Пример #1
def parse_expression(expression, caller_context):

        str: expression
    #  Expression
    #    = Expression ('++' | '--')
    #    | NewExpression
    #    | IndexAccess
    #    | MemberAccess
    #    | FunctionCall
    #    | '(' Expression ')'
    #    | ('!' | '~' | 'delete' | '++' | '--' | '+' | '-') Expression
    #    | Expression '**' Expression
    #    | Expression ('*' | '/' | '%') Expression
    #    | Expression ('+' | '-') Expression
    #    | Expression ('<<' | '>>') Expression
    #    | Expression '&' Expression
    #    | Expression '^' Expression
    #    | Expression '|' Expression
    #    | Expression ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=') Expression
    #    | Expression ('==' | '!=') Expression
    #    | Expression '&&' Expression
    #    | Expression '||' Expression
    #    | Expression '?' Expression ':' Expression
    #    | Expression ('=' | '|=' | '^=' | '&=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=') Expression
    #    | PrimaryExpression

    # The AST naming does not follow the spec
    name = expression[caller_context.get_key()]
    is_compact_ast = caller_context.is_compact_ast

    if name == 'UnaryOperation':
        if is_compact_ast:
            attributes = expression
            attributes = expression['attributes']
        assert 'prefix' in attributes
        operation_type = UnaryOperationType.get_type(attributes['operator'],

        if is_compact_ast:
            expression = parse_expression(expression['subExpression'],
            assert len(expression['children']) == 1
            expression = parse_expression(expression['children'][0],
        unary_op = UnaryOperation(expression, operation_type)
        return unary_op

    elif name == 'BinaryOperation':
        if is_compact_ast:
            attributes = expression
            attributes = expression['attributes']
        operation_type = BinaryOperationType.get_type(attributes['operator'])

        if is_compact_ast:
            left_expression = parse_expression(expression['leftExpression'],
            right_expression = parse_expression(expression['rightExpression'],
            assert len(expression['children']) == 2
            left_expression = parse_expression(expression['children'][0],
            right_expression = parse_expression(expression['children'][1],
        binary_op = BinaryOperation(left_expression, right_expression,
        return binary_op

    elif name == 'FunctionCall':
        return parse_call(expression, caller_context)

    elif name == 'TupleExpression':
            For expression like
            (a,,c) = (1,2,3)
            the AST provides only two children in the left side
            We check the type provided (tuple(uint256,,uint256))
            To determine that there is an empty variable
            Otherwhise we would not be able to determine that
            a = 1, c = 3, and 2 is lost

            Note: this is only possible with Solidity >= 0.4.12
        if is_compact_ast:
            expressions = [
                parse_expression(e, caller_context) if e else None
                for e in expression['components']
            if 'children' not in expression:
                attributes = expression['attributes']
                components = attributes['components']
                expressions = [
                    parse_expression(c, caller_context) if c else None
                    for c in components
                expressions = [
                    parse_expression(e, caller_context)
                    for e in expression['children']
        # Add none for empty tuple items
        if "attributes" in expression:
            if "type" in expression['attributes']:
                t = expression['attributes']['type']
                if ',,' in t or '(,' in t or ',)' in t:
                    t = t[len('tuple('):-1]
                    elems = t.split(',')
                    for idx in range(len(elems)):
                        if elems[idx] == '':
                            expressions.insert(idx, None)
        t = TupleExpression(expressions)
        return t

    elif name == 'Conditional':
        if is_compact_ast:
            if_expression = parse_expression(expression['condition'],
            then_expression = parse_expression(expression['trueExpression'],
            else_expression = parse_expression(expression['falseExpression'],
            children = expression['children']
            assert len(children) == 3
            if_expression = parse_expression(children[0], caller_context)
            then_expression = parse_expression(children[1], caller_context)
            else_expression = parse_expression(children[2], caller_context)
        conditional = ConditionalExpression(if_expression, then_expression,
        return conditional

    elif name == 'Assignment':
        if is_compact_ast:
            left_expression = parse_expression(expression['leftHandSide'],
            right_expression = parse_expression(expression['rightHandSide'],

            operation_type = AssignmentOperationType.get_type(

            operation_return_type = expression['typeDescriptions'][
            attributes = expression['attributes']
            children = expression['children']
            assert len(expression['children']) == 2
            left_expression = parse_expression(children[0], caller_context)
            right_expression = parse_expression(children[1], caller_context)

            operation_type = AssignmentOperationType.get_type(
            operation_return_type = attributes['type']

        assignement = AssignmentOperation(left_expression, right_expression,
        return assignement

    elif name == 'Literal':
        assert 'children' not in expression

        if is_compact_ast:
            value = expression['value']
            if value:
                if 'subdenomination' in expression and expression[
                    value = str(
            elif not value and value != "":
                value = '0x' + expression['hexValue']
            type = expression['typeDescriptions']['typeString']

