assert (len(boundary_a) == 5) assert (len(boundary_b) == 5) # Uniqueness for b1, b2 in iterable_a: assert set(b1).intersection(set(b2)) == set() for b1, b2 in iterable_b: assert set(b1).intersection(set(b2)) == set() def test_angle_norm_boundary(self): # GET A DISK IN 3D radius = 2 mesh_a = self.disk_radius_2 coords3D = mesh_a.vertices # COMPUTE BOUNDARY boundary = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a) # Correctness assert (len(boundary) == 1) # COMPUTE ANGLE AND NORM VARIATIONS angles, norms = stop.boundary_angles(boundary[0], coords3D) angles = abs(180 - angles) sum_angles, sum_norms = sum(angles), sum(norms) # Computation on three arbitrary linked vertices three_angles, three_norms = stop.boundary_angles([0, 1, 2], coords3D) three_angles = abs(180 - three_angles) perimeter = radius * np.pi * 2 precision_A = .001 precision_B = .001 # Coherence of the angle sum and norm sum assert (np.isclose(sum_angles, 360, precision_A)) assert (np.isclose(sum_norms, perimeter, precision_B)) # Coherence of a partial angle and a partial norm variation assert (np.isclose(three_angles[1], 360 / len(coords3D), precision_A)) assert (np.isclose(three_norms[1], perimeter / len(coords3D), precision_B)) def test_boundaries_intersection_copy(self): mesh_a = self.cutSphere_A boundary = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a) b1 = boundary[0] b2 = boundary[1] b2_save = b2.copy() concat = b1 + b2 inter_1 = stop.boundaries_intersection([concat, b2]) inter_1 = inter_1[0][2] # Non modification assert (b2 == b2_save) # Type assert (isinstance(inter_1, list)) # Correctness assert (set(inter_1) == set(b2)) def test_close_mesh(self): mesh_a = self.cutSphere_C.copy() boundary_prev = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a) # Correctness assert (len(boundary_prev) == 2) mesh_a_closed, nvertices_added = stop.close_mesh(mesh_a) # Coherence assert (len(mesh_a_closed.vertices) == len(mesh_a.vertices) + nvertices_added) boundary_closed = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a_closed) # Mesh is now closed assert (len(boundary_closed) == 0) # Non modification of the vertices which are not on the boundaries sbase = (set(range(len(mesh_a.vertices)))) sbound1 = (set(boundary_prev[0])) sbound2 = (set(boundary_prev[1])) sbound = sbound1.union(sbound2) snot_bound = (sbase.difference(sbound)) for i in snot_bound: assert (mesh_a.vertices[i] == mesh_a_closed.vertices[i]).all() def test_remove_mesh_boundary_faces(self): mesh_a = self.cutSphere_A.copy() mesh_a_save = mesh_a.copy() boundary = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a) mesh_processed = stop.remove_mesh_boundary_faces(mesh_a, face_vertex_number=1) # Non modification assert (mesh_a.vertices == mesh_a_save.vertices).all() # Correctness # check that when removing all faces with any vertex on the boundary, # all the boundary vertices are removed from the mesh print(len(boundary[0])) print(len(mesh_a.vertices)) print(len(mesh_processed.vertices)) assert (len(mesh_processed.vertices) == len(mesh_a.vertices) - len(boundary[0])) def test_k_ring_neighborhood(self): mesh_hexagon = self.k_rings.copy() # WARNING, 0 is not the center... texture_2_rings = stop.k_ring_neighborhood(mesh_hexagon, index=0, k=2) zero_ring = np.where(texture_2_rings == 0)[0] one_ring = np.where(texture_2_rings == 1)[0] two_ring = np.where(texture_2_rings == 2)[0] assert (zero_ring == [0]).all() assert (one_ring == [i for i in range(1, 7)]).all() assert (two_ring == [i for i in range(7, 19)]).all() def test_adjacency_matrix(self): toy_graph = create_test_graph() gd_truth_adja = [] gd_truth_adja.append([0, 1, 1, 0]) gd_truth_adja.append([1, 0, 1, 1]) gd_truth_adja.append([1, 1, 0, 1]) gd_truth_adja.append([0, 1, 1, 0]) gd_truth_adja = np.array(gd_truth_adja) adja = stop.adjacency_matrix(toy_graph) assert (adja == gd_truth_adja).all()
