Пример #1
 def calculate(self, Y_hat, Y, average='micro', weights=None):
     Y_hat, Y = check_XY(X=Y_hat, Y=Y)
     return metrics.fbeta_score(Y,
Пример #2
 def calculate(self, Y_hat, Y, average='macro', weights=None):
     Y_hat, Y = check_XY(X=Y_hat, Y=Y)
     return metrics.roc_auc_score(Y,
Пример #3
def _cross_validate_timeseries(estimator, X, Y, cv, repeat, metric,
                               random_state, shuffle, verbose):
	Conduct a k-fold cross validation on a TimeSeriesClassifier.

	estimator : TimeSeriesClassifier
		Estimator to use.

	X : list of array-like, shape=(n_series, n_samples, n_features)
		Data to use for cross-validation. Series can be of different lengths.

	Y : list of array-like, shape=(n_series, n_samples,)
		Target labels to use for cross-validation.

	cv : int
		Number of folds to use in k-fold cross-validation

	repeat : int
		Number of times to repeat cross-validation to average
		the results.

	metric : Metric
		Metric to use for scoring.

	random_state : RandomState
		RandomState for shuffling.

	shuffle : bool
		Determine if cross-validation should shuffle the data.

	verbose : int
		Determines the verbosity of cross-validation.
		Higher verbose levels result in more output logged.

	score : float
		The average score across the cross-validation.

	Y_hat : list of ndarray, shape=(n_series, n_samples, n_classes)
		The cross-validated predictions.
    e_verbose = estimator.verbose
    suppressed_verbose = verbose - 1 if verbose >= 1 else 0
    for x, y in zip(X, Y):
        check_XY(X=x, Y=y)
        X_, Y_ = np.concatenate(X), np.concatenate(Y)
        raise ValueError("Inputs have different number of features")
    for i in range(len(Y)):
        if Y[i].ndim == 1: Y[i] = Y[i].reshape(-1, 1)
    Y_hat = [np.zeros((len(y), len(np.unique(y)))) for y in Y]
    lens = [len(y) for y in Y]
    for r in range(repeat):
        if verbose > 0: print("Fitting on repeat", r + 1)
        X_s, Y_s, i_s = sk_shuffle(X,
                                   np.arange(len(X), dtype=int),
        X_folds, Y_folds, i_folds = (np.array_split(
            np.array(X_s, dtype=object),
            cv), np.array_split(np.array(Y_s, dtype=object), cv),
                                         np.array(i_s, dtype=object), cv))
        if verbose == 1: folds = trange(cv)
        else: folds = range(cv)
        for f in folds:
            if verbose > 1: print("Fitting on fold", f + 1)
            x_ = np.concatenate(
                X_folds[:-1]) if len(X_folds) > 2 else X_folds[0]
            y_ = np.concatenate(
                Y_folds[:-1]) if len(Y_folds) > 2 else Y_folds[0]
            e = deepcopy(estimator)
            e.fit(x_, y_)
            if verbose > 1: print("Predicting for fold", f + 1)
            Y_hat_ = e.predict_proba(X_folds[-1])
            if verbose > 2:
                scores_, lens_ = [], [len(y_f) for y_f in Y_folds[-1]]
                for y_hat, y in zip(Y_hat_, Y_folds[-1]):
                    p = np.argmax(y_hat, axis=1)
                    scores_.append(metric.score(p, y))
                score_ = np.average(scores_, weights=lens_)
                print("Score:", score_)
            for i in range(len(Y_hat_)):
                Y_hat[i_folds[-1][i]] += Y_hat_[i] / repeat
            X_folds = X_folds[-1:] + X_folds[:-1]
            Y_folds = Y_folds[-1:] + Y_folds[:-1]
            i_folds = i_folds[-1:] + i_folds[:-1]
    scores = []
    for y_hat, y in zip(Y_hat, Y):
        p = np.argmax(y_hat, axis=1)
        scores.append(metric.score(p, y))
    score = np.average(scores, weights=lens)
    return score, Y_hat
Пример #4
def _cross_validate_classic(estimator, X, Y, cv, repeat, metric, random_state,
                            shuffle, verbose):
	Conduct a k-fold cross validation on a Classifier.

	estimator : Classifier
		Estimator to use.

	X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
		Data to use for cross-validation.

	Y : array-like, shape=(n_samples,)
		Target labels to use for cross-validation.

	cv : int
		Number of folds to use in k-fold cross-validation

	repeat : int
		Number of times to repeat cross-validation to average
		the results.

	metric : Metric
		Metric to use for scoring.

	random_state : RandomState
		RandomState for shuffling.

	shuffle : bool
		Determine if cross-validation should shuffle the data.

	verbose : int
		Determines the verbosity of cross-validation.
		Higher verbose levels result in more output logged.

	score : float
		The average score across the cross-validation.

	Y_hat : ndarray, shape=(n_samples, n_classes)
		The cross-validated predictions.
    e_verbose = estimator.verbose
    suppressed_verbose = verbose - 1 if verbose >= 1 else 0
    X, Y = check_XY(X=X, Y=Y)
    if Y.ndim == 1: Y = Y.reshape(-1, 1)
    Y_hat = np.zeros((len(Y), len(np.unique(Y))))
    for r in range(repeat):
        if verbose > 0: print("Fitting on repeat", r + 1)
        x_y = np.concatenate((X, Y, np.arange(len(X)).reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1)
        if shuffle: random_state.shuffle(x_y)
        X_s, Y_s, i_s = x_y[:, :X.shape[-1]], x_y[:, X.shape[-1]:-1], x_y[:,
        X_folds, Y_folds, i_folds = (np.array_split(X_s, cv),
                                     np.array_split(Y_s, cv),
                                     np.array_split(i_s, cv))
        if verbose == 1: folds = trange(cv)
        else: folds = range(cv)
        for f in folds:
            if verbose > 1: print("Fitting on fold", f + 1)
            x_ = np.concatenate(
                X_folds[:-1]) if len(X_folds) > 2 else X_folds[0]
            y_ = np.concatenate(
                Y_folds[:-1]) if len(Y_folds) > 2 else Y_folds[0]
            e = deepcopy(estimator)
            e.fit(x_, y_)
            if verbose > 1: print("Predicting for fold", f + 1)
            Y_hat_ = e.predict_proba(X_folds[-1])
            if verbose > 2:
                score_ = metric.score(np.argmax(Y_hat_, axis=1), Y_folds[-1])
                print("Score:", score_)
            Y_hat[i_folds[-1].astype(int)] += Y_hat_ / repeat
            X_folds = X_folds[-1:] + X_folds[:-1]
            Y_folds = Y_folds[-1:] + Y_folds[:-1]
            i_folds = i_folds[-1:] + i_folds[:-1]
    p = np.argmax(Y_hat, axis=1)
    return metric.score(p, Y), Y_hat
Пример #5
 def calculate(self, Y_hat, Y, weights=None):
     Y_hat, Y = check_XY(X=Y_hat, Y=Y)
     return metrics.accuracy_score(Y, Y_hat, sample_weight=weights)