            # Length declaration for array was None until solc 0.5.5
            if type is None:
                if expression['kind'] == 'number':
                    type = 'int_const'
            value = expression['attributes']['value']
            if value:
                if 'subdenomination' in expression['attributes'] and expression[
                    value = str(
            elif value is None:
                # for literal declared as hex
                # see https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.4.25/types.html?highlight=hex#hexadecimal-literals
                assert 'hexvalue' in expression['attributes']
                value = '0x' + expression['attributes']['hexvalue']
            type = expression['attributes']['type']

        if type is None:
            if value.isdecimal():
                type = ElementaryType('uint256')
                type = ElementaryType('string')
        elif type.startswith('int_const '):
            type = ElementaryType('uint256')
        elif type.startswith('bool'):
            type = ElementaryType('bool')
        elif type.startswith('address'):
            type = ElementaryType('address')
            type = ElementaryType('string')
        literal = Literal(value, type)
        return literal

    elif name == 'Identifier':
        assert 'children' not in expression

        t = None

        if caller_context.is_compact_ast:
            value = expression['name']
            t = expression['typeDescriptions']['typeString']
            value = expression['attributes']['value']
            if 'type' in expression['attributes']:
                t = expression['attributes']['type']

        if t:
            found = re.findall(
                '[struct|enum|function|modifier] \(([\[\] ()a-zA-Z0-9\.,_]*)\)',
            assert len(found) <= 1
            if found:
                value = value + '(' + found[0] + ')'
                value = filter_name(value)

        if 'referencedDeclaration' in expression:
            referenced_declaration = expression['referencedDeclaration']
            referenced_declaration = None
        var = find_variable(value, caller_context, referenced_declaration)

        identifier = Identifier(var)
        return identifier

    elif name == 'IndexAccess':
        if is_compact_ast:
            index_type = expression['typeDescriptions']['typeString']
            left = expression['baseExpression']
            right = expression['indexExpression']
            index_type = expression['attributes']['type']
            children = expression['children']
            assert len(children) == 2
            left = children[0]
            right = children[1]
        # IndexAccess is used to describe ElementaryTypeNameExpression
        # if abi.decode is used
        # For example, abi.decode(data, ...(uint[]) )
        if right is None:
            return _parse_elementary_type_name_expression(
                left, is_compact_ast, caller_context)

        left_expression = parse_expression(left, caller_context)
        right_expression = parse_expression(right, caller_context)
        index = IndexAccess(left_expression, right_expression, index_type)
        return index

    elif name == 'MemberAccess':
        if caller_context.is_compact_ast:
            member_name = expression['memberName']
            member_type = expression['typeDescriptions']['typeString']
            member_expression = parse_expression(expression['expression'],
            member_name = expression['attributes']['member_name']
            member_type = expression['attributes']['type']
            children = expression['children']
            assert len(children) == 1
            member_expression = parse_expression(children[0], caller_context)
        if str(member_expression) == 'super':
            super_name = parse_super_name(expression, is_compact_ast)
            if isinstance(caller_context, Contract):
                inheritance = caller_context.inheritance
                assert isinstance(caller_context, Function)
                inheritance = caller_context.contract.inheritance
            var = None
            for father in inheritance:
                    var = find_variable(super_name, father)
                except VariableNotFound:
            if var is None:
                raise VariableNotFound(
                    'Variable not found: {}'.format(super_name))
            return SuperIdentifier(var)
        member_access = MemberAccess(member_name, member_type,
        if str(member_access) in SOLIDITY_VARIABLES_COMPOSED:
            return Identifier(SolidityVariableComposed(str(member_access)))
        return member_access

    elif name == 'ElementaryTypeNameExpression':
        return _parse_elementary_type_name_expression(expression,

    # NewExpression is not a root expression, it's always the child of another expression
    elif name == 'NewExpression':

        if is_compact_ast:
            type_name = expression['typeName']
            children = expression['children']
            assert len(children) == 1
            type_name = children[0]

        if type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == 'ArrayTypeName':
            depth = 0
            while type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == 'ArrayTypeName':
                # Note: dont conserve the size of the array if provided
                # We compute it directly
                if is_compact_ast:
                    type_name = type_name['baseType']
                    type_name = type_name['children'][0]
                depth += 1
            if type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == 'ElementaryTypeName':
                if is_compact_ast:
                    array_type = ElementaryType(type_name['name'])
                    array_type = ElementaryType(
            elif type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == 'UserDefinedTypeName':
                if is_compact_ast:
                    array_type = parse_type(UnknownType(type_name['name']),
                    array_type = parse_type(
            elif type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == 'FunctionTypeName':
                array_type = parse_type(type_name, caller_context)
                raise ParsingError('Incorrect type array {}'.format(type_name))
            array = NewArray(depth, array_type)
            return array

        if type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == 'ElementaryTypeName':
            if is_compact_ast:
                elem_type = ElementaryType(type_name['name'])
                elem_type = ElementaryType(type_name['attributes']['name'])
            new_elem = NewElementaryType(elem_type)
            return new_elem

        assert type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == 'UserDefinedTypeName'

        if is_compact_ast:
            contract_name = type_name['name']
            contract_name = type_name['attributes']['name']
        new = NewContract(contract_name)
        return new

    elif name == 'ModifierInvocation':

        if is_compact_ast:
            called = parse_expression(expression['modifierName'],
            arguments = []
            if expression['arguments']:
                arguments = [
                    parse_expression(a, caller_context)
                    for a in expression['arguments']
            children = expression['children']
            called = parse_expression(children[0], caller_context)
            arguments = [
                parse_expression(a, caller_context) for a in children[1::]

        call = CallExpression(called, arguments, 'Modifier')
        return call

    raise ParsingError('Expression not parsed %s' % name)
Пример #2
def find_variable(var_name, caller_context, referenced_declaration=None):