# License: BSD (3-clause) # sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2 ############################################################################### # Importation of slam modules import slam.distortion as sdst import slam.differential_geometry as sdg import slam.plot as splt import as sio import numpy as np ############################################################################### # Loading an example mesh and a smoothed copy of it mesh = sio.load_mesh('../examples/data/example_mesh.gii') mesh_s = sdg.laplacian_mesh_smoothing(mesh, nb_iter=50, dt=0.1) ########################################################################## # Visualization of the original mesh visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(mesh=mesh, caption='original mesh') visb_sc.preview() ############################################################################### # Visualization of the smoothed mesh visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(mesh=mesh_s, caption='smoothed mesh') visb_sc.preview() ############################################################################### # Computation of the angle difference between each faces of mesh and mesh_s angle_diff = sdst.angle_difference(mesh, mesh_s)
import os import as sio from scipy.stats import pearsonr import numpy as np import matplotlib matplotlib.use('TkAgg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if __name__ == '__main__': output_folder = '/hpc/meca/users/auzias/test_curvature/real_mesh_all_curvatures' target_spherical_mesh = sio.load_mesh('/hpc/meca/softs/dev/auzias/FSsphere.ico7.gii') curv_types = ['mean_Rusinkiewicz', 'mean_Dong', 'mean_PetitJean', 'mean_Peyre', 'mean_Taubin', 'gauss_Dong', 'gauss_PetitJean', 'gauss_Peyre', 'gauss_Rusinkiewicz', 'gauss_Taubin'] #'mean_Maillot', 'gauss_Maillot' sides = ['lh'] files_list=os.listdir(output_folder) correl = list() diff = list() for curv_type in curv_types: print(curv_type+'------------------------------------------------') for side in sides: tex_files = list() subjects = list() for fil in files_list: if curv_type in fil and 'NN_FSsphere.ico7.gii' in fil and side in fil: tex_files.append(fil) filename_split = fil.split('.') subj = filename_split[0] filename = filename_split[-1] side = filename_split[1]
# script for calculating the 3D elongations # based on the differences of the averages of the distances # between the vertex of interest and its 4 neighbors since we are working on # quadrilateral configurations # Ref: Makki.K et al. A new geodesic-based feature for characterizationof 3D shapes: # application to soft tissue organtemporal deformations # ICPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition -- Milan 01/2021 output_path = '../Data/Features/elongation_all/' path = '../Data/AF_Dyn3D_5SL_QuadMesh_Gifti/' basename = 'output_AF_Dyn3D_5SL_3dRecbyReg' mesh_set = glob.glob(path + basename + '*.gii') mesh_set.sort() print(mesh_set) data_ref = sio.load_mesh('QuadMesh_AF.gii') pcd_pts_ref = data_ref.vertices nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=5, algorithm='ball_tree').fit(pcd_pts_ref) distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(pcd_pts_ref) print(distances.shape) print(indices.shape) average_dist_ref = np.mean(distances[:, 1:5], axis=1) print(average_dist_ref) distances_trg_i = np.zeros(distances.shape) distances_trg_j = np.zeros(distances.shape) for t in range(len(mesh_set) - 1): data_dist_i = sio.load_mesh(mesh_set[t]) pcd_pts_dist_i = data_dist_i.vertices
import trimesh import as sio import slam.plot as splt import