Пример #1
def test_monh_property_set_and_get():
    """Test setting and getting monh property. Set converts input to float.
    # Input str convertable to float yields a float with the specified value.
    abund = Abund("-6e-1", pattern_names[0])
    assert isinstance(abund.monh, float)
    assert abund.monh == -0.6

    # Input int yields a float with the specified value.
    abund.monh = -2
    assert isinstance(abund.monh, float)
    assert abund.monh == -2.0

    # Input float yields a float with the specified value.
    abund.monh = 0.3
    assert isinstance(abund.monh, float)
    assert abund.monh == 0.3

    # Input str that cannot be converted to float raises an error.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        abund = Abund("ABC", pattern_names[0])

    # Input that is not a string or a number raises an error.
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        abund.monh = []
Пример #2
def test_abund():
    """Code coverage tests for Abund() class and methods.
    abund = Abund(0, pattern_names[0])
    for name in pattern_names:
        a1 = Abund(0, name)
        a2 = Abund(0, name.lower())
        a3 = Abund(-0.1, Abund(0.1, name).abund, 'H=12')
        assert len(a1) == len(a1.elements) == 99
        assert a1 is not a2
        assert a1 == a2
        assert tuple(a1.keys()) == a1.elements
        assert list(a1.values()) == [a1[k] for k, v in a1.items()]
        if a2['Fe'] is not None:
            for norm in norms:
                a1 == to_H12(a1.normalized(norm), norm)
                a1 == to_H12(a1.normalized(norm, prune=True), norm)
            a2.pattern['Fe'] = a1.pattern['Fe'] + 0.999e-4
            assert a1['Fe'] != a2['Fe']
            assert a1 == a2
            assert not a1 != a2
            a2.pattern['Fe'] = a1.pattern['Fe'] + 1.001e-4
            assert a1 != a2
            a2.pattern['Fe'] = None
            assert a1 != a2
            assert a1 != 'wrong object type'
            assert all(
                [abs(a1[k] - a3[k]) < 1e-8 for k in a1.elements if a1[k]])
            assert a1 != a3
    with raises(AbundError, match='set monh and pattern separately'):
        abund['C'] = 8.2
    with raises(ValueError, match='could not convert string'):
        abund.monh = 'text'
    with raises(AbundError, match='must be an AbundPattern object'):
        abund.pattern = {'H': 12, 'He': 11, 'Li': 1}
    with raises(AbundError, match='unknown element key'):
    with raises(AbundError, match='unknown element key'):
        abund.pattern._pattern['Water'] = 5