    if isinstance(caller_context, Contract):
        function = None
        contract = caller_context
    elif isinstance(caller_context, Function):
        function = caller_context
        contract = function.contract
        raise ParsingError('Incorrect caller context')

    if function:
        # We look for variable declared with the referencedDeclaration attr
        func_variables = function.variables_renamed
        if referenced_declaration and referenced_declaration in func_variables:
            return func_variables[referenced_declaration]
        # If not found, check for name
        func_variables = function.variables_as_dict()
        if var_name in func_variables:
            return func_variables[var_name]
        # A local variable can be a pointer
        # for example
        # function test(function(uint) internal returns(bool) t) interna{
        # Will have a local variable t which will match the signature
        # t(uint256)
        func_variables_ptr = {
            get_pointer_name(f): f
            for f in function.variables
        if var_name and var_name in func_variables_ptr:
            return func_variables_ptr[var_name]

    contract_variables = contract.variables_as_dict()
    if var_name in contract_variables:
        return contract_variables[var_name]

    # A state variable can be a pointer
    conc_variables_ptr = {get_pointer_name(f): f for f in contract.variables}
    if var_name and var_name in conc_variables_ptr:
        return conc_variables_ptr[var_name]

    functions = contract.functions_as_dict()
    if var_name in functions:
        return functions[var_name]

    modifiers = contract.modifiers_as_dict()
    if var_name in modifiers:
        return modifiers[var_name]

    structures = contract.structures_as_dict()
    if var_name in structures:
        return structures[var_name]

    events = contract.events_as_dict()
    if var_name in events:
        return events[var_name]

    enums = contract.enums_as_dict()
    if var_name in enums:
        return enums[var_name]

    # If the enum is refered as its name rather than its canonicalName
    enums = {e.name: e for e in contract.enums}
    if var_name in enums:
        return enums[var_name]

    # Could refer to any enum
    all_enums = [c.enums_as_dict() for c in contract.slither.contracts]
    all_enums = {k: v for d in all_enums for k, v in d.items()}
    if var_name in all_enums:
        return all_enums[var_name]

    if var_name in SOLIDITY_VARIABLES:
        return SolidityVariable(var_name)

    if var_name in SOLIDITY_FUNCTIONS:
        return SolidityFunction(var_name)

    contracts = contract.slither.contracts_as_dict()
    if var_name in contracts:
        return contracts[var_name]

    if referenced_declaration:
        for contract in contract.slither.contracts:
            if contract.id == referenced_declaration:
                return contract
        for function in contract.slither.functions:
            if function.referenced_declaration == referenced_declaration:
                return function

    raise VariableNotFound('Variable not found: {} (context {})'.format(
        var_name, caller_context))
Пример #3
def find_variable(var_name,
    # variable are looked from the contract declarer
    # functions can be shadowed, but are looked from the contract instance, rather than the contract declarer
    # the difference between function and variable come from the fact that an internal call, or an variable access
    # in a function does not behave similariy, for example in:
    # contract C{
    #   function f(){
    #     state_var = 1
    #     f2()
    #  }
    # state_var will refer to C.state_var, no mater if C is inherited
    # while f2() will refer to the function definition of the inherited contract (C.f2() in the context of C, or
    # the contract inheriting from C)
    # for events it's unclear what should be the behavior, as they can be shadowed, but there is not impact
    # structure/enums cannot be shadowed

    if isinstance(caller_context, Contract):
        function = None
        contract = caller_context
        contract_declarer = caller_context
    elif isinstance(caller_context, Function):
        function = caller_context
        contract = function.contract
        contract_declarer = function.contract_declarer
        raise ParsingError('Incorrect caller context')

    if function:
        # We look for variable declared with the referencedDeclaration attr
        func_variables = function.variables_renamed
        if referenced_declaration and referenced_declaration in func_variables:
            return func_variables[referenced_declaration]
        # If not found, check for name
        func_variables = function.variables_as_dict()
        if var_name in func_variables:
            return func_variables[var_name]
        # A local variable can be a pointer
        # for example
        # function test(function(uint) internal returns(bool) t) interna{
        # Will have a local variable t which will match the signature
        # t(uint256)
        func_variables_ptr = {
            get_pointer_name(f): f
            for f in function.variables
        if var_name and var_name in func_variables_ptr:
            return func_variables_ptr[var_name]

    # variable are looked from the contract declarer
    contract_variables = contract_declarer.variables_as_dict()
    if var_name in contract_variables:
        return contract_variables[var_name]

    # A state variable can be a pointer
    conc_variables_ptr = {
        get_pointer_name(f): f
        for f in contract_declarer.variables
    if var_name and var_name in conc_variables_ptr:
        return conc_variables_ptr[var_name]

    if is_super:
        getter_available = lambda f: f.functions_declared
        d = {f.canonical_name: f for f in contract.functions}
        functions = {
            f.full_name: f
            for f in contract_declarer.available_elements_from_inheritances(
                d, getter_available).values()
        functions = contract.available_functions_as_dict()
    if var_name in functions:
        return functions[var_name]

    if is_super:
        getter_available = lambda m: m.modifiers_declared
        d = {m.canonical_name: m for m in contract.modifiers}
        modifiers = {
            m.full_name: m
            for m in contract_declarer.available_elements_from_inheritances(
                d, getter_available).values()
        modifiers = contract.available_modifiers_as_dict()
    if var_name in modifiers:
        return modifiers[var_name]