nibabel as nb import os import numpy as np if __name__ == '__main__': fd = '/hpc/meca/users/bohi.a/Data/Models/week23_ref_surf/B0.txt' coords = np.loadtxt(fd, skiprows=1, max_rows=50943) faces = np.loadtxt(fd, skiprows=50945, mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(faces=faces - 1, vertices=coords, process=False) os.chdir(r"/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/data/OASIS") mesh1 = sio.load_mesh('OAS1_0277_Rwhite.gii') # curv_gifti ='hex_quad_k1_0_k2_10_curv_mean_Dong.gii') # curv_tex = curv_gifti.darrays[0].data.squeeze() # splt.pyglet_plot(mesh1, curv_tex) """mesh1 = sio.load_mesh('example_1_curv_mean_Dong.gii') mesh1 = sio.load_mesh('example_1_curv_gauss_PetitJean.gii') mesh1 = sio.load_mesh('example_1_curv_mean_PetitJean.gii') mesh1 = sio.load_mesh('example_1_curv_gauss_Peyre.gii') mesh1 = sio.load_mesh('example_1_curv_mean_Peyre.gii')
# Estimate curvatures : cc = 'hex_quad_k1_' + str(Ks[i][0]) + '_k2_' + str(Ks[i][1]) + '_' + str(nstep) + '_noise_' + str( int(sigma * 1000)) # os.chdir(r"/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Noise") # os.mkdir(cc ) os.chdir(r"/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Noise/"+cc) sio.write_mesh(mesh, cc+'.gii') list_exampels.append(cc) print("done for " + cc) data = list() for curv_type in curv_types: mesh_file = 'hex_quad_k1_' + str(Ks[i][0]) + '_k2_' + str(Ks[i][1]) + '_' + str(nstep) + '.gii' texture_file = cc + '_curv_mean_' + curv_type + '.gii' os.chdir("/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Quadrics") mesh = sio.load_mesh(mesh_file) # mesh.apply_transform(mesh.principal_inertia_transform) os.chdir( "/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Noise/" + cc) tex = sio.load_texture(texture_file) # splt.pyglet_plot(mesh, tex.darray, plot_colormap=True) # splt.pyglet_plot(mesh, tex.darray, 'hot', plot_colormap=True) # print(tex.darray) data.append(tex.darray) xx = sps.quadric_curv_mean(Ks[i][0], Ks[i][1])(mesh.vertices[:, 0], mesh.vertices[:, 1]) xx = np.reshape(xx, (1, nstep ** 2)) data = np.array(data) data_m = np.zeros((6, nstep ** 2)) data_m[:5, :] = data[:, :, 0]
for sigma in Sigma: # Generate the quadric # X, Y, faces, Zs = gqs.generate_quadric([ks], nstep=list_nbr_steps[i], ax=list_ax_ay[i][0ay=list_ax_ay[i][1]) # Z = Zs[0] # coords = np.array([X, Y, Z]).transpose() # mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(faces=faces, vertices=coords, process=False) # # print("mesh surface = ", mesh.area, "\n surface needed = ", list_surfaces[i]) os.chdir( r"/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Curvatures/0Noise" ) cc = 'hex_quad_k1_' + str(ks[0]) + '_k2_' + str( ks[1]) + '_' + str(list_nbr_steps[i]) mesh = sio.load_mesh(cc + '.gii') data = list() xx = gqs.quadric_curv_mean(ks[0], ks[1])(mesh.vertices[:, 0], mesh.vertices[:, 1]) print("-------------------------------" + cc + '_noise_' + str(int(sigma * 1000))) for curv_type in curv_types: print(curv_type) texture_file = cc + '_noise_' + str(int( sigma * 1000)) + '_curv_mean_' + curv_type + '.gii' # mesh.apply_transform(mesh.principal_inertia_transform) os.chdir( "/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Curvatures/Noise/" + cc + '_noise_' + str(int(sigma * 1000)))
