Пример #1
def launch_jobs(launcher, pbs_filenames, cluster_name, path_job):  # pragma: no cover
    ''' Invokes launcher on a set of PBS files.

    launcher : str
        launcher name
    pbs_filenames : list of str
        a list of PBS files to launch
    cluster_name : str
        cluster name
    path_job : str
        path to the job folder
    jobs_id = []
    for pbs_filename in pbs_filenames:
        launcher_output = check_output('PBS_FILENAME={pbs_filename} {launcher} {pbs_filename}'.format(
            launcher=launcher, pbs_filename=pbs_filename), shell=True)
        jobs_id += [launcher_output.strip()]

        # On some clusters, SRMJID and PBS_JOBID don't match
        if cluster_name in ['helios']:
            launcher_output = check_output(['qstat', '-f']).split('Job Id: ')
            for job in launcher_output:
                if re.search(r"SRMJID:{job_id}".format(job_id=jobs_id[-1]), job):
                    pbs_job_id = re.match(r"[0-9a-zA-Z.-]*", job).group()
                    jobs_id[-1] = '{pbs}'.format(pbs=pbs_job_id)

    with open_with_lock(pjoin(path_job, "jobs_id.txt"), 'a') as jobs_id_file:
        jobs_id_file.writelines(t.strftime("## %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ##\n"))
        jobs_id_file.writelines("\n".join(jobs_id) + "\n")
    print "\nJobs id:\n{jobs_id}".format(jobs_id=" ".join(jobs_id))
Пример #2
    def test_lock(self):
        command = ['python2', self.base_worker_script, self.command_manager._commands_filename, self.logs_dir]

        # Lock the commands file before running 'base_worker.py'
        with open_with_lock(self.command_manager._commands_filename, 'r+'):
            process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

        stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
        assert_equal(stdout, "")
        assert_true("write-lock" in stderr, msg="Forcing a race condition, try increasing sleeping time above.")
        assert_true("Traceback" not in stderr)  # Check that there are no errors.
Пример #3
def log_command_line(path_job, command_line):
    """ Logs a command line in a job folder.

    The command line is append to a file named 'command_line.log' that resides
    in the given job folder. The current date and time is also added along
    each command line logged.

    Commands save in log file might differ from sys.argv since we want to make sure
    we can paste the command line as-is in the terminal. This means that the quotes
    symbole " and the square brackets will be escaped.
    with open_with_lock(pjoin(path_job, "command_line.log"), 'a') as command_line_log:
        command_line_log.write(t.strftime("## %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ##\n"))
        command_line = command_line.replace('"', r'\"')  # Make sure we can paste the command line as-is
        command_line = re.sub(r'(\[)([^\[\]]*\\ [^\[\]]*)(\])', r'"\1\2\3"', command_line)  # Make sure we can paste the command line as-is
        command_line_log.write(command_line + "\n\n")
Пример #4
def log_command_line(path_job, command_line):
    """ Logs a command line in a job folder.

    The command line is append to a file named 'command_line.log' that resides
    in the given job folder. The current date and time is also added along
    each command line logged.

    Commands save in log file might differ from sys.argv since we want to make sure
    we can paste the command line as-is in the terminal. This means that the quotes
    symbole " and the square brackets will be escaped.
    with open_with_lock(pjoin(path_job, "command_line.log"), 'a') as command_line_log:
        command_line_log.write(t.strftime("## %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ##\n"))
        command_line = command_line.replace('"', r'\"')  # Make sure we can paste the command line as-is
        command_line = re.sub(r'(\[)([^\[\]]*\\ [^\[\]]*)(\])', r'"\1\2\3"', command_line)  # Make sure we can paste the command line as-is
        command_line_log.write(command_line + "\n\n")
Пример #5
    def test_lock(self):
        command = [
            'python2', self.base_worker_script,
            self.command_manager._commands_filename, self.logs_dir

        # Lock the commands file before running 'base_worker.py'
        with open_with_lock(self.command_manager._commands_filename, 'r+'):
            process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

        stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
        assert_equal(stdout, "")
            "write-lock" in stderr,
            msg="Forcing a race condition, try increasing sleeping time above."
                    not in stderr)  # Check that there are no errors.