    # structures are looked on the contract declarer
    structures = contract.structures_as_dict()
    if var_name in structures:
        return structures[var_name]

    events = contract.events_as_dict()
    if var_name in events:
        return events[var_name]

    enums = contract.enums_as_dict()
    if var_name in enums:
        return enums[var_name]

    # If the enum is refered as its name rather than its canonicalName
    enums = {e.name: e for e in contract.enums}
    if var_name in enums:
        return enums[var_name]

    # Could refer to any enum
    all_enums = [c.enums_as_dict() for c in contract.slither.contracts]
    all_enums = {k: v for d in all_enums for k, v in d.items()}
    if var_name in all_enums:
        return all_enums[var_name]

    if var_name in SOLIDITY_VARIABLES:
        return SolidityVariable(var_name)

    if var_name in SOLIDITY_FUNCTIONS:
        return SolidityFunction(var_name)

    contracts = contract.slither.contracts_as_dict()
    if var_name in contracts:
        return contracts[var_name]

    if referenced_declaration:
        for contract in contract.slither.contracts:
            if contract.id == referenced_declaration:
                return contract
        for function in contract.slither.functions:
            if function.referenced_declaration == referenced_declaration:
                return function

    raise VariableNotFound('Variable not found: {} (context {})'.format(
        var_name, caller_context))
Пример #4
def parse_expression(expression: Dict, caller_context: CallerContext) -> "Expression":
    # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks,too-many-statements

        str: expression
    #  Expression
    #    = Expression ('++' | '--')
    #    | NewExpression
    #    | IndexAccess
    #    | MemberAccess
    #    | FunctionCall
    #    | '(' Expression ')'
    #    | ('!' | '~' | 'delete' | '++' | '--' | '+' | '-') Expression
    #    | Expression '**' Expression
    #    | Expression ('*' | '/' | '%') Expression
    #    | Expression ('+' | '-') Expression
    #    | Expression ('<<' | '>>') Expression
    #    | Expression '&' Expression
    #    | Expression '^' Expression
    #    | Expression '|' Expression
    #    | Expression ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=') Expression
    #    | Expression ('==' | '!=') Expression
    #    | Expression '&&' Expression
    #    | Expression '||' Expression
    #    | Expression '?' Expression ':' Expression
    #    | Expression ('=' | '|=' | '^=' | '&=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=') Expression
    #    | PrimaryExpression
    # The AST naming does not follow the spec
    name = expression[caller_context.get_key()]
    is_compact_ast = caller_context.is_compact_ast
    src = expression["src"]

    if name == "UnaryOperation":
        if is_compact_ast:
            attributes = expression
            attributes = expression["attributes"]
        assert "prefix" in attributes
        operation_type = UnaryOperationType.get_type(attributes["operator"], attributes["prefix"])

        if is_compact_ast:
            expression = parse_expression(expression["subExpression"], caller_context)
            assert len(expression["children"]) == 1
            expression = parse_expression(expression["children"][0], caller_context)
        unary_op = UnaryOperation(expression, operation_type)
        unary_op.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
        return unary_op

    if name == "BinaryOperation":
        if is_compact_ast:
            attributes = expression
            attributes = expression["attributes"]
        operation_type = BinaryOperationType.get_type(attributes["operator"])

        if is_compact_ast:
            left_expression = parse_expression(expression["leftExpression"], caller_context)
            right_expression = parse_expression(expression["rightExpression"], caller_context)
            assert len(expression["children"]) == 2
            left_expression = parse_expression(expression["children"][0], caller_context)
            right_expression = parse_expression(expression["children"][1], caller_context)
        binary_op = BinaryOperation(left_expression, right_expression, operation_type)
        binary_op.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
        return binary_op

    if name in "FunctionCall":
        return parse_call(expression, caller_context)

    if name == "FunctionCallOptions":
        # call/gas info are handled in parse_call
        if is_compact_ast:
            called = parse_expression(expression["expression"], caller_context)
            called = parse_expression(expression["children"][0], caller_context)
        assert isinstance(called, (MemberAccess, NewContract, Identifier, TupleExpression))
        return called

    if name == "TupleExpression":
        #     For expression like
        #     (a,,c) = (1,2,3)
        #     the AST provides only two children in the left side
        #     We check the type provided (tuple(uint256,,uint256))
        #     To determine that there is an empty variable
        #     Otherwhise we would not be able to determine that
        #     a = 1, c = 3, and 2 is lost
        #     Note: this is only possible with Solidity >= 0.4.12
        if is_compact_ast:
            expressions = [
                parse_expression(e, caller_context) if e else None for e in expression["components"]
            if "children" not in expression:
                attributes = expression["attributes"]
                components = attributes["components"]
                expressions = [
                    parse_expression(c, caller_context) if c else None for c in components
                expressions = [parse_expression(e, caller_context) for e in expression["children"]]
        # Add none for empty tuple items
        if "attributes" in expression:
            if "type" in expression["attributes"]:
                t = expression["attributes"]["type"]
                if ",," in t or "(," in t or ",)" in t:
                    t = t[len("tuple(") : -1]
                    elems = t.split(",")
                    for idx, _ in enumerate(elems):
                        if elems[idx] == "":
                            expressions.insert(idx, None)
        t = TupleExpression(expressions)
        t.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
        return t