import real_mesh_compute_all_curvatures import compute_all_curvatures import slam.plot as splt import numpy as np import generate_quadric_surfaces as gqs if __name__ == "__main__": ccc = ["sub_mesh0", "sub_mesh1", "sub_mesh2", "sub_mesh3", "sub_mesh4"] curv_types = ["Dong", "PetitJean", "Peyre", "Rusinkiewicz", "Taubin"] mm = "lhwhite" i = 0 for cc in ccc: os.chdir(r"/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature") data = list() mesh = sio.load_mesh(cc + ".gii") for curv_type in curv_types: print(curv_type) os.chdir(r"/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/data/sub_m/sub_m" + str(i)) texture_mean = sio.load_texture(cc + "_curv_mean_" + curv_type + ".gii") print(np.shape(texture_mean.darray)) data.append(texture_mean.darray) # splt.pyglet_plot(mesh, texture_mean.darray, color_map='jet') texture_gauss = sio.load_texture(cc + "_curv_gauss_" + curv_type + ".gii") # splt.pyglet_plot(mesh, texture_gauss.darray, color_map='jet') #data = np.array(data) #print(data) data = np.array(data) print(np.shape(data))
class TestTopologyMethods(unittest.TestCase): # Sphere cut by two planes, with new vertices added at the intersection cutSphere_A = make_cut_sphere_a() # Sphere cut by one plane, with new vertices added at the intersection cutSphere_B = make_cut_sphere_b() # Sphere cut by two planes, with no new vertices added at the intersection cutSphere_C = sio.load_mesh("tests/data/topology/mesh_C.gii") # A 3D disk with height 0 and radius 2 disk_radius_2 = sio.load_mesh("tests/data/topology/mesh_D.gii") def test_boundaries_basic(self): mesh_a = self.cutSphere_A mesh_a_save = mesh_a.copy() boundary = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a) # Non modification assert (mesh_a.vertices == mesh_a_save.vertices).all() assert (mesh_a.faces == mesh_a_save.faces).all() # Correctness assert (len(boundary) == 2) # Type assert (isinstance(boundary, list)) assert (isinstance(boundary[0], list)) iterable = list(itertools.combinations(boundary, 2)) # Uniqueness for b1, b2 in iterable: assert set(b1).intersection(set(b2)) == set() def test_boundaries_triangles(self): mesh_a = distinct_triangles(5) mesh_b = random_triangles(5) boundary_a = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a) boundary_b = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_b) iterable_a = list(itertools.combinations(boundary_a, 2)) iterable_b = list(itertools.combinations(boundary_b, 2)) # Correctness assert (len(boundary_a) == 5) assert (len(boundary_b) == 5) # Uniqueness for b1, b2 in iterable_a: assert set(b1).intersection(set(b2)) == set() for b1, b2 in iterable_b: assert set(b1).intersection(set(b2)) == set() def test_angle_norm_boundary(self): # GET A DISK IN 3D radius = 2 mesh_a = self.disk_radius_2 coords3D = mesh_a.vertices # COMPUTE BOUNDARY boundary = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a) # Correctness assert (len(boundary) == 1) # COMPUTE ANGLE AND NORM VARIATIONS angles, norms = stop.boundary_angles(boundary[0], coords3D) angles = abs(180 - angles) sum_angles, sum_norms = sum(angles), sum(norms) # Computation on three arbitrary linked vertices three_angles, three_norms = stop.boundary_angles([0, 1, 2], coords3D) three_angles = abs(180 - three_angles) perimeter = radius * np.pi * 2 precision_A = .001 precision_B = .001 # Coherence of the angle sum and norm sum assert (np.isclose(sum_angles, 360, precision_A)) assert (np.isclose(sum_norms, perimeter, precision_B)) # Coherence of a partial angle and a partial norm variation assert (np.isclose(three_angles[1], 360 / len(coords3D), precision_A)) assert (np.isclose(three_norms[1], perimeter / len(coords3D), precision_B)) def test_boundaries_intersection_copy(self): mesh_a = self.cutSphere_A boundary = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a) b1 = boundary[0] b2 = boundary[1] b2_save = b2.copy() concat = b1 + b2 inter_1 = stop.boundaries_intersection([concat, b2]) inter_1 = inter_1[0][2] # Non modification assert (b2 == b2_save) # Type assert (isinstance(inter_1, list)) # Correctness assert (set(inter_1) == set(b2)) def test_close_mesh(self): mesh_a = self.cutSphere_C.copy() boundary_prev = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a) # Correctness assert (len(boundary_prev) == 2) mesh_a_closed, nvertices_added = stop.close_mesh(mesh_a) # Coherence assert (len(mesh_a_closed.vertices) == len(mesh_a.vertices) + nvertices_added) boundary_closed = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a_closed) # Mesh is now closed assert (len(boundary_closed) == 0) # Non modification of the vertices which are not on the boundaries sbase = (set(range(len(mesh_a.vertices)))) sbound1 = (set(boundary_prev[0])) sbound2 = (set(boundary_prev[1])) sbound = sbound1.union(sbound2) snot_bound = (sbase.difference(sbound)) for i in snot_bound: assert (mesh_a.vertices[i] == mesh_a_closed.vertices[i]).all() def test_remove_mesh_boundary_faces(self): mesh_a = self.cutSphere_A.copy() mesh_a_save = mesh_a.copy() boundary = stop.mesh_boundary(mesh_a) mesh_processed = stop.remove_mesh_boundary_faces(mesh_a, face_vertex_number=1) # Non modification assert (mesh_a.vertices == mesh_a_save.vertices).all() # Correctness # check that when removing all faces with any vertex on the boundary, # all the boundary vertices are removed from the mesh print(len(boundary[0])) print(len(mesh_a.vertices)) print(len(mesh_processed.vertices)) assert (len(mesh_processed.vertices) == len(mesh_a.vertices) - len(boundary[0]))
import numpy as np import as sio import os if __name__ == '__main__': list_str_meshes = [ 'sub_mesh0', 'sub_mesh1', 'sub_mesh2', 'sub_mesh3', 'sub_mesh4' ] data_path = "/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/" list_surfaces, list_densities, list_nbr_vertex = list(), list(), list() os.chdir(data_path) for str_mesh in list_str_meshes: mesh = sio.load_mesh(str_mesh + '.gii') # print(str_mesh, ' surface : ', mesh.area_faces.sum()) list_surfaces.append(mesh.area_faces.sum()) print(str_mesh, ' vertices nbr : ', np.shape(mesh.vertices)[0]) list_nbr_vertex.append(np.shape(mesh.vertices)[0]) print(str_mesh, ' density : ', np.shape(mesh.vertices)[0] / mesh.area_faces.sum()) list_densities.append( np.shape(mesh.vertices)[0] / mesh.area_faces.sum()) # Comparaison d'histogrammes
import slam.plot as splt import as sio import slam.remeshing as srem ############################################################################### # source object files source_mesh_file = 'data/example_mesh.gii' source_texture_file = 'data/example_texture.gii' source_spherical_mesh_file = 'data/example_mesh_spherical.gii' ############################################################################### # target object files target_mesh_file = 'data/example_mesh_2.gii' target_spherical_mesh_file = 'data/example_mesh_2_spherical.gii' source_mesh = sio.load_mesh(source_mesh_file) source_tex = sio.load_texture(source_texture_file) source_spherical_mesh = sio.load_mesh(source_spherical_mesh_file) target_mesh = sio.load_mesh(target_mesh_file) target_spherical_mesh = sio.load_mesh(target_spherical_mesh_file) interpolated_tex_values = \ srem.spherical_interpolation_nearest_neigbhor(source_spherical_mesh, target_spherical_mesh, source_tex.darray[0]) ############################################################################### # plot visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(mesh=source_mesh, tex=source_tex.darray[0], caption='source with curvature', cblabel='curvature')
