def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
        weights = []
        for p in self.particles:
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                                          self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)

            # --->>> Insert code to compute weight for particle p here.
            # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
            # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
            measurement = []
            predicted_measurement = []

            # zt_component => measurement to a specific detected cylinder in the scan from particle p.
            for zt_component, landmark in assignment:
                    p, landmark, self.scanner_displacement))

                measurement, predicted_measurement))

        return weights
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
        weights = []
        for p in self.particles:
            #print p
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            #print cylinders
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                                          self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)
            #print assignment
            # --->>> Insert code to compute weight for particle p here.
            # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
            # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
            part_wt = 1
            for i in assignment:

                measurement, landmark = i
                predicted_measurement = self.h(p, landmark,
                part_wt *= self.probability_of_measurement(
                    measurement, predicted_measurement)

            #print p1

        return weights
Пример #3
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, return list of weights."""

        # --->>> Put the code of a previous solution here.
        # pass  # Remove.
        weights = []
        for p in self.particles:  # Loop in particles.
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            assignment = assign_cylinders(
                cylinders, p, self.scanner_displacement,
                landmarks)  # Assign once for each particle.

            # --->>> Insert code to compute weight for particle p here.
            # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
            # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
            # weights.append(1.0)  # Replace this.
            prob = 1.0
            for e in assignment:
                true_measurement, landmark = e
                predicted_measurement = self.h(p, landmark,
                prob *= self.probability_of_measurement(
                    true_measurement, predicted_measurement)
            #if prob == 1.0:
            #    prob = 0.0
        return weights
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
        weights = []
        for p in self.particles:
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                                          self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)

            # --->>> Insert code to compute weight for particle p here.
            # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
            # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
            measurement = []
            predicted_measurement = []

            # zt_component => measurement to a specific detected cylinder in the scan from particle p.
            for zt_component, landmark in assignment:
                    ParticleFilter.h(p, landmark, self.scanner_displacement))


        return weights
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
        weights = []
        for p in self.particles:
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)

            # --->>> Insert code to compute weight for particle p here.
            # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
            # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
            weights.append(1.0)  # Replace this.
        return weights
Пример #6
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
        weights = []
        for p in self.particles:
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                                          self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)

            # --->>> Insert code to compute weight for particle p here.
            # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
            # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
            weights.append(1.0)  # Replace this.
        return weights
 def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
     """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
     weights = []
     for p in self.particles:
         # Get list of tuples:
         # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
         assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
             self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)
         # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
         # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
         weight = 1
         for assign in assignment:
             predicted_measurement = self.h(p, assign[1], self.scanner_displacement)                
             weight *= self.probability_of_measurement(assign[0], predicted_measurement)
     return weights
 def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
     """Computes one weight for each particle, return list of weights."""
     weights = []
     for p in self.particles:
         weight = 1
         # Get list of tuples:
         # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
         assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p, self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)
         for a in assignment:
             d_,alpha_ = self.h(p,a[1],self.scanner_displacement)                
             weight = weight*self.probability_of_measurement((d_,alpha_),a[0])
         # --->>> Insert code to compute weight for particle p here.
         # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
         # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
         weights.append(weight)  # Replace this.
     return weights
Пример #9
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
        weights = []
        for p in self.particles:
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                                          self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)

            wt = 1.0
            for z, landmark in assignment:
                # Get measurement for given landmark
                z_pred = self.h(p, landmark, self.scanner_displacement)
                wt *= self.probability_of_measurement(z, z_pred)
        total = sum(weights)
        return [w / total for w in weights]
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
        weights = []
        for p in self.particles:
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)

            w = 1.
            for pair in assignment:
                predicted_measurement = self.h(p,pair[1],self.scanner_displacement)
                w = w * self.probability_of_measurement(pair[0],predicted_measurement)
            weights.append(w)  # Replace this.
        normalizing_factor = 1/sum(weights)
        weights = [normalizing_factor * w for w in weights]
        return weights
Пример #11
	def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
		"""Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
		weights = []
		for p in self.particles:
			# Get list of tuples:
			# [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
			assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
				self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)

			prob = 1.
			for tupl in assignment:
				meas_prime = self.h(p, tupl[1], self.scanner_displacement)
				prob *= self.probability_of_measurement(tupl[0], meas_prime)

		weights = np.array(weights)
		total = sum(weights)
		return weights/total
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
        weights = []

        for p in self.particles:
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            Final_prob = 1
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                                          self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)
            for i in range(len((assignment))):
                predicted_landmarks = self.h(p, assignment[i][1],
                Final_prob *= self.probability_of_measurement(
                    assignment[i][0], predicted_landmarks)

        return weights
Пример #13
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
        weights = []
        for p in self.particles:
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)

            # --->>> Insert code to compute weight for particle p here.
            w_p = 1
            for z, landmark in assignment:
                z_pred = self.h(p, landmark, self.scanner_displacement)
                w_p *= self.probability_of_measurement(z, z_pred)
            # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
            # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
            weights.append(w_p)  # Replace this.
        totalsum = sum(weights)
        return [w / totalsum for w in weights]
Пример #14
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
        weights = []

        for p in self.particles:
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            Final_prob = 1
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                                          self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)
            for i in range(len((assignment))):
                predicted_landmarks = self.h(p, assignment[i][1],
                Final_prob *= self.probability_of_measurement(
                    assignment[i][0], predicted_landmarks)
            # --->>> Insert code to compute weight for particle p here.
            # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
            # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
        return weights
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
        weights = []
        for p in self.particles:
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)

            # --->>> Insert code to compute weight for particle p here.
            # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
            # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
            total_weight = 1
            for pairing in assignment:
                expected_measurement = [0, 0]
                expected_measurement[0] = ( (p[0]-pairing[1][0])**2 + (p[1]-pairing[1][1])**2 )**0.5
                expected_measurement[1] = atan2( (pairing[1][1] - p[1]), (pairing[1][0] - p[0]) ) - p[2]
                total_weight *= self.probability_of_measurement(pairing[0], expected_measurement)
        return weights
Пример #16
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, returns list of weights."""
        weights = []
        for p in self.particles:
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)

            # --->>> Insert code to compute weight for particle p here.
            # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
            # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
            P= 1
            for i in xrange(len(assignment)):
            	p_measurement = self.h(p,assignment[i][1],self.scanner_displacement)
            	po = self.probability_of_measurement(assignment[i][0],p_measurement)
            	P *= po

        return weights
    def compute_weights(self, cylinders, landmarks):
        """Computes one weight for each particle, return list of weights."""

        # --->>> Put the code of a previous solution here.
        weights = []
        for p in self.particles:
            # Get list of tuples:
            # [ ((range_0, bearing_0), (landmark_x, landmark_y)), ... ]
            assignment = assign_cylinders(cylinders, p,
                                          self.scanner_displacement, landmarks)

            # --->>> Insert code to compute weight for particle p here.
            # This will require a loop over all (measurement, landmark)
            # in assignment. Append weight to the list of weights.
            weight = 1.0
            for pair in assignment:
                measurement, landmark = pair
                predicted_measurement = self.h(p, landmark,
                weight *= self.probability_of_measurement(
                    measurement, predicted_measurement)

            weights.append(weight)  # Replace this.
        return weights