    if name == "Conditional":
        if is_compact_ast:
            if_expression = parse_expression(expression["condition"], caller_context)
            then_expression = parse_expression(expression["trueExpression"], caller_context)
            else_expression = parse_expression(expression["falseExpression"], caller_context)
            children = expression["children"]
            assert len(children) == 3
            if_expression = parse_expression(children[0], caller_context)
            then_expression = parse_expression(children[1], caller_context)
            else_expression = parse_expression(children[2], caller_context)
        conditional = ConditionalExpression(if_expression, then_expression, else_expression)
        conditional.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
        return conditional

    if name == "Assignment":
        if is_compact_ast:
            left_expression = parse_expression(expression["leftHandSide"], caller_context)
            right_expression = parse_expression(expression["rightHandSide"], caller_context)

            operation_type = AssignmentOperationType.get_type(expression["operator"])

            operation_return_type = expression["typeDescriptions"]["typeString"]
            attributes = expression["attributes"]
            children = expression["children"]
            assert len(expression["children"]) == 2
            left_expression = parse_expression(children[0], caller_context)
            right_expression = parse_expression(children[1], caller_context)

            operation_type = AssignmentOperationType.get_type(attributes["operator"])
            operation_return_type = attributes["type"]

        assignement = AssignmentOperation(
            left_expression, right_expression, operation_type, operation_return_type
        assignement.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
        return assignement

    if name == "Literal":

        subdenomination = None

        assert "children" not in expression

        if is_compact_ast:
            value = expression["value"]
            if value:
                if "subdenomination" in expression and expression["subdenomination"]:
                    subdenomination = expression["subdenomination"]
            elif not value and value != "":
                value = "0x" + expression["hexValue"]
            type_candidate = expression["typeDescriptions"]["typeString"]

            # Length declaration for array was None until solc 0.5.5
            if type_candidate is None:
                if expression["kind"] == "number":
                    type_candidate = "int_const"
            value = expression["attributes"]["value"]
            if value:
                if (
                    "subdenomination" in expression["attributes"]
                    and expression["attributes"]["subdenomination"]
                    subdenomination = expression["attributes"]["subdenomination"]
            elif value is None:
                # for literal declared as hex
                # see https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.4.25/types.html?highlight=hex#hexadecimal-literals
                assert "hexvalue" in expression["attributes"]
                value = "0x" + expression["attributes"]["hexvalue"]
            type_candidate = expression["attributes"]["type"]

        if type_candidate is None:
            if value.isdecimal():
                type_candidate = ElementaryType("uint256")
                type_candidate = ElementaryType("string")
        elif type_candidate.startswith("int_const "):
            type_candidate = ElementaryType("uint256")
        elif type_candidate.startswith("bool"):
            type_candidate = ElementaryType("bool")
        elif type_candidate.startswith("address"):
            type_candidate = ElementaryType("address")
            type_candidate = ElementaryType("string")
        literal = Literal(value, type_candidate, subdenomination)
        literal.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
        return literal

    if name == "Identifier":
        assert "children" not in expression

        t = None

        if caller_context.is_compact_ast:
            value = expression["name"]
            t = expression["typeDescriptions"]["typeString"]
            value = expression["attributes"]["value"]
            if "type" in expression["attributes"]:
                t = expression["attributes"]["type"]

        if t:
            found = re.findall("[struct|enum|function|modifier] \(([\[\] ()a-zA-Z0-9\.,_]*)\)", t)
            assert len(found) <= 1
            if found:
                value = value + "(" + found[0] + ")"
                value = filter_name(value)

        if "referencedDeclaration" in expression:
            referenced_declaration = expression["referencedDeclaration"]
            referenced_declaration = None

        var = find_variable(value, caller_context, referenced_declaration)

        identifier = Identifier(var)
        identifier.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
        return identifier

    if name == "IndexAccess":
        if is_compact_ast:
            index_type = expression["typeDescriptions"]["typeString"]
            left = expression["baseExpression"]
            right = expression.get("indexExpression", None)
            index_type = expression["attributes"]["type"]
            children = expression["children"]
            left = children[0]
            right = children[1] if len(children) > 1 else None
        # IndexAccess is used to describe ElementaryTypeNameExpression
        # if abi.decode is used
        # For example, abi.decode(data, ...(uint[]) )
        if right is None:
            ret = parse_expression(left, caller_context)
            # Nested array are not yet available in abi.decode
            if isinstance(ret, ElementaryTypeNameExpression):
                old_type = ret.type
                ret.type = ArrayType(old_type, None)
            return ret

        left_expression = parse_expression(left, caller_context)
        right_expression = parse_expression(right, caller_context)
        index = IndexAccess(left_expression, right_expression, index_type)
        index.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
        return index

    if name == "MemberAccess":
        if caller_context.is_compact_ast:
            member_name = expression["memberName"]
            member_type = expression["typeDescriptions"]["typeString"]
            # member_type = parse_type(
            #     UnknownType(expression["typeDescriptions"]["typeString"]), caller_context
            # )
            member_expression = parse_expression(expression["expression"], caller_context)
            member_name = expression["attributes"]["member_name"]
            member_type = expression["attributes"]["type"]
            # member_type = parse_type(UnknownType(expression["attributes"]["type"]), caller_context)
            children = expression["children"]
            assert len(children) == 1
            member_expression = parse_expression(children[0], caller_context)
        if str(member_expression) == "super":
            super_name = parse_super_name(expression, is_compact_ast)
            var = find_variable(super_name, caller_context, is_super=True)
            if var is None:
                raise VariableNotFound("Variable not found: {}".format(super_name))
            sup = SuperIdentifier(var)
            sup.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
            return sup
        member_access = MemberAccess(member_name, member_type, member_expression)
        member_access.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
        if str(member_access) in SOLIDITY_VARIABLES_COMPOSED:
            id_idx = Identifier(SolidityVariableComposed(str(member_access)))
            id_idx.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
            return id_idx
        return member_access

    if name == "ElementaryTypeNameExpression":
        return _parse_elementary_type_name_expression(expression, is_compact_ast, caller_context)

