def save_plot(**kwargs): """ save plot """ if 'logy' in kwargs and kwargs['logy']: plt.gca().set_yscale('log') if 'logx' in kwargs and kwargs['logx']: plt.gca().set_xscale('log') if 'tight' in kwargs and kwargs['tight']: plt.tight_layout() if 'lpos' in kwargs and kwargs['lpos'] >= 0: if(util.has('bbox_to_anchor', kwargs)): if(util.has('ncol', kwargs)): plt.legend(loc=kwargs['lpos'], bbox_to_anchor=kwargs['bbox_to_anchor'], ncol=kwargs['ncol'], borderaxespad=0) else: plt.legend(loc=kwargs['lpos'], bbox_to_anchor=kwargs['bbox_to_anchor']) else: plt.legend(loc=kwargs['lpos']) # plt.gca().set_xlim([kwargs['xmin'],kwargs['xmax']]) # plt.gca().set_ylim([kwargs['ymin'],kwargs['ymax']]) if 'save' in kwargs and not kwargs['save'] == None: io.mkdirs(kwargs['save']) plt.savefig(kwargs['save'] + ".pdf") plt.grid(b=kwargs["grid"]) if 'show' in kwargs and kwargs['show']: show(**kwargs)
def data_split(datax, datay, **kwargs): """ Split data + errors """ if kwargs['bins'] > 0: N, bins = np.histogram(unv(datax), bins=kwargs['bins']) y = kwargs['binunc'](N) yerr = usd(y) yerr = yerr if np.any(np.abs(yerr) > 0) else None return bins[0:-1] - (bins[0] - bins[1]) / 2, unv(y), None, yerr if util.has("sortbyx", kwargs) and kwargs['sortbyx']: ind = np.argsort(unv(datax)) else: ind = np.array(range(len(datax))) x = unv(datax)[ind] y = unv(datay)[ind] xerr = usd(datax)[ind] yerr = usd(datay)[ind] xerr = xerr if np.any(np.abs(xerr) > 0) else None yerr = yerr if np.any(np.abs(yerr) > 0) else None if util.has("xerror", kwargs) and not kwargs['xerror']: xerr = None if util.has("yerror", kwargs) and not kwargs['yerror']: yerr = None return x, y, xerr, yerr
def function(func, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot function ``func`` between ``xmin`` and ``xmax`` Parameters ---------- func : function Function to be plotted between ``xmin`` and ``xmax``, only taking `array_like` ``x`` as parameter *args : optional arguments for ``func`` **kwargs : optional see :func:`plot_kwargs`. """ if not util.has("xmin", kwargs) or not util.has("xmin", kwargs): raise Exception("xmin or xmax missing.") # if not util.has('lpos', kwargs) and not util.has('label', kwargs): # kwargs['lpos'] = -1 if not util.has('fmt', kwargs): kwargs['fmt'] = "-" kwargs = plot_kwargs(kwargs) xlin = np.linspace(kwargs['xmin'], kwargs['xmax'], kwargs['steps']) init_plot(**kwargs) if not util.has("label", kwargs) or kwargs['label'] is None: kwargs['label'] = get_fnc_legend(func, args, **kwargs) # kwargs['lpos'] = 0 #_plot(xfit, func(xfit, *args), **kwargs) _function(wrap.get_lambda_argd( func, kwargs['xvar'], *args), xlin, **kwargs) if kwargs['ss']: save_plot(**kwargs)
def _function(func, xfit, **kwargs): kargs = {} if util.has('fmt', kwargs): kargs["fmt"] = kwargs["fmt"] if util.has('label', kwargs) and kwargs['label'] != "": kargs['label'] = kwargs['label'] if util.has('color', kwargs) and kwargs['color'] != "": kargs['color'] = kwargs['color'] if util.has('sigmas', kwargs) and kwargs['sigmas'] != "": kargs['sigmas'] = kwargs['sigmas'] __function(func, xfit, **kargs)
def _data_split(datax, datay, **kwargs): if util.has('fselector', kwargs): sel = kwargs['fselector'] if callable(sel): return data_split(datax[sel(datax, datay)], datay[sel(datax, datay)], **kwargs) else: return data_split(datax[sel], datay[sel], **kwargs) return data_split(datax, datay, **kwargs)
def init_plot(**kwargs): fig = None if util.has("axes", kwargs) and kwargs["axes"] is not None:["axes"]) fig = kwargs["axes"].get_figure() if kwargs['init'] or util.true("residue", kwargs): if kwargs['size'] is None: fig = plt.figure() else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs['size']) if kwargs['residue']: fig.add_axes((.1, .3, .8, .6)) if util.has("xlabel", kwargs) and kwargs['xlabel'] != "": plt.xlabel(kwargs['xlabel']) if util.has("ylabel", kwargs) and kwargs['ylabel'] != "": plt.ylabel(kwargs['ylabel']) if util.has("xaxis", kwargs) and kwargs['xaxis'] != "": plt.xlabel(kwargs['xaxis']) if util.has("yaxis", kwargs) and kwargs['yaxis'] != "": plt.ylabel(kwargs['yaxis']) return fig
