# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-other
# Copyright (C) 2021 Contributors to the SLS Detector Package
from slsdet import Detector, currentSrcParameters

s = currentSrcParameters()
s.enable = 1
s.fix= 1
s.normal = 1
s.select = 10

d = Detector()
d.currentsource = s
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-other
# Copyright (C) 2021 Contributors to the SLS Detector Package
import time
from multiprocessing import Process
from slsdet import Detector, runStatus

d = Detector()

#Create a separate process to run acquire in
p = Process(target=d.acquire)

#Start the thread and short sleep to allow the acq to start

#Do some other work
while d.status != runStatus.IDLE:

#Join the process
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-other
# Copyright (C) 2021 Contributors to the SLS Detector Package
# Most settings are represented as enums that can be
# explicitly imported

from slsdet import Detector, fileFormat
d = Detector()
d.fformat = fileFormat.BINARY

# Altough not recommended for convenience all enums
# and some other things can be imported using *

from slsdet import *
d.speed = speedLevel.FULL_SPEED

# To list the available enums, use dir()

import slsdet.enums
for enum in dir(slsdet.enums):
    # filter out special members
    if not enum.startswith('_'):
Пример #4
def setup_somedet():
    os.environ['SLSDETNAME'] = 'erik'
    d = Detector()
    d.config = '~/virtual_one.config'
    return d
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-other
# Copyright (C) 2021 Contributors to the SLS Detector Package
Example showing how to set and get exposure times

import datetime as dt
from slsdet import Detector
from slsdet.utils import element_if_equal

d = Detector()

# The simplest way is to set the exposure time in
# seconds by using the exptime property
# This sets the exposure time for all modules
d.exptime = 0.5

# exptime also accepts a python datetime.timedelta
# which can be used to set the time in almost any unit
t = dt.timedelta(milliseconds=2.3)
d.exptime = t

# or combination of units
t = dt.timedelta(minutes=3, seconds=1.23)
d.exptime = t

#exptime however always returns the time in seconds
# >>> d.exptime
# 181.23

# To get back the exposure time for each module
Пример #6
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-other
# Copyright (C) 2021 Contributors to the SLS Detector Package
from slsdet import Detector, Eiger, dacIndex

#Using the general detector class and calling with an index
d = Detector()
fpga_temp = d.getTemperature(dacIndex.TEMPERATURE_FPGA)
print(f'fpga_temp: {fpga_temp}\n')

#Using the specialized detector class
e = Eiger()
print("All temperatures for Eiger\n")
# >>> e.temp
# temp_fpga      :   54°C   60°C
# temp_fpgaext   :   49°C   52°C
# temp_10ge      :   47°C   45°C
# temp_dcdc      :   52°C   53°C
# temp_sodl      :   51°C   53°C
# temp_sodl      :   51°C   51°C
# temp_fpgafl    :   45°C   49°C
# temp_fpgafr    :   39°C   42°C

# The temperatures can also be returned in a dictionary
t = e.temp.to_dict()
# >>> e.temp.to_dict()
# {'fpga': array([55, 60]), 'fpgaext': array([49, 52]),
# 't10ge': array([47, 45]), 'dcdc': array([52, 53]),
# 'sodl': array([51, 53]), 'sodr': array([51, 51]), '
# temp_fpgafl': array([45, 49]),
Пример #7
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-other
# Copyright (C) 2021 Contributors to the SLS Detector Package

from slsdet import Detector, patternParameters

d = Detector()
pat = patternParameters()

#Access to members of the structure using numpy arrays
pat.patlimits = 0x0, 0xa


#Load pattern from file
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-other
# Copyright (C) 2021 Contributors to the SLS Detector Package
import time
from slsdet import Detector, runStatus

n_frames = 10
t_exp = 1

# Set exposure time and number of frames
d = Detector()
d.exptime = t_exp
d.frames = n_frames

# Start the measurement
t0 = time.time()

# Wait for the detector to be ready or do other important stuff
time.sleep(t_exp * n_frames)

# check if the detector is ready otherwise wait a bit longer
while d.status != runStatus.IDLE:

# Stop the receiver after we got the frames
# Detector is already idle so we don't need to stop it

lost = d.rx_framescaught - n_frames
Пример #9
#using the specialized class

e = Eiger()
# >>> e.dacs
# ========== DACS =========
# vsvp      :    0    0
# vtrim     : 2480 2480
# vrpreamp  : 3300 3300
# vrshaper  : 1400 1400
# vsvn      : 4000 4000
# vtgstv    : 2556 2556
# vcmp_ll   : 1000 1000
# vcmp_lr   : 1000 1000
# vcal      :    0    0
# vcmp_rl   : 1000 1000
# rxb_rb    : 1100 1100
# rxb_lb    : 1100 1100
# vcmp_rr   : 1000 1000
# vcp       : 1000 1000
# vcn       : 2000 2000
# vishaper  : 1550 1550
# iodelay   :  650  650

# or using the general class and the list
d = Detector()
for dac in d.daclist:
    r = d.getDAC(dac, False)
    print(f'{dac.name:10s} {r}')