    # NewExpression is not a root expression, it's always the child of another expression
    if name == "NewExpression":

        if is_compact_ast:
            type_name = expression["typeName"]
            children = expression["children"]
            assert len(children) == 1
            type_name = children[0]

        if type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == "ArrayTypeName":
            depth = 0
            while type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == "ArrayTypeName":
                # Note: dont conserve the size of the array if provided
                # We compute it directly
                if is_compact_ast:
                    type_name = type_name["baseType"]
                    type_name = type_name["children"][0]
                depth += 1
            if type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == "ElementaryTypeName":
                if is_compact_ast:
                    array_type = ElementaryType(type_name["name"])
                    array_type = ElementaryType(type_name["attributes"]["name"])
            elif type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == "UserDefinedTypeName":
                if is_compact_ast:
                    array_type = parse_type(UnknownType(type_name["name"]), caller_context)
                    array_type = parse_type(
                        UnknownType(type_name["attributes"]["name"]), caller_context
            elif type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == "FunctionTypeName":
                array_type = parse_type(type_name, caller_context)
                raise ParsingError("Incorrect type array {}".format(type_name))
            array = NewArray(depth, array_type)
            array.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
            return array

        if type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == "ElementaryTypeName":
            if is_compact_ast:
                elem_type = ElementaryType(type_name["name"])
                elem_type = ElementaryType(type_name["attributes"]["name"])
            new_elem = NewElementaryType(elem_type)
            new_elem.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
            return new_elem

        assert type_name[caller_context.get_key()] == "UserDefinedTypeName"

        if is_compact_ast:

            # Changed introduced in Solidity 0.8
            # see https://github.com/crytic/slither/issues/794

            # TODO explore more the changes introduced in 0.8 and the usage of pathNode/IdentifierPath
            if "name" not in type_name:
                assert "pathNode" in type_name and "name" in type_name["pathNode"]
                contract_name = type_name["pathNode"]["name"]
                contract_name = type_name["name"]
            contract_name = type_name["attributes"]["name"]
        new = NewContract(contract_name)
        new.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
        return new

    if name == "ModifierInvocation":

        if is_compact_ast:
            called = parse_expression(expression["modifierName"], caller_context)
            arguments = []
            if expression.get("arguments", None):
                arguments = [parse_expression(a, caller_context) for a in expression["arguments"]]
            children = expression["children"]
            called = parse_expression(children[0], caller_context)
            arguments = [parse_expression(a, caller_context) for a in children[1::]]

        call = CallExpression(called, arguments, "Modifier")
        call.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
        return call

    if name == "IndexRangeAccess":
        # For now, we convert array slices to a direct array access
        # As a result the generated IR will lose the slices information
        # As far as I understand, array slice are only used in abi.decode
        # https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.6.12/types.html
        # TODO: Investigate array slices usage and implication for the IR
        base = parse_expression(expression["baseExpression"], caller_context)
        return base

    # Introduced with solc 0.8
    if name == "IdentifierPath":

        if caller_context.is_compact_ast:
            value = expression["name"]

            if "referencedDeclaration" in expression:
                referenced_declaration = expression["referencedDeclaration"]
                referenced_declaration = None

            var = find_variable(value, caller_context, referenced_declaration)

            identifier = Identifier(var)
            identifier.set_offset(src, caller_context.slither)
            return identifier

        raise ParsingError("IdentifierPath not currently supported for the legacy ast")

    raise ParsingError("Expression not parsed %s" % name)
Пример #5
def find_variable(
    var_name: str,
    caller_context: CallerContext,
    referenced_declaration: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[
    from slither.solc_parsing.declarations.function import FunctionSolc
    from slither.solc_parsing.declarations.contract import ContractSolc

    # variable are looked from the contract declarer
    # functions can be shadowed, but are looked from the contract instance, rather than the contract declarer
    # the difference between function and variable come from the fact that an internal call, or an variable access
    # in a function does not behave similariy, for example in:
    # contract C{
    #   function f(){
    #     state_var = 1
    #     f2()
    #  }
    # state_var will refer to C.state_var, no mater if C is inherited
    # while f2() will refer to the function definition of the inherited contract (C.f2() in the context of C, or
    # the contract inheriting from C)
    # for events it's unclear what should be the behavior, as they can be shadowed, but there is not impact
    # structure/enums cannot be shadowed

    direct_contracts, direct_functions_parser, sl, sl_parser = _find_variable_init(caller_context)

    all_contracts = sl.contracts
    all_functions_parser = sl_parser.all_functions_and_modifiers_parser

