def launch_jobs(launcher, pbs_filenames, cluster_name, path_job): # pragma: no cover ''' Invokes launcher on a set of PBS files. Parameters ---------- launcher : str launcher name pbs_filenames : list of str a list of PBS files to launch cluster_name : str cluster name path_job : str path to the job folder ''' jobs_id = [] for pbs_filename in pbs_filenames: launcher_output = check_output('PBS_FILENAME={pbs_filename} {launcher} {pbs_filename}'.format( launcher=launcher, pbs_filename=pbs_filename), shell=True) jobs_id += [launcher_output.strip()] # On some clusters, SRMJID and PBS_JOBID don't match if cluster_name in ['helios']: launcher_output = check_output(['qstat', '-f']).split('Job Id: ') for job in launcher_output: if"SRMJID:{job_id}".format(job_id=jobs_id[-1]), job): pbs_job_id = re.match(r"[0-9a-zA-Z.-]*", job).group() jobs_id[-1] = '{pbs}'.format(pbs=pbs_job_id) with open_with_lock(pjoin(path_job, "jobs_id.txt"), 'a') as jobs_id_file: jobs_id_file.writelines(t.strftime("## %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ##\n")) jobs_id_file.writelines("\n".join(jobs_id) + "\n") print "\nJobs id:\n{jobs_id}".format(jobs_id=" ".join(jobs_id))
def test_lock(self): command = ['python2', self.base_worker_script, self.command_manager._commands_filename, self.logs_dir] # Lock the commands file before running '' with open_with_lock(self.command_manager._commands_filename, 'r+'): process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) time.sleep(1) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() assert_equal(stdout, "") assert_true("write-lock" in stderr, msg="Forcing a race condition, try increasing sleeping time above.") assert_true("Traceback" not in stderr) # Check that there are no errors.
def log_command_line(path_job, command_line): """ Logs a command line in a job folder. The command line is append to a file named 'command_line.log' that resides in the given job folder. The current date and time is also added along each command line logged. Notes ----- Commands save in log file might differ from sys.argv since we want to make sure we can paste the command line as-is in the terminal. This means that the quotes symbole " and the square brackets will be escaped. """ with open_with_lock(pjoin(path_job, "command_line.log"), 'a') as command_line_log: command_line_log.write(t.strftime("## %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ##\n")) command_line = command_line.replace('"', r'\"') # Make sure we can paste the command line as-is command_line = re.sub(r'(\[)([^\[\]]*\\ [^\[\]]*)(\])', r'"\1\2\3"', command_line) # Make sure we can paste the command line as-is command_line_log.write(command_line + "\n\n")
def test_lock(self): command = [ 'python2', self.base_worker_script, self.command_manager._commands_filename, self.logs_dir ] # Lock the commands file before running '' with open_with_lock(self.command_manager._commands_filename, 'r+'): process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) time.sleep(1) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() assert_equal(stdout, "") assert_true( "write-lock" in stderr, msg="Forcing a race condition, try increasing sleeping time above." ) assert_true("Traceback" not in stderr) # Check that there are no errors.