plt.xlabel(' Noise') plt.ylabel(' MSE ') s = 0 for curv_type in curv_types: err= list() for sigma in Sigma: cc = 'hex_quad_k1_' + str(Ks[i][0]) + '_k2_' + str(Ks[i][1]) + '_' + str(nstep) + '_noise_' + str( int(sigma * 1000)) # os.chdir(r"/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Noise") # os.mkdir(cc ) # os.chdir(r"/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Noise/"+cc) # sio.write_mesh(mesh, cc+'.gii') list_exampels.append(cc) mesh_file = 'hex_quad_k1_' + str(Ks[i][0]) + '_k2_' + str(Ks[i][1]) + '_' + str(nstep) + '.gii' os.chdir("/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Curvatures/0Noise") mesh = sio.load_mesh(mesh_file) xx = sps.quadric_curv_mean(Ks[i][0], Ks[i][1])(mesh.vertices[:, 0], mesh.vertices[:, 1]) xx_m = np.zeros((nstep ** 2, 1)) texture_file = cc + '_curv_mean_' + curv_type + '.gii' # mesh.apply_transform(mesh.principal_inertia_transform) os.chdir( "/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Curvatures/Noise/" + cc) tex = sio.load_texture(texture_file) err.append(mean_squared_error(xx, tex.darray)) plt.plot( Sigma,err, color=couleur[s] , marker= 'o', label=str(curv_types[s])) print("Done for "+ cc[:-5]+ ' for '+ curv_type) # plt.text(Sigma[0], err[0], curv_types[s], fontsize=9) s += 1 # os.chdir(r"/hpc/meca/users/souani.a/curvature/Compute_curvatures/Curvatures/Figures/Mean_squarred_error_function_of_noise")
"marching_cube_level": self.input_spec.level, "smoothing_iterations": self.input_spec.smoothing_iter, "smoothing_dt": self.input_spec.smoothing_dt ======= "volume_file": self.inputs.image_file, "marching_cube_level": str(self.inputs.level), "smoothing_iterations": str(self.inputs.smoothing_iter), "smoothing_dt": str(self.inputs.smoothing_dt) >>>>>>> 02924efd7fd9ff93e10f0e0030a43b878812e288 }) ng.write(gii, gii_file) # Optional: Smooth the marching cube output with SLAM <<<<<<< HEAD if self.input_spec.smoothing_iter > 0: mesh = sdg.laplacian_mesh_smoothing( sio.load_mesh(gii_file), nb_iter=self.input_spec.smoothing_iter, dt=self.input_spec.smoothing_dt) sio.write_mesh(mesh, gii_file) ======= if self.inputs.smoothing_iter > 0: mesh = sdg.laplacian_mesh_smoothing( sio.load_mesh(gii_file), nb_iter=self.inputs.smoothing_iter, dt=self.inputs.smoothing_dt) sio.write_mesh(mesh, gii_file) return runtime >>>>>>> 02924efd7fd9ff93e10f0e0030a43b878812e288
# License: BSD (3-clause) # sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2 ############################################################################### # Importation of slam modules import slam.distortion as sdst import slam.differential_geometry as sdg import slam.plot as splt import as sio import numpy as np ############################################################################### # Loading an example mesh and a smoothed copy of it mesh = sio.load_mesh('data/example_mesh.gii') mesh_s = sdg.laplacian_mesh_smoothing(mesh, nb_iter=50, dt=0.1) ################################################################################ # Visualization of the original mesh visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(mesh=mesh, caption='original mesh') visb_sc.preview() ############################################################################### # Visualization of the smoothed mesh visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(mesh=mesh_s, caption='smoothed mesh', visb_sc=visb_sc) visb_sc.preview() ###############################################################################
#-------------------------------------------------------------------- # quadrilateral to triangular mesh Converter # result_path = '../Data/MESH_DATA/trimesh_gifti_all/' path = '../Data/MESH_DATA/mesh_gifti_all/TV_Dyn3D_5SL/' basename = 'output_TV_Dyn3D_5SL_3dRecbyReg' mesh_set = glob.glob(path+basename+'*.gii') mesh_set.sort() print(len(mesh_set)) for t in range(0,len(mesh_set)): print(t) prefix = mesh_set[t].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] print(prefix) gifti_file = result_path+prefix+'.gii' print(gifti_file) mesh = sio.load_mesh(mesh_set[t]) #mesh = trimesh.load_mesh(mesh_set[t]) sio.write_mesh(mesh, gifti_file)