    # Look for all references delcaration
    # First look only in the context of function/contract
    # Then look everywhere
    # Because functions are copied between contracts, two functions can have the same ref
    # So we need to first look with respect to the direct context

    ret = _find_variable_from_ref_declaration(
        referenced_declaration, direct_contracts, direct_functions_parser
    if ret:
        return ret

    ret = _find_variable_from_ref_declaration(
        referenced_declaration, all_contracts, all_functions_parser
    if ret:
        return ret

    function_parser: Optional[FunctionSolc] = (
        caller_context if isinstance(caller_context, FunctionSolc) else None
    ret = _find_variable_in_function_parser(var_name, function_parser, referenced_declaration)
    if ret:
        return ret

    contract: Optional[Contract] = None
    contract_declarer: Optional[Contract] = None
    if isinstance(caller_context, ContractSolc):
        contract = caller_context.underlying_contract
        contract_declarer = caller_context.underlying_contract
    elif isinstance(caller_context, FunctionSolc):
        underlying_func = caller_context.underlying_function
        # If contract_parser is set to None, then underlying_function is a functionContract
        assert isinstance(underlying_func, FunctionContract)
        contract = underlying_func.contract
        contract_declarer = underlying_func.contract_declarer

    ret = _find_in_contract(var_name, contract, contract_declarer, is_super)
    if ret:
        return ret

    # Could refer to any enum
    all_enumss = [c.enums_as_dict for c in sl.contracts]
    all_enums = {k: v for d in all_enumss for k, v in d.items()}
    if var_name in all_enums:
        return all_enums[var_name]

    contracts = sl.contracts_as_dict
    if var_name in contracts:
        return contracts[var_name]

    if var_name in SOLIDITY_VARIABLES:
        return SolidityVariable(var_name)

    if var_name in SOLIDITY_FUNCTIONS:
        return SolidityFunction(var_name)

    # Top level must be at the end, if nothing else was found
    ret = _find_top_level(var_name, sl)
    if ret:
        return ret

    raise VariableNotFound("Variable not found: {} (context {})".format(var_name, caller_context))
Пример #6
def find_variable(
    var_name: str,
    caller_context: CallerContext,
    referenced_declaration: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[Variable, Function, Contract, SolidityVariable, SolidityFunction,
           Event, Enum, Structure]:
    from slither.solc_parsing.declarations.contract import ContractSolc
    from slither.solc_parsing.declarations.function import FunctionSolc

    # variable are looked from the contract declarer
    # functions can be shadowed, but are looked from the contract instance, rather than the contract declarer
    # the difference between function and variable come from the fact that an internal call, or an variable access
    # in a function does not behave similariy, for example in:
    # contract C{
    #   function f(){
    #     state_var = 1
    #     f2()
    #  }
    # state_var will refer to C.state_var, no mater if C is inherited
    # while f2() will refer to the function definition of the inherited contract (C.f2() in the context of C, or
    # the contract inheriting from C)
    # for events it's unclear what should be the behavior, as they can be shadowed, but there is not impact
    # structure/enums cannot be shadowed

    if isinstance(caller_context, ContractSolc):
        function: Optional[FunctionSolc] = None
        contract = caller_context.underlying_contract
        contract_declarer = caller_context.underlying_contract
    elif isinstance(caller_context, FunctionSolc):
        function = caller_context
        contract = function.underlying_function.contract
        contract_declarer = function.underlying_function.contract_declarer
        raise ParsingError("Incorrect caller context")

    if function:
        # We look for variable declared with the referencedDeclaration attr
        func_variables = function.variables_renamed
        if referenced_declaration and referenced_declaration in func_variables:
            return func_variables[referenced_declaration].underlying_variable
        # If not found, check for name
        func_variables = function.underlying_function.variables_as_dict
        if var_name in func_variables:
            return func_variables[var_name]
        # A local variable can be a pointer
        # for example
        # function test(function(uint) internal returns(bool) t) interna{
        # Will have a local variable t which will match the signature
        # t(uint256)
        func_variables_ptr = {
            get_pointer_name(f): f
            for f in function.underlying_function.variables
        if var_name and var_name in func_variables_ptr:
            return func_variables_ptr[var_name]

    # variable are looked from the contract declarer
    contract_variables = contract_declarer.variables_as_dict
    if var_name in contract_variables:
        return contract_variables[var_name]

    # A state variable can be a pointer
    conc_variables_ptr = {
        get_pointer_name(f): f
        for f in contract_declarer.variables
    if var_name and var_name in conc_variables_ptr:
        return conc_variables_ptr[var_name]

    if is_super:
        getter_available = lambda f: f.functions_declared
        d = {f.canonical_name: f for f in contract.functions}
        functions = {
            f.full_name: f
            for f in contract_declarer.available_elements_from_inheritances(
                d, getter_available).values()
        functions = contract.available_functions_as_dict()
    if var_name in functions:
        return functions[var_name]

    if is_super:
        getter_available = lambda m: m.modifiers_declared
        d = {m.canonical_name: m for m in contract.modifiers}
        modifiers = {
            m.full_name: m
            for m in contract_declarer.available_elements_from_inheritances(
                d, getter_available).values()
        modifiers = contract.available_modifiers_as_dict()
    if var_name in modifiers:
        return modifiers[var_name]

    # structures are looked on the contract declarer
    structures = contract.structures_as_dict
    if var_name in structures:
        return structures[var_name]

    structures_top_level = contract.slither.top_level_structures
    for st in structures_top_level:
        if st.name == var_name:
            return st

    events = contract.events_as_dict
    if var_name in events:
        return events[var_name]

    enums = contract.enums_as_dict
    if var_name in enums:
        return enums[var_name]

    enums_top_level = contract.slither.top_level_enums
    for enum in enums_top_level:
        if enum.name == var_name:
            return enum