def tmp(*x): tmp_x = [] j = 1 # print(x) for i in range(1, Ntot + 1): # print(i," ",j) if not util.has(i, fixed): tmp_x += [x[j]] # print(x[j]) j = j + 1 else: tmp_x += [fixed[i]] # print(Ntot) # print(tmp_x) return unv(wrap.get_lambda(function, kwargs['xvar'])(x[0], *tmp_x))
def fit_split(datax, datay, **kwargs): """ Splits datax and datay into (x,y,xerr,yerr). Parameters ---------- **kwargs : optional see :func:`fit_kwargs`. """ kwargs = fit_kwargs(kwargs) x, y, xerr, yerr = _data_split(datax, datay, **kwargs) if util.has('frange', kwargs): x = x[kwargs['frange'][0]:kwargs['frange'][1]] y = y[kwargs['frange'][0]:kwargs['frange'][1]] if not yerr is None: yerr = yerr[kwargs['frange'][0]:kwargs['frange'][1]] if not xerr is None: xerr = xerr[kwargs['frange'][0]:kwargs['frange'][1]] return x, y, xerr, yerr
def plt_fit(datax, datay, gfunction, **kwargs): """ Plot Fit """ func = wrap.get_lambda(gfunction, kwargs['xvar']) fit = _fit(datax, datay, gfunction, **kwargs) def fitted(x): return func(x, *fit) l = get_fnc_legend(gfunction, fit, **kwargs) if kwargs['prange'] is None: x, _, _, _ = ffit.fit_split(datax, datay, **kwargs) xfit = np.linspace(np.min(unv(x)), np.max(unv(x)), 1000) else: xfit = np.linspace(kwargs['prange'][0], kwargs['prange'][1], 1000) ll = __function(fitted, xfit, "-", label=l, color=kwargs['fit_color'], sigmas=kwargs['sigmas']) if (kwargs['frange'] is not None or kwargs['fselector'] is not None) and util.true('interpolate', kwargs) or util.has("interpolate_max", kwargs) or util.has("interpolate_min", kwargs): xxfit = np.linspace(util.get("interpolate_min", kwargs, np.min( unv(datax))), util.get("interpolate_max", kwargs, np.max(unv(datax)))) __function(fitted, np.linspace(np.min(xxfit), np.min(xfit)), "--", color=ll.get_color(), hatch=util.get("interpolate_hatch", kwargs, r"||"), sigmas=kwargs['sigmas']) __function(fitted, np.linspace(np.max(xfit), np.max(xxfit)), "--", color=ll.get_color(), hatch=util.get("interpolate_hatch", kwargs, r"||"), sigmas=kwargs['sigmas']) return fit, ll.get_color()
def fit(datax, datay, function, **kwargs): """ Returns a fit of ``function`` to ``datax`` and ``datay``. Parameters ---------- datax : array_like X data either as ``unp.uarray`` or ``np.array`` or ``list`` datay : array_like Y data either as ``unp.uarray`` or ``np.array`` or ``list`` function : func Fit function with parameters: ``x``, ``params`` **kwargs : optional see :func:`fit_kwargs`. """ kwargs = fit_kwargs(kwargs) x, y, xerr, yerr = fit_split(datax, datay, **kwargs) params = None if util.has('params', kwargs): params = kwargs['params'] fixed = {} vnames = wrap.get_varnames(function, kwargs['xvar']) Ntot = len(vnames) - 1 if util.has("fixed_params", kwargs) and kwargs['fixed_params']: for i in range(1, len(vnames)): if util.has(vnames[i], kwargs): fixed[i] = kwargs[vnames[i]] # Count parameters for function if params is None: N = len(vnames) params = [1 for i in range(N - 1)] tmp_params = [] for i, pi in enumerate(params): if not util.has(i + 1, fixed): tmp_params += [pi] params = tmp_params N = len(params) def tmp(*x): tmp_x = [] j = 1 # print(x) for i in range(1, Ntot + 1): # print(i," ",j) if not util.has(i, fixed): tmp_x += [x[j]] # print(x[j]) j = j + 1 else: tmp_x += [fixed[i]] # print(Ntot) # print(tmp_x) return unv(wrap.get_lambda(function, kwargs['xvar'])(x[0], *tmp_x)) if xerr is not None: fit = _fit_odr(x, y, tmp, params=params, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr) else: fit = _fit_curvefit(x, y, tmp, params=params, yerr=yerr) rfit = [] j = 0 for i in range(1, Ntot + 1): if not util.has(i, fixed): rfit += [fit[j]] j = j + 1 else: rfit += [fixed[i]] return rfit