    # If the enum is refered as its name rather than its canonicalName
    enums = {e.name: e for e in contract.enums}
    if var_name in enums:
        return enums[var_name]

    # Could refer to any enum
    all_enums = [c.enums_as_dict for c in contract.slither.contracts]
    all_enums = {k: v for d in all_enums for k, v in d.items()}
    if var_name in all_enums:
        return all_enums[var_name]

    if var_name in SOLIDITY_VARIABLES:
        return SolidityVariable(var_name)

    if var_name in SOLIDITY_FUNCTIONS:
        return SolidityFunction(var_name)

    contracts = contract.slither.contracts_as_dict
    if var_name in contracts:
        return contracts[var_name]

    if referenced_declaration:
        # id of the contracts is the referenced declaration
        # This is not true for the functions, as we dont always have the referenced_declaration
        # But maybe we could? (TODO)
        for contract_candidate in contract.slither.contracts:
            if contract_candidate.id == referenced_declaration:
                return contract_candidate
        for function_candidate in caller_context.slither_parser.all_functions_parser:
            if function_candidate.referenced_declaration == referenced_declaration:
                return function_candidate.underlying_function

    raise VariableNotFound("Variable not found: {} (context {})".format(
        var_name, caller_context))
Пример #7
def find_variable(
    var_name: str,
    caller_context: CallerContextExpression,
    referenced_declaration: Optional[int] = None,
    is_super: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[
    Return the variable found and a boolean indicating if the variable was created
    If the variable was created, it has no source mapping, and it the caller must add it

    :param var_name:
    :type var_name:
    :param caller_context:
    :type caller_context:
    :param referenced_declaration:
    :type referenced_declaration:
    :param is_super:
    :type is_super:
    from slither.solc_parsing.declarations.function import FunctionSolc
    from slither.solc_parsing.declarations.contract import ContractSolc

    # variable are looked from the contract declarer
    # functions can be shadowed, but are looked from the contract instance, rather than the contract declarer
    # the difference between function and variable come from the fact that an internal call, or an variable access
    # in a function does not behave similariy, for example in:
    # contract C{
    #   function f(){
    #     state_var = 1
    #     f2()
    #  }
    # state_var will refer to C.state_var, no mater if C is inherited
    # while f2() will refer to the function definition of the inherited contract (C.f2() in the context of C, or
    # the contract inheriting from C)
    # for events it's unclear what should be the behavior, as they can be shadowed, but there is not impact
    # structure/enums cannot be shadowed

    direct_contracts, direct_functions, current_scope = _find_variable_init(caller_context)
    # Only look for reference declaration in the direct contract, see comment at the end
    # Reference looked are split between direct and all
    # Because functions are copied between contracts, two functions can have the same ref
    # So we need to first look with respect to the direct context

    if var_name in current_scope.renaming:
        var_name = current_scope.renaming[var_name]

    if var_name in current_scope.user_defined_types:
        return current_scope.user_defined_types[var_name], False

    # Use ret0/ret1 to help mypy
    ret0 = _find_variable_from_ref_declaration(
        referenced_declaration, direct_contracts, direct_functions
    if ret0:
        return ret0, False

    function_parser: Optional[FunctionSolc] = (
        caller_context if isinstance(caller_context, FunctionSolc) else None
    ret1 = _find_variable_in_function_parser(var_name, function_parser, referenced_declaration)
    if ret1:
        return ret1, False

    contract: Optional[Contract] = None
    contract_declarer: Optional[Contract] = None
    if isinstance(caller_context, ContractSolc):
        contract = caller_context.underlying_contract
        contract_declarer = caller_context.underlying_contract
    elif isinstance(caller_context, FunctionSolc):
        underlying_func = caller_context.underlying_function
        if isinstance(underlying_func, FunctionContract):
            contract = underlying_func.contract
            contract_declarer = underlying_func.contract_declarer
            assert isinstance(underlying_func, FunctionTopLevel)

    ret = _find_in_contract(var_name, contract, contract_declarer, is_super)
    if ret:
        return ret, False

    # Could refer to any enum
    all_enumss = [c.enums_as_dict for c in current_scope.contracts.values()]
    all_enums = {k: v for d in all_enumss for k, v in d.items()}
    if var_name in all_enums:
        return all_enums[var_name], False

    contracts = current_scope.contracts
    if var_name in contracts:
        return contracts[var_name], False

    if var_name in SOLIDITY_VARIABLES:
        return SolidityVariable(var_name), False

    if var_name in SOLIDITY_FUNCTIONS:
        return SolidityFunction(var_name), False

    # Top level must be at the end, if nothing else was found
    ret, var_was_created = _find_top_level(var_name, current_scope)
    if ret:
        return ret, var_was_created

    # Look from reference declaration in all the contracts at the end
    # Because they are many instances where this can't be trusted
    # For example in
    # contract A{
    #     function _f() internal view returns(uint){
    #         return 1;
    #     }
    #     function get() public view returns(uint){
    #         return _f();
    #     }
    # }
    # contract B is A{
    #     function _f() internal view returns(uint){
    #         return 2;
    #     }
    # }
    # get's AST will say that the ref declaration for _f() is A._f(), but in the context of B, its not

    ret = _find_variable_from_ref_declaration(
    if ret:
        return ret, False

    raise VariableNotFound(f"Variable not found: {var_name